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The European Association of Private International Law
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Pretelli on the Hague Abduction Convention and Sexism

lun, 09/06/2021 - 08:00

Ilaria Pretelli (Swiss Institute of Comparative Law; University of Urbino) has posted Three Patterns, One Law – Plea for a Reinterpretation of the Hague Child Abduction Convention to Protect Children from Exposure to Sexism, Mysogyny and Violence against Women on SSRN.

The abstract reads:

The 1980 Hague Convention must be read today in light of the 2011 Istanbul Convention that brings to full light that violence against women is a world-wide phenomenon, and “one of the most serious forms of gender-based violations of human rights in Europe that is still shrouded in silence”. The perspective proposed by this paper allows to break the silence and solve the conundrum of the dilemma on how the return mechanism should operate in practice, in order to ensure full compliance with the best interests of the child. Sexism, misogyny and violence against women may be the premise of child abductions carried out by taking fathers, permeated with a sexist culture, but also by taking mothers fleeing violence. The solution proposed here consists in re-establishing the original distinction of the 1980 Convention, between illicit transfers of a child’s residence and child abductions in the true sense.

European Parliament Proposes to Regulate Private Funding of Litigation

ven, 09/03/2021 - 08:00

In June 2021, the Committee on Legal Affairs of the European Parliament issued a Draft Report with recommendations to the Commission on Responsible private funding of litigation.

The Report was accompanied by a Study on Responsible private funding of litigation of the European Added Value Unit (authors: Jérôme Saulnier with Ivona Koronthalyova and Klaus Müller) of the European Parliament, issued in February 2021. Such studies are mandatory for proposals made by the European Parliament under Art. 225 TFEU.

The opinion of the Parliament is that, while Directive (EU) 2020/1828 on representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers identifies certain safeguards relating to litigation funding, they are limited to representative actions on behalf of consumers taken under that Directive, and therefore exclude many other types of action or categories of claimants. The Parliament proposes to establish effective safeguards to all types of claims.

Regulatory Scheme

The Parliament proposes first to regulate the activities of litigation funders within the EU by establishing an authorisation system by supervisory autorities. Individual Member States could decide that funding litigation would be prohibited for proceedings in their Member State, or “for the benefit of claimants or intended beneficiaries resident within their Member State”.

Funders should conduct business from a registered office in a Member State, from which they would have to seek the authorisation.

Funding agreements entered into by unauthorised funders would be invalid.

Rules Governing Third Party Funding Agreements

The Parliament then proposes to adopt rules governing the content of third party agreements and disclosure obligations.

In particular, the following mandatory rules would apply:

  • Any clause in third party funding agreements granting a litigation funder the power to take or influence decisions in relation to proceedings would have no legal effect.
  • Agreements in which a litigation funder is guaranteed to receive a minimum return on its investment before a claimant or intended beneficiary can receive their share, would have no legal effect.
  • Absent exceptional circumstances, where a litigation funding agreement would entitle a litigation funder to a share of any award that would dilute the share available to the claimant and the intended beneficiaries to 60% or below of the total award (including all damages amounts, costs, fees and others expenses), such an agreement should have no legal effect.
  • Provisions that purport to limit a litigation funder’s liability for costs should have no legal effect.
Applicable Law

While the proposed directive does not include express choice of law rules, it provides that funders would commit to submit funding agreements to the law of the Member State of the intended proceedings “or , if different, of the Member State of the claimant or intended beneficiaries”.

Article 5(1) of the proposed Directive reads:

Member States shall ensure that supervisory authorities only grant or maintain authorisations, whether for domestic or cross-border litigation or other proceedings, to litigation funders who comply with the provisions of this Directive, and who meet, in addition to any suitability or other criteria as may be set out in national law, at least the following criteria: 

(b) they commit to concluding third-party funding agreements subject to the laws of
the Member State of any intended proceedings, or, if different, of the Member
State of the claimant or intended beneficiaries;

So, it seems that the law of the claimant (or intended beneficiaries) should always apply. Since the competence to allow the activity is attributed to the State where the claimant would be resident (see above), it seems that the intent of the drafters of Art. 5(1)(b) was to designate the law of the residence of the claimant (or intended beneficiaries).

The obvious problem with this rule is that there could be several claimant, and that the text expressly contemplates the possibility that there would be intended beneficiaries, who could also have their residence in a different State.

Another problem is that the rule seems to exclude claimants based outside of the EU (would at least a branch in the EU suffice?).

Finally, it would quite remarkable that a Member State prohibits third party funding, but then would have to accept it for claimant based in more permissive States, under the law of those other States.

Overall assessment on choice of law: peut mieux faire.

September 2021 at the Court of Justice of the European Union

jeu, 09/02/2021 - 08:00

In September 2021 the Court of Justice of the European Union will deliver several decisions on PIL issues.

The first one, on 9 September, concerns case C-277/20, UM. The request for a preliminary ruling, from the Oberster Gerichtshof (Austria), focuses on the interpretation of Articles 3(1)(b) and 83(2) of Regulation No 650/2012 (the Succession Regulation).

In the case at hand UM, a German national, contests the rejection by the Austrian authorities of his application for inscription in the land Registry of the property right to immovable property located in Austria, which he intends to enforce in the context of an inheritance procedure initiated in Germany on the basis of a donation contract mortis causa. The questions read as follows :

  1. Is Article 3(1)(b) of [the Succession Regulation] to be interpreted as meaning that a contract of donation mortis causa entered into between two German nationals habitually resident in Germany in respect of real estate located in Austria, granting the donee a right having the character of an obligation against the estate to registration of his title after the donor’s death pursuant to that contract and the donor’s death certificate, that is without the intervention of the probate court, is an agreement as to succession within the meaning of that provision?
  2. If the answer to the above question is in the affirmative: Is Article 83(2) of [The Succession Regulation] to be interpreted as meaning that it also regulates the effect of a choice of applicable law made before 17 August 2015 for a contract of donation mortis causa that is to be qualified as an agreement as to succession within the meaning of Article 3(1)(b) of [the Succession Regulation]?

AG J. Richard de la Tour has suggested to answer that Article 3(1)(b) of the Succession Regulation “must be interpreted in the sense that the concept of ‘succession agreement’ includes donation contracts inter vivos, by virtue of which the transfer in favor of the donee of the ownership of one or several assets integrated, although only partially, in the hereditary estate of the donor will, not take place until the death of the latter” (translation by author – the opinion is still unavailable in English).

The decision will be taken by judges J.C. Bonichot, L. Bay Larsen, M. Safjan, N. Jääskinen and C. Toader (reporting judge).

Two further judgments will be published on the same day. Case C-422/20, RK, addresses again the Successions Regulation. Here, the Oberlandesgericht Köln (Higher Regional Court, Cologne, Germany) is asking these questions :

  1. Is it necessary, for a declaration of lack of jurisdiction by the court previously seised, as provided for in Article 7(a) of [the Succession Regulation], that that court should expressly decline jurisdiction, or may even a non-express declaration suffice if it supports the inference, through interpretation, that that court has declined jurisdiction?
  2. Is the court of the Member State whose jurisdiction is intended to follow from a declaration of lack of jurisdiction by the court previously seised in the other Member State competent to examine whether the conditions governing a decision by the court previously seised, as provided for in Articles 6(a) and 7(a) of [the Succession Regulation], were met? To what extent is the decision of the court previously seised binding? In particular:

(a)  Is the court of the Member State whose jurisdiction is intended to follow from a declaration of lack of jurisdiction by the court previously seised in the other Member State competent to examine whether the deceased validly chose the law of the Member State in accordance with Article 22 of [the Succession Regulation]?

(b) Is the court of the Member State whose jurisdiction is intended to follow from a declaration of lack of jurisdiction by the court first seised in the other Member State competent to examine whether a request for a declaration of lack of jurisdiction, as provided for in Article 6(a) of [the Succession Regulation], has been brought by one of the parties to the proceedings before the court previously seised?

(c) Is the court of the Member State whose jurisdiction is intended to follow from a declaration of lack of jurisdiction by the court first seised in the other Member State competent to examine whether the court previously seised rightly assumed that the courts of the Member State of the chosen law are better placed to rule on the succession?

  1. Are Articles 6(a) and 7(a) of [the Succession Regulation], which presuppose a choice of law ‘pursuant to Article 22’, applicable even where the deceased has made no express or implied choice of law in a testamentary disposition made before 17 August 2015, but the law applicable to the succession is capable of being inferred only from Article 83(4) of Regulation No 650/2012?

Last July, AG Szpunar had proposed to answer as follows:

Article 6(a) and Article 7(a) of [the Succession Regulation] must be interpreted as meaning that the jurisdiction of the Member State whose jurisdiction is deemed to result from an objection to the jurisdiction of the court previously seised is not empowered to verify, firstly, whether the court previously seised has, rightly, considered that the law of that Member State has been chosen or is deemed have been chosen to govern the succession ; secondly, if one of the parties to the proceedings has submitted a request under Article 6 (a) of that regulation before the court previously seised and ; thirdly, if the court previously seized has, and rightly so, considered that the courts of that Member State are better placed to rule on the succession, when these three conditions have been verified by the court previously seised » (once again, my translation).

The decision corresponds to judges L. Bay Larsen, N. Jääskinen and C. Toader (reporting judge).

The third decision of 9 September 2021 concerns joined cases C-208/20, Toplofikatsia Sofia e.a., and C-256/20, Toplofikatsia Sofia, on the interpretation of Article 20(2)(a) TFEU, Article 1(1)(a) of Regulation No 1206/2001 (the Evidence Regulation) and Article 5(1) of Regulation No 1215/2012 (Brussels I bis) in relation to (Case C 208/10) civil cases in where the respective opposing party is not yet able to acquire the status of party to the proceedings, because it is impossible to serve judicial documents on the defendants personally, and where their neighbours or relatives have stated that they live in other Member States of the European Union ; and (C 256/20) an order for payment procedure in which it is impossible to serve an order for payment on a debtor whose neighbour states that she lives in another Member State of the European Union.

The questions referred by the Sofiyski rayonen sad (Bulgaria) in C-208/20 are :

  1. Must Article 20(2)(a) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, in conjunction with the second paragraph of Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, the principles of non-discrimination and the equivalence of procedural measures in national judicial proceedings and Article 1[(1)](a) of [the Evidence Regulation] be interpreted as meaning that, where the national law of the court seised provides that the latter is to obtain, of its own motion, information regarding the defendant’s address in its own State and it is established that the defendant is in another State of the European Union, the national court seised is obliged to obtain information regarding the defendant’s address from the competent authorities of the State in which he resides?
  2. Must Article 5(1) of [the Brussels I bis Regulation], in conjunction with the principle that the national court must guarantee procedural rights for the effective protection of rights arising from EU law, be interpreted as meaning that, when determining the habitual residence of a debtor as a condition required under national law for the conduct of unilateral formal proceedings in which evidence is not taken, such as order for payment procedures, the national court is obliged to interpret any reasonable suspicion that the debtor is habitually resident in another State of the European Union as a lack of a legal basis for issuing an order for payment or as a basis for the order for payment not acquiring the force of res judicata?
  3. Must Article 5(1) of [the Brussels I bis Regulation], in conjunction with the principle that the national court must guarantee procedural rights for the effective protection of rights deriving from EU law, be interpreted as meaning that a national court, which, after having issued an order for payment against a particular debtor, has established that that debtor is unlikely to be habitually resident in the State of the court and, provided that this constitutes an obstacle to the issuing of an order for payment against such a debtor under national law, is obliged to annul, of its own motion, the order for payment issued, despite the absence of an express statutory provision to that effect?
  4. If the third question is answered in the negative, are the provisions referred to in that question to be interpreted as obliging the national court to annul the order for payment issued where it has carried out a check and established with certainty that the debtor is not habitually resident in the State of the court seised?

Questions 2 to 4 are common to case C 256/20.

The Court required no AG’s opinion . The decision will be taken by a chamber of three judges – L. Bay Larsen, M. Safjan and R. Silva de Lapuerta, the latter as reporting judge.

The same day (i.e., Thursday 9th September), AG Rantos will deliver his opinion in C-581/20, TOTO. This request for a preliminary ruling from the Varhoven kasatsionen sad (Bulgaria) requires the interpretation of Article 31 of the Brussels I bis Regulation :

    1. Is Article 1 of [the Brussels I bis Regulation] to be interpreted as meaning that a case such as that described in this order for reference must be regarded in whole or in part as a civil or commercial matter within the meaning of Article 1(1) of that regulation?
    2.  After the right to make an application for provisional/protective measures has been exercised and the court having jurisdiction as to the substance of the matter has already ruled on that application, is the court seised of an application for interim relief on the same basis and under Article 35 of [the Brussels I bis Regulation] to be regarded as not having jurisdiction from the point at which evidence is produced that the court having jurisdiction as to the substance of the matter has given a ruling on that application?
    3. If it follows from the answers to the first two questions referred that the court seised of an application under Article 35 of [the Brussels I bis Regulation] has jurisdiction, must the conditions for the ordering of protective measures under Article 35 of [the Brussels I bis Regulation] be interpreted independently? Should a provision which does not allow a protective measure to be ordered against a public body in a case such as the present one be disapplied?

The appointed judges are J.C. Bonichot, L. Bay Larsen, M. Safjan, N. Jääskinen and C. Toader, with judge Toader reporting.

AG Saugmandsgaard Øe’s opinion on C-242/20, HRVATSKE ŠUME, is to be delivered the same day. The reference for a preliminary ruling comes from Visoki trgovački sud Republike Hrvatske (Croatia), based on doubts regarding (still) Regulation No 44/2001 (Brussels I)

    1. Do actions for recovery of sums unduly paid by way of unjust enrichment fall within the basic jurisdiction established in [the Brussels I  Regulation] in respect of ‘quasi-delicts’, since Article 5(3) thereof provides inter alia: ‘A person domiciled in a Member State may, in another Member State, be sued … in matters relating to … quasi-delict, in the courts for the place where the harmful event occurred or may occur’?
    2. Since there is a time limit on seeking recovery of sums unduly paid in the same judicial enforcement proceedings, do civil proceedings which have been initiated fall within exclusive jurisdiction under Article 22(5) of [the Brussels I Regulation] which provides that in proceedings concerned with the enforcement of judgments, the courts of the Member State in which the judgment has been or is to be enforced is to have exclusive jurisdiction, regardless of domicile?

Judges M. Vilaras, N. Piçarra, D. Šváby, S. Rodin and K. Jürimäe (reporting), will decide.

AG Campos Sánchez-Bordona’s opinion on C-296/20, Commerzbank, is expected as well on 9 September 2021. The Bundesgerichtshof (Germany) referred two questions to the Court of Justice on the interpretation of the Lugano Convention 2007:

    1. Is Article 15(1)(c) of the Lugano Convention to be interpreted as meaning that the ‘pursuit’ of a professional or commercial activity in the State bound by the Convention and in which the consumer is domiciled presupposes that the other party was already engaged in cross-border activity at the time when the contract was initiated and concluded or does that provision also apply for the purpose of determining the court having jurisdiction to hear proceedings where the parties were domiciled within the meaning of Articles 59 and 60 of the Lugano Convention in the same State bound by the Convention at the time when the contract was concluded and a foreign element to the legal relationship arose only subsequently because the consumer relocated at a later date to another State bound by the Convention?
    2. If cross-border activity at the time when the contract was concluded is not necessary: Does Article 15(1)(c) of the Lugano Convention, read in conjunction with Article 16(2) thereof, generally preclude determination of the court having jurisdiction in accordance with Article 5(1) of the Lugano Convention in the case where the consumer relocated to another State bound by the Convention between the time when the contract was concluded and the time when the proceedings were brought, or is it also necessary for the professional or commercial activities of the other party to be pursued in or directed to the new State of domicile and for the contract to come within the scope of such activities?

The deciding chamber will be composed by judges L. Bay Larsen, M. Safjan and C. Toader (reporting). Their interpretation will of course be relevant as well for Regulation n.º 1215/2012. Reciprocally, it is to be expected that the questions are answered, at least partially, in light of the mBank decision of September 3, 2020 (Case C-98/20).

No other PIL-related opinion will be delivered until Thursday 16 September.

AG Hogans’ on C-251/20, Gtflix Tv, will then be published upon request for a preliminary ruling from the Cour of Cassation (France). Once again Article 7(2) of the Brussels I bis regulation is at stake. The case having been allocated to the Grand Chamber it seems worth recalling the facts as well.

According to the judgment under appeal (the Lyon [Court of Appeal]), the Czech company Gtflix Tv, engaged in the production and broadcasting of adult content, in particular via its website, complained that DR — a director, producer and distributor of pornographic films offered on websites hosted in Hungary, where he carries on his business and is domiciled — had disseminated derogatory comments on a number of websites and forums. After giving DR formal notice to remove those comments, Gtflix Tv brought proceedings for interim measures before the President of the tribunal de grande instance de Lyon (Lyon Regional Court) seeking an order requiring DR, on pain of a penalty, to cease all derogatory acts towards Gtflix Tv and the website ‘legalporno’ and to publish a legal statement in French and English on each of the forums concerned. Gtflix Tv also sought permission to post its own comments on the forums in question and, lastly, a symbolic award of compensation in the amount of EUR 1 for material damage and EUR 1 for non-material damage.

DR argued that the French courts lacked jurisdiction. On appeal, Gtflix Tv restated its requests for removal and rectification and raised its application for damages to the provisional sum of EUR 10 000 in respect of material and non-material damage sustained in France.

The question asked reads :

Must Article 7(2) of [he Brussels I bis Regulation] be interpreted as meaning that a person who, considering  that his or her rights have been infringed by the dissemination of derogatory comments on the internet, brings proceedings not only for the rectification of information and the removal of content but also for compensation for the resulting non-material and material damage, may claim, before the courts of each Member State in the territory of which content published online is or was accessible, compensation for the damage caused in the territory of that Member State, in accordance with the judgment in eDate Advertising (paragraphs 51 and 52), or whether, pursuant to the judgment in Svensk Handel (paragraph 48), that person must make the application for compensation before the court with jurisdiction to order rectification of the information and removal of the derogatory comments?

M. Safjian will act as reporting judge.

The month will end (for PIL purposes) with the hearing, also on 16 September, in case C-501/20, M P A, from the Provincial Court of Barcelona (Spain). The referring court has several doubts regarding Regulation No 2201/2003 (Brussels II bis) and Regulation No 4/2009 (the Maintenance Regulation):

    1. How is the term “habitual residence” in Article 3 of [the Brussels II bis Regulation] and Article 3 of [the Maintenance Regulation] to be interpreted in the case of the nationals of a Member State who are staying in a non-Member State by reason of the duties conferred on them as members of the contract staff of the European Union and who, in the non-Member State, are recognised as members of the diplomatic staff of the European Union, when their stay in that State is linked to the performance of their duties for the European Union?
    2. If, for the purposes of Article 3 [the Brussels II bis Regulation] and Article 3 of [the Maintenance Regulation], the determination of the habitual residence of the spouses depended on their status as EU contract staff in a non-Member State, how would this affect the determination of the habitual residence of the minor children in accordance with Article 8 of Regulation No 2201/2003?
    3. In the event that the children are not regarded as habitually resident in the non-Member State, can the connecting factor of the mother’s nationality, her residence in Spain prior to the marriage, the Spanish nationality of the minor children and their birth in Spain be taken into account for the purposes of determining habitual residence in accordance with Article 8 of [the Brussels II bis Regulation]?
    4. If it is established that the parents and children are not habitually resident in a Member State, given that, under [the Brussels II bis Regulation] there is no other Member State with jurisdiction to decide on the applications, does the fact that the defendant is a national of a Member State preclude the application of the residual clause contained in Articles 7 and 14 of [the Brussels II bis Regulation]?
    5. If it is established that the parents and children are not habitually resident in a Member State for the purpose of determining child maintenance, how is the forum necessitatis in Article 7 of [the Maintenance Regulation] to be interpreted and, in particular, what are the requirements for considering that proceedings cannot reasonably be brought or enforced or prove impossible in a non-Member State with which the dispute is closely connected (in this case, Togo)? Must the party have initiated or attempted to initiate proceedings in that State with a negative result and does the nationality of one of the parties to the dispute constitute a sufficient connection with the Member State?
    6. In a case like this, where the spouses have strong links with Member States (nationality, former residence), is it contrary to Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights if no Member State is considered to have jurisdiction under the provisions of the Regulations?

M. Szpunar’s opinion has been asked. The decision is to be taken by A. Prechal, N. Wahl, F. Biltgen, J. Passer and L.S. Rossi, the latter as reporting judge.

NoA : Just for the record, the hearing in C-319/20, Facebook Ireland, on the GDPR, takes place one week later. The question referrered to the Court by the Bundesgerichtshof (Federal Court of Justice, Germany) is:

Do the rules in Chapter VIII, in particular in Article 80(1) and (2) and Article 84(1), of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 preclude national rules which – alongside the powers of intervention of the supervisory authorities responsible for monitoring and enforcing the Regulation and the options for legal redress for data subjects – empower, on the one hand, competitors and, on the other, associations, entities and chambers entitled under national law, to bring proceedings for breaches of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, independently of the infringement of specific rights of individual data subjects and without being mandated to do so by a data subject, against the infringer before the civil courts on the basis of the prohibition of unfair commercial practices or breach of a consumer protection law or the prohibition of the use of invalid general terms and conditions?

Jurisdiction over a Branch, Agency, or Other Establishment: The German Federal Court on ‘Air France (Germany)’

mer, 09/01/2021 - 08:00

Jurisdiction over branches (Article 7(5) of the Brussels I bis Regulation) is shrouded in a cloud of mystery. A judgment dated 16 March 2021 by the German Federal Court (Bundesgerichtshof) provides some helpful clarification in this regard.


The claimant had booked a first-class flight with Air France from San Francisco to London, with a connecting flight through Paris, for the cut-throat price of 582,97 Euro (!). The booking was made through a webpage with a German domain name (“airfrance.de”). The contact information on the website referred, besides the main seat in Paris, to an “Air France Direktion” (department) with a physical address in Frankfurt am Main (Germany). The actual department located at this place had mainly marketing functions and was not involved in the administration of the webpage “airfrance.de”. The ticket showed the abbreviation “DIR WEB Allemagne, FRANKFURT AM MAIN”.

Air France cancelled the ticket alleging an error in its issuances. The claimant then brought an action before a court in Frankfurt, seeking damages for more than 10.000 Euro. The defendant disputed the jurisdiction of the German court.

Legal Issue

The main question of the case was whether the defendant can be sued on the basis of an establishment in Germany under Article 7(5) of the Brussels I bis Regulation. The heads of jurisdiction for consumer contracts were not at issue because of the exception for transport contracts in Article 17(3) of the Regulation.


The Federal Court ruled that the Frankfurt office qualified as an establishment and that the dispute arose out of the operations of the Frankfurt office, despite the fact that the office’s employees were not managing the webpage and were not involved in the booking process. The decisive factor was not the internal business processes, but the way in which the establishment appears in business dealings with third parties.


The Federal Court referred to the case law of the CJEU, which requires a branch, agency, or other establishment to have a management and material equipment to negotiate business with third parties, a centre of operations and an “appearance of permanency” (see CJEU, Case C-464/18, ZX v Ryanair, para 33; Case C‑804/19, BU v Markt24, para 47).

In determining whether the dispute arose out of the operations of this branch, the German Federal Court specifically highlighted that the Frankfurt office of Air France develops special offerings for business passengers and travel agencies based in Germany and the managing director for Germany is based at this very branch. Importantly, the Federal Court emphasised that the internal organisation of the company is less of relevance than its appearance towards the outside world (Federal Court, para 23, with reference to CJEU, Case C-218/86, SAR Schotte GmbH, para 14 et seq.). It ruled that the contact information on the webpage, which indicated an establishment in Germany, was of special importance.

The court attributed this to the fact that the information on the website was mandatory by law and that the purpose of this obligation was to ensure a minimum level of transparency and information for the user of a website about the person operating the website. According to the legislator’s intention, this information should also serve as a starting point in the event of a legal dispute. The information on the website would imply that the establishment mentioned is offering the service and issues or accepts the relevant contractual declarations.

The customer must be able to rely, in the Federal Court’s words (para 33), on this establishment’s appearance.

The latter would be further corroborated by the use of the German top-level domain (“.de”), the use of the German language and the mention of “Frankfurt” as the place where the ticket was issued. Against this background, if an existing establishment is referred to as “Air France in Germany”, a customer may understand this to mean that this establishment is the entity offering the bookings.

The fact that the website also mentioned the main seat of Air France in Paris would not offset this impression, as this would only serve to comply with the legal requirement to identify the contractual counterparty of the customer. Nor would the fact that the officers of the establishment in Frankfurt were not involved in the management of the website change the analysis, as this would merely relate to the internal organisation of the defendant. Equally unimportant was the use of the suffix “.fr” in the email addresses mentioned on the website, as the customer may rationally have attributed this to the need for uniformity within the company.


The Federal Court’s judgment is very customer-friendly. Under the ruling, the existence and the role of an establishment is first and foremost to be assessed from the perspective of the customer. The judgment, however, stretches the concept of a “branch, agency or establishment” to its limits. The CJEU had at least required that the branch, agency or establishment is “materially equipped to negotiate business with third parties” (CJEU, Case 33/78, Somafer, para 12). This restriction is not sufficiently reflected in the decision Federal Court, which seems to be primarily inspired by the wish to protect the supposedly weaker party outside the scope of Article 17 et seq. of the Brussels I bis Regulation. This may create the danger that offices with merely clerical functions may be used by claimants as a launching pad for legal action. In the end, this could lead to a backlash: Companies may decide to centralise all of their operations within one country to avoid creating jurisdictional bases under Article 7(5) of the Brussels I bis Regulation. This would not be in the interest of the customers nor of the Single Market.

Amy Held, Verena Wodniansky-Wildenfeld and Felix Krysa have contributed to this post.

Europeanisation of Civil Procedural Law: Disruption or Consolidation?

mar, 08/31/2021 - 08:00

On 9 and 10 September 2021, the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for Procedural Law will host the 7th Conference of Young Procedural Scholars on Europeanisation of Civil Procedural Law: Disruption or Consolidation? The event will trace the influences of the ever-increasing European activities on national procedural law, and offers the opportunity to discuss whether Europeanisation consolidates or rather disrupt the coherence of national law.

The German-language conference aims to bring together young researchers with an interest in the field of procedural law – be it civil, criminal or pertaining to public law –, thereby recognizing the manifold intersections, overlaps and similarities of the sub-disciplines of procedural law. The wide-ranging activities of the European legislator as well as the case law of ECJ and ECtHR, having left their mark on all branches of procedural legal studies, particularly prompt such an overarching approach to questions of efficient procedural law enforcement.

Aimed at postdocs, PhD candidates and other researchers in an early stage of their academic career, the conference intends to create a forum for new and upcoming voices of procedural law. Further information is available at the MPI website or by reaching out to the organizers of the conference, Dr Lena Hornkohl and Dr Wiebke Voß (both Senior Research Fellows at the MPI Luxembourg) at jungesprozessrecht@mpi.lu.

Digital Encounter on the ILA-Kyoto Guidelines

lun, 08/30/2021 - 08:00

The 15th Global Digital Encounter organized by Fide Foundation and TIPSA (Transatlantic Intellectual Property Academy) will take place on 8 September 2021, under the title Towards A More Predictable Legal Framework for Cross-Border Intellectual Property Disputes.

It will discuss the main lines of the Kyoto Guidelines on Intellectual Property and Private International Law drafted by a group of 36 renowned scholars from 19 jurisdictions under the auspices of the International Law Association.

Intellectual Property controversies and disputes become more and more cross border in the context of the IV Industrial Revolution and the enforcement of IP rights in this global environment raises new and complex challenges to the traditional models of solving conflicts through national courts. Issues like the rules for adjudication of international disputes (jurisdiction), the applicable law and the cross-border recognition and enforcement of judgments involving IP claims still differ widely from country to country, fostering therefore the development of an environment deprived of legal certainty which severely affects the enforcement of IP rights all over the world. Consequently, the adoption of model provisions on the private international law aspects of IP which could be used as guiding for national and international legislation has become an urgent matter.

The panel, composed by Marketa Trimble (University of Nevada), Toshiyuki Kono (Kyushu University) and Axel Metzger (Humboldt University of Berlin), will be moderated by Pedro de Miguel Asensio (Complutense University of Madrid).

For further information and registration, see here

Diversity of Enforcement Titles in Cross-Border Debt Collection in the EU

sam, 08/28/2021 - 08:00

conference titled Diversity of Enforcement Titles in Cross-border Debt Collection in the EU will take place in Maribor on 3 and 4 September 2021, in the framework of the The EU-En4S project. The event will be live streamed online for those who cannot attend in person.

Speakers include Marko Ilešič, Friderik Sjövall, Samuel Rudvall, Željko Pajalić, Lionel Decotte, Jens Bormann, Paolo Pasqualis, Wendy Kennett, Achilleas Demetriades, as well as participants from the several institutions that take part in the project.

The agenda of the conference may be found here. See here for registration.

Stephan on Transborder Antibribery Law

ven, 08/27/2021 - 08:00

Paul B. Stephan from University of Virginia School of Law has posted recently on SSRN an article titled Antibribery Law, which will constitute a chapter of the book Challenges to the International Legal Order, edited by David L. Sloss. The book is supposed to be published by Oxford University Press in 2021. The article may be downloaded here.

The abstract reads as follows:

The first part of this chapter describes the rise of transborder antibribery law in this century against the background of its twentieth century origins. It focuses on the role of a hegemon, namely the United States, and the impact of its conduct on other rich-world states. During the last century, other states passively resisted U.S. initiatives. Then, at the dawn of the new century, some undertook their own antibribery programs in response to U.S. regulation. At the international level, this response took the form of treaties accepting national regulation but not parceling out primary regulatory jurisdiction among states. Cooperation among prosecutors grew, but almost entirely through informal mechanisms. What resulted is a remarkably robust regulatory regime with almost all of the action occurring at the national level.

The next two parts ask why this kind of international cooperation unfolded as it did. The first focuses on striking parallels between the development of transborder antibribery enforcement and the rise of transborder anticartel law a generation earlier. International cooperation exists, but through informal fora and other contacts among prosecutors, rather than by the creation of international legal obligations and international institutions to administer them. As with the later antibribery project, anticartel policy thrived through the scaling back of international-law-based claims about the limits of prescriptive jurisdiction, not through creation of new international institutions. 

Part III then explores the political economy of transborder antibribery law. It considers why states regulate behavior that, as a first-order matter, harms foreigners while enriching domestic firms (unlike anticartel policy, which focuses on injury to domestic consumers). It rebuts arguments that altruism and a cosmopolitan sense of justice motivates states. Rather, this regulation, like the earlier anticartel actions, can best be explained as an effort to save the system of global markets, international business and investment, and transnational private ordering from itself. States have come to embrace these efforts, but have not sought to enforce them through international law. This approach instead puts the onus on powerful states acting as norm entrepreneurs to promote the rule of domestic law internationally.

On balance, the development of antibribery law during this century suggests a process of evolutionary adaptation, not revolutionary change and disruption. The paper considers, however, whether the forces that have undone the liberal internationalist aspirations of the 1990s pose a threat to the contemporary transborder antibribery regime. That transborder antibribery efforts have prospered during this period of unrest may indicate something about the resilience of global capitalism, but is not proof of the durability of the liberal international order that existed at the end of the twentieth century.

The Hague Academy Summer Course of 2022

jeu, 08/26/2021 - 08:00

The Hague Academy of International Law has made known the programme of the summer course of Private International Law of 2022.

The course will be opened by Dominique Hascher with a lecture on The Role of International Law in the Review of Awards.

The general course, titled Towards Worldwide Law Consistency, will be given by Louis d’Avout (Paris II University).

The special courses will be as follows: Marco Frigessi di Rattalma (University of Brescia), New Trends in the Private International Law of Insurance Contracts; João Bosco Lee (Universidade Positivo), The Application of International Conventions by Arbitrators in International Trade Disputes; Ulla Liukkunen (University of Helsinki), Mandatory Rules in International Labour Law; Kermit Roosevelt III (University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School), The Third Restatement of Conflict of Laws; Tiong Min Yeo (Singapore Management University), Common Law, Equity, and Statute: Effect of Juridical Sources on Choice of Law Methodology; Arnaud Nuyts (Université Libre de Bruxelles), The Forum for Cyber Torts.

Special lectures in tribute to Professor Emmanuel Gaillard will be delivered by Yas Banifatemi, Diego P. Fernández Arroyo, Dominique Hascher, Horatia Muir Watt and Luca Radicati di Brozolo.

The directors of studies will be Marie Linton (Uppsala University) and Luciana Beatriz Scotti (University of Buenos Aires). 

More information on the Academy’s programmes, including the upcoming Winter Course, may be found here.

Svantesson on Private International Law and the Internet

mer, 08/25/2021 - 08:00

The forth edition of Prof. Dan Jerker B. Svantesson’s book on Private International Law and the Internet is being published with Wolters Kluwer.

The book furnishes an exhaustive and insightful account of what has emerged as the most crucial current issue in private international law; that is, how the Internet affects and is affected by the five fundamental questions: When should a lawsuit be entertained by the courts? Which state’s law should be applied? When should a court that can entertain a lawsuit decline to do so? How wide ‘scope of jurisdiction’ should be afforded to a court with jurisdiction over a dispute? And will a judgment rendered in one country be recognized and enforced in another?

Professor Dan Svantesson identifies and investigates twelve characteristics of Internet communication relevant to these questions and then proceeds with an in-depth discussion of what is required of modern private international law rules.

The analysis focuses is on several issues that have far-reaching practical consequences in the Internet context, including the following: cross-border defamation; cross-border business contracts; cross-border consumer contracts; and cross-border intellectual property issues.

A comprehensive survey of private international law solutions encompasses insightful and timely analyses of relevant laws adopted in various jurisdictions, including Australia, England, Hong Kong SAR, the United States, Germany, Sweden, and China, as well as in a range of international instruments. There is also a chapter on advances in geo-identification technologies and their exceptional value for legal practice. The book concludes with two model international conventions, one on cross-border defamation and one on cross-border contracts, as well as a set of practical checklists to guide legal practitioners faced with cross-border matters within the discussed fields.

The book collates a wealth of research findings in the overlapping disciplines of law and technology that will be of particular utility to practitioners and academics working in this complex and rapidly changing field. The author’s thoughtful analysis of the interplay of the developing Internet and private international law will also prove to be invaluable, as will the tools he offers to anticipate the future. Private International Law and the Internet provides an extraordinary stimulus to continue working towards globally acceptable private international law rules for communication via the Internet.

More information about the book is available here.

Panel Discussion on Brexit

mar, 08/24/2021 - 08:00

The French Committee for Private International Law will hold a panel discussion on private international law and Brexit (Le droit international privé au défi du Brexit) in the afternoon of 8 October 2021, in Paris (3 pm CET).

The chairman will be Dominique Foussard. Speakers include Louis d’Avout, Stewart Leech, Eva Lein, Philippe Lortie and Michael Wilderspin.

The exact location is to be announced on the website of the Committee (here).

Gruber and Samidani Trans: Dépeçage for International Employment Contracts

lun, 08/23/2021 - 08:00

The author of this post is Erik Sinander, Senior lecturer at the Stockholm University.

In a judgment of 15 July 2021, over two joined Romanian cases (C-152/20 and C-218/20, DG and EH v SC Gruber Logistics SRL and Sindicatul Lucrătorilor din Transporturi v SC Samidani Trans SRL), the CJEU confirmed that the choice of law rule for employment contracts in Article 8 of the Rome I Regulation demands parallel application (dépeçage) of the law chosen by the parties and the law that would have been applicable if no choice of law was done. Both cases concerned whether lorry drivers employed by Romanian companies were entitled to minimum wage according to Italian respectively German law despite the fact that Romanian law was chosen for the employment contracts.

In its judgment, the CJEU confirmed that the law that the parties have chosen in their employment contract (subjectively applicable law) shall be applied as a starting point and that the law that would have been applicable if no choice of law would have been done (objectively applicable law) shall breakthrough in issues where the latter law offers the employee protection that cannot be derogated from by agreement under that law. The court reiterated the wording of the Regulation as it confirmed that whether a provision in the objectively applicable law can be derogated from shall be decided according to that law. Further, the court held that the prerequisite of a free choice according to Article 3 is not invoked solely by the fact that the choice of law clause has been included in the contract by the employer in a pre-formulated employment contract.

The judgment is in no way surprising, but the trickiest part of the parallel application methodology prescribed in Article 8 is left undiscussed. For the objectively applicable law to breakthrough it is not enough that the provision is mandatory. In addition, it must also offer the employee protection. How do we then know whether the employee is offered protection by the provision in the objectively applicable law? That this issue was not discussed in the judgment can simply be explained by the fact that the Romanian courts did not ask about it. Nonetheless, it is an interesting issue that deserves some attention.

As long as the employment protection mechanism in the subjectively applicable law and the objectively applicable law are equivalent, Article 8 is unproblematic. A lower minimum wage according to the subjectively applicable law can simply be replaced by the rules granting higher minimum wage in the objectively applicable law. When the two laws employment protection mechanisms are based on different ideas, it is harder to make the comparison. That might be the case if the matter concerns a wrongful dismissal and the subjectively applicable law offers a stronger right for the employee to return to the job whereas the objectively applicable law offers better compensation. In such a situation, the court can hardly make this evaluation as there is no objective way to evaluate different employment protection mechanisms.

Personally I think that the idea of international harmony of decisions shall be leading for how the evaluation of protection provisions shall be made according to Article 8 of the Rome I Regulation. To let the courts decide the evaluation of different employment protection mechanisms will inevitably lead to a situation where the decisions are dependent on where they are settled. That would be unsatisfactory. Instead, it would be preferable to let the employee decide self whether the objectively applicable law shall prevail in a specific situation. Such a method is of course casuistic, but it is the more reasonable solution. Relying on the employee’s own choice has the advantage that it simplifies the comparison for the court.

Lex & Forum – Second volume: 40 years of the Hellenic Republic in the EU

ven, 08/20/2021 - 08:00

The creation of Lex & Forum has coincided with a groundbreaking legal and political development within the European family: the secession of the United Kingdom from the European Union after about 50 years of membership. The disruption of the judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters between the EU and the UK has caused a pressing need for the immediate scrutiny of the uncharted procedural environment, triggered by a hard Brexit in the field of civil litigation. For this reason, the first issue of Lex & Forum was devoted to the implications of Brexit in the area of judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters.

Nonetheless, Brexit has not been the sole milestone which coincided with the creation of Lex & Forum.

On 1 January 1981 Greece became a member of the European Community. The launch of Lex & Forum witnessed the anniversary of 40 years since the accession of Greece in the EU and the application of EU Law in the country.

The second issue of Lex&Forum is dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the application of EU Law in Greece and its influence on Greek civil procedural law. The tone is set already on the preface, authored by one of the founders of International Procedural Law in Greece, Pelagia Yessiou-Faltsi. The anniversary is further elaborated with specific contributions revolving around two main axes: (i) the influence of existing EU Civil Procedural Law on native civil procedural rules; (ii) new developments in EU Civil Procedural Law.

In detail: the contributions of the first axis open with the analysis by P. Arvanitakis on the influence of “lex europensis” on lex fori and the old forum regit processum axiom, followed by an examination of the role of the national judge in the adoption of cross border interim measures, conducted by A. Alapantas, and an investigation into the importance of the case law of the CJEU on the interpretation of EU and national civil procedural rules by I. Valmantonis, and an analysis of the functioning of the European Judicial Network (EJN) by V. Sarigiannidis.

The contributions of the second axis begin with a presentation of the provisions of Regulation 2019/1111 on jurisdiction, the recognition and enforcement of decisions in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, and on international child abduction by I. Delicostopoulos, followed by the analysis of Regulation 2020/1783 on the taking of evidence by L. Pipsou, and Regulation 2020/1784 on the service of documents by A. Anthimos. This part is concluded with a reflection on the future of common EU civil procedural acquis and its future by D. Titsias. The contributions aforementioned were presented during a digital conference on 26 May  2021.

The special focus of the issue is concluded with insights from law professionals (such as bailiffs) on the application of the upcoming EU civil procedural regulations.

The following section deals with case law. The crucial decision of the CJEU in Braathens (case C-30/19), a case where the Court examines the problem of the supremacy and effet utile of EU Law over national civil procedural provisions, is given priority. The CJEU declared that national courts shall go as far as to disapply a national procedural provision that precludes them from giving full effect to the fundamental right to a remedy under art. 47 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, especially in cases where, in terms of the law of substance, an alleged discrimination has taken place.

Furthermore, the issue hosts an equally interesting decision of the British High Court [2021] EWHC 178 (QB) on the interplay between the rules on lis pendens and the protective jurisdictional rules for the insured. In this case, Master Davison has reluctantly accepted that lis pendens rules of the Brussels Ia Regulation bar him from giving priority to the action of the insured person, as he is obliged to respect the lis pendens created by a negative declaratory action brought by the insurer in his native forum. I. Revolidis opens an interesting dialogue with the approach of Master Davison, wondering whether indeed the lis pendens rules can and/or shall undermine the protective jurisdictional regimes of the Brussels Ia Regulation.

With respect to domestic case law, reference needs to be made to the decision of the Lamia Court of First Instance no. 12/2021, which deals with joined actions, where the different joined claims fall within different EU Regulations or different chapters of the same Regulation, regulated in both cases by different and contradicting rules of international jurisdiction.

In the section of special issues, Lex&Forum hosts a practically important contribution by G. Anagnostopoulos on international jurisdiction in cases of judicial applications for the rejection of inheritance disposed by a person domiciled in Greece to the benefit of an underaged person domiciled in a foreign country.

Finally, this issue marks the creation of a new column (“L&F Praxis”), which will present the basic problems that occur from the practical application of EU civil procedural rules. In this issue, the column explores practical issues referring to the application of the European Certificate of Succession. The problems have been identified and systematically classified by A. Vathrakokoilis, who has also prepared a Greek case law digest on issues, such as the issuing a European Certificate of Succession when a will (domestic or foreign) has nonetheless been drawn up, or when statutory succession takes place.

The Rise (and Incipient Decline?) of the EPO Regulation in Spain

mer, 08/18/2021 - 08:00

The author of this post is Carlos Santaló Goris, research fellow at the MPI Luxembourg and Ph.D. candidate at the University of Luxembourg.

Regulation (EC) No 1896/2006 establishing the European Payment Order (‘EPO’) introduced the first EU uniform civil procedure. The EPO Regulation aimed at facilitating the cross-border recovery of debt within the EU.

According to statistics published by the Spanish General Council of the Judiciary, in 2017, Spanish courts issued a total 655 EPOs. In 2018, the number of EPOs increased 898,32%, up to 5.884 EPOs. In 2019, the number of EPOs continued increasing, skyrocketing to the gargantuan number of 29.120 EPOs. In 2020, though there was a decrease with respect to the previous year, Spanish courts still issued 21.636 EPOs.

Just for the sake of comparison: during the same period there were much fewer applications for EPOs. in Germany: 3.706 applications in 2018, 3.577 in 2019, and 3.582 in 2020.

What is the reason behind the abnormal increase in the number of EPOs issued by Spanish courts between 2017 and 2019? In my view, the answer is to be found in the difference between the EPO and the Spanish payment order regarding the courts’ possibility (obligation) to assess the fairness of contractual terms in consumer claims under Directive 93/13 on unfair terms in consumer contracts.

Under the Spanish payment order, a court receiving an application for a payment order involving a consumer party had to evaluate the fairness of the contractual terms of the relation between the creditor and the consumer. Mandatory review was the conequence of the ECJ judgment, C618/10, Banco Español de Crédito. According to the ECJ, “Directive 93/13 must be interpreted as precluding legislation of a Member State, such as that at issue in the main proceedings, which does not allow the court before which an application for an order for payment has been brought to assess of its own motion, in limine litis or at any other stage during the proceedings, even though it already has the legal and factual elements necessary for that task available to it, whether a term concerning interest on late payments contained in a contract concluded between a seller or supplier and a consumer is unfair, in the case where that consumer has not lodged an objection” (para. 57).

Unlike the Spanish payment order procedure, the EPO follows a non-documentary procedure. Creditors do not have to provide any documents – only the application standard form. In particular, they do not have to provide the contract on which the claim is based; they are only required to describe “the circumstances invoked as the basis of the claim” and a “description of evidence supporting the claim” (Article 7(2) EPO Regulation). The ECJ had made it clear “that Article 7 of Regulation No 1896/2006 governs the requirements exhaustively to be met by an application for a European order for payment can ensure that the objective of the regulation is attained” (C-215/11, Szyrocka, para. 32). Furthermore, according to the Spanish act implementing the EPO Regulation any documents other than the standard form would be inadmissible when applying for the EPO (23rd final provision of Spanish Code of Civil Procedure). Based on the information that creditors provide in the EPO application, Spanish courts could not examine the fairness of the contractual terms as they would in the national payment order. Aware of this, more creditors started to apply for EPOs, thus provoking the increased number of applications.

Since the EPO Regulation only applies to cross-border claims, many claims which initially had a purely domestic origin had to be “transformed” into cross-border ones. According to Article 3 of the EPO Regulation, the cross-border dimension of a claim is established when “at least one of the parties is domiciled or habitually resident in a Member State other than the Member State of the court seised.” To satisfy this prerequisite, domestic creditors assigned the debt to a new creditor in another Member State (often vulture funds or companies specialized in debt recovery).

The flood of EPO applications in consumer claims did not pass by unnoticed by Spanish judges. Three Spanish courts submitted requests for preliminary rulings to the ECJ asking whether judges could ask the EPO applicant for additional documents in order to conduct an ex officio review of the fairness of the contractual terms. Two of those preliminary references led to the ECJ judgment C453/18 and C494/18, Bondora. In this decision, the ECJ determined that “a ‘court’, within the meaning of that regulation, seised in the context of a European order for payment procedure, to request from the creditor additional information relating to the terms of the agreement relied on in support of the claim at issue, in order to carry out an ex officio review of the possible unfairness of those terms and, consequently, that they preclude national legislation which declares the additional documents provided for that purpose to be inadmissible” (para. 54).

Bondora opened the door the examination of the fairness of the contractual terms in the context of the EPO procedure. From the creditors’ perspective, this judgment put a virtual end to the comparative advantage that the EPO Regulation had over the Spanish payment order in claims against consumers.

But, has the Bondora decision already impacted the number of EPO applications? Difficult to say. The decision was published in December 2019. In 2020, there was a decrease of 7.515 EPOs rendered by Spanish courts as compared to 2019. However, the number of EPOs still remained highly superior to the average amount of yearly EPOs issued by Spanish courts before 2018. More likely, the COVID-19 pandemic explains the decline. It is only in the coming years where we might see whether Bondora has caused the EPO Regulation to lose its charm among Spanish creditors or not.

French Parliament Adopts Mandatory Law to Enforce Reserved Share in Succession Matters

mar, 08/17/2021 - 08:00

The author of this post is Christelle Chalas, who is an Associate Professor at the University of Lille. 


The French law on the compliance with the Republican Principles (projet de loi confortant le respect des principes de la République) introduces a new paragraph in Article 913 of the French Civil Code aiming at re-establishing a right of ‘compensatory levy’ (droit de prélèvement compensatoire) on property situated in France for the benefit of children who would not benefit from a reserved share of inheritance.

Its scope is limited to cases where either the deceased or one of his or her children is a national of a Member State of the European Union or a person whose habitual residence is in such a State.

The new text reads:

Lorsque le défunt ou au moins l’un de ses enfants est, au moment du décès, ressortissant d’un État membre de l’Union européenne ou y réside habituellement et lorsque la loi étrangère applicable à la succession ne permet aucun mécanisme réservataire protecteur des enfants, chaque enfant ou ses héritiers ou ses ayants cause peuvent effectuer un prélèvement compensatoire sur les biens existants situés en France au jour du décès, de façon à être rétablis dans les droits réservataires que leur octroie la loi française, dans la limite de ceux-ci.

The law was eventually adopted by the National Assembly on 23 July 2021. The bill had been rejected twice by the Senate in April 2021 (see here) and then on 20 July 2021, but the National Assembly had voted twice in favour of its adoption (in February and July 2021, see here). Under the French legislative system, the Assembly’s deliberations ultimately prevail. The constitutionality of the bill was immediately challenged before the Constitutional Council (Conseil constitutionnel) (see below).

A compensatory levy was instituted in French inheritance law by the law of the 14 July 1819 but it was found to be unconstitutional by the Constitutional Council in 2011 (see here) on the ground that it disregarded the principle of equality by establishing an inequal treatment based on nationality between the heirs designated by the foreign inheritance law.

Although the new text avoids this obvious violation of the principle of equality by granting this right to all heirs whatever their nationality or residence, it raises several problems that threaten its validity.

These problems are interesting because they illustrate the small margin of freedom that national legislators still enjoy in particular with regard to European law. From a domestic perspective, issues of constitutionality also arose.

Is the New Provision Unconstitutional?

Regarding the conformity of Article 913 with the French Constitution, it is submitted that the main concern is the appropriateness of the “droit de prélèvement” with regard to the purpose of the law. It was said during the discussion in the Senate, and shown in French doctrine (Revue critique de DIP 2021, issue 2, announced here) that there is a high risk that the provision misses its target.

The purpose of Article 913 is to steer against the effects of an applicable foreign inheritance law that would discriminate between heirs according to their sex or religion. More specifically, the government did not hide that the provision aims at protecting female heirs from the inheritance laws of Muslim countries. But, since Article 913 does not limit its application to discriminatory foreign laws, but is concerned with foreign laws which “do not permit any reserved share mechanism”, the provision could reach situations that in no way threaten “Republican Principles” (here, equality) and, conversely, Article 913 could miss situations that do threaten these principles. Indeed, the laws of common law countries could be concerned as they do not provide for reserved shares, while, on the contrary, Article 913 could possibly not apply to Muslim laws since they might provide for a reserved share.

One can also be very critical about the weakness of the required connection with France: by rendering the mechanism available to all children heirs as long as only one of them, or the deceased, is a national of a Member State of the EU or is resident in one of theses states, it is very easy to imagine situations in which the protection of the French law will appear inappropriate, if not illegitimate. The real object of the law remains unclear and this raises concerns about the adequacy of the compensatory system set in place. This could be a reason for unconstitutionality.

Furthermore, if the only purpose of Article 913 is to fight against discriminatory foreign laws, the public policy exception should be efficient enough. The French Supreme Court for civil and criminal matters (Cour de cassation) could transpose its own jurisprudence on repudiation to the context of reserved share in inheritance law.

The other advantage of the public policy exception is that it allows a concrete and factual assessment of the result produced by the application of the foreign law.  For example, the family provisions of English law would be spared by the public policy exception while it is not sure that the new text would not receive application in this case.

Unfortunately, it does not seem that any of the parties who participated in the challenge of the constitutionality of the law raised any argument with respect to the new provision. On August, 13th, 2021, the Constitutional Council delivered its decision without addressing the issue.

A Risk of Euro-Incompatibility?

The conformity of Article 913 with the European Succession Regulation could also be questioned on several grounds.

Article 23 of the Regulation provides that “the law determined pursuant to Article 21 and Article 22 shall govern the succession as a whole. That law shall govern in particular, … the disposable part of the estate, the reserved shares and other restrictions on the disposal of property upon death as well as claims which persons close to the deceased may have against the estate or the heirs”. By putting in place a right of compensatory levy on property situated in France, Article 13 sets a new exemption on the applicable law designated by the Regulation.

The European Court of justice might not accept this type of circumvention of the applicable law, in particular when the deceased person has chosen its national law in accordance with Article 22. Recital 38 of the Preamble to the Regulation specifies that the choice of law is limited to the national law of the deceased precisely with the objective “to avoid a law being chosen with the intention of frustrating the legitimate expectations of persons entitled to a reserved share”. A limited and voluntary infringement to the reserved share is thus admitted by the Succession Regulation.

Article 913 would also possibly run against Recital 37 that states that the succession should be govern by a predictable law with which it is closely connected. Predictability and necessity of a close connection between the applicable law and the succession are clearly challenged by the French draft provision. Recital 37 also recommends that “for reasons of legal certainty and in order to avoid the frag­mentation of the succession, that law should govern the succession as a whole”. On the contrary, the compensatory levy instituted by French law results in the application of several inheritance laws.

The only solution would be to consider that the French compensatory levy right falls under the public policy exception set out in Article 35 of the Regulation. But neither here can there be certainty. As is well known, the Court of Justice supports a very restrictive application of the public policy exception, which is reinforced by the requirement in Article 35 that the application of a provision of the law specified by the Regulation should be “manifestly incompatible” with the public policy of the relevant State. Through its control, The European Court of Justice limits any misuse of the concept of public policy that would have the effect of impeding the effectiveness of European regulations.

In this respect, it seems that the nuanced jurisprudence of the French Supreme Court, which limits the exclusion of foreign law to cases where a child heir is in a situation of economic insecurity or need, is more in line with the requirement of Article 35.

The Law Applicable to the Third-Party Effects of Assignment: The Aftermath of the CJEU’s Decision in TeamBank

jeu, 08/12/2021 - 08:00

In the judgment in TeamBank dated 19 January 2019, the CJEU ruled that Article 14 of the Rome I Regulation does nothing to identify the law governing the effects of assignment in relation to third parties. The court referred, inter alia, to Article 27(2) of the Rome I Regulation, which tasked the Commission to report on this issue and propose an amendment to the Regulation. In the meantime, the question will be governed by national conflict-of-laws rules.

But by which one? This interesting point was subsequently decided in a judgment by the Court of Appeal (Oberlandesgericht) Saarbrücken (Germany), which had requested the preliminary ruling from the CJEU.

German Conflicts Rule on Third-party Effects of Assignment

The legal situation in Germany in this respect is somewhat unclear. Until 2009, the Introductory Act to the German Civil Code (EGBGB) featured a rule on the law applicable to assignment in its former Article 33. Although this provision did not explicitly address third-party effects, it was interpreted by the courts and most authors as submitting them to the law of the assigned claim. Yet Article 33 EGBGB was repealed in 2009 by the German legislator because it considered the rule as no longer necessary due to entry into force of the Rome I Regulation.

Thus, the important gap of the Rome I Regulation regarding third-party effects of assignment, which the CJEU had correctly identified in TeamBank, became all the more significant. To close it, the Court of Appeal Saarbrücken refers to the old EGBGB rule and its long-standing interpretation. In the eyes of the court, the repeal of the provision does not matter, given the advantages of applying the law of the assigned claim to third-party effects. Specifically, the court highlights the rule’s contribution to the goal of legal certainty, which could not be achieved by other connecting factors. Moreover, it explicitly rejects the habitual residence of the assignor in this context, as it would not allow the same degree of predictability in the case of sequential assignments.

The Decision

Applying this conflicts rule, the court determines the law of Luxembourg as governing the third-party effects in the present litigation. To recall: In the underlying case, a Luxembourgish civil servant habitually resident in Germany had twice assigned her salary claims against her employer, first to a bank in Germany and thereafter to a bank in Luxembourg, before becoming bankrupt. The debtor was only informed of the second assignment. Afterwards, the two banks had a dispute about the rights to the salary.

The Court of Appeal starts by considering the validity of the first assignment from the point of view of German substantive law, which governs the assignment under Art 14(2) Rome I Regulation. However, these considerations were ultimately futile. Only thereafter did the court address the real issue, i.e. the law applicable to the third-party effects of the assignment.

Since the claim assigned was governed by Luxembourgish law, the court held the same to be applicable to the dispute between the banks before it. Based on an expert opinion, the court considers only the second assignment, which had been notified to the debtor, as valid under Luxembourg law. The fact that the previous assignment is valid under German law without any notice to the debtor would not matter as Luxembourgish law governs the third-party effects of both assignments.

A Look at the Commission Proposal

The Court of Appeal does not fail to acknowledge that under the European Commission’s Proposal for a Regulation on the law applicable to the third-party effects of assignment of claims, the connecting factor will be different because the habitual residence of the assignor takes centre stage (see Article 4(1) of the Proposal). However, the court also points to the various exceptions to this rule in Article 4(2) and (3) of the Proposal. Moreover, it points to the rule for priority conflicts in Article 4(4) of the Proposal. The court takes the view that the latter rule would have yielded the same result it had reached in the present case, i.e. the applicability of the law of Luxembourg.

It is respectfully submitted that the court erred on this last point. Article 4(4) of the Proposal contains a rule for priority conflicts that may arise where two assignments are covered by Article 4(1) and Article 4(2) or (3) of the Proposal. It therefore presupposes the applicability of two diverging connecting factors – habitual residence on the one hand, and the law governing the claim on the other. This, however, was not the case in the situation faced by the Court of Appeal, in which the one and the same rule and connecting factor – that of the habitual residence under Article 4(1) of the Proposal – would have been applicable. Had the Proposal already been adopted, it would thus have resulted in the applicability of German law and, consequently, the validity of the first assignment.


The case offers two take-aways: First, there is still considerable support in national courts for the law of the assigned claim as the relevant connecting factor for third-party effects of assignment. The long-awaited Regulation of the Commission will thus have to entail significant changes in the attitudes.

Second, the case illustrates that the complex Commission’s Proposal lends itself to misunderstandings, even in its – easier – original form. One of the major challenges will be to educate lawyers about its meaning and secure its correct application by courts throughout the Union.

Many thanks to Verena Wodniansky-Wildenfeld and Amy Held for their contribution to this post.

Ex Officio Application of EU Choice of Law Rules: Should the Interests of the Parties Matter?

lun, 08/09/2021 - 08:00

As reported by Fabienne Jault-Seseke on this blog, the French supreme court for civil and criminal matters (Cour de cassation) ruled in a judgment of 26 May 2021 that “the principles of primacy and effectiveness of European Union law” require that French courts apply ex officio certain choice of law rules contained in EU Regulations.

This is a significant evolution from the doctrine that the court had adopted 20 years ago. This doctrine was the result of decades of academic debates and changes in the case law of the court. Interestingly enough, at the end of the 1980s, the court had ruled that choice of law rules contained in international conventions (essentially the conventions negotiated under the aegis of the Hague Conference of Private International Law) deserved a different status and should be applied ex officio, but the court dropped this exception a few years later.

Background: The Peculiar Consequence of Applying Choice of Law Rules

As most civil law jurisdictions, France recognises the principle jura novit curia. Article 12 of the French Code of Civil Procedure provides that courts must decides disputes in accordance with the legal rules which are applicable and that they should do so ex officio if necessary.

The extension of these principles to choice of law rules was always debated, however. One likely explanation is that the operation of choice of law rules may result in the designation of foreign law. The content of foreign law needs then to be determined, and this process typically involves private experts who must be remunerated (remarkably, French courts virtually never appoint judicial experts for that purpose, although they routinely do so for establishing complex facts). It is understandable, therefore, that the parties would not always want to engage the resources for establishing the content of foreign law, in particular for cases with limited financial stakes, or involving impecunious parties. The obligation to apply systematically choice of law rules may thus have appeared as generating severe practical difficulties, and it took the Cour de cassation decades to craft a doctrine which would weigh the competing interests in a satisfactory manner.

Why Impose Ex Officio Application when the Parties Could Settle?

The current doctrine of the court was adopted in two judgments of 26 May 1999. The obligation of French courts to apply ex officio choice of law rules has since then been based on a major distinction. In matters where the parties may not dispose of their rights (e.g. parenthood, as in the first 1999 judgment), French courts ought to apply choice of law rules ex officio. In contrast, in matters where the parties may dispose of their rights (e.g. an international sale of goods, as in the second 1999 judgment), French courts have no obligation to apply choice of law rules if none of the parties raised their application or the application of foreign law. The system is mixed: some choice of law rules must be applied ex officio, others need not.

The distinction is between rights that the parties may dispose of, and rights that parties may not dispose of. The origin of the distinction is to be found in the writings of the most influential scholar in French private international law in the last decades, Pierre Mayer. Mayer argued that, while in principle foreign law should be considered as law and thus applied ex officio, an exception should be made for those rights which the parties could modify, and indeed waive. This is because they could decide to settle their dispute at any time, under any terms. Thus, a pragmatic solution should be to allow them to argue their case under the (French) law of the forum if they so wish. Just as they could have ignored the content of the applicable law to reach a settlement, they should be allowed to implicitly designate another law.

The Scope of the New Obligation to Apply EU Choice of Law Rules Ex Officio

The new rule laid down by the court in the judgment of 26 May 2021 establishes a distinction between two categories of EU choice of law rules. The Cour de cassation rules that the obligation to apply them ex officio is limited to mandatory choice of law rules, and that mandatory choice of law rules are rules that cannot be derogated from. This is a clear reference to party autonomy, that many EU regulations of private international law recognise. The meaning of the ruling is thus that the obligation is limited to the application of choice of law rules for which the European lawmaker did not grant freedom of choice to the parties.

The particular case was concerned with a tort action for unfair competition. The applicable choice of law rule is contained in Article 6 of the Rome II Regulation, and it expressly excludes the power of the parties to choose the applicable law (Art. 6(4)). The rule in Article 6 is thus to be considered as an EU mandatory choice of law rule, and French courts must now apply it ex officio.

In contrast, the general choice of law rule in Article 4 of the Rome II Regulation (application of the law of the place of damage in tort actions) is a default choice of law rule. It only applies in the absence of a choice of the applicable law made by the parties pursuant to Article 14 of the Rome II Regulation. Likewise, in contractual matters, the parties may choose the law governing their contract in most cases (under Article 3), which means than most choice of law rules contained in the Rome I Regulation are defaults.

Although the Court does not say so, it seems clear that the distinction that it has introduced is inspired from its 20 year old doctrine distinguishing between rights that the parties may dispose of, and rights that parties may not dispose of. But it is not absolutely identical. In this case, the action was concerned with an act of unfair competition which affected exclusively the interests of a single competitor (Rome II Regulation, Art. 6(2)). It was governed by general fault based tort liability. The interests involved were purely private, and it is likely that the parties could freely settle the action. Under the old doctrine, it seems that a French court would not have had the obligation to apply the choice of law rule ex officio. Under the new doctrine, it should have, because the parties may not freely choose the applicable law (although they may still freely settle).

Primacy and Effectiveness of EU Law?

Would it be a problem for the effectiveness of EU law if the parties were allowed to argue a case of unfair competition under the law of the forum instead of the law designated by the applicable EU choice of law rule? The Brussels Ibis Regulation grants jurisdiction to a number of courts in the EU, and other courts might apply all choice of law rules ex officio. In most Member States, however, the idea that courts, after ruling that foreign law applies, might then go on and establish the content of foreign law without the cooperation of the parties is, at best, unrealistic. And in most Member States, if foreign law cannot be established, courts will apply the law of the forum. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.

So the crucial question is that of the establishment of the content of foreign law. At the present time, the courts of most Member States do not have the possibility to ascertain the content of foreign law without the assistance of the parties. For this to change, considerable resources would need to be invested, to establish either centre(s) of comparative law which could provide expert opinions, or a network of courts which would be required to cooperate for that purpose. As long as these resources are not invested, the issue of the ex officio application of choice of law rules cannot be addressed without taking into account the interests of the parties.

Crossposted at EULawLive.

“Waiver of State Immunity over Central Bank Accounts! Say No More!”, French Supreme Court Rules

jeu, 08/05/2021 - 08:00

This post was contributed by Dr. Sally El Sawah, Avocat aux Barreaux de Paris et du Caire, Registered Foreign Lawyer (England & Wales), Co-Founder & Head of Arbitration and Litigation at JUNCTION (Paris).

In a judgment of 12 May 2021 (no. 19-13.853), the French supreme court for civil and criminal matters (Cour de cassation) ruled that central bank accounts are un-attachable assets according to Article L-153-1 of the Monetary and Financial Code (“CMF”). Therefore, any debate about the waiver by the State of its immunity from execution was irrelevant. Although the entire grounds of appeal before the Cour de cassation were based on the State immunity from execution, its scope and limits and the consequences of its waiver, the Court of cassation has decided to shift the debate to the question of un-attachability (“insaisissabililté”) of central bank accounts. Un-attachability echoes the inviolability for diplomatic property. Even though they produce similar effects, un-attachability, inviolability and immunity are three separate legal concepts such that a waiver of the latter is ineffective to the former two.


It is possible today to talk about the Commisimpex saga, that would join the landmark precedents Noga, NML Capital and Yukos in the realm of State Immunity from execution.

This case is one of the many failed attempts of post-judgment measures of constraint exercised by the Congolese company Commissions Import Export SA (Commisimpex) in execution of two final and enforceable arbitral awards rendered against the Democratic Republic of Congo (“the DRC”) on December 3, 2000, and January 21, 2013. The fact that the contractual documents contained a clause providing for the waiver by the DRC of its immunity from execution was not of great assistance to Commisimpex when it tried to attach the DRC’s and/or its emanations’ assets for over a decade now. These attachments involved a pallet of assets ranging from mere shares in a société civile immobilière (non-trading real-estate company) to bank accounts of the DRC’s consular and diplomatic representations in France.

Here, they involved the Democratic Republic of Congo’s account with the Bank of Central African States (“BEAC”) held in France. This case was another opportunity for the Court of cassation to interpret (and perhaps revisit its reading of) Article L.153-1 of the Monetary and Financial Code (“Article L-153-1CMF) in light of Articles 18 and 19(a) and (b), and 21.1(c) and 21.2 of the United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and their Property (“UNCSI”, although not yet entered into force, but from the perspective that it is a codification of customary international law), and Article 6§1 of the ECHR and Article 1 of its First Protocol.

Article L-153-1 was adopted in 2005 to limit the possibility of attachment over central bank accounts held in France on behalf of a State, regardless of the identity of the account holder. In other words, even if the account is held in the name of the central bank itself, and not that of the State, this did not constitute a reason to allow the attachments over these accounts. Any attempt to distinguish between the accounts held on behalf of the State based on the purpose for which they were used was also doomed to fail. Whether or not the accounts held on behalf of the State were in use or destined to be used for a commercial purpose was irrelevant. In any event, it was de facto impossible to prove such use for many reasons, amongst which was the principle of banking secrecy. In addition to these restrictions, another one was added by this article; it required the creditor holding a final enforceable title to obtain leave from the execution judge prior to making the attachment (although such requirement does not exist for the other creditors who hold a final and enforceable title against non-sovereigns). In practice, it has become impossible to seize central bank accounts in France, regardless of their holder or the purpose of their use.


As expressly mentioned in the travaux préparatoires, the purpose behind Article L153-1 was to increase the competitiveness of Paris as an attractive financial hub of foreign central bank reserves. Such purpose was sufficient for the Court of cassation to declare the conformity of Article L153-1 with the French Constitution (Cass. civ. 2, July 11, 2013, no. 1340.036). The conformity of this article with the ECHR was also confirmed by the French Court of cassation (Cass. civ. 2, January 11, 2018, no. 16-10.661). In that decision, the Court of cassation affirmed that the restriction to article 6§1 was reasonable and proportionate insofar as it pursued the legitimate purpose of complying with customary international law rules. It was proportionate since even though the burden of proof that the accounts held by the Central Bank for its own account was used for other than governmental non-commercial purposes difficult, it was not impossible.

In the judgment commented here, the appellant raised similar arguments. On the one hand, Commisimpex tried to convince the Court of cassation that there was waiver of state immunity from execution. On the other hand, the alternative measures of recourse providing for a possible recourse by the Creditor before administrative courts to engage the responsibility of the French State for violation of the principle of equality before public charges when it granted immunity from execution to the foreign State were not applicable in the case at hand. Indeed, Commisimpex was not a taxpayer in France, and thus could not avail itself of the possibility of recourse before French administrative courts (definitely, the appellant was alluding to the Court of cassation’s decision of May 25, 2016, no. 15-18.646).

Following its traditional stern and concise way of making solemn declarations of principle, the Court of cassation stated that the purpose behind Article L.153-1 was to protect the functioning of institutions which contribute to the definition and implementation of the State monetary policy and to prevent the blockade of foreign exchange reserves deposited in France. This purpose was legitimate. Accordingly, the subsequent restriction to the right of property and the right of access to court and to an effective execution of final judicial decisions which resulted from the un-attachability of these accounts was legitimate. It was also proportionate insofar as it was limited to the central bank assets deposited in France and did not encompass all the other property of the State. Therefore, there was no violation of Article 6§1 of the ECHR, nor of the right to property under Article 1§1 of the Additional Protocol to the ECHR.

However, the Court of cassation’s declaration that the proportionality test was met since State assets other than central bank accounts could be seized is strikingly theoretical. Indeed, the Loi Sapin II, adopted in 2016, has embraced the same approach as in L-153-1 CMF with a requirement of prior leave and a presumption of the governmental non-commercial nature of State assets listed in that law, which rendered any possible enforcement over State assets illusionary.

It is noteworthy that in this decision, the attachment pursued the Democratic Republic of Congo’s account with the Bank of Central African States, and not those of the Central Bank of Congo (“CBC”). The BEAC operates as the central bank of six African States including the Democratic Republic of Congo and coexists in parallel with the CBC. The broad wording of Article L.153-1 which uses the terms “central bank” and “monetary authority” allows the protection of not only the CBC, but also any other entity which performs central bank functions and acts as a State’s monetary authority, such as the BEAC according to its Charter (Article 1). However, the main difference between these two central banks is that the BEAC in fact enjoys the privileges and immunities of international organisations (Article 6.1 of its Charter). One may wonder in such case whether Article L-153-1 CMF was the right provision to apply, and thus, whether there was room for the application of the so-called “un-attachability”. Indeed, Article 6.6 of the BEAC’s Charter provides that “only the net credit balances of accounts opened in the books of the Central Bank may be subject to seizure, in execution of a final judicial decision”. It is striking that this issue was not addressed by the Court of cassation (perhaps it has not been raised by the appellants before the Court of Appeal in the first place).

Regardless of the particularity of the BEAC and its Charter, what seems more striking though, is the absence of any reference whatsoever to Article 21.2 UNCSI, which provides for a possible attachment of central banks accounts in case of express waiver according to Articles 18.a and 19.a of the UNCSI.  Placing the debate on the ground of un-attachability allowed the Court of cassation to mute any possible argument based on such waiver. Immunity and un-attachability are two different concepts. The waiver by the DRC of its immunity from execution was thus inoperative and could not encompass un-attachable assets. Hence, the Court of cassation did not have to conciliate the un-attachability of Article L.153-1 CMF with the regime of central bank accounts under UNCSI.

Most likely, the real reason behind the Court of cassation’s new approach lies in the bad experience it has encountered when it has tried to be bold back in 2015 in the same Commisimpex Saga (Cass. Civ. 1e, May 13, 2015, no. 13-17.751). One may recall that, back then, the bold yet accurate interpretation adopted by the Court of cassation of Article 21 UNCSI to tackle the issue of waiver of State immunity from execution over diplomatic bank accounts has cost it the “legislative censure” by the Sapin II Act. This legislative reform has de facto rendered any possible execution over foreign States’ assets practically impossible. It is permissible in these circumstances to say that State immunity from execution in France has in fact become (quasi) absolute. Any kind of State property which is not evidently and ostensibly commercial, will be protected by State immunity from execution, and when the conditions for an exception thereto can be met, French courts could avoid the discussion by inventing a new layer of protection that it may call un-attachability …

Of course, it is important to attract foreign exchange reserves to the deposit of the Banque de France, yet, not at the high price of the Rule of law.

The 2005 Hague Convention on Choice-of-Court Agreements: A Further Reply to Gary Born

mar, 08/03/2021 - 08:00

After arguing that States Should Not Ratify, and Should Instead Denounce, the Hague Choice-Of-Court Agreements Convention, Gary Born received a series of serious criticisms by Trevor Hartley, Andreas Bucher and the Hague Conference of Private International Law.

Mr Born has responded to some of these criticisms in two further posts at the Kluwer Arbitration Blog.

At the invitation of the Editors of the EAPIL Blog, Trevor Hartley, Professor emeritus at the London School of Economics, offers the following rejoinder.

I assume we can all agree on two things: first, corrupt and biased judges exist; secondly, corrupt and biased arbitrators exist. Since the parties to an arbitration agreement choose the arbitrators and the parties to a choice-of-court agreement choose the court, this ought not to be a problem. However, for one reason or another, a party to an arbitration agreement may find himself before an arbitrator whom he believes to be corrupt and biased; likewise, a party to a choice-of-court agreement may find himself before a judge whom he believes to be corrupt and biased. If we can agree on all this, the matter comes down to the safeguards against the enforcement of a corrupt award under the New York Convention and the safeguards against the enforcement of a corrupt judgment under the Hague Convention. I want to examine this in order to see how the two instruments compare.ague Convention.

The grounds for refusing to recognize or enforce an award are set out in Article V of the New York Convention. The equivalent grounds under the Hague Convention are in Article 9. We will consider them one by one.

Arbitration Agreement Invalid

Under New York, an award will not be recognized or enforced if the arbitration agreement was invalid: Article V(1)(a). This covers incapacity of the parties and other grounds of invalidity. The capacity of the parties is governed by ‘the law applicable to them’; other grounds of validity are governed by the law to which the parties have subjected the agreement or, failing any indication thereon, the law of the country where the award was made. Under Hague, a judgment under a choice-of-court agreement will also be refused recognition if the agreement is null and void: Article 9(a). The applicable law is stated to be the law of the State of the chosen court; but if the chosen court has already held the agreement to be valid, this is conclusive.

However, under Article 9(b) of Hague, recognition and enforcement may also be refused if a party lacked capacity to conclude the agreement under the law of the requested State (the State asked to recognize the judgment). Thus, New York is slightly stronger in general, in that it gives the parties the right to subject the validity of the agreement to some law other than that of the country where the award is made. However, Hague is slightly stronger as regards capacity, in that it requires capacity to exist under both the law of the chosen court and the law of the country asked to recognize the judgment.

Insufficient Notice

Under New York, another ground for non-recognition is that the party against whom the award is invoked was not given proper notice of the appointment of the arbitrator or of the arbitration proceedings or was otherwise unable to present his case: Article V(1)(b). Under Hague, there are two grounds for non-recognition. Under Article 9(c)(i), recognition may be refused if the document which instituted the proceedings (or an equivalent document, including the essential elements of the claim) was not notified to the defendant in sufficient time and in such a way as to enable him to arrange for his defence. However, the defendant loses this right if he entered an appearance and presented his case without contesting notification in the court of origin (provided that the law of the State of origin permitted notification to be contested). This has the same effect as the ground under New York, though Hague is more fleshed out. The second ground under Hague is that the document was notified to the defendant in the requested State in a manner that was incompatible with fundamental principles of the requested State concerning service of documents: Article 9(c)(ii). This has no equivalent under New York.

New York is slightly wider in that it also permits non-recognition where the party is ‘otherwise unable to present his case’. There is no exact equivalent to this under Hague, though if his inability to present his case is due to chicanery by the other party, Article 9(d) would come into play. This gives another ground for non-recognition, namely that the judgment was obtained by fraud in connection with a matter of procedure.

Outside the Scope of the Submission

Under New York, recognition of an award can be challenged on the ground that the award deals with a difference outside the scope of the submission to arbitration: New York, Article V(1)(c). At first sight, there appears to be no equivalent to this in Hague. However, the duty to recognize and enforce a judgment applies only to a judgment given by a court of a Contracting State ‘designated in an exclusive choice of court agreement’: Hague, Article 8(1). The term ‘exclusive choice of court agreement’ is defined in Article 3(a) as an agreement that designates a court (or several courts) ‘for the purpose of deciding disputes which have arisen or may arise in connection with a particular legal relationship’ (italics added). If the designated court decided a matter that did not concern the legal relationship specified in the choice-of-court agreement, it could be argued that the court was no longer designated in the choice-of-court agreement. Then the judgment would not be subject to recognition and enforcement under the Convention. If this is right—and it surely must be—the Hague Convention produces the same result.

Composition of the Arbitral Authority

Another ground for non-recognition under New York is that the composition of the arbitral authority or the arbitral procedure was not in accordance with the agreement of the parties (or, failing such agreement, was not in accordance with the law of the country where the arbitration took place): New York, Article V(1)(d). For obvious reasons, there is no equivalent to this under Hague. However, if the court which gave the judgment was not designated in the choice-of-court agreement, the judgment would not, for the reasons explained in the previous paragraph, be subject to recognition and enforcement under the Convention.

Award Not Binding on the Parties

Under New York, recognition and enforcement of an award may be refused if it has not yet become binding on the parties, or has been set aside or suspended by a competent authority of the country in which, or under the law of which, that award was made: Article V(1)(e). This is supported by Article VI, which makes provision for the adjournment of enforcement proceedings where an application is made for the setting aside or suspension of the award. Under Hague, there are two provisions, which together have the same effect. The first is Article 8(3), which provides that a judgment will be recognized only if it has effect in the State of origin and will be enforced only if it is enforceable in the State of origin. If has been set aside or suspended in the State of origin, it will not be recognized or enforced. The second is Article 8(4), which provides that recognition or enforcement may be postponed or refused if the judgment is the subject of review in the State of origin or if the time limit for seeking ordinary review has not expired. (It goes on to say that a refusal does not prevent a subsequent application for recognition or enforcement of the judgment.) Taken together, these provisions give protection that is at least as good as that under New York.

Subject Matter Not Capable of Settlement by Arbitration

Another ground for non-recognition under New York is that the subject matter of the difference is not capable of settlement by arbitration under the law of the country in which enforcement is sought. There is no equivalent to this under Hague since there are few matters within the subject-matter scope of the Convention that are not capable of settlement by a court. However, if the judgment did concern such a matter, public policy could be invoked.

Public Policy

In both New York and Hague, the most important safeguard is the provision which allows recognition and enforcement to be refused on the ground of public policy. The relevant provision in New York is Article V(2)(b) and in Hague it is Article 9(e). The provision in New York simply says that recognition and enforcement may be refused if it would be contrary to the public policy of the country concerned. Hague, however, is a little more detailed. After saying that recognition or enforcement may be refused if it would be manifestly incompatible with the public policy of the requested State, it adds ‘including situations where the specific proceedings leading to the judgment were incompatible with fundamental principles of procedural fairness of that State’.

A Problem

This all seems clear; however, there is a problem. Article 8(2) of Hague provides that the court asked to recognize and enforce the judgment is bound by the findings of fact on which the court of origin based its jurisdiction (unless the judgment was given by default). Does this mean that if the court of origin ruled that its members were not corrupt, the court asked to recognize and enforce the judgment cannot question this? If this were true, it would be a serious defect. However, the answer is given in the Explanatory Report, which was approved by all the States that participated in the Conference which drew up the Convention. The relevant paragraphs are 166–169. The first point made is that the court addressed will not have to accept the legal evaluation of the facts adopted by the court of origin. For example, if the court of origin found that the choice-of-court agreement was concluded by electronic means that satisfied the requirements of the Convention, the court addressed would be bound by the finding that the agreement was concluded by electronic means, but not by the finding that it satisfied the requirements of the Convention.

The second point is that the court asked to recognize and enforce the judgment is only bound by the findings of fact of the court of origin with regard to the grounds of non-recognition specified in Article 9(a) and (b). The rule does not apply to the grounds in the other sub-paragraphs of Article 9, that is sub-paragraphs (c), (d) and (e). This is because these latter provisions do not concern jurisdiction. The Report states in paragraph 167:

The position is different with regard to the grounds of non-recognition laid down in sub-paragraphs c), d) and e) of Article 9. These are not concerned with jurisdiction under the Convention, but with public policy and procedural fairness. Thus, the court addressed must be able to decide for itself, in accordance with these sub-paragraphs, whether the defendant was notified; whether there was fraud; or whether there was a fair trial: a finding by the judge of origin that he did not take a bribe, for example, cannot be binding on the court addressed.

A footnote adds that this also applies to a finding by an appeal court that the first instance judge was not guilty of corruption.

Paragraph 168 of the Report continues:

The same is true with regard to procedural fairness under sub-paragraph e). Assume that the defendant resists recognition and enforcement on the ground that the proceedings were incompatible with the fundamental principles of procedural fairness of the requested State. He claims that he was not able to go to the State of origin to defend the case because he would have been in danger of imprisonment on political grounds. A finding by the court of origin that this was not true cannot be binding on the court addressed. Where matters of procedural fairness are concerned, the court addressed must be able to decide for itself.

In view of this, we can conclude that rule that findings of fact are binding does not seriously compromise the safeguards.


As this short discussion has shown, the safeguards in the two instruments have almost the same effect. One cannot say that one is better than the other. In any event, where the judgment is tainted by corruption or bias, public policy would always ensure that it was not recognized or enforced. Of course, there is the question of proof, but this is just as much a problem in the case of an award as in the case of a judgment.

August 2021 at the Court of Justice

lun, 08/02/2021 - 08:00

The decision corresponding to case C-262/21 PPU A, will be delivered on 2 August 2021. It corresponds to a preliminary reference from the Supreme Court of Finland, with five questions on Regulation 2201/2003 and the 1980 Hague Convention, as well as on the interface between the first one and the Dublin III Regulation. Practicalities surrounding the application of Article 11(4) Brussels II bis regulation are also at stake.

1. Must Article 2(11) of Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 of 27 November 2003 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, repealing Regulation (EC) No 1347/2000 (‘the Brussels II bis Regulation’), relating to the wrongful removal of a child, be interpreted as meaning that a situation in which one of the parents, without the other parent’s consent, removes the child from his or her place of residence to another Member State, which is the Member State responsible under a transfer decision taken by an authority in application of Regulation (EU) No 604/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (‘the Dublin III Regulation’), must be classified as wrongful removal?

2. If the answer to the first question is in the negative, must Article 2(11) of the Brussels II bis Regulation, relating to wrongful retention, be interpreted as meaning that a situation in which a court of the child’s State of residence has annulled the decision taken by an authority to transfer examination of the file, but in which the child whose return is ordered no longer has a currently valid residence document in his or her State of residence, or the right to enter or to remain in the State in question, must be classified as wrongful retention?

3. If, in the light of the answer to the first or the second question, the Brussels II bis Regulation must be interpreted as meaning that there is a wrongful removal or retention of the child, and that he or she should therefore be returned to his or her State of residence, must Article 13(b) of the 1980 Hague Convention be interpreted as precluding the child’s return, either

(i) on the ground that there is grave risk, within the meaning of that provision, that the return of an unaccompanied infant whose mother has personally taken care of him or her would expose that child to physical or psychological harm or otherwise place the child in an intolerable situation; or

(ii) on the ground that the child, in his or her State of residence, would be taken into care and placed in a hostel either alone or with his or her mother, which would indicate that there is a grave risk, within the meaning of that provision, that his or her return would expose the child to physical or psychological harm or otherwise place the child in an intolerable situation: or

(iii) on the ground that, without a currently valid residence document, the child would be placed in an intolerable situation within the meaning of that provision?

4. If, in the light of the answer to the third question, it is possible to interpret the grounds of refusal in Article 13(b) of the 1980 Hague Convention as meaning that there is a grave risk that his or her return would expose the child to physical or psychological harm or otherwise place the child in an intolerable situation, must Article 11(4) of the Brussels II bis Regulation, in conjunction with the concept of the child’s best interests, referred to in Article 24 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and in that regulation, be interpreted as meaning that, in a situation in which neither the child nor the mother has a currently valid residence document in the child’s State of residence, and in which therefore have neither the right to enter nor the right to remain in that State, the child’s State of residence must make adequate arrangements to secure that the child and his or her mother can lawfully remain in the Member State in question? If the child’s State of residence has such an obligation, must the principle of mutual trust between Member States be interpreted as meaning that the State which returns the child may, in accordance with that principle, presume that the child’s State of residence will fulfil those obligations, or do the child’s interests make it necessary to obtain from the authorities of the State of residence details of the specific measures that have been or will be taken for the child’s protection, so that the Member State which surrenders the child may assess, in particular, the adequacy of those measures in the light of the child’s interests?

5. If the child’s State of residence does not have the obligation, referred to above in the fourth question, to take adequate measures, is it necessary, in the light of Article 24 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, to interpret Article 20 of the 1980 Hague Convention, in the situations referred to in the third question, points (i) to (iii), as meaning that that provision precludes the return of the child because the return of the child might be considered to be contrary, within the meaning of that provision, to the fundamental principles relating to the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms?

AG Pikamäe’s Opinion was published in French and Finnish on July 14. He proposed the Court to answer as follows (translation by the author):

Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 … must be interpreted as meaning that the situation, such as that in the main proceedings, in which a child and its mother have moved and remain in a Member State in execution of a transfer decision taken by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 604/2013 … cannot be considered as unlawful removal or retention within the meaning of Article 2 (11) of Regulation No 2201/2003, except if it is established that, under cover of an application for international protection made for the child, the mother has de facto tried circumvent the rules of judicial jurisdiction provided for by Regulation No 2201/2003, which is for the referring court to verify in the light of all the specific circumstances of the case.

The case will be decided by the First Chamber (M. Bonichot, as reporting judge ; M. Bay Larsen, Mme. Toader, M. Safjan, M. Jääskinen).


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