Agrégateur de flux

Li Shengwu, Singapore: Serving out of jurisdiction in contempt of court cases.

GAVC - mer, 10/03/2018 - 12:12

Many thanks to Filbert Lam, a former student of mine, for alerting me to another interesting case in comparative conflict of laws: the story of Li Shengwu is recalled here.

The Singapore Prime Minister’s nephew made remarks in a Facebook post, which were allegedly contemptuous of the judiciary. When he made those remarks, he was located in the US, where he intends to stay (and work). The Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) wants to serve the summons on him in the US. Under what circumstances can this be done and what is the impact of a procedural law seemingly assisting the AGC in serving the summons, but which would have to be applied retroactively in the case at issue?

The Court of Appeal proceeding will be one to look out for.


Fraude au détachement de travailleurs : application de la jurisprudence européenne

Lorsqu’il est saisi de poursuites pénales du chef de travail dissimulé, pour défaut de déclarations aux organismes de protection sociale et que la personne poursuivie produit des certificats E101 à l’égard des travailleurs concernés, le juge ne peut les écarter qu’aux conditions énoncées par la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne. 

en lire plus

Catégories: Flux français

Space of Flows and the Law – A seminar in Nice

Conflictoflaws - mar, 10/02/2018 - 19:35

On 25 October 2018, the University of Nice will host a seminar titled Space of Flows and the Law.

The event, part of a series of doctoral workshops on Multidisciplinary and Comparative Approaches to Globalization Phenomena, aims to discuss the idea of “flow space” and its possible relevance to the understanding of complex phenomena relating to globalization and transnational movement.

The main speakers are Benjamin Bowling (King’s College London), who will present his research on Global Policing, and Jean-Sylvestre Bergé (University of Nice), who will speak of his research on Full Movement Beyond Control and the Law.

Guillemine Taupiac-Nouvel (Uinversity of Pau-Bayonne) will moderate the discussion.

See here for further information.


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