| Avertissement | Afin de savoir si les décisions recensées sous le règlement Bruxelles I restent pertinentes pour le règlement Bruxelles I bis, applicable à compter du 10/01/2015, il est recommandé de comparer les articles des deux règlements grâce au Tableau Panoramique.
48 "Accordingly, it must be established whether the specific scope of Article 22(4) of Regulation No 44/2001, as interpreted by the Court, affects the application of Article 31 of that regulation in a situation such as that at issue in the main proceedings, which concerns an action for infringement in which the invalidity of a European patent has been raised, at an interim stage, as a defence to the adoption of a provisional measure concerning cross-border prohibition against infringement."
Case C-616/10, Opinion P. Cruz Villalòn
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