Agrégateur de flux

La “battle of the forms” secondo la Convenzione di Vienna del 1980 sulla vendita di beni mobili

Aldricus - jeu, 09/17/2015 - 08:00

Il terzo fascicolo del 2015 di Internationales Handelsrecht ospita un articolo di Kasper Steensgaard intitolato Battle of the forms under the CISG – one or more solutions? (p. 89-94), dedicato alle soluzioni ricavabili dalla Convenzione di Vienna sulla compravendita internazionale di beni mobili del 1980 (CISG) circa il conflitto fra condizioni generali di contratto, o “battaglia dei formulari”, cioè la situazione che si verifica allorché, in sede di formazione del contratto, le parti si richiamino a condizioni generali fra loro divergenti.

Il problema, che dev’essere affrontato nell’ottica dell’art. 19 CISG, relativo all’accettazione della proposta contrattuale, consiste fondamentalmente nello stabilire se per effetto dell’emissione di dichiarazioni negoziali corredate da un richiamo alle rispettive condizioni generali, si sia formato un vincolo contrattuale fra le parti e, laddove la risposta sia positiva, quale ne sia il contenuto.

L’autore dell’articolo, attraverso un’indagine incentrata soprattutto sulla giurisprudenza sviluppata negli Stati Uniti e in Germania, analizza le due principali soluzioni proposte in quest’ambito, costituite, rispettivamente, dalla last-shot rule e dalla knock-out rule.

La prima soluzione è, per Steensgaard, quella preferibile, trattandosi del derivato “logico e naturale” del principio della corrispondenza fra proposta e accettazione (“mirror image principle”), sancito all’art. 19, par. 1, CISG. Di fatto, l’oblato, quando replica alla proposta richiamando le proprie divergenti condizioni generali, emette una controproposta: se l’offerente non reagisce, la dichiarazione negoziale dell’oblato (il last shot), se seguita dall’accettazione anche tacita dell’altra parte, condurrà alla conclusione di un contratto conforme agli standard terms richiamati dallo stesso oblato. Questi, in pratica, delinea i contenuti del contratto, in assenza di obiezioni ad opera dell’altra parte, mediante il richiamo alle proprie condizioni. Una simile conclusione si impone, peraltro, solo quando alla parte che finisce col soccombere nella “battaglia” delle condizioni generali sia imputabile un’accettazione almeno implicita, ad esempio mediante fatti concludenti, non essendo sufficiente a questo fine una mera inerzia.

La seconda soluzione, vale a dire la knock-out rule, implica invece un raffronto tra proposta e accettazione allo scopo di estrapolare dalle condizioni generali di entrambe le parti tutti e soltanto gli elementi comuni, che costituiranno il contratto, estromettendo i termini divergenti, i quali verranno sostituiti dal corrispondente regime legale. Senonché, stando all’autore dell’articolo, la knock-out rule, che pure ha il pregio di valorizzare il consenso delle parti, mal si concilia con i dati offerti dalla Convenzione.

A tal proposito, merita di essere segnalato il contrario parere del CISG Advisory Council (Opinion No 13, punto 10), favorevole al knock-out approach, in linea con quanto previsto in materia dai Principi Unidroit e nonostante il potenziale contrasto con la lettera dell’art. 19 CISG. L’applicabilità della knock-out rule viene giustificata facendo leva sull’art. 6 CISG, che consente alle parti di derogare la Convenzione, valorizzando la loro autonomia come principio generale della CISG: se esse concordano sull’applicazione di alcuni termini, comuni ad entrambe, e manifestano la volontà di incorporarli nel contratto, tale loro accordo prevale sulla CISG.

Ulteriori informazioni sul fascicolo, compreso il sommario, sono reperibili a questo indirizzo.

Crise de l’asile : réponses de la Commission européenne en matière de commande publique

La Commission européenne a adressé au Parlement européen et au Conseil, le 9 septembre 2015, une communication donnant une vue d’ensemble des possibilités pour les acheteurs publics de mettre rapidement à disposition les infrastructures, fournitures et services de première nécessité.

En carrousel matière:  Oui Matières OASIS:  Néant

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Catégories: Flux français

Le congé parental : un droit fondamental individuel indépendant de la situation du conjoint

En subordonnant l’octroi d’un congé parental aux hommes à la condition que leur épouse ne soit pas disponible pour élever leur enfant, le code grec prive les hommes d’un droit minimal fondamental et perpétue une distribution traditionnelle des rôles qui constitue une discrimination directe fondée sur le sexe contraire à la directive sur l’égalité de traitement en matière d’emploi.

En carrousel matière:  Non Matières OASIS:  Néant

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Catégories: Flux français

Proprietà intellettuale e diritto internazionale privato

Aldricus - mer, 09/16/2015 - 13:03

Intellectual Property and Private International Law, a cura di Paul Torremans, Edward Elgar, 2015, pp. 880, ISBN 9781783471423, GBP 265.

[Dal sito dell’editore]  This collection, made possible by the recent convergence of intellectual property and private international law as critical disciplines, brings together the most important papers on these now linked subjects. More and more issues of private international law arise in the area of intellectual property, and the articles selected chart the route that both disciplines have covered together, discussing bridges built and dead-ends reached. Also looking forward to the future of the subject, with an original introduction by Professor Paul Torremans, Intellectual Property and Private International Law will prove to be an essential research tool for all students, academics and practitioners working in this fast-developing area.

Maggiori informazioni, compreso il sommario dell’opera, sono disponibili a questo indirizzo.

102/2015 : 16 septembre 2015 - Arrêts de la Cour de justice dans les affaires C-361/13, C-433/13

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mer, 09/16/2015 - 11:10
Commission / Slovaquie
Libre circulation des personnes
En limitant aux résidents slovaques le bénéfice des allocations liées à un handicap et la prime de Noël accordée à des personnes à faible revenu, la Slovaquie n’a pas manqué aux obligations qui lui incombent en vertu d’un règlement de l’Union

Catégories: Flux européens

Out Now: Reithmann/Martiny on International Contract Law

Conflictoflaws - mer, 09/16/2015 - 10:49

Dr. Christoph Reithmann and Professor Dr. Dieter Martiny (editors) have just published a new edition of their standard treatise on international contract law: Internationales Vertragsrecht – Das internationale Privatrecht der Schuldverträge, 8th. ed., Cologne (Dr. Otto Schmidt) 2015.

This 2348-pages strong volume is universally acknowledged as one of the leading works on international contract law in the German language. It features in-depth analyses not only of the Rome I-Regulation, but also of various aspects not dealt with in Rome I, such as capacity and agency. Moreover, it also contains a chapter on choice of law under the Rome II Regulation. The book has been written by a team that is made up of renowned German and Swiss PIL scholars and practitioners. Highly recommended! For further information, see the publisher’s website here.

102/2015 : 16 septembre 2015 - Arrêts de la Cour de justice dans les affaires C-361/13, C-433/13

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mer, 09/16/2015 - 10:01
Commission / Slovaquie
Libre circulation des personnes
En limitant aux résidents slovaques le bénéfice des allocations liées à un handicap et la prime de Noël accordée à des personnes à faible revenu, la Slovaquie n’a pas manqué aux obligations qui lui incombent en vertu d’un règlement de l’Union

Catégories: Flux européens

Jurisdiction for libel over the internet. Ontario’s view in Goldhar v Haaretz.

GAVC - mer, 09/16/2015 - 07:07

The exam season is over, otherwise Goldhar v Haaretz would have made a great case for comparative analysis. Instead this can now feed into class materials. This is an interlocutory judgment on the basis of lack of jurisdiction and /or abuse of process. Plaintiff lives in Toronto.  He is a billionaire who owns i.a. Maccabi Tel Aviv. (Chelsea’s first opponent in the Champions League. But that’s obviously an aside). Mr Goldhar visits Israel about five or six times per year. Defendant is Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. which publishes Haaretz, Israel’s oldest daily newspaper (market share about 7%).   It also publishes an English language print edition.  Haaretz is published online in both English and Hebrew.

Haaretz published a very critical article on Mr Goldhar in November 2011. The print version was not published in Canada, in either English or Hebrew. However, Haaretz was made available internationally on its website in Israel in both Hebrew and English – the judgment does not say so specifically however I assume this was both on the site – even if currently Haaretz’ EN site is available via a .com site.

Information provided by the defendants reveals that there were 216 unique visits to the Article in its online form in Canada. Testimony further showed that indeed a number of people in Canada read the article – this was sufficient for Faieta J to hold that a tort was committed in Ontario and thus a presumptive connecting factor exists. Presumably this means that the court (and /or Canadian /Ontario law with which I am not au fait) view the locus delicti commissi (‘a tort was committed’) as Canada – a conclusion not all that obvious to me (I would have assumed Canada is locus damni only). Per precedent, the absence of a substantial publication of the defamatory material in Canada was not found to be enough to rebut the finding of jurisdiction.

Forum non conveniens was dismissed on a variety of grounds, including applicable law being the law of Ontario (again Ontario is identified as the locus delicti commissi: at 48). Plaintiff will have to cover costs for the appearance, in Canada, of defendants’ witnesses. Importantly, plaintiff will also only be able to seek damages for reputational harm suffered within Canada.

I can see this case (and the follow-up in substance) doing the rounds of conflicts classes.





Article L. 462-5 du code de commerce

Cour de cassation française - mar, 09/15/2015 - 19:42

Non renvoyée au Conseil constitutionnel

Catégories: Flux français

Libera circolazione e riconoscimento delle famiglie

Aldricus - mar, 09/15/2015 - 15:00

È ora disponibile il programma dell’incontro del 2 ottobre 2015 — già segnalato in questo post — dal titolo Libera circolazione e riconoscimento delle famiglie: profili di diritto internazionale privato, tutela dei diritti e ordinamento interno. 

L’evento si terrà presso l’Università degli studi di Milano ed è organizzato nell’ambito del modulo Jean Monnet on European Family Law di cui è titolare Chiara Ragni, in cooperazione con la Rivista GenIUS.

Il convegno si articolerà in tre sessioni. La prima, dedicata a Diritti umani e diritto internazionale privato, introdotta e presieduta da Nerina Boschiero (Univ. Milano), ospiterà le relazioni di Francesco Salerno (Univ. Ferrara) e Patrick Kinsch (Univ. Lussemburgo).

Durante la seconda sessione, incentrata sul Riconoscimento degli status e diritti umani nell’ordinamento dell’Unione europea e nel diritto costituzionale italiano e moderata da Stefania Bariatti (Univ. Milano), si alterneranno le relazioni di Marilisa D’Amico (Univ. Milano) e Giulia Rossolillo (Univ. Pavia), seguiti dagli interventi di Livio Scaffidi Runchella, Joelle Long, Manuela Naldini, Giuseppe Zago ed Eva De Goetzen.

Nell’ultima sessione, su La questione della trascrizione degli atti formati all’estero, presieduta da Ilaria Viarengo (Univ. Milano), si svolgeranno le relazioni di Barbara Pezzini (Univ. Bergamo), Giuseppa Palmieri (Univ. Palermo), Emanuele Calò, Marco Magri (Univ. Ferrara) e Luca Morassuto (Foro di Ferrara).

Per le modalità di registrazione e ulteriori informazioni, si veda qui.

101/2015 : 15 septembre 2015 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-67/14

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mar, 09/15/2015 - 09:53
Un État membre peut exclure de certaines prestations sociales, à caractère non contributif, des citoyens de l’Union qui s’y rendent pour trouver du travail

Catégories: Flux européens


Conflictoflaws - mar, 09/15/2015 - 08:05

Here is the update for the PILAGG program 2015: past events and the ones foreseen from September 2015 on.



The emergence of a global legal paradigm upsets assumptions/fictions developed within the modern, Westphalian model, which takes the law to be a self-contained, stable and coherent system and designs its method(s) accordingly. To what extent, then do comparative and internationalist perspectives provide plausible alternative legal methodology(ies) within an emerging “global legal paradigm”? Paying critical attention to law in global context is likely to constitute a “dangerous method” with respect to its subversive and emancipatory potential.

  • The Mind and the Method(s): Jan Smits (Maastricht)
  • Global Legal Paradigm: Ralf Michaels (Duke)


Competing, diffuse, post-Westphalian forms of authority and correlative displacements of power to non-state actors are difficult to capture in legal terms.  Is it possible to take seriously – whether to legitimize, challenge, or govern – new, diffuse and disorderly expressions of authority and normativity which do not necessarily fit traditional forms of legal knowledge, nor respond to familiar methods of legal reasoning? Is legal pluralism adequate to assess legitimacy of such claims or to solve conflicts between them? What are the alternative accounts of informal law (s) beyond the state?

  • Transnational Authority: Max del Mar and Roger Cotterell (Queen Mary, London)


RENTREE 2015:What are the specific insights of the discipline of the conflict of laws in respect of some of the most significant issues which challenge contemporary legal theory, in its attempts to integrate the radical changes wrought by globalisation in the normative landscape beyond (framed outside, or reaching over) the nation-state. Indeed, remarkably, these changes have brought complex interactions of conflicting norms and social systems to the center-stage of jurisprudence. This means that the conflict of laws has a plausible vocation to contribute significantly to a “global legal paradigm” (Michaels 2014), that is, a conceptual structure adapted to unfamiliar practices, forms and “modes of legal consciousness” (Kennedy 2006). Conversely, however, private international legal thinking has all to gain from attention to the other legal disciplines that have preceded it in the effort to “go global”. Thus, it needs to undergo a general conceptual overhauling in order to capture law’s novel foundations and features. In this respect, it calls for an adjustment of its epistemological and methodological tools to its transformed environment. It must revisit the terms of the debate about legitimacy of political authority and reconsider the values that constitute its normative horizon. From this perspective, the ambition of this paper is to further the efforts already undertaken by various strands of legal pluralism, as an alternative form of “lateral coordination” in global law (Walker 2015), towards the crafting of a “jurisprudence across borders” (Berman 2012). Societal constitutionalism (Teubner 2011), which has explicitly made the connection between transnational regime-collison and the conflict of laws, provides a particularly promising avenue for unbounding the latter, which might then emerge as a form of de-centered, reflexive coordination of global legal interactions.



  •  Horatia Muir Watt (Sciences-po Ecole de droit) FRIDAY 25 Septembre 2015. Salle de réunion (4e étage), 14h-17h, Ecole de droit, Sciences po, 13 rue de l’Université, 75007 Paris.
  • Discussant : Loic AZOULAI (Sciences po, Ecole de droit)

 (NB Martijn Hesselink will give his talk later on in the term


“It has now been approximately 20 years since scholars first began pushing the insights of legal pluralism into the transnational and international arena.  During those two decades, a rich body of work has established pluralism as a useful descriptive and normative framework for understanding a world of relative overlapping authorities, both state and non-state.  Indeed, there has been a veritable explosion of scholarly work on legal pluralism, soft law, global constitutionalism, the relationships among relative authorities, and the fragmentation and reinforcement of territorial boundaries »[Berman 2012]. Competing plural and transnational assertions of authority are singled out as the emblematic feature of our complex world, while the defining problem in contemporary legal thought lies in the interactions of legal traditions, social spheres, cultural values, rights and identities, epistemologies or world-visions. Various responses come in the form of a search for consensus (around constitutional values), the promotion of new utopias (the quest for global justice), the celebration of diversity as competition (law and economics), the devising of methodologies designed to mediate or coordinate (systems theory), or renewed definitions of authority and legitimacy (socio-legal studies). At first sight, the conflict of laws would appear to fit quite well among these pluralist strands of thought.

  • Paul Schiff Berman: A jurisprudence across borders
  • Discussant: Jean-Philippe ROBE


Law’s status as (empirical)  social science, repeatedly mooted then rejected in the name of its “internal” or dogmatic perspective, is arguably the most significant methodological debate in its modern history. But what is it about globalization which makes the need for interdisciplinarity resurface today in view of rethinking legal method? Is global law a relevant object of inquiry for the social sciences? Can the methods of private international law help frame a common problematic?  

Alexander Panayatov attempts an exercise in an inter-disciplinary conceptual clarification.  Discussing the impediments to, and conditions for,  inter-disciplinary collaboration based on exploring law and political science research cultures, he evaluates “The Legalization and World Politics” (LWP) project that offers a framework for deploying political science methodology to law. He also offers a supplementary framework for studying jurisdictional politics. This framework will specify four distinct mechanisms accounting for the creation of transnational jurisdictional regimes

  •  Alexander Panayatov (NYU): Transnational jurisdictional regimes and interdisciplinarity FRIDAY OCTOBER 16th 2015. Salle de réunion (4e étage), 14h-17h, Ecole de droit, Sciences po, 13 rue de l’Université, 75007 Paris.
  • Discussants : Véronique Champeil-Desplat (Paris X), auteure de Méthodologies du droit et des sciences du droit, Dalloz 2014
  • Jérôme Sgard (Sciences po Paris)


Indisputably, globalisation, or its contemporary (fourth?[1]) avatar, is inflicting an identity crisis upon the conflict of laws[2]. One of the reasons for this is that it shows up the link between legal methods elaborated in view of dealing with conflicting norms and the framing of law’s origins, functions and objects within a particular legal paradigm. In other words, modes of legal reasoning in the face of conflicting norms and claims to authority reflect various conceptions and expectations as to what law is and does, where it comes from and the types of issues it deals with. Change affecting these assumptions and representations about the world affects established forms of legal knowledge; probing them is, as we know, a distinctly “dangerous method”. So what is left of state-bound legal-theoretical conceptions of the law in its “global intimations”?

  •  Neil WALKER:  The intimations of global law
  • Mikhail XIFARAS: Further global intimations



THE CONSTRUCTION OF GLOBAL LAW : Date to be determined

Various attempts are being from a markedly public law perspective (global administrative law/global constitutionalism) to build a global law. These are all certainly relevant to contemporary “private” international law, to the extent that the discipline has always had a strong process-orientation (remember “conflicts justice”?) and is currently in the process of renewal from the perspective of  fundamental individual and collective rights. Meanwhile (as we have already seen), the new Brussels school has turned to pragmatism in legal philosophy (Benoît Frydmann), while Gunter Teubner’s “societal constitutionalism” is a significant contender from an interdisciplinary  perspective. Interestingly, both of these use specifically private international tools, methods or approaches (jurisdiction and RSE; conflicts solutions to legal pluralism).  The last session discussed the potential contribution of socio-legal theory to this debate, with a view to understanding new forms of transnational authority.  But what happens to private law in this process?


Il Parlamento europeo torna a sollecitare un’iniziativa dell’Unione nel campo della protezione internazionale degli adulti vulnerabili

Aldricus - mar, 09/15/2015 - 08:00

Si è svolta il 14 settembre 2015, in seno alla Commissione giuridica del Parlamento europeo, una breve discussione sull’ipotesi — già affacciata in altre occasioni dallo stesso Parlamento europeo — che l’Unione si doti di uno strumento normativo riguardante la protezione dei maggiorenni vulnerabili nelle situazioni a carattere internazionale.

Lo scambio di idee, animato dalla deputata Joëlle Bergeron e documentato nel video disponibile a questo indirizzo (il tema viene trattato a partire dal minuto 19 e 20 secondi), si è concluso con una rinnovata richiesta alla Commissione europea affinché prenda in considerazione, in funzione dell’elaborazione di specifiche proposte, gli auspici espressi dal Parlamento europeo nella risoluzione del 18 dicembre 2008 recante raccomandazioni alla Commissione sulla protezione giuridica degli adulti.

L’idea, in estrema sintesi, è quella di rafforzare in questo campo la cooperazione fra gli Stati membri, prendendo come base le soluzioni offerte dalla Convenzione dell’Aja del 13 gennaio 2000 sulla protezione internazionale degli adulti (sin qui ratificata, per la verità, da appena sei Stati membri; tra questi non vi è l’Italia: vedi, peraltro, a quest’ultimo proposito questo post).

Protection des données : accord entre l’Europe et les États-Unis

L’Union européenne et les États-Unis d’Amérique ont finalisé, le 8 septembre 2015, leurs négociations concernant un accord sur la protection des données.

Lorsqu’il entrera en vigueur, « cet accord garantira un haut niveau de protection de toutes les données personnelles transmises par les autorités judiciaires de part et d’autre de l’Atlantique », signale Věra Jourová, commissaire européenne à la justice. Il permettra à tous les citoyens de l’Union européenne de faire valoir leurs droits à la protection de leurs données devant les juridictions américaines, ajoute-t-elle.

En carrousel matière:  Non Matières OASIS:  Néant

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Catégories: Flux français

Recours en manquement : méthode d’évaluation des sanctions financières mise à jour

Le 5 août 2015, la Commission européenne a mis à jour les données utilisées pour le calcul des sommes forfaitaires et des astreintes qu’elle propose à la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne, dans le cadre de procédures d’infraction. 

En carrousel matière:  Non Matières OASIS:  Néant

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Catégories: Flux français


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