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Grève des avocats : « notre épuisement renforce notre motivation »

Alors que le Conseil national des barreaux est reçu aujourd’hui, à 19 heures, par le Premier ministre, le mouvement de grève des avocats ne faiblit pas. Mais pour combien de temps ?

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Catégories: Flux français

The 2019 Hague Judgments Convention – A Game Changer?

Conflictoflaws - mer, 01/22/2020 - 14:58

The Hague Convention of 2 July 2019 on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters will form the object of a conference (in English) scheduled to take place on 23 April 2020 at the Catholic University of Milan.

Speakers include Gilles Cuniberti (University of Luxembourg), Elena D’Alessandro (University of Turin), Francisco Garcimartín Alférez (Autonomous University of Madrid), Marko Jovanovic (University of Belgrade), Antonio Leandro (University of Bari) and Matthias Weller (University of Bonn). Fausto Pocar (University of Milan) will chair the conference while Luca Radicati di Brozolo (Catholic University of Milan) will offer some concluding remarks.

The event benefits from the support of EAPIL, the European Association of Private International Law, and of the Interest Group on Private International Law of SIDI, the Italian Society of International and EU Law.

Attendance is free, but those wishing to attend are required to register by 10 April 2020 through the conference website. In view of the limited seating capacity of the room where the conference will take place, early registration is recommended.

For more information:

5/2020 : 22 janvier 2020 - Conclusions de l'avocat général dans l'affaire C-307/18

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mer, 01/22/2020 - 10:11
Generics (UK) e.a.
L’avocate générale Kokott propose à la Cour de juger qu’un accord de règlement amiable d’un litige opposant le titulaire d’un brevet pharmaceutique à un fabricant de médicaments génériques peut être contraire au droit de la concurrence de l’Union

Catégories: Flux européens

6/2020 : 22 janvier 2020 - Arrêts de la Cour de justice dans les affaires C-175/18, C-178/18 P

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mer, 01/22/2020 - 10:00
PTC Therapeutics International / EMA
Droit institutionnel
La Cour confirme le droit d’accès aux documents contenus dans le dossier d’une demande d’autorisation de mise sur le marché des médicaments

Catégories: Flux européens

Two negatives a positive make? A brief report on anti anti-suit in (among others) continental courts.

GAVC - mer, 01/22/2020 - 01:01

A flag on anti anti-suit. Steve Ross reports here on the Paris Court of First Instance (Tribunal de Grande Instance) judgment in RG 19/59311 IPCom v Lenovo /Motorola granting a preliminary injunction.  IPCOM GmbH & Co. KG is an intellectual property rights licensing and technology R&D company. Lenovo/Motorola a telecommunications company. As Steve writes, the French Court held that it had jurisdiction over the case with regard to a patent infringement claim and ordered Lenovo to withdraw the motion for an anti-suit injunction which that company had brought before the US District Court of the Northern District of California in so far as it concerns the French part of the patent.

Steve notes (I have not read the actual judgment) that ‘according to the French Court, the international French public order (ordre public) does not recognise the validity of an anti-suit injunction, except where its purpose is to enforce a contractual jurisdiction clause or an arbitral clause. Under all other circumstances, anti-suit injunction proceedings have the effect of indirectly disregarding the exclusive power of each sovereign state to freely determine the international jurisdictional competence of their courts.’

Peter Bert also reports last week a German anti anti-suit injunction at the Courts in Munchen, also for IPR cases.

For progress in the US anti-suit (one ‘anti’ only) application see order here.

Juve Patent report (as does Peter) that the High Court, too, has issued a (partial) anti anti-suit in the case however I have not been able to locate the judgment.

Note that continental courts (see in the French case) finding that anti-suit in general infringes ordre public is an important instruction viz future relationships with UK court orders following Brexit (should the UK not follow EU civil procedure).


(Handbook of) EU private international law, 2nd ed. 2016, Chapter 2, Heading 2.2.1.

Nouvelle demande de mise en liberté de Patrick Balkany : décision le 27 janvier

La cour d’appel de Paris a examiné mardi la troisième demande de mise en liberté de Patrick Balkany dans le dossier de blanchiment de fraude fiscale. Incarcéré depuis le 13 septembre 2019 à la maison d’arrêt de la Santé, le maire de Levallois-Perret est hospitalisé, presque sans discontinuer, depuis le 12 décembre.

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Catégories: Flux français


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