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Compétence en matière d’obligation alimentaire dans l’Union

Une demande relative à une obligation alimentaire concernant un enfant est uniquement accessoire à l’action relative à la responsabilité parentale.

En carrousel matière:  Oui Matières OASIS:  Règlement de l'Union européenne Compétence internationale (Procédure civile) Divorce (Procédure) Pension alimentaire (Paiement direct)

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Catégories: Flux français

The first request for a preliminary ruling concerning the Rome III Regulation

Conflictoflaws - lun, 09/07/2015 - 16:00

The Oberlandesgericht of Munich has recently lodged a request for a preliminary ruling concerning the interpretation of Regulation No 1259/2010 of 20 December 2010 implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of the law applicable to divorce and legal separation, ie the Rome III Regulation (Case C-281/15, Soha Sahyouni v Raja Mamisch).

The request provides the ECJ with the opportunity of delivering, in due course, its first judgment relating specifically to the Rome III Regulation.

To begin with, the referring court asks the ECJ to provide a clarification as to the scope of the uniform conflict-of-laws regime set forth by the Regulation. In particular, the German court wonders whether the Regulation also applies to ‘private divorces’, namely divorces pronounced before a religious court in Syria on the basis of Sharia.

If the answer is in the affirmative, the referring court asks whether, in the case of an examination as to whether such a divorce is eligible for recognition in the forum, Article 10 of the Regulation must also be applied. According to the latter provision, where the law specified by the Regulation to govern the divorce or the legal separation “does not grant one of the spouses equal access to divorce or legal separation on grounds of their sex”, the lex fori applies instead.

Should the latter question, too, be answered in the affirmative, the referring court wishes to know which of the following interpretive options should be followed in respect of Article 10: (1) is account to be taken in the abstract of a comparison showing that, while the law of the forum grants access to divorce to the other spouse too, that divorce is, on account of the other spouse’s sex, subject to different procedural and substantive conditions than access for the first spouse? (2) or, does the applicability of Article 10 depend on whether the application of the foreign law, which is discriminatory in the abstract, also discriminates in the particular case in question?

Finally, were the ECJ to assert that the second of these options is the correct one, the Oberlandesgericht of Munich seeks to know whether the fact that the spouse discriminated against has consented to the divorce — including by duly accepting compensation — constitutes itself a ground for not applying Article 10.

The first request for a preliminary ruling concerning the Rome III Regulation

Aldricus - lun, 09/07/2015 - 15:00

The Oberlandesgericht of Munich has recently lodged a request for a preliminary ruling concerning the interpretation of Regulation No 1259/2010 of 20 December 2010 implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of the law applicable to divorce and legal separation, ie the Rome III Regulation (Case C-281/15, Soha Sahyouni v Raja Mamisch).

The request provides the ECJ with the opportunity of delivering, in due course, its first judgment relating specifically to the Rome III Regulation.

To begin with, the referring court asks the ECJ to provide a clarification as to the scope of the uniform conflict-of-laws regime set forth by the Regulation. In particular, the German court wonders whether the Regulation also applies to ‘private divorces’, namely divorces pronounced before a religious court in Syria on the basis of Sharia.

If the answer is in the affirmative, the referring court asks whether, in the case of an examination as to whether such a divorce is eligible for recognition in the forum, Article 10 of the Regulation must also be applied. According to the latter provision, where the law specified by the Regulation to govern the divorce or the legal separation “does not grant one of the spouses equal access to divorce or legal separation on grounds of their sex”, the lex fori applies instead.

Should the latter question, too, be answered in the affirmative, the referring court wishes to know which of the following interpretive options should be followed in respect of Article 10: (1) is account to be taken in the abstract of a comparison showing that, while the law of the forum grants access to divorce to the other spouse too, that divorce is, on account of the other spouse’s sex, subject to different procedural and substantive conditions than access for the first spouse? (2) or, does the applicability of Article 10 depend on whether the application of the foreign law, which is discriminatory in the abstract, also discriminates in the particular case in question?

Finally, were the ECJ to assert that the second of these options is the correct one, the Oberlandesgericht of Munich seeks to know whether the fact that the spouse discriminated against has consented to the divorce — including by duly accepting compensation — constitutes itself a ground for not applying Article 10.

Duden on Surrogate Motherhood in Private International Law and the Law of International Civil Procedure

Conflictoflaws - lun, 09/07/2015 - 09:00

Konrad Duden from the Max Planck Institute in Hamburg has authored a book (in German) on surrogate motherhood in private international law and the law of international civil procedure (“Leihmutterschaft im Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrecht. Abstammung und ordre public im Spiegel des Verfassungs-, Völker- und Europarechts”). Published by Mohr Siebeck, the book looks at filiation and public policy in the light of constitutional, international and European law. The official abstract reads as follows:

More and more Germans seek out foreign surrogate mothers to bear children which they will then raise as their own. But does a child legally belong to these parents once they return to Germany? Surrogate motherhood raises questions, regardless of the fact that the fundamental and human rights of the child often prescribe clear answers.

Further information is available on the publisher’s website.

Alcune borse di studio per dottorandi offerte dal Max Planck Institute di Lussemburgo

Aldricus - lun, 09/07/2015 - 08:00

Il Max Planck Institute for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law di Lussemburgo offre anche per il 2016 alcune borse di studio rivolte a dottorandi di ricerca interessati a trascorrere un periodo di studio presso l’Istituto.

Le candidature possono essere presentate entro il 15 settembre 2015.

Ai dottorandi assegnatari della borsa di studio verrà data la possibilità di avere uno spazio di lavoro nella sala di lettura della biblioteca e di partecipare attivamente alle attività di ricerca dell’Istituto.

Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili qui.

Reminder: Academy of European Law – “How to handle international commercial cases – Hands-on experience and current trends”

Conflictoflaws - lun, 09/07/2015 - 05:00

This post is meant to remind our readers that the Academy of European Law (ERA) will host an international conference on recent experience and current trends in international commercial litigation, with a special focus on European private international law. The event will take place in Trier (Germany), on 8-9 October 2015. While registration will still be possible after 8 September 2015, this date marks the deadline for the „early bird“ rebate. Even after this deadline, however, discounts will be available for young lawyers and academics.

This conference will bring together top experts in international commercial litigation who will report on their experiences in this field including litigation strategy and tactics. An updated conference programme is available here.

Key topics will be:

  • Recent case law of the CJEU on business litigation in light of the changes brought by the recent recast of the Brussels I Regulation
  • Forthcoming changes after the entry into force of the new Hague Choice of Court Convention in June 2015
  • The recast of the Insolvency Regulation in summer 2015
  • The revision of the Small Claims Procedure in 2015
  • The Regulation establishing a European Account Preservation Order

The conference language will be English. The event is organized by Dr Angelika Fuchs, ERA, in cooperation with Professor Jan von Hein, University of Freiburg (Germany). The speakers are

  • Robert Bray, Head of Unit, Secretariat, Committee on Legal Affairs, DG Internal Policies, European Parliament, Strasbourg/Brussels
  • Professor Gilles Cuniberti, University of Luxembourg
  • Raquel Ferreira Correia, Counsellor, Lisbon
  • Emilia Fronczak, Loyens & Loeff, Luxembourg
  • Sarah Garvey, Counsel and Head of KnowHow in the Litigation Department, Allen & Overy LLP, London
  • Jens Haubold, Partner, Thümmel, Schütze & Partner, Stuttgart
  • Professor Jan von Hein, Director of the Institute for Foreign and International Private Law, Dept. III, University of Freiburg
  • Brian Hutchinson, Arbitrator, Mediator, Barrister, GBH Dispute Resolution Consultancy; Senior Lecturer, University College Dublin
  • Professor Xandra Kramer, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Deputy Judge of the District Court of Rotterdam
  • Alexander Layton QC, Barrister, Arbitrator, 20 Essex Street, London.

For further information and registration, please click here.

L’avocat est un consommateur comme les autres

La Cour de justice de l’Union européenne vient de juger que les dispositions de la directive relative aux clauses abusives dans les contrats conclus avec les consommateurs sont applicables à l’avocat.

En carrousel matière:  Oui Matières OASIS:  Néant

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Catégories: Flux français

La CJUE condamne sévèrement l’inexécution d’un arrêt en manquement

La Cour de justice de l’Union européenne condamne les autorités italiennes à payer une somme forfaitaire de 20 millions d’euros et une astreinte journalière de 120 000 € en raison de la mauvaise gestion des déchets persistant dans la région de Campanie.

En carrousel matière:  Oui Matières OASIS:  Recours en manquement (Droit de l'Union européenne)

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Catégories: Flux français

Conjoint de citoyen européen : conditions du maintien du droit de séjour en cas de divorce

Les situations dans lesquelles le divorce n’entraîne pas la perte du droit de séjour des ressortissants de pays tiers, membres de la famille d’un citoyen de l’Union européenne résidant dans un autre État membre que le sien (État membre d’accueil), sont listées par l’article 13 de la directive sur la libre circulation des personnes (dir. 2004/38/CE, 29 avr. 2004). C’est notamment le cas lorsque le mariage a duré au moins trois ans avant le début de la procédure judiciaire de divorce, dont un an au moins dans l’État membre d’accueil (art. 13, §2, sous a)).

En carrousel matière:  Non Matières OASIS:  Néant

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Catégories: Flux français

Article 706-77 du code de procédure pénale

Cour de cassation française - ven, 09/04/2015 - 15:04

Pourvoi c/ Cour d'appel de Fort de France, chambre de l'instruction, 20 février 2015

Catégories: Flux français

Article 202 du code de procédure pénale

Cour de cassation française - ven, 09/04/2015 - 15:04

Pourvoi c/ Cour d'appel de Lyon, chambre de l'instruction, 26 juin 2015

Catégories: Flux français

Il riconoscimento in Italia degli status familiari costituiti all’estero

Aldricus - ven, 09/04/2015 - 08:00

La famiglia si trasforma. Status familiari costituiti all’estero e loro riconoscimento in Italia, tra ordine pubblico ed interesse del minore, a cura di Grazia Ofelia Cesaro, Paola Lovati e Gennaro Mastrangelo, Franco Angeli Editore, 2014, pp. 144, ISBN 9788820452018, Euro 19.

[Dal sito dell’editore] Questo volume raccoglie gli interventi dell’incontro di studio intitolato “Nuove famiglie e circolazione dei nuovi status familiari: le risposte del diritto interno tra interesse del minore ed ordine pubblico”, tenutosi a Milano il 26 ottobre 2012. Esso rappresenta la prima pubblicazione dove giuristi, psicologi, magistrati, avvocati, sociologi si interrogano sul tema. Che cosa accade quando adozione del single, maternità surrogata, fecondazione eterologa, stepchild adoption, genitorialità omosessuale, adozione legittimante del single pronunciate all’estero chiedono di essere riconosciute nel diritto interno? Basterà la clausola di ordine pubblico ad impedire al minore e al suo/suoi genitori, il riconoscimento di tali diritti? È giuridicamente possibile uno status familiare scisso, cioè valevole solo nello Stato in cui è stato prodotto ma non in Italia? Quale peso annettere all’interesse del minore nelle decisioni dell’autorità giudiziaria? Questi interrogativi, nuovi per la realtà italiana, non lo sono in altri Paesi, per cui le relazioni pubblicate esaminano l’esperienza inglese, francese e statunitense per trovare possibili soluzioni.  Il volume rappresenta un’utile raccolta interdisciplinare per approfondire alcuni temi che si porranno sempre di più nella pratica giudiziaria. È infatti certo che l’internazionalizzazione degli status familiari porrà all’interprete sempre maggiori interrogativi.

Maggiori informazioni a questo indirizzo.

La maternità surrogata nel diritto internazionale privato e processuale

Aldricus - ven, 09/04/2015 - 08:00

Konrad Duden, Leihmutterschaft im Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrecht — Abstammung und ordre public im Spiegel des Verfassungs-, Völker- und Europarechts, Mohr Siebeck, 2015, pp. 392, ISBN 9783161540240, Euro 69.

[Dal sito dell’editore] – Was macht eine Frau zur Mutter? Moderne Leihmutterschaft erschüttert grundlegend unser Verständnis von Familie und Elternschaft: Frauen tragen für Andere Kinder aus, die meist genetisch nicht von den Leihmüttern abstammen. In Deutschland ist dieses Verfahren verboten. Wie geht das Recht jedoch damit um, wenn Paare ins Ausland reisen, um dort durch Leihmutterschaft ihren Kinderwunsch zu erfüllen? Konrad Duden analysiert am Beispiel von sechs Rechtsordnungen, in denen Leihmutterschaft zulässig ist, wer aus Sicht des deutschen Rechts die Eltern solcher Kinder sind. Dabei stellt er fest, dass den Kindern vielfach eine Abstammung von den Wunscheltern verwehrt bleibt. Diesen Befund kontrastiert er mit den Grund- und Menschenrechten der Beteiligten. Insbesondere die Rechte des Kindes fordern, dass das Kind grundsätzlich in eine rechtliche Familie mit den Wunscheltern integriert werden kann.

Ulteriori informazioni a questo indirizzo.

Quand des compteurs électriques sont inaccessibles dans un « quartier rom »

La Cour de justice de l’Union européenne juge qu’en cas de différence de traitement fondée sur la race ou l’origine ethnique, la notion de justification objective doit être interprétée de manière stricte.

En carrousel matière:  Oui Matières OASIS:  Néant

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Catégories: Flux français

La saisie de données informatiques dans un cabinet d’avocat ne viole pas le droit à la vie privée

La Cour européenne des droits de l’Homme a rejeté la requête d’un cabinet d’avocats portugais et de ses associés tendant à voir reconnaître la violation, par le gouvernement portugais, des dispositions relatives au secret professionnel de l’avocat dans le cadre d’une enquête judiciaire.

En carrousel matière:  Non Matières OASIS:  Néant

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Catégories: Flux français

Mise en conformité du droit comptable français au regard de la nouvelle directive comptable

L’ordonnance du 23 juillet 2015, prise sur l’habilitation de l’article 11 de la loi n° 2014-1662 du 30 décembre 2014 portant diverses dispositions d’adaptation de la législation au droit de l’Union européenne en matière économique et financière transpose en droit français la nouvelle directive comptable 2013/34/UE du 26 juin 2013 (JOUE, n° L. 182, 29 juin ; il s’agit plus précisément de la directive relative aux états financiers annuels, aux états financiers consolidés et aux rapports y afférents de certaines formes d’entreprises).

En carrousel matière:  Non Matières OASIS:  Groupe de sociétés

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Catégories: Flux français


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