Bail commercial - Procédure civile
Bail commercial - Preuve
Appel civil
Ioannis Revolidis, a lecturer at the University of Malta and a visiting lecturer at the Frederick University Cyprus, has recently published a book in Greek, based on his PhD thesis, on jurisdiction and the Internet.
The author has provided the following summary:
This monograph, which is the first of its kind to appear in Greek literature, examines the problem of allocation of jurisdiction in case of Internet-related disputes under the Brussels Ia Regulation. After an introduction into the meaning and practical ramifications of the phenomenon of international jurisdiction, it tries to identify the dogmatic depth of the Brussels Ia Regulation in order to form arguments on how Internet-related disputes can optimally be tackled in terms of international jurisdiction. In order to create an appropriate dogmatic background, the book also examines the particularities of the Internet culture.
In a more specific part, it examines the rules of international jurisdiction related to digital consumer disputes, digital contractual disputes, and digital non-contractual disputes (personality rights and intellectual property rights) under the Brussels Ia Regulation, coming to the conclusion that the existing rules can appropriately be applied within the Internet context, provided that they will be dogmatically adapted to the particular needs that are created through The Internet culture.
The publication is part of an ambitious project launched by Paris Arvanitakis (Aristotle University, Thessaloniki), and Dimitrios Kranis (former General Director at the Hellenic School of Judges) to cover a gap in domestic bibliography, by initiating a special series of studies in European Private / Procedural Law.
Alors qu’en France la révision de la Constitution semble à l’arrêt, le dimanche 20 septembre prochain, les Italiens seront appelés à approuver ou à rejeter la loi constitutionnelle qui vise à réduire le nombre de leurs parlementaires.
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