Agrégateur de flux

Article L. 2314-30, alinéa 4, du code du travail

Cour de cassation française - ven, 05/10/2019 - 17:37

Pourvoi c/ Tribunal d'instance de Colombes, 29 mars 2019

Catégories: Flux français

Article 225-4-1 du code pénal

Cour de cassation française - ven, 05/10/2019 - 17:37

Pourvoi c/ Cour d'appel de Paris, pôle 8, chambre 2, 9 novembre 2018

Catégories: Flux français

Articles 138, 139 et 140 du code de procédure pénale

Cour de cassation française - ven, 05/10/2019 - 17:37

Pourvoi c/ Cour d'appel de Paris, pôle 7, 2e chambre de l'instruction, 28 février 2019

Catégories: Flux français

29 May: Forum Conveniens Annual Lecture at the University of Edinburgh

Conflictoflaws - ven, 05/10/2019 - 13:13

This year’s Forum Conveniens Annual Lecture at the University of Edinburgh will be held on Wednesday, 29 May 2019, 5.30 – 7 pm. The speaker is Prof. Marta Pertegás Sender, Maastricht University/ University of Antwerp , on the topic: “A New Judgments Convention in Times of Decaying Multilateralism?”.

The venue is Raeburn Room, Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh, EH8 9YL.

The event is free but registration is required at

The Mexican Academy of Private International and Comparative Law will be holding its XLII Seminar on Private International Law in Toluca (Mexico) from 13 to 15 November 2019

Conflictoflaws - ven, 05/10/2019 - 10:39

The Mexican Academy of Private International and Comparative Law (AMEDIP) will be holding its XLII Seminar entitled “Towards an International Judicial Law ” at the Escuela Judicial del Estado de México in Toluca (Mexico) from 13 to 15 November 2019.

The seminar will focus on the draft National Code of Civil and Family Procedure and the draft National Law on Private International Law. The latter is an initiative of AMEDIP and has been drafted by professors Dr. Leonel Pereznieto Castro, Dr. Jorge Alberto Silva and Lic. Virginia Aguilar. These are two significant pieces of legislation and the seminar will analise how they would interact if they were passed by the Mexican Congress.

Potential speakers are invited to submit a paper in Spanish, English or Portuguese by 5 July 2019. Papers must comply with the criteria established by AMEDIP and will be evaluated accordingly. Selected speakers will be required to give their presentations preferably in Spanish as there will be no interpretation services but some exceptions may be made by the organisers upon request.

The final programme of the seminar will be made available at the end of October.

There is a registration fee of 300 Mexican pesos (approx. 14 Euros) for students and 800 Mexican pesos (approx. 37 Euros) for the general public. For speakers, the organisers will provide transportation from Mexico City and will cover hotel costs in Toluca.

For more detailed information (incl. convocation), see   Any queries, as well as registration requests, may be directed to

Six useful Google ‘hacks’ to make your research more efficient. Brought to you by Leuven Law Library.

GAVC - ven, 05/10/2019 - 08:08

Many thanks to the staff at Leuven’s law library for writing up six extremely useful Google ‘hacks’ for legal research, which I am pleased to post as a guest blog.


As law librarians of KU Leuven, we help students and professionals with their research on a daily basis. A big part of research is – of course – Google, but for some topics and broad searches, Google will come up with 2 million relevant results, making it hard to see the forest for the trees. These six hacks will help you Google more efficiently and find what you’re looking for quicker.

The most commonly known hack – but also one of the most useful ones to alleviate research frustration – is the ‘search within a site’ hack. By typing site:[the website you want to search in] before or after your keywords, you will only get results from within that particular site. This is especially useful for websites with limited or difficult native search tools.

As for our second hack, we would like to remind you of the wildcard: *. Using the asterisk to find missing words is useful if you would like to look up a quote but do not remember the exact wording. The wildcard has another great use: you can easily include words in two different spellings in your search results by searching, for example, organi*ations.

Another way to look up quotes, this time if you do have the exact wording and are trying to find out the source, is by putting your words between quotation marks. This hack will make sure you only get results that quote the exact phrase you’re searching.

Our fourth Google hack is one to help you filter out particular words. By using the or hyphen symbol directly in front of said word, you will get results that do not include it. The hyphen symbol is essentially the same as the Boolean “NOT”.

Let’s say you know a specific file is available online, but your basic keyword search does not turn it up? To solve this problem, use our fifth hack: the filtype:[filetype you’re looking for, eg. doc] string in combination with your keywords.

Last but not least, our final hack will make it easier to search for different aspects of law from a specific country. By using the site:[country code] string, you only turn up results with URL’s that have the specific country code you are looking for as a domain extension. This works, for example, to help you search more efficiently for fields of law in the Netherlands vs Belgium.

These six hacks are easy tricks to level up your research skills and make sure you do not spend as much time combing through pages of Google results. There is definitely more where this came from! For specific questions, involving Google or not, the librarians at the KU Leuven Libraries Law are always at your service.

(These hacks were originally posted in the context of a “Google hacks week” on the KU Leuven Libraries Law’s different social media platforms: Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.)

Travail d’intérêt général, consentement du prévenu et motivation : [I]quid juris[/I] ?

La chambre criminelle rejette le pourvoi dans lequel le requérant invoquait le défaut de motivation de la peine de travail d’intérêt général au regard de sa situation personnelle. En effet, le prononcé d’une telle peine étant subordonné à l’accord préalable de l’intéressé, il implique nécessairement la prise en compte de la gravité des faits, de la personnalité de leur auteur et de la situation personnelle de celui-ci.

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Catégories: Flux français

Out now: ZEuP 2019, Issue 2

Conflictoflaws - jeu, 05/09/2019 - 16:31

The latest issue of ZEuP has just been released. It features the following articles:

Christoph Teichmann/Andrea Götz: Metamorphosen des Europäischen Gesellschaftsrechts: SUP, Company Law Package und SPE 2.0

So far, European initiatives aimed at facilitating the regulatory framework for limited-liability companies, such as the SPE-Regulation and the SUP-Directive, have failed. Their failure, however, has fostered a deeper understanding of the regulatory issues. The authors illustrate this achievement by analysing the long and winding road of the SUP proposal. It paved the way for the “Company Law Package” (regarding digitalization) and it may even contribute to an updated SPE version (“SPE 2.0”).

Christian Schmitt/Julia Bhatti/Christian Storck: Die neue europäische Prospekt-Verordnung – ein großer Wurf?

The new EU Prospectus Regulation attempts at solving the conflict between investor protection and the opening of the capital market. It is an attempt to provide investors with clearer prospectus information, while making access to the capital markets easier for companies. However, new requirements will also create additional liability risks. The overall picture shows that although the Regulation does not represent a revolution, it does offer potential for an evolution of the EU prospectus regime.

John Bowers/ACL Davies/Ruth Dukes/Mark Freedland/Birke Häcker: Sir Otto Kahn-Freund QC (1900–1979): A Retrospective

The present contribution contains the presentations delivered at a symposium held in honour of Sir Otto Kahn-Freund QC at the University of Oxford. Kahn-Freund was a German labour lawyer from a Jewish family who emigrated to the United Kingdom in 1933. He became a founding father of modern British labour law and held professorships at the London School of Economics and the University of Oxford. 2019 marks the fortieth anniversary of his death.

Rosa Miquel Sala: Das Sechste Buch des katalanischen Zivilgesetzbuches: neues Kaufrecht unter europäischem Einfluss

The Sixth Book of the Catalan Civil Code has been in force since the 1st of January 2018, a decision of the Spanish Constitutional Court is pending. The new Book contains an exhaustive regulation of sales contracts following the European models. A modernisation of the law of obligations in the Spanish Civil Code taking into consideration the existing projects and maybe also the new Catalan rules should follow. Equally urgent is an amendment of the rules on intra-state conflicts of laws.


Arrêt n°674 du 9 mai 2019 (18-82.885) - Cour de cassation - Chambre criminelle<br> - ECLI:FR:CCASS:2019:CR00674

Cour de cassation française - jeu, 05/09/2019 - 15:45

Dégradation et détérioration - Cour d'assise - Chose jugée

Catégories: Flux français

Arrêt n°596 du 9 mai 2019 (18-16.575) - Cour de cassation - Deuxième chambre civile<br>- ECLI:FR:CCASS:2019:C200596<br>

Cour de cassation française - jeu, 05/09/2019 - 15:45

Sécurité sociale, assurances sociales des travailleurs indépendants des professions non agricoles

Catégories: Flux français


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