Droit international général

Transatlantic Dialogues on Private International Law – Call for Papers

EAPIL blog - mer, 08/30/2023 - 08:00

The University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research, UCILeR, Portugal, is an investigation center devoted to the analysis of the legal implications and possible solutions for societal challenges.

Knowing that the family and personal status have been going through profound changes in internal legislations and in the scope of international mobility, the organizing committee of the Seminar on Transatlantic dialogues on PIL: family and personal status on the move (consisting of Dulce Lopes, Guillermo Palao Moreno, Nicolas Nord and Paula Távora Vítor) decided to contribute to the ongoing discussions on those issues, by adding a clear and necessary intercontinental dimension to them.

The Seminar is intended to discuss topics related to novelties in the regulation and recognition of family and personal status, through a series of combined panels from colleagues from Europe and America, ranging from the more general issues such as Family and Personal Status and Registry, Family and Personal Status between Nationality and Habitual Residence, Family and Personal Status and Human Rights and Family and Personal Status and Best Interest of the Child, to the more specific topics on Name in Private International Law (How far should personal autonomy go?), Multiple Parenthood in Private International Law (Socio-affective ties and new family models), Gender in Private International Law (Should sex still be a part of the civil status?) and Poly Amorous Relationships in Private International Law (Going beyond polygamy?). 

Young Researchers are welcome to propose individual or co-authored presentations. These presentations should cover one of the above-mentioned themes or others closely related to them. Paper proposals shall fit into the objectives of the Seminar and will be selected according their innovative approach, academic soundness as well as to their contribution to the development of private international law studies.

Proposals should be submitted no later than 20 September 2023 by e-mail to dulcel@fd.uc.pt and paulavit@fd.uc.pt. The proposals should include: the proposed title; an abstract of no more than 300 words; the participant’s name, function and affiliation; the indication if the paper is to be presented online or on-site.

The submission of paper abstracts and participation in the Seminar is free of charge. UCILeR does not cover expenses.

The conference will be held in a hybrid format – online and on-site – at the University of Coimbra. The papers selected by the conveners will be presented on 12 October 2o23.

Out Now: “Turning away from Multilateralism – International Law in Danger?” (Proceedings of the German Society of International Law, Issue 51)

Conflictoflaws - mar, 08/29/2023 - 17:40

Recently, the  German Society of International Law (DGIR) has published the proceedings of its 37 Biennial Conference held in Heidelberg from 9 to 11 March 2022.  The volume is devoted to the – very timely – topic of “Turning away from Multilateralism – International Law in Danger?” and contains five contributions (in German) explicitly discussing issues related to Private International Law:

  • Internationalization versus Europeanization and Renationalization in Private International Law
    by Prof. Dr. Martin Gebauer, Tübingen, Judge at the Court of Appeal in Stuttgart
  • The Crisis of Uniform Law
    by Prof. Dr. Matthias Weller, Mag.rer.publ., Bonn
  • The Influence of Human Rights on Private International Law
    by Prof. Dr. Christine Budzikiewicz, Marburg
  • Crisis and Future of State Courts as an Instrument of Dispute Resolution in International Trade
    by Prof. Dr. Michael Stürner, M.Jur (Oxford), Konstanz
  • Arbitration Reform from an International Law Perspective
    by Hans-Georg Dederer, University of Passau

The English-language summaries, provided for by the authors and the publisher, are available here.

New Article published in the Journal of Comparative Law in Africa

Conflictoflaws - mar, 08/29/2023 - 16:06


A new private international law article was recently published online in the Journal of Comparative Law in Africa. The title is: MK Quartey & TE Coleman, “The Law Applicable to Tortious Liability: A Comparative Analysis of Article 4 of the Rome II Regulation and Private International Law in Ghana”

The abstract reads as follows:

The law applicable to tortious liability involving a foreign element has become one of the most vexed questions in private international law. This can be attributed to technological advancements and the movement of people and goods across state lines. Accidents involving a foreign element are, therefore, reasonably foreseeable. Torts such as online defamation, accidents involving self-driving vehicles, and other technological acts involving a foreign element have heightened the possibility of cross-border torts. Considering the complexities associated with cross-border torts, the European Union (EU) has enacted the Rome II Regulation. The overarching objective of enacting the Rome II Regulation is to promote certainty and predictability when dealing with cross-border disputes, irrespective of the country of the court in which an action is brought in the EU. Conversely, Ghana relies on the broadly drafted section 54 of the Courts Act 459 of 1993 and common law principles of private international law to determine the aspects of choice of law. This has made the position in Ghana very uncertain and unpredictable due to the broad discretion given to courts under section 54 of the Courts Act, particularly in determining the law applicable to cross-border tort cases. Also, Ghanaian courts have applied the much-criticised double actionability rule to determine the rights and obligations of parties in cross-border tort cases. In light of the uncertain and unpredictable nature of Ghanaian law, some academics have suggested that Ghana adopt the traditional rule to determine the applicable law in torts. This article seeks to critically analyse the applicability of article 4 of the Rome II Regulation regarding non-contractual liabilities. The article compares how courts in EU member states have applied article 4 to determine the applicable law in torts, to how the Ghanaian courts use private international law rules to determine the applicable law in torts. The essence of the comparison is to ascertain whether Ghana can draw some legislative and judicial lessons from the position under article 4. In addition, the significance of the comparison is to determine whether the approach under the Rome II Regulation can serve as a basis for legal reforms in Ghana. Most importantly, the article explores the extent to which the legal approach under the EU law can bolster judicial certainty and predictability in Ghanaian law.

Muir Watt on Alterity in the Conflict of Laws

EAPIL blog - mar, 08/29/2023 - 08:00

Horatia Muir Watt (Sciences Po Law School) has published the lecture that she gave as the 18th Rabel Lecture in November 2022 on Alterity in the Conflict of Laws – An Onthology of the In-Between.

The conflict of laws can serve heuristically to underscore two established but radically opposing models of modernist legal ordering: multilateralism and statutism. Such a prism is helpful if we want to rethink (as we must!) our late-modern legality’s deep epistemological settings in the shadow of the »catastrophic times« to come, whether in terms of environmental devastation or political dislocation. Both phenomena are profoundly linked and indeed constitute two faces of alterity, natural and cultural, from which modernity has progressively taught us to distance ourselves. Importantly, law encodes the conditions that produce these dual somatic symptoms in our contemporary societies. This chasm between nature and culture has produced humanity’s “ontological privilege” over our natural surroundings and a similar claim of superiority of modern (Western) worldviews over “the rest”. In this respect, the main achievement of the moderns, as Bruno Latour wryly observed, has been to universalise the collective blindness and amnesia that allow our “anthropocentric machine” to hurtle on, devastating life in its path and devouring the very resources it needs to survive.

The paper, which is published in free access, is forthcoming in the Rabels Zeitschrift.

Same-sex relationships concluded abroad in Namibia – Between (Limited) Judicial Recognition and Legislative Rejection

Conflictoflaws - mar, 08/29/2023 - 06:33

There is no doubt that the issue of same-sex marriage is highly controversial. This is true for both liberal and conservative societies, especially when the same-sex union to be formed involves parties from different countries. Liberal societies may be tempted to open up access to same-sex marriage to all, especially when their citizens are involved and regardless of whether the same-sex marriage is permitted under the personal law of the other foreign party. For conservative societies, the challenge is even greater, as local authorities may have to decide whether or not to recognise same-sex marriages contracted abroad (in particular when their nationals are involved). The issue becomes even more complicated in countries where domestic law is hostile to, or even criminalises, same-sex relationships.

It is in this broader context that the decision of the Supreme Court of Namibia in Digashu v. GRN, Seiler-Lilles v. GRN (SA 7/2022 and SA 6/2022) [2023] NASC (16 May 2023) decided that same-sex marriages concluded abroad should be recognised in Namibia and that the failure to do so infringes the right of the spouses to dignity and equality. Interestingly, the Supreme Court ruled as it did despite the fact that Namibian law does not recognise, and also criminalises same-sex relationships (see infra). Hence, the Supreme Court’s decision provides valuable insights into the issue of recognition of same-sex unions contracted abroad in Africa and therefore deserves attention.


I. General Context

In his seminal book (Private International Law in Commonwealth Africa (Cambridge University Press, 2013) p. 182), Richard F. Oppong describes the issue of same-sex unions in Commonwealth Africa as follows: ‘It still remains highly contentious in most of the countries under study whether the associations between persons of the same sex should be recognized as marriage. In Zambia, a marriage between persons of the same sex is void. It only in South Africa where civil unions solemnised either as marriage or a civil partnership are recognized’ (footnotes omitted). As to whether other African countries would follow the South African example, Richard F. Oppong opined that ‘[t]here is little prospect of this happening […]. Indeed, there have been legislative attempts […] in countries such as Nigeria, Uganda, Malawi and Zimbabwe – to criminalise same-sex marriage.’ (op. cit. p. 183). For a detailed study on the issue, see Richard F. Oppong and Solomon Amoateng, ‘Foreign Same-Sex Marriages Before Commonwealth African Courts’, Yearbook of Private International Law, Vol. 18 (2016/2017), pp. 39-60. On the prohibition of same-sex marriages and same-sex unions and other same-sex relationships in Nigeria under domestic law and its implication on the recognition of same-sex unions concluded abroad, see Chukwuma S. A. Okoli and Richard F. Oppong, Private International Law in Nigeria (Hart Publishing, 2020) pp. 271-274.


II. The Law in Namibia

A comprehensive study of LGBT laws in Namibia shows that same-sex couples cannot marry under either of the two types of marriage permitted in Namibia, namely civil or customary marriages (see Legal Assistance Center, Namibian Laws on LGBT Issues (2015) p. 129). In one of its landmark decisions decided in 2001 known as ‘the Frank case’ (Chairperson of the Immigration Selection Board v Frank and Another 2001 NR 107 (SC)), the Supreme Court held that the term ‘marriage’ in the Constitution should be interpreted to mean only a ‘formal relationship between a man and a woman‘ and not a same-sex relationship. Accordingly, same-sex relationships, in the Court’s view, are not protected by the Constitution, in particular by Article 14 of the Constitution, which deals with family and marriage. With regard to same-sex marriages contracted abroad, the above-mentioned study explains that according to the general principles of law applicable in Namibia, a marriage validly contracted abroad is recognised in Namibia, subject to exceptions based on fraud or public policy (p. 135). However, the same study (critically) expressed doubt as to whether Namibian courts would be willing to recognise a foreign same-sex marriage (ibid). The same study also referred to a draft bill discussed by the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration which ‘contained a provision specifically forbidding the recognition of foreign same-sex marriages’ (p. 136).


III. The Case

The case came before the Supreme Court of Namibia as a consolidated appeal of two cases involving foreign nationals married to Namibians in same-sex marriages contracted abroad.

In the first case, the marriage was contracted in South Africa in 2015 between a South African citizen and a Namibian citizen (both men) under South African law (Civil Union Act 17 of 2006). The couple in this case had been in a long-term relationship in South Africa since 2010. In 2017, the couple moved to Namibia.

In the second case, the marriage was contracted in Germany in 2017 under German law between a German citizen and a Namibian citizen (both women). The couple had been in a long-term relationship since 1988 and had entered into a formal life partnership in Germany under German law in 2004. The couple later moved to Namibia.

In both cases, the foreign partners (appellants) applied for residency permits under the applicable  legislation (Immigration Control Act). The Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration (‘the Ministry’), however, refused to recognise the couples as spouses in same-sex marriages contracted abroad for immigration purposes. The Appellants then sought, inter alia, a declaration that the Ministry should recognise their respective marriages and treat them as spouses under the applicable legislation.


IV. Issue and Arguments of the Parties

The central issue’ for the Court was to determine whether ‘the refusal of the [Ministry] to recognise lawful same-sex marriage of foreign jurisdictions […] between a Namibian and a non-citizen [was] compatible with the [Namibian] Constitution’ (para. 20). In order to make such a determination, the Court had to consider whether or not the applicable domestic legislation could be interpreted to treat same-sex partners as ‘spouses’.

The Ministry argued that, in the light of the Supreme Court’s earlier precedent (the abovementioned Frank case), spouses in a same-sex marriage were excluded from the scope of the applicable legislation, irrespective of whether the marriage had been validly contracted abroad in accordance with the applicable foreign law (para. 58). The Ministry considered that the Supreme Court’s precedent was binding (para. 57); and the position of the Supreme Court in that case (see II above) (para. 36) reflected the correct position of Namibian law (para. 59].

The appellants argued that the Frank case relied on by the Ministry was not a precedent, and should not be considered as binding (para. 54). They also argued that the approach taken by the Court in that case should not be followed (paras. 52, 55). The appellants also contended that the case should be distinguished, inter alia, on the basis that, unlike the Frank case were the partners were not legally married (i.e. in a situation of long-term cohabitation), the couples in casu had entered into lawful same-sex marriages contracted in foreign jurisdictions and that their marriages were valid on the basis of general principles of common law – the lex loci celebrationis (para. 50). Finally, the appellants argued that the Ministry’s refusal to recognise their marriage was inconsistent with the Namibian Constitution as it violated their rights (para. 51).


V. The Ruling

In dealing with the case, the Supreme Court focused mainly on the applicability of the doctrine of precedent in the Namibian context and the constitutional rights of the appellants. Interestingly, comparative law (with references to the law of some neighbouring African jurisdictions, English law, American law, Canadian law and even the case law of the European Court of Human Rights) was mobilised by the Court to reach its conclusion, i.e. that the Ministry’s decision to interpret and apply the applicable legislation in a manner that excluded spouses in same-sex marriages validly entered into abroad violated the appellants’ constitutional rights.

With regard to the validity of same-sex marriages contracted abroad, the Supreme Court ruled as follows:

 [82] According to the well-established general principle of common law, if a marriage is duly concluded in accordance with the statutory requirements for a valid marriage in a foreign jurisdiction, it falls to be recognised in Namibia. […]

[83] […] The term marriage is likewise not defined in the [applicable legislation] and would contemplate valid marriages duly concluded and ordinarily recognised, including those validly contracted outside Namibia in accordance with the law applicable where the marriage is concluded in accordance with the general principle of common law already referred to. […].

[84] The Ministry has not raised any reason relating to public policy as to why the appellants’ marriage should not be recognised in accordance with the general principle of common law. Nor did the Ministry question the validity of the appellants’ respective marriages.

[85] On this basis alone, the appellants’ respective marriages should have been recognised by the Ministry for the purpose of [the applicable legislation] and [the appellants] are to be regarded as spouse for the purpose of the [applicable legislation][…]


VI. The Dissent

The views of the majority in this case were challenged in a virulent dissent authored by one of the Supreme Court’s Justices. With respect to the issue of the validity of same-sex marriages concluded abroad, the dissent considered that the majority judgment holding that ‘in the present appeals, the parties concluded lawful marriages in jurisdictions recognising such marriages’ (145) failed to consider that ‘the laws of Namibia (including the Constitution of the Republic) do not recognise same-sex relationships and marriages.’ (146). The dissent then listed many examples, including the criminalisation of sodomy and other legislation excluding same-sex relationships or providing that marriage shall be valid when two parties are of different sexes (para. 146).

More importantly, the dissent also criticised the recognition of the same-sex marriages based on their being valid under the law of the place where they were concluded by stating as follow:

 [152] [the main finding of the majority judgment] has its basis on a well-established principle of common law, that if a marriage is duly concluded in accordance with the statutory requirements for a valid marriage in a foreign jurisdiction, it fall to be recognised in Namibia and that, that principle find its application to these matters. […].

[170] […] The common law principle relied on by the majority is sound in law but there are exceptions to the rule and Namibia is under no obligation to recognise a marriage inconsistent with its policies and laws for the reason that the said marriage is warranted by the municipal law of the country in which it was contracted. The marriages of the appellants offend the policies and laws of Namibia […]. (Emphasis in the original).


VII. Comments

The case presented here is interesting in many regards.

First, it introduces the Namibian approach to the question of the validity of marriages in general, including same-sex marriages. According to the majority judgment and the dissenting judgment, the validity of marriages is to be determined in accordance with the ‘well-established common law principle’ that a marriage should be governed by the law of the place where it was contracted (i.e. lex loci celebrationis).

According to the Namibian Supreme Court judges, the rule arguably applies to marriages contracted within the jurisdiction as well as to marriages contracted abroad. The rule also appears to apply to both the formal and substantive (essential) validity of marriages. This is a particularly interesting point. In Richard F. Oppong’s survey of approaches in Commonwealth Africa (but not including Namibia), the author concludes that ‘most of the countries surveyed make a distinction between the substantive and formal validity of marriage’ (op. cit. 185). The former is generally determined by the lex domicilii (although there may be different approaches to this), while the latter is determined by the lex loci celebrationis. (op. cit., pp. 183-186). The author goes on to affirm that ‘the main exception appears to be South Africa, where it has been suggested that the sole test of validity [for both substantive and formal validity] is the law of the place of celebration’ (op. cit., p. 185). The case presented here shows that Namibia also follows the South African example. This is not surprising given that the majority opinion relied on South African jurisprudence for its findings and analysis (see paras. 82, 90, 108 for the majority judgment and paras. 152, 155-162 of the dissenting opinion).

Secondly, the majority judgment and the dissenting opinion show the divergent views of the Supreme Court judges as to whether the lex loci celebrationis rule should be subject to any limitation (cf. II above). For the majority, the rule is straightforward and does not appear to be subject to any exception or limitation. Indeed, in the words of the majority, ‘if a marriage is duly solemnised in accordance with the legal requirements for a valid marriage in a foreign jurisdiction, it falls to be recognised in Namibia’ (emphasis added). No exception is allowed, including public policy. It is indeed interesting that the majority simply brushed aside public policy concerns by considering that that the Ministry had not raised any public policy ground (para. 84) (as if the intervention of public policy depended on its being invoked by the parties).

This aspect of the majority decision was criticised by the dissenting opinion. According to the dissenting opinion (para. 170), the application of the lex loci celebrationis is subject to the intervention of public policy. In other words, public policy should be invoked to refuse recognition of marriages validly celebrated abroad (cf. Oppong, op. cit, p. 186) if the marriage is ‘inconsistent with the policies and laws’ of Namibia.

Finally, and most importantly, it should be pointed out that although the majority generally reasoned about ‘marriage’ and ‘spouses’ in broad terms. Indeed, the majority repeatedly pointed out that the appellants ‘had concluded valid marriages’ that should be recognised in application of the lex loci celebrationis. Yet, when the the majority reached its final conclusions, it carefully indicated that the issue of the recognition of same-sex marriages was addressed for immigration purposes only. Indeed, the majority was eager to include the following paragraph at the end of its analyses:

[134] the legal consequences for marriages are manifold and multi-facetted and are addressed in a wide range of legislation. This judgment only addresses the recognition of spouses for the purpose of [the applicable legislation] and is to be confined to that issue. (Emphasis added).

The reason for the inclusion of this paragraph seems obvious: the Court cannot simply ignore the general legal framework in Namibia. Moreover, one can see in the inclusion of the said paragraph an attempt by the majority to limit the impact of its judgment in a rather conservative society and the intense debate it would provoke (see VIII below). In doing so, however, the majority placed itself in a rather obvious and insurmountable contradiction. In other words, if the Court recognises the validity of the marriage under the lex loci celebrationis, and (in the words of the dissenting opinion) ‘conveniently overlooks’ (para. 162) the intervention of public policy, nothing prevents the admission of the validity of same-sex marriages in other situations, such as inheritance disputes, maintenance claims or divorce. Otherwise, the principles of legal certainty would be seriously undermined if couples were considered legally ‘married’ for immigration purposes only. For example, would couples be considered as married if they later wished to divorce? Would one of the spouses be allowed to enter into a new heterosexual marriage without divorcing? Can the parties claim certain rights by virtue of their status as ‘spouses’ (e.g. inheritance rights)?

This issue is particularly important even for the case at hand. Indeed, in one of the consolidate cases, the appellants obtained before moving to Namibia an adoption order in South Africa declaring them joint care givers of a minor and granting them joint guardianship (para. 5). In a document prepared by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare (Guide to Namibia’s Child Care and Protection act 3 of 2015 (2019)), it was clearly indicated that ‘only “spouses in a marriage” can adopt a child jointly’ and that ‘[i]f same-sex partner were legally married in another country, it depends on whether the marriage is recognised as a marriage under the laws of Namibia’ (p. 10). Therefore, in light of the decision at hand, it remains to be seen whether the South African adoption order will be or not recognised in Namibia. (On the adoption by same-sex couples in Namibia and the recognition of same-sex adoptions concluded in other countries, see the study undertaken the Legal Assistance Center on the Namibian Laws on LGBT Issues (2015) pp. 143-145).


VIII. The Aftermath of the Ruling: The Legislative Response

It is undeniable that Supreme Court decision could be considered as groundbreaking. It is no surprise that human rights and LGBT+ activists have welcomed the decision, despite the majority judgment’s confined scope. On the other hand, legislative reaction was swift. In an official letter addressed to the Parliament, the Prime Minister expressed the intention its Government to bring a bill that would reverse the Supreme Court decision by modifying ‘the relevant common law principle in order that same sex marriage even where solemnized in Countries that permit such marriages cannot be recognised in Namibia’. Later, two bills (among many others) were introduced in order to define ?the term ‘marriage’ as to exclude same-sex marriages; and ?to define the term ‘spouse’. Both bills intend to prohibit the conclusion and the recognition of same-sex marriage in Namibia. Last July, the bills were discussed and approved by the Namibian’s Parliament Upper House (The National Assembly). The bills need now to be approved by the Lower House (The National Council) and promulgated by the President to come into force.

Journal du droit international: Issue 3 of 2023

EAPIL blog - lun, 08/28/2023 - 08:00

The third issue of the Journal du droit international for 2023 was released. It contains three articles and several case notes relating to private international law issues.

In the first article, Sylvette Guillemard (Laval University) analyses the recent French Draft PIL Code based on the Quebec experience in this area (Regard québécois sur le projet de Code de droit international privé français).

A draft of a French private international law code project was presented to the Minister of Justice in March 2022. As soon as it was submitted, it was immediately commented on by various parties; its qualities are admired as much as its shortcomings are pointed out. In 1994, the Quebec legislator adopted a book dedicated to private international law in its new Civil Code. After nearly 30 years, it was able to reveal its flaws and demonstrate its advantages. Therefore, neither too old nor too young, it appeared to us as an excellent object of comparison with the French project. At the end of the exercise, we may conclude that French law can only emerge as the winner of this “operation of shaping the rules [of private international law] into a whole”, to borrow the words of Rémy Cabrillac.

In a second article, Djoleen Moya (Catholic University of Lyon) discusses the evolving role of courts in applying choice of law rules, using divorce law as a case study (Vers une redéfinition de l’office du juge en matière de règles de conflit de lois ? L’exemple du divorce international).

The latest developments in matters of divorce, both in domestic law and in private international law, have largely renewed the question of the obligation for a judge to apply choice-of-law rules. Traditionally, the Cour de cassation considers that in matters of divorce, judges must apply, if necessary ex officio, the applicable conflict rule, because unwaivable rights are concerned. However, this solution is under discussion. First, the qualification of divorce as an unwaivable right is questionable, especially since the admission of a purely private divorce by mutual consent in French law. But above all, the Europeanisation of the applicable choice-of-law rules seems likely to call for a new definition the judges’ procedural obligations. If we add to this the recent reorientation of the Cour de cassation’s position and the solutions stated in the draft Code of Private of International Law, the question undoubtedly calls for a reassessment.

In the third article, Sara Tonolo (University of Padova) examines the role of private international law in fundamental rights disputes in the context of a recent ECtHR case dealing with surrogate motherhood and cross-border recognition of civil status record (Les actes de naissance étrangers devant la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme. À propos de l’affaire Valdís Fjölnisdóttir et autres c/ Islande).

The European Court of Human Rights ruled on the recognition of the filiation status within surrogacy in the Valdís Fjölnisdóttir and others v. Iceland case. This perspective leaves many questions unanswered and prompts further reflection, particularly with regard to the role that private international law can play in the protection of human rights, in the context of the difficult balance between the protection of the right to private and family life and the margin of appreciation reserved to member states.

The table of contents of the issue can be accessed here.

AMEDIP’s upcoming webinar: The Applicable Law to Investment Arbitration and the Future Guide of the Organization of American States – 31 August 2023 (at 14:30 Mexico City time) (in Spanish)

Conflictoflaws - dim, 08/27/2023 - 19:58

The Mexican Academy of Private International and Comparative Law (AMEDIP) is holding a webinar on Thursday 31 August 2023 at 14:30 (Mexico City time – CST), 22:30 (CEST time). The topic of the webinar is the Applicable Law to Investment Arbitration and the Future Guide of the Organization of American States (OAS) and will be presented by Dr. José Antonio Moreno Rodríguez (in Spanish).

The details of the webinar are:

Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89032691768?pwd=R3pJTnJsSEg5U0o3QmJqR3dwOWdIdz09

Meeting ID: 890 3269 1768

Password: AMEDIP

Participation is free of charge.

This event will also be streamed live: https://www.facebook.com/AmedipMX


Inter-American Juridical Committee (CJI) of the OAS adopts Guide to Best Practices in International Jurisdictional Cooperation for the Americas

Conflictoflaws - dim, 08/27/2023 - 19:51

Earlier this month, the Inter-American Juridical Committee of the Organization of American States (OAS) adopted a Guide to Best Practices in International Jurisdictional Cooperation for the Americas. It is available here (in English) and here (in Spanish).

See in particular questions 5 and 7, which relate to electronic service and videoconferencing (pp. 18 and 26). The actual Guide begins in page 38.

European Kodex of Private International Law 2023

EAPIL blog - ven, 08/25/2023 - 08:00

Alfonso Luis Calvo Caravaca (University Carlos III of Madrid), Javier Carrascosa González (University of Murcia), María Asunción Cebrián Salvat (University of Murcia) and Isabel Lorente Martínez (University of Murcia) authored the European Kodex of Private international Law 2023. Cases & materials on European private international law.

The abstract reads:

The authors want this work to be able to operate as an instrument for improving legal quality in the practical application and in the study of private international law in the English language. In this sense, any opinion on “The European Kodex of Private international law” will be very well received, as it will help to outline, polish and improve these materials for the benefit of all legal operators dedicated to private international law and, ultimately, for the benefit of a correct and useful practice of this fascinating sector of law.

It is freely accessible here.

Out Now: The Common Law Jurisprudence of the Conflict of Laws

Conflictoflaws - ven, 08/25/2023 - 01:28

Few books can get you from the rainy coast of Newfoundland over 19th-century Holstein straight to sunny Queensland and back to the North of Pennsylvania, while telling stories of a retired MI5 agent, the largest Ponzi scheme in history, a company founded by the 41st President of the United States, the aftermath of the First Gulf War, and the collapse of the Federal Bank of Australia. The volume on The Common Law Jurisprudence of the Conflict of Laws, edited by Sarah McKibbin (University of Southern Queensland) and Anthony Kennedy (Serle Court), recently published by Hart, does just that, by discussing cases like Vita Food Products, Brook v Brook, Bonython v Commonwealth of Australia, AG v Heinemann Publishers (better known as the Australian Spycatcher case), Bremen v Zapata, Vizcaya v Picard, and Kuwait Airways (Nos 4 and 5).


Overall, the volume contains detailed accounts of 12 cases from 7 jurisdictions, providing context, summary, and critical commentary. The selected cases touch upon virtually all areas of private international law, from international jurisdiction over applicable law to recognition of foreign judgments. In addition to the high quality of the individual accounts, what makes this volume particularly intriguing is the authors’ focus on how the cases discussed have contributed to the development of the common law in the respective areas of private international law. As Andrew Bell writes in the foreword: ‘a fascinating depiction of parallel yet interdependent legal systems, at times moving in synchronicity and at other times starkly diverging, but all appealing to the same shared conceptual foundations of private international law norms.’

Consequently, the book is at the same time an insightful study of the incremental (and sometimes not so incremental) development of the common law, a rich collection of some of the most impactful and interesting decisions in the field of private international law, and a fantastic read for a day at the beach.

Cassirer on Remand: Considering the Laws of Other Interested States

Conflictoflaws - jeu, 08/24/2023 - 20:35

This post is by Carlos Manuel Vázquez, a professor of law at Georgetown Law School. It is cross-posted at Transnational Litigation Blog.

Claude Cassirer brought suit in federal court in California eighteen years ago against the Thyssen Bornemisza Museum of Madrid, Spain, to recover a painting by Camille Pissarro that was stolen from his grandmother by the Nazis during World War II.  After a reversal and remand from the U.S. Supreme Court last summer, the case is now before the Ninth Circuit for decision of the legal question that is likely to be decisive:  which law governs?

The district court and the court of appeals have so far framed the issue as a binary choice: the governing law on the merits is either that of Spain or that of California.   I suggest here that the issue is better framed as a choice between the law of Spain, on the one hand, and the laws of all the other states or countries with connections to the dispute, on the other.  (Disclosure: I submitted expert declarations in support of the plaintiffs on issues of public international law during earlier phases of this case.)

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has affirmed the district court’s holding that, under the law of Spain, the plaintiff loses because the museum acquired title to the painting through adverse possession (otherwise known as acquisitive prescription).  It is equally clear that, under the law of California, the plaintiff would prevail because California does not recognize the acquisition of title to moveable property through adverse possession.  What has so far not featured prominently in the courts’ analyses of the choice-of-law issue is that the plaintiff would also prevail under the laws of all the other jurisdictions that have relevant connections to the dispute.  Under governmental interest analysis, this should be central to the analysis.

The Painting’s Journey

It is undisputed that the painting was looted from Lilly Cassirer by the Nazis.  After it was taken in Germany, the painting spent some time in California and Missouri and was subsequently sold to Baron Von Thyssen-Bornemisza by a Gallery in New York.  The painting then stayed at the Baron’s home in Switzerland for twelve years before it was loaned to the museum in 1988 and then sold to Spain in 1993.

The district court decided in this case that the Baron did not have valid title to the painting during the period in which he possessed it.  The Baron did not purchase the painting from someone with good title, and he did not obtain good title through adverse possession because he did not possess the painting in good faith, as required by Swiss law.  The court held that there were many red flags that should have alerted the Baron to the possibility that the painting had been stolen by the Nazis.

Accordingly, the museum did not acquire good title to the painting when it purchased it from the Baron in 1993.   But, the court held, the question whether the museum acquired title to the painting through adverse possession is governed by the law of Spain, and the law of Spain, unlike the law of Switzerland, allows acquisitive prescription if the painting is possessed for six years even without good faith.  The time period is longer if the possessor is an accessory to the theft, but someone who possesses the item without good faith is not for that reason alone deemed an accessory. Because the museum was not an accessory to the theft, the court held, the museum has acquired good title to the painting under the law of Spain because it had possessed it for just over six years before Claude Cassirer learned of its location and asked for it back.

California’s Approach to Choice of Law

The U.S. Supreme Court held in this case that, even in suits against foreign state instrumentalities under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, a federal court must apply the choice-of-law rules of the state in which it sits.  The district court had applied California’s choice-of-law rules, but the Ninth Circuit did not review its analysis, having erroneously concuded that a federal choice-of-law rule applied. The appellate court must now review the district court’s application of California’s choice-of-law rules.

Under traditional choice-of-law rules, the issue of title to moveable property is governed by the law of the place where the property is located.  But California, like most U.S. states, long ago rejected the traditional choice-of-law approach and adopted in its place a form of governmental interest analysis.  This approach asks the courts, in cases in which the substantive laws of the relevant states differ, to determine whether the relevant states have an interest in having their laws applied.  If only one state has such an interest, then there is a false conflict, and the court applies the law of the only interested state.  If more than one state has an interest, there is a true conflict.  To resolve true conflicts, California has adopted the “comparative impairment” approach, under which the court applies the law of the state whose policies would be most impaired if not applied.

The district court in the Cassirer case focused on the interests of California and Spain.  The court first concluded that the laws of those two states differed because Spain recognizes acquisitive prescription of moveable property after six years even if the possession was not in good faith, whereas California does not recognize acquisitive prescription of moveable property.  The court then concluded that both California and Spain have an interest in having their laws applied.  Spain’s law prioritizes the interests of the possessor of the property and, more generally, the interest in certainty of title.  Spain’s interest is implicated in this case because the possessor is a Spanish entity and the painting is in Spain.  California’s law prioritizes the interest of the original owner of stolen property, and this policy is implicated in the case because the original owner’s heirs are domiciled in California.  Because both Spain and California have an interest in having their laws applied, the case presents a true conflict.

To this point, the district court’s analysis was sound.  The same cannot be said of its analysis of the next step—determining which state’s law would be more impaired if not applied.  The court concluded that Spain’s policies would be significantly impaired if not applied but California’s policies would be only minimally impaired.  Why?  Because California’s interest in having its law applied depended largely on the plaintiff’s fortuitous, unilateral decision to move to California in 1980, long after the painting had been stolen from his grandmother by the Nazis.

What the court overlooked, however, is that Spain’s interest in the case is equally fortuitous.  The painting was stolen in Germany and was located in California, Missouri, New York, and Switzerland before it made its way to Spain as a result of the Baron’s decision to establish a museum in Spain bearing his name. If California’s interest is to be discounted because it resulted from the plaintiff’s fortuitous decision, then Spain’s interest should similarly discounted because it resulted from the fortuitous decision of the museum’s predecessor in interest.

Spain’s Law on Acquisitive Prescription

Actually, it may not be fortuitous that stolen property will make is way to Spain, but the reason for this is one that should make a court wary to apply Spanish law.  Spain’s law of acquisitive prescription is unusually friendly to possessors of stolen property.  Common law jurisdictions generally do not recognize acquisitive prescription of moveable property.  They do not disregard the interests of possessors of property or the general interest in certainty of title, but they give effect to those interests through statutes of limitations, which limit the time the original owners have to initiate lawsuits to recover the property and in this way deter the original owners from sleeping on their rights.  But statutes of limitations often begin to run when the original owner discovers the location of the stolen property.  That is, indeed, the law in all states of the United States by virture of a federal law establishing a six-year statute of limitations for suits to recover Nazi-looted art, which begins to run upon discovery.  Other jurisdictions do recognize the acquisition of title by adverse possession, but (as discussed below) they generally require that the possessor have acquired the property in good faith, meaning without sufficient reason to believe that the property was stolen.  Jurisdictions that allow the acquisition of title by adverse possession without  good faith generally require a far longer period of possession than Spain’s six years (for example, twenty years under Italian law).

Spain’s law is unusually friendly towards possessors of stolen property in allowing the acquisition of title through bad faith adverse possession after a mere six years.  Spain is thus, relatively speaking, a haven for stolen property, and it would not be surprising to find that stolen property winds up there.  For this reason among others, scholars have advocated replacing the traditional situs rule for stolen cultural property with a lex originis rule, under which the law to be applied would presumptively be the law of the place where the property was stolen, coupled with a disciovery rule for triggering the running of the prescription period.  As noted, California has replaced the traditional rule with governmental interest analysis, but, in applying interest analysis, the same concern should lead California courts to resist applying the law of the place to which the stolen property was taken.  (Alternatively, the courts of California could refuse to apply the law the situs, if unusually friendly towards possessors of stolen property, on ground that the law contravenes California’s strong public policy.)

The museum might argue that there is no evidence that the painting was brought to Spain to take advantage of its unusually friendly law.  It may well be true that the Baron did not sell the painting to the museum in Spain in order to launder his stolen painting.  The museum’s web site indicates that, in 1988, the Baron had offers for his collection from the United Kingdom, California (Getty Foundation) and Germany, but chose to establish the museum in Spain because his fifth wife, a Spanish beauty queen, wanted to establish an art museum in her home country.  Be that as it may, it is equally true that the plaintiff’s decision to move to California was not driven by his desire to take advantage of California’s more protective law.  Indeed, when he decided to move to California, he assumed that the painting had been lost or destroyed during the war.

In sum, if the fact that the Baron’s decision to sell the painting to a museum in Spain was not taken for opportunistic reasons is not a reason to discount Spain’s interest, then the fact that Claude Cassirer’s decision to move to California was not made for opportunistic reasons is equally a reason not to discount California’s interest.  The painting’s presence in Spain, in the hands of a Spanish museum, is (at best) just as fortuitous as Claude Cassirer’s decision to move to California.

Other Interested Jurisdictions

If so, then how does one break the tie?  One answer might be to apply the law of the forum, and indeed there is California case-law placing the burden on the party arguing against applying forum law.

But, on closer inspection, the relevant interests are not in equipoise.  California and Spain are not the only jurisdictions with connections to this dispute.  Both the painting and Lilly Cassirer were initially located in Germany.  Germany’s law allows acquisitive prescription in ten years, but only if the property was possessed in good faith.  (A statute of limitations cuts off the original owner’s power to bring an action to recover the property after thirty years, but it does not vest title in the possessor.) As the district court held in this case, the Baron did not acquire title to the property under Swiss law of acquisitive prescription by virtue of his possession of the painting because he did not possess the painting in good faith. Application of the German law of acquisitive prescription leads to the same conclusion.  The court did not address whether the museum possessed the painting in good faith because that issue was not relevant under Spanish law.  But surely the Baron’s lack of good faith should be attributed to the museum that he co-founded and bears his name.  In any event, as the district court found, the red flags that alerted the Baron to the possibility that the painting was stolen by the Nazis were equally apparent to the museum.

As noted, the painting later spent time in California, Missouri, and New York. The laws of Missouri and New York on acquisitive prescription are in all relevant respects the same as California’s.  The painting then spent some time in Switzerland, and, as we have seen, the plaintiff should prevail under Swiss law as well.

As for Lilly Cassirer, after escaping from Germany, she lived for some time in England.  English law, like the law of California, does not technically recognize acquisitive prescription, but its statute of limitations limits the time in which to bring an action for conversion.  The limitations period has the same effect as acquisitive prescription because § 3(2) of the Limitations Act provides that, after the expiry of the limitations period for bringing an action for conversion, the original owner’s title to the movable property is extinguished.  The limitations period is generally six years, but in the case of theft, the limitations period begins to run from the date of the first “innocent” conversion. “As regards the original thief, or . . . any party acquiring the movable from him who is not in good faith,” Faber & Lurger note, “it would appear that there is no limitation period for the bringing of an action in coversion.”

From England, Lilly moved to Ohio, which has the same law regarding adverse possession as California.  Neither Lilly’s moves to England and Ohio nor Claude’s move to California were driven by a desire to take advantage of those states’ protective law of acquisitive prescription.  Indeed, if Lilly had wanted to take advantage of a jurisdiction’s law of acquisitive prescription, she could have moved to practically any jurisdiction other than Spain.  As we have seen, Spain’s law of acquisitive prescription (as interpreted by the district court and court of appeals in this case) is an outlier in recognizing a change of title as a result of possession of stolen property without good faith in a mere six years.

Should the court broaden its focus and consider the laws and interests of these other jurisdictions?  The district court’s own analysis suggests so.  After all, if the interest of the plaintiff’s current place of domicile is discounted because it resulted from his fortuitous decision, then surely the law and interest of the place from which he moved should be considered instead.  Courts that discount a party’s domicile if acquired after the start of the dispute generally consider instead the interest of the jurisdiction from which the party moved.  And if the interest of the place to which the stolen painting was taken is discounted because it resulted from the fortuitous (or non-fortuitous) decision of the possessor’s predecessor, then surely the interest of the place from which painting was taken should be considered instead. The district court additionally discounted California’s interest because the original taking did not occur in California and because the Baron did not purchase the painting in California.  These reasons for discounting California’s interest suggest that the court should consider instead the laws of the place where the original taking occurred (Germany) and the place where the Baron bought the painting (New York).

There is, indeed, substantial authority for the proposition that the interests of jurisdictions with connections to the dispute should be aggregated when these laws have the same content.  The Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws makes this point explicitly.  A comment to § 145 on torts explains that “when certain contacts involving a tort are located in two or more states with identical local law rules on the issue in question, the case will be treated for choice-of-law purposes as if these contacts were grouped in a single state.”  The same comment appears in numerous other provisions of the Second Restatement, including the provision on real property (§ 222) and the provision on chattels (§ 244).  The laws of the jurisdictions discussed above are not identical in all respects, but they are identical in the relevant respect: under each of these laws, the plaintiff should prevail.

Although California has not adopted the Restatement (Second) as its choice-of-law rule, the Restatement’s approach to aggregation is in principle equally relevant to governmental interest analysis in general.  A contrary rule would allow circumvention of the relevant states’ interests in a dispute through a divide-and-conquer strategy.  The district court in this case appears to have fallen into this trap.


On remand from the Supreme Court, the Ninth Circuit certified the choice-of-law question under California law to the California Supreme Court, but that court denied the request. It is now up to the Ninth Circuit to review and correct the district court’s application of California’s choice-of-law rules.  In doing so, the court of appeals should consider not just the interests of California and Spain but also those of Germany, New York, Missouri, Switzerland, England, and Ohio. The fact that all those jurisdictions would reach the same result as California is a strong reason to rule in favor of the plaintiff in this case.

New Article in Uniform Law Review

Conflictoflaws - jeu, 08/24/2023 - 18:49

Today, the Uniform Law Review published a private international law article titled: CSA Okoli, “The Significance of a Forum Selection Agreement as an Indicator of the Implied Choice of Law in International Contracts: A Global Comparative Perspective”. 

The abstract reads as follows:

Where the parties to an international contract fail to specify the choice of law, a forum selection agreement is one of the most, if not the most, significant factors to consider in implying the choice of law in many international, supranational, regional instruments, and national jurisdictions. However, it is an ill-defined, notoriously complex, and hotly debated issue as to the weight that should be attached to a forum selection agreement in implying the choice of law. Hence, this article is devoted to discussing this topic from a comparative perspective, in order to propose a guide to global uniform criteria. To achieve this, the article covers all relevant international, regional, and supranational instruments, and selected legal systems in Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe, the Middle East, and North and South America. The legal systems compared include those from the global North and global South, including common law, civil law, and mixed legal systems. The article’s core proposal is that an exclusive forum selection agreement should be a key factor in implying the choice of law. However, except in such cases as where a forum is chosen on a neutral basis, there should be a general requirement of corroboration with at least one other factor of significance. The aim of the proposal is to contribute to greater uniformity, predictability, and certainty in the global community in this field of law.



Review of: PP Penasthika, Unravelling Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Indonesia as an Illustrative Case Study (The Hague: Eleven Publishers 2022)

Conflictoflaws - jeu, 08/24/2023 - 04:43


Very recently, Indonesian private international law has attracted significant scholarship in the English language.[1] Dr Penasthika’s monograph (‘the monograph’)[2] is one such work that deserves attention for its compelling and comprehensive account of choice of law in international commercial contracts in Indonesia. My review attempts to capture the methodology, summarise the contents, and give a verdict on the quality of this monograph.


Penasthika has based this work on her PhD thesis, undertaken at Erasmus University in Rotterdam. The monograph contains six chapters over 233 pages, excluding the acknowledgments, table of contents, lists of tables and figures, abbreviations, bibliography, and annex. A robust and clearly expressed methodology of doctrinal and empirical research is applied. The monograph predominantly examines 19 Indonesian court decisions on choice of law in international commercial contracts during the period, 2000-2020. It is mainly written from a civil law perspective, which is unsurprising, given that the author is Indonesian and wrote her thesis in the Netherlands – both Indonesia and the Netherlands are civil law countries. One positive aspect of the methodology that is especially worth mentioning is Penasthika’s very transparent and thorough account of the state of previous academic research in Indonesia, and the gap she has endeavoured to fill with her monograph.


The first chapter provides an introduction to the book, the central theme of which is the reluctance to give effect to choice of law (especially foreign law) in international commercial contracts in Indonesia, compared with global developments. Consequently, Penasthika states that some of the core benefits of giving effect to choice of law in international commercial contracts would contribute to Indonesia’s VISI 2045 to rank among the world’s most developed countries; improve the practice of international dispute settlement in Indonesia; promote the harmonisation project on private international law in Asia and global initiatives, and lead to the legal reform of outdated rules on choice of law in Indonesia.


Conversely, Chapter One also acknowledges the book’s limitations, namely, that it only covers the express choice of law in international commercial contracts. Therefore, implied or tacit choice of law, law in the absence of choice, and contracts for the protection of weaker parties have not been included. Moreover, no new choice of law theories have been advanced, and the issue of forum selection clauses has not been addressed. However, a further limitation that Penasthika could have considered is whether 19 judicial decisions represent an adequate sample size for empirical research in a monograph.


Chapter Two of this work proceeds to discuss choice of law in international commercial contracts in a global context. The key contribution of this chapter is that it provides a theoretical framework for discussing choice of law in further chapters of the monograph. First, the history of choice of law theory and debate is traced and summarised, dating back to 120-118 BC and extending into the 20th century. Second, the chapter traces the wide acceptance of choice of law in the 20th century across a large number of countries and regions. Nevertheless, Penasthika also highlights that a few countries remain reluctant or hostile to choice of law, despite widespread acceptance of the principle in the 21st century. She is of the view that this resistance is due to concerns over territoriality and sovereignty in the countries involved. Fourth, the chapter discusses the regional and international harmonisation of choice of law.


In addition, Chapter Two contains an interesting theoretical debate on choice of law, which may be encapsulated in the question: is choice of law based on the perspective of state or party sovereignty? Alternatively, who has the authority to permit parties to make a choice of law: the state or the parties themselves?


Chapter Two then examines the way in which choice of law functions, including the international character of the contract, types of contracts (such as weaker party or commercial, and immovable property), the validity of the choice of law agreement, the chosen law, and the choice invalidating the contract. Finally, this second chapter discusses the limits on choice of law, such as public policy and mandatory rules.


In Chapter Three, Penasthika looks at Indonesia’s civil law and private international law regime. The key contribution of this chapter is that it gives the reader an understanding of the sources of Indonesia’s private international law regime, which helps clarify the chapters that follow. Chapter Three also contains a thorough and enlightening evaluation of Indonesian scholarly views on choice of law in contract. Essentially, this chapter lays the foundation for discussing Indonesian choice of law rules on commercial contracts in subsequent chapters. Like other Asian and African countries, Indonesia experiences legal pluralism, due to its history of Dutch colonialism and a form of apartheid. Thus, in the Indonesian legal system, there is an interplay of civil law, which is inherited from the Dutch East Indies, adat (customary law), and Islamic law. It was especially fascinating to me to discover here that the Indonesian language is usually a legal requirement for drafting contracts involving Indonesians. This may be aimed at protecting Indonesians in transactions and preserving their indigenous language.


Next, Chapter Four contains what I would describe as the real ‘meat’ of the monograph, looking at how Indonesian practitioners (judges and lawyers) handle choice of law in international commercial matters, particularly regarding issues of foreign law. This fourth chapter summarises and analyses 19 Indonesian decisions from 2000 to 2020. The discussion is divided into three parts: (i) refusing jurisdiction based on foreign forum, illustrated by four cases; (ii) refusing jurisdiction on the basis of foreign law, illustrated by seven cases, and (iii) disregarding choice of forum and choice of law, illustrated by eight cases. The latter two approaches are dominant in Indonesian practice.


As the reader, one thing I found striking about Indonesian practice is that a choice of foreign law alone can oust the jurisdiction of the Indonesian courts. Penasthika rightly observes that this signifies confusion between jurisdiction and choice of law, because what the Indonesian courts should apply is substantive and not procedural law. Procedural law matters are reserved for the forum, and some Indonesian judges only appear to see the procedural aspects of choice of law. I would also add that the Indonesian approach ignores the global reality of applying foreign law, which is at the heart of private international law. This confusion results in a loss of dispute resolution business for practitioners in Indonesia, which is not good for Indonesia’s economy. The big question is, why do many Indonesian judges refrain from applying choice of law, especially foreign law? This interesting question is mainly addressed in Chapter Five, which contains the empirical research.


In Chapter Five, Penasthika presents the results of her interviews with practitioners (including Indonesian judges and lawyers, and foreign consultants who are familiar with the Indonesian legal system), a legal scholar (with expertise in private international law), and an expert attached to the court (with expertise in choice of law issues in Indonesia). These interviews especially explore the problem of applying foreign law in Indonesia.


The central cause of the problem is identified as the Indonesian Supreme Court decision in Bernhard Josef Rifeel v PT Merck Indonesia,[3] which ousted the jurisdiction of the Indonesian courts based on foreign law. This decision has since been followed by many Indonesian judges. However, Penasthika and several other scholars question the accuracy of the decision and the cases in which it has been applied.


Drawing upon the interview data, Penasthika states the reasons for foreign law not being applied in the Indonesian courts, as follows:

‘(i) it is difficult to delve into a foreign law; (ii) it is hard to apply a foreign law correctly; (iii) Indonesian judges are not trained to settle disputes governed by foreign law; (iv) the law of civil procedure in Indonesia does not provide clear rules regarding disputes involving foreign elements, such as foreign party or foreign law; (v) the judges consider that foreign law contradicts Indonesian law; and (vi) Indonesian judges espouse legal positivism.’[4]


Additionally, some judges, citing Article 1338 BW in Indonesia, regard the choice of foreign law as a contractual agreement not to resolve a dispute in the Indonesian courts, and many lawyers present a contract claim as tort. This practice is seriously criticised by Penasthika, in the first instance because it confuses substantive contract law with choice of law, and in the second, because it is tantamount to abusive litigation tactics.


Chapter Six then concludes the monograph, summarising the research findings and making proposals and suggestions for future research. First, Penasthika states that Indonesia could indeed fulfil its vision for 2045 to become a highly developed country, provided that its courts give effect to choice of law rules, as opposed to Indonesia isolating itself from global trends in the choice of law for commercial contracts. Second, knowledge of choice of law needs to be expanded in Indonesia. Third, the regulatory framework for choice of law in Indonesia requires development, and fourth, judicial practice should be improved in the context.


The author closes with the prediction that choice of law will become a topical and fascinating field in Indonesia.


My verdict is that this monograph is an indispensable research work on choice of law in international commercial contracts in Indonesia. I highly commend it as a work of quality, researched and written to a high standard. Anyone interested in choice of law will therefore be fascinated by this book.



[1] YU Oppusunggu, ‘Indonesia’ in A Chong (ed), Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Asia (Asia Business Law Institute, Singapore, 2017) 91 – 104; A Kusumadara, ‘Indonesia’ in A Reyes (ed), Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters (Hart, 2019) 243 – 258; A Kusumadara, Indonesian Private International Law (Hart, 2021); A Kusumadara, ‘Indonesia’ in A Reyes and W Lui (eds), Direct Jurisdiction: Asian Perspectives (Hart, 2021) 249 – 273; J Lumbantobing and BS Hardjowahono, ‘Indonesia: Indonesian Perspectives on the Hague Principles’ in D Girsberger et al (eds) Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague Principles (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2021) paras 25.01 – 25.43; PP Penasthika, Unravelling Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Indonesia as an Illustrative Case Study (The Hague: Eleven Publishers 2022).

[2] Penasthika (ibid).

[3]  Judgment of the Supreme Court 1537K/PDT/1989, 21 January 1991.

[4]  Penasthika (n 1), 179.


Applicable Law Issues in International Arbitration

EAPIL blog - mer, 08/23/2023 - 08:00

A new anthology titled Applicable Law Issues in International Arbitration has been published in the Hague Academy of International Law’s Centre of Resarch Series.

The book is the result of research undertaken by scholars accepted to the Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations in 2021.

Giuditta Cordero-Moss and Diego P. Fernández Arroyo were the directors of the research centre.  The two directors have also edited the anthology which includes a selection of 16 works stemming from that research session (authored by Apollin Koagne Zouapet, Ana Coimbra Trigo, Didier Bationo, Wendinkonté Sylvie Zongo, Ali Kairouani, Nicola Strain, Andrea Mackielo, Alexandre Senegacnik, Ludovica Chiussi Curzi, Giulia Vallar, Marco Buzzoni, Yağmur Hortoğlu, Paola Patarroyo, Erik Sinander, Federico Cabona, and Lito Dokopoulou), as well as two chapters written by the specially invited guests Franco Ferrari and Luca Radicati di Brozolo.

In the introduction, the editors reflect on the research results and conclude that “determining the applicable law in arbitration is a manifold task that needs to balance involved interests, which are not necessarily always consistent with each other”.

The table of contents of the anthology can be read here.

August 2023 Update: List of China’s Cases on Recognition of Foreign Judgments

Conflictoflaws - mer, 08/23/2023 - 04:09

Written by Dr. Meng Yu and Dr. Guodong Du, co-founders of China Justice Observer*

On 20 August 2023, China Justice Observer released the 2023 version of List of China’s Cases on Recognition of Foreign Judgments. To date, we have collected 98 cases involving China and 25 foreign States and regions. (Note: Foreign divorce judgments are excluded in the Case List.)

The Case List was issued on July 16, 2019, and is updated annually. The 2020 update and 2022 update were also posted on Conflictoflaws.net.

The full version of the 2023 List of China’s Cases on Recognition of Foreign Judgments is available here.

The key features of the updated list are:

  • The List comprises 25 concise reports for each jurisdiction, together with a chart of bilateral judicial assistance treaties which China has concluded with 39 States, of which 35 bilateral treaties include judgment enforcement clauses.
  • A total of nine newly added cases involve two treaty jurisdictions – France (one case) and Vietnam (one case) – and seven non-treaty jurisdictions, namely, Australia (one case), Canada (one case), Germany (one case), New Zealand (one case), South Korea (one case), the UK (one case), and the US (one case).
  • Please note that in In re DAR (2022) Jing 01 Po Shen No. 786), the Beijing First Intermediate People’s Court ruled to recognize a German court’s bankruptcy ruling based on the principle of reciprocity. This is the second case involving de jure reciprocity -a new liberal reciprocity test for the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in China. The first of its kind was the Spar Shipping case reported in 2022, in which an English monetary judgment was recognized in China for the first time.
  • Another noteworthy case is SD Biotechnologies Co. Ltd v. 99 Trade Co. Ltd (2019) Jing 04 Xie Wai Ren No.3, where the Beijing Fourth Intermediate People’s Court ruled to recognize and enforce a trademark judgment of the Korean Supreme Court. This case marks the first time that Chinese courts have recognized and enforced an intellectual property judgment.
  • Other newly added cases, whether foreign judgments to be enforced in China or Chinese judgments to be enforced in foreign jurisdictions, provide a valuable comparative perspective on key issues in the eyes of courts from different jurisdictions, such as interim measures (China), limitation period (Australia), due process and public policy (Vietnam), finality (Canada), and the ground of systemic lack of due process (the US).
  • Each case has been reviewed and more details, such as the grounds, the case numbers, and causes of action, have been added.
  • Case analyses have been aggregated under the country tags since 2022, so it is now easier to track down relevant cases, together with their information and analyses, in each country/region report. For example, under the tag ‘US-China Judgments Recognition and Enforcement’, one can find relevant case analyses involving mutual recognition and enforcement of judgments between the US and China.

As always, we endeavor to collect all Chinese court decisions involving the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments (“REFJ”), and foreign counterparts concerning the recognition and enforcement of Chinese judgments. The Case List is made available for our readers to build reasonable expectations on REFJ in China.

The Case List is continually updated with new reports. Case information, comments, and suggestions are most welcome. Please feel free to contact Ms. Meng YU via e-mail at meng.yu@chinajusticeobserver.com.


*We would like to thank the following persons/institutions that shared thoughts and valuable information with us:

Dr. Béligh Elbalti, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Law and Politics, Osaka University, Japan; Dr. ZHANG Wenliang, Associate Professor, School of Law, Renmin University of China; Dr. SU Xiaoling, Lawyer at Beijing DHH Law Firm; Mr. WANG Chengjie, Lawyer at Allbright Law Offices (Shanghai);Wonbanglaw; Ms. Renee M Wong, Attorney at Goldberger and Dubin PC (New York); Dr. WANG Yahan, Associate Professor, Henan University School of Law; Mr. Angus Ni, Litigation attorney at AFN Law PLLC (Seattle); Asian Business Law Institute; Ms. Dawei Gongsun, Partner at DGW Kramer LLP (New York).

Video of French Conference on State Immunity from Enforcement

EAPIL blog - mar, 08/22/2023 - 08:00

On 13 April 2023, the University Paris Dauphine hosted a conference on State Immunity from Enforcement (L’immunité d’exécution de l’Etat).

Speakers included Philippe Théry (Univ. Paris Panthéon-Assas), Louis Perreau-Saussine (Univ. Paris Dauphine), Gilles Cuniberi (Univ. Luxembourg), Sophie Lemaire (Université Paris Dauphine), Nathalie Meyer-Fabre (Avocate au Barreau de Paris), Duncan Fairgrieve (Univ. Paris Dauphine), Fabrizio Marrella (Univ. Ca’ Foscari), David Pavot (Univ. Sherbrooke), Mathias Audit (Univ. Panthéon-Sorbonne), Juliette Morel-Maroger (Univ. Paris Dauphine), Jérôme Chacornac (Univ. Paris Panthéon-Assas), Hélène Tissandier (Univ. Paris Dauphine), Victor Grandaubert (Univ. Paris Nanterre), Renaud Salomon (Cour de cassation).

The videos of the conference of the various sessions of the conference are freely available and can be accessed here.

Mbatha v. Cutting: Implications for Litigants of Indian Origin

Conflictoflaws - lun, 08/21/2023 - 09:01

Guest Post by Chytanya S. Agarwal*

I. Introduction

Rising cross-border migration of people and concomitant increase in lawsuits relating to matrimonial disputes between couples brings to the forefront the issue of conflict of jurisdictional laws (219th Law Commission Report, ¶1.1-¶1.2). Mbatha v. Cutting is one such recent case that grapples with conflict of laws pertaining to divorce and division of matrimonial property when the spouses are domiciled in separate jurisdictions. In this case, the Georgian Court of Appeal dealt with competing claims from a couple who married in New York and had their matrimonial domicile in South Africa. The wife, domiciled in Georgia, USA, argued for the application of the matrimonial property regime of South Africa – their only (though temporary) common matrimonial domicile. In determining the applicable law, the Court upheld the traditional approach, which favours lex situs for real property and lex domicilii for personal property.

In this article, I contextualise Mbatha in the context of Indian litigants, particularly foreign-domiciled Non-Resident Indians (‘NRIs’) married under Indian personal laws and having their property located both within India and in foreign territory. Firstly, I analyse Mbatha by comparing it with the prevalent approaches in private international law. Secondly, I examine the Indian jurisprudence on the applicability of foreign judgements concerning matrimonial disputes. Thirdly, I submit that Mbatha complies with the Indian lex situs rule insofar as real property is concerned. However, by determining its subject-matter jurisdiction by solely considering Georgian law, Mbatha sets itself on a collision course with the Indian approach on the subject-matter jurisdiction of foreign courts. Lastly, I analyse the implications of this uncertainty regarding enforceability of foreign judgements on matrimonial property. In conclusion, I propose a solution that draws on public international law to resolve the challenge presented by conflicting rules on choice of law.

 II. Traditional Approach vs. Modern Approaches to Conflict of Laws

The primary source of private international law are municipal laws of nations. Their divergence in the face of potential applicability is the root cause of conflict of laws. In this section, I examine the approaches to conflict of laws from the perspective of mutability i.e., change in applicable personal laws of spouses during their marriage. It has three main approaches under private international law – the doctrines of immutability, mutability, and the partial mutability. The lex situs approach upheld in Mbatha falls under the “partial mutability” rule.

Under the “doctrine of immutability”, the personal law during marriage governs the property relations of spouses forever (Schuz, p.12). Once determined, this law stands ‘immutable’/unalterable. Strict immutability approach is favoured for predictability of applicable laws (p.45). It is also supported on the ground of legitimate expectations of the parties. In short, the parties can expect the personal law of their marriage to govern their relations unless they determine their choice of law through a separate agreement (p.29-30).

In “doctrine of mutability,” the applicable law never remains fixed. It can change depending on changes in forum, changes in religion, nationality, domicile, etc. For instance, under the lex fori approach followed in American states, the courts partition the entire matrimonial property by applying the law of the forum, regardless of where and when the said property was acquired (Wasserman, p.23). This approach is justified on the grounds of state interest because the greatest interest of the forum state in matrimonial cases is to ensure the application of its laws (Schuz, p.38). However, this approach poses the risk of “forum shopping” or the practice of filing claims in jurisdictions where lex fori favours the petitioner’s case.

The third approach is the “partial mutability” approach which finds an echo in Mbatha. As mentioned, the traditional approach in Mbatha favoured lex situs (i.e., the law of the jurisdiction where the real property is located) and lex domicilii (i.e., the law of the owner’s domicile at the time the personal property was acquired). In the doctrine of “partial mutability”, a change in matrimonial domicile would trigger a change in the governing laws without having any retroactive effect on already acquired property (Schuz, p.12). For instance, if a married couple buys property in Country X, then the laws of country X alone would govern this property. However, this does not prevent them from applying the laws of Country Y to a property situated in Country Y. Thus, the applicable matrimonial property law changes depending upon the location in which the spouses buy the matrimonial property without prejudicing vested rights. Its underlying rationale is protecting both state interests and legitimate expectations of the parties. This is because the state where the relevant property is situated has the greatest interest in ensuring that it is governed by its own laws. Additionally, parties have the reasonable expectation that the law governing the property should always be that at the time of the acquisition of that asset (Schuz, p.32).

 III.  Indian Jurisprudence on Foreign Judgements Concerning Personal Laws

While private international law has undeveloped jurisprudence in India, it has a growing trend due to the import of foreign laws and foreign judgements by NRIs who have emigrated from India (219th Law Commission Report, ¶2.1-¶2.2). In this section, I analyse the Indian judgements dealing under three issues concerning foreign verdicts on matrimonial relations recognised by the 65th Law Commission Report (¶3.2). These issues, equally pertinent in the context of matrimonial property relations, are (i) grounds for jurisdiction, (ii) choice of law, and (iii) law on recognition.

1.  Jurisdiction

Indian law has generally opposed the application of foreign judgements on the ground that the foreign forum did not possess sufficient jurisdiction under the personal law governing the parties. A plain reading of the text of the Indian Succession Act and the Hindu Succession Act shows that they only govern the devolution of immovable property situated in India irrespective of the domicile of the person who owned the property. The Acts extend only to the Indian territory and do not have extra-territorial application. As per the Code of Civil Procedure (‘CPC’), any suit for the partition of immovable property must be filed in the court within whose local jurisdiction the property is located.

Case laws have also supported this position consistently. In Duggamma v. Ganesha Keshayya (¶5-¶7, ¶14), it was held that the decision of a foreign court concerning title to Indian property would be devoid of legal effects. Harmindar Singh v. Balbir Singh held that disputes concerning any immovable property have to be decided not just by the laws of the country where the land is situated, “but also by the courts of that country.” Even if the parties had submitted to the jurisdiction of the foreign court, the foreign verdict is enforceable only to the extent it applies to property situated outside India. Conversely, Indian courts have upheld the disposition of overseas family property by foreign courts. Even in cases concerning other matrimonial disputes such as divorce, the Supreme court has held that the forum must have jurisdiction as per the law under which the parties married. For instance, foreign courts have been barred from annulling marriages between Indians. To summarise, Indian courts have generally disfavoured the adjudication of matrimonial disputes by foreign courts on the ground of lack of jurisdiction.

2.  Application of Indian Law

In the absence of legislative guidance, this sphere of private international law is heavily reliant on case laws (219th Law Commission Report, ¶3.2). A perusal of judgements (see here and here) shows that real property located in India can be governed only by Indian law (i.e., lex situs). At the same time, Indian courts have ruled that Indian law is inapplicable in foreign jurisdictions. In Ratanshaw v. Dhanjibhai, the Bombay High court upheld the English rule of lex situs for the succession of property situated in India. At the same time, Indian courts recognising lex situs have respected foreign judgements concerning overseas property, and have observed that foreign forums should also reciprocate by recognising Indian judgements concerning immovable property in India. In Y. Narasimha Rao v. Y. Venkata Lakshmi, the Supreme Court ruled that per Section 13(c) of the CPC, even if the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the foreign forum, the only law applicable in matrimonial disputes is the one under which the parties married. However, in Nachiappa Chettiar v. Muthukaruppan Chettiar, the Indian law was held inapplicable in the case of properties situated outside India. Per Nachiappa Chettiar, the family property cannot be deemed partible under the Hindu Succession Act since it was located outside the jurisdiction of Indian courts. In Dhanalakshmi v. Gonzaga (¶34-¶43), the Hindu joint family system was held inapplicable in Pondicherry due to the invalidity of the Hindu Succession Act’s extraterritorial application. So, Indian courts have also respected foreign lex situs with respect to foreign property.

3.   Recognition: Other preconditions

In addition to satisfying the requirements of jurisdiction and lex situs, there also exist procedural safeguards under CPC that must be satisfied for the foreign verdict to have a conclusive effect. Respect for principles of natural justice is one such prerequisite, entailing that judgements passed by forum non-conveniens are unenforceable in India. Additionally, fraud by one of the parties can also be a vitiating factor. For instance, in Satya, the husband “successfully tricked” a Nevada court to grant a divorce decree on the ground that hehad obtained the domicile of Nevada due to residence of 6 months. Here, the Chandrachud, J. held that the husband had no intention of permanently residing in Nevada and, this, the foreign verdict was unenforceable due to fraud. The need for procedural safeguards for the protection of the weaker party was also emphasised in Neeraja Saraph v. Jayant V. Saraph.

IV.  Mbatha’s Implications on NRIs

The Mbatha approach of lex situs is compatible with Indian law. However, I argue that by determining its overall jurisdiction based on the domicile of one of the spouses,[1] Mbatha erroneously conflated the jurisdiction to determine divorce with the jurisdiction to determine the partition of matrimonial property. As per Georgian law, the court had both the subject-matter jurisdiction and personal jurisdiction to decide the divorce petition since one of the spouses had resided in Georgia for more than 6 months.[2] However, the court cited no authority regarding the validity of its jurisdiction to adjudicate on the division of overseas matrimonial property. The effect of Mbatha is that the court would apply the domestic law of the place where the property is situated, even if such a place is beyond the court’s local limits. For example, the Court in Georgia may apply the laws of a foreign jurisdiction to partition the foreign matrimonial property. This principle, called renvoi in private international law, has limited application in the Indian context (the only case where it was invoked yet not applied is Jose Paul Coutinho v. Maria Luiza Valentina Pereira).

Additionally, the Court determined its subject-matter jurisdiction based on Georgian law. However, as mentioned earlier, the forum should have competent jurisdiction as per the law governing the parties. A foreign forum applying Indian law on Indian property lacks the jurisdiction to do so as per Indian law. Hypothetically, if a Georgian court were to apply the Indian Succession Act to properties situated in India, it lacks the jurisdiction to do so since neither the Act nor CPC confers any jurisdiction on foreign forums to partition Indian property. However, Mbatha nevertheless compels it to apply foreign law even if the foreign law does not grant it requisite jurisdiction.

Another issue is created by the absence of any matrimonial property regime in Indian personal laws. This might lead to rejection of Indian law in the foreign forum since it might consider the lack of rights in the matrimonial property as opposed to their public policy since it is discriminatory towards women. By combining renvoi with this public policy argument, courts can effectively nullify Indian lex situs. Such instances have happened in Israel, where courts have abstained from applying Islamic law on couples migrating from Islamic countries on the ground that the Islamic matrimonial property regime violates gender equality and is thus opposed to Israeli public policy.[3]

 V. A Public International Law Solution to Conflict of Laws?

As explained, while Mbatha’s lex situs rule protects state interests, it has the potential of frustrating parties’ legitimate expectations by subjecting NRIs to matrimonial property regimes of foreign forums, even when Indian personal laws do not contain the concept of matrimonial property. In this regard, public international law gives the solution of making the rules on choice of laws uniform through an overarching treaty like the Hague Conventions (see here and here). The enactment of a composite legislation on private international law along the lines of the 1978 Hague Convention on Matrimonial property regimes to prevent the misapplication of foreign law (219th Law Commission Report, ¶5.2) can go a long way in preventing future conflicts between matrimonial legal systems. This harmonising principles on choice of laws is also more feasible, and has less costs than the alternative of uniformising matrimonial property regimes altogether since such family law regimes are intrinsic to the cultural backdrop of specific legal systems. As shown by Mills (pp.7-10), private disputes are becoming increasingly enmeshed with public international law considerations. The adoption of such treaty is also consistent with the growing view on the intersection of public and private international law to resolve pitfalls in existing legal systems (Maier, pp.303-316).


*Chytanya S. Agarwal is a third-year B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) student at the National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bangalore, and a Blog Editor at the Indian Journal of Law and Technology (IJLT). The author can be reached at chytanya.agarwal@nls.ac.in.

[1] Restatement of the Law, Conflict of Laws (2nd), ss70-72.

[2] Mbatha, pp.746-747.

[3] Also see Nafisi v Nafisi ACH (1996) PD 50(3) 573; Azugi v Azugi (1979) (III) 33 PD 1. Here, despite the “doctrine of immutability” endorsed by Israeli law, the court applied lex fori on an Iranian couple on the grounds, inter alia, of public policy and gender parity.

Guillaume on Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) before State Courts

EAPIL blog - ven, 08/18/2023 - 08:00

Florence Guillaume (Professor of Private International Law at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, and Founder of the LexTech Institute) has made available on SSRN a draft version of a paper on Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) Before State Courts. How can private international law keep up with global digital entities? that is forthcoming in a book edited by Madalena Perestrelo de Oliveira and Antonio Garcia on DAO Regulation: Principles and Perspective for the Future.

The abstract reads as follows:

This paper examines civil and commercial disputes involving Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) and the complex questions of private international law that arise. The legal capacity of a DAO to be a plaintiff or defendant in court varies across jurisdictions, highlighting the need to determine the applicable law to a DAO. A distinction must be made between different types of DAOs. There are currently a few jurisdictions, notably in the United States, that have enacted DAO legislation defining a legal status for such entities. Those regulated DAOs are governed by both computer code and company law. In other jurisdictions, existing company structures can be used to offer a legal wrapper to DAOs. However, the vast majority of DAOs currently in existence are constituted and solely governed by code, posing challenges in bringing them before a state court.

The paper explores recent case law and the difficulties in identifying the appropriate party to sue when pursuing a DAO. Using Swiss law as a basis, it examines the qualification of DAOs under private international law and the challenges of anchoring a global digital entity to a specific jurisdiction. The article illustrates these challenges through three types of disputes: governance, contractual, and tort-related. Determining jurisdiction over a DAO-related dispute requires applying private international law rules. Although the paper assumes Swiss courts for convenience, the reasoning can be applied to different legal systems due to the similarities in conflict of jurisdiction rules. However, challenges persist even if a court has jurisdiction and renders a decision, as enforcement may prove difficult, especially on-chain. Additionally, initiating legal proceedings against a DAO presents issues with serving court documents. DAOs offer opportunities for innovative electronic methods of document service, but specific requirements and restrictions exist for international service of documents. Practical difficulties may arise, making it impractical or unattainable to serve court documents on the defendant.

The analysis concludes that state courts currently struggle to ensure reliable access to justice in disputes involving DAOs. As an alternative to state courts, opting for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms, such as Blockchain-based Dispute Resolution (BDR), can offer a simpler and more efficient solution depending on circumstances. In any case, entrusting dispute resolution to a BDR mechanism avoids the complexities associated with state court procedures.

Singer on Conflict of Abortion Laws (in the U.S.)

EAPIL blog - mar, 08/15/2023 - 08:00

Joseph Singer (Harvard Law School) has posted Conflict of Abortion Laws on SSRN.

The abstract reads:

When a resident of an anti-abortion state goes to a prochoice state to get an abortion, which law applies to that person? To the abortion provider? To anyone who helps them obtain the abortion? Since Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization overruled Roe v. Wade, states have passed conflicting laws regarding abortion, and courts will need to determine whether anti-abortion states can apply their laws to persons or events outside their territory either through civil lawsuits or criminal prosecution. This article canvasses the major disputes likely to arise over conflicts of abortion law and the arguments on both sides in those cases. It addresses both common law analysis and the constitutional constraints on application of state law under the Full Faith and Credit Clause and the Due Process Clause, and it comes to some conclusions both about what laws should apply in different fact settings and how the choice of law analysis should proceed.

Since Dobbs focused on the “history and tradition” behind rights under the Due Process Clause, and because the constitutional test for “legislative jurisdiction” that regulates when a state can apply its law to a controversy is partly based on the Due Process Clause, we start with the prevalent approaches to conflicts of law available to judges at the time the Bill of Rights was adopted in 1791 and when the Fourteenth Amendment was adopted in 1868, focusing on the “comity” approach championed by Justice Joseph Story. We consider also the First Restatement’s vested rights approach in vogue between the end of the nineteenth century and the middle of the twentieth century. We then move to modern choice of law analysis to determine which law applies when a person leaves their state to obtain an abortion. We will consider the Second Restatement’s “most significant relationship” test, the “comparative impairment” approach, the “better law” and “forum law” approaches, as well as the emerging Third Restatement of Conflict of Laws rules being drafted right now by the American Law Institute.

One set of cases involves conduct that is wholly situated within the borders of the anti-abortion state. That state has full authority under the Constitution to regulate its internal affairs and to apply its laws to people who distribute or use anti-abortion medication there or who otherwise assist residents in violating its laws prohibiting or limiting access to abortion. Anti-abortion states have full authority to regulate conduct within their borders. However, the First Amendment protects people who provide information about the availability of abortion services in other states where it is legal, and the constitutional right to travel should protect those who transport someone out of state to get an abortion in a prochoice state or who subsidize the cost of such out-of-state travel.

A second set of cases concerns cross-border torts where conduct in a prochoice state has effects in an anti-abortion state. Courts traditionally apply the law of the place of injury to those cases if it was foreseeable that the conduct would cause the injury there. But there are traditional exceptions to the place of injury rule that should apply in the abortion context when the place of conduct defines the conduct as a fundamental right and immunizes the actor from liability or places a duty or an affirmative privilege on the abortion provider to provide the care. Courts should depart from the place of injury rule in those circumstances when conduct is wholly confined to the immunizing (prochoice) state, and that means that an anti-abortion state cannot legitimately punish an abortion provider in a prochoice state who provides care there in reliance on rules of medical ethics that require the care to be provided. Nothing would violate rule of law norms more severely than placing a person under a simultaneous duty to provide care and a duty not to provide that care. On the other hand, anti-abortion states have full authority to regulate out-of-state conduct that does spill over the border into the anti-abortion state, such as shipping abortion medication to a recipient there. Difficult issues of foreseeability and proximate cause arise when an abortion provider prescribes abortion medication in a prochoice state but knows or suspects that the patient will be taking the medication back to the anti-abortion state to ingest. In some fact settings, the foreseeability issue is significant enough that it may rise to a constitutional limitation on the powers of the anti-abortion state to apply its law to out-of-state conduct or to assert personal jurisdiction over the abortion provider. In other cases, the place of injury has the constitutional authority to apply its law to out-of-state conduct that the actor knows will cause unlawful harm across the border but it may or may not have personal jurisdiction over the nonresident provider.

A third set of cases involve bounty claims, tort survival lawsuits, or wrongful death suits that an anti-abortion state might seek to create by giving claims to one of its residents against the resident who left the state to get the abortion. Such cases may be viewed as “common domicile” cases by the anti-abortion state since both plaintiff and defendant reside in the anti-abortion state. That may tempt the anti-abortion state to apply its laws to an abortion that takes place in another state even though both conduct and injury occurred in a state that privileges the conduct and immunizes the defendant from liability. However, the law of the place of conduct and injury should apply in those cases since the prochoice law is a “conduct-regulating rule,” and choice of law analysis, traditional rules, and constitutional constraints on legislative jurisdiction all require deference to the law of the prochoice state in such cases. Courts sometimes apply the law of the common domicile when the law at the place of conduct and injury is not geared to regulating conduct there, but the opposite is true for laws directed at conduct, and this article will show why prochoice laws that define abortions as a fundamental right are conduct-regulating rules. The same is true for the question of criminal prosecution. An anti-abortion state has no legitimate authority to punish a resident who leaves the state to get an abortion in a state where abortion is protected as a fundamental right.

The paper is forthcoming in the Northeastern University Law Review.

Views and News from the 9th Journal of Private International Law Conference 2023 in Singapore

Conflictoflaws - lun, 08/14/2023 - 14:03

Four years after the 8th JPIL conference in Munich, the global community of PIL scholars finally got another opportunity to exchange thoughts and ideas, this time at Singapore Management University on the kind invitation of our co-editor Adeline Chong.

The conference was kicked off by a keynote speech by Justice Philip Jeyaretnam (Singapore International Commercial Court), providing an in-depth analysis of the Court of Appeal’s decision in Anupam Mittal v Westbridge Ventures II [2023] SGCA 1 (discussed in more detail here).

The keynote  was followed by a total of 23 panels and four plenary sessions, a selection of which is summarised below by our editors.

Arbitration (Day 1, Panel 1)
Saloni Khanderia

The panel discussed various aspects of arbitration ranging from arbitration clauses to the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards.

The session commenced with Dr. Ardavan Arzendeh of the National University of Singapore present his paper on ‘Jurisdiction and Arbitration Clauses in the Same Contract’, evaluating the treatment of jurisdiction and arbitration clauses in the same contract through the law of England and Wales. The speaker stated that there are 2 categories of such cases: 1) the clauses are naturally reconcilable through importance given either to the wording of the clauses or the intention of the parties; and 2) the clauses are not naturally reconcilable as the parties have included an exclusive jurisdiction and a mandatory arbitration clause in the agreement. The courts in these instances have typically given importance to the arbitration clause. The presentation suggested a more defensible course of action in such a situation: Courts should approve both the clauses and give a choice to the parties to pursue the matter either through litigation or arbitration. Hence, giving equal weight to the choices of the parties.

The second speaker, Ms. Ana Coimba Trigo of the NOVA School of law presented her paper on ‘Deference or Distrust? Recognizing Foreign Commercial Arbitration Awards in the US Against Procedural Fairness Concerns’. The presentation focused on Article V(1)(b) of the New York Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, 1958, that allows parties to oppose the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards on very selected grounds. Frequently referred to as “procedural fairness”. However, the Convention is silent on the interpretation and application of this ground. Additionally, there is no indication of what law is appliable to this ground. This leads to uncertainty as to what standards the US courts apply in interpreting and applying Article V(1)(b) of the Convention. A reading of the existing empirical data allows us to understand whether the US courts cite other foreign courts and if they follow a comparative approach and what are the diverse standards (lex fori or another lenient approach) applied when distrust of foreign arbitrators is raised by the parties.

Following this, Dr. Priskila Pratita Penasthika from The Universitas Indonesia presented her paper on ‘CAS Arbitration Award: Its Jurisdictional and Enforcement Issues in Indonesia’. The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) does not always require a specific arbitration agreement between the parties for conferring jurisdiction on it. Instead, the CAS may accept a sports related dispute if the statutes or regulations designate that it has jurisdiction. The presentation analysed whether sports- related arbitration would be covered under the ambit of commercial awards for them to be recognised and enforced in Indonesia under the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, 1958.

The final speakers, Mr. Gautam Mohanty from Kozminski University and Dr. Wasiq Abass Dar from O.P. Jindal Global University presented their paper on ‘Strategic Leveraging of Party Autonomy in Private International Law: Determining the Limits in International Commercial Arbitration’. The presentation focused on demarcating the outer limits of party autonomy in private international law. It particularly focused on mandatory rules and public policy as they are limitations to party autonomy. It highlighted the impact of new dimensions of mandatory rules and public policy on party autonomy. The presentation analyses the conflict of laws situation when tribunals are faced with a situation of having to disregard the applicable law chosen by the parties on account of overriding mandatory norms. It also analyses the role and application of international and transnational public policy. The presentation analysed the theoretical approaches taken by tribunals in relation to mandatory norms such as contractual, jurisdictional and the hybrid approach.

Foreign Judgments (Day 1, Panel 2)
Tobias Lutzi

The first panel dedicated to foreign judgments began with Aygun Mammadzada (Swansea Law School) making the case for the UK and Singapore ratifying the 2019 HCCH Judgments Convention. Compared to the common-law rules on recognition & enforcement (to which many European judgments will also be subject in the UK post-Brexit), she argued the Convention offers an acceptable, more streamlined framework, e.g. because it does not require a judgment creditor to seek a domestic decision based on the judgment debt.

Anna Wysocka-Bar (Jagiellonian University) then looked in more detail at the exclusion of contracts of carriage from the 2019 Convention (Art 2(1)(f), putting it into the context of the specific treatment those contracts also receive in other contexts. According to the speaker, this peculiar treatment appears to be primarily driven by the existence of other, potentially conflicting conventions such as the CMR Convention. Looking at the specific provisions in those Conventions pertaining to foreign judgments, though, Anna convincingly demonstrated that the potential for conflict is actually very small, making it difficult to justify the exclusion.

Jim Yang Teo (Singapore Management University) finally discussed the problem of res judicata within the framework of the Belt & Road Initiative, contrasting the approach advocated by China (based on a triple-identity test and limited to claim preclusion, at the exclusion of issue exclusion) with the transnational approach of the Singaporean courts emerging from Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp v Merck KGaA [2021] SGCA 14. According to the speaker, this latter approach, which notably includes consideration of comity, may be particularly relevant interesting in the context of an inherently transnational project like the Belt & Road Initiative.

Plenary Session 2
Michael Douglas

The second plenary session, chaired by Ardavan Arzandeh (NUS), explored some interesting issues of direct and indirect jurisdiction. Stephen GA Pitel (Western University) kicked things off with a presentation that was right up my ally: ‘The Extraterritorial Impact of Statutory Jurisdiction Provisions’. He considered the example of a jurisdictional provision of a privacy statute of British Columbia in matters with a foreign element. The specific example provoked consideration of a broader question: how should a forum deal with an applicable foreign statute which includes a provision that actions under the statute must be heard in a certain court of that foreign statute’s local jurisdiction? See Douez v Facebook, Inc [2017] 1 SCR 751. The Canadian approach seems sensible; I wonder if it can neatly transpose to my native Australia, which includes an explicit US-style full faith and credit provision in the Constitution. (Over coffee, my compatriots wondered whether our messy Cross-vesting Scheme would have a role to play.)

The other three presentations of the plenary were also compelling. Junhyok Jang (Sungkyunkwan University) spoke on ‘Jurisdiction over the Infringement of Personality Rights via the Internet from a Korean Perspective – Effects Test as an Alternative to the Quantitative Dépeçage of Shevill’. The Korean perspective was comparative; the presentation compared the South Korean approach to those of the EU and the US. While the presentation offered a view on how approaches to the topic were converging between jurisdictions, diversity remains. Eg in Australia, the mere occurrence of some of the damage in the jurisdiction—which in the case of defamation, could involve hurt feelings in the forum when present there—could justify exercise of long-arm jurisdiction, no matter how many elements the matter otherwise features. The speech was another reminder of the ongoing challenges that digital subject matter pose for the traditional territorialism of private international law.

Yeo Tiong Min (SMU), a home-town hero whose monograph on choice of law for equity is must-read material for common (private international) lawyers, looked at the res judicata effects of foreign judgments for issue estoppel in a presentation on ‘Challenging Foreign Judgments for Errors of Law and the Common Law’. (I will have to go away and read Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp v Merck KGaA (2021) 1 SLR 1102 properly.) Louise Ellen Teitz (Roger Williams University) rounded out the plenary with her speech on ‘Judgment Recognition and Parallel Litigation: The Carrot and Stick’. The presentation informed me of how the issue has been playing out in the USA, comparing the situation there to the work done in international fora like the HCCH. All the talk of lis pendens got me lis peckish for some lunch. Fortunately, it was lunchtime after this plenary.

Choice of Law (Day 3, Panel 3)
Zheng Sophia Tang

The panel focuses on choice of law, chaired by Prof Sophia Tang. Assoc Prof Dr Philippine Blajan at Sorbonne School of Law, University Paris 1 presented ‘The Combination of Party Autonomies in the Private International Law of Contracts: Security, Virtuosity, Tyranny?’ She proposed that, in civil and commercial practices, parties of a contract should attach importance to the interactions between choice of jurisdiction and choice of law. Firstly, the effect of choice of law is uncertain until the lex fori is identified. Secondly, even if there is a choice of court clause, one party could still bring a suit in another court in breach of the jurisdiction clause, and evade the mandatory provisions of the forum state. Through combining their choices, the parties enhance their freedom of contract because they escape a mandatory provision. Thirdly, Prof Blajan listed various types of combination between choice of law and choice of court clauses, including choice of state law and choice of state court, choice of state law and choice of non-state court, choice of non-state law and choice of non-state court and so on.

The second speaker is Prof Saloni Khanderia at OP Jindal University, who presented ‘The Law Applicable to Documentary Letters of Credit in India: A Riddle Wrapped in an Enigma?’ Prof Khanderia points out that letters of credit has received negligible attention from Indian lawmakers, regardless of their significance in fostering international trade in India. As there is no specific legislation for letter of credit in India, the UCP might be the only choice for the parties and the court. But there are several exceptions to the application of the UCP, including the agreements that are expressly excluded from the application of the UCP, claims containing allegations of fraud and so on. In such a case, the Indian court would apply lex fori. On the other hand, in lack of any supreme principles of the interpretation of application of law, courts are given great discretion to the application of the UCP and other laws. Prof Khanderia proposed limiting the application of the lex fori to adjudicate claims on fraud, and replacing the lex fori with the lex loci solutions to identify the country with which the contract has the closest and most real connection.

The third speaker Asst Prof Migliorini at the Uni of Macau presented ‘Contracts for the Transfer of Personal Data in Private International Law — A European Perspective’. In data transactions where the seller established in the EU and the buyer a non-EU jurisdiction, the GDPR would be applied extraterritorially. The GDPR would be applied as overriding mandatory rules under the context of cross-border transaction, which would lead to the conflict with the proper law of the transaction contract. However, could data be treated as ‘property’ and subject to a commercial contract? Would status of a fundamental right hamper the commercial transfer of personal data? Prof Migliorini suggests that contracts for transfer of personal data should be qualified as transfer of license to use the personal data, so that the complicated issues of personal data trading and human rights shall not arise and mandatory provisions of the law governing the initial license (i.e. the GDPR) should apply.

Overall, the conference highlighted the range and wealth of current research on PIL. It is no surprise that participants are already looking forward to the next JPIL conference, which will take place at University College London in September 2025.


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