Agrégateur de flux

Articles 706-3 et 706-8 du code de procédure pénale

Cour de cassation française - jeu, 06/30/2016 - 12:30

Tribunal de grande instance de Fort de France, Commission d'indemnisation des victimes d'infractions, 17 juin 2016

Catégories: Flux français

On Mutual Trust and the Brexit (Seminar)

Conflictoflaws - mer, 06/29/2016 - 12:17

A new session within the series Seminario Julio D. González Campos, organized by the Department of Private International Law of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, will be held on July 8th, 2016, starting at 10:30 pm. The speaker will be Dr. Matthias Weller, Professor of Civil Law, Civil Procedural Law and Private International Law at the EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht; he will address the topic “Mutual Trust: Still Corner Stone for Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters after the Brexit?”

Venue: Seminar room V (4th Floor), Faculty of Law.

For further information please contact

69/2016 : 29 juin 2016 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-486/14

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mer, 06/29/2016 - 10:18
Un suspect peut de nouveau être poursuivi dans un État Schengen lorsque les poursuites antérieures dans un autre État Schengen ont été clôturées sans instruction approfondie

Catégories: Flux européens

The impact of national civil procedure on mutual trust and the free circulation of judgements

Aldricus - mer, 06/29/2016 - 09:42

The Max Planck Institute Luxembourg, heading an international consortium, is undertaking a study, funded by the European Commission, aiming to assess the impact of domestic laws of civil procedure of the 28 Member States on mutual trust and the free circulation of judgements, as well as on the enforcement of consumer rights derived from EU law.

As a part of this project, a public consultation has been launched for gathering data and opinions among stakeholders.

Direct access to the two online questionnaires, which mirror the two separate strands of the study, are currently available (in six languages) here.

The Institute encourages consumers, lawyers, judges, academics, consumer protection associations, business/trade associations, dispute resolution facilitators, and those working in other legal professions to respond to both questionnaires.

For those wishing to offer further insights on any of the topics covered by the study, it will be possible to leave the contact details at the end of the survey so as to be contacted for an interview.

Brexit : le plaidoyer de Manuel Valls pour une « grande transformation » de l’UE

Le Premier ministre était à l’Assemblée nationale mardi 28 juin 2016 pour son premier discours officiel après le vote des Britanniques pour la sortie de l’Union Européenne. « Il faut respecter ce choix démocratique » reconnaît-il, tout en pressant le parlement britannique de déclencher l’article 50 « le plus tôt possible ».

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Catégories: Flux français

Placement sous écrou extraditionnel : renvoi d’une QPC et contrôle de conventionnalité

Le délai raisonnable prévu par l’article 5, § 3, de la Convention européenne s’applique en matière d’extradition. La chambre criminelle juge par ailleurs sérieuse une QPC mettant en cause le régime du placement sous écrou extraditionnel.

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Catégories: Flux français

Notion de créance incontestée au sens du règlement (UE) n° 805/2004

Les conditions selon lesquelles, en cas de jugement par défaut, une créance est réputée « incontestée », au sens de l’article 3 du règlement du 21 avril 2004, portant création d’un titre exécutoire européen pour les créances incontestées, doivent être déterminées de manière autonome, en vertu de ce seul règlement.

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Catégories: Flux français

68/2016 : 28 juin 2016 - Arrêts du Tribunal dans les affaires T-208/13, T-216/13

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mar, 06/28/2016 - 09:56
Portugal Telecom / Commission
Le Tribunal de l’UE confirme l’illégalité de la clause de non-concurrence entre Portugal Telecom et Telefónica dans le cadre de l’acquisition de l’opérateur mobile brésilien Vivo par Telefónica

Catégories: Flux européens

68/2016 : 28 juin 2016 - Arrêts du Tribunal dans les affaires T-208/13, T-216/13

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mar, 06/28/2016 - 09:56
Portugal Telecom / Commission
Le Tribunal de l’UE confirme l’illégalité de la clause de non-concurrence entre Portugal Telecom et Telefónica dans le cadre de l’acquisition de l’opérateur mobile brésilien Vivo par Telefónica

Catégories: Flux européens

Procédures d’infraction : la France une nouvelle fois épinglée

Dans le cadre de ses décisions prises en vertu du contrôle de la bonne application de la législation de l’Union, la Commission européenne a entamé le 16 juin 2016, de nouvelles phases de procédures d’infraction à l’encontre de la France dans le domaine de l’environnement et des transports routiers.

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Catégories: Flux français

Just in Time: A New Volume on the Consequences of Brexit

Conflictoflaws - lun, 06/27/2016 - 18:23

Following the United Kingdom’s popular vote to exit the European Union, a very timely book on the various legal, political and economic impacts of Brexit has just been released: “Britain Alone! The Implications and Consequences of United Kingdom Exit from the EU” (Kluwer Law International 2016), edited by Professor Patrick Birkinshaw (Institute of European Public Law, University of Hull) and Professor Andrea Biondi (King’s College London), covers practical topics such as the options available to the UK, the effects of Brexit on the constitutional level, the existing and potential role of jurisprudence, post-Brexit residence and labour rights as well as financial and economic governance.

The table of contents reads as follows:

Patrick Birkinshaw & Andrea Biondi.

Part I Constitutional Issues

CHAPTER 1 Britain Alone Constitutionally: Brexit and Restitutio in Integrum
Patrick Birkinshaw & Mike Varney.

CHAPTER 2 A Tale of Two Referendums: Scotland, the UK and Europe
Stephen Tierney & Katie Boyle.

CHAPTER 3 ‘Britain Alone’: A View from Northern Ireland
Gordon Anthony.

CHAPTER 4 ‘Brexit’ and Welsh Devolution: The Likely Impact
Mike Varney.

CHAPTER 5 Responsibility, Voice and Exit: Britain Alone?
Paul Craig.

Part II Managing Alone?

CHAPTER 6 Which Options would Be Available for the United Kingdom in the Case of a Withdrawal from the EU?
Jean-Claude Piris.

CHAPTER 7 The UK and the World: Environmental Law
Ioanna Hadjiyianni.

CHAPTER 8 The EU’s External Relations: A Question of Competence
Daniel Denman.

CHAPTER 9 Judicial Protection and the UK’s Opt-Outs: Is Britain Alone in the CJEU?
Maria Kendrick.

CHAPTER 10 Criminal Law
John R. Spencer.

CHAPTER 11 From EU Citizens to Third-Country Nationals: The Legacy of Polydor
Marja-Liisa Öberg.

CHAPTER 12 Britain Alone! The Implications and Consequences of United Kingdom Exit from the European Union: Social Policies
Aileen McColgan.

CHAPTER 13 The Death of Social Europe
Keith D. Ewing.

CHAPTER 14 The United Kingdom without the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: Putting Down the Dog That Did Not Bark?
Kieron Beal QC.

CHAPTER 15 State Aid Control, Government Spending and the Virtue of Loyalty
Andrea Biondi.

CHAPTER 16 Differentiated Integration and the Single Supervisory Mechanism: Which Way Forward for the European Banking Authority?
Pierre Schammo.

For further information, please see the publisher’s website.

Article L. 212-1 du code du patrimoine

Cour de cassation française - lun, 06/27/2016 - 12:17

Pourvoi c/ Cour d'appel de Paris, Pôle 2 – Chambre 1, 24 novembre 2015

Catégories: Flux français

Brexit : le droit de l’UE continue à s’appliquer pleinement au et dans le Royaume-Uni

Le 24 juin 2016, à l’annonce des résultats officiels du référendum britannique sur la sortie du Royaume-Uni de l’Union européenne (Brexit), les présidents des institutions de l’Union ont publié une déclaration commune dans laquelle ils regrettent le choix du peuple britannique mais le respecte.

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Catégories: Flux français

Allemagne : un « accord de paix » entre la Cour constitutionnelle fédérale et la CJUE ?

Au travers de sa décision rendue le 21 juin 2016 sur le programme d’opérations monétaires sur titre de la Banque centrale européenne, la Cour constitutionnelle fédérale a redéfini son rôle dans le dialogue avec la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne (CJUE).

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Catégories: Flux français

Brexit – Immediate Consequences on the London Judicial Market

Conflictoflaws - ven, 06/24/2016 - 11:14

Prof. Burkhard Hess and Prof. Marta Requejo-Isidro, Max Planck Institute Luxembourg

One of the major misunderstandings of the Brexit is that it won’t influence London’s importance as a major place of dispute resolution in Europe. Up until now, the adverse consequences of leaving the European Judicial Area have been insufficiently discussed. A first seminar organized by the British Institute for International and Comparative Law and the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for Procedural Law in May illustrated that the adverse legal consequences will start immediately, even within the transitional period of two years foreseen by Article 50 of the EU Treaty. We would like to briefly summarize the main findings of this seminar which can also be found (as a video) at the websites of the MPI Luxembourg and of BIICL.

Regarding private international and procedural law, all EU instruments on common rules for jurisdiction, parallel proceedings and cross-border enforcement will cease to exist after the transitional period, not only in areas such as insolvency and family matters, but also in the core areas of civil and commercial matters. Judgments given by English courts will no longer profit from the free movement of judgments. Their recognition and enforcement will depend on (outdated) bilateral agreements which were concluded between the 1930 and 1960s. As there are only six bilateral agreements, the autonomous, piecemeal provisions of EU Member States’ regimes regarding the recognition of the judgments of third States will apply. Of course, there might be negotiations on a specific regime between the Union and the United Kingdom, but the EU Commission might be well advised to tackle the more pressing problems of the Union (i.e. the refugee crisis where no solidarity is to be expected from the UK) instead of losing time and strength in bilateral negotiations.

From the European perspective, there is now a need to carefully evaluate the benefits of a bilateral agreement with the United Kingdom on issues of private international law. The main interest of the Union won’t be to maintain or to strengthen London’s dominant position in the European judicial market: EU Member States might equally provide for modern and highly-qualified legal services ready to attract commercial litigants and high-value litigation & arbitration. Examples in this respect are The Netherlands and Sweden. In addition, there is a genuine interest of the Union to see mandatory EU law applied in disputes related to the Internal Market by courts operating within its regulatory framework. A perfect example in this respect, as pointed out by Dr. Matteo Gargantini, – former senior research fellow at the MPI Luxembourg – is provided by the directives concerning the financial markets. Here, the so-called MiFID II provides for a dense regulatory framework where a clear distinction is made between EU Member States and third States. In the future, the United Kingdom will qualify a third State in this respect. This entails that jurisdiction and arbitration clauses providing for the jurisdiction of English courts and/or for London as a seat of arbitration cannot be agreed. The pertinent provision (Article 46 § 6) of the MiFID II reads as follows:

“Third-country firms providing services or performing activities in accordance with this Article shall, before providing any service or performing any activity in relation to a client established in the Union, offer to submit any disputes relating to those services or activities to the jurisdiction of a court or arbitral tribunal in a Member State.”

This provision only applies to professional investors. For retail investors, Member States can even mandate that the investment firm establishes a branch in their territory, which of course would impact jurisdiction (also in the light of limitations to jurisdiction agreement vis-à-vis consumers). Here, Article Art. 39 MiFID II says:

“A Member State may require that a third-country firm intending to provide investment services or perform investment activities with or without any ancillary services to retail clients or to professional clients within the meaning of Section II of Annex II in its territory establish a branch in that Member State.”

These provisions entail direct and immediate consequences. Jurisdiction and arbitration clauses in contracts will apply to future controversies, and as such, their validity will be scrutinized at the moment when a dispute arises. An agreement made today to establish London as the place of dispute resolution will no longer guarantee the validity of that respective clause in two years’ time. In other words, law firms would be well advised to no longer agree to these clauses as their validity will be challenged in every civil court within the European Union. Sending anti-suit injunctions abroad won’t help either: firstly, their recognition by the courts of EU Member States is not guaranteed (and will depend on the fragmented autonomous laws of EU Member States). Secondly, mandatory EU law (the pertinent articles of MiFID II, for example) will certainly forbid any recognition within the Union. As a result, parties will lose additional money for unnecessary satellite litigation. Finally, the ratification of the Hague Choice of Court Convention or the Lugano Convention will not provide a means to overcome the problem as the MiFID will apply independently from any international framework. This example demonstrates that there might be much more interest on the English side in negotiating with the Union than the other way around. It also shows that there is a need to consider most carefully the immediate consequences of the Brexit.

European Parliament approves enhanced Cooperation in the Area of Property Regimes of International Couples and registered partnerships

Conflictoflaws - ven, 06/24/2016 - 10:42

In a plenary vote, the European Parliament has formally approved  the two proposals on property regimes for international married couples or registered partnerships (see our earlier post) on 23 June 2016 (click here for the press release). The proposals will now need to be formally adopted by the 18 participating member states and will then be published in the Official Journal of the EU. They will apply in full 30 months and 20 days after publication.

Il tribunale di Milano sulla localizzazione del credito ai fini di un sequestro conservativo presso terzi

Aldricus - ven, 06/24/2016 - 08:00

In un’ordinanza del 21 aprile 2016, il Tribunale di Milano ha individuato il parametro fattuale a cui ancorare la sussistenza della giurisdizione rispetto ad una domanda di sequestro conservativo di crediti presso terzi.

La vicenda alla base della pronucia puó essere riassunta come segue.

Il creditore procedente, sulla base di una sentenza della High Court of Justice inglese, dichiarata esecutiva in Italia in base al regolamento n. 44/2001 (Bruxelles I), chiedeva al giudice italiano il sequestro conservativo di un credito vantato dalla propria parte debitrice nei confronti di un terzo, residente a Montecarlo ma domiciliato a Milano.

In ragione della parrallela pendenza di un procedimento di opposizione avverso l’ordinanza di exequatur, instaurato dal debitore, l’attività esecutiva espletabile sulla base del titolo estero era infatti limitata ai soli provvedimenti di carattere conservativo (art. 47, par. 3, del Regolamento Bruxelles I).  Similmente, l’attuale art. 44 par.1, lett. a), del regolamento n. 1215/2012 (Bruxelles I bis) prevede che, in pendenza di una domanda di diniego dell’esecuzione, l’autorità dello Stato Membro a cui è richiesta l’esecuzione possa, su istanza di parte, “limitare il procedimento di esecuzione ai provvedimenti cautelari”.

Nel caso in esame, la richiesta di sequestro riguardava, in particolare, le somme dovute dal terzo (promissario acquirente) alla parte debitrice nel procedimento in esame (promittente venditore) sulla base di un contratto preliminare di compravendita di immobili, e le somme già versate dal terzo sulla base del contratto medesimo.

Il Tribunale milanese, rilevata innanzitutto la necessità di verificare la sussistenza della giurisdizione italiana rispetto alla domanda di sequestro conservativo, individua la norma di riferimento nell’art. 22 del citato regolamento n. 44/2001 (corrispondente all’attuale art. 24, par. 5, del regolamento Bruxelles I bis). Questo prevede, “in materia di esecuzione delle decisioni”, la competenza esclusiva dei “giudici dello Stato Membro nel cui territorio ha luogo l’esecuzione”.

Alla luce del carattere esclusivo di tale capo di giurisdizione, il giudice procedente ritiene di escludere, nel caso di specie, la rilevanza di una qualsivoglia accettazione tacita di giurisdizione desumibile dal fatto che il terzo sia comparso in udienza senza nulla eccepire sul punto.

Al contrario, secondo il giudice, la verifica circa la sussistenza della giurisdizione italiana deve ispirarsi ad una lettura teleologicamente orientata della suddetta regola di giurisdizione, che tenga conto della necessità di concretizzare il principio di prossimità rispetto una fattispecie, come quella in esame, in cui l’oggetto dell’attività esecutiva richiesta – il credito – presenta una natura immateriale che ne rende difficile la localizzazione.

Su queste basi, il Tribunale ritiene di disattendere la ricostruzione proposta dalle Sezioni unite della Corte di cassazione nella sentenza 5 Novembre 1981 n. 5827, con cui si ancorava la giurisdizione in materia di esecuzione delle decisioni al luogo in cui è sorta o deve essere adempiuta l’obbligazione. Parimenti inadeguato è parso al giudice il suggerimento della dottrina di localizzare l’attività esecutiva da espletare presso il terzo al luogo ove questi si trova, essendo egli il vero soggetto passivo dell’esecuzione.

Secondo l’ordinanza qui segnalata, nessuna di queste soluzioni è in grado garantire in misura sufficiente il rispetto di quei principi – in particolare, prossimità ed efficiente amministrazione della giustizia sotto il profilo istruttorio – che, per consolidata giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia, devono guidare l’interprete nella localizzazione della fattispecie ai fini delle regole uniformi di giurisdizione stabilite dal Regolamento Bruxelles I. La sussistenza della giurisdizione può semmai essere affermata soltanto sulla base di una complessiva valutazione del rapporto dal quale il credito da sequestrare deriva. In particolare, la presenza di un promissario acquirente e di un promittente venditore, entrambi domiciliati in Italia, che concludono – a Milano – un contratto preliminare avente ad oggetto immobili siti in Italia consente, nel caso specifico, di ritenere che il rapporto tra debitore e terzo sia sottoposto alla giurisdizione del giudice italiano.

Quanto alle difese allegate dall’asserito debitore, l’eccezione di prescrizione del diritto vantato dal creditore sequestrante, avanzata in sede di opposizione alla dichiarazione di esecutività e riproposta davanti al giudice adito con la domanda di sequestro, è ritenuta da quest’ultimo non proponibile nel procedimento in esame, ma solo, eventualmente, nel successivo procedimento esecutivo vero e proprio. Tale eccezione, nota il giudice, è tuttavia di dubbia ammissibilità anche in sede di opposizione all’exequatur, posto che essa non figura tra la lista (esaustiva) dei motivi per cui il giudice può, ai sensi dell’art. 45 del regolamento Bruxelles I, revocare l’exequatur.

CEDH : la déchéance du régime de faveur des marchands de biens n’est pas une peine

La Cour européenne des droits de l’homme (CEDH) a jugé, dans une décision du 17 mai 2016 (communiquée le 9 juin 2016), que la déchéance du régime de faveur français des marchands de biens ne constitue pas une peine au sens de l’article 7 de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme (pas de peine sans loi).

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Catégories: Flux français


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