Others have reported in some detail, and I am happy to refer, on Arlewin v Sweden at the ECtHR – the second Strasbourg conflicts ruling I report on in more or less one week. Epra have a short and sweet review, based mostly on the Court’s press release but useful nevertheless: they for instance suggest that Strasbourg have extended e-Date Advertising’s centre of interests rule for infringement of personality rights via the internet, to transmission by satellite. Dirk Voorhoof takes the media regulation angle. Dr Takis has the most extensive review over at Profs Peers and Barnard’s EU law analysis.
The case is a good illustration of an important port of entry for the ECHR into EU conflicts law in commercial litigation at least (I am not talking here of family law): Article 6’s right to fair trial. (See here for more extensive review of the Convention’s impact on European private international law). Strasbourg and Luxemburg are playing combination football here: the ECtHR approving of the CJEU’s application of the Brussels I Regulation in the case of libel and defamation. Especially with the EC’s recent shift of focus to the plaintiff’s position rather than the defendant’s , nothing guarantees of course that in the future EU law at this point might not be at odds with human rights law.
(Handbook of) EU private international law, 2nd ed, 2016, Chapter 2, Heading .
On 17 June 2016, the University of Milan will host a conference on The 2030 Agenda and the SDGs: Challenges of Implementation in a Global Perspective.
Speakers include Jean-Louis De Brouwer (EU Commission), Mariarosa Cutillo (UNFPA) and Thomas Schoenbaum (UW School of Law).
Nerina Boschiero (Univ. Milan) will introduce the discussion, while Tullio Treves (Univ. Milan) will draw the conclusions.
The programme of the event is available here.
— This is the amended version of a post published on 14 June 2016.
On 17 June 2016 the University Milano-Bicocca will host a conference on Divorce and parental responsibility under the Brussels II bis Regulation.
The participation to the colloquium is reserved to judges and attorneys selected by the Scuola Superiore della Magistratura and by the Associazione Italiana degli Avvocati per la famiglia e per i minori (AIAF).
Presentations will be given by academics from Italy, Croatia, Spain and Lithuania on issues such as the habitual residence and the hearing of the child, prorogation of jurisdiction and transfer of proceedings.
Speakers include Maria Caterina Baruffi (Univ. Verona), Carola Ricci (Univ. Pavia) and Costanza Honorati (Univ. Milano Bicocca).
Further information may be found in the flyer of the initiative, available here.
Scade il 15 luglio 2016 il termine per iscriversi all’edizione 2016 di EULoS, una summer school sui temi del diritto del mare rivolta a laureati e dottorandi, organizzata dalle Università di Genova e Brema, dalla Hochschule Bremerhaven e dall’Institut für Seevölkerrecht und Internationales Meeresumweltrecht di Brema.
I corsi si terranno a Brema, fra il 22 agosto e il 2 settembre 2016.
Come la passata edizione, anche le lezioni di quest’anno toccheranno, fra gli altri, argomenti di interesse internazionalprivatistico.
Maggiori informazioni a questo indirizzo.
On 17 June 2016 the University Milano-Bicocca will host a conference on Divorce and parental responsibility under the Brussels II bis Regulation.
Presentations will be given by academics from Croatia, Spain and Lithuania on issues such as the habitual residence and the hearing of the child, prorogation of jurisdiction and transfer of proceedings.
Further information may be found in the flyer of the initiative, available here.
According to a document of 3 June 2016 (9770/16), the Council of the European Union is expected to confirm a general approach on the Commission’s proposals for two regulations on the property regimes of international couples.
The regulations are meant to implement enhanced cooperation on jurisdiction, applicable law and the recognition and enforcement of decisions in matters of matrimonial property regimes, and on the property consequences of registered partnerships.
The general approach refers to the texts of the regulations as result, respectively, from document 8115/16 and document 8118/16 of the Council, both dated 30 May 2016.
As noticed in an earlier post, eighteen Member States have expressed the intention to take part in the enhanced cooperation.
The adoption of the regulations will take place once the European Parliament has given its opinion in accordance with Article 81(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
In Case C-185/15 Kostanjevec, Kokott AG (not available in English at the time of writing) advised on a number of issues in relation to a counterclaim under Article 6(3) Brussels I (now 8(3) of the Recast). At the core of the dispute lies a leasing contract and the consumer counterclaiming for restitution per unjust enrichment, of the sums she had transferred to counterparty. The counterclaim follows the annulment of the contract between the two, even though Marjan Kostanjevec had initially been ordered to pay.
The first relates to the temporal scope not of the Recast Brussels I Regulation viz Brussels I, but rather simply of Regulation 44/2001, in particular with respect to a Member State (Slovenia) which joined the EU on 1 May 2004. The Brussels Convention had never applied to Slovenia. The proceedings between parties go back to 1995, prompting the EC among others to suggest that per Article 66 of the Regulation (This Regulation shall apply only to legal proceedings instituted…after the entry into force thereof) it simply does not apply. Kokott AG however suggests first of all that the new claim in restitution, followed the use of a separate means of redress under Slovenian law, instituted after the initial claim by the leasing company had been wrapped up in its entirety. Moreover, other language versions refer not to ‘proceedings’ but rather to a claim (defined in C-341/93 Danvaern Production as claims by defendants which seek the pronouncement of a separate judgment or decree. It does not apply to the situation where a defendant raises, as a pure defence, a claim which he allegedly has against the plaintiff (at 18).
Regulation 44/2001 applies therefore, in the view of the AG. I would agree that it should: this is particularly relevant where parties have a long and complex history of litigation. (Similarities here may exist with Nikiforidis, which is in my blog pile). Applying Danvaern Production however for the interpretation of Article 66 I think may be problematic. The raison d’être of Article 6(3) is to help avoid conflicting decisions in cases that are closely related. Even if, per Danvaern, they seek a separate pronouncement, they do essentially relate to reciprocal commitments which are part of the same bundle of facts. (See also Kokott AG herself, in para 44 of her Opinion with reference to the Jenard Report and to Léger AG in Danvaern). It feels a little inconsistent to call upon arguments developed viz inseparable claims (under Art.6(3): Danvaern) to support a thesis of separability (viz the application ratione temporis: they are separate claims even if they have a common history in fact and in contractual liaison).
With reference to C-297/14 Hobohm, the AG subsequently also advises that the counterclaim is covered by the Regulation’s consumer contracts title as having a ‘close link’ with the consumer contract, and, for the sake of completeness, and with reference to Profit SIM, that claims for restitution are covered by (now) Article 7(1) ‘s forum contractus even if they are grounded in the contract at issue not actually having existed.
I am curious how the Court will approach the temporal application issue.
(Handbook of) European Private International law, 2nd ed. 2016, chapter 2, Heading, Heading, Heading 2.1.1
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