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Bot AG in Fansites. No cheers for unified applicable data protection laws.

GAVC - Thu, 12/21/2017 - 10:10

Apologies for late reporting. Bot AG opined end of October in C‑210/16 Fansites. [The official name of the case is Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz Schleswig-Holstein v Wirtschaftsakademie Schleswig-Holstein GmbH, in the presence of Facebook Ireland Ltd, Vertreter des Bundesinteresses beim Bundesverwaltungsgericht. It’s obvious why one prefers calling it Fansites].

The Advocate-General summarises (para 2-3) the case as involving ‘proceedings between the Wirtschaftsakademie Schleswig-Holstein GmbH, a company governed by private law and specialising in the field of education (‘the Wirtschaftsakademie’), and the Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz Schleswig-Holstein, a regional data-protection authority in Schleswig-Holstein (‘ULD’) concerning the lawfulness of an order issued by the latter against the Wirtschaftsakademie requiring it to deactivate a ‘fan page’ hosted on the website of Facebook Ireland Ltd. The reason for that order was the alleged infringement of the provisions of German law transposing Directive 95/46. Specifically, visitors to the fan page were not warned that their personal data are collected by the social network Facebook (‘Facebook’) by means of cookies that are placed on the visitor’s hard disk, the purpose of that data collection being to compile viewing statistics for the administrator of the fan page and to enable Facebook to publish targeted advertisements.’

The case ought to clarify the extent of the powers of intervention of supervisory authorities such as ULD with regard to the processing of personal data which involves the participation of several parties (at 13). I had flagged earlier that this case is relevant to the jurisdictional and applicable law issues involving datr cookies.

Whatever the outcome of the case, its precedent value will be limited by the imminent entry into force of the new General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR. The GDPR clearly introduces a ‘one-stop principle’ with only one lead authority (in FB’s case, Ireland’s data protection agency) having the authority to act (see also the AG’s observation of same in para 103).

As prof Lorna Woods in excellent analysis observes, the issue comes down to the interpretation of the phrase from Art. 4(1)(a), ‘in the context of the activities of an establishment’. Dan Svantesson has most superb analysis of Article 4(1)(a) here, anyone interested in the issue will find his insight most helpful.

Now, the Advocate-General leans heavily on Weltimmo however I would suggest its precedent value for the Fanpages case is constrained. Weltimmo concerned a company set up in Slovakia but with no relevant activities at all in that Member State. Indeed as the Court itself observed (at 16-18) , the company was effectively male fide (my words, not the CJEU’s) moving its servers and creating fog as to its exact whereabouts. In other words a case of blatant abuse. There is no suggestion of abuse in Fanpages. Moreover according to the CJEU in C-230/14 Weltimmo the phrase ‘in the context of the activities of an establishment’ cannot be interpreted restrictively (AG’s reference in para 87), yet that CJEU holding in Weltimmo cross-refers to Google Spain in which the crucial issue was whether EU data protection laws apply at all. That is very different in Weltimmo and in Fanpages. That EU authorities have jurisdiction and that EU privacy law applies is not at issue.

There is sufficient argument to find in the Directive, even before its transformation into the GDPR, that in cases such as these the same processing operation ought to be governed by the laws of just one Member State. It would be good for the CJEU to recognise that even before the entry into force of the GDPR.


(Handbook of) EU Private International Law, 2nd ed. 2016, Chapter 2, Heading



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Au regard de l’article 7 du règlement portant création d’un titre exécutoire européen pour les créances incontestées, une décision exécutoire sur le montant des frais de justice, contenue dans un jugement ne portant pas sur une créance incontestée, ne peut pas être certifiée en tant que titre exécutoire européen.

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Categories: Flux français

CEDH : les États bénéficient d’une « marge d’appréciation étendue » sous conditions

La Cour européenne des droits de l’homme (CEDH) énonce que les États signataires bénéficient d’une « marge d’appréciation étendue » pour déterminer si un mariage entre homosexuels contracté à l’étranger peut être enregistré comme tel en droit interne. 

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Categories: Flux français

146/2017 : 20 décembre 2017 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-158/16

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Wed, 12/20/2017 - 11:02
Vega González
Un travailleur à durée déterminée élu à une fonction parlementaire doit pouvoir bénéficier, en vue d’exercer son mandat politique, du même congé spécial que celui accordé à un fonctionnaire

Categories: Flux européens

145/2017 : 20 décembre 2017 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-102/16

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Wed, 12/20/2017 - 10:51
Dans le secteur des transports routiers, les conducteurs ne peuvent pas prendre le temps de repos hebdomadaire normal auquel ils ont droit à bord de leur véhicule

Categories: Flux européens

HCCH 125 — Ways Forward: Challenges and Opportunities in an Increasingly Connected World

Conflictoflaws - Wed, 12/20/2017 - 10:47

By the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH)

Register your interest now at www.HCCH125.org, and receive all the latest information about the global conference “HCCH 125 — Ways Forward: Challenges and Opportunities in an Increasingly Connected World”.

This global conference gathers world-leading experts who will discuss the opportunities for, and challenges to, private international law. Through interactive “Davos Style” sessions, participants will not only hear from these experts, but can also participate actively in each session.

The key note speaker Prof Jürgen Basedow, emeritus at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, will be joined by a stellar cast of confirmed moderators and speakers, including Sir Lawrence Collins, Lord Collins of Mapesbury; Professor Richard Fentiman; Professor Linda Silberman and many other distinguished authorities, hailing from practice, judiciary and government. The up-to-date list of all experts will be available soon on the website.

The event, which will be held in Hong Kong SAR, China, from 18 -20 April 2018, and is organised by the HCCH with the generous support of the Department of Justice of Hong Kong SAR, will give all participants the unique opportunity to hear from world-leading experts and contribute actively to a discussion of the future of private international law and the evolution of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, which celebrates its 125th Anniversary in 2018.

You can also keep up-to-date with the HCCH in its quasquicentennial year by following the Organisation’s dedicated Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HCCH125/) and LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/hcch-125/) pages.

144/2017 : 20 décembre 2017 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-442/16

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Wed, 12/20/2017 - 10:39
Sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants
Un citoyen de l’Union qui, au bout de plus d’un an, a cessé d’exercer une activité indépendante dans un autre État membre du fait d’un manque de travail causé par des raisons indépendantes de sa volonté conserve la qualité de travailleur non salarié et, par conséquent, un droit de séjour dans cet État membre

Categories: Flux européens

143/2017 : 20 décembre 2017 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-226/16

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Wed, 12/20/2017 - 10:38
Eni e.a.
Les États membres ne peuvent pas obliger les fournisseurs de gaz naturel à détenir exclusivement sur le territoire national des stocks de gaz naturel suffisants pour satisfaire aux obligations prévues par le règlement de l’Union sur la sécurité de l’approvisionnement en gaz

Categories: Flux européens

142/2017 : 20 décembre 2017 - Arrêts de la Cour de justice dans les affaires C-66/16 P,C-67/16 P,C-68/16 P, C-69/16 P,C-70/16 P,C-81/16 P

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Wed, 12/20/2017 - 10:27
Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco et Itelazpi / Commission
Aide d'État
La Cour annule la décision de la Commission ordonnant la récupération de l’aide d’État octroyée par l’Espagne aux opérateurs de la plate-forme de télévision terrestre

Categories: Flux européens


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