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International & Comparative Law Quarterly: Issue 2 of 2021

jeu, 06/10/2021 - 08:00

The new issue of International & Comparative Law Quarterly (Volume 70, Issue 2) is out. Some of the articles relate to private international law. Their abstracts are provided below. The whole issue is available here.

P. Giliker, Codification, Consolidation, Restatement? How Best to Systemise the Modern Law of Tort

The law of tort (or extra or non-contractual liability) has been criticised for being imprecise and lacking coherence. Legal systems have sought to systemise its rules in a number of ways. While civil law systems generally place tort law in a civil code, common law systems have favoured case-law development supported by limited statutory intervention consolidating existing legal rules. In both systems, case law plays a significant role in maintaining the flexibility and adaptability of the law. This article will examine, comparatively, different means of systemising the law of tort, contrasting civil law codification (taking the example of recent French proposals to update the tort provisions of the Code civil) with common law statutory consolidation and case-law intervention (using examples taken from English and Australian law). In examining the degree to which these formal means of systemisation are capable of improving the accessibility, intelligibility, clarity and predictability of the law of tort, it will also address the role played by informal sources, be they ambitious restatements of law or other means. It will be argued that given the nature of tort law, at best, any form of systemisation (be it formal or informal) can only seek to minimise any lack of precision and coherence. However, as this comparative study shows, further steps are needed, both in updating outdated codal provisions and rethinking the type of legal scholarship that might best assist the courts.

C. Harris, Incidental Determination In Determinations in Proceedings under Compromissory Clauses

A dispute brought before an international court or tribunal pursuant to a compromissory clause in a specific treaty may involve issues under rules of international law found outside of the treaty in question. In what circumstances can a court or tribunal determine such external issues? At present, there is no clear answer to this question. This article sets out a framework for how courts and tribunals exercising jurisdiction under compromissory clauses could approach external issues.

M. Teo, Narrowing Foreign Affairs Non-Justiciability

The UK Supreme Court’s decision in Belhaj v Straw defined foreign affairs non-justiciability and unearthed its constitutional foundations. However, two decisions since Belhaj—High Commissioner for Pakistan v Prince Muffakham Jah and The Law Debenture Trust Corpn plc v Ukraine—have called Belhaj into doubt, narrowing non-justiciability to give effect to ordinary private law rights. This article analyses these decisions and argues that their general approach of subjecting issues involving transactions between sovereign States to private international law’s framework is desirable, because the constitutional foundations of non-justiciability identified in Belhaj are shaky. Yet, it is suggested that private international law itself may require courts to exercise judicial restraint on these issues, given its goal of upholding the efficient resolution of international disputes in appropriate fora.

The issue also contains review, by M. Chen-Wishart, Y. Wu, of Contract Law in Japan by H. Sono, L. Nottage, A. Pardieck and K. Saigusa, Wolters Kluwer: Alphen aan den Rijn 2018.

Keyes on Women in Private International Law

mer, 06/09/2021 - 08:00

Mary Keyes (Griffith University) has posted Women in Private International Law on SSRN.

The abstract reads:

There has been almost no consideration of the position of women in private international law. There is very little published research applying a feminist analysis to, or even considering the position of women in, private international law. This field gives almost no attention to the particular interests, positions and experiences of women as subjects of the law, or the contribution of women as makers of the law. In the common law, private international law was largely developed in the 19th century, by male judges who were strongly influenced by commentary written exclusively by men. This chapter establishes that the apparently gender-neutral nature of private international law conceals profoundly ingrained assumptions about gender, in which the masculine is represented as a rational and sophisticated businessman, and the feminine is represented as a legally incapable wife. It then considers the gendered dimension of private international law in international family law, referring in particular to the regulation of international child abduction, international family property agreements, and international commercial surrogacy. Each of these examples demonstrates the differential impact of the law on women, indicating the need for greater awareness of and attention to gender. It concludes that while there have been some advances recently, particularly in terms of increased representation of women in making and commenting on private international law, there remains a great need for further research into the position of women as legal subjects and law-makers in this field.

A Further Twist to Emissions Scandal Litigation: Jurisdiction in Case of Self-Imported Cars

mar, 06/08/2021 - 14:00

This post was drafted by Paul Eichmüller and Matthias Lehmann.

Almost six years after the Volkswagen Dieselgate scandal became public, the issue of international jurisdiction for damage claims arising from the fraud is still creating headaches. In a recent decision from 24 March 2021, the Austrian Supreme Court decided a case that was in many respects similar to the one giving rise to the much discussed ECJ judgment of C-343/19, VKI/VW – yet, there was one important difference: the car was transported to another country after its purchase.


Like in previous cases, the Austrian Supreme Court had to decide on a damage claim resulting from the sale of a car produced by a member of the VW group. The claimant was resident in Austria but had acquired the car directly from the manufacturer in Germany, where the vehicle was also handed over to the buyer. He then paid the price from his Austrian bank account and imported the car to Austria, where he continued to use it. The manufacturer’s representative had been aware of this intention at the time when the contract was concluded. After the discovery of the emission fraud scandal, the buyer brought a claim for damages against the manufacturer in Austrian courts, claiming compensation for the decreased value of the car due to the fraud.

The courts of first and second instance both declined international jurisdiction since the car had been bought and handed over in Germany. They argued that for the sale of movable goods, the place where the damage occurs in the sense of Article 7(2) Brussels I bis Regulation should always be located where a good is handed over, and not in the country of (intended) habitual use.

The Decision by the Austrian Supreme Court

The Austrian Supreme Court agreed with the legal opinion of the lower courts. It cited the CJEU ruling in C-343/19, VKI/VW, according to which the damage occurs at the place of purchase (see para 37). As in its view the damage had already occurred in the moment of the purchase in Germany, the Austrian Supreme Court concluded that the subsequent transport to Austria – be it with the previous knowledge or even the consent of the seller – could not change the competent court.

Neither did the fact that the payment was effected from an Austrian bank account establish jurisdiction of Austrian courts change the analysis in the eyes of the Austrian Supreme Court. It distinguished the CJEU judgment in C-304/17, Löber, on the ground that the damage materialised in a tangible object and not in a bank account.

The buyer’s final argument was based on the fact that the seller had allegedly directed his activity to Austria and thus, the applicable law to the contract would be Austrian law pursuant to Art 6(1)(b) Rome I Regulation. However, this argument was rejected on purely procedural grounds.

Austrian courts thus lacked jurisdiction and the claim was rejected. The Supreme Court did not deem a request for a preliminary ruling necessary, as it considered it a case of the acte éclairé doctrine.


The judgment by the Austrian Supreme Court is a logical next step from the CJEU ruling in VKI/VW. The latter gave precedence to the place of purchase, citing the interest of legal certainty, the need for the court to determine the market conditions at this place and the competitive relations or collective consumer interests that may be affected there as the main reasons. These considerations force the conclusion that the damage occurs at the place of purchase irrespective of where the car is subsequently used. This new ruling results from the CJEU using a single connecting factor in VKI/VW instead of weighing a number of different factors. Assigning jurisdiction to the courts of Germany may pose a disadvantage for some customers, but they must be aware that a purchase in a foreign country may also have legal side-effects.

French Book on Mandatory Rules in International Business Law

mar, 06/08/2021 - 08:00

Louis Perreau-Saussine and Sophie Lemaire (Université Paris Dauphine) are the editors of a new book on International Mandatory Rules in International Business Law (L’impérativité en droit international des affaires : questions d’actualité).

Contributors include Pierre Mayer, Louis Perreau-Saussine, Sophie Lemaire, Mathias Audit, Patrick Mathet, Hubert de Verdelhan, Stéphanie Francq, Andrea Bonomi, Martine Behar-Touchais, Juliette Morel-Marroger, Tristan Azzi, Etienne Pataut.

The book collects the proceedings of a conference held at the Cour de cassation in Paris on February 2018. Videos of the conference are freely available here.


Council Conclusions on the Protection of Vulnerable Adults across the European Union

mar, 06/08/2021 - 08:00

On 7 June 2021, the Council of the European Union has adopted a political document titled Conclusions on the Protection of Vulnerable Adults across the European Union.

The document sets out the views of the Council in this area with respect to both civil and criminal matters.

As regards civil matters, the document stresses the importance of the Hague Convention of 13 January 2000 on the international Protection of Adults, which is currently in force for ten Member States, and some third countries, such as Switzerland and the UK (albeit only with respect to Scotland).

The Council invites the Member States for which the Hague Convention is already in force to promote greater awareness of the  Convention among courts and practitioners.

Member States that are engaged in procedures procedures to ratify the Convention, are invited to advance such procedures with a view to finalising the ratification as swiftly as possible, in particular in view of the 2022 Special Commission on this Convention organised by the Hague Conference on Private International Law.

Finally, the Council invites all other Member States to commence and/or advance domestic consultations on a possible ratification of the Convention as swiftly as possible.

The document highlights the relevance of the (international) protection of adults, as understood by the Convention, to the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2021-2030).

It also notes that both the number and proportion of older people are growing across Europe. According to the Ageing Report 2021 issued by the European Commission on 20 November 2020, the total population of the EU is projected to decline in the long term, and the age structure will change significantly in the coming decades. The EU population is projected to decline from 447 million people in 2019 to 424 million in 2070 and, during this period, Member States’ populations will age dramatically given the dynamics in fertility, life expectancy and migration. The median age is projected to rise by five years over the coming decades.

A significant number of adults – the document observes – face limitations. Eurostat expects a fifth of the EU population to have some form of disability by 2050. Many of these adults are or will become vulnerable and, by virtue of the multiple barriers that are still in place for persons with a serious mental and/or physical disability, are not or will not be in a position to protect their own interests without adequate support.

This situation impacts the legal capacity of vulnerable adults, who face challenges and difficulties in protecting their rights, defending their interests and accessing justice, both in national and in cross-border situations. In cross-border situations, for instance in the case of citizens residing in a State other than that of their nationality, these existing difficulties may be exacerbated by additional obstacles with respect to language, representation or access to the judicial system and to public services in general.

Today, there are no uniform private international law rules applicable in the field of judicial cooperation in civil matters regarding the protection of vulnerable adults in cross-border situations across the EU, and there are disparities between Member States’ laws on jurisdiction, applicable law, and the recognition and enforcement of protection measures.

The Council acknowledges in its Conclusions that diversity of the rules on these issues might impair the exercise of the right of vulnerable adults to move freely and reside in the Member State of their choice, and might also hinder the possibility for these citizens to obtain adequate protection regarding the administration of their property in a cross-border context.

The document further recalls that the right to self-determination is a fundamental right, and powers of representation through which an adult has made arrangements in advance for his or her care and/or representation should be respected within the EU. The Hague Convention, among other things, ensures that such a power of representation has legal force in a Contracting Party.

Finally, the Council takes note that at the ‘High-Level Conference on the protection of vulnerable adults across Europe: the way forward’, held on 30 March 2021, some panelists stressed that, while it is important to build experience and assess the results of implementing the 2000 Hague Convention, the EU should be more ambitious and go further in seeking the approximation of private international law rules to ensure the effective protection of vulnerable adults on the basis of the principle of mutual recognition.

The Conclusions, however, do not include any indication as to whether and when the political institutions of the Union might consider the adoption of such additional measures.

Online Conference on Child-Friendly Procedures in Cases of International Child Abduction, 24-25 June 2021

lun, 06/07/2021 - 08:00

The conference titled Child-friendly procedures in cases of international child abduction will take place online on 24 and 25 June 2021. The conference will present the results of research conducted with the INCLUDE project on what is considered to be ‘good practice’ for professionals in a context of child abduction as seen by children themselves. You can consult the agenda of the conference here, and register for it here.

The INCLUDE project, as explained by its coordinators, aims to enhance the wellbeing of children at all stages of an international child abduction by providing guidelines and good practices to legal and other professionals.

The deliverables of the project (including an International Child Abduction – Legal Framework and Literature Study) are available on the project’s website.

EU Council to Vote on Regulation on Third Party Effects of Assignment of Claims

ven, 06/04/2021 - 14:00

The Council of the European Union will aim at establishing a general approach on the regulation on assignments of claims on 7 June 2021 in Luxembourg.

The text which should be adopted is an amended version of the 2018 proposal of the European Commission for a Regulation on the law applicable to the third-party effects of assignments of claims, which was adopted by the European Parliament  in 2019 with 24 amendments.

The main features of the new text are as follows.

Law of the Habitual Residence of the Assignor

One of the most debated issues was whether the principle should be that third party effects of assignment of claims should be governed by the law of the habitual residence of the assignor or the law of the assigned claim. The Commission had proposed to retain the former, with certain exceptions.

In line with the Commission proposal, the law of the assignor’s habitual residence received more support than the assigned-claim law as it would lead to more predictability for third parties. The law of the assignor’s habitual residence was deemed suitable for bulk assignments subject to different laws and future claims and consistent with Regulation (EU) 2015/848 (Insolvency Regulation).

Law of the Assigned Claim

The list of exceptions, however, has slightly increased. The law of the assigned claim would apply to a longer list of claims in financial markets, but also to credit claims. This last exception will not doubt be criticised. Recital 27(b) clarifies its scope, which seems extensive:

The third-party effects of assignments of claims arising out of agreements whereby credit is granted in the form of a loan should be governed by the law of the assigned claim. This should include credit claims as defined in point (o) of Article 2(1) of Directive 2002/47, often used as financial collateral within the Eurosystem. In order to facilitate the cross-border assignment of claims arising out of syndicated loans and lending-based crowdfunding on secondary financial markets, the third-party effects of the assignment of claims arising out of syndicated loans and lending-based crowdfunding should also be subject to the law of the assigned claim.


It was also thought that the scope of the instrument should be further clarified and restricted. In particular, three matters are excluded from the scope of the future regulation:

– the transfer of financial instruments, including securities and derivatives;
– the transfer of crypto-assets; and
– the assignment of claims where the claims are not in intangible form but incorporated in a certificate or represented by a book entry.

Ferrari on Forum Shopping Despite Unification

ven, 06/04/2021 - 08:00

Franco  Ferrari (New York University School of Law) has published his Hague Lectures on Forum Shopping despite Unification of Law in the Collected Courses of The Hague Academy of International Law (volume 413). 

The abstract reads:

It has often been suggested that forum shopping is “evil” and needs to be eradicated. And it is in this context that one must understand statements by commentators to the effect that the unification of substantive law through international conventions constitutes one way to reach this result. These lectures show not only that the qualification of forum shopping as something that is deplorable is outdated, that the negative attitude vis—à—vis forum shopping seems grounded on outdated preconception and prejudice, and disregards, for example, that critical analysis has demonstrated that forum shopping also has beneficial effects, such as the promotion of ethical representation of one’s client, the protection of access to justice, and the provision of a remedy for every injury.

These lectures also show that the drafting of uniform substantive law convention cannot prevent forum shopping, for many reasons, of which these lectures create a taxonomy. The reasons are classified into two main categories, namely convention-extrinsic and convention-intrinsic reasons. The former category comprises those reasons upon which uniform substantive law conventions do not have an impact at all, and which therefore will continue to exist regardless of the coming into force of any such convention. These reasons range from the costs of access to justice to the bias of potential adjudicators to the enforceability of judgments. These and the other convention-extrinsic reasons discussed in these lectures are and will not be influenced by uniform substantive law conventions.

The convention-intrinsic reasons, on the other hand, are reasons that relate to the nature and design of uniform substantive law conventions, and include their limited substantive and international spheres of application as well as their limited scope of application, the need to provide for reservations, etc. And no drafting efforts will be able to do away with these convention-intrinsic reasons, because they touch upon features of these conventions that are ontological in nature.

The lectures also address another forum shopping reason that cannot be overcome, namely the impossibility to ensure uniform applications and interpretations of the various uniform substantive law conventions. As these lectures show, as long as these conventions are interpreted horizontally, diverging interpretations and applications by courts of different jurisdictions of conventions that need to be drafted using vague language cannot be avoided. This is due mostly to a natural tendency by adjudicators to rely on their domestic legal background and notions when having to resolve problems arising in the context of the interpretation and application uniform substantive law conventions.

It is in light of all of the above that the lectures predict that forum shopping is here to stay.

More details, including the table of contents, can be found here.

Corneloup and Verhellen on Providing Legal Identity for All

jeu, 06/03/2021 - 08:00

Sabine Corneloup (Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas) and Jinske Verhellen (Ghent University) have recently posted on SSRN an article titled Providing legal identity for all – A means to empower migrants to exercise their rights, which forms part of the volume SDG 2030 and Private International Law edited by R. Michaels, V. Ruiz Abou-Nigm and H. van Loon to be published by Intersentia. The volume will be an outcome of the project The Private Side of Transforming our World UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and the Role of Private International Law. The project, as underlined by its leaders, “aims to raise an awareness of how PIL – with its methods and institutions – is also capable of making a significant contribution in the quest for sustainable development” as defined in UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030. The resulting findings will also be presented in the framework of a conference to be held on 9 to 11 September 2021 at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg.

The abstract of the article reads as follows:

This paper focusses on Target 16.9 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which states: “By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration.” It is a tentative attempt to explore the reciprocal influences between private international law and SDG Target 16.9.

In chapter 1, Target 16.9 will first be presented in itself, before being analyzed in the context of SDG 16 as a whole, as well as in the context of global migration, which also brings other SDGs into the picture and highlights the link to private international law.

The purpose of chapter 2 is twofold: on the one hand, it is to give an overview of existing PIL instruments and methodologies concerning legal identity on a global, regional and national level and, on the other hand, to assess their relevance in a migration context. A survey of the international conventions and EU regulations on private international law will reveal that none of the existing instruments plays a prominent role, if any, in a migration context. Indeed, even though some international conventions and EU regulations contain potentially interesting provisions, none of them has proven relevant, if migration issues such as access to asylum, to a residence permit or to nationality are at stake. At the national level, private international law comes into play in the context of migration, when legal identity is addressed from the perspective of States of destination or States of transit, because then a cross-border element arises.

Chapter 3 takes a different perspective and looks at legal identity issues from the angle of an evolving new global framework according to the SDGs, emphasizing human rights. The question then arises whether this global SDG perspective could improve the situation in the States of origin by promoting and implementing birth registration and consequently impact on legal identity matters in PIL and whether, in its turn, a ‘revitalized’ PIL holds potential to contribute to the further development of the new global framework according to SDG 16.9.

French Supreme Court Rules on Ex Officio Application of EU Choice of Law Rules

mer, 06/02/2021 - 08:00

This post was contributed by Fabienne Jault-Seseke, who is Professor at University Paris Saclay (UVSQ), and a member of GEDIP.

On 26 May 2021, the French supreme court for private and criminal matters (Cour de Cassation) issued an important judgment requiring the ex officio application of a European conflict of laws rule. The Court specifically relies on the principles of primacy and effectiveness of EU law to justify the solution, which is different from its traditional doctrine on the application of conflict of laws rules.


The case involves Mienta France and Groupe SEB-Moulinex, a French group, in relation to their activities on the Egyptian market. Groupe SEB-Moulinex granted Intercommerce the exclusive representation and distribution of Moulinex brand products. It also granted Blendex an exclusive licence to use the international Moulinex brands and a licence to manufacture certain products, while lending it moulds and supplying certain components. After these relationships were terminated,  Groupe SEB-Moulinex sued Intercommerce and Blendex for liability for  brutal termination of an established commercial relationship. The group brought also an action for forced intervention against Mienta France. It is alleged that Mienta manufactures, directly or through Blendex, small household appliances which it markets under the Mienta brand on the Egyptian market, in particular through the company Intercommerce. These products are likely to create harmful confusion in the public mind with the Seb group’s own products. It is alleged that these facts constitute unfair competition and parasitism.

Ex Officio Application of EU Choice of Law Rules

The question of the law applicable to the dispute does not appear to have been discussed before the Court of Appeal. The Cour of Cassation therefore decided to set aside the judgment of the lower court for failing to apply ex officio Article 6 of the Rome II Regulation to the issue of unfair competition. It should be noted that the court does not decide here the question of the law applicable to the action for brutal termination of established commercial relations. Article 6 designates the applicable law to unfair competition (law of the country where competitive relations or the collective interests of consumers are affected, or if the act of unfair competition affects exclusively the interests of a specific competitor, the law of the country in which the damage occurs or the law of the country where the person claimed to be liable and the person sustaining damage both have their habitual residence) and specifies also that the law applicable may not be derogated from by an agreement.

The Court refers to two sets of norms to require ex officio application of Article 6. The first is Article 12 of the French Code of Civil Procedure, which states that “the judge shall decide the dispute in accordance with the rules of law applicable to it”. The second are “the principles of primacy and effectiveness of European Union law”. To our knowledge, this combination is used for the first time to justify the authority of a conflict of laws rule. The Cour de Cassation has used it once to ensure the application of the product liability regime established by the 1985 Directive.

More specifically, the Court rules that courts must apply a conflict of laws rule ex officio when it is forbidden to derogate from it. Implicitly, the Court deduces that Article 6 of the Rome II Regulation must be applied because the parties do not have the power to agree on the applicable law. For the first time, it is thus indicated that courts must apply ex officio conflict of laws rule which excludes party autonomy in choice of law.


Placed under the patronage of the principles of primacy and effectiveness of European Union law, the solution is limited to conflict rules of European origin. Nevertheless, one might consider extending it to the whole of French Private international law. First of all, the regime of conflict rules has not been harmonized at European level. Consequently, there is no need to distinguish the European rules from other conflict-of-laws rules. As regards the Rome II Regulation specifically, the foreign law regime ressembles the Arlesian woman, about which one speaks, but that one never sees (see Article 30, 1. I and the lack of any study). Secondly, the proposed solution would be more readable than the one that results today from the criterion of the free availability of rights (libre disponibilité des droits) that the Cour de Cassation usually uses.

The application of Article 6 in the dispute brought by the Seb group is likely to lead to the application of Egyptian law, which will upset those who point out that in matters of unfair competition the law of origin of competitors should prevail over the law of the market (see V. Pironon, Rev. crit DIP 2020. 814). It may be possible to avoid this by establishing that Mienta France has its habitual residence in France and that only the interests of the Seb group are affected. In this case, the judgment of 26 May 2021 will simply have made it possible to refine the regime of the conflict of laws rule. This is already a lot.

June 2021 at the Court of Justice of the European Union

mar, 06/01/2021 - 08:00

In June 2021 the CJEU will rule on in two cases of interest for private international law.

On 3 June 2021, the decision on the request for a preliminary ruling from Bulgaria C-280/20, Generalno konsulstvo na Republika Bulgaria, will be delivered by the 8th Chamber (judges N. Wahl, F. Biltgen, J. Passer, with the latter as reporting judge).

The request concerns the action filed by a person who claims to be a worker against the Bulgarian Embassy in Valencia, Kingdom of Spain, for the payment of financial remuneration in respect of unused paid annual leave to which she claims to be entitled under the labour law of the Republic of Bulgaria. The referring court has doubts as to whether it has been seised of a dispute with a ‘cross-border implication’.

The judgment in C-800/19, Mittelbayerischer Verlag, from the Court of Appeal, Warsaw (Poland), will be published on Thursday 17th by the 1st Chamber, with Judge Silva de Lapuerta acting as reporting judge (J.C. Bonichot, R. Silva de Lapuerta, L. Bay Larsen, M. Safjan, N. Jääskinen).

For the record, here are the questions:

1) Should Article 7(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters 1 be interpreted as meaning that jurisdiction based on the centre-of-interests connecting factor is applicable to an action brought by a natural person for the protection of his personality rights in a case where the online publication cited as infringing those rights does n contain information relating directly or indirectly to that particular natural person, but contains, rather, information or statements suggesting reprehensible actions by the community to which the applicant belongs (in the circumstances of the case at hand: his nation), which the applicant regards as amounting to an infringement of his personality rights?

2) In a case concerning the protection of material and non-material personality rights against online infringement, is it necessary, when assessing the grounds of jurisdiction set out in Article 7(2) of Regulation [No 1215/2012], that is to say, when assessing whether a national court is the court for the place where the harmful event occurred or may occur, to take account of circumstances such as:

– the public to whom the website on which the infringement occurred is principally addressed;

– the language of the website and in which the publication in question is written;

– the period during which the online information in question remained accessible to the public;

– the individual circumstances of the applicant, such as the applicant’s wartime experiences and his current social activism, which are invoked in the present case as justification for the applicant’s special right to oppose, by way of judicial proceedings, the dissemination of allegations made against the community to which the applicant belongs?

AG Bobek delivered his Opinion on 23 February 2021. He proposed the Court to answer that :

1)  Article 7(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters must be interpreted as meaning that the establishment of the jurisdiction based on the centre of interests does not require that the allegedly harmful online content names a particular person.

2)   However, in order to establish jurisdiction pursuant to Article 7(2) of that regulation, a national court must verify that there is a close connection between that court and the action at issue, thus ensuring the sound administration of justice. In the particular context of online publications, the national court must ensure that, in view of the nature, content, and the scope of the specific online material, assessed and interpreted in its proper context, there is a reasonable degree of foreseeability of the potential forum in terms of the place where the damage resulting from such material may occur.

No other decisions nor Opinions are expected. As for hearings, the one in C-262/21 PPU, A, from the Supreme Court of Finland on the return of the child in application of the Hague Convention, is scheduled for 28 June. In the case at hand, a request had been made for the return to Sweden of a child who has been taken to Finland. The question that arises is whether the removal or retention of a child may be considered to be wrongful where one of the two parents, without the authorisation of the other, has removed the child from the State in which he was habitually resident to another Member State of the European Union after the immigration authority of the State of residence considered that it was in that other Member State that the applications for asylum concerning the child and the parent in question should be examined. I remember having studied myself the interfaces between the Dublin III Regulation and the Brussels II bis Regulation in 2017, although concentrating on the situation of unaccompanied minors seeking asylum (Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional, open access). The case has been allocated to the 1st Chamber (J.C.  Bonichot, reporting judge ; C. Toader, M. Safjan, L. Bay Larsen, N. Jääskinen), and to G. Pitruzzella as Advocate General.


NoA: The Grand Chamber decision of 15 June 2021 regarding C-645/19, Facebook Ireland e.a., on the GDPR, will certainly be also of interest, even if not directly related to cooperation in civil and commercial matters in cross-border cases.  The request comes from the Hof van beroep te Brussel (Belgium), L.S. Rossi is the reporting judge, and AG Bobek delivered his Opinion last January.

Will Super League Be Played at the Court of Justice?

lun, 05/31/2021 - 08:00

On 11 May 2021, the Juzgado de lo Mercantil nr. 17 of Madrid has submitted a request for a preliminary ruling to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on the interpretation of Articles 101 and 102 TFUE, on the one hand, and of Articles 45, 49, 56 and 63 TFUE, on the other, in the frame of a declaratory claim filed on behalf of European Superleague Company S.L. on 19 April 2021. Readers may recall that inaudita alter parte interim measures were granted the next day.

The Juzgado refers now six questions to the CJEU – maybe a bit over the threshold which separates interpreting EU law and applying it to the case at hand. In a nutshell, the Spanish court is asking whether specific provisions in the bylaws of UEFA and FIFA fall under the prohibition of either Article 101 or Article 102, or both. In case of an affirmative answer regarding the former, the court asks whether the exception in para 3 of Article 101 could nevertheless apply. In case of a positive answer vis à vis Article 102, the equivalent question is whether such a restriction could benefit from an objective justification. In addition, the referring court is asking about the compatibility between the prior authorization FIFA and UEFA require for the establishment of a pan-European club competition, and the free movement of persons, services and capital.

While waiting for the request to be available at the website of the CJEU, I have made the following translation (questions one and two are practically identical in Spanish; I changed a little bit the wording in an attempt to make them more intelligible):

  1. Must Article 102 TFEU be interpreted as prohibiting FIFA and UEFA, which have conferred upon themselves an exclusive competence to organize or authorize international club competitions in Europe, an abuse of a dominant position consisting in imposing in their Statutes ( in particular, articles 22 and 71 to 73 of the FIFA Statutes, articles 49 and 51 of the UEFA Statutes, and any similar article contained in the statutes of member associations and national leagues) any third party entity wishing to establish a new pan-European club competition such as the Super League the need to obtain prior authorization, in particular as there is no regulated procedure based on objective, transparent and non-discriminatory criteria, and taking into account the possible conflict of interests that would affect FIFA and UEFA?
  2. Must Article 101 TFEU be interpreted as meaning it prohibits FIFA and UEFA, which have granted themselves exclusive competence to organise or authorise international competitions in Europe, to require in their statutes (in particular Articles 22 and 71 to 73 of FIFA’s statutes, Articles 49 and 51 of UEFA’s statutes, and any similar article in the statutes of member associations and national leagues) their prior authorisation for any third party entity to establish a pan-European club competition, such as that at issue in the main proceedings, in particular as there is no regulated procedure thereto based on objective and non-discriminatory criteria, and taking into account the possible conflict of interest that would affect FIFA and UEFA?.
  3. Should articles 101 and / or 102 TFEU be interpreted as meaning that they prevent FIFA, UEFA, their member associations and / or national leagues, to threaten with sanctions the clubs participating in the Super League, and / or its players, in light of the deterrence effect such threats can generate? In case sanctions for exclusion from competitions or the prohibition to participate in national team matches are adopted, would they, without being based on objective, transparent and non-discriminatory criteria, constitute a violation of Articles 101 and / or 102 of the TFEU?
  4. Are Articles 101 and/or 102 TFEU to be interpreted as incompatible with Articles 67 and 68 of the FIFA Statute, in so far as the latter identify UEFA and its national federations as ‘original holders of all rights arising from competitions… within their respective jurisdiction’, thus depriving participating clubs and any alternative competition organiser of the original ownership of said rights, and assuming the exclusive responsibility for their marketing?
  5. If FIFA and UEFA, as entities entrusted with exclusive competence to organise and authorise international football clubs competition in Europe, prohibit or oppose, on the basis of the abovementioned provisions of their statutes, the development of the Super League, must Article 101 TFEU be interpreted as meaning that those restrictions on competition benefit from the exception it provides for, considering that: production is substantially limited, alternative products to those offered by FIFA / UEFA in the market is prevented, and innovation is restricted in that other formats and modalities are prevented, thus potential competition in the market is removed and consumer choices limited? Would such a restriction have an objective justification, so that it could be concluded that there is no abuse of a dominant position within the meaning of Article 102 TFEU?
  6. Are Articles 45, 49, 56 and/or 63 TFEU to be interpreted as meaning that a provision such as that contained in the FIFA and UEFA Statutes (in particular under Articles 22 and 71 to 73 of the FIFA statutes, Articles 49 and 51 of the UEFA Statutes and any other similar article contained in the statutes of associations belonging to national leagues) constitutes a restriction of one of the fundamental freedoms enshrined in those provisions, in that it requires prior authorisation of those entities for an economic operator of a Member State to establish a pan-European competition?

The Auto (Order) is available in Spanish here. I would also like to draw attention to the post of 22 April 2021, by Dwayne Bach, in the Kluwer Competition Law Blog, where he makes a first assessment of the situation under EU competition law.

Assas International Law Review: Issue of 2020

ven, 05/28/2021 - 08:00

The Assas International Law Review (Revue de droit international d’Assas) is an online journal published once a year by the doctoral school of the University. It features articles on public and private international law written by professors and doctoral students.

The main theme of the 2020 issue is climate change and international law. The issue features ten articles on this topic. It also includes short articles summarizing the doctoral theses recently defended at the University and three more articles on various topics.

Of particular note for private international law scholars is an article written by Eduardo Alvarez-Armas (Brunel Law School) on Climate change litigation and Article 17 Rome II (Le contentieux international privé en matière de changement climatique à l’épreuve de l’article 17 du règlement Rome II : enjeux et perspectives). The author has kindly provided the following abstract:

The article is the first instalment in a series of three pieces of work on the interplay between climate change matters and private international law. It sketches, as a first approximation, the role that the EU’s private international instruments may play in “private international” climate change litigation, which could be roughly defined as litigation: i) amongst private parties; ii) of a private-law (generally, tort-law) nature; iii) conducted on the basis of private-international-law foundations; iii) over damage threatened or caused by climate-change-derived phenomena.

After some general/introductory considerations, the article explores a selection of difficulties that may arise in climate change litigation from the interplay between Article 7 of the Rome II Regulation (the EU’s choice-of-law provision on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations arising from environmental damage) and Article 17 Rome II, a general provision on “Rules of safety and conduct”, which establishes that “[i]n assessing the conduct of the person claimed to be liable, account shall be taken, as a matter of fact and in so far as is appropriate, of the rules of safety and conduct which were in force at the place and time of the event giving rise to the liability”. In order to conduct its assessment, the article uses as an illustration Lliuya v. RWE (a case currently pending before German courts which, irrespective of its ultimate outcome, is prone to become a milestone) and builds a hypothetical model thereon. The model analyses the said Art. 7-Art. 17 interplay in practice, when further confronted with EU rules on international jurisdiction and domestic rules of public law and/or administrative authorizations/permits, depicting a concerning landscape in terms of climate action and environmental protection.

As this is a piece on “enjeux et perspectives”, it presents a first set of conclusions, amongst which, notably, that the “ordinary” use (literal interpretation and mandatory application) of Article 17 of the Rome II Regulation (which seems to be “pro-polluter”) is incompatible with the polluter-pays and favor laesi principles, and needs to be blocked in “private international” climate-change litigation (and possibly in all instances of “private international” environmental litigation).

This “introductory” article will be followed by two further pieces of work. The first one will take a “micro” perspective and provide a further analysis (in English) of the referred Art. 7-Art. 17 interplay. The second one (in English too) is a contribution to the collective research project “The Private Side of Transforming the World – UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and the Role of Private International Law”, led by Ralf Michaels, Verónica Ruíz Abou-Nigm, and Hans van Loon. It will explore the overall intersection between private international law and climate change matters from a “macro” perspective, by addressing the contribution that private international law may make to the United Nation’s “Sustainable Development Goal” 13: “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts”.

Kokorin and Wessels on Cross-Border Protocols in Insolvencies of Multinational Enterprise Groups

jeu, 05/27/2021 - 08:00

Ilya Kokorin (PhD Researcher at Leiden University) and Bob Wessels (Professor Emeritus of International Insolvency Law at Leiden University and Expert Advisor on Insolvency and Restructuring Law of the European Commission) have authored together a book on Cross-Border Protocols in Insolvencies of Multinational Enterprise Groups. This much awaited analysis has just been published with Edward Elgar Publishing in the Elgar Corporate and Insolvency Law and Practice series.

The blurb of the book reads as follows:

Cross-border insolvency protocols play a critical role in facilitating the efficient resolution of complex international corporate insolvencies. This book constitutes the first in-depth study of the use of insolvency protocols, enriching existing knowledge about them and serving as a comprehensive introduction to their application in the context of multinational enterprise group insolvency. It traces the rise of insolvency protocols and discusses their legal basis, contents, effects, major characteristics and limitations.

Key features of the work regard:

  • the proposition of a Group Insolvency Protocol (GIP) design;
  • a comprehensive study of around 50 insolvency protocols from 1992 to 2020;
  • the analysis of major international insolvency law instruments, modern trends and developments in the area of insolvency of enterprise groups;
  • practical recommendations for drafting an insolvency protocol, addressing problems related to their adoption and offering suggestions for the improvement of group coordination
  • the  exploration of the nature of insolvency protocols and pertinent issues including the preservation and realization of material assets, resolution of intercompany claims, information exchange, conflicts of interest, participation rights and group governance in insolvency.

The book structured in 13 chapters aims to be become an indispensable resource for insolvency practitioners, lawyers, judges and policy makers, whilst also being of value to scholars and students concerned with insolvency law and corporate governance.

Journal du Droit International: Issue 2 of 2021

mer, 05/26/2021 - 08:00

The second issue of the Journal du droit international for 2021 has just been released. It contains two articles and several case notes relating to private international law issues.

In the first article, Mathieu Guerriaud and Clotilde Jourdain-Fortier (University of Burgundy Franche-Comté, CREDIMI) discuss, from a political perspective, the legal regime of the international contracts for the procurement of Covid-19 vaccines concluded by the European Union (“L’accès au vaccin contre la Covid-19 : le contrat international peut-il suffire ?“). 

The English abstract reads:

The European Union has opted for centralized negotiation to ensure the supply of Covid-19 vaccines to its Member States. To this end, several international contracts have been concluded by the European Commission with pharmaceutical companies. In principle, those contracts are covered by confidentiality, but three of them were published following a dispute over the interpretation of the obligations of one of those companies. Analysis of those contracts indicates that they are advance purchase agreement, which may fall under the Vienna Convention on the International Sale of Goods, and raise issues of interpretation as to the nature of the obligation to manufacture and deliver the vaccine doses. Is it an obligation of result, as the Commission seems to assert, or an obligation of means on the part of laboratories ? The “best reasonable efforts” clauses are particularly difficult to interpret here, especially as part of contracts characterized by an obligation of cooperation between the parties and in a European context of pharmaceutical deindustrialization. In the face of supply difficulties in the execution of those contracts, contractualization shows its limits and some believe that a more radical solution could be envisaged, that of infringing the industrial property rights of the laboratory. To this end, several weapons available to the public authorities are examined here. Some of them, like the ex officio license or the compulsory license, are moderately prejudicial to the rights of the patentee, while others are much bolder and more damaging for the manufacturer, like the expropriation of the patent, the requisition or even the nationalization. In all cases, the question of sovereignty and the pharmaceutical industrial apparatus arises, and it is on this point that decision-makers will have to work for the next decades to come, because medicines, and vaccines in particular, have become diplomatic weapons.

In the second article, Mauricio Almeida Prado (Arbitrator, PhD, University of Paris X) addresses the important issue of incorrect awards in international commercial arbitration (“Réflexions sur les sentences incorrectes au fond dans l’arbitrage commercial international“). 

The English abstract reads:

Awards that incorrectly decide the merits of a dispute are regrettable events in the practice of international commercial arbitration.

As a voluntary mechanism, trust in its ability to promote legal certainty and provide technically correct decisions is at the heart of its choice as a method of dispute resolution. Consequently, the recurrence of incorrect awards as to the merits has negative effects on the arbitral system because it threatens its credibility.

The article is based on three main ideas. First : it is important to define what is meant by an incorrect sentence as to its merits and, above all, not to confound it with divergent sentences, but technically correct. Second, it addresses the most common reasons that lead to errors in arbitral awards. Third : few proposals are presented to improve the organization of evidence production and the quality of the decision-making process by the arbitral tribunals.

A full table of contents can be downloaded here.

New Chairpersons of the EAPIL Young Research Network

mar, 05/25/2021 - 15:00

Tobias Lutzi (University of Cologne) and Ennio Piovesani (University of Turin) have taken over the responsibility of chairing the EAPIL Young Research Network from Tamás Szabados (ELTE Eötvös Loránd University). They are joining Martina Melcher (University of Graz), who founded the Network in 2019 together with Susanne Gössl (University of Kiel).

The Young Research Network aims to facilitate academic exchange between junior faculty members working on questions of private international law across Europe and to further comparative research through international cooperation. It became part of the EAPIL in 2020 as an official ‘activity’ of the Association.

Since its creation, the Network has successfully completed two research projects, further information on which can be found here.

Together with Dora Zgrabljić Rotar (University of Zaghreb), Tobias and Ennio are currently working on a third research project, that is going to focus on the national rules on jurisdiction in civil and commercial matters over non-EU defendants, in light of the report envisioned in Article 79 Brussels I bis Regulation.

The Young Research Network can be contacted via e-mail at youngresearch@eapil.org.

The Law Applicable to an Action to Supplement a Foreign Divorce Decree by an Award of Fault

mar, 05/25/2021 - 08:00

The author of this post is Simon Laimer of the University of Linz.

By a ruling of 10 December 2020, the Austrian Supreme Court addressed a case relating to a statement of fault in respect of divorce, i.e. a statement that one spouse is to blame for the breakdown of marriage (the ruling’s reference is 3 Ob 58/20f). The case raised the question of whether, for the purposes of determining the applicable law, the matter ought to be characterised as a matter relating to divorce, or rather as a matter relating to maintenance. Under Austrian law, one key implication of fault is that the ex spouse who is found to be at fault is basically not entitled to maintenance.


The plaintiff sought a declaration that the defendant was solely to blame for the breakdown of the marriage, which had previously resulted in a final divorce decree by the Tribunal of Brussels. The defendant objected inter alia that the Belgian divorce decree could not be supplemented by a declaration of fault. The court of first instance dismissed the action (on the grounds of equal fault). The Court of Appeal amended the decision to find that the defendant was predominantly at fault.

The generally accepted view in Austrian case law (see here) and doctrine (cf. Nademleinsky/Weitzenböck in Schwimann/Kodek, ABGB, 5th ed. [2019] § 61 EheG N° 21; Koch in Koziol/Bydlinski/Bollenberger, ABGB, 6th ed., [2020] § 61 EheG N° 4) is that even if a foreign court has terminated the marriage on the basis of a provision of a foreign legal system without a finding of fault (here, Belgian divorce law, which abandoned the principle of fault in 2007), the interested spouse may still seek a statement of fault as provided for under Section 61(3) of the Austrian Marriage Act.


The Austrian Supreme Court upheld the extraordinary appeal. It observed that an action to supplement a divorce decree by a statement of fault does deal with the question of fault for the breakdown of marriage, but it does so for the purposes of determining the implications of divorce as regards maintenance. Consequently, there is only a need to supplement a foreign divorce decree with an award of fault if the post-marital maintenance is governed by a substantive law whereby the enforceability of a maintenance claim depends on whether the opposing ex spouse is predominantly at fault for the breakdown of the marriage, or not.

Article 1(2)(g) of the Rome III Regulation on the law applicable to divorce and legal separation expressly excludes from its scope maintenance obligations. Therefore, although the supplementary action complements the divorce proceedings with regard to the question of fault, its only objective is to make a separate decision on a (preliminary) question relevant to the maintenance claims. It follows that the applicable substantive law is rather to be determined in accordance with the Hague Protocol of 23 November 2007 on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations.

Pursuant to Article 3(1) of the Hague Protocol, maintenance is governed, as a rule, by the law of the State in which the maintenance creditor has his habitual residence, which in the specific case leads to the application of Austrian law. An exception applies if one of the parties objects and claims that there is a “closer connection of the marriage to another State”. As this had not yet been discussed with the parties, the decisions of the lower instances had to be set aside to supplement the proceedings. The court of first instance will therefore have to give the parties the opportunity to state their position on the matter.

French Book on Jurisdiction Clauses

lun, 05/24/2021 - 14:00

Malik Laazouzi (Paris II University) is the editor of a new book on choice of court agreements (Les clauses attributives de compétences internationales : de la prévisibilité au désordre).

The book is the publication of the proceedings of a conference held on 21 November 2019 in Paris.

The speakers and contributors included Marie-Élodie Ancel, Sylvain Bollée, Sandrine Clavel, Samuel Fulli-Lemaire, Jeremy Heymann, Fabienne Jault, Caroline Kleiner, François Mailhé, Renato Nazzini, Cyril Nourissat, Ludovic Pailler, David Sindres, Édouard Treppoz.

More detail on the topics addressed by each of the speakers can be found here.

40 Years Since the Accession of the Hellenic Republic to the EU – The Impact on the Domestic Procedural Legal Order

lun, 05/24/2021 - 08:00

A webinar titled 1981-2021: 40 Years Since the Accession of the Hellenic Republic to the EU – The Impact on the Domestic Procedural Legal Order will take place on 26 May 2021 at 5 pm CET, organised by the law review Lex & Forum and Sakkoulas Publications.

The webinar, which will be held in Greek, will consist of four sections: (1) A flashback to the common European procedural roots; (2) The practical dimension; (3) The steps ahead; (4) A glimpse at the common European procedural future.

Speakers include Paris Arvanitakis (Aristotle University, Thessaloniki), Antonios Alapantas (President of the Court of first Instance, Piraeus), Ioannis Valmantonis (President of the Court of first Instance, Athens), Vassilios Sariyannidis (Director of the Unit on special legal matters of the Greek Ministry of Justice), Ioannis Delikostopoulos (University of Athens), Lida Pipsou (Aristotle University, Thessaloniki), Apostolos Anthimos (Attorney at law and  Editor in chief of Lex & Forum), Dimitrios Titsias (President of the Court of first Instance, Justice Counselor, Permanent Representation of Greece to the EU).

The full programme and the registration form can be found here. Registrations are open until 25 May at noon. Attendance is free.

CJEU in Effectenbezitters v. BP: Jurisdiction for Collective Actions Based on Incorrect Investor Information

ven, 05/21/2021 - 08:00

On 12 May 2021, the Court of Justice rendered its long-awaited judgment in the case Vereniging van Effectenbezitters v. BP. The case concerned the international jurisdiction for a collective action based on issuer liability for inaccurate, incomplete and misleading information in capital markets.

The Court ruled that under Article 7(2) Brussels I bis Regulation such actions may be brought at the place where the issuer is subject to statutory reporting obligations, which is usually the place where the financial instruments are traded on a stock exchange. In contrast, they could not be brought at the location of the investment account in which the financial instrument are held.

The ruling is important from a capital markets perspective, yet it also adds another piece to the puzzle of where to localise purely financial or economic loss.


The facts of this case go back to the accident at the Deep Water Horizon oil platform in 2010, which was one of the biggest environmental disasters of all time and laid the Southern coast of the U.S. to waste.

The Dutch action underlying the reference alleges that BP, who operated the platform, failed to properly inform its shareholders about its security and maintenance programme prior to the accident. What is particular about this case is that the claim was brought by an association under Dutch law as a collective action on behalf of all persons who bought, held or sold BP shares in the three years preceding the accident. It is also important that the shares of BP are dually listed in London and Frankfurt, but not in the Netherlands.

The Rechtbank Amsterdam and the Gerechtshof (Court of Appeal) Amsterdam denied international jurisdiction of the Dutch courts on the grounds that no damage was suffered in the Netherlands.

Legal Questions 

The Dutch Hoge Raad, to which the dispute was presented at last instance, decided to submit a reference for a preliminary ruling to the CJEU. It wanted to know whether Dutch courts have jurisdiction to decide over (1) the collective action, and (2) any individual claim that may be brought subsequently by BP investors. In addition, the Dutch highest court asked two questions on whether Article 7(2) of the Brussels I bis Regulation determines, besides international jurisdiction, internal territorial jurisdiction as well.


The CJEU held that the Dutch courts have no jurisdiction over the action brought. Importantly, the court also stated that this jurisdiction is independent of the collective nature of the action. It refused to answer the questions regarding international and internal territorial jurisdiction as they would be merely hypothetical at this stage.


The reasoning of the CJEU centres around the well-known question of how purely financial damage is to be localised. This problem has already kept the CJEU busy in many other cases, e.g. Kronhofer, Marinari, Dumez, Kolassa, Universal Music and Löber, to name but a few.

Of these, the most relevant for the current case were Kolassa and Löber, given that both were as well concerned with allegations of incorrect investor information. However, the present case differs from these precedents in that it does not relate to deficiencies of informing the primary market – the market on which financial instruments are issued by the issuer to the investors – through a prospectus. Instead, it concerns deficient information of the secondary market – on which financial instruments are traded amongst investors – through insufficient ad hoc disclosure.

This difference is crucial. In Kolassa and Löber, the CJEU located the loss of investors on the primary market at the place of the investor’s domicile provided that it coincides with the place of establishment of the bank with which the investor held his account. The account meant here was most probably a payment account, because the investor had paid the financial instruments from this account and thus arguably suffered damage there.

The same reasoning could not be applied in the case of Effectenbezitters because many of the investors had already bought (and paid) the financial instruments on the secondary market when the deficient disclosure occurred. The most likely place of the damage they suffered was thus not the place of their payment account, but that of their investment account, i.e. the account in which they hold the BP shares. The difference is important because the payment and the investment account are not necessarily administered by the same institution, and thus do not need to be located at the same place.

Yet in the end, the CJEU did not localise the damage at the place of the investment account. Its main argument was that this would not ensure foreseeability of the competent court in the same way as in the Kolassa and Löber cases (para. 34). Indeed, investors in the secondary market potentially hold their investment accounts anywhere in the world. The issuer could thus not know in which country it may be sued for insufficient investor information.

Instead, the Court opts for the place in which the issuer has to comply with his statutory reporting obligation for the purposes of the listing of its shares on a stock exchange (para. 35). This solution is remarkable. It deviates from the conclusions by AG Sánchez-Bordona, who suggested to disapply Article 7(2) Brussels I bis in such cases for lack of an identifiable place of damage. The Court instead adopts for a ‘market localisation’ of the damage, which has long been defended in the literature.

The collective nature of the action brought is, in the opinion of the Court, “not in itself decisive” for the determination of the place where the harmful event occurred in the sense of Article 7(2) Brussels I bis (para. 36). It thus does not matter for jurisdictional purposes whether the claim is brought on behalf of a number of investors or by an individual investor. In either event, the Dutch courts had no jurisdiction because the BP shares were not listed in the Netherlands.

Provisional Assessment

The ruling of the CJEU is to be welcomed. In particular, the Court must be applauded for rejecting to localise the at the place of the investment account, since such a localisation would have resulted in a dispersal of court competence. This would not only have led to unforeseeable venues from the point of view of the issuer, but also been disadvantageous for investors, as they could have brought a collective action exclusively at the domicile of the issuer (Article 4 in conjunction with Article 63 Brussels I bis).

The solution chosen by the Court to retain the place where shares are listed as the place of damage is certainly ingenuous. This criterion leads to predictable results and chimes well with the regulatory duties, which largely depend on the place where the instruments are traded. It also facilitates the bundling of investor claims in collective actions, provided that the law of the country of listing disposes of a mechanism for collective redress. The Court is also right in holding that collective action and individual actions are not treated differently under the current Brussels Ibis regime.

Two points remain open: (1) the place of damage in case of dual listings in the EU, and (2) the place of damage in case of non-listed financial instruments (those that are traded over the counter – OTC). The Court will possibly have the opportunity to clarify these points in later rulings.

While the decision of the CJEU is thus satisfying from a policy point of view, it is hard to reconcile with the option offered in the Bier case between the ‘place where the damage occurred’ and the ‘place of the event which gives rise to and is at the origin of that damage’.

The CJEU allegedly determined the first place in Effectenbezitters, but it needs considerable tongue twisting to say that the ‘damage occurred’ at the place where the issuer failed to fulfil its statutory duties of information. This is rather the place at the origin of the damage than that where the damage occurred. This point is important, as it may create difficulties in the context of Article 4(1) of the Rome II Regulation, which has taken up the first-mentioned prong of the Bier case and refers to the ‘law of the country in which damage occurs’. In reality, the CJEU has created a new, special localisation rule for wrongful investor information cases, which deviates partially from the Bier case. Transposing this case law to the Rome II Regulation may be difficult.

This is merely a first assessment of the case. The European Association of Private International Law will use the occasion of this ruling for an online symposium on the localisation of financial loss. The question is of general importance and has already been addressed several times on this blog (see e.g. the CJEUs Volkswagen judgement or Rechtbank Rotterdam’s judgment in Petrobas). We will discuss it in more depth, with the first contribution coming from Laura van Bochove (Leiden).


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