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Arbitrability of Company Law Disputes in Central and Eastern Europe: International Conference in Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

Conflictoflaws - Thu, 09/28/2017 - 10:57

The Central and Eastern European Company Law Research Network is organising an international conference on the Arbitrability of Company Law Disputes in Central and Eastern Europe that will take place at the Department of Law of the Sapientia University in Cluj-Napoca (Romania). The event will be on 20 October 2017. Speakers include distinguished academics from various Central and Eastern European countries. The conference is open to the public. For the programme, registration and further details, please click here.

Emmanuel Macron veut renforcer le parquet européen… qui n’existe toujours pas

Lors de son discours du mardi 26 septembre sur l’Europe, à la Sorbonne, le chef de l’État a mis en avant « comme fondement à toute communauté politique » la lutte contre le financement du terrorisme et la propagande terroriste sur internet. Il a plaidé en faveur de la création d’une Académie européenne du renseignement et en faveur de l’institution d’un Parquet européen, en chantier depuis plusieurs années (V.

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Categories: Flux français

Droit des marques : précision du critère de lien économique dans l’État d’importation et l’État d’exportation

L’avocat général de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne, Paolo Mengozzi, précise les critères qui permettent aux titulaires de marques parallèles liés économiquement de s’opposer à l’importation et la commercialisation sur leur territoire de produits en provenance d’un autre État membre de l’Union ou de l’espace économique européen.

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2018 ILA Biennial Conference, Sydney, Australia: Developing International Law in Challenging Times – Call for Papers

Conflictoflaws - Wed, 09/27/2017 - 13:17

The International Law Association has launched the following Call for Papers:

„In 2018, the Australian Branch of the International Law Association will be hosting the biennial ILA conference. The conference, which is being held in Sydney, Australia, from 19-24 August 2018, is a major international event that will bring together hundreds of judges, academics, practitioners and officials of governments and international organisations from all around the globe. The Australian Branch of the ILA is calling for paper and panel proposals as part of the program for the conference.
The objectives of the International Law Association include ‘the study, clarification and development of international law, both public and private, and the furtherance of international understanding and respect for international law’. Yet how are we to anticipate the development of international law, and particularly understanding and respect for international law, in an ever-changing world? There are a myriad of international challenges facing global society—sharpening economic divides, nationalist assertions of boundaries, climate change, cycles of war and poverty, new uses of technology. The 2018 ILA conference will address diverse cutting-edge issues in international law as part of its ongoing study of international law, as well as through dialogue on pressing questions of public and private international law.
The ILA biennial conferences provide an opportunity for members of the ILA Committees to meet and advance their work on discrete areas of international law. The current work of the ILA Committees may be found here. Open sessions will be held on these topics to provide all attendees with the opportunity to learn of the Committees’ work and to contribute to the development of the program of work.
In addition, a program will run for all attendees on the core theme of the conference: Developing International Law in Challenging Times. To this end, proposals are sought either for individual paper presentations or for panel presentations on specific themes. Higher degree research (PhD) students are also encouraged to submit poster presentation proposals. A networking and social program is also being organised to run during the conference for international and inter-state visitors.
For paper and poster proposals, speakers are to submit a title and 150-200 word abstract, along with a 150 word biography for potential inclusion in the program. A one-page CV should also be submitted. For panel proposals, the title of the panel and the titles of each paper are to be submitted with a 200 word abstract of the discussions of the panel and a statement on the proposed format for the panel. A biography and one-page CV should also be sent for each proposed speaker on the panel.
Submissions are to be emailed to info@ila2018.org.au by 1 November 2017.
We look forward to welcoming you to Sydney in 2018!“

La CJUE interrogée sur la validité de la clause d’arbitrage prévue par un TBI conclu entre États membres

L’avocat général, M. Wathelet, prend position sur la clause d’arbitrage du traité bilatéral conclu entre les Pays-Bas et la Slovaquie et estime que celle-ci est compatible avec le principe de non-discrimination, avec le mécanisme de renvoi préjudiciel et avec le principe d’autonomie du système juridique de l’Union européenne.

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Categories: Flux français

Transport routier international : vol de la marchandise transportée

Si le transporteur a commis une faute dolosive en ayant recours, pour l’exécution de la prestation de transport de marchandises, à un sous-traitant, malgré son engagement de ne pas y recourir, le seul fait de ne pas respecter l’interdiction de sous-traitance n’induisait pas en lui-même la survenance du dommage, la cour d’appel en a exactement déduit que le lien de causalité entre cette faute et le vol de la marchandise transportée n’était pas démontré, de sorte que les limitations d’indemnité prévues par l’article 29 de la CMR étaient applicables.

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Categories: Flux français


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