Cedric Vanleenhove, Punitive Damages in Private International Law, Intersentia, 2016, ISBN 9781780684161, 260 pp., EUR 60.
Although European scholars have called U.S. punitive damages an “(undesired) peculiarity of American law” and the “Trojan horse of the Americanisation of continental law”, the European Union cannot close its eyes to this important feature of U.S. law. Despite being under constant scrutiny, punitive damages have a strong foothold on the other side of the ocean. Moreover, due to increased globalisation, transnational litigation is arguably on the rise. In cross-border law suits, it is inevitable that a jurisdiction will encounter legal institutions that are alien to the substantive law of the forum. This book examines the private international law treatment of American punitive damages in the European Union. It poses the crucial question whether U.S. punitive damages (should) penetrate the borders of the European Union through the backdoor of private international law. More specifically, three areas of private international law are analysed: service of process, applicable law and enforcement of judgments. In addition to describing the current positions in case law and scholarship, the book takes a normative perspective and attempts to formulate concrete guiding principles that can be used when the European legal order faces U.S. punitive damages. It, therefore, provides an invaluable resource for practitioners, judges and authorities confronted with this controversial remedy. Furthermore, as a nation’s private international law attitude indicates the country’s level of tolerance towards a foreign concept unknown in its own legal system, the book can form an essential building block for discussions amongst legislators surrounding the introduction of the remedy of punitive damages in substantive law.
The following invitation regarding the upcoming young scholars’ PIL conference in Bonn 2017 (see our previous post here) has been kindly provided by Dr. Susanne Gössl, LLM (Tulane), University of Bonn.
We cordially invite all young scholars interested in questions of Private International Law (PIL) to the first young scholars’ PIL conference which will be held on April 6th and 7th 2017 at the University of Bonn.
The conference will be held in German.
The general topic will be
Politics and Private International Law (?)
As our call for papers elicited a large number of highly qualified and interesting responses, selecting the presentations for the conference programme was not easy. In a double-blind peer review procedure, we finally identified nine contributions leading to the following program:
Thursday, 6 April, 2017
2:00 pm: welcome
2:15 pm: opening address
Prof. em. Dr. Dagmar Coester-Waltjen, LL.M. (Mich.), University of Göttingen
3:00 pm: Panel I – Arbitration
3:00 pm: Politics Behind the “ordre public transnational” (Focus ICC Arbitral Tribunal)
Iina Tornberg, Helsinki
3:30 pm: Between Unleashed Arbitral Tribunals and European Harmonisation: The Rome I Regulation and Arbitration
Masud Ulfat, Marburg
4:00 pm: The Applicable Law in Arbitration Proceedings – A responsio
Dr. Reinmar Wolff, Marburg
4:10 pm: discussion
4:40 pm: coffee break
5:00 pm: Panel II – Procedural Law and Conflict of Laws/Substantial Law
5:00 pm: How Does the ECJ Constitutionalize the European PIL and International Civil Procedure? Tendencies and Consequences
Dominik Düsterhaus, Luxemburg
5:30 pm: Proceedings in a Foreign forum derogatum, Damages in a Domestic forum prorogatum – Fair Balancing of Interests or Unjustified Intrusion into Foreign Sovereignty?
Dr. Jennifer Lee Antomo, Mainz
6 pm: discussion (until ca. 6:30 pm)
8:00 pm: dinner
Friday, 7 April, 2017
9:30 am: opening
9:45 am: Panel III – Protection of Individual Rights and Conflict of Laws
9:45 am: Private International Law and Human Rights – Questions of Conflict of Laws Regarding the Liability for “Infringements of Human Rights”
Friederike Pförtner, Konstanz
10:15 am: Cross-Border Immissions in the Context of the Revised Hungarian Regulation for Private International Law
Reka Fuglinszky, Budapest
10:45 am: discussion
11:15 am: coffee break
11:45 am: Panel IV – Public Law and Conflict of Laws
11:45 am: Long Live the Principle of Territoriality? The Significance of Private International Law for the Guarantee of Effective Data Protection
Dr. Martina Melcher, Graz
12:15 pm: Economic Sanctions in Private International Law
Dr. Tamás Szabados, Budapest
12:45 pm: discussion
1:15 pm: final discussion and conclusion of the conference
ca. 2:00 pm: closing
Participation is free, but a registration is required.
In order to register for the conference, please use this link: https://nachwuchstagungipr.typeform.com/to/qy1Obh. The registration deadline is February 28th 2017. Please be aware that the number of participants is limited and registrations will be processed in the order in which they are received. For reserving a hotel from our hotel contingent, please use the following link (http://www.bonn-region.de/events/nachwuchs-ipr.html).
For more information, please visit https://www.jura.uni-bonn.de/institut-fuer-deutsches-europaeisches-und-internationales-familienrecht/ipr-tagung/.
If you have any further questions, please contact Dr. Susanne Gössl (sgoessl@uni-bonn.de).
We are looking forward to welcoming many participants to a lively and thought-provoking conference!
Yours faithfully,
Susanne Gössl, Rafael Harnos, Leonhard Hübner, Malte Kramme, Tobias Lutzi, Michael Müller, Caroline Rupp, Johannes Ungerer
Conference “International Conflict of Laws and the Third Restatement” at Duke Law School
Writing in 2000, Mathias Reimann criticized the Second Restatement of Conflict of Laws for being “largely blind to international concerns.” He argued that since international conflict-of-laws issues have become routine, the next Restatement of Conflict of Laws must be attentive to such issues and that, ideally, it would “come with an implied (or better yet express) warranty that all its principles and rules are fit for international use as well [as for domestic use].” With work on the Third Restatement of Conflict of Laws now underway—and with one of its goals being “to pay greater attention to the international context than the Second Restatement did”—it is time to give careful thought to Professor Reimann’s call for a genuinely international restatement.
With this in mind, the Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law will be hosting a symposium entitled: International Conflict of Laws and the Third Restatement. The symposium will be held at the Duke University School of Law in Durham, North Carolina, and will take place November 4–5, 2016.
The symposium will feature all three reporters of the 3rd Restatement of the Conflict of Laws: Laura Little, Kermit Roosevelt III and Christopher Whytock. Speakers will include Patrick Borchers, Hannah Buxbaum, Donald Earl Childress III, Ann Laquer Estin, Richard Fentiman, Ralf Michaels, Horatia Muir Watt, Mathias Reimann, Linda Silberman, Symeon Symeonides, Louise Ellen Teitz, and Christopher Whytock..
For further information please see http://djcil.law.duke.edu/symposium/
Utrecht Journal of International and European Law is issuing a Call for Papers to be published in its 85th edition in the summer of 2017 on ‘General Issues’ within international and European law.
The Board of Editors invites submissions addressing any aspect of international and European law; topics may include, but are not limited to, the field of Private International Law. More specifically, papers dealing with e.g. the following issues are welcomed: jurisdictional disputes (e.g. forum selection, renvoi, etc), choice of law, recognition of foreign judgments, UNCITRAL model law(s), online dispute resolution, international arbitration, electronic commerce, or any other relevant topic.
Authors are invited to address questions and issues arising from the specific area of law relating to their topic. All types of manuscripts, from socio-legal to legal technical to comparative, will be considered for publication. However, please note that any analysis solely limited to a national legal system will fall outside the scope of the Journal. An international or European legal dimension is imperative.
The Board of Editors will select articles based on quality of research and writing, diversity, and relevance of topic. The novelty of the academic contribution is also an essential requirement. Prospective articles should be submitted online and should conform to the journal style guide on our website. Utrecht Journal has a word limit of 15,000 words including footnotes. For further information, or for consultation on a potential submission, you can contact the Editor-in-Chief at utrechtjournal@urios.org.
18 April 2017
Utrecht Journal is the student-led, peer-reviewed biannual law journal of Urios, the Utrecht Association for International and European Law. The Journal was founded in 1981 as Merkourios. In the years since, the Journal has expanded its readership and is now distributed all over the world through databases such as HeinOnline and the Directory of Open Access Journals.
In its judgment of 13 October 2016, case C-294/15, Mikołajczyk, the Court of Justice stated as follows.
(1) Article 1(1)(a) of Regulation No 2201/2003 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, must be interpreted as meaning that an action for annulment of marriage brought by a third party following the death of one of the spouses falls within the scope of that Regulation.
(2) The fifth and sixth indents of Article 3(1)(a) of Regulation No 2201/2003 must be interpreted as meaning that a person other than one of the spouses who brings an action for annulment of marriage may not rely on the grounds of jurisdiction set out in those provisions.
Nella sentenza resa il 13 ottobre 2016, relativa alla causa C-294/15, Mikołajczyk, la Corte di giustizia ha affermato quanto segue.
(1) L’art. 1, par. 1, lett. a), del regolamento n. 2201/2003 relativo alla competenza, al riconoscimento e all’esecuzione delle decisioni in materia matrimoniale e in materia di responsabilità genitoriale va interpretato nel senso che un’azione per l’annullamento del matrimonio proposta da un terzo successivamente al decesso di uno dei coniugi rientra nell’ambito di applicazione di detto regolamento.
2) L’art. 3, par. 1, lett. a), del medesimo regolamento, segnatamente il quinto e il sesto trattino (che valorizzano la residenza abituale dell’attore come titolo di giurisdizione in materia matrimoniale), va interpretato nel senso che una persona diversa da uno dei coniugi che proponga un’azione per l’annullamento del matrimonio non può avvalersi dei criteri di competenza previsti in tali disposizioni.
The European Parliamentary Research Service has published a study, authored by Christian Salm, to support a legislative initiative report on the protection of vulnerable adults to be prepared by the French MEP Joëlle Bergeron.
The purpose of the study is to provide an objective evaluation of the potential added value of taking legislative action at EU level in this field, in particular where a cross-border element is present.
The study builds on expert research carried out for the purpose by Ian Curry-Sumner of the Voorts Juridische Diensten (Dordrecht), on the one hand, and by Pietro Franzina of the University of Ferrara and Joëlle Long of the University of Turin, on the other. The research papers are annexed to the study.
The study argues that, together with the ratification of the Hague Convention of 13 January 2000 on the international protection of adults by all EU Member States, the adoption of certain EU legal measures would create a more reliable legal framework for the protection of vulnerable adults in cross-border situations than is currently the case. This would constitute an added value in itself, and would also contribute to reducing legal and emotional costs for vulnerable adults when facing issues in a cross-border situation.
The proposed measures, which could be adopted on the basis of Article 81 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, include: (i) enhancing cooperation and communication among authorities of EU Member States in this area; (ii) abolishing the requirement of exequatur for measures of protection taken in EU Member States; (iii) creating a European certificate of powers granted for the protection of an adult; (iv) enabling the adult, under appropriate safeguards, to choose in advance the EU Member States whose courts should be deemed to possess jurisdiction to take measures concerning his or her protection; (v) providing for the continuing jurisdiction of the courts of the EU Member State of the former habitual residence.
The European Parliamentary Research Service has published a study accompanying a legislative initiative report on the protection of vulnerable adults to be prepared by the French MEP Joëlle Bergeron for the purposes of Article 225 of the TFEU. Its purpose is to assess the potential added value of taking legislative action at EU level in this field, in particular as regards situations where a cross-border element is present. The study builds on expert research carried out for the purpose, inter alia, by Ian Curry-Sumner (Voorts Juridische Diensten, Dordrecht), and Joëlle Long (Univ. Turin). The research papers are annexed to the study.
Il Servizio Ricerca del Parlamento europeo ha pubblicato uno studio destinato ad accompagnare una relazione di iniziativa legislativa ai sensi dell’art. 225 del TFUE dedicata alla protezione degli adulti e affidata alla Parlamentare europea francese Joëlle Bergeron. Lo studio punta ad accertare il valore aggiunto di un’azione legislativa condotta in quest’ambito a livello europeo, in particolare per quanto concerne le situazioni caratterizzate da elementi di internazionalità. Lo studio si basa su ricerche svolte, fra gli altri, da Ian Curry-Sumner (Voorts Juridische Diensten, Dordrecht) e Joëlle Long (Univ. Torino). Il testo integrale di tali lavori di ricerca è allegato allo studio.
On 7 October 2016, Turkey ratified the 1996 Hague Convention the Protection of Children and the 2007 Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance. Both Conventions will enter into force for Turkey on 1 February 2017.
Il 7 ottobre 2016, la Turchia ha ratificato la Convenzione dell’Aja del 1996 sulla protezione dei minori e la Convenzione dell’Aja del 2007 sulle obbligazioni alimentari. I due strumenti saranno internazionalmente in vigore per la Turchia dal 1° febbraio 2017.
The EU Succession Regulation – A Commentary, edited by Alfonso-Luis Calvo Caravaca, Angelo Davì, Heinz-Peter Mansel, Cambridge University Press, 2016, ISBN 9781107127302, GBP 125.
The European Succession Regulation is a landmark in the field of EU private international law. It unifies the conflicts of laws, jurisdiction and recognition of foreign judgments and some other legal instruments in the field of succession and wills. This volume provides an article-by-article commentary on the individual provisions of the Regulation, introduced by an overview of its general framework and underlying principles. As a reference tool for the Regulation, this book is intended to promote a high standard of interpretation and application. With contributions from leading scholars in the field, it uses a comparative approach in its analysis to enrich the academic debate and highlight the problems likely to arise in the practical application of the Regulation.
The University of Rome La Sapienza will host a conference, on 13 October 2016, on the occasion of the publication of the book. Speakers include Cristina Campiglio (Univ. Pavia), Sergio Maria Carbone (Univ. Genova), Javier Carrascosa González (Univ. Murcia), Claudio Consolo (Univ. Roma La Sapienza), Erik Jayme (Univ. Heidelberg), Peter Kindler (LMU Munich), Paolo Pasqualis (Italian Council of Notaries), Ugo Villani (Univ. Bari).
Il 13 ottobre 2016, si svolgerà a Roma, all’Università La Sapienza, un convegno in occasione della pubblicazione del volume. Interverranno, fra gli altri, Cristina Campiglio (Univ. Pavia), Sergio Maria Carbone (Univ. Genova), Javier Carrascosa González (Univ. Murcia), Claudio Consolo (Univ. Roma La Sapienza), Erik Jayme (Univ. Heidelberg), Peter Kindler (LMU Monaco), Paolo Pasqualis (Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato), Ugo Villani (Univ. Bari).
On 27–28 October 2016, Professor Amnon Lehavi (Atara Kaufman Professor of Real Estate at Radzyner School of Law, Israel, and currently Global Chair at Tilburg University, Netherlands) and Anna Berlee (Tilburg Law School) will host an international expert meeting of speakers representing all areas of property law, from the Netherlands and abroad. The workshop will study the various challenges that processes of globalisation pose to the different fields of property law, from land law to tangible and intangible goods, intellectual property, property aspects of family law and new outer-world cyberspace and outer space property. Further details will be available here shortly. Those interested in participating should contact Anna Berlee at a.berlee@tilburguniversity.edu.
On 28 October 2016, the University of Florence will host a conference devoted to ‘New instruments to promote the proper application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. A discussion with the EU Institution and national actors on the results and future perspectives of the Charterclick! Project’. The programme is available here.
Il 28 ottobre 2016, l’Università di Firenze ospiterà un convegno dedicato al tema “Nuovi strumenti per promuovere la corretta applicazione della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione Europea. Una discussione con le istituzioni dell’Unione Europea e gli attori nazionali sui risultati e le prospettive future del Progetto Charterclick!. Il programma dell’evento è disponibile qui.
On 5 October 2016, the United Kingdom notified the Council of the European Union, in accordance with Article 3(1) of the Protocol (No 21) to the Treaties on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland in respect of the area of freedom, security and justice, that it intends to take part in the adoption and application of the proposed regulation on jurisdiction, the recognition and enforcement of decisions in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, and on international child abduction (the recast Brussels II regulation). A similar communication has been made by Ireland.
Il 5 ottobre 2016, il Regno Unito ha reso noto al Consiglio dell’Unione europea, in base all’art. 3, par. 1, del Protocollo (n. 21) allegato ai Trattati relativo alla posizione del Regno Unito e dell’Irlanda circa lo spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia, che intende prendere parte all’adozione e all’applicazione del regolamento sulla competenza giurisdizionale, il riconoscimento e l’esecuzione delle decisioni in materia di matrimoniale e di responsabilità genitoriale, e sulla sottrazione internazionale di minori (regolamento Bruxelles II rifuso, di cui vedi qui la proposta). Una analoga comunicazione è stata fatta dall’Irlanda.
The Research Center for Transnational Commercial Dispute Resolution at EBS Law School will host a lecture on extraterritoriality in transnational regulation. Professor Dr. Hannah L. Buxbaum, John E. Schiller Chair in Legal Ethics, Maurer School of Law, Indiana University Bloomington, USA, will talk about the special problem of private enforcement in this context.
Background: In 2000, the European Community filed a lawsuit against RJR Nabisco (RJR) in U.S. federal court, alleging violations of the U.S. Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). In 2016, the litigation came to a close. The Supreme Court held that RICO does apply to certain forms of foreign conduct – however, it concluded that RICO’s private cause of action does not extend to claims based on injuries suffered outside the United States, and therefore denied the European Community any recovery. The effect of this decision, which builds on other recent decisions of the Court, is to constrain quite significantly the application of U.S. regulatory law in cross-border cases.
The talk will explore the extraterritorial application of domestic regulatory law as a tool of transnational regulation. In particular, it will address the special challenges created when it is private plaintiffs, rather than state agencies, that seek to apply that law.
The Lecture will be held on 18 October 2016 at 6.30 p.m. in Lecture Room “Sydney” at EBS Law School in Wiesbaden. For further information see here.
We are looking forward to seeing you.
Thank you Cozen O’Connor for alerting me. California’s Senate Bill 1241 was signed into law at the end of September. It will apply to employment contracts entered into, modified, or extended on or after 1 January 2017.
The Bill will feature in a forthcoming article that I am co-authoring with Jutta Gangsted. I have not (yet) studied the preparatory work in detail however the Bill immediately calls for comparative analysis with the EU’s’ approach to this particular ‘protected category’: what is a labour (employment) contract; how does ‘primarily resides and works in California’ compare with ‘habitually carries out his work’ and ‘domicile’; when exactly is a contract ‘modified’ (on this see for the EU, Nikiforidis). The starting point of both the California and the EU rules is the same: employees cannot be considered to really consent to either choice of law or choice of court hence any clause doing same will be subject to mandatory limitations.
On 8 September 2016, AG Bot delivered his opinion in case C-484/15, Ibrica Zulfikarpašić v Slaven Gajer. He concluded as follows.
(1) The concept of ‘judgment’, within the meaning of Article 4(1) of Regulation (EC) No 805/2004 creating a European Enforcement Order for uncontested claims, must be interpreted as meaning that an enforcement title such as a writ of execution issued by a notary based on an authentic document constitutes a ‘judgment’ within the meaning of Article 4(1) of Regulation No 805/2004, provided that the notary with power to issue that writ adjudicates, in the exercise of that specific function, as a court, which requires him to offer guarantees as to his independence and impartiality and to decide on his own authority by a judgment which, first, was or may be subject to an exchange of arguments before being certified as a European Enforcement Order and, second, may be challenged before a judicial authority. It is for the referring court to determine whether notaries satisfy all of those conditions, particularly those relating to independence and impartiality.
(2) Article 6(1) of Regulation No 805/2004 must be interpreted as meaning that notaries who satisfy the conditions laid down in order to be classified as a ‘court’ constitute the ‘court of origin’ within the meaning of Article 4(6) and Article 6(1) of that regulation and therefore have the power to certify as European Enforcement Orders the writs they issue which have become enforceable in the absence of opposition from the debtor.
L’avvocato generale Bot ha presentato l’8 settembre 2016 le sue conclusioni relative alla causa C-484/15, Ibrica Zulfikarpašić v Slaven Gajer. A suo avviso, la Corte dovrebbe statuire quanto segue.
(1) La nozione di “decisione giudiziaria” ai sensi dell’articolo 4, punto 1, del regolamento n. 805/2004 che istituisce il titolo esecutivo europeo per i crediti non contestati, deve essere interpretata nel senso che un titolo esecutivo quale un mandato di esecuzione emesso da un notaio in base a un atto autentico costituisce una “decisione giudiziaria” a norma della menzionata disposizione se il notaio competente a rilasciare detto mandato statuisce in qualità di giudice nell’esercizio di tale specifica funzione, il che presuppone che egli offra garanzie di indipendenza e imparzialità e statuisca con poteri propri mediante una decisione che, da un lato, ha costituito o può costituire l’oggetto di una discussione in contraddittorio prima di essere certificata quale titolo esecutivo europeo e, dall’altro, può essere oggetto di ricorso dinanzi a un’autorità giudiziaria. Spetta al giudice del rinvio verificare se il notaio soddisfi tutte le suddette condizioni, in particolare quelle relative all’indipendenza e imparzialità.
(2) L’articolo 6, par. 1, del regolamento n. 805/2004 deve essere interpretato nel senso che il notaio che soddisfi le condizioni per essere qualificato come “giudice” costituisce il “giudice di origine” ai sensi dell’articolo 4, punto 6, e dell’articolo 6, par. 1, di tale regolamento ed è, quindi, competente a certificare come titolo esecutivo europeo il mandato che ha rilasciato e reso esecutivo in mancanza di opposizione del debitore.
The Interdisciplinary Association for Comparative and Private International Law (IACPIL) with support of the Faculty of Law at the University of Vienna is hosting a conference organized by Professor Dr Bea Verschraegen and Dr Florian Heindler on international banking transactions involving consumers.
The conference (in German language) will take place on 24 October 2016 in Vienna at the Vienna University, Faculty of Law.
Speakers are:
Professor Dr Peter Mankowski, University of Hamburg
Professor Dr Dietmar Czernich, Innsbruck
Professor Dr Georg Kodek, Vienna University of Economics and Business and Austrian Supreme Court
Private-Docent Dr Judith Schacherreiter, Vienna
Professor Dr Gerald Spindler, University of Göttingen
Dr Florian Heindler, Bregenz
Welcome address by Prof Dr Paul Oberhammer, University of Vienna
Moderation and conclusive remarks by Prof. Dr. Bea Verschraegen, University of Vienna, Prof Dr Verica Trstenjak, University of Vienna, Dr Konrad Koloseus, Vienna, Dr Heinz Löber, Vienna
The programme can be downloaded here.
For additional questions and registration, please contact Ms Sandra Muckenhuber.
Estonia has recently joined the Rome III Regulation (EU) No. 1259/2010 on enhanced cooperation in the area of the law applicable to divorce and legal separation, increasing the number of participating Member States to seventeen. The Decision of the Commission of 10 August 2016 has been published in (2016) OJ L 216/13. Before, Lithuania and Greece had already joined the original fourteen participating Member States. Contrary to some dire forecasts made at the time when the Rome III Regulation was adopted, this instrument has turned out to be rather successful, being now in force in a clear majority of Member States. Rome III shall apply to Estonia from 11 February 2018. Article 3 of the said Council’s decision contains specific transitional provisions, in particular with regard to choice-of-law agreements.
The Italian Government has adopted, on 4 October 2016, the draft text of three decrees implementing Law No 76 of 20 May 2016, on registered partnerships. One of these decrees is specifically concerned with private international law. It will be finally adopted by the Government, once examined by the Committees for Justice of the Italian Senate and Chamber of Deputies. The text (in Italian) may be found here.
Il 4 ottobre 2016 il Consiglio dei Ministri ha approvato, in sede di esame preliminare, i decreti attuativi della legge 20 maggio 2016 n. 76, recante la regolamentazione delle unioni civili tra persone dello stesso sesso e disciplina delle convivenze. Con uno di questi decreti il Governo si appresta ad esercitare la delega contemplata al comma 28, lett. b), della legge, che prefigura la “modifica” e il “riordino” delle norme in materia di diritto internazionale privato riguardanti le unioni. Il testo del decreto, attualmente all’esame delle Commissioni Giustizia di Camera e Senato, è disponibile a questo indirizzo.
The Academy of European Law (ERA) will host a conference on the changes which will be brought about by Brexit with regard to the UK’s status under the Brussels Ia, Rome I & Rome II Regulations and the impact of those changes on commercial dispute resolution in London during the transitional period and afterwards. The seminar is organized by Dr Angelika Fuchs (ERA) in cooperation with the Bar Council, the European Circuit and the Hamburgischer Anwaltverein. The event will take place on 10 November 2016 in London and will be followed by a reception.
Key topics will be:
The full conference programme is available here.
The speakers are:
For further information, please see the conference website. Registration forms are available here.
On Friday, 7 October 2106, the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies at the University of London will host a half-day conference on Changes and challenges in cross-border litigation after the Brexit referendum. Designed to give speakers and attendees the opportunity to reflect on topics that are or could be affected by ‘Brexit’ for better or worse, the focus of the conference will be on areas of law that are relevant to commercial law such as choice of law, dispute resolution, banking resolution and cross border securities. A comparative viewpoint will be taken to include perspectives from Scotland and England and other European legal systems. The objective is to invite fresh approaches to legal solutions as they have been manifested in European Union legislation that may benefit from rethinking in the light of the June 2016 referendum on the UK’s EU Membership. Registration is possible and requested via the conference website.
The Programme reads as follows:
Introductory Remarks: Prof. Andrew Dickinson, University of Oxford, tbc – “The future direction of private international law in the UK”
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Giesela Ruehl, University of Jena – “Choice of law and choice court clauses after the EU Referendum”
Prof. Sophia Tang, University of Newcastle – “Future Private International Law and Judicial Cooperation: Different Models”
Dr Maren Heidemann, Visiting Fellow, IALS – “Identities in EU PIL – an outdated social model?”
Dr Lorna Gillies, University of Strathclyde – “Some observations on intra-UK rules post-Brexit”
Prof. Gerard McCormack, University of Leeds – “Insolvency litigation after Brexit”
Dr Jonathan Fitchen, University of Aberdeen – “Post-Brexit recognition and enforcement of UK civil and commercial judgments in the European Union: problems and challenges”
Dr Mukarrum Ahmed, University of Aberdeen – “BREXIT and English Jurisdiction Agreements: The Post-Referendum Legal Landscape
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