Agrégateur de flux

Article 148-2 du code de procédure pénale - 06/08/2021

Cour de cassation française - ven, 08/13/2021 - 17:41

Pourvoi c. déc. Cour d'appel de Rouen du 17 juin 2021

Catégories: Flux français

Article 144 du code de procédure pénale - 06/08/2021

Cour de cassation française - ven, 08/13/2021 - 17:41

Pourvoi c. déc. Cour d'appel de Rouen du 17 juin 2021

Catégories: Flux français

Online seminar on Private International Law in Islamic Countries – Developments and Challenges

Conflictoflaws - ven, 08/13/2021 - 13:26

The Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University, Indonesia is organizing a one-day international online seminar on Private International Law in Islamic Countries – Developments and Challenges. The main purpose of the seminar is to examine and discuss the current situation of private international law in Islamic countries especially from the point of view of the influence of religion (Sharia/Islamic law) on the regulation of private international relationships.

Participation is free but online registration (here)  is kindly requested to receive the link to the conference, which will be emailed shortly before the event.

After registering, attendees will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. The event will also be live streamed via YouTube (here). E-certificate for attendance will also be issued for attendees to prove that they joined the online seminar.

Details about the forthcoming seminar are as follows:

Date: 24 August 2021

Time: 13:00 (Western Indonesia Time); 14:00 (Brunei & Hong Kong Time); 15:00 (Japan Time)

Program (details can be found here):

  1. Admittance for Key-note Speaker, Invited Speakers, and Seminar
  2. Opening Ceremony by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Brawijaya
  3. Keynote Speech by Professor Yun Zhao, Representative of the HCCH Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
  4. Seminar Presentation (Moderator: Cyndiarnis, SH. MKn)
    • a. Associate Professor Béligh Elbalti, Ph.D., Graduate School of Law and Politics, Osaka University (The Influence of Islamic Law Principles on the Treatment of International Private Relationships – Family Law as Example)
    • b. Nobumichi Teramura, Assistant Professor of the Institute of Asian Studies, and University of Brunei Darussalam (Shariah as the Law Applicable to an International Commercial Contract: Challenges and Opportunities in Australia and Brunei)
    • c. Afifah Kusumadara, SH. LL.M. SJD., Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University (The connecting factors to determine the applicable law and the court jurisdiction in Indonesia: The interference of religion)
  1. Question and Answer
  2. Photo Session and Closing
  3. Announcement by the M.C. concerning:
    • Certificates of Participation
    • Seminar materials

Any enquiries should be directed to The organisers are looking forward to having fruitful discussion with and exchange of ideas among all participants.



The Hague Judgments Convention and Commonwealth Model Law: A Pragmatic Perspective

Conflictoflaws - jeu, 08/12/2021 - 11:49

A foreign judgment that cannot be enforced is useless no matter how well it is/was written. The fact that a foreign judgment can be readily enforced aids the prompt settlement of disputes and makes international commercial transactions more effective.  The importance of the enforcement of foreign judgments cannot be over-emhpasised because international commercial parties are likely to lose confidence in a system that does not protect their interests in the form of recognising and enforcing a foreign judgment.

Today Hart published a new private international law monograph focused on the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. Its title is “The Hague Judgments Convention and Commonwealth Model Law: A Pragmatic Perspective.” The author of this monograph is Dr Abubakri Yekini of the Lagos State University. The monograph is based on his PhD thesis at the University of Aberdeen titled “A Critical Analysis of the Hague Judgments Convention and Commonwealth Model Law from a Pragmatic Perspective.”

The abstract of the book reads as follows:

This book undertakes a systematic analysis of the 2019 Hague Judgments Convention, the 2005 Hague Choice of Court Convention 2005, and the 2017 Commonwealth Model Law on recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments from a pragmatic perspective.

The book builds on the concept of pragmatism in private international law within the context of recognition and enforcement of judgments. It demonstrates the practical application of legal pragmatism by setting up a toolbox (pragmatic goals and methods) that will assist courts and policymakers in developing an effective and efficient judgments’ enforcement scheme at national, bilateral and multilateral levels.

Practitioners, national courts, policymakers, academics, students and litigants will benefit from the book’s comparative approach using case law from the United Kingdom and other leading Commonwealth States, the United States, and the Court of Justice of the European Union. The book also provides interesting findings from the empirical research on the refusal of recognition and enforcement in the UK and the Commonwealth statutory registration schemes respectively.

I have had the benefit of reading this piece once and can confidently recommend it to anyone interested in the important topic of recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. The pragmatic approach utilised in the book makes the work an interesting read. My prediction is that this book will endure for a long time, and will likely be utilised in adjudication.

The Law Applicable to the Third-Party Effects of Assignment: The Aftermath of the CJEU’s Decision in TeamBank

EAPIL blog - jeu, 08/12/2021 - 08:00

In the judgment in TeamBank dated 19 January 2019, the CJEU ruled that Article 14 of the Rome I Regulation does nothing to identify the law governing the effects of assignment in relation to third parties. The court referred, inter alia, to Article 27(2) of the Rome I Regulation, which tasked the Commission to report on this issue and propose an amendment to the Regulation. In the meantime, the question will be governed by national conflict-of-laws rules.

But by which one? This interesting point was subsequently decided in a judgment by the Court of Appeal (Oberlandesgericht) Saarbrücken (Germany), which had requested the preliminary ruling from the CJEU.

German Conflicts Rule on Third-party Effects of Assignment

The legal situation in Germany in this respect is somewhat unclear. Until 2009, the Introductory Act to the German Civil Code (EGBGB) featured a rule on the law applicable to assignment in its former Article 33. Although this provision did not explicitly address third-party effects, it was interpreted by the courts and most authors as submitting them to the law of the assigned claim. Yet Article 33 EGBGB was repealed in 2009 by the German legislator because it considered the rule as no longer necessary due to entry into force of the Rome I Regulation.

Thus, the important gap of the Rome I Regulation regarding third-party effects of assignment, which the CJEU had correctly identified in TeamBank, became all the more significant. To close it, the Court of Appeal Saarbrücken refers to the old EGBGB rule and its long-standing interpretation. In the eyes of the court, the repeal of the provision does not matter, given the advantages of applying the law of the assigned claim to third-party effects. Specifically, the court highlights the rule’s contribution to the goal of legal certainty, which could not be achieved by other connecting factors. Moreover, it explicitly rejects the habitual residence of the assignor in this context, as it would not allow the same degree of predictability in the case of sequential assignments.

The Decision

Applying this conflicts rule, the court determines the law of Luxembourg as governing the third-party effects in the present litigation. To recall: In the underlying case, a Luxembourgish civil servant habitually resident in Germany had twice assigned her salary claims against her employer, first to a bank in Germany and thereafter to a bank in Luxembourg, before becoming bankrupt. The debtor was only informed of the second assignment. Afterwards, the two banks had a dispute about the rights to the salary.

The Court of Appeal starts by considering the validity of the first assignment from the point of view of German substantive law, which governs the assignment under Art 14(2) Rome I Regulation. However, these considerations were ultimately futile. Only thereafter did the court address the real issue, i.e. the law applicable to the third-party effects of the assignment.

Since the claim assigned was governed by Luxembourgish law, the court held the same to be applicable to the dispute between the banks before it. Based on an expert opinion, the court considers only the second assignment, which had been notified to the debtor, as valid under Luxembourg law. The fact that the previous assignment is valid under German law without any notice to the debtor would not matter as Luxembourgish law governs the third-party effects of both assignments.

A Look at the Commission Proposal

The Court of Appeal does not fail to acknowledge that under the European Commission’s Proposal for a Regulation on the law applicable to the third-party effects of assignment of claims, the connecting factor will be different because the habitual residence of the assignor takes centre stage (see Article 4(1) of the Proposal). However, the court also points to the various exceptions to this rule in Article 4(2) and (3) of the Proposal. Moreover, it points to the rule for priority conflicts in Article 4(4) of the Proposal. The court takes the view that the latter rule would have yielded the same result it had reached in the present case, i.e. the applicability of the law of Luxembourg.

It is respectfully submitted that the court erred on this last point. Article 4(4) of the Proposal contains a rule for priority conflicts that may arise where two assignments are covered by Article 4(1) and Article 4(2) or (3) of the Proposal. It therefore presupposes the applicability of two diverging connecting factors – habitual residence on the one hand, and the law governing the claim on the other. This, however, was not the case in the situation faced by the Court of Appeal, in which the one and the same rule and connecting factor – that of the habitual residence under Article 4(1) of the Proposal – would have been applicable. Had the Proposal already been adopted, it would thus have resulted in the applicability of German law and, consequently, the validity of the first assignment.


The case offers two take-aways: First, there is still considerable support in national courts for the law of the assigned claim as the relevant connecting factor for third-party effects of assignment. The long-awaited Regulation of the Commission will thus have to entail significant changes in the attitudes.

Second, the case illustrates that the complex Commission’s Proposal lends itself to misunderstandings, even in its – easier – original form. One of the major challenges will be to educate lawyers about its meaning and secure its correct application by courts throughout the Union.

Many thanks to Verena Wodniansky-Wildenfeld and Amy Held for their contribution to this post.

New Zealand ratifies Child Support Convention

European Civil Justice - jeu, 08/12/2021 - 01:45

Yesterday (10 August 2021), the Hague Conference issued a press release according to which, on 23 July 2021, New Zealand ratified the Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance, which will enter into force for it on 1 November 2021.

Source :

AMEDIP: Webinar by Professor Leonel Pereznieto regarding two thesis on Private International Law (12 August) and other activities

Conflictoflaws - mer, 08/11/2021 - 13:05

The Mexican Academy of Private International and Comparative Law (AMEDIP) is holding a webinar on 12 August 2021 at 5:00 pm (Mexico City time – CDT), 12:00 am (CEST time). The topic of the webinar is two thesis on private international law and will be presented by Professor Leonel Pereznieto Castro (in Spanish).

The details of the webinar are:


Meeting ID: 842 2973 9402


Participation is free of charge. This event will also be streamed live:



AMEDIP is also giving a series of lectures in a course addressed to judges and judicial officers, among others. This course consists of 100 hours of lectures on Private International Law and is being organized by the Federal Judicial School of Mexico. The program is available here.

As this course deals with a broad range of topics, it will have an impact on the better understanding of Private International Law in the Mexican judicial branch and may lead to better decision making in international cases. For more information, click here.


Online event on 11 and 12 August: Perspectives and Challenges of the New Borderless Law Practice

Conflictoflaws - mar, 08/10/2021 - 20:07

The Brazilian Association of Internationalist Lawyers (ABRINTER) will hold on August 11 and 12 its 1st Cycle of Lectures with the theme “Perspectives and Challenges of the New Borderless Law Practice” (in Portuguese).


The event brings 27 lectures on various topics involving law and international private law practice, and celebrates the cooperation protocols signed by the Brazilian association and the Federation of Young Lawyers from Mexico (Mexico) and the Algarve Law Association (Portugal).


Registration is free of charge. To register access the ABRINTER’s website:

Perspectives and Challenges of the New Borderless Law Practice

Conflictoflaws - mar, 08/10/2021 - 19:55

Online Event on 11 and 12 August

The Brazilian Association of Internationalist Lawyers (ABRINTER) will hold on August 11 and 12 its 1st Cycle of Lectures with the theme “Perspectives and Challenges of the New Borderless Law Practice” (in Portuguese).

The event brings 27 lectures on various topics involving law and international private law practice, and celebrates the cooperation protocols signed by the Brazilian association and the Federation of Young Lawyers from Mexico (Mexico) and the Algarve Law Association (Portugal). This online event involves lawyers from Brazil, Mexico, and Portugal.

Registration is free of charge. To register access the ABRINTER’s website:

Online event on 11 and 12 August: Perspectives and Challenges of the New Borderless Law Practice.

Conflictoflaws - mar, 08/10/2021 - 18:25

The Brazilian Association of Internationalist Lawyers (ABRINTER) will hold on August 11 and 12 its 1st Cycle of Lectures with the theme “Perspectives and Challenges of the New Borderless Law Practice” (in Portuguese).


The event brings 27 lectures on various topics involving law and international private law practice, and celebrates the cooperation protocols signed by the Brazilian association and the Federation of Young Lawyers from Mexico (Mexico) and the Algarve Law Association (Portugal).


Registration is free of charge. To register access the ABRINTER’s website:

Tort Choice of Law Rules in Cross-border Multi-party Litigation under European and Chinese Private International Law

Conflictoflaws - mar, 08/10/2021 - 03:16

Tort Choice of Law Rules in Cross-border Multi-party Litigation under European and Chinese Private International Law

By Zhen Chen, PhD Researcher, University of Groningen

This blog post is part of the article ‘Tort Conflicts Rules in Cross-border Multi-party Litigation: Which Law Has a Closer or the Closest Connection?’ published by the Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law with open access, available at A related previous post is ‘Personal Injury and Article 4(3) of Rome II Regulation’, available here

This article compares Owen v. Galgey under Article 4 Rome II Regulation and YANG Shuying v. British Carnival Cruise under Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act in the context of cross-border multi-party litigation on tort liability. As to the interpretation of tort conflicts rules, such as lex loci delicti, the notion of ‘damage’, lex domicilii communis and the closer/closest connection test, these two cases demonstrate different approaches adopted in European and Chinese private international law. This article does not intend to reach a conclusion which law is better between Rome II Regulation and Chinese Conflicts Act, but rather highlights on a common challenge faced by both Chinese courts and English courts in international tort litigation and how to tackle such challenge in an efficient way.

I. Tort conflicts rules in China and the EU
It is widely accepted rule that lex loci delicti will be the applicable law for cross-border tort liability in private international law. This is also the case in China and the EU. The application of lex loci delicti, as a general rule, is stipulated in Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act and Article 4(1) Rome II Regulation. However, Article 4(1) Rome II Regulation explicitly refers to the place of damage, namely ‘the law of the country in which the damage occurs’ (lex loci damni), and expressly excludes the place of wrong (‘the country in which the event giving rise to the damage occurred’) and the place of consequential loss (‘the country or countries in which the indirect consequences of that event occur’). By contrast, it remains unclear whether lex loci delicti in Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act merely refers to lex loci damni, as such provision does not expressly state so.

The application of lex loci delicti in China and the EU is subject to several exceptions. Specifically, lex loci delicti is superseded by the law chosen by the parties under Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act and Article 14 Rome II Regulation, while lex domicilii communis takes precedence over lex loci delicti under Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act and Article 4(2) Rome II Regulation. Moreover, the escape clause enshrined in Article 4(3) Rome II Regulation gives priority to the law of the country which has a ‘manifestly closer connection’ with the tort/delict, of which the pre-existing relationship between the parties might be a contract. By contrast, Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act does not provide an escape clause, but the closest connection principle, which is comparable to the closer connection test in Article 4(3) Rome II, is stipulated in several other provisions.

The questions raised in YANG Shuying v. British Carnival Cruise and Owen v. Galgey were how to determine the applicable law to tort liability in multiparty litigation under Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act and Article 4 Rome II Regulation and what are the criteria for the closer/closest connection test.

II. Owen v. Galgey under Article 4 Rome II Regulation
In case Owen v. Galgey , a British citizen Gary Owen domiciled in England, fell into an empty swimming pool which was undergoing renovation works at a villa in France owned by the Galgey Couple, domiciled in England, as a holiday home. The British victim sued the British couple, their French public liability insurer, the French contractor carrying out renovation works on the swimming pool and its French public liability insurer for personal injury compensation. As regards which law is applicable, the British victim contended that French law should be applied by virtue of Article 4(3) Rome II Regulation, since the tort was manifestly more closely connected with France than it was with England. The British defendants held that English law should be applicable law under Article 4(2) Rome II Regulation, because the claimant and the defendants were habitually resident in England. The English High Court held the case was manifestly more closely connected with France, because France was the country where the centre of gravity of the situation was located.

III. YANG Shuying v. British Carnival Cruise under Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act

In case YANG Shuying v. British Carnival Cruise, a Chinese tourist domiciled in China, sued the British Carnival Cruise Company, incorporated in the UK, for personal injury sustained in a swimming pool accident happened in the cruise when it was located on the high seas. The plaintiff signed an outbound travel contract with Zhejiang China Travel Agency for such cruise tour. The plaintiff held that English law, as the lex loci delicti, should be applicable since the parties did not share common habitual residence in China and the accident occurred on the cruise, which can be regarded as the territory of the UK according to the floating territory theory. The place of wrong and the place of damage were both on the cruise under Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act. The defendant and the third party argued that Chinese law should be applied since the parties had common habitual residence in China, the floating territory theory was inapplicable and the (indirect) damage of the tort took place in China.

The Shanghai Maritime Court adopted a strict interpretation of the term ‘the parties’ by excluding the third party and denied the application of floating territory theory in this case. The court held that the application of the lex loci delicti leads to neither English law nor Chinese law. Instead, it is advisable to apply the closest connection principle to determine the applicable law. Based on a quantitative and qualitative analysis ofTort Choice of Law Rules in Cross-border Multi-party Litigation under European and Chinese Private International Law

Zhen Chen

This blog post is part of the article ‘Tort Conflicts Rules in Cross-border Multi-party Litigation: Which Law Has a Closer or the Closest Connection?’ published by the Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law with open access, available at A related previous post is ‘Personal Injury and Article 4(3) of Rome II Regulation’, available here

This article compares Owen v. Galgey under Article 4 Rome II Regulation and YANG Shuying v. British Carnival Cruise under Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act in the context of cross-border multi-party litigation on tort liability. As to the interpretation of tort conflicts rules, such as lex loci delicti, the notion of ‘damage’, lex domicilii communis and the closer/closest connection test, these two cases demonstrate different approaches adopted in European and Chinese private international law. This article does not intend to reach a conclusion which law is better between Rome II Regulation and Chinese Conflicts Act, but rather highlights on a common challenge faced by both Chinese courts and English courts in international tort litigation and how to tackle such challenge in an efficient way.

I. Tort conflicts rules in China and the EU
It is widely accepted rule that lex loci delicti will be the applicable law for cross-border tort liability in private international law. This is also the case in China and the EU. The application of lex loci delicti, as a general rule, is stipulated in Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act and Article 4(1) Rome II Regulation. However, Article 4(1) Rome II Regulation explicitly refers to the place of damage, namely ‘the law of the country in which the damage occurs’ (lex loci damni), and expressly excludes the place of wrong (‘the country in which the event giving rise to the damage occurred’) and the place of consequential loss (‘the country or countries in which the indirect consequences of that event occur’). By contrast, it remains unclear whether lex loci delicti in Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act merely refers to lex loci damni, as such provision does not expressly state so.

The application of lex loci delicti in China and the EU is subject to several exceptions. Specifically, lex loci delicti is superseded by the law chosen by the parties under Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act and Article 14 Rome II Regulation, while lex domicilii communis takes precedence over lex loci delicti under Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act and Article 4(2) Rome II Regulation. Moreover, the escape clause enshrined in Article 4(3) Rome II Regulation gives priority to the law of the country which has a ‘manifestly closer connection’ with the tort/delict, of which the pre-existing relationship between the parties might be a contract. By contrast, Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act does not provide an escape clause, but the closest connection principle, which is comparable to the closer connection test in Article 4(3) Rome II, is stipulated in several other provisions.

The questions raised in YANG Shuying v. British Carnival Cruise and Owen v. Galgey were how to determine the applicable law to tort liability in multiparty litigation under Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act and Article 4 Rome II Regulation and what are the criteria for the closer/closest connection test.

II. Owen v. Galgey under Article 4 Rome II Regulation
In case Owen v. Galgey , a British citizen Gary Owen domiciled in England, fell into an empty swimming pool which was undergoing renovation works at a villa in France owned by the Galgey Couple, domiciled in England, as a holiday home. The British victim sued the British couple, their French public liability insurer, the French contractor carrying out renovation works on the swimming pool and its French public liability insurer for personal injury compensation. As regards which law is applicable, the British victim contended that French law should be applied by virtue of Article 4(3) Rome II Regulation, since the tort was manifestly more closely connected with France than it was with England. The British defendants held that English law should be applicable law under Article 4(2) Rome II Regulation, because the claimant and the defendants were habitually resident in England. The English High Court held the case was manifestly more closely connected with France, because France was the country where the centre of gravity of the situation was located.

III. YANG Shuying v. British Carnival Cruise under Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act

In case YANG Shuying v. British Carnival Cruise, a Chinese tourist domiciled in China, sued the British Carnival Cruise Company, incorporated in the UK, for personal injury sustained in a swimming pool accident happened in the cruise when it was located on the high seas. The plaintiff signed an outbound travel contract with Zhejiang China Travel Agency for such cruise tour. The plaintiff held that English law, as the lex loci delicti, should be applicable since the parties did not share common habitual residence in China and the accident occurred on the cruise, which can be regarded as the territory of the UK according to the floating territory theory. The place of wrong and the place of damage were both on the cruise under Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act. The defendant and the third party argued that Chinese law should be applied since the parties had common habitual residence in China, the floating territory theory was inapplicable and the (indirect) damage of the tort took place in China.

The Shanghai Maritime Court adopted a strict interpretation of the term ‘the parties’ by excluding the third party and denied the application of floating territory theory in this case. The court held that the application of the lex loci delicti leads to neither English law nor Chinese law. Instead, it is advisable to apply the closest connection principle to determine the applicable law. Based on a quantitative and qualitative analysis of all connecting factors, the court concluded that China had the closest connection with the case and Chinese law applied accordingly.

IV. Comments

Both Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act and Article 4 Rome II Regulation apply to multi-party litigation on tort liability. Article 4(1) Rome II merely refers to lex loci damni and limits the concept ‘damage’ to direct damage, whilst Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act can be interpreted broadly to cover the law of the place of wrong and the term ‘damage’ include both direct damage and indirect damage or consequential loss. As to lex domicilii communis, the law of the country of the common habitual residence of some of the parties, instead of all parties, should not be applicable in accordance with Article 4(2) Rome II and Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act. The exercise of the closest connection principle or the manifestly closer connection test under 44 Chinese Conflicts Act and Article 4(3) Rome II Regulation requires the the consideration of all relevant factors or all the circumstances in the case. When conducting a balancing test, the factor of the place of direct damage should not be given too much weight to the extent that all other relevant factors are disregarded. A quantitive and qualitative analysis should be conducted to elaborate the relevance or weight of each factor to determine the centre of gravity of a legal relationship.
all connecting factors, the court concluded that China had the closest connection with the case and Chinese law applied accordingly.

IV. Comments

Both Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act and Article 4 Rome II Regulation apply to multi-party litigation on tort liability. Article 4(1) Rome II merely refers to lex loci damni and limits the concept ‘damage’ to direct damage, whilst Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act can be interpreted broadly to cover the law of the place of wrong and the term ‘damage’ include both direct damage and indirect damage or consequential loss. As to lex domicilii communis, the law of the country of the common habitual residence of some of the parties, instead of all parties, should not be applicable in accordance with Article 4(2) Rome II and Article 44 Chinese Conflicts Act. The exercise of the closest connection principle or the manifestly closer connection test under 44 Chinese Conflicts Act and Article 4(3) Rome II Regulation requires the the consideration of all relevant factors or all the circumstances in the case. When conducting a balancing test, the factor of the place of direct damage should not be given too much weight to the extent that all other relevant factors are disregarded. A quantitive and qualitative analysis should be conducted to elaborate the relevance or weight of each factor to determine the centre of gravity of a legal relationship.

Call for papers: II Jean Monnet Network – BRIDGE Seminar on “Migration and Citizenship in the European Union and Latin America”

Conflictoflaws - lun, 08/09/2021 - 23:07

The Jean Monnet Network – BRIDGE project, cofunded by EU Erasmus+ Programme, and the Latin American Center of European Studies invite the academic community to submit scientific papers to the Workshop event of the II Jean Monnet Network Seminar on “Migration and Citizenship in the European Union and Latin America”, which will be held virtually on the 9 November 2021, hosted by the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil).

The selected articles will be invited to publish in the Latin American Journal of European Studies or in the Collection of the Workshop.  The top two articles will also receive an award of EUR 250 each.

Those who are interested must submit the article by 15 October 2021 to the email:

Call for papers – English

Call for papers – Spanish

Call for Paper – Portuguese

More information here.

First issue of 2021’s Latin American Journal of European Studies

Conflictoflaws - lun, 08/09/2021 - 23:04

The first issue of the Latin American Journal of European Studies (ISSN 2763-8685) has just been published. It is an open access publication of the Latin American Center of European Studies, created by the BRIDGE Project of Jean Monnet Network with funding from the Erasmus + Program of the European Commission.

The main purpose of the Journal is to publish research related to the European Union Law and Policies and International Relations of the European Union with third countries and Latin America to create new knowledge, build bridges of dialogue, as well exchange good practices between these regions.

The second issue of the Journal is open to submission until November 1st, 2021 and contains a thematic dossier on Migration and Citizenship in the EU and Latin America.

The 2021-1 edition includes the following articles:


Dossier: EU-Latin America trade and investment relations

Las relaciones Eurolatinoamericanas en el marco de la nueva política comercial de la Unión Europea, p. 14-37

Carlos Francisco Molina del Pozo


Environmental conditionality in Eu-Latin America trade relations, p. 38-63

Giulia D’Agnone


El derecho de los tratados en el arbitraje de inversión intra-Unión Europea, p. 64-108

Rafael Tamayo-Álvarez


Sistema de solución de controversias en materia de inversiones en los tratados negociados por la Unión Europea con México y el Mercosur (2019/2020): Un estúdio comparativo, p. 109-138

Gabriela Teresita Mastaglia


Uma década de política europeia de investimento estrangeiro: balanço e perspectivas futuras, p. 139-156

Maria João Palma


Unión Europea-América Latina y el Caribe: comercio e inversión y el acuerdo de asociación Unión Europea-Mercosur en su pilar comercial y sus potenciales efectos em el sector agroindustrial, p. 157-199

Silvia Simonit


La integración Centroamericana y el acuerdo de asociación entre esa región y la Unión Europea, p. 200-230

Nancy Eunice Alas Moreno


A cooperação jurídica dentro da União Europeia e do Mercosul: a agilização do processo civil internacional no âmbito da regionalização, p. 231-253

Marcel Zernikow


A abertura ao comércio internacional da contratação pública no Brasil: entre o Acordo sobre Compras Governamentais (GPA) e o acordo EU/Mercosul, p. 254-296

Nuno Cunha Rodrigues



Data protection implications through an inner-connected world: European Union’s contributions towards the brazilian legislative scenario, p. 297-318

Beatriz Graziano Chow; Clarisse Laupman Ferraz Lima


A União Europeia e a questão Turco-Cipriota: aspectos normativos, geopolíticos e migratórios, p. 319-354

Clarice Rangel Schreiner; Eveline Vieira Brigido; Roberto Rodolfo Georg Uebel



Por uma aliança estratégica Mercosul e União Europeia: O papel da Europa para o fortalecimento da Sustentabilidade – Entrevista com Ignacio Ybañez, Embaixador da União Europeia no Brasil

Jamile Bergamaschine Mata Diz


The full edition is available here.



Articles L. 141-1 et L. 141-2 du code de la sécurité sociale - 28/05/2021

Cour de cassation française - lun, 08/09/2021 - 17:37

Pourvoi c. déc. Cour d'appel de Paris du 29 novembre 2019

Catégories: Flux français

Article 222-32 du code pénal - 31/05/2021

Cour de cassation française - lun, 08/09/2021 - 17:37

Pourvoi c. déc. Cour d'appel de Nîmes du 11 février 2021

Catégories: Flux français

Articles 197 et 803-1 du code de procédure pénale - 31/05/2021

Cour de cassation française - lun, 08/09/2021 - 17:37

Pourvoi c. déc. Cour d'appel de Paris du 22 avril 2021

Catégories: Flux français

Article 145, alinéa 6, du code de procédure pénale - 31/05/2021

Cour de cassation française - lun, 08/09/2021 - 17:37

Pourvoi c. déc. Cour d'appel de Paris du 22 avril 2021

Catégories: Flux français

Article 16 du code de procédure pénale - 01/06/2021

Cour de cassation française - lun, 08/09/2021 - 14:37

Pourvoi c. déc. Commission de recours des OPJ Cour de cassation du 17 février 2021

Catégories: Flux français

Article 421-2-2 du code pénal - 01/06/2021

Cour de cassation française - lun, 08/09/2021 - 14:37

Pourvoi c. déc. Cour d'appel de Paris du 4 mars 2021

Catégories: Flux français


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