Recently published paper The Reception of Collective Actions in Europe: Reconstructing the Mental Process of a Legal Transplantation, authored by Csongor István Nagy, Professor at the University of Szeged, is a must read for those studying collective actions in EU. It is intended to identify the differentia specifica of the European collective actions as opposed to those in US, which in itself is not an easy task as there are various models in different Member States. However, the paper elegantly navigates these waters and offers a firm grasp of the history and present state on this increasingly important topic on this side of the Atlantic (you may track the EU developments at the legislative train site). For the rest, you need to read the paper…
It is published in Journal of Dispute Resolution, Vol. 2020, No. 2, pp. 413-443 (2020), and also available at SSRN.
Apostolos Anthimos has posted on SSRN a paper titled Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in the Field of Bilateral Conventions of Greece with Balkan States.
The purpose of this paper is to present the current legislative framework and the practice of Greek courts with respect to the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments falling under the scope of bilateral conventions signed with Balkan States. Prior to presenting individual conventions and related case-law, few brief remarks are given on the role of bilateral treaties in the Greek landscape. A special chapter is dedicated to the conditions for recognition and enforcement, cutting horizontally through all conventions included in the scope of this paper. The findings of the research suggest that, on a bilateral level, judgments from the Balkan States are generally recognized in Greece.
Readers of this blog may be interested to hear of a new textbook on private international law, recently published by LexisNexis. The Conflict of Laws in New Zealand is the first comprehensive treatment of the subject from a New Zealand perspective. Drawing on principles developed in common law countries while adopting a comparative perspective, it explains how New Zealand law has developed into an indigenous body of rules to deal with problems of jurisdiction, choice of law, recognition of judgments and international civil procedure. The textbook may be of interest to scholars and academics outside New Zealand who are looking for a comparative treatment of problems in modern private international law, as well as any lawyers who find themselves interacting with New Zealand law in practice.
The first part of the book covers the four distinct functions of the conflict of laws: adjudicatory jurisdiction (including personal and subject-matter jurisdiction), choice of law, recognition and enforcement of judgments, and international civil procedure. The second part of the book addresses the conflict of laws rules as they relate to the main subject areas of private law, including obligations, property and trusts, succession, family law and corporations and insolvency
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