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The Max Planck Institute Luxembourg is recruiting

Conflictoflaws - lun, 05/09/2016 - 13:05

The Max Planck Institute Luxembourg is currently recruiting new members for its team. Two types of positions are currently open:

1. Research Fellow in EU Procedural Law:

The Max Planck Institute Luxembourg would like to appoint highly qualified candidates for 2 open positions as Research Fellow (PhD candidate) for the Research Department of European and Comparative Procedural Law

Job description

The research fellow will conduct legal research (contribution to common research projects and own publications), particularly in the field of comparative civil procedural law (including European law and international arbitration).

Your tasks

The successful candidate will have the great opportunity to contribute to the development of the Department of European Comparative Procedural Law led by Prof. Burkhard Hess and, in parallel, work on her/his PhD project.

The Research Fellow is expected to write her/his PhD thesis and perform the major part of her/his PhD research work in the premises of the institute in Luxembourg, but also in close collaboration with her/his external supervisor and with the university or institution delivering her/his PhD diploma. A supervision of a PhD-thesis by Prof. Hess will also be possible.

Your profile

The applicants are required to have obtained at least a Master degree in Law with outstanding results and to have a deep knowledge of domestic procedural and European procedural law. According to the academic grades already received, candidates must rank within the top 10 %.

The successful candidates should demonstrate a great interest and curiosity for fundamental research and have a high potential to develop excellence in academic research. Proficiency in English is compulsory (in written and oral); further language skills (in French and German notably) are of advantage.

Our offer

The MPI Luxembourg will offer scientific guidance, a fully-equipped office and an access to its noteworthy library to foster legal research activities. You will be free to write your thesis in English or in any other language which suits you, as long as you are able to communicate on its content in English.

The MPI Luxembourg offers outstanding conditions to undertake fundamental legal research, and a very conducive work climate in an international team, while being in depth knowledge exchange and support among other research fellows.

Salary and social benefits are provided according to the Luxembourgish legal requirements. Positions are full-time but may be considered as part-time as well.

Joining us

If you are interested in joining our Institute, please apply online and follow our usual application process.

Documents required

A detailed CV incl. list of publications; copies of academic records; a PhD project description of no more than 1-2 pages with the name of the foreseen PhD supervisor and the name of the institution awarding the PhD certificate; the name and contact details of two referees.

2. Research Fellow (PhD candidate) in EU Family Law

For a period of thirty-six months, the Research Fellow will conduct legal research and cooperate at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg (research Department of European and Comparative Procedural Law) within the Project ‘Planning the future of cross-border families: a path through coordination – “EUFam’s” (JUST/2014/JCOO/AG/CIVI 4000007729)’ which aims (i) at assessing the effectiveness of the functioning ‘in concreto’ of the EU Regulations in family matters, as well as the 2007 Hague Protocol and the 2007 Hague Recovery Convention; and (ii) at identifying the paths that lead to further improvement of such effectiveness.

Your tasks

The successful candidate will benefit from the opportunity to partake in the development of the Department of Procedural Law led by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Burkhard Hess by becoming an active and integrated part of the Project team.

The Research Fellow is expected to assist in the achievement of the objectives of the Project, namely by carrying out and developing legal research with a view to contributing to the drafting of the Project’s Final Study and by participating in the presentation of the scientific outcomes of the Project.

Moreover, she/he will actively cooperate in the organization of meetings and of an international seminar, and will cooperate with the Project team in reporting on financial matters, in carrying out the research activities and in analysing potential interplays of research activities with cross-cultural issues. The project will be terminated with 14 months. The remaining time shall be (mainly) dedicated to the elaboration of the PhD.

Your profile

Applicants must have earned a degree in law and be PhD candidates working on a thesis on EU private international and procedural law in family matters. According to the academic grades already received, candidates must rank within the top 10 %.

The successful candidate shall demonstrate a strong interest and aptitude for legal research and have a high potential to develop excellence in academic research.

Her/His CV must portray a consolidated background in EU private international and procedural law in family matters: to this aim, prior publications in this field of the law shall be highly regarded in the selection process.

Full proficiency in English is compulsory (written and oral); further language skills are greatly valued.

Our offer

The MPI Luxembourg offers scientific guidance, a productive working environment within an international team of researchers, and the possibility to develop connections and fruitful exchanges with academia, judges and practitioners from many EU Member States. Moreover, the Institute will provide a fully-equipped office and access to its renowned legal library.

Salary and social benefits are provided according to the Luxembourgish legal requirements. The position is full-time, for a period of thirty-six months.

Joining us

If you are interested in joining our Institute, please apply online and follow our usual application process.

Documents required

A detailed CV incl. list of publications; copy of academic records; a PhD project description of no more than 1-2 pages with the name of the PhD supervisor and the name of the institution awarding the PhD certificate; the name and contact details of two referees.

Note for all positions:

Full information and access to application platform: here.

Contact person is Diana Castellaneta:

Deadline: 31 May 2016

A practical seminar in Munich on 10 and 11 June 2016 on the Brussels Ibis Regulation

Conflictoflaws - lun, 05/09/2016 - 13:02

On Friday 10 June (15h-18:30h) and Saturday 11 June (9:30h-13h) 2016, a seminar will take place in Munich, Germany (Rechtsanwaltskammer München, Tal 33), devoted to Regulation (EU) no. 1215/2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters.

The seminar will consist of a two-day training course for lawyers, who will be called to present, discuss and resolve practical cases falling within the scope of Regulation n. 1215/2012. The speakers will include Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hau, Prof. Dr. Dennis Solomon, Dr. Andreas Köhler, and Dr. Claudia Mayer (all University of Passau). The language of the seminar is German.

The participation is free of charge, but requires prior registration by sending an e-mail, no later than 25 May 2016, to the following address: and including “Wochenendseminar” in the object. The event is open up to a maximum of 30 participants.

For more information see here.

Exécution d’un mandat d’arrêt européen en cas de risque de traitement inhumain en détention

Par un arrêt du 5 avril 2016, la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne fixe, à la suite d’un renvoi préjudiciel, les conditions d’examen d’un mandat d’arrêt européen en cas de risque de traitement inhumain ou dégradant en raison des conditions de détention de la personne concernée dans l’État d’émission du mandat.

En carrousel matière:  Oui Matières OASIS:  Néant

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Catégories: Flux français

Il diritto al cognome materno: un incontro a Roma

Aldricus - dim, 05/08/2016 - 08:00

Il 20 maggio 2016, l’Università La Sapienza di Roma ospiterà un incontro dedicato al tema del cognome materno, nella prospettiva italiana in materia di attribuzione e di modifica del cognome ai figli, nonché nella prospettiva comparata, internazionale e dell’Unione europea.

Fabrizio Marongiu Buonaiuti (Univ. Macerata) presenterà una relazione dedicata al cognome dei figli nel diritto internazionale privato.

Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili qui.

La CJUE valide la directive sur les produits du tabac

Dans trois arrêts rendus le 4 mai 2015, la juridiction de l’Union juge entre autres licites l’uniformisation des paquets et l’interdiction des cigarettes mentholées.

En carrousel matière:  Non Matières OASIS:  Néant

en lire plus

Catégories: Flux français

« Voler une pomme, c’était plus difficile que d’ouvrir des comptes pour la taxe carbone »

Douze personnes et deux sociétés sont jugées pour escroquerie en bande organisée et blanchiment dans une affaire de fraude à la TVA sur le marché des quotas d’émissions de carbone. C’est le « casse du siècle », soit 283 millions d’euros détournés.

En carrousel matière:  Oui Matières OASIS:  Néant

en lire plus

Catégories: Flux français

Conference: New Families – International Trends and Legal Recognition in Italy (Milan, 23 May 2016)

Conflictoflaws - jeu, 05/05/2016 - 12:41

The University of Milan will host on 23 May 2016 a conference on “New Families – International Trends and Legal Recognition in Italy“. The event will be structured in three parts: the first two sessions will look into changing family patterns in Europe and the US, respectively, while in the third one a round table will focus on legal recognition in Italy of new families.

Here’s the programme (available as a .pdf file):

9.00 Welcoming addresses

  • Gianluca Vago (Rector, University of Milan)
  • Maria Elisa D’Amico (University of Milan)
  • Ilaria Viarengo (University of Milan)

9.30: I Session –  Changing family patterns: European Trends

  • Chair: Stefania Bariatti (University of Milan)
  • Katharina Boele-Woelki (Bucerius Law School, Hamburg): New families: fundamental issues
  • Angelika Fuchs (ERA, Academy of European Law): Registered partnerships: crossing borders
  • Patrizia De Luca (DG Justice, Civil Justice Policy Unit): The EU proposal on the property consequences of registered partnerships

11.15: II Session – Changing family patterns: USA Trends

  • Suzanne Goldberg (Columbia University): Transforming Family Law in the United States: Multidimensional Advocacy and Social Change.
  • Yasmine Ergas (Columbia University): From marriage to gender: pathways to equality

14.30: III Session – Round table on “New families: Legal Recognition in Italy”

  • Monica Cirinnà (Italian Senate, Rapporteur of the proposed regulation of civil unions in Italy)
  • Ivan Scalfarotto (Italian Chamber of Deputies, Vice-minister of economic development)
  • Annibale Marini (President Emeritus of the Italian Constitutional Court)
  • Marilisa D’Amico (University of Milan)
  • Ilaria Viarengo (University of Milan)

17.30: Closing remarks

  • Stefania Bariatti (University of Milan)

(Many thanks to Prof Ilaria Viarengo for the tip-off)

Un ciclo di incontri rivolti agli avvocati sugli strumenti dell’Unione europea nel campo del processo civile

Aldricus - jeu, 05/05/2016 - 08:00

Prende avvio il 10 e 11 giugno 2016, a Lucca, un ciclo di incontri formativi organizzati nell’ambito del progetto European Civil Procedure for Lawyers: Promoting Training to Improve the Effectiveness of Transnational Justice, cofinanziato dalla Commissione europea e gestito dalle Università  di Torino, Passau e Complutense di Madrid, con il concorso di vari partner accademici e professionali, sotto il coordinamento di Elena D’Alessandro (Univ. Torino).

Il progetto è volto alla formazione degli avvocati degli Stati membri attraverso incontri gratuiti e di taglio pratico aventi ad oggetto il regolamento n. 1215/2012 concernente la competenza giurisdizionale, il riconoscimento e l’esecuzione delle decisioni in materia civile e commerciale (Bruxelles I bis) e la sua interazione con il regolamento n. 805/2004 che istituisce un titolo esecutivo europeo per i crediti non contestati e con il regolamento n. 655/2014 che istituisce una procedura per l’ordinanza europea di sequestro conservativo su conti bancari al fine di facilitare il recupero transfrontaliero dei crediti in materia civile e commerciale.

[Dal sito del progetto] – Objectives: The 2014 EU Justice Scoreboard has revealed that the level of efficiency in national justice systems varies significantly between Member States. While some Member States show good performances in the civil justice area, others perform poorly. One of the reasons for this status quo concerns how national lawyers perform, especially using national and EU legal instruments in civil and commercial matters. The present project aims to bridge this gap by building a partnership between Universities and Bar Associations located in three poorly-performing Member States (Italy, Slovenia and Spain), and one which performs well (Germany). The main objective of this partnership will be that of providing lawyers transnational, practice-oriented, interactive and multi-lingual training on EU legal instruments free of charge, in particular on Regulation No 1215/2012 including its interplay with Regulation No 805/2004 concerning the European Enforcement Order and Regulation No 655/2014 establishing a European Account Preservation Order. Activities: The main activity of the present project will be a series of initial training weekend seminars offered free of charge in more than one official EU language to small target groups of lawyers, domiciled in the Member States involved in the programme. According to the results gained by the pilot project on European Judicial Training conducted by the Councils of Bars and Law Societies of Europe and the EIPA Luxembourg, the adopted approach will be practice-oriented. The training will be offered by teaching teams of academics and practitioners, combining theoretical knowledge and practical skills, as recommended by the EU Communication COM (2011) 551 final. This method will ensure a smooth transition between acquisition of theoretical elements and building skills with a practical application in real national and cross-border working cases.

L’evento iniziale per l’Italia, in programma, come detto nei giorni 10 e 11 giugno 2016 a Lucca, consisterà in un tirocinio formativo a partecipazione attiva con presentazione, discussione e risoluzione di casi concreti rientranti nell’ambito di applicazione del regolamento Bruxelles I bis. La prima giornata sarà dedicata ai criteri di giurisdizione e agli accordi di attribuzione della competenza giurisdizionale, mentre nel secondo giorno si parlerà di litispendenza e di riconoscimento ed esecuzione delle decisioni.

I lavori saranno presieduti da Elena D’Alessandro (Univ. Torino), Silvana Dalla Bontà (Univ. Trento), Antonio Mondini (magistrato del Tribunale di Lucca) e Giampaolo Benedetti Pearson (avvocato del Foro di Lucca).

La partecipazione al seminario è gratuita e prevede la distribuzione di materiali didattici e l’attribuzione di 8 crediti formativi per gli avvocati. La richiesta di iscrizione deve essere inviata tramite e-mail all’indirizzo non oltre il 6 giugno 2016 (saranno accettati fino ad un massimo di 30 partecipanti).

Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili qui.

48/2016 : 4 mai 2016 - Arrêts de la Cour de justice dans les affaires C-358/14, C-477/14, C-547/14

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mer, 05/04/2016 - 09:53
Pologne / Parlement et Conseil
Principes du droit communautaire
La nouvelle directive de l’Union européenne sur les produits du tabac est valide

Catégories: Flux européens

48/2016 : 4 mai 2016 - Arrêts de la Cour de justice dans les affaires C-358/14, C-477/14, C-547/14

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mer, 05/04/2016 - 09:53
Pologne / Parlement et Conseil
Principes du droit communautaire
La nouvelle directive de l’Union européenne sur les produits du tabac est valide

Catégories: Flux européens

48/2016 : 4 mai 2016 - Arrêts de la Cour de justice dans les affaires C-358/14, C-477/14, C-547/14

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mer, 05/04/2016 - 09:53
Pologne / Parlement et Conseil
Principes du droit communautaire
La nouvelle directive de l’Union européenne sur les produits du tabac est valide

Catégories: Flux européens

48/2016 : 4 mai 2016 - Arrêts de la Cour de justice dans les affaires C-358/14, C-477/14, C-547/14

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mer, 05/04/2016 - 09:53
Pologne / Parlement et Conseil
Principes du droit communautaire
La nouvelle directive de l’Union européenne sur les produits du tabac est valide

Catégories: Flux européens

New families: international trends and legal recognition in Italy

Aldricus - mer, 05/04/2016 - 08:00

On 23 May 2016, the University of Milan will host a conference entitled New families – International trends and legal recognition in Italy, chaired by Stefania Bariatti (Univ. Milan).

There will be three sessions. The first two sessions will be devoted to the evolution of family patterns in Europe and the US, respectively. Speakers include Katharina Boele-Woelki (Bucerius Law School, Hamburg), Angelika Fuchs (ERA – Academy of European Law), Patrizia De Luca (European Commission), Suzanne Goldberg and Yasmine Ergas (both Columbia University).

The last session will focus on the legal recognition of new families in Italy. Participants include Monica Cirinnà (Member of the Italian Senate – Rapporteur of the proposed regulation of civil unions in Italy), Ivan Scalfarotto (Member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies), Annibale Marini (Italian Constitutional Court), Marilisa D’Amico and Ilaria Viarengo (both Univ. Milan).

More information available here.


Légalisation des actes établis par une autorité étrangère

« Les actes établis par une autorité étrangère et destinés à être produits en France doivent, au préalable, selon la coutume internationale et sauf convention contraire, être légalisés pour y produire effet ».

En carrousel matière:  Non Matières OASIS:  Jugement étranger (Procédure civile)

en lire plus

Catégories: Flux français


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