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Supreme Sites Services: Immunity of international organisations and ‘civil and commercial’. CJEU holds with emphasis on the provisional nature of the proceedings and the ordinary contractual nature of the goods supplied.

GAVC - Fri, 09/04/2020 - 08:08

María Barral Martínez and I reviewed Saugmandsgaard Øe’s Opinion in C-186/19 Supreme Site Services v SHAPE here – see also references to earlier postings in that report. The Court held yesterday. The case involves both Article 1 Brussels Ia, on the issue of ‘civil and commercial’ and the impact on same of claimed immunity; and on the application of Article 24(5)’s exclusive jurisdictional rule for proceedings ‘concerned with the enforcement of judgments’.

The case concerns SHAPE’s appeal to a Dutch Court to lift the attachment aka ‘garnishment’ of a Belgian NATO /SHAPE escrow account by Supreme Services GmbH, a supplier of fuel to NATO troops in Afghanistan. In 2013, Supreme and Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCB), the Netherlands-based regional headquarters of NATO, set up an escrow bank account in Belgium with the goal of offsetting any contingent liabilities on both sides at the end of Basic Ordering Agreements (BOAs). Supreme Services in 2015 initiated proceedings against SHAPE and JFCB in the Netherlands arguing that the latter parties had not fulfilled their payment obligations towards Supreme. It also attached the account in Belgium.

Maria earlier discussed the oddity that the Dutch Court of Appeal in the meantime has already held on the merits of the case. Shape submitted at the CJEU that this, and the fact that the Belgian courts executed their Dutch counterpart’s lifting of the garnishee order following the Dutch-Belgian 1925 Bilateral Convention, meant the questions had become largely inadmissible. The CJEU disagrees: the case before it has been referred by the Supreme Court, and that court has exclusive power under national law to determine how much it can still interfere in the substance of the case, which is still very much ‘alive’ therefore.

A first issue under discussion was whether the garnishment order, which the Court per C‑261/90 Reichert and Kochler qualifies as ‘provisional, including protective measures’ under (now) Article 35 BIa, concerns ‘civil and commercial matters’. Among others Greece and Shape argue that the nature of the substantive proceedings determines this exercises, while the CJEU, following the view of ia the EC, BEN and NL, insists it is the nature of the rights which the provisional and protective measure seek to safeguard, that must rule that exercise – support is found in 143/78 de Cavel. This finding reinforces the particular nature of ‘provisional, including protective measures’ in the set-up of the Regulation.

On the impact of claimed immunity on the subsequent qualification as ‘civil and commercial’, reference is of course made to the CJEU’s May judgment in C-641/18 Rina which I reviewed here. The Court extends its reasoning there to here despite the fact that as it notes at 61, States’ immunity is automatic and based on par in parem non habet imperium, while for international organisations it is not automatic and has to be conferred by the treaties establishing those organisations. Per Rina the CJEU assesses whether the international organisation acted iure imperii, for which of course it has a range of predecent available. At 66 it emphasises that how the organisation uses the supplied goods (here: to support the military campaign in Afghanistan) does not impact on the nature of the relationship it has with the supplier. The Court ends by instructing the Dutch SC to carry out the necessary factual checks however it suggests that in casu neither the legal relationship between the parties to an action such as that in the main proceedings nor the basis and the detailed rules governing the bringing of that action (here: the ordinary Article 705(1) of the Dutch CPR) can be regarded as showing the exercise of public powers for the purposes of EU law.

On the issue of Article 24(5), the Court takes a restrictive view as it becomes all elements of Article 24: reference here is made to CJEU C-722/17  Reitbauer: only proceedings relating to recourse to force, constraint or distrain on movable or immovable property in order to ensure the effective implementation of judgments and authentic instruments fall within A24(5)’s scope.

I trust public international lawyers will have more to say about the PIL implications of the judgment.


(Handbook of) EU private international law, 2nd ed. 2016, Chapter 2, Heading

Portaits of Leading Figures of French Private International Law

EAPIL blog - Fri, 09/04/2020 - 08:00

The French Committee of Private International Law has published a book presenting portraits of 15 former presidents of the Committee since it was established in 1934.

As the goal of the Committee has been to establish a bridge between the bench, the bar and the academy, the presidents have been essentially academics (Batiffol, Goldman) and judges (Bellet, Ponsard, Dray), but also members of the bar (Decugis).

Each of the portraits attempts to assess the contribution of the president to the development of the field, but also to present his personal history.

The foreword and table of contents of the book can be accessed here. More information is available here.

Règlement européen sur les successions : champ d’application, résidence, autonomie de la volonté

Par un arrêt substantiel, la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne se penche sur les conditions de mise en œuvre du règlement du 4 juillet 2012 relatif aux successions, en s’arrêtant sur les notions de succession ayant des incidences transfrontières et de résidence habituelle du défunt, ainsi que sur la possibilité de choisir la loi applicable à la succession.

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Categories: Flux français

Précisions sur la motivation de la nécessité et de la proportionnalité de la peine de confiscation

Hormis le cas où la confiscation porte sur un bien qui constitue le produit ou l’objet de l’infraction, le juge, en ordonnant une telle mesure, doit apprécier le caractère proportionné de l’atteinte portée au droit de propriété de l’intéressé lorsqu’une telle garantie est invoquée ou procéder à cet examen d’office lorsqu’il s’agit d’une confiscation de tout ou partie du patrimoine. 

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