Pourvoi c/ Chambre de l'instruction de la cour d'appel de Riom, 05 décembre 2017
Construction immobilière
Sécurité sociale, contentieux
Construction immobilière
Société civile immobilière
Whether the Singapore court has the jurisdiction or power to grant a Mareva injunction in aid of foreign court proceedings was recently considered by the Singapore High Court in PT Gunung Madu Plantations v Muhammad Jimmy Goh Mashun [2018] SGHC 64. Both plaintiff and defendant were Indonesian and the claim related to alleged breaches of duties which the defendant owed to the plaintiff. The plaintiff had obtained leave to serve the writ in Indonesia on the defendant. The defendant thereupon applied, inter alia, to set aside service of the writ and for a declaration that the court has no jurisdiction over him. In response, the plaintiff applied for a Mareva injunction against the defendant in respect of the defendant’s assets in Singapore. The plaintiff had, after the Singapore action was filed, commenced actions in Malaysia and Indonesia covering much the same allegations against the defendant.
Under Singapore law (excluding actions commenced in the Singapore International Commercial Court where different rules apply), leave to serve the writ on the defendant abroad may be granted at the court’s discretion if the plaintiff is able to show: (i) a good arguable case that the claim falls within one of the heads of Order 11 of the Rules of court; (ii) a serious issue to be tried on the merits; and (iii) Singapore is forum conveniens. On the facts, the parties were Indonesian and the alleged misconduct occurred in Indonesia. As the plaintiff was unable to satisfy the third requirement, the court discharged the order for service out the writ out of the jurisdiction. Other orders made in pursuant of the order for service out were also set aside.
On the Mareva injunction, the Singapore High Court adopted the majority approach in the Privy Council decision of Mercedes Benz v Leiduck [1996] 1 AC 284. Lord Mustill had distinguished between two questions, to be approached sequentially: first, the question of whether the court has in personam jurisdiction over the defendant; secondly, the question of whether the court has a power to grant a Mareva injunction to restrain the defendant from disposing of his local assets pending the conclusion of foreign court proceedings. Valid service is required to found in personam jurisdiction under Singapore law. In PT Gunung Madu Plantations, as in Mercedes Benz itself, as the answer to the first question was in the negative, the second question did not arise.
Justice Woo was cognisant of the difficulties caused by hewing to the traditional approach of viewing Mareva relief as strictly ancillary to local proceedings but stated ‘that is a matter that has to be left to a higher court or to the legislature’ (para 54). His Honour referenced developments in the UK and Australia, where freestanding asset freezing orders in aid of foreign proceedings are permitted. Further, the Singapore International Arbitration Act was amended in 2010 to give the court the power to grant an interim injunction in aid of a foreign arbitration. It is likely that legislative intervention will be required to develop Singapore law on this issue.
The judgment may be found here: http://www.singaporelaw.sg/sglaw/laws-of-singapore/case-law/free-law/high-court-judgments/23135-pt-gunung-madu-plantations-v-muhammad-jimmy-goh-mashun
L’article 1er in fine du protocole n° 7 sur les privilèges et immunités de l’Union européenne doit être interprété en ce sens que l’autorisation préalable de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne n’est pas nécessaire lorsqu’un tiers engage une procédure de saisie-arrêt d’une créance auprès d’un organisme relevant d’un État membre et ayant une dette correspondante envers le débiteur du tiers, bénéficiaire de fonds octroyés aux fins de l’exécution de projets cofinancés par le Fonds social européen.
Professor Ronald Brand has recently posted a paper titled “Recognition of Foreign Judgments in China: The Liu Case and the ‘Belt and Road’ Initiative.” The posting includes an English translation of the first Chinese case to recognize and enforce a U.S. judgment, prepared by Yuting Xu. The combined paper and case translation are available here.
By way of a brief summary, in June, 2017, the Wuhan Intermediate People’s Court became the first Chinese court to recognize a U.S. judgment in the case of Liu Li v. Tao Li & Tong Wu. The Liu case is a significant development in Chinese private international law, but represents more than a single decision in a single case. It is one piece of a developing puzzle in which the law on the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in China is a part of a larger set of developments. These developments are inextricably tied to the “One Belt and One Road,” or “Belt and Road” Initiative first announced by Chinese President Xi Jinping on a visit to Kazakhstan in 2013. This article traces the development of the Liu case, from the first judgment in California to the decision to recognize and enforce that judgment in Wuhan, China. It then provides the context within which the decision on recognition and enforcement was made, and the way the decision fits within President Xi’s “Belt and Road” Initiative and the pronouncements of the Chinese People’s Supreme Court which have encouraged the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments as part of that Initiative.
Entreprise en difficulté (Loi du 26 juillet 2005)
In [2018] EWHC 1343 (Comm) Nori Holdings v Otkritie Males J follows exactly the same line as mine in commenting on West Tankers – specifically the bodged attempt in Brussels I Recast to accommodate the concerns over West Tankers’ sailing the Brussels I ship way too far into arbitral shores.
For my general discussion of the issues see here. A timeline:
I agree.
(Handbook of) EU Private International Law, 2nd ed. 2016, Heading
The UM Macao Distinguished Visiting Scholar (MDS), established by University of Macau (UM) under the UM Macao Talent Program, aims to attract established scholars to conduct inter/multi-disciplinary research activities with UM faculty members or to promote joint research projects/publications.
– Associate Professor or above from prestigious universities or research institutions (e.g. top 200 universities of recognized world university rankings or Project 985/211 universities in Mainland China).
– Proven track records in related fields of expertise.
Honorarium and Duration:
– Maximum honorarium of MOP100,000 (around 10, 000 Euros, taxable).
– Agreed visiting period with the hosting faculty.
– University accommodation will be provided.
Application Procedures and Deadline
– Fill in the attached application form “MacaoTalentProgram_AppForm_VisitingScholar” and provide the necessary materials (e.g. copy of identity card/passport, detailed curriculum vitae and visiting plan etc.).
– Submit all application materials to “rdao@umac.mo” (in PDF format).
1st batch: on or before 31/05/2018
2nd batch: on or before 30/09/2018
For any enquiries, please contact us via e-mail to “ummtp@umac.mo” or phone (853) 8822 4388 / 8822 4389 / 8822 4311.
The UM Macao Post-doctoral Fellowship (MPF), established by University of Macau (UM) under the UM Macao Talent Program, aims to attract high-calibre PhD graduates for faculties to sustain and strengthen their research capabilities and build up areas of expertise.
– PhD graduates from reputable universities in the past 1-2 years (e.g. top 200 universities of recognized world university rankings or Project 985/211 universities in Mainland China).
– Outstanding research achievements with proven publication records, patents, etc. in previous research experience.
Honorarium and Duration:
– Monthly remuneration of MOP40,000 (around 4,000 Euros, taxable).
– Annual conference and research related trips allowance of MOP20,000.
– Maximum contract period of 2 years*.
– On campus accommodation will be available at own expense.
* Working permit must be obtained for non-local resident before commence their duties.
Application Procedures and Deadline
– Fill in the attached application form “MacaoTalentProgram_AppForm_PostDoc” and provide the necessary materials (e.g. copy of PhD certification, identity card/passport, detailed curriculum vitae and letter of reference/recommendation etc.).
– Submit all application materials to “rdao@umac.mo” (in PDF format).
1st batch: on or before 31/05/2018
2nd batch: on or before 30/09/2018
For any enquiries, please contact us via e-mail to “ummtp@umac.mo” or phone (853) 8822 4388 / 8822 4389 / 8822 4311.
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