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Foreign law illegality and non-contractual claims

Wed, 03/31/2021 - 04:21

Written by Marcus Teo (Sheridan Fellow (Incoming), National University of Singapore)

Since Foster v Driscoll [1929] 1 KB 470, common law courts have recognised that contracts made with the intention to commit a criminal offence in a foreign state are unenforceable, even if the contract contemplated an alternative mode or place of performance. However, recent developments in domestic law illegality have sparked debate on whether foreign law illegality too should be reformed in a similar light (see Ryder Industries Ltd v Chan Shui Woo [2016] 1 HKC 323, [36], [52]-[55]; cf Magdeev v Tsvetkov [2020] EWHC 887 (Comm), [331]-[332]). The debate, however, has thus far not considered whether foreign law illegality should expand to bar certain non-contractual claims – a question which the Singapore Court of Appeal’s recent decision in Jonathan Ang v Lyu Yan [2021] SGCA 12 raises.

Lyu Yan wanted to transfer money from China to Singapore. Her bank in Singapore introduced her to Joseph Lim for assistance. Joseph proposed that Lyu transfer Renminbi from Lyu’s Chinese bank account to the Chinese bank accounts of two other individuals, Jonathan Ang and Derek Lim. Jonathan and Derek would then transfer an equivalent sum in Singapore Dollars from their Singapore bank accounts to Lyu’s Singapore bank account. Lyu performed the transfer in China, but received no money in Singapore. She then sued Joseph for breach of contract; and sued Joseph, Jonathan and Derek in tort and unjust enrichment. At first instance, the Singapore High Court ruled against all three defendants. Joseph did not appeal, but Jonathan and Derek did, arguing, inter alia, that Foster barred Lyu’s non-contractual claims against them because Chinese law prohibited their transaction.

Andrew Phang JCA, who delivered the Court’s judgment, dismissed Jonathan and Derek’s appeal. It was undisputed that the transaction, if performed, would have violated Chinese law (See Lyu Yan v Lim Tien Chiang [2020] SGHC 145, [15]-[16]). However, Lyu did not intend to break Chinese law – the facts at their “highest” showed that she thought the transaction contravened Singapore law rather than Chinese law (Jonathan Ang, [18], [20]). Thus, since Foster does not apply if the claimant does not intend to contravene a specific foreign law, it was inapplicable.

Of interest, though, were Phang JCA’s obiter comments: if Lyu had known the transaction contravened Chinese law, would her non-contractual claims be barred? Foster, he noted, was “not applicable in relation to non-contractual claims” ([26]). This was contrasted with the position in domestic law illegality, where an illegality affecting a contract could sometimes also bar other non-contractual claims arising from the contractual relationship ([27]-[28]). Here, Phang JCA referenced Ochroid Trading Ltd v Chua Siok Lui [2018] 1 SLR 363, where the Court of Appeal had held that claims in unjust enrichment (and, potentially, tort) arising from a contractual relationship would be barred if it stultified the policy underlying the law which rendered the contract unenforceable (Ochroid Trading [145]-[159], [168])

Phang JCA then considered whether Foster and Ochroid Trading could be “read together” (Jonathan Ang, [30]) – i.e., whether foreign and domestic law illegality, as separate doctrines, could apply on the same facts. This could only happen when Singapore law was the lex contractus, because, while Foster barred contract claims “regardless of their governing laws”, Ochroid Trading barred only claims governed by Singapore law. If indeed Foster and Ochroid Trading were “read together”, however, “possible difficulties” arose, because it would put a plaintiff with a Singapore law contract in a worse position than a plaintiff with a foreign law contract: the former would potentially have both his contractual and non-contractual claims barred, while the latter would have only his contractual claim barred ([33]). To Phang JCA, this was undesirable, because there was “no principled reason” for this distinction ([34]). While Phang JCA did not attempt to resolve these “difficulties”, he concluded by noting that for both foreign law and domestic law illegality “the concept of policy serves as a limiting factor to ensure that the illegality involved does not inflexibly defeat recovery where such recovery is justified” ([34]) – presumably, then, Phang JCA was noting tentatively that recourse to public policy arguments might help ameliorate the differences between the two classes of plaintiffs he identified.

Phang JCA’s comments in Jonathan Ang raise more questions than answers; this was of course by design, given their tentative and exploratory nature. However, with respect, the correctness of some of the assumptions Phang JCA relied on may be doubted. First, one may only conclude that there is no “principled reason” for treating plaintiffs with Singapore law contracts differently from plaintiffs with foreign law contracts if one accepts that domestic and foreign law illegality share the same “principled” basis. However, Foster’s principled basis remains shrouded in uncertainty: courts and commentators have variously called it a doctrine of public policy, comity and international jurisdiction, but only the first conception of Foster aligns it with domestic law illegality. Second, while it is true that the public policies of the forum limit both domestic and foreign law illegality, those public policies perform that function in different ways in those two contexts. In domestic law illegality, courts ask whether barring the plaintiff’s claim would give effect to the forum’s public policies; but in foreign law illegality, courts ask whether denying recognition of the relevant foreign law, and thus allowing the plaintiff’s claim, would give effect to the forum’s public policies. It follows that public policy arguments may not consistently resolve differences between the two classes of plaintiffs identified by Phang JCA.

At base, the questions posed in Jonathan Ang (and the assumptions they relied on) were only relevant because of Phang JCA’s continued acceptance of one central proposition: that foreign law illegality bars only contractual claims. Yet, this proposition is doubtful; in Brooks Exim Pte Ltd v Bhagwandas Naraindas [1995] 1 SLR(R) 543, Singapore’s Court of Appeal considered Foster in relation to a claim for “money had and received”, and found it inapplicable only because parties there did not intend to breach foreign law (Brooks Exim, [1], [14]). Moreover, the justification for limiting Foster’s rule to contractual claims remains unclear: in Jonathan Ang Phang JCA cited the English High Court’s decision in Lilly Icos LLC v 8PM Chemists Ltd [2010] FSR 4 for it, but there that proposition was simply accepted without argument (Lilly Icos, [266]). A possible justification might be that only in contract claims may parties, by virtue of their ability to choose the governing law, avoid the applicability of the (criminal) law of a foreign state objectively connected to their relationship. This, however, would be a poor justification, since parties have the autonomy to choose the governing law for various non-contractual claims as well. An expressly chosen law, for example, may govern not just parties’ contract, but also claims in unjust enrichment arising from that contractual relationship by virtue of a characterization sub-rule, and potentially also tort claims under an exception to the lex loci delicti rule (or, in Singapore’s context, the double actionability rule). If foreign law illegality exists to prevent parties from avoiding the law of a state objectively connected to their contractual relationship, it should bar all claims arising from that contractual relationship governed by parties’ chosen law, regardless of whether those claims are “contractual” or “non-contractual”.


European Commission: Experts’ Group on the Recognition of Parenthood between EU Member States

Tue, 03/30/2021 - 19:24

The European Commission (EC) is preparing a legislative initiative on the recognition of parenthood between the EU Member States. The EC is now in the process of setting up an Experts’ Group on the topic and has issued a call for Experts which, together with more information, can be found here.

Virtual Workshop on April 6: Burkhard Hess on Comparative Procedural Law and Justice (in German)

Tue, 03/30/2021 - 19:00
On Tuesday, April 6, 2021, the Hamburg Max Planck Institute will host its ninth monthly virtual workshop in private international law at 11:00-12:30. Since January of this year, we are alternating between English and German language. Burkhard Hess (Max Planck Institute Luxemburg for Procedural Law)  will speak, in German, about the topic

„Comparative Procedural Law and Justice – neue Wege in der Prozessrechtsvergleichung
(“Comparative Procedural Law and Justice – New Avenues for Comparative Civil Procedure”

The presentation will be followed by open discussion. All are welcome. More information and sign-up here. This is the ninth such lecture in the series, after those by Mathias Lehmann in June, Eva-Maria Kieninger in JulyGiesela Rühl in SeptemberAnatol Dutta in OctoberSusanne Gössl in November, Marc-Philippe Weller in DecemberMacjiej Szpunar in January,  Dagmar Coester-Waltjen in February, and Horatia Muir Watt in March. In May we will again have an English language event – stay tuned! If you want to be invited to these events in the future, please write to

Out now: the Swiss IPRG in English

Tue, 03/30/2021 - 13:52

Information and text provided by Niklaus Meier, co-head of the Private International Law Unit at the Swiss Federal Office of Justice

The Swiss Federal Act on Private International Law (FAPIL), adopted in 1987, has had – and still has – a huge influence throughout the world. It is “possibly the most complete codification of private international law worldwide” (Kadner Graziano, Journal of Private International Law. 2015, vol. 11, no. 3, p. 585: “Codifying European Private International Law: The Swiss Private International Law Act – A Model for a Comprehensive European Private International Law Regulation?”) and has influenced PIL codifications in many countries (Kadner Graziano, p. 589-90).

The global relevance of the Swiss Federal Act on PIL led to numerous translations, testament of its international character. Complete translations have been published by Prof. Andreas Bucher (last updated 2021):; Umbricht attorneys (2017):; Gehri/Walther (2010):; the Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce (2nd edition 2004, 1st edition 1989); and Karrer/Arnold/Patocchi (1994): Switzerland’s Private International Law (Schulthess/Kluwer). In addition, chapter 12 on arbitration has been translated by actors active in the field, such as the Swiss Arbitration Association (

Translation is a difficult task: “Mastery of the languages involved is necessary, but not sufficient, particularly where the user of a translation expects a literal translation, the legal systems of the starting languages and target language differ fundamentally and the subject matter is highly abstract.” (Walter König, 11 Mich. J. Int’. L. 1294 (1990), 1295, “Translation of Legal Texts: Three English Versions of the Swiss Federal Statute on Private International Law”). Indeed, a civil law codification usually “contains many legal terms which either do not exist in common law jurisdictions or have different connotations in the case of literal translations”.

In recent years, the importance of English versions of the Swiss legal texts has grown. To give just one example: Article 4.4 of the Swiss-Chinese Free Trade Agreement (page 23) explicitly states (under the heading “transparency”) that “Each Party shall promptly publish on the Internet, and as far as practicable in English, all laws, regulations and rules of general application relevant to trade in goods between China and Switzerland.” It goes without saying that the FAPIL is relevant for international trade.

Against this background, and in view of the growing demand for the availability of Swiss legal texts in English, the official publication platform for Swiss law (Fedlex) has now released the “official non-official” translation of the FAPIL: It is up to date as per February 2021 and includes the most recent DLT-related PIL amendments.

The character of the translation is “official” because it’s published on the official publication platform for Swiss law, which speaks for itself; but it nevertheless is of “non-official” nature only because “English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.” In can perhaps best be described as “officially non-official, but unofficially official”.

The translation is in large parts based on the translation published by Prof. Andreas Bucher, with the kind permission of the author. The translation does not aim to be (and is not) better than the various existing private translations of the FAPIL, which have provided useful guidance during the past decades. The translation simply wants to render the FAPIL more accessible to the international public, and in order to do so and in order to get approval for publication on the official publication platform for Swiss law, certain adaptations were necessary:

Where several choices of wording were possible, preference was given to expressions that are already in use in other translations of Swiss legislation (e.g. translations of the Swiss Civil Procedure Code, the Swiss Civil Code, or the Swiss Code of Obligations), in order to ensure coherence and consistency.

Due account was also given to the wording used in international conventions ratified by Switzerland (such as the numerous Hague Conventions).

In addition, the translation takes into account language requirements applicable to texts published by the Swiss federal administration, such as the use of gender-neutral language where appropriate and where possible; this led to the use of the “singular-they”, applicable to both female and male persons.

People who work in different languages and who have compared the different language versions of the FAPIL will have noted some differences between the French, German and Italian versions of the texts. For example, art. 151 para. 3 in the German version, translated with deepl, states that “This jurisdiction cannot be excluded by a choice of court agreement.”, whereas the French version starts the paragraph (again according to deepl) with “Notwithstanding a choice of court, …” In such circumstances, preference was given to the wording that seemed clearer and more in line with the interpretation given to the text by the Federal Supreme Court.

Traduire c’est trahir – translation is treason. Those who coordinated the translation (the Private International Law Unit at the Swiss Federal Office of Justice) are fully aware that critics will find areas for improvement. Feedback can be sent to ipr [at] The translation will continue to be improved and updated in the years to come, in order to respond to new developments such as the upcoming revision of the chapter on succession law.

China Sanctions top UK Barristers’ Chambers

Fri, 03/26/2021 - 12:32

26 March 2021, in response to the UK’s sanctions on relevant Chinese individuals and entity about human rights issues in Xinjiang, China announces on nigh individuals and four entities in the UK, including a top barrister chamber, the Essex Court Chambers. The sanctions measures include prohibiting individuals and their immediate family members from entering into China, freezing their property in China and prohibiting Chinese citizens and institutions from doing business with them. China reserves the right to take further measures.
This is the first time that international sanctions are imposed on an entire set of a legal services organisation. The reason is that four barristers at Essex Court Chambers published a legal opinion about the Xinjiang human rights matters. However, barristers are self-employed, solo practitioners. They cannot become partners of chambers, do not represent the opinion of chambers and are not supervised or guided by chambers for their professional work. It is unusual to sanction chambers for the opinions of its members. The sanctions also cannot force the chambers to supervise the work of barristers. It, however, may generate a chilling effect in the legal sector, especially for firms with close Chinese business connections.
The immediate consequence of the sanctions is that Chinese clients and business partners will have to end business or working relationships with members of the Chambers. The sanctions at the moment only apply to Chinese individuals and institutions, excluding foreign entities. However, it is unclear if “Chinese” refers to mainland or includes Hong Kong and Macau. Furthermore, although the sanctions do not affect foreign entities, if the member of the Chambers represents a foreign entity in litigation or arbitration and the judgment or award needs to be recognised and enforced in China, it may cause problems. The Chambers members cannot enter China, including mainland, Hong Kong and Macau, including appearing as counsels in arbitration. It is unclear whether the sanctions may affect the Chambers Singapore Group Practice. Finally, many members at the Chambers also act as arbitrators. It is unclear if arbitral awards made by the Chambers members can be recognised and enforced in China. Anyway, according to the sanctions, Chinese parties would not be able to engage with the Chambers members and would likely reject them acting as arbitrators.

Just released: Opinion of the US Supreme Court regarding the consolidated Ford Motor cases – A victory for consumers in two defective-product cases

Fri, 03/26/2021 - 10:53

Written by Mayela Celis

On 25 March 2021, the US Supreme Court rendered its opinion on the consolidated Ford Motor cases, which deals with personal jurisdiction (in particular, specific jurisdiction) over Ford Motor Company. These cases deal with a malfunctioning 1996 Ford Explorer and a defective 1994 Crown Victoria vehicles, which caused the death of a passenger in Montana and the injury of another passenger in Minnesota, respectively. The consolidated cases are: Ford Motor Co. v. Montana Eighth Judicial District Court et al. and Ford Motor Co. v. Bandemer.

The opinion is available here. We have previously reported on this case here.

The question presented was:

The Due Process Clause permits a state court to exercise specific personal jurisdiction over a non­resident defendant only when the plaintiff’s claims “arise out of or relate to” the defendant’s forum activities. Burger King Corp. v. Rudzewicz, 471 U.S. 462, 472 (1985) (internal quotation marks omitted). The question presented is: Whether the “arise out of or relate to” requirement is met when none of the defendant’s forum contacts caused the plaintiff’s claims, such that the plaintiff’s claims would be the same even if the defendant had no forum contacts.

As noted in our previous post, it can be argued that besides jurisdictional matters relating to the defendant, these cases deal with fundamental notions of access to justice for consumers. Fortunately, the US Supreme Court sided with the victims of the car accidents. As a result, buyers of Ford vehicles are able to sue in their home State (instead of chasing up the defendant). Undoubtedly, this promotes access to justice as it decreases the litigation costs of suing a giant company elsewhere, as well as it avoids the hardship of suing in a remote place.

For a summary of the facts, see the syllabus of the opinion. We also include the facts here:

“Ford Motor Company is a global auto company, incorporated in Delaware and headquartered in Michigan. Ford markets, sells, and services its products across the United States and overseas. The company also encourages a resale market for its vehicles. In each of these two cases, a state court exercised jurisdiction over Ford in a products-liability suit stemming from a car accident that injured a resident in the State. The first suit alleged that a 1996 Ford Explorer had malfunctioned, killing Markkaya Gullett near her home in Montana. In the second suit, Adam Bandemer claimed that he was injured in a collision on a Minnesota road involving a defective 1994 Crown Victoria. Ford moved to dismiss both suits for lack of personal jurisdiction. It argued that each state court had jurisdiction only if the company’s conduct in the State had given rise to the plaintiff’s claims. And that causal link existed, according to Ford, only if the company had designed, manufactured, or sold in the State the particular vehicle involved in the accident. In neither suit could the plaintiff make that showing. The vehicles were designed and manufactured elsewhere, and the company had originally sold the cars at issue outside the forum States. Only later resales and relocations by consumers had brought the vehicles to Montana and Minnesota. Both States’ supreme courts rejected Ford’s argument. Each held that the company’s activities in the State had the needed connection to the plaintiff’s allegations that a defective Ford caused instate injury” (Our emphasis).

Ford alleged that the Court should follow a causation-only approach. That means that as stated in the syllabus of the opinion that “In Ford’s view, due process requires a causal link locating jurisdiction only in the State where Ford sold the car in question, or the States where Ford designed and manufactured the vehicle. And because none of these things occurred in Montana or Minnesota, those States’ courts have no power over these cases.”

Fortunately, the Court did not follow that interpretation and stated that:

“To see why Ford is subject to jurisdiction in these cases (as Audi, Volkswagen, and Daimler were in their analogues), consider first the business that the company regularly conducts in Montana and Minnesota. See generally 395 Mont., at 488, 443 P. 3d, at 414; 931 N. W. 2d, at 748; supra, at 3?4. Small wonder that Ford has here conceded “purposeful availment” of the two States’ markets. See supra, at 7-8. By every means imaginable—among them, billboards, TV and radio spots, print ads, and direct mail— Ford urges Montanans and Minnesotans to buy its vehicles, including (at all relevant times) Explorers and Crown Victorias. Ford cars—again including those two models—are available for sale, whether new or used, throughout the States, at 36 dealerships in Montana and 84 in Minnesota. And apart from sales, Ford works hard to foster ongoing connections to its cars’ owners. The company’s dealers in Montana and Minnesota (as elsewhere) regularly maintain and repair Ford cars, including those whose warranties have long since expired. And the company distributes replacement parts both to its own dealers and to independent auto shops in the two States. Those activities, too, make Ford money. And by making it easier to own a Ford, they encourage Montanans and Minnesotans to become lifelong Ford drivers” (our emphasis).


“Here, resident-plaintiffs allege that they suffered in-state injury because of defective products that Ford extensively promoted, sold, and serviced in Montana and Minnesota. For all the reasons we have given, the connection between the plaintiffs’ claims and Ford’s activities in those States— or otherwise said, the “relationship among the defendant, the forum[s], and the litigation”—is close enough to support specific jurisdiction. Walden, 571 U. S., at 284 (internal quotation marks omitted). The judgments of the Montana and Minnesota Supreme Courts are therefore affirmed.”

In sum, in this David and Goliath scenario, the US Supreme Court sided with the consumers and promoted access to justice.

CJEU judgment on jurisdiction for unpaid public parking ticket in Obala i lucice, C-307/19

Thu, 03/25/2021 - 11:26

Back in November 2020, we reported about the Opinion delivered by Advocate General Bobek in the case Obala i lucice, C-307/19, in which he revisited the case law built upon the judgment of the Court of Justice in Pula Parking, C-551/15. This Thursday, the Court rendered its judgment in the case in question.

Legal and factual context

In brief summary, a daily parking ticket is issued for a car left in an on-street parking. A Croatian parking management entity commences enforcement proceedings for recovery of the parking ticket debt with a notary. The notarial writ of execution issued against a Slovenian company is challenged by the latter and two Croatian courts consider themselves lacking jurisdiction to hear the case. The case is then transferred to the referring court in order for it to deal with the negative conflict of competence.

A more extensive presentation of the legal and factual context of the case can be consulted in the previous post.

Questions/issues addressed

In his Opinion, at the request of the Court, AG Bobek did not address all the questions referred for a preliminary ruling. Opinion is confined to Questions 1 to 3 and 5 to 7. Not all the Questions addressed in the judgment either, yet for a different reason.

On the one hand, the Court considered that the questions pertaining to the Service Regulation (Questions 1 and 3) were inadmissible (paragraph 51). The referring court is facing a negative conflict of competence and the request for a preliminary ruling does not specify why this court takes the view that the resolution of the case in the main proceedings depends on the interpretation of the Service Regulation. It is worth noticing that this Regulation has been interpreted by AG Bobek in his Opinion, at points 88 to 105.

On similar grounds, the Court considered inadmissible the questions on to compatibility with Article 56 TFEU of the presumption that a contract is concluded by the act of parking in a designated space (on-street parking) (Questions 4 and, partially, 9). The referring court failed to expose the reasons that prompted it to inquire about the compatibility of that presumption with EU law (paragraph 52).

On the other hand, as mentioned in the previous post, the facts underlying the case pending before the national courts predate the accession of Croatia to the EU. Therefore, the Court considered itself not competent to answer the question on the interpretation of the Rome I and Rome II Regulations (Questions 8 and, partially, 9), these Regulation being not applicable ratione temporis to the facts in question (paragraph 58).

Thus, the Court was left with the remaining issues, namely, whether an action for payment of a debt relating to the unpaid public parking ticket is a dispute relating to ‘civil and commercial matters’ within the meaning of the Brussels I bis Regulation (Question 2), whether the special ground of jurisdiction for rights in rem is applicable to that action (Question 6) and, if it is not the case, whether the grounds of jurisdiction for contract/tort may be relied on by the applicant (Questions 5 and 7).

Notion of ‘civil and commercial matters’

According to the Court’s answer, an action for payment of a daily parking ticket, issued for parking in a designated space, in an on-street parking, imposed by a parking management entity falls within the scope of the notion of ‘civil and commercial matters’ (paragraph 73). This answer is preceded by a fine-grained analysis, accompanied by multiple references to the case law (paragraphs 59 et seq.).

The analysis carried out by the Court should be of a particular interest as it cannot be excluded that much can be inferred from it as to the qualification of a ‘civil and commercial matter’. To that effect, it could potentially be read against the background of the Opinion presented by AG Bobek. In fact, at its points 39 to 54, he distinguished two approaches adopted by the Court in its case law in order to establish whether the Regulations on ‘civil and commercial matters’ are applicable in a specific case. He defined them as ‘subject matter’ and ‘legal relationship’ approaches, and it was the latter that he favoured in the case at hand. Such parallel reading could be also supplemented by the lecture of remarks on that very issue made by one of the commentators.

Special ground of jurisdiction for rights in rem

Reiterating the autonomous nature of qualification that needs to be exercised in relation to Article 24(1) of the Brussels I bis Regulation, regardless of the qualification that the legal relationship receives under national law (paragraph 79), the Court held, in essence, that an action for payment of a daily parking ticket, issued for parking in a designated space, in an on-street parking, cannot be considered as an action brought in proceedings which have as their object ‘tenancies of immovable property’ (paragraph 80).


Addressing ultimately the contract/tort distinction, the Court held that the action in question falls within the scope of Article 7(1) of the Brussels I bis Regulation (paragraph 89).

Next, referring to the Opinion, it considered that the ‘parking contract in question in the main proceedings’ can be qualified as a ‘contract for the provision of services’ in the sense of Article 7(1)(b) of the Regulation (paragraph 97).


The judgment itself can be consulted here (so far in French), with the request for a preliminary ruling being available here.



Book published: The Development and Perfection of Chinese Inter-Regional Conflict of Laws: From the Perspective of the Achievements of Hague Conference on Private International Law

Mon, 03/22/2021 - 09:37

Readers of this blog may be interested in the book (in Chinese) entitled, The Development and Perfection of Chinese Inter-Regional Conflict of Laws: From the Perspective of the Achievements of Hague Conference on Private International Law. click here (, written by Meirong Zhang, associate professor at UCASS (University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences) Law School, Beijing.  It should be noted that this book was published in early 2020.

The book has four Parts: 1. The development of Chinese inter-regional conflict of laws and HCCH achievements, 2. Inter-regional civil and commercial jurisdiction, 3. Interregional choice of law rules, and 4. Inter-regional judicial assistance in civil and commercial matters. From the preface (in English) by Hans van Loon (former Secretary General of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH)):   

“Mainland China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), Macao SAR and Taiwan not only all have their own systems of substantive civil, commercial and procedural law, they also have their own rules of private international law or conflict of laws. As a result, each region has its own rules to determine whether its courts and authorities have jurisdiction to deal with a civil or commercial issue, what law applies to such issues, whether, and under what conditions, a foreign judgment may be recognised and enforced, and how to organize administrative and judicial assistance to foreign jurisdictions. Moreover, these rules apply, in principle, not only in the relations between each region and third States, but also in the relations between the four regions.

In this pioneering work, Meirong Zhang analyses the existing diversity of private international law systems in the four Chinese regions, and explores ways to better coordinate these rules, and improve communication and cooperation among the regions. In our days of increasing mobility of persons, goods, services, capital and information, both among the Chinese regions and in their relations with third States resulting in multiple and manifold cross-border legal issues, this is a question of eminent practical importance. Central to this study are the daily interests and concerns of individuals, families, companies and other entities in our increasingly interconnected, complex world.

The author has wisely chosen an approach to her research that is principled and pragmatic at the same time. Her starting point is the Chinese concept of “regional pluralism of legal systems”.

She points out that this principle has three dimensions: “first, equality between different legal regions; second, understanding and respect for each legal region’s characteristics and its autonomous public policy; third, mutual progress and benefits for all four legal regions based upon cooperation between the people across all four legal regions”. Therefore, mutual respect, based on the recognition of equal value of each legal system, and cooperation grounded in mutual respect should govern the future of interregional private international law in China.

Whilst “regional pluralism of legal systems” is the starting point, Meirong Zhang adds a second pillar to support her proposals: “Chinese inter-regional conflict of laws should also be the carrier of the good values and spirit of mankind”. It would be a mistake to view this as an expression of naive idealism, and to think that it would suffice to focus on the interregional situation isolated from the rest of the world. Firstly, the increase in interregional cross border contacts among the four Chinese regions is in part the result of increased global interaction. Indeed contemporary globalization blurs the boundaries between local including interregional, and global affairs as never before. Secondly, and in part as a result of globalization, people all over the world are increasingly faced with challenges common to humankind, whether one thinks of the risks to which children around the world are exposed in cross-border situations, the global financial system, or the global climate. Global issues should preferably [be] solved globally. Common global approaches based on sound values are not only desirable but in the end also more effective.

Basing her proposals on the two pillars “regional pluralism of legal systems” and “a community with a shared future for humanity”, the author turns to the work of the Hague Conference on Private International Law for inspiration for the future development of private international law among the four regions of China. She has good reasons to do so. Firstly, as she points out, to a various extent and in various ways, the private international law systems of all four regions have already been influenced by the work of the Hague Conference. Secondly, as she also reminds us, arrangements have recently been concluded between Chinese regions, namely Mainland China and Hong Kong SAR, which have borrowed provisions and language from Hague Conventions. Thirdly, and most fundamentally, the Hague instruments reflect both the spirit of the Chinese concept of “regional pluralism of legal systems” – mutual respect, based on the recognition of equal value of each legal system, and the need for close cooperation on that basis – and globally accepted values. All Hague instruments are carefully crafted texts, and the result of inclusive negotiations among experts and delegates representing States from all continents, based on sound comparative research and input from stakeholders from across the world.

Hague Conventions are primarily aimed to provide common legal frameworks for relations between States, and provide expressly that ratifying States are not bound to apply them to conflicts solely between different legal systems with such States. Therefore, when China joins a Hague Convention, the rules of that Convention do not thereby apply to the relations between Mainland China and the other three regions. However, as the arrangements between Mainland China and Hongkong SAR demonstrate, they may provide a model for a private international law regime for interregional relations. A model, not a straightjacket: Hague Conventions have always made room for specific local including regional needs.

It is on this basis that Meirong Zhang then examines whether and to what extent the work of the Hague Conference could serve as inspiration for a common private international law framework for the four Chinese regions. Successively, she deals with the issue of jurisdiction of the courts and authorities of the four regions (Chapters 2-3), interregional choice of law rules (Chapters 4-7), administrative and judicial cooperation, and recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments (Chapters 8-10). She does not advocate to slavishly copy the content of Hague Conventions into an interregional system. For example, and interestingly, she suggests that the specific characteristics of Chinese family realities may qualify or colour the notion of “the child’s best interests” (Conclusion Part II).

Obviously, an innovative work like this can only lay the foundation for more detailed reflections and research. But because the study is both principled and pragmatic, the groundwork it lays is strong. One senses the firm commitment of the author to the good causes of removing outdated and parochial obstacles to cross-border relationships and transactions, of facilitating the life of citizens in a complex mobile world, of safeguarding their civil interest and rights, of protecting weaker parties and vulnerable people and vital public interests and common global goods. Meirong Zhang has written a seminal study that will inspire many readers. It deserves a wide readership.” (Our emphasis)


UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency: No recognition for a US reorganization order in Greece

Mon, 03/22/2021 - 07:14

by Apostolos Anthimos

By virtue of Law Nr. 3858/2010, Greece has adapted its legislation to the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency. The appearance of the law in practice is scarce; so is the case with respect to legal scholarship. A recent judgment by the Chamber of the Piraeus 1st Instance court [date of publication: 15/12/2020] demonstrates the pitfalls in the field of recognition.


The applicant is a foreign company registered in the USA. It requested the recognition of an order issued by the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York. The order was issued in accordance with Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code, following a motion for entry of an order authorising rejection of certain unexpired leases and granting related relief. The motion was submitted by the applicant and a number of subsidiary companies. The applicant clarified that it acts as a trustee of the business, in his capacity as debtor in possession. There’s no direct reference in the judgment’s text, but I presume that the applicable provision must have been § 1107, 11 U.S. Code [Rights, powers, and duties of debtor in possession].


The Greek court confirmed its jurisdiction by a simple reference to the Law 3858/2010 and domestic procedural rules. Despite the lack of reasoning, the court was indeed competent: all subsidiary companies were apparently registered in Greece. In addition, the applicant had presumably assets in the jurisdiction.

Moving ahead however, the court dismissed the request as inadmissible, referring to Articles 9 and 15(1) of the Law (same numbering with the Model Law). In particular, the court considered that the application was not filed by a foreign representative for the purposes of Article 15(1). The applicant failed to furnish the documents provided for in Article 15(2), or any other documents which would prove the above. The sole documents submitted were the US order and its notification (does not explain to whom); the latter do not suffice for proving the capacity of the applicant to act as a trustee in bankruptcy (= foreign representative).

In addition, the request was also unfounded and contrary to Greek public policy. In accordance with Greek perceptions, it is not admissible to request jointly recognition for the entire group of companies (as the court notes). Hence, the request contravenes Article 6, and is to be dismissed.


The judgment of the court proves that the subject matter needs extensive elaboration in Greece. First, a sheer reference to the US statutes would have convinced the Greek court to overcome the first hurdle. § 1107, 11 U.S. Code reads as follows: (a) Subject to any limitations on a trustee serving in a case under this chapter, and to such limitations or conditions as the court prescribes, a debtor in possession shall have all the rights, other than the right to compensation under section 330 of this title, and powers, and shall perform all the functions and duties, except the duties specified in sections 1106(a)(2), (3), and (4) of this title, of a trustee serving in a case under this chapter.

Second, the dismissal of the request by clinging to public policy is a recipe often followed when a court is faced with a different approach compared to domestic legislation. Unfortunately, the exceptional nature of the provision (see Article 6: …if the action would be manifestly contrary to the public policy of this State) did not convince the court to delve into the matter, and  discover some useful material tackling with the issue in question [see the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law – Part three: Treatment of enterprise groups in insolvency, p. 88: Although the Model Law has limited application in the enterprise group context, it is desirable that the access to courts and recognition of foreign proceedings it provides with respect to individual debtors also be provided with respect to insolvency proceedings involving members of the same enterprise group].

Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 2/2021: Abstracts

Fri, 03/19/2021 - 13:40

The latest issue of the „Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax)“ features the following articles:


H.-P. Mansel/K. Thorn/R. Wagner: European Conflict of Law 2020: EU in crisis mode!

This article provides an overview of developments in Brussels in the field of judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters from December 2019 until December 2020. It provides an overview of newly adopted legal instruments and summarizes current projects that are presently making their way through the EU legislative process. It also refers to the laws enacted at the national level in Germany as a result of new European instruments. Furthermore, the authors look at areas of law where the EU has made use of its external competence. They discuss both important decisions and pending cases before the CJEU as well as important decisions from German courts pertaining to the subject matter of the article. In addition, the article also looks at current projects and the latest developments at the Hague Conference of Private International Law.


C. Kranz: International private law aspects of taking security over membership rights in international financing transactions

In international financing transactions, pledges of membership rights play an important role. The private international law question, pursuant to which law the pledge is determined in the case of companies with a cross-border connection, cannot be answered in a generalised manner, but confronts those applying the law with some differentiations, in particular where membership rights have been certified in share certificates. The following analysis undertakes the attempt to clarify the key aspects from the perspective of German international private law.


F. Eichel: Choice of Court Agreements and Rules of Interpretation in the Context of Tort or Anti-trust Claims

In its rulings CDC (C-352/13) and Apple Sales (C-595/17) the ECJ gave a boost to the discussion on the range of choice of court agreements vis-à-vis antitrust claims. The article discusses a decision of the OLG München (Higher Regional Court of Munich, Germany) which has decided on this topic. In spite of a choice of court agreement pointing to Irish courts for “all suits to enforce this contract” (translation), the OLG München has held itself competent for antitrust claims, as – according to the reasons given – no interpretation of the contract was necessary. In the opinion of the author, this decision will no longer be relevant in Germany because it is not consistent with the decision Apple Sales, which has been rendered almost a year later. However, the reasons given by the OLG München are of particular interest, as it has made reference to the ECJ’s decision Brogsitter (C-548/12). Brogsitter is a decision on the range of the contractual jurisdiction of Art. 7 No. 1 Brussels Ia Regulation/Art. 5 No. 1 Lugano Convention 2007 vis-à-vis claims in tort. The present article has taken this as a reason to examine if the Brogsitter ruling can be understood as a “rule of interpretation” which comes into play once the intention of the parties of a choice of court agreement remains unclear. The article argues that in general the interpretation of choice of court agreements is subject to the lex causae of the main contract. However, with regard to torts and antitrust claims there are rules of interpretation arising from Art. 25 Brussels Ia Regulation itself. They are effective throughout the EU and are not influenced by the peculiarities of the national substantive law of the member states.


A. Kronenberg: Yet again: Negative consequences of the discrepancy between forum and ius in direct lawsuits after traffic accidents abroad

The Higher Regional Court (OLG) Saarbrücken had to decide upon appeal by a German-based limited liability company (GmbH) against a French motor vehicle liability insurer on various questions of French indemnity law and its interaction with German procedural law. The case once again highlights both well-known and less prominent disadvantages of the discrepancy between international jurisdiction and applicable law in actions which accident victims can bring directly against the insurer of the foreign party responsible for the accident at their place of residence.


M. Andrae: Once Again: On Jurisdiction when the Child’s Usual Residence Changes to Another Contracting Member State of the Hague Convention 1996

The discussed decision deals with the jurisdiction for a decision when it comes to a parent’s right of access. If at the time of the decision of the court of appeal the child has their habitual residence in a contracting state of the Hague Convention 1996 for the Protection of Children that is not a member state of the European Union, the Convention shall apply. For the solution it cannot be left open at which date the change of habitual residence occurred. If the change took place before the family court made the decision on the matter, the court of appeal must overturn this due to a lack of jurisdiction. This is done afterwards, the court of appeal lacks international jurisdiction to make a decision on the matter. The decision of the family court that has become effective remains in force in accordance with Art. 14 (1) Hague Convention 1996 until an amended decision by the authorities of the new habitual state of residence is made.


D. Stefer: Third-Party Effects of Assignment of Claims – Not a Case for Rome I

While an assignment of claims primarily involves the assignor, the assignee and the debtor of the assigned claim, it may nevertheless concern third parties that, though not directly involved in the transfer of the claim itself, may still be subjected to its effects. Such third parties can be creditors of the assignor, a liquidator or another potential assignee of the same claim. From a conflict of laws perspective, it is of particular relevance to determine which law applies to these thirdparty effects, since the outcome may differ depending on the jurisdiction. For instance, in case of multiple assignments of the same claim, German law gives priority to the assignment that was first validly concluded. Contrary to that, under Italian or English law priority will be given to that assignee who first notifies the debtor of the assignment. Yet, Article 14 of the Rome I Regulation does not contain an explicit rule governing the law applicable to third-party effects of an assignment. It is for that reason that the issue has been subject to constant debates. In particular, it was controversial to what extent the Rome I Regulation applied at all to the issue of third-party effects.

In BNP Paribas ./. Teambank AG, the Court of Justice recently held that no direct or implicit rule in that respect could be inferred from the Regulation. In the Court’s view, it was a deliberate choice of the EU legislature not to include rules governing the third-party effects of assignments of claims into the Regulation. Consequently, de lege lata the issue is subject to the national rules of private international law. Hence, under the rules of German private international law, the law applicable to the third-party effects of an assignment is the law that applies to the assigned claim.


F. Rieländer: The displacement of the applicable law on divorce by the law of the forum under Article 10 Rome III Regulation

In its judgment (C-249/19) the ECJ provided clarification on the interpretation of Article 10 of Regulation No 1259/2010 in a twofold respect. Firstly, Article 10 of Regulation No 1259/2010 does not lead to the application of the law of the forum if the applicable foreign law permits divorce, but subjects it to more stringent conditions than the law of the forum. Since Article 10 of Regulation No 1259/2010 applies only in situations in which the lex causae does not foresee divorce under any form, it is immaterial whether in the specific case the individual marriage can already be divorced or can still be divorced according to the applicable foreign law. Secondly, the ECJ held that the court seised must examine and establish the existence of the substantive conditions for a mandatory prior legal separation of the couple under the applicable foreign law, but is not obliged to order a legal separation. Unfortunately, the ECJ missed the opportunity to give a clear guidance on distinguishing substantive conditions foreseen by the applicable law from procedural questions falling within the law of the forum. Apart from this, it remains uncertain whether recourse to the law of the forum according to Article 10 of Regulation No 1259/2010 is possible if the lex causae knows the institution of divorce as such but does not make it available for the concrete type of marriage, be it a same-sex marriage or a polygamous marriage.


M. Scherer/O. Jensen: The Law Governing the Arbitration Agreement: A Comparative Analysis of the United Kingdom Supreme Court’s Decision in Enka v Chubb

On 9 October 2020 the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom rendered its much-anticipated decision in Enka Insaat Ve Sanayi A.S. v OOO Insurance Company Chubb (Enka v Chubb). In an extensive judgment, the Supreme Court engaged in a detailed review of the different approaches to determining the law applicable to the arbitration agreement and set out the relevant test under English law. The present case note analyses the judgment, explains why the majority’s decision is well-reasoned but its conclusion not inevitable and provides a comparative analysis of the English approach. The result: the age-old question of which law governs the arbitration agreement (and why) has not lost in complexity and continues to engage courts and scholars around the world.


D. Otto: In-/validity of unconscionable arbitration clauses

Impecunious parties occasionally are an issue in international arbitration. The Canadian Supreme Court had to decide a case involving a – nominally self-employed – driver of Uber, who commenced a class action in a Canadian court to have Uber drivers declared as employees and to challenge violations of Canadian employment laws. His standard-term service agreement with Uber provided for the application of Dutch law and for mediation and arbitration in the Netherlands, which would have required the driver to advance mediation and arbitration fees in an amount of over 70 % of his total annual income from Uber. Uber requested the court to stay proceedings in favour of arbitration in the Netherlands. The Supreme Court held that the arbitration clause was unconscionable and void. The court opined that in general parties should adhere to agreed arbitration clauses. However, the court found that in this case the driver was not made aware of the high costs of arbitration in the Netherlands, that Uber had no legitimate interest to have such disputes decided in far away countries and that the unusual high costs of such proceedings (amounting to over 70 % of the drivers total annual income) effectively made it impossible for him to enforce his rights before the foreign arbitration tribunal. The court dodged the other issue (affirmed by the lower court) whether a dispute involving alleged violation of Ontario’s Employee Standards Act was arbitrable at all.


V. Bumbaca: Remarks on the judgment of the US Supreme Court “Monasky v. Taglieri”

The decision of the US Supreme Court in Monasky v. Taglieri confirms that the determination of the newborn/infant’s habitual residence should focus on the intention and habitual residence of his/her parents or caregiver – the analytical approach is parent-centered. The US Supreme Court ruling, in affirming the decision of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, also clarifies that the determination of the habitual residence of the adolescent/older child should focus on his/her own acclimatization – the analytical approach is child-centered. According to the Supreme Court, the determination of the habitual residence of the child found to be within a transnational family conflict, such as that contemplating an international abduction or an international marital dispute concerning, inter alia, parental authority, must take into account the specific circumstances and facts of each individual case – fact-intensive determination. Based on the practice of other States and of the CJEU, this judgment considers that a predetermined formula applied to the analysis of the child’s habitual residence cannot be deemed to be in conformity with the objectives of the 1980 Hague Convention (applicable to the United States and Italy, both of which are involved in this case) – in particular, by virtue of the fact-based approach followed by this notion, unlike other connecting factors such as domicile and nationality. Regrettably, in affirming the decision the Supreme Court upheld the reasoning of the Court of Appeal as a whole. Thus, it set aside two elements which were not considered in depth by the Court and which in the author’s opinion it should have retained, regardless of the child’s age and given the child’s development within a potentially disruptive family context: The principle of the best interests of the child and the degree of instability attributed to the child’s physical presence before the wrongful removal.


E. Jayme: Canada: Export restriction for cultural property of national importance: The Federal Court of Appeal – Attorney General of Canada and Heffel Gallery Limited, 2019 FCA 82 (April 16, 2019) – restores the decision of the Canadian Cultural Export Review Board which rejected the export permit for a painting by the French artist Gustave Caillebotte

Canada: The case decided by the Federal Court of Appeal (Attorney General of Canada, Appellant, and Heffel Gallery Limited, Respondent, and 10 Canadian cultural institutions as interveners, 2019 FCA 82 [April 16, 2019]) involved the following facts: A Toronto based auction house sold a painting by the French impressionist Gustave Caillebotte (“Iris bleus”) to a commercial gallery based in London, and applied to the Department of Canadian Heritage for a cultural export permit, which was refused following the recommendation of an expert examiner. Then, the auction house requested a review of that decision before the Canadian Cultural Export Review Board which rejected the export permit application. Then, the auction house asked for a judicial review of that decision: The Federal Court held that the Board’s decision was unreasonable and remitted the case to another panel for reconsideration. This decision of the Federal Court was appealed by the Attorney General of Canada. Thus, the case passed to the Canadian Federal Court of Appeal which allowed the appeal, dismissed the application for judicial review and restored the decision of the Board, i.e. the refusal to issue an export permit for the painting, in the words of the court: “I am of the view that the Federal Court erred in failing to properly apply the standard of reasonableness. The Board’s interpretation of its home statute was entitled to deference, and the Federal Court’s failure to defer to the Board’s decision was a function of a disguised correctness review.”

The case involves important questions of international commercial law regarding art objects, questions which arise in situations where art objects have a close connection to the national identity of a State. The Canadian decision shows the importance of experts for the decision of whether a work of art is part of the national cultural heritage. The Canadian cultural tradition is based on English and French roots. In addition, the Canadian impressionism has been widely influenced by the development of French art. Thus, it is convincing that the painting by Caillebotte which had been owned and held by a private Canadian collector for 60 years forms part of the Canadian cultural heritage, even if the painter never visited Canada. In addition, the case is interesting for the general question, who is entitled to decide that question: art experts, other boards or judges. The court applied the standards of reasonableness and deference to the opinion of the art experts.


A. Kampf: International Insolvency Law of Liechtenstein

Due to various crises, the International Insolvency Law increasingly comes into the focus of currently discussed juridical issues. With reference to this fact, the essay gives an overview of the corresponding legal situation in Liechtenstein, considering that the EU regulation 2015/848 on insolvency proceedings is not applicable. In particular, the author concerns himself with the complex of recognition and the insofar existing necessity of reciprocity. In comparison to the regulation mentioned above, the author comes to identical or at least similar results. He votes for necessity to be abolished and argues for recognition not only of movable assets being located in Liechtenstein.

Conference on Protecting Vulnerable Adults across Europe, 30 March 2021

Tue, 03/16/2021 - 14:11
Thanks to Pietro Franzina for the tip.

The Ministry of Justice of Portugal is organising a High level Conference on Protecting Vulnerable Adults across Europe – the Way Forward. The Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU has included the international protection of adults among its priorities.

The Conference is planned for 30 March 2021. The Programme includes speakers of the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Hague Conference on Priavte International Law, the Fundamental Rights Agency and national ministers of various countries. Access is free, but prior registration is required.

Save the date: the National University of Córdoba (Argentina) is organizing several online conferences on 9, 16, 23 and 30 April 2021 (at 5 pm Argentinian time, 10 pm CEST time) – in Spanish

Mon, 03/15/2021 - 09:28

More information will follow soon. Please click here for a link to the registration page. The Facebook page of the events is available here.

The first edition of the EFFORTS Newsletter is here!

Fri, 03/12/2021 - 12:29

EFFORTS (Towards more EFfective enFORcemenT of claimS in civil and commercial matters within the EU) is an EU-funded Project conducted by the University of Milan (coord.), the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for Procedural Law, the University of Heidelberg, the Free University of Brussels, the University of Zagreb, and the University of Vilnius.

The EFFORTS Project tackles, notably, the Brussels Ibis Regulation and the Regulations on the European Enforcement Order, the European Small Claims Procedure, the European Payment Order, and the European Account Preservation Order. By investigating the implementation of these Regulations in the national procedural law of, respectively, Belgium, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, and Luxembourg, the Project aims at enhancing the enforcement of claims through more efficient procedures, case management, and cooperation in cross-border disputes.

The first edition of the EFFORTS Newsletter was just issued and is available here.






Project JUST-JCOO-AG-2019-881802

With financial support from the Civil Justice Programme of the European Union

HCCH Internship Applications Now Open

Thu, 03/11/2021 - 16:34

Applications are now open for three- to six-month legal internships at our Permanent Bureau in The Hague, for the period from July to December 2021.

Interns work with our legal teams in the areas of Family and Child Protection Law, Legal Cooperation, Dispute Resolution, Commercial and Financial Law. It’s a great way to gain practical experience, deepen your knowledge of private international law, and to understand how the HCCH functions.

Due to the current global situation and the associated travel limitations and restrictions, the Permanent Bureau of the HCCH may consider the possibility that internships be carried out remotely. Interns may also be eligible for a monthly stipend.

We encourage you to share this opportunity with law students and graduates within your networks.

Applications should be submitted by 2 April 2021. For more information, please visit the Internships section of the HCCH website.

This post is published by the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference of Private International Law (HCCH). 

Workshop Gender and Private International Law (GaP) May 6-7, 2021

Thu, 03/11/2021 - 13:41

The transdisciplinary research project on  gender and private international law, which held its kickoff meeting in November 2019 followed by a reading group in Hamburg, will now hold its (postponed) big workshop on May 6-7, 2021. Over the past two years we have worked to create a transdisciplinary field of study at the intersection of feminist and gender studies and private international law. The workshop will establish cross-teaching between disciplines. It will consist of discussion groups covering the pressing topics of transnational surrogacy, the interaction between Western and Islamic family law, and the transnational regulation of queer families. Cyra Choudhury (Florida International University), Susanne Gössl (Kiel), Vanja Hamzi? (SOAS London), Elisabeth Holzleithner (Vienna), and Nadjma Yassari (MPI Hamburg) have agreed to be the convenors.

If you are interested in joining us in May, please send your application by April 2, 2021 at You can find the full Call for Applications here:.  For more information about the project, please visit

Please don’t hesitate to contact us at if you have any further questions.

We look forward to seeing you at the workshop!

Ivana Isailovi? (University of Amsterdam) & Ralf Michaels (MPI Hamburg)

The Nigerian Court of Appeal declines to enforce a Commonwealth of Virginia (in USA) Choice of Court Agreement

Wed, 03/10/2021 - 12:26


I am co-coordinating together with other African private international law experts (Richard Frimpong Oppong, Anthony Kennedy, and Pontian Okoli) an extended and in-depth version of this blog post and more topics, titled “Investing in English-speaking Africa: A private international law toolkit”, which will be the topic of an online Master Class at TMC Asser Institute on June 24-25, 2021.



In  the year 2020, the Nigerian Court of Appeal delivered at least three decisions on choice of court agreements.[1] I discussed two of those cases in this blog here and here. In the first two decisions delivered this year, the Nigerian Court of Appeal gave full contractual effect to the parties’ choice of court agreement.[2] In other words, the Nigerian Court of Appeal interpreted the parties’ choice of court agreement strictly according to is terms as it would do to a contractual document between commercial parties.

In November 30 2020, the Nigerian Court of Appeal delivered a third decision where it declined to enforce a Commonwealth of Virginia (in USA) Choice of Court Agreement.[3] In this connection, the author is of the view that the Court of Appeal’s decision was delivered per incuriam. This is the focus of this comment.



In this case, the claimant/respondent commenced action at the Kaduna High Court with a writ of summons and statement of claim dated the 18th December, 2018 wherein it claimed against the defendant/appellant, the sum of $18,103.00 (USD) being due and unpaid software licensing fee owed by them by virtue of the agreement between the parties dated 12th day of June, 2013.

The defendant/appellant filed a conditional appearance along with a Statement of defence and counter affidavit. Its argument, inter alia, was that by virtue of Article 12 and 13 of their agreement, the Nigerian court had no jurisdiction in this case. The relevant portion of their agreement reads as follows:

GOVERNING LAW: The Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, USA without regard to the principle of conflicts of any jurisdiction.”
With the exception of an action or suit for the Licensee’s failure to make any payment required hereunder when there was no suit or action arising under this Agreement may be brought more than one (1) year following the occurrence giving rise thereto. All suits and actions arising under this Agreement shall be brought in the Commonwealth of Virginia, USA and License hereby submits to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the United States District Courts Sitting in Virginia.”

By a ruling delivered on the 11th December, 2019, the trial High Court entered judgment in favour of the claimant/respondent. The defendant/appellant appealed to the Nigerian Court of Appeal.



Though the Court of Appeal (Hussaini JCA) was of the view that the choice of court agreement in favour of the Commonwealth of Virginia (in USA) was clear and unambiguous and did not have any vitiating circumstances surrounding it (such as fraud), it unanimously held that it would not apply the principle of pacta sunt servanda (agreements between parties should be respected) in this case. It followed the obiter dictum of Oputa JSC which reads as follows:

“[Nigerian] Courts should not be too eager to divest themselves of jurisdiction conferred on them by the Constitution and by other laws simply because parties in their private contracts chose a foreign forum … Courts guard rather jealously their jurisdiction and even where there is an ouster clause of that jurisdiction by Statute it should be by clear and unequivocal words. If that is so, as is indeed it is, how much less can parties by their private acts remove the jurisdiction properly and legally vested in our Courts ? Our courts should be in charge of their own proceedings. When it is said that parties make their own contracts and that the courts will only give effect to their intention as expressed in and by the contract, that should generally be understood to mean and imply a contract which does not rob the Court of its jurisdiction in favour of another foreign forum.”[4]

In applying this obiter dictum to the facts of the case, Hussaini JCA held as follows:

“By reason of Section 6(1)(2)(6)(b) of the Constitution of FRN, 1999 (as amended)  the judicial powers vested in the Courts “extend to all matters between persons or between Government or authority and to any person in Nigeria, and to all actions and proceedings relating thereto, for the determination of any question as to the civil rights and obligations of that person”. Consequently, no person or group of persons by their own private treaty or arrangements can agree to oust the jurisdiction and provisions vested in the Courts by the Constitution. Even where such clauses are put in place in or as a contract with international flavour to rob the Courts of the land of jurisdiction in favour of another foreign forum, the Courts of the land are obliged to apply the blue pencil rule to severe those clauses from the contract or ignore same by virtue of the Constitutional provision which confer on the Court, the jurisdiction and power to entertain those cases.
Talking about the jurisdiction of the Courts, the Court below, by virtue of Section 272 of the Constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended) has jurisdiction to entertain cases such as recovery of debts, as in the instant case on appeal. It is for this reason that clauses in the likes of Articles 12 and 13 in the Article of the Agreement should be ignored when determining the rights and liabilities between the parties herein in matters such as this and the trial Court took the right approach when it discountenanced same to reach the conclusion that it did.
In any case, is it for the recovery of the sum of $18,103, (USD) only claimed by the Respondents, that parties herein are required, by that contract or agreement to submit themselves to a foreign forum in Virginia, USA for adjudication of their case, without consideration of the concomitant procedural difficulties attendant thereto, as for instance, of having to return the case to Nigeria, the place where the contract was concluded initially, to register the judgment obtained at that foreign forum, in Virginia, USA, to be enforced in Nigeria? I think the Courts in Nigeria, fully seized of the case, will in the exercise of its discretion refuse the request to refer the case to a foreign forum for adjudication. It is for all the reasons already expressed in this discourse that I hold the firm view that the trial Court was competent or is competent when it entertained and adjudicated over the recovery suit or action filed by the Respondent against the Appellant.”[5]



There are five comments that could be made about the Court of Appeal’s decision (Hussaini JCA) in A.B.U. v VTLS.[6] First, the Court of Appeal (Hussaini JCA) in A.B.U. v VTLS[7] followed Oputa JSC’s obiter dictum in Sonnar (Nig) Ltd v Partenreedri MS Norwind.[8] It should be stressed that Oputa JSC’s obiter dictum is not binding on lower courts according to the Nigerian common law doctrine of stare decisis. In addition, Oputa JSC’s obiter dictum was a concurring judgment. Indeed, the Supreme Court in Sonnar (supra) had unanimously given preference to the enforcement of a foreign jurisdiction clause except where strong cause is advanced to the contrary.[9] The majority of the Supreme Court did not treat it as an ouster clause. It is incongruous to hold, on the one hand, that the Nigerian court would hold parties to their bargain in enforcing a foreign jurisdiction clause except where strong cause is shown to the contrary, and on the other hand, treat a foreign jurisdiction clause as if it were an ouster clause. In Sonnar, the choice of court agreement was not enforced because strong cause was shown to the contrary – the proceedings would be time-barred in a foreign forum, and the claimant would not have access to justice.

Furthermore, the Nigerian Supreme Court in another case held that where a plaintiff sues in Nigeria in breach of a foreign jurisdiction clause, Nigerian law “requires such discretion to be exercised by granting a stay unless strong cause for not doing so is shown. The burden of showing such strong cause for not granting the application lies on the doorsteps of…the plaintiff.”[10] The Supreme Court in this case enforced the choice of court agreement and stayed the proceedings in Nigeria because the plaintiff did not file a counter affidavit to demonstrate strong reasons why the proceedings should not be heard in a foreign forum chosen by the parties.[11]

If the ratio decidendi in the Supreme Court cases in Sonar and Nika are applied to the recent Court of Appeal’s decision in A.B.U. v VTLS (supra), it is clear that the Court of Appeal (Hussaini JCA) reached its decision per incuriam. There was nothing in the judgment to demonstrate that the plaintiff provided strong reasons (such as time bar in a foreign forum) why the choice of court agreement in favour of the Commonwealth of Virginia (in USA) should not be enforced. The argument that the choice of court agreement is an ouster clause without more is not a strong reason not to enforce the choice of court agreement.

Second, a choice of court agreement in favour of another court does not mean the Nigerian court’s jurisdiction no longer exists (without jurisdiction) under the Nigerian constitution, as the Court of Appeal (Hussaini JCA) held in this case. Such jurisdiction exists, but it is up to the Nigerian court in exercise of its jurisdiction to decide whether or not to stay proceedings. This view is consistent with the Nigerian Supreme Court’s decisions in Sonar and Nika. The fact that such proceedings are stayed and not dismissed means that a Nigerian court’s jurisdiction is not ousted.

Third, some Nigerian judges confuse choice of court with choice of law. The Court of Appeal (Hussaini JCA) also fell into this error. The choice of the law of the Commonwealth of Virginia is not the same thing as choosing the courts of the Commonwealth of Virginia. For example, the Nigerian courts could assume jurisdiction and apply the law of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Fourth, looking at the bigger picture, I generally acknowledge that the principle of pacta sunt servanda in enforcing choice of court agreements are aimed at enhancing the efficacy of business transactions and, legal certainty and predictability in international commercial litigation. However, I must point out that despite the Nigerian Supreme Court decisions on the point that hold that choice of court agreements should be enforced except there are strong reasons to the contrary, I am generally not in favour of Nigerian courts declining jurisdiction in international commercial litigation. It ultimate hurts the Nigerian economy (e.g. less job for Nigerian lawyers), hampers access to Nigerian justice, and does not help Nigerian judges in strengthening our legal system. What is the solution? I suggest that in the future the Nigerian Supreme Court should apply the test of “interest of justice” in determining whether or not it will enforce a choice of court agreement. Thus, all the circumstances of the case should be considered as to whether the interest of justice will be served if the choice of court agreement is enforced. I also suggest that in such cases where a choice of court agreement is enforced in Nigeria, a stay for a maximum of six months should be granted. If the claimant does not institute the case in the chosen foreign court within six months, Nigerian courts should assume jurisdiction. In addition, if it is sufficiently demonstrated that the chosen foreign forum later becomes inaccessible or impracticable for the claimant to sue, the Nigerian court should retain jurisdiction to handle such claims.

Sixth, Nigeria should consider ratifying the Hague Choice of Court Convention, 2005. This Convention will work better in Nigerian courts if litigation is made attractive for international commercial actors, so they can designate Nigerian courts as the chosen forum. Speed, efficiency, legal aid for poor and weaker parties, and integrity of the Nigeria’s system are some of the issues that can be taken into account in enhancing Nigeria’s status as an attractive forum for international commercial litigation.



The Nigerian Court of Appeal has delivered three reported decisions on choice of court agreements in the year 2020. The recent Court of Appeal’s decision in A.B.U. v VTLS (supra) was reached per incuriam because it is inconsistent with Nigerian Supreme Court decisions that hold that a choice of court agreement should be enforced except there are strong reasons to the contrary.

The Nigerian Supreme Court in the future should rise to the occasion to create new tests for determining if a choice of court agreement should be enforced in Nigeria. These tests should reconcile the needs of access to Nigerian justice on the one hand, and respecting the contractual agreements of parties to designate a foreign forum.

The Nigerian government should create the necessary infrastructure and requirements that will enable Nigeria effectively ratify and implement the Hague Convention on Choice of Court agreements, 2005.

[1] Kashamu v UBN Plc (2020) 15 NWLR (Pt. 1746) 90; Damac Star Properties LLC v Profitel Limited (2020) LPELR-50699(CA); A.B.U. v VTLS (2020) LPELR-52142 (CA).

[2] Kashamu v UBN Plc (2020) 15 NWLR (Pt. 1746) 90; Damac Star Properties LLC v Profitel Limited (2020) LPELR-50699(CA).

[3] A.B.U. v VTLS (2020) LPELR-52142 (CA).

[4](1987) 4 NWLR 520, 544 – 45, approving Lord Denning’s statement in The Fehmarn [ 1958 ] 1 All ER 333 , 335 . Cf. Conoil Plc v Vitol SA (2018) 9 NWLR 463, 489 (Nweze JSC) – “our courts will only interrogate contracts which are designed to rob Nigerian courts of their jurisdiction in favour of foreign fora or where, by their acts, they are minded to remove the jurisdiction, properly and legally, vested in Nigerian courts.” See also LAC v AAN Ltd (2006) 2 NWLR 49, 81 (Ogunbiyi JCA as she then was).

[5]A.B.U. v VTLS (2020) LPELR-52142 (CA) 15 – 18.

[6] (2020) LPELR-52142 (CA),

[7] (2020) LPELR-52142 (CA),

[8](1987) 4 NWLR 520, 544 – 45

[9] Even Oputa JSC held thus: ‘Where a domestic forum is asked to stay proceedings because parties in their contract chose a foreign Court … it should be very clearly understood by our courts that the power to stay proceedings on that score is not mandatory. Rather it is discretionary which in the ordinary way, and in the absence of strong reasons to the contrary will be exercised both judiciously and judicially bearing in mind each parties right to justice ’ –Sonnar (supra) at 545 (emphasis added).

[10] Nika Fishing Company Ltd v Lavina Corporation (2008) 16 NWLR 509, 535 (Mohammed JSC, as he then was).

[11] Conoil Plc v Vitol SA (2018) 9 NWLR 463, 489 (Nweze JSC), 500-1 (Okoro JSC), 502 (Eko JSC).

MPI Luxembourg – 3rd CPLJ Webinar: 16 April 2021

Wed, 03/10/2021 - 10:03

Comparative Procedural Law and Justice (CPLJ) is a global project of the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for Procedural Law, with the support of the Luxembourg National Research Fund (O19/13946847), involving more than one hundred scholars from all over the world.

CPLJ is envisioned as a comprehensive study of comparative civil procedural law and civil dispute resolution schemes in the contemporary world. It aims at understanding procedural rules in their cultural context, as well as at highlighting workable approaches to the resolution of civil disputes.

In this framework, the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for Procedural Law will host its 3rd CPLJ Webinar on 16 April 2021, 3:00 – 5:15 pm (CET).

The programme reads as follows:

Chair:  Burkhard Hess (Director of the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg and CPLJ Editor)

3:00 pm  Oscar Chase (New York University)

Comparative Procedural Law and Culture

3:30 pm Discussion

4:00 pm Intermission

4:15 pm  Fausto Pocar (University of Milan)

Comparative Procedural Law: A View from Practice

4:45 pm Discussion

5:15 pm End of conference

The full programme is available here.

Participation is free of charge, but registration is required by 9 April 2021 via a short e-mail to

(Image credits:  Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam)

Webinar: Brexit and International Business Law/ Brexit e diritto del commercio internazionale

Tue, 03/09/2021 - 19:36

by Fabrizio Marrella

Event: Brexit and International Business Law/ Brexit e diritto del commercio internazionale

When: 26 March 2021, at 14.30 CET

How: Free access upon enrolment by sending an email at  the contact person is: Ms. Giovanna Tello.

Working languages: English and Italian with no simultaneous translation.

Short description: Webinar on the most relevant legal profiles following the process following the Referendum of 23 June 2016, which led to BREXIT on 31 January 2020. The end of the transitional period on 31 December 2020 led to the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (“TCA”) of 24 December 2020 which avoided the “No Deal”. Since January 1st, 2021, the United Kingdom is no longer part of the EU’s customs and tax territory. The TCA creates a free trade area for goods without extra duties or quotas for products, but introduces new rules on rules of origin and labelling of Italian products exported to the United Kingdom as well as new rules for online international sales contracts. The TCA does not clearly regulate the area of financial services, nor it provides detailed regulation for automatic mutual recognition of professional qualifications. All in all, Brexit and TCA require an assessment of current and future international commercial contracts between EU and British companies as well as an evaluation of civil and commercial dispute resolution tools, including arbitration.

Here is the link

Prof. Fabrizio Marrella

Prorettore alle Relazioni internazionali e alla Cooperazione internazionale/ Vice Rector for International Relations and International Cooperation

Ordinario di Diritto Internazionale / Chair of International Law

I Jean Monnet Network – BRIDGE Seminar “EU-Latin America trade and investment relations”

Tue, 03/09/2021 - 11:30

by Aline Beltrame de Moura, Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, in Brazil

On March 15th, 2021, at 5 pm (PT time – GMT 0), the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon will hold the conference “EU-Latin America trade and investment relations”. The conference is part of the Jean Monnet Network project “Building Rights and Developing Knowledge between European Union and Latin America – BRIDGE”.

Among the participants the Minister of State and Foreign Affairs of Portugal, the President of the European Parliament’s Delegation for relations with Brazil; the EU Ambassador to Brazil, the Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs of Mexico and a former Secretary of the Tribunal Permanente de Revisión del Mercosur.

A Workshop about the EU-Latin American trade and investment relations, will precede the conference (at 1 pm – PT time – GMT 0), with the presentation of the selected scientific papers from professors and researchers of nine different countries universities.

The Seminar will be held in Portuguese and Spanish, via zoom. For more information, click here.

Is Tessili still good law?

Tue, 03/09/2021 - 11:06

by Felix M. Wilke, University of Bayreuth, Germany

Most readers of this blog will be well aware that, according to the ECJ, the “place of performance” of a contractual obligation within the meaning of Article 7(1)(a) Brussels Ibis is not a concept to be understood independently from national law. Rather, in order to determine this place, one must apply the substantive law designated by the forum’s conflict-of-law rules. The ECJ has held so for decades, starting with Tessili (Case C-12/76, ECLI:EU:C:1976:133, at 13). Recent decisions by the ECJ have led me to doubt that Tessili still is lex terrae Europaea, at least as far as contracts with some relation to a right in rem in immovable property are concerned. (And I am not alone: Just today, Marion Ho-Dac analyses this issue as well over at the EAPIL Blog.)

The applicability of Article 7(1)(a) Brussels Ibis in the context of co-ownership agreements

To begin with, it is necessary to establish what Article 7(1)(a) Brussels Ibis has to do with co-ownership agreements. Article 24(1) Brussels Ibis might appear to be the more natural jurisdictional rule in this context. But it does not suffice that a case has some connection to property law. Article 24(1) Brussels Ibis only applies if the action is based on a right in rem. The Court has been characterising rights as rights in rem independently from national law (a point I would agree with). The main feature of a right in rem is its effect erga omnes (Wirkung gegenüber jedermann; effet à l’egard de tous – see Case C-292/93, ECLI:EU:C:1994:241– Lieber, at 14). Thus, Art. 24(1) Brussels Ibis will not apply to a dispute concerning rights whose effect is limited to other co-owners and/or the association of co-owners. Rather, Article 7(1)(a) Brussels Ibis comes into play. The Court considers the corresponding obligations as freely consented to, as they ultimately arise from the voluntary acquisition of property, regardless of the fact that the resulting membership in the association of co-owners is prescribed by law (Case C-25/18, ECLI:EU:C:2019:376 – Kerr, at 27). This applies, e.g., to a co-owner’s payment obligation arising from a decision taken by the general meeting of co-owners.

From Schmidt to Ellmes Property

Kerr only concerned the question of whether Art. 7(1)(a) Brussels Ibis applies to such disputes at all. The Court had reasoned (to my mind quite correctly) in Schmidt (Case C-417/15, ECLI:EU:C:2016:881, at 39) earlier that an action based on the alleged invalidity of a contractual obligation for the conveyance of the ownership of immovable property is no matter falling under Article 24(1) Brussels Ibis. It then had gone beyond the question referred to it and stated that Article 7(1)(a) Brussels Ibis applies, noting that this contractual obligation would have to be performed in Austria (being the location of the immovable property in question). Ellmes Property (Case C-433/19, ECLI:EU:C:2020:900, reported on this blog here and here) now combines the two strands from Kerr and Schmidt. This recent case again concerns a dispute in the context of a co-ownership agreement. One co-owner sued the other for an alleged contravention of the designated use of the respective apartment building (i.e., letting an apartment out to tourists). If this designated use does not have effect erga omnes, e.g. cannot be relied on against a tenant, the CJEU would apply Article 7(1)(a) Brussels Ibis. But once again, the Court does not stop there. It goes on to assert that “[The obligation to adhere to the designated use] relates to the actual use of such property and must be performed in the place in which it is situated.” (at 44).

A Tessili-shaped hole in the Court’s reasoning

In other words, the Court seems at least twice to have determined the place of performance itself, without reference to the applicable law – even though there does not seem to be any pertinent rule of substantive law that the Court would have been competent to interpret. A reference to Tessili or any decision made in its wake is missing from both Schmidt and Ellmes Property. (In his Opinion on Ellmes Property, Advocate General Szpunar did not fail to mention Tessili, by the way.) And in Ellmes Property, the Court proceeds to argue that this very place of performance makes sense in light of the goals of Brussels Ibis and its Article 7 in particular. The Court thus uses jurisdictional arguments for a question supposedly subject to considerations of substantive law.

“Here’s your answer, but please make sure it is correct.”

Admittedly, the statement in Schmidt was made obiter, and the Court locates the place of performance only “subject to verification by the referring court” in Ellmes Property. The latter might be a veiled reference to Tessili. But why not make it explicit? Why not at least refer to the Advocate General’s opinion (also) in this regard? And why the strange choice of the word “verification” for question of law? But the Court has not expressly overruled Tessili. Furthermore, I do not want to believe that it has simply overlooked such an important strand of its case-law presented to it on a silver platter by the Advocate-General, one arguably enshrined in the structure of Article 7(1) Brussels Ibis, anyway. Hence, I (unlike Marion Ho-Dac, although I certainly agree with her as to the low quality of the judgment in Ellmes Property) still hesitate to conclude that Tessili must be disregarded from now on. This assumption, however, leads to one further odd result. While the referring court that had asked the ECJ for clarification of the place of performance does receive a concrete answer, it now has to check whether this answer is actually correct. Granted, it is not uncommon for the Court to assign certain homework to the referring court. Yet here, the former employed some new standard and tasked the latter to check whether the result holds up if one applies the old standard.  I fail to see the point of this exchange between the national court and the Court of Justice.

(A full case note of mine (in German) on Ellmes Property, touching on this issue as well as others, is forthcoming in the Zeitschrift für das Privatrecht der Europäischen Union (GPR).)


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