Flux européens

ValueLicensing v Microsoft. The High Court, in rejecting forum non conveniens, puts great emphasis on only English courts determining the course of English law post Brexit.

GAVC - jeu, 04/28/2022 - 10:21

In JJH Enterprises Ltd (Trading As ValueLicensing) v Microsoft Corporation & Ors [2022] EWHC 929 (Comm) Picken J makes a debatable point in his discussion of a forum non conveniens application by defendants, Microsoft.

In the proceedings ValueLicensing claim damages arising from alleged breaches of competition law by Microsoft. The claim is a ‘stand alone’ one, not a ‘follow-on’ one. There is no underlying infringement decision of the European Commission (or any domestic competition regulator) on which ValueLicensing can rely to establish that an infringement of competition law has been committed.

Some of the Microsoft entities firstly seek summary dismissal of the case against them, arguing they cannot be held liable for an alleged infringement of either Article 101 or 102 TFEU as a result of an overall Microsoft ‘campaign’ in which they did not demonstrably take part. Here [31] ff there is interesting discussion ia of Provimi (Roche Products Ltd. & Ors v Provimi Ltd [2003] EWHC 961 (Comm)), which held that an entity that implements an agreement in breach of A101 to which a member of the same undertaking is a party can be held liable for the infringement even though the implementer itself does not know of the infringement. Specifically, whether Provimi was wrongly decided following from Cooper Tire Europe Ltd v Bayer Public Co Ltd [2010] EWCA Civ 864  – this is an issue for which CJEU referral is not possible post Brexit.

The judge however refers to the broader concept of ‘undertaking’ in the A101-102 sense following eg CJEU C-882/19 Sumal SL v Mercedes Benz Trucks Espana SL. Sumal, Picken J holds [44], is relevant authority both pre and post Brexit.

Quite how parties see a difference in the lex causae for the competition law infringement pre and post Brexit is not clear to me. Post Brexit it is said to be ‘English law’ (held to include 101-102 TFEU prior to Brexit), full stop, while post Brexit that law is said to be determined by (retained) Article 6 Rome II, which for same of the claim will be English law as being one of the ‘affected markets’ per A6 Rome II.

It is in the forum non application that the judge posits [78] that an important consideration of England as the more appropriate forum, is

it is clear that Microsoft UK’s position at trial will be that in certain material respects English law has taken a divergent path from EU law. In such circumstances, it would be wholly inappropriate, and certainly undesirable, for a court in Ireland to be determining whether Microsoft UK is right about this. On the other hand, there would be no difficulty with the Court here applying EU competition law, either as part of English law (in respect of the pre-Brexit period and, if that is what the Court determines is the case, also in respect of the post-Brexit period) or as part of the laws of other EU/EEA member states, since the Court here is very experienced in doing just that.

If it is true that under forum non, only English courts can be held properly to determine the direction of English law post Brexit, the hand of many a claimant in forum non applications will surely be strengthened.


Forum non conveniens
Interesting point [75] that E&W are the most appropriate forum, given that it must be EN courts determining whether EN law differs substantially from EU law post #Brexit

JJH Enterprises (ValueLicensing) v #Microsoft [2022] EWHC 929https://t.co/XP3z4nX8KV

— Geert Van Calster (@GAVClaw) April 19, 2022

70/2022 : 28 avril 2022 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-86/20

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 04/28/2022 - 10:21
Vinařství U Kapličky
Une attestation émanant des autorités d’un État tiers sur la conformité d’un lot de vin aux pratiques œnologiques de l’Union ne constitue pas, à elle seule, une preuve du respect de ces pratiques pour sa commercialisation dans l’Union

Catégories: Flux européens

69/2022 : 28 avril 2022 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-237/20

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 04/28/2022 - 10:20
Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging
Faillite d’entreprise et droit des travailleurs : en cas de transfert d’actifs dans le cadre d’une procédure de pre-pack, le cessionnaire a le droit de déroger au maintien des droits des travailleurs si cette procédure est encadrée par des dispositions législatives ou réglementaires

Catégories: Flux européens

71/2022 : 28 avril 2022 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-804/21 PPU

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 04/28/2022 - 09:57
C et CD (Obstacles juridiques à l’exécution d’une décision de remise)
Espace de liberté, sécurité et justice
La notion de « force majeure » rendant impossible l’exécution d’un mandat d’arrêt européen ne s’étend pas aux obstacles juridiques résultant d’actions légales introduites par la personne recherchée

Catégories: Flux européens

67/2022 : 27 avril 2022 - Arrêt du Tribunal dans les affaires jointes

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mer, 04/27/2022 - 11:25
T-710/21 Roos e.a./Parlement, T-722/21 D'Amato e.a./Parlement , T-723/21 Rooken e.a./Parlement
Certificat Covid et accès aux bâtiments du Parlement européen : le Tribunal rejette les recours de certains députés européens

Catégories: Flux européens

66/2022 : 27 avril 2022 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-674/20

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mer, 04/27/2022 - 09:55
Airbnb Ireland
Liberté d'établissement
Une législation régionale belge obligeant les prestataires de services d’intermédiation immobilière et, notamment, les responsables d´une plate-forme électronique d´hébergement à transmettre à l’administration fiscale certaines données relatives aux transactions d’hébergement touristique n’est pas contraire au droit de l’Union

Catégories: Flux européens

Manfaat Masker Charcoal Untuk Kulit Wajah yang Sehat

Aldricus - mar, 04/26/2022 - 10:30

Ldricus – Charcoal merupakan salah satu bahan utama yang sering digunakan pada masker wajah. Manfaat masker charcoal sangat cocok sebagai masker untuk kulit kusam akibat minyak dan kotoran berlebih, karena mampu membersihkan secara mendalam, membuat wajah bersih dan cerah seketika.

Berbagai Manfaat Masker Charcoal

Selain membuat masker untuk kulit kusam akibat minyak dan kotoran berlebih pada wajah, charcoal memiliki banyak manfaat lain untuk kulit wajah Anda:

1. Merawat kulit berminyak.

Masker charcoal memiliki kemampuan untuk menyeimbangkan kadar minyak di kulit dengan menyerap minyak berlebih, sehingga sangat bagus jika Anda memiliki kulit berminyak.

2. Mengurangi jerawat

Jerawat diakibatkan karena adanya akumulasi kotoran, sel kulit mati, dan minyak berlebih hingga bakteri yang ada di pori-pori kulit. Sifat antibakteri charcoal dapat membantu menghilangkan bakteri dari pori-pori sehingga juga membantu mengurangi jerawat.

3. Membuat pori-pori tampak lebih halus

Manfaat masker charcoal sebagai bahan utamanya dapat membantu menarik dan menyerap semua kotoran yang ada di pori-pori. Ketika pori-pori bebas dari kotoran, pori-pori akan mengecil dan tersamarkan kembali agar terlihat mulus.

Masker untuk Mengatasi Kulit yang Kusam

Campuran charcoal dan beras hitam bisa Anda dapatkan sebagai masker untuk kulit kusam akibat minyak dan kotoran berlebih di Garnier Black Serum Mask Pure Charcoal Black Rice. Masker serum tisu ini membantu membersihkan wajah secara mendalam, melembabkan dan menutrisi kulit secara optimal.

Kandungan charcoal murni, ekstrak beras hitam dan LHA, serta asam hialuronat membuat wajah bersih sempurna dan tampak cerah berseri hanya dalam 15 menit pemakaian. Karena kandungan nutrisinya yang melimpah, penggunaan masker untuk kulit kusam ini memiliki manfaat yang sama seperti menggunakan serum selama seminggu.

Anda juga akan mendapatkan manfaat ini saat menggunakan Garnier Black Serum Mask Pure Charcoal Black Algae untuk membersihkan dan mencerahkan wajah secara mendalam, mengencangkan pori-pori dan menghaluskan kulit.

Apalagi untuk kulit berminyak yang sering terpapar lingkungan tercemar. Manfaat masker charcoal akan didapatkan jika menggunakannya secara rutin dan juga sesuai dengan ketentuan penggunaan yang tertera pada kemasan.

The post Manfaat Masker Charcoal Untuk Kulit Wajah yang Sehat appeared first on Aldri Blog.

65/2022 : 26 avril 2022 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-401/19

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mar, 04/26/2022 - 09:54
Pologne / Parlement et Conseil
Propriété intellectuelle et industrielle
L’obligation, pour les fournisseurs de services de partage de contenus en ligne, de contrôler les contenus que des utilisateurs souhaitent téléverser sur leurs plates-formes préalablement à leur diffusion au public est accompagnée des garanties nécessaires pour assurer sa compatibilité avec la liberté d’expression et d’information

Catégories: Flux européens

64/2022 : 26 avril 2022 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans les affaires jointes C-368/20, C-369/20

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mar, 04/26/2022 - 09:53
Landespolizeidirektion Steiermark , Bezirkshauptmannschaft Leibnitz (Durée maximale du contrôle aux frontières intérieures)
Espace de liberté, sécurité et justice
En cas de menace grave pour son ordre public ou sa sécurité intérieure, un État membre peut réintroduire un contrôle à ses frontières avec d’autres États membres mais sans dépasser une durée totale maximale de six mois

Catégories: Flux européens

Cryptoassets, non-fungible tokens and consumer protection. The High Court rejects jurisdiction in Soleymani v Nifty, re-igniting the opaqueness of the arbitration exception under Brussels Ia.

GAVC - lun, 04/25/2022 - 10:16

In Amir Soleymani v Nifty Gateway LLC [2022] EWHC 773 (Comm) Abrose J largely rejected jurisdiction for the English courts in a claim following auction brought by a UK-based digital artwork collector. Another part of the claim was stayed pending arbitration in New York.

Faced with a clause in Nifty’s general terms and conditions that provide for binding arbitration in New York and for New York law to be the governing law of the contract, claimant seeks a declaration that the arbitration agreement was unenforceable due to it being unfair under the UK Consumer Rights Act 2015. Alternatively, he argued the governing law clause is invalid on the same statutory ground, and that a contract arising from the auction is void for illegality pursuant to the UK Gambling Act 2005.

Of note is that the US based arbitrator, in the proceedings initiated by Nifty, is considering himself (with procedural and discovery orders having been issued) broadly similar issues under consumer protection provisions of the ADR provider.

At [34] the qualification of NFTs as ‘art’ or merely ‘technology’ [‘the nature of NFTs as assets, and whether they are artwork, with the Claimant’s position being that he was trading in digital art whereas the Defendant maintained that an NFT is merely a unique string of code stored on a blockchain ledger that makes a digital artwork accessible, and marks authenticity’] is announced as potentially relevant for substance but not for current application.

The discussion largely takes place under retained EU law (s15b of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (as amended)). The judge holds [55] that the claim falls within the arbitration exception of (retained) Brussels Ia seeing as, as she qualifies it

The principal focus and subject matter of Mr Soleymani’s claim is whether he is legally obliged to arbitrate.

Recital 12 BIa is called upon in support. Claimant ([49]-[50] in particular are a good summary of the position) essentially argues such a view is incompatible with the effet utile of the consumer title. I believe that point has merit and one imagines it will be on this point that appeal will be sought (Bitar v Banque Libano-Francaise was offered in some support).

Whether the contract is a ‘consumer’ contract is still discussed [62] ff viz the claim for declaratory relief regarding the unfairness of the arbitration clause under the Gambling Act. The judge holds [79] that on the evidence put forward, Claimant has the better of the argument as to whether the Defendant was directing commercial activities to England (and the UK more generally). However she decides to grant the defendant a stay (which would not have been possible pre-Brexit) in favour of the unfairness issues being discussed in the New York arbitration. (These issues may later return to a UK court in the shape of an ordre public opposition to enforcement of the award in the UK).

I will of course notify if and when permission to appeal will have been granted.


EU Private International Law, 3rd ed. 2021, Heading, and

No doubt permission to appeal will be sought in this case involving unfair commercial practices act, consumer protection, #arbitration exception of Brussels Ia https://t.co/aGB7eReFQU

— Geert Van Calster (@GAVClaw) April 6, 2022

63/2022 : 22 avril 2022 - Informations

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - ven, 04/22/2022 - 10:19
Retransmission en streaming d’audiences de plaidoiries, de prononcés d’arrêts et de lecture de conclusions de la Cour de justice

Catégories: Flux européens

J v H Limited. CJEU holds third country judgments may, under circumstances, be smuggled into Brussels Ia via the backdoor. Yet they will be vulnerable to ordre public exceptions.

GAVC - mar, 04/19/2022 - 14:26

I reviewed Pikamae AG’s Opinion in C-568/20 J v H Limited here. The issue is whether, exequatur having been abandoned in Brussels Ia, arguments as to whether the a judgment issued in a third, non EU Member, State of origin be at all covered by Brussels Ia may be raised by way of an Article 45 objection to recognition and enforcement.

The CJEU has now held and first of all clarifies its findings in C-129/92 Owens Bank. [36]: Owens Bank does not mean that a decision adopted on the basis of a judgment emanating from a third State, in accordance with the rules on jurisdiction and procedure of a Member State, may never fall within the scope of that regulation. [26] it is sufficient (but also necessary, GAVC) that they be judicial decisions which, before their recognition and enforcement are sought in a State other than the State of origin, have been, or have been capable of being, the subject, in that State of origin and under various procedures, of an inquiry in adversarial proceedings. This re-emphasises the audi alteram partem principle such as emphasised eg in CJEU Zulikarpašić. It also means that ‘exequatur sur exequatur ne vaut‘ is not quite dead, as has been suggested – a mere confirmative order of an ex-EU judgment without adversarial proceedings would not enjoy free movement.

At [29] the Court moreover instructs, with reference to the principle of mutual trust, that the courts in the State of recognition, must not apply the definition restrictively. In the case at issue [32] the High Court order at issue in the main proceedings was, at the very least, the subject of a summary hearing in the Member State of origin, hence it qualifies as a ‘judgment’.

While the Court effectively acknowledges that this amounts to Brussels Ia-sanctioned recognition and enforcement of non-EU judgments through the backdoor (‘on the substance, that [UK, GAVC] order was made so as to give effect to judgments delivered in a third State which are not, as such, enforceable in the Member States’: [33]), A45’s grounds of refusal, including infringement of ordre public, remain available: [45]

Such an infringement may, inter alia, lie in the fact that the party against whom enforcement is sought was not able to defend him or herself effectively before the court of origin and to challenge the decision sought to be enforced in the Member State of origin


EU Private International Law, 3rd ed 2021, 2.573.

CJEU this morning, Brussels Ia, recognition and enforcement by EU MS of money judgment issued in third State, may only constitute 'judgment' enjoying Part III recognition & enforcement if audi alteram partem principles are methttps://t.co/HldcLYDgSZ

— Geert Van Calster (@GAVClaw) April 7, 2022

Clarke v Kalecinski. On rules of safety and conduct under Rome II, but also on the implications of marketing language for duty of care.

GAVC - mar, 04/19/2022 - 13:01

Clarke v Kalecinski & Ors [2022] EWHC 488 (QB) concerns a claim for damages for personal injury sustained during cosmetic surgery undergone by claimant on 7 January 2015. Claims is against the surgeon (domiciled and habitually resident in Poland; but also registered with the UK General Medical Council) who performed the breast and thigh procedures in Poland, and against the Clinic (a company incorporated in Poland in which  the surgeon and his wife are the sole shareholders and directors), where the operations were carried out and she received pre-and post-operative treatment. Claimant also sues the insurer of the Clinic.

Jurisdiction is not disputed. Both surgeon and clinic are being sued under the consumer title of Brussels Ia. The insurance company is being sued under CJEU Odenbreit: subject to the applicable law of the tort and the existence under same of a direct right of action against an insurer, section 3 BIa gives claimant a right to sue in claimant’s domicile.

Claimant sues both surgeon and clinic, both in contract and in tort. She seeks to hold the clinic either directly or vicariously liable for the failures of the surgeons who treated her – one other Polish surgeon was involved in her care – and the nurses who cared for her at the clinic in Poland. Total potential liability for the insurance company, under the indemnity of the clinic (they do not insure the surgeon) is limited to approximately £38,500.

Proper law of the contract is English law, per A6(1) of the consumer title of Rome I. This is not disputed. It had been anticipated by claimant until trial that it was also a matter of agreement that the proper law of the claim in tort was Polish law, per Rome II. However in its skeleton argument, for the first time, the insurer raised an issue about the adequacy of claimant’s pleading arguing they had failed to plead the Polish law upon which they relied, so the proper law of the tortious claim was by default, English law.  That was rejected by the judge on the basis of the exchange between parties.

At [104] ff Foster J discussed the application of A17 Rome II: the judge must take into account as a matter of fact, the rules of safety and conduct in force at the place and time of the event, i.e. Poland. However [107] the judge insists on the importance of the English standard of care

where it is a term of the contract that the first defendant would operate to the same standard as a UK surgeon, skilled in this specialism, and registered with the GMC, it is that standard, that applied to the activities in issue here. The care offered by the clinic likewise. [emphasis in the original]

Those terms of the contract were deduced by the judge [77]:

[claimant] does not allege that she signed any contract or document, save for a consent form which the court has not seen. However, in my judgement the substance of the representations on the website upon which Ms Clarke clearly relied, were incorporated into the contract between her and the clinic together with Mr Kaleciński. In my judgement this was one contract but involving both parties: the surgeon and all the other care givers at the clinic, by means of the clinic (Noa Clinic Uslugi Sp. z o.o), those incorporated representations were to the following effect. The first defendant would carry out the surgery and he would carry it out to the standard to be expected of a GMC registered surgeon proficient in plastic surgery.

This emphasis by the judge imparts once again the relevance of language, no doubt for marketing purposes, for the consequential legal obligations. Foster J moreover holds [108]

That standard applies to the tortious duty also by reason of the  representations made to which reference is made above.

and [109] she holds

the findings of [the expert] are couched in such stringent terms that they cover any surgical and indeed clinical practice whether governed by local Polish customs or not. The conclusions of [the expert] put paid to any subtlety of distinction between local custom and English practice that might … in other circumstances be considered relevant. What took place fell so far below acceptable standards I cannot accept the contention that local standards or practices might have rendered the egregious failings in this case acceptable as a matter of contractual or tortious obligation.

The judge’s findings on A17 Rome II are interesting. Yet I find her conclusions on website representations even more relevant.


1/2 Medical wrongdoing
Claim v two defendants under consumer title, one Odenbreit claim [action v wrongdoer's insurer], insurance title Brussels Ia
Applicable law in contract Rome I, tort Rome II, issue ia re A17 RII: standards of performance expected of Polish professionals

— Geert Van Calster (@GAVClaw) March 9, 2022

Esther Kiobel v Shell. Dutch Court takes strict evidentiary approach in its rejection of Shell Nigeria involvement in bribery.

GAVC - mar, 04/19/2022 - 10:30

The Dutch court of first instance held at the end of March (English version of the judgment is here) on the merits of Esther Kiobel’s case against Shell, proceedings which she unsuccessfully tried to bring in the US under the ATS and then pursued in The Netherlands as I reported at the time.

In my earlier post I pointed out that the Dutch court narrowly construed the case that could be pursued in the Netherlands: Only limited claims, of the Nigerian daughter’s involvement in the bribing of witnesses, were allowed to continue. Those claims have now been dismissed.

The judgment is fairly succinct, many points having discussed at length in the interim jurisdictional and case-management decision. Witnesses’ recent interviews (by the Dutch courts, but without cross-examination. Not because it was not offered but because counsel did not feel the need to proceed with it) were cross-checked against earlier statements which had been entered as evidence in the US proceedings. The court [2.26] holds that

the alleged involvement of the SPDC in witness bribery is not proven with the statements of the witnesses produced by the claimants. This is also true when viewing these witness statements in conjunction.

As I pointed out here in reply to Lucas Roorda, if I were claimant’s counsel looking for appeal grounds, I would study the Dutch court’s application of Nigerian common law evidentiary standards for upholding civil liability.

The court’s approach to the witness statements is that they cannot sustain SPDC bribery involvement. The evidence of SPDC staff presence at relevant meetings (often in police stations) is, when not held to be factually (albeit on minor points) contradicted by earlier statements (going back 20 years for some of them), found to be circumstantial only. Witnesses point to people that were referred and /or pointed to when Shell-related employment (as a reward) was discussed, briefcases held by people with the outward, corporate appearance of Shell staff, people driving off in cars with corporate stickers formerly used by Shell. None of this satisfied the court’s evidentiary requirements without however proper discussion of what, under Nigerian law, that standard would require.



Dutch court holds #Shell is not complicit in Nigerian security forces treatment of Esther Kiobel and others’ family members.
An issue of evidence rather than grand #bizhumanrights legal principle. https://t.co/z1rn2akUVc

— Geert Van Calster (@GAVClaw) March 23, 2022

Beberapa Manfaat Menggunakan Brand Birkenstock

Aldricus - jeu, 04/14/2022 - 04:27

Aldricus – Birkenstock sudah ada sejak lama dan masih sangat populer. Mereka tidak hanya bergaya, tetapi juga cukup mendukung, menjadikannya sandal yang luar biasa. Birkenstock dapat membantu mereka yang mengalami sakit kaki atau kesusahan. Sepatu ini memiliki beberapa keunggulan untuk individu dari berbagai usia. Akan bermanfaat bagi kaki Anda untuk memakai sandal Birkenstock dalam waktu lama.

Apa saja manfaat menggunakan brand ini?

Birkenstock sesuai dengan bentuk kaki Anda

Sandal Birkenstock menyesuaikan dengan karakteristik kaki Anda. Secara khusus, gabus dan lateks alam digunakan untuk membuat alas kaki. Ini berbentuk seperti kaki yang sehat, mendukung struktur dan kontur alami kaki dengan mendistribusikan kekuatan secara merata di sekitar lengkungan.

Kenyamanan yang luar biasa

Salah satu perhatian paling penting saat membeli sandal adalah kenyamanan. Untungnya, ini adalah salah satu keuntungan Birkenstock terbesar. Alas kaki mereka dibuat khusus agar pas dengan kaki Anda. Mereka menjadi lebih nyaman saat Anda memakainya untuk waktu yang lama. Ini berarti bahwa jika seseorang mencoba sandal Anda, mereka akan jauh lebih tidak nyaman daripada Anda.

Birkenstocks mendukung berbagai masalah penyelarasan kaki

Anda harus lebih memperhatikan kaki Anda sekarang jika Anda ingin menghindari masalah kaki di tahun-tahun berikutnya. Salah satu manfaat Birkenstock terbaik adalah dapat membantu dalam perawatan masalah kaki yang populer. Birkenstock memiliki insole ortopedi yang memberikan kemampuan, dukungan, dan bantalan pada kaki Anda. Akibatnya, sandal ini dapat mencegah kapalan , bunion, kuku kaki yang tumbuh ke dalam, dan masalah nyeri kaki lainnya.

Tahan lama

Daya tahan sandal Anda sangat penting. Anda harus mempertimbangkan apakah sandal ini akan bertahan lama atau akan cepat kotor dan memerlukan perawatan atau bahkan penggantian secara berkala. Ini sangat penting jika Anda sering bepergian sepanjang musim panas, karena Anda tidak ingin sepatu Anda berantakan di tengah perjalanan.

Bergaya dan Serbaguna

Birkenstock tersedia dalam berbagai desain dan warna. Mereka sangat mudah beradaptasi dan dapat digunakan dengan hampir semua aktivitas atau pakaian. Mereka cocok untukseharian di pantai, berjalan-jalan di sekitar kota, dan bahkan mendaki. Ini adalah sandal klasik dengan sentuhan kontemporer. Birkenstock telah ada di pasaran selama lebih dari 200 tahun dan masih kuat. Keuntungan dan kemampuan beradaptasi mereka hanya meningkat.

The post Beberapa Manfaat Menggunakan Brand Birkenstock appeared first on Aldri Blog.

CJEU on Article 10 Succession Regulation

European Civil Justice - mar, 04/12/2022 - 00:23

The Court of Justice delivered on 7 April 2022 its judgment in case C‑645/20 (V A), which is about the Succession Regulation:

“Article 10(1)(a) of Regulation (EU) No 650/2012 […] must be interpreted as meaning that a court of a Member State must raise of its own motion its jurisdiction under the rule of subsidiary jurisdiction referred to in that provision where, having been seised on the basis of the rule of general jurisdiction established in Article 4 of that regulation, it finds that it has no jurisdiction under that latter provision”.

Source: https://curia.europa.eu/juris/document/document.jsf?text=&docid=257493&pageIndex=0&doclang=EN&mode=req&dir=&occ=first&part=1&cid=2662053

CJEU on Articles 2 and 39 Brussels I bis

European Civil Justice - mar, 04/12/2022 - 00:21

The Court of Justice delivered on 7 April 2022 its judgment in case C‑568/20 (J v H Limited), which is about Brussels I bis:

“Article 2(a) and Article 39 of [Brussels I bis] must be interpreted as meaning that an order for payment made by a court of a Member State on the basis of final judgments delivered in a third State constitutes a judgment and is enforceable in the other Member States if it was made at the end of adversarial proceedings in the Member State of origin and was declared to be enforceable in that Member State. The fact that it is recognised as a judgment does not, however, deprive the party against whom enforcement is sought of the right to apply, pursuant to Article 46 of that regulation, for a refusal of enforcement on one of the grounds referred to in Article 45”.

Source: https://curia.europa.eu/juris/document/document.jsf?text=&docid=257492&pageIndex=0&doclang=EN&mode=req&dir=&occ=first&part=1&cid=2662053

CJEU on Judges of the Peace (working conditions)

European Civil Justice - mar, 04/12/2022 - 00:18

The Court of Justice delivered on 7 April 2022 its judgement in case C‑236/20 (PG), which is about the working conditions of the Judges of the Peace in Italy. Progressively, with this case and previous ones on working conditions of judges, along with several judgments on the Rule of Law (e.g. touching on the recruitment of judges, or disciplinary proceedings against judges), the Court of Justice is building a European framework of the status of judges.

“1. Article 7 of Directive 2003/88/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 November 2003 concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working time, Clause 4 of the framework agreement on part-time work […] and Clause 4 of the framework agreement on fixed-term work […] must be interpreted as precluding national legislation which does not provide for an entitlement for magistrates to 30 days’ paid annual leave or to a social security and pension scheme deriving from the employment relationship, such as that provided for ordinary judges, if that magistrate comes within the definition of ‘part-time worker’ within the meaning of the framework agreement on part-time work and/or ‘fixed-term worker’ within the meaning of the framework agreement on fixed-term work and is in a comparable situation to that of an ordinary judge.

2. Clause 5(1) of the framework agreement on fixed-term work […] must be interpreted as precluding national legislation pursuant to which a fixed-term employment relationship can be renewed a maximum of three times successively, each renewal being for a duration of four years, for a total duration that does not exceed 16 years, and which does not provide for the possibility of penalising in an effective and dissuasive way the abusive continuance of the employment relationship”.

Source: https://curia.europa.eu/juris/document/document.jsf?text=&docid=257484&pageIndex=0&doclang=EN&mode=req&dir=&occ=first&part=1&cid=2654588

AG Collins on the EOP and COVID

European Civil Justice - mar, 04/12/2022 - 00:16

AG Collins delivered on 31 March 2022 his opinion in case C‑18/21 (Uniqa Versicherungen AG v VU), which is about the European Order for Payment:

“Articles 16, 20 and 26 of Regulation (EC) No 1896/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 creating a European order for payment procedure do not preclude the adoption, in the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, of a national measure that interrupted the 30-day time limit for lodging a statement of opposition to a European order for payment contained in Article 16(2) thereof”.

Source: https://curia.europa.eu/juris/document/document.jsf?docid=256962&text=&dir=&doclang=EN&part=1&occ=first&mode=DOC&pageIndex=0&cid=1171245

Cara Memakai Pensil Alis Bagi Pemula Untuk Hasil yang Menakjubkan 

Aldricus - lun, 04/11/2022 - 00:11

Aldricus – Salah satu alat make up yang kerap digunakan wanita adalah pensil alis. Ya, dengan alat ini, wanita bisa membentuk alis mereka untuk mempercantik tampilan mata. Namun, tentu, untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal, Anda perlu mengetahui cara memakai pensil alis bagi pemula.

Ya, perlu penerapan pensil alis yang tepat yang nantinya akan mempercantik mata. Tidak hanya itu, dengan mengetahui cara penerapan pensil alis, Anda pun nantinya bisa mengatur ketebalan alis agar lebih padu dengan make up yang digunakan.

Nah, bagaimana cara untuk memakai pensil alis tersebut untuk hasil yang maksimal? Simak ulasannya!

Langkah Memakai Pensil Alis yang Tepat

Ada beberapa langkah yang perlu diketahui dan dilakukan untuk menggunakan pensil alis demi mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal. Beberapa langkah tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Kenal bentuk wajah

Sebelum memulai menggunakan pensil alis, maka Anda perlu mengenali bentuk wajah terlebih dahulu. Ini adalah hal yang sangat mendasar karena bentuk wajah yang berbeda nantinya bisa memiliki karakteristik wajah yang berbeda pula.

  • Hindari melewatkan titik penting alis

Terkait cara memakai pensil alis bagi pemula, untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal, Anda perlu mengetahui titik penting alis. Setidaknya, ada tiga buah titik penting untuk menggambar alis yang maksimal yaitu pangkal alis, ujung alis dan ujung mata.

  • Sikat rambut alis menjauhi hidung ke arah atas

Langkah selanjutnya yang perlu Anda lakukan adalah menyikat rambut alis ke arah atas menjauhi hidung. Dengan langkah ini, maka finishing pensil alis nantinya akan terlihat lebih natural dan pensil yang digunakan akan terlihat lebih menyatu.

  • Memilih shade pensil alis yang pas

Untuk hasil yang maksimal, pilih shade pensil alis yang pas. Warna hitam mungkin masih menjadi favorite. Namun, Anda bisa menggunakan warna lain yang dikombinasikan dengan warna lipstik atau lainnya.

Nah, beberapa poin di atas adalah cara memakai pensil alis bagi pemula yang perlu Anda ketahui. Tentu, untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal, Anda memang harus lebih sering mencoba, terutama untuk melemaskan tangan yang digunakan menggambar alis.

The post Cara Memakai Pensil Alis Bagi Pemula Untuk Hasil yang Menakjubkan  appeared first on Aldri Blog.


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