The final conference for the EU-funded IC2BE project will take place in Antwerp on 21 and 22 November 2019.
This project is the follow-up of the EUPILLAR project, which was concluded in 2016.
IC2BE investigates in eight Member States the application of the European Private International Law Instruments of the second generation, i.e. the unified procedures for cross-border enforcement. The discussed regulations include the European Enforcement Order (805/2004), European Payment Order (1896/2006), the European Small Claims Procedure (861/2007) and Account Preservation Order (655/2014).
The research is coordinated by the University of Freiburg and carried out by a consortium consisting of the Max-Planck-Institute Luxembourg and the Universities of Antwerp, Madrid (Complutense), Milan, Rotterdam and Wroclaw. The investigated Member States are Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, and Spain. The case law of the Court of Justice of the EU is also analysed.
The research method combined setting up a database of case law and interviews with lawyers, judges, businesses and consumer organisations. The case law database (not yet complete) is available here.
The conference will discuss the specific problems that these procedures raise and look into the perspectives for a more coherent European system of cross-border enforcement. Speakers will include the project researchers, distinguished academics, policy makers and stakeholders such as judges, lawyers, businesses and consumer organisations. Confirmed speakers include Paul Beaumont, Gilles Cuniberti, Burkhard Hess, Xandra Kramer and Jan von Hein.
More information, including the draft programme is available here. Registration will be possible on this page soon, but please save the date in the mean time!
Par une décision du 4 avril 2019, la première chambre civile refuse de transmettre au Conseil constitutionnel une question prioritaire de constitutionnalité relative au régime du certificat de nationalité française.
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