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A Conflict of Laws Companion – Adrian Briggs Retires from Oxford

Conflictoflaws - dim, 06/27/2021 - 15:53

By Tobias Lutzi, University of Cologne

There should be few readers of this blog, and few conflict-of-laws experts in general, to whom Adrian Briggs will not be a household name. In fact, it might be impossible to find anyone working in the field who has not either read some of his academic writings (or Lord Goff’s seminal speech in The Spiliada [1986] UKHL 10, which directly credits them) or had the privilege of attending one of his classes in Oxford or one of the other places he has visited over the years.

Adrian Briggs has taught Conflict of Laws in Oxford for more than 40 years, continuing the University’s great tradition in the field that started with Albert Venn Dicey at the end of the 19th century and had been upheld by Geoffrey Cheshire, John Morris, and Lawrence Collins (now Lord Collins of Mapesbury) among others. His writings include four editions of The Conflict of Laws (one of the most read, and most readable, textbooks in the field), six editions of Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments and his magnus opus Private International Law in English Courts, a perfect snapshot of the law as it stood in 2014, shortly before the UK decided to turn back the clock. His scholarship has been cited by courts across the world. Still, Adrian Briggs has managed to maintain a busy barrister practice in London (including well-known cases such as Case C-68/93 Fiona Shevill, Rubin v Eurofinance [2012] UKSC 46, and The Alexandros T [2013] UKSC 70) while also remaining an active member of the academic community regularly contributing not only to parliamentary committees but also, on occasion, to the academic discussion on this blog.

To honour his impact on the field of Conflict of Laws, two of Adrian’s Oxford colleagues, Andrew Dickinson and Edwin Peel, have put together a book, aptly titled ‘A Conflict of Laws Companion’. It contains contributions from 19 scholars, including four members of the highest courts of their respective countries, virtually all of whom have been taught by (or together with) the honorand at Oxford. The book starts with a foreword by Lord Mance, followed by three short notes on Adrian Briggs as a Lecturer at Leeds University (where he only taught for about a year), as a scholar at Oxford, and as a fellow at St Edmund Hall. Afterwards, the authors of the longer academic contributions offer a number of particularly delightful ‘recollections’, describing Adrian Briggs, inter alia, as “the one time wunderkind and occasional enfant terrible of private international law” (Andrew Bell), “the perfect supervisor: unfailingly generous with his time and constructive with his criticism” (Andrew Scott), and “a tutor, colleague and friend” (Andrew Dickinson).

The academic essays that follow are conventionally organised into four categories: ‘Jurisdiction’, ‘Choice of Law’, ‘Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments’, and ‘Conflict of Laws within the Legal System’. They rise to the occasion on at least two accounts. First, they all use an aspect of Adrian Briggs’ academic oeuvre as their starting point. Second, they are of a quality and depths worthy of the honorand (possibly having profited from the prospect of needing to pass his critical eye). While they all are as insightful as inspiring, Ed Peel’s contribution on ‘How Private is Private International Law?’ can be recommended with particular enthusiasm as it picks up Adrian Briggs’ observation (made in several of his writings) that, so far as English law is concerned, “a very large amount of the law on jurisdiction, but also on choice of law, is dependent on the very private law notions of consent and obligation” and critically discusses it from the perspective of contract-law expert. Still, there is not one page of this book that does not make for a stimulating read. It is a great testament to one of the greatest minds in private international law, and a true Conflict of Laws companion to countless students, scholars, colleagues, and friends.

Chinese Private International Law

Conflictoflaws - sam, 06/26/2021 - 17:09

Chinese Private International Law

Edited by Xiaohong Liu and Zhengyi Zhang

Written with the assistance of a team of lecturers at the Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, this book is the leading reference on Chinese private international law in English. The chapters systematically cover the whole of Chinese private international law, not just questions likely to arise in commercial matters, but also in family, succession, cross-border insolvency, intellectual property, competition (antitrust), and environmental disputes.  The chapters do not merely cover the traditional conflict of law areas of jurisdiction, applicable law (choice of law), and enforcement.  They also look into conflict of law questions arising in arbitration and assess China’s involvement in the harmonisation of private international law globally and regionally within the Belt and Road Initiative. Similarly to the Japanese and Indonesian volumes in the Series, this book presents Chinese conflict of laws through a combination of common and civil law analytical techniques and perspectives, providing readers worldwide with a more profound and comprehensive understanding of Chinese private international law.


Xiaohong Liu is Professor and President and Zhengyi Zhang is Associate Professor and Deputy Director of the International Affairs Office, both at Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, China.


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The Law Applicable to Electronic Securities: A New German Conflicts Rule

EAPIL blog - ven, 06/25/2021 - 08:00

This post has been drafted by Dr. Felix M. Wilke, University of Bayreuth, Germany.

A new contestant has entered the ongoing debate about the law applicable to Electronic Securities and/or in the blockchain context. On 10 June 2021, the new German Act on e-Securities (Gesetz zur Einführung von elektronischen Wertpapieren, eWpG) entered into force. Its § 32 contains a special conflict-of-laws rule.

The following is a sketch of my first impressions and potential implications of the new rule. Any input is very much welcome!

The German E-Securities Act in General

The substantive scope of the eWpG somewhat belies its broad title. Far from being about all types of e-securities one can imagine, it only concerns bearer bonds (§ 1 eWpG). The act introducing the eWpG, however, also contains changes to the Capital Investment Code (Kapitalanlagegesetzbuch, KAGB), providing for the possibility of issuing electronic shares in investment funds.

It should also be noted that the e-Securities Act is no genuine piece of blockchain legislation. The word “blockchain” does not appear in it. The Act is not limited to securities recorded in a blockchain, nor would all blockchains necessarily meet the requirements of the Act.

Indeed, parts of the act merely concern centralized registers for e-securities to be maintained, e.g., by central securities depositories. Here, the main difference to current practice seems to consist in dispensing with the need for the depository to safekeep even only one paper (global) certificate.

Yet when other parts of the eWpG mention registers which are supposed to be decentralized as well as forgery-proof (sic) and to offer protection against any subsequent modification of recorded information (§§ 16(1), 4(11) eWpG), it becomes obvious that blockchain/distributed ledger technology can play an important role for so-called “crypto securities”. If one looks closely at the changes to the KAGB, one comes across an opening for distributed ledger technology for shares in investment funds, as well: § 95(5) KAGB.

Core aspects of the Act are the publicity, the contents, and the conditions for changes of registers for e-securities. A litany of (technical) details are delegated to the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection and the German Federal Ministry of Finance. One provision that will certainly raise an eyebrow or two is § 2(3) eWpG: It sets forth that e-securities are to be considered “things” within the meaning of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, BGB). Thus, in principle, the rules for corporeal objects will apply to an incorporeal asset.

The New Conflict-of-Laws Rule

32 eWpG concerns the applicable law. I would tentatively translate it as follows, sticking closely to the structure and word order of the German original:

(1) To the extent that § 17a Securities Account Act does not apply, rights regarding an e-security and dispositions about an e-security are governed by the law of the State under whose supervision the register office is in whose e-securities register the e-security is recorded.

(2) If the register office is not under supervision, its seat is decisive. If the seat of the register authority cannot be determined, the seat of the issuer of the e-security is decisive.

The Subject Matter

32 eWpG applies to rights regarding and dispositions about e-securities. Due to the limitation of the entire Act, one might assume that the conflict-of-laws rule will only apply to electronic bearer bonds (under German law). Yet as the provision has clearly been designed as an omnilateral provision, and considering that the definition of an e-security is much broader (§ 2 eWpG), it is conceivable that the conflict-of-laws rule encompasses more securities than that the Act in which it is found. This, of course, would be a phenomenon well-known to private international law scholars, but perhaps not-so-well-known in other circles.

In any case, the express reference to § 17a Security Account Act (Gesetz über die Verwahrung und Anschaffung von Wertpapieren, DepotG) has a limiting effect – whose impact is not obvious. The bill had not included this proviso.

§ 17a DepotG is Germany’s transposition of Article 9(2) of the Settlement Finality Directive (SFD). If the rule(s) of SFD were to be interpreted broadly to encompass modern digital assets (not an easy task: see Matthias Lehmann’s thoughts on this blog), a rule like Germany’s would likely have to be interpreted in conformity with the SFD. Not that we did not already have enough discussions about § 17a DepotG, including about its conformity with the SFD, in the first place…

What is more, the Security Account Act itself was changed along with the introduction of the eWpG, extending the meaning of securities for the purposes of the former to e-securities under the latter. This should affect the scope of § 17a DepotG, shaping the understanding of § 32 eWpG in turn.

My first idea is that § 17a DepotG will be the relevant conflict-of-laws provision for e-securities in a collective deposit, and that § 32 eWpG will apply to the rest.

The Connecting Factors

The law of the State with supervision over the respective e-securities register office governs rights in and dispositions about an e-security under paragraph 1.

At first sight, this might seem to be a rather easy rule. I would submit, however, that it actually implicates a tricky analysis. In order to correctly apply the rule, one seems to have to look for (typically unilateral) rules of competence for financial supervision authorities.

First, it will not always be easy even to ascertain the respective rules (at least for foreign States).

Second, their connecting factors are likely to differ from State to State: e.g. seat of an institution to be supervised vs. place where it carries out business activities. This could lead to an accumulation of applicable laws that somehow would have to be resolved.

And what if a foreign register without State supervision is at issue? Under the bill, this was an open question. The final version now has a second paragraph, making the seat of the register office a subordinate connecting factor. But why does the provision not again refer to “State” supervision?

If the seat of the register office cannot be determined, either (also in cases where there is no register office?), the second clause of the second paragraph employs the seat of the issuer of the e-security as the connecting factor. The substantive part of the eWpG contains a similar approach, in that the issuer of an e-security will be treated as the register office if the issuer does not designate such an office in relation to the bearer (§ 16(2) cl. 2 eWpG).


The new Act and its conflict-of-laws rule offer plenty of food for thought. Expect the first articles and even rule-for-rule commentaries to pop up in the near future. Because of the obvious connections between the conflict-of-laws rule to the substantive provisions of the Act, it will not always be easy to tell apart where private international law is supposed to be limited and where it can strike out on its own.

Monograph Contest for Young Latin American Researchers

Conflictoflaws - jeu, 06/24/2021 - 20:09


The Project Jean Monnet Network – BRIDGE, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, and the Latin-American Center for European Studies invite young Latin American researchers to submit their works to the “Monograph Contest for Young Latin American Researchers – Jean Monnet Award”, whose main objective is to foster excellence in research on topics related to European integration in Latin America.

Only unpublished monographs submitted by young researchers who are up to 30 years old at the date of the submission will be accepted. Authors must also be enrolled in any higher education institution of Latin America.

Monographs (between 60-120 pages) written in English, Spanish or Portuguese will be accepted and authors must submit their monographs by 1 August 2021.

For more information, access:



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