Flux européens

24/2023 : 8 février 2023 - Arrêt du Tribunal dans l'affaire T-522/20

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Wed, 02/08/2023 - 09:45
Carpatair / Commission
Aide d'État
Le Tribunal annule la décision de la Commission européenne validant les aides roumaines à l’aéroport international de Timișoara en faveur de Wizz Air

Categories: Flux européens

23/2023 : 8 février 2023 - Arrêt du Tribunal dans l'affaire T-295/20

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Wed, 02/08/2023 - 09:42
Aquind e.a. / Commission
Marché intérieur de l’énergie et liste des projets d’intérêts commun de l’Union : le Tribunal rejette le recours du groupe Aquind

Categories: Flux européens

22/2023 : 7 février 2023 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-688/21

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Tue, 02/07/2023 - 10:21
Confédération paysanne e.a. (Mutagenèse aléatoire in vitro)
Rapprochement des législations
Techniques de modification génétique : la Cour précise le statut de la mutagenèse aléatoire in vitro au regard de la directive OGM

Categories: Flux européens

Dutch judge gives green light to export ban for fuels banned under EU law. Gives short shrift to extraterritoriality and leakage arguments.

GAVC - Thu, 02/02/2023 - 18:18

In Zenith Energy Amsterdam B.V. and Exolum Amsterdam BV v The Netherlands a Dutch judge last week rejected the challenge by fuel traders of the Dutch ban on export of fuels to non-EU (particularly Ecowas) countries of fuels falling short of the EU requirements under Directive 98/70. The Dutch Statute is the culmination of established Dutch studies of the sector (The Netherlands being a prime tank storage country) and of repeated EOWAS calls that the export causes issues on their territories.

A first test is the duty of care under the Dutch environmental laws, which in summary obliges industry et al to prevent and /or limit the environmental and public health impacts of their production. The judge [4.10] refers to the travaux and recitals of the Act which contains the duty of care, as having recognised the global, one might say ‘extraterritorial’  impact of Dutch and European industrial activities, and emphasises that the duty of care requires a dynamic interpretation in line with societal and technical developments.

In 4.13 the judge emphasises that Directive 98/70 does not harmonise export outside of the EU and that the Directive therefore does not impede national rules on export and in 4.14 the rule is said not to force duties upon third States who themselves have signalled the difficulties. The judge also explicitly refers to Urgenda and UNEP to emphasise that looking after the environment and public health elsewhere, is an expression of the State’s own duty of care. 4.16 ‘fuel leakage’ (the drug dealer defence: trade will just move elsewhere, Antwerp in particular) has not been made out on the facts, quite the opposite, the State can show that the majority of traders already export cleaner fuel from Dutch ports.

Of note is also that the judge, Vetter J, in commendable Dutch style, does not exhaust himself in the arguments, rather cutting straight to the chase.

A judgment of note. Geert.

Judge OKs Dutch fuel export ban, prohibiting export of fuel already banned in EU, in particular to ECOWAS countries
Extends corporations' duty of care to health, environment abroad; rejects Qs of extraterritoriality and 'drug dealer defence'

Judgment (NL) https://t.co/qd08kZbYYc https://t.co/ya28uy9CxB

— Geert Van Calster (@GAVClaw) January 28, 2023

Public Institution for Social Security (PIFFS) v Ruimy. The High Court on ‘case pending’ in Article 34 Brussels Ia (forum non light), and a disappointing obiter conflation of forum non and Article 34.

GAVC - Thu, 02/02/2023 - 10:10

In Public Institution for Social Security v Ruimy & Anor [2023] EWHC 177 (Comm) Jacobs J rejected both a forum non conveniens argument and an (acquired Brussels Ia) Article 34 Brussels Ia argument (raised by a Luxemburg-based defendant).

My paper on the Article 34 genesis and case-law hitherto is here.

Current claims are related to earlier jurisdictional challenges, culminating in The Public Institution for Social Security v Banque Pictet & Cie SA & Ors [2022] EWCA Civ 29 which I discuss here.

PIFSS is a Kuwaiti public institution responsible for Kuwait’s social security system and pension scheme. The claims involve alleged corruption of PIFSS. Director General by international financial institutions and intermediaries in return for causing or influencing PIFSS to invest substantial funds with or through those institutions and intermediaries (or related entities).

Following the Court of Appeal’s decision in January 2022 to uphold the successful jurisdictional challenge by some of the parties (‘the Mirabaud parties’), PIFSS have commenced proceedings against three of the Mirabaud parties (Banque Mirabaud, Mr Pierre Mirabaud and Mr Fauchier-Magnan) in Switzerland. These Swiss proceedings no longer, include a claim in respect of one of the schemes, the ‘Aerium’ scheme. Instead, the claim in those proceedings concerns a large number of other schemes in which the Mirabaud parties are alleged to have participated or assisted.

The forum non arguments are discussed [43] ff and are of course only possible because the United Kingdom are no longer party to the Lugano Convention (and the Swiss proceedings initiated post Brexit). At the heart of the forum non conveniens argument of some of the defendants in current claim, incl. Ruimy, is the proposition that the Aerium Scheme claims should be heard in Switzerland alongside the other claims advanced against the Mirabaud parties. [65] ff Jacobs J holds that defendants have not shown that Switzerland was clearly or distinctly more appropriate than the English forum.

I do not discuss forum non in detail for the interest of the post lies more with the Article 34 analysis.

This is discussed briefly [118] ff with the judge unfortunately albeit obiter following defendants’ concession that failure of the forum non argument would also sink Article 34. The reasoning seems to be that Article 34’s “necessary for the proper administration of justice” test fails if the third State at issue is not shown to be  the clearly or distinctly more appropriate than the English forum. As I discuss in my paper, this is wrong, and it falls into the same trap as the first instance judge in Municipio. While considerations relevant to the forum non test may play a role in Article 34, it is wrong to conflate the two tests.

As noted this view is made obiter only for the formal reason for the judge to reject the Article 34 defence is his decision that Article 34(1)’s condition  that an action be ‘pending before a court of a third State at the time when a court in a Member State is seised of an action which is related to the action in the court of the third State’, has not been met. Per the Court of Appeal in Municipio, “The action in the third state must be pending before the third state court when the member state court becomes seised of the action” (see also Henshaw J in Viegas v Cutrale[149]).

[122] Swiss proceedings which might potentially be considered to be relating to the English proceedings came too late, they were most definitely not pending at the time of the current English claims.

The only potentially relevant “proceedings”, in the context of Article 34, are the proceedings commenced by the service of the commandements de payer, however, they are held not to qualify: [129]

I agree with PIFSS that the request and issue of the commandements de payer did not mean that proceedings were “pending before a court” of Switzerland. In short, this is because there was no document lodged with any court. Commandments de payer are issued by administrative authorities, not a court. …a commandement de payer is at most a precursor to an action in court. In the present case, there was an objection by the recipient, with the result that court proceedings were then necessary if the requesting party wanted to take matters forward. This is what happened in the present case, when PIFSS did issue civil proceedings against the Mirabaud parties in 2022. But there were no relevant court proceedings issued by PIFSS in Switzerland prior to that time.

A judgment of note.


21/2023 : 2 février 2023 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans les affaires jointes C-649/20 P, C-658/20 P, C-662/20 P

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Thu, 02/02/2023 - 09:50
Espagne / Commission
Aide d'État
Aides d’État : la Cour annule partiellement la décision de la Commission concernant le « régime espagnol de leasing fiscal »

Categories: Flux européens

20/2023 : 2 février 2023 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-372/21

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Thu, 02/02/2023 - 09:47
Freikirche der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten in Deutschland
Les subventions publiques versées aux écoles privées confessionnelles peuvent être réservées aux églises et sociétés religieuses reconnues par l’État membre concerné

Categories: Flux européens

Third party funding for climate change litigation.

GAVC - Thu, 02/02/2023 - 09:05

A short note to refer to this post on the Wave News which focuses on third party litigation funding and how it might be used in climate change litigation, with input by Yours Truly. A good introductory summary of the opportunities and points of attention of third party funding generally, too.


Of #climatelitigation note and happy to have contributed. https://t.co/tOYu0Lqr9N

— Geert Van Calster (@GAVClaw) February 1, 2023


19/2023 : 31 janvier 2023 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-158/21

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Tue, 01/31/2023 - 09:55
Puig Gordi e.a.
Espace de liberté, sécurité et justice
Une autorité judiciaire d’exécution ne peut pas, en principe, refuser l’exécution d’un mandat d’arrêt européen en se fondant sur le défaut de compétence de la juridiction appelée à juger la personne recherchée dans l’État membre d’émission

Categories: Flux européens

Bravo v Amerisur Resources (Putumayo Group Litigation). Claimants survive time-bar challenge despite questionable finding on Rome II’s evidence and procedure carve-out.

GAVC - Fri, 01/27/2023 - 12:12

In Bravo & Ors v Amerisur Resources Ltd (Re The Amerisur plc Putumayo Group Litigation) [2023] EWHC 122 (KB) claimants, who live in remote rural communities in the Putumayo region of Colombia, seek damages from the defendant pursuant to the Colombian Civil Code, and in reliance on Colombia Decree 321/1999, in respect of environmental pollution caused by a spill (or spills) of crude oil on 11 June 2015. The claimants’ two causes of action are pleaded under the headings (i) guardianship of a dangerous activity and (ii) negligence. It is common ground between the parties that the oil spillage was the result of deliberate acts by terrorist organisation, FARC.

Steyn J yesterday held on preliminary issues, including statute of limitation. Defendant contends that the two year limitation period provided by relevant Colombian law re Colombian group actions (‘Law 472’), applies to the claim. Parties agree that in substance, Colombian law is lex causae per A4 and A7 Rome II.

Claimants rely on two points of English law and one of Colombian law. First, they contend that the relevant Article of Law 472 is a procedural provision within the meaning of A1(3) Rome II, and therefore it falls outside the scope of Rome II. I believe they are right but the judge did not. Secondly, they refute the defendant’s contention that this action should be treated as a group action under Law 472. Thirdly, even if they are wrong on both those points, they submit that application of the time limit of Law 472 would be inconsistent with English public policy, and so the court should refuse to apply it pursuant to A26 Rome II.

All but one links to case-law in this post refer to my discussion of same on the blog, with pieces of course further linking to the judgment. Apologies for the pat on my own back but it is nice to see that all but one (Vilca, where parties essentially agreed on the Rome II issue) of the cases referred to in the judgment all feature on the blog.

For claimants, Alexander Layton KC referred to Wall v Mutuelle de Poitiers Assurances and Actavis UK Ltd & ors v Eli Lilly and Co (where the issues were discussed obiter). Defendants rely on Vilca v Xstrata Ltd [2018] EWHC 27 (QB)KMG International NV v Chen [2019] EWHC 2389 (Comm), Pandya v Intersalonika General Insurance Co SA [2020] EWHC 273 (QB), [2020] ILPr 44 and Johnson v Berentzen [2021] EWHC 1042 (QB).

My reception of the High Court’s conclusions in KMG, Pandya, and Johnson was not enthusiastic, and in my review of Pandya in particular I also suggest that the same scholarship relied on in this case, did not actually lend support to the  defendant’s arguments, and I stand by that, too.

Hence Steyn J’s conclusion [102] that Article 15 Rome II

contains a list of matters which are ‘in particular’ to fall under the designated law, irrespective of whether they would be classified as matters of substance or procedure

and [106]

that the provisions of article 15 of Rome II should be construed widely

in my view is wrong. (Note the linguistic analysis in [110] will be of interest to readers interested in authentic interpretation of multi-lingual statutes).


[109] The key question then is which Colombian limitation period applies to these English proceedings, which brings the judge to discuss [115] ff ia Iraqi Civilians v Ministry of Defence (No.2). Here the judge, after discussing Colombian law evidence, holds [137]

that this action has not been brought under Law 472, and it does not fall to be treated as if it had been brought as a Colombian group action. Therefore, this action is not time-barred pursuant to article 47 of Law 472.

Hence claimants lost the argument on Rome II’s procedural exception but won the argument on application of Colombian law.

[139] ff whether the limitation rule should be disapplied pursuant to A26 Rome II is discussed obiter and summarily, with reference of course to Begum v Maran which I discuss here. The judge holds A26’s high threshold would not be met.

Both parties have reason to appeal, and one wonders on which parts of Rome II, permission to appeal will be sought.


EU Private International Law, 3rd ed. 2021, ia para 4.80.


Successful claimants (represented ia by @alexwlayton instructed by @leighdayintl) in Amerisur Putumayo Group Litigation -Colombia crude oil spill
Preliminary Rome II issues include qualification of issues as procedural, public policy

[2023] EWHC 122 (KB)https://t.co/X139KicNzR

— Geert Van Calster (@GAVClaw) January 27, 2023

18/2023 : 26 janvier 2023 - Audience solennelle.

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Thu, 01/26/2023 - 13:01
Engagement solennel devant la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne de six nouveaux membres de la Cour des comptes européenne

Categories: Flux européens

17/2023 : 26 janvier 2023 - Conclusions de l'avocat général dans l'affaire C-817/21

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Thu, 01/26/2023 - 10:09
Inspecţia Judiciară
Relations extérieures
Organes disciplinaires judiciaires : selon l’avocat général Collins, le droit de l’Union s’oppose à une législation nationale qui confie à l’inspecteur en chef adjoint la charge de superviser l’examen des plaintes déposées contre l’inspecteur en chef

Categories: Flux européens

16/2023 : 26 janvier 2023 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-205/21

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Thu, 01/26/2023 - 09:57
Ministerstvo na vatreshnite raboti (Enregistrement de données biométriques et génétiques par la police)
Principes du droit communautaire
La collecte systématique des données biométriques et génétiques de toute personne mise en examen aux fins de leur enregistrement policier est contraire à l’exigence d’assurer une protection accrue à l’égard du traitement de données sensibles à caractère personnel

Categories: Flux européens

15/2023 : 25 janvier 2023 - Arrêt du Tribunal dans l'affaire T-163/21

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Wed, 01/25/2023 - 09:44
De Capitani / Conseil
Droit institutionnel
Le Conseil doit donner accès aux documents établis au sein de ses groupes de travail concernant la procédure législative ayant pour objet la modification de la directive sur les états financiers annuels

Categories: Flux européens

X v PayPal. Questionable Dutch compulsory settlement jurisdiction reignites discussion similar to English scheme of arrangement tourism. Also raises the question whether compulsory settlements are ‘contracts’ under Rome I.

GAVC - Tue, 01/24/2023 - 11:11

The Dutch first instance judgment in Groningen  earlier this month, in X v PayPal (Europe) S.a.r.l. & Cie S.C.A., sees claimant debtor essentially seeking a compulsory settlement – CS. PayPal (established in Luxembourg) is the only debtor refusing the settlement proposed by claimant’s bank.

The CS is not listed in Annex I to the Insolvency Regulation 2015/848 (always check for the consolidated version, for the Annex is frequently updated by the Member States’ communication of proceedings to be included). This is where the discussion of scope of application could and should end.

Instead, the judge tests the CS against A1(1)’s abstract criteria. She decides there is neither divestment of assets, nor a temporary stay of individual enforcement proceedings.

This then raises the applicability of Brussels Ia. Seeing as the judge finds the action does not meet with the CJEU F-Tex criteria (Brussels Ia’s insolvency exception only applies to actions which derive directly from insolvency proceedings and are closely connected with them), she holds that Brussels Ia’s ‘insolvency’ exception is not triggered and that BIa applies.

The judge then cuts the corner which English courts in schemes of arrangement have often cut, namely to consider the willing debtors, domiciled in The Netherlands, as ‘defendants’ per Brussels Ia, hereby triggering Article 8(1) BIa’s anchor defendant mechanism. The judge justifies this by stating that the other creditors are interested parties and that it is in the interest of the sound administration of justice that the CS be discussed viz the interested parties as a whole. That may well be so, however in my view that is insufficient reason for A8(1) to be triggered. A8(1) requires ‘defendants’ in the forum state, not just ‘interested parties’. The suggestion that a co-ordinated approach with an eye for all interested parties, justifies jurisdiction, puts A8(1)‘s expediency cart before the A4 ‘defendant’-horse.

The judge then also cuts corners (at least in her stated reasons) on the applicable law issue, cataloguing this firmly in Rome I. She argues that even if the CS is a forced arrangement, replacing a proposed contract which party refused to enter into, it is still a contractual arrangement. That is far from convincing.

Equally not obvious is as the judge holds, that  per A4(2) Rome I, the party required to effect the ‘characteristic performance’ of a compulsory settlement, is the claimant-debtor of the underlying debt, leading to Dutch law being the lex causae.

The judgment at the very least highlights the continuing elephant in the restructuring tourism room, namely the exact nature of these proceedings under Brussels Ia, EIR and Rome I.


1st instance Noord Holland
WSNP Dwangakkoord wrongly held to be outside EU #Insolvency Regulation not by resorting to Annex but by applying abstract definition
Jurisdiction established under A8 BIa anchor defendant
Shaky finding of applicable law A4 Rome Ihttps://t.co/G63d0GO71S

— Geert Van Calster (@GAVClaw) January 2, 2023

14/2023 : 19 janvier 2023 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-680/20

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Thu, 01/19/2023 - 10:23
Unilever Italia Mkt. Operations
Abus de position dominante : les clauses d’exclusivité figurant dans les contrats de distribution doivent avoir la capacité de produire des effets d’éviction

Categories: Flux européens

13/2023 : 19 janvier 2023 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-147/21

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Thu, 01/19/2023 - 10:22
CIHEF e.a.
Rapprochement des législations
Le degré d’harmonisation atteint au sein de l’Union par le règlement sur les produits biocides n’empêche pas les États membres d’adopter des règles restrictives en matière de promotion des ventes de ces produits

Categories: Flux européens

12/2023 : 19 janvier 2023 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-162/21

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Thu, 01/19/2023 - 10:21
Pesticide Action Network Europe e.a.
Protection phytosanitaire : les États membres ne peuvent pas déroger aux interdictions expresses de mise sur le marché et d’utilisation de semences traitées à l’aide de produits phytopharmaceutiques contenant des néonicotinoïdes

Categories: Flux européens

11/2023 : 17 janvier 2023 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-632/20 P

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Tue, 01/17/2023 - 09:21
Espagne / Commission
Relations extérieures
La Cour annule la décision de la Commission ayant admis la participation du Kosovo à l’organe des régulateurs européens des communications électroniques

Categories: Flux européens

JP v Ministre de la Transition écologique. The CJEU unlike its AG, rules out Frankovich liability for the EU air quality Directives.

GAVC - Thu, 01/12/2023 - 17:05

A disappointing judgment was issued just before end of year 2022, when the Court, unlike its Advocate General Kokott, held that the ambient air quality Directives do not directly grant a right to compensation in the event of an infringement of the limit values.

In Case C-61/21 Ministre de la Transition écologique and Premier ministre, the CJEU essentially insisted ‘Frankovich’ liability (the power for individuals to claim compensation, on the basis of EU law, of EU Member States when the latter fail properly to implement EU law; Such liability is subject to three conditions: namely that the rule of EU law infringed is intended to confer rights on them, that the infringement of that rule is sufficiently serious and that there is a direct causal link between that infringement and the damage suffered by those individuals) can only be extended to cases where the EU secondary law at issue, grants individual rights.

The Court held however that even though [54] the air quality Directives impose clear and precise duties which the Member States need to achieve, these are aimed at protecting the environment and public health as a whole, not individuals’ right to health and environmental protection [55].

Some might see in this reasoning a strict schism suggested by the Court between the collective enjoyment of public health and a healthy environment on the one hand, and the individual availability of same. I do not think though that this is what the Court had in mind, rather, one assumes, an ambition to cap the amount of cases that might otherwise reach the CJEU.

The Court then directs individuals to the national level, so as to obtain if necessary a court order forcing the authorities to draw up relevant plans (a route confirmed by Case C‑404/13 Client Earth) and it of course confirms that national law may be more generous [63].

The unfortunate consequence of the judgment is that there will not be a level playing field for individuals when it comes to employing the right to compensation for infringement of EU law, and of course an encouragement of a certain amount of forum shopping.




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