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74/2021 : 29 avril 2021 - Conclusions de l'avocat général dans l'affaire C-783/19

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Thu, 04/29/2021 - 10:21
Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne
Avocat général Pitruzzella : les produits bénéficiant d’une AOP sont protégés contre toute forme de parasitisme commercial

Categories: Flux européens

73/2021 : 29 avril 2021 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-665/20 PPU

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Thu, 04/29/2021 - 10:10
X (Mandat d’arrêt européen - Ne bis in idem)
Espace de liberté, sécurité et justice
La Cour clarifie la portée du principe ne bis in idem applicable lors de l’exécution d’un mandat d’arrêt européen pour des faits qui ont déjà fait l’objet d’une condamnation antérieure dans un pays tiers

Categories: Flux européens

71/2021 : 29 avril 2021 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-383/19

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Thu, 04/29/2021 - 09:59
Ubezpieczeniowy Fundusz Gwarancyjny
Rapprochement des législations
La conclusion d’un contrat d’assurance de la responsabilité civile automobile est obligatoire lorsque le véhicule concerné est immatriculé dans un État membre et qu’il n’a pas été régulièrement retiré de la circulation

Categories: Flux européens

70/2021 : 29 avril 2021 - Arrêts de la Cour de justice dans les affaires C-47/20, C-56/20

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Thu, 04/29/2021 - 09:57
Stadt Karlsruhe (Reconnaissance d’un permis de conduire renouvelé)
Un État membre peut refuser de reconnaître un permis de conduire simplement renouvelé dans un autre État membre après qu’il a interdit à son titulaire de conduire sur son territoire

Categories: Flux européens

69/2021 : 29 avril 2021 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-815/19

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Thu, 04/29/2021 - 09:55
Le droit de l’Union interdit l’ajout de l’algue Lithothamnium calcareum dans la transformation de denrées alimentaires biologiques telles que des boissons biologiques à base de riz et de soja aux fins de leur enrichissement en calcium

Categories: Flux européens

Further Brexit Troubles: German Courts Force British Claimants to Provide Security for Costs

EAPIL blog - Thu, 04/29/2021 - 08:00

As the dust settles, the consequences of the British departure from the EU are becoming clearer, including those for British parties litigating on the Continent. Two of Germany’s highest courts have recently ordered litigants with a habitual residence in the UK to provide security for the likely costs of the defendants, which the claimants would have to pay under the German loser pays-system. The decision was taken by both the Federal Supreme Court on 1 March 2021 and by the Federal Patent Court on 15 March 2021. Both rulings have been discussed on the Dispute Resolution Germany blog by Peter Bert here and here.

Duty to Provide Security for Costs under German Procedural Law

Although German procedural law in principle envisages the possibility of an obligation to provide security if demanded by the defendant (see e.g. sec. 110 of the German Code of Civil Procedure and sec. 81(6) of the German Patent Code), the requirement for a UK resident claimant to post security for costs had been illegal as long as the UK was part of the EU. Already in 1997, the ECJ outlawed such demands by German courts in case C-323/95, David Charles Hayes and Jeannette Karen Hayes v Kronenberger GmbH. This decision was based on the prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of nationality (today Art 18 TFEU, ex Art 12 TEC).

As a consequence, litigants with a residence in the EU or the wider EEA have been exempted from the requirement to provide security for costs under sec. 110 of the German Code of Civil Procedure. With Britain now having left the EU and the the transition period having expired, it is reasonably clear the exemption no longer covers UK based claimants, who as of 1 January 2021 may need to provide security for costs upfront.

Exceptions to the Obligation to Provide Security for Legal Costs

Sec. 110(2) no 1 of the German Code of Civil Procedure and by reference also sec. 81(6) 1 German Patent Code provides an exception from the claimant’s obligation to post security for costs where “due to international Treaties, no such security deposit may be demanded”. This exception caused the Federal Patent Court to examine more deeply the legal relations between the UK and Germany post-Brexit.

The Court first analyses the Hague Convention on Civil Procedure 1954, which bans   security for costs in Art. 17. This Convention has however not been signed by the UK.

Next, the Federal Patent Court mentions the 1928 Convention Between His Majesty and the President of the German Reich regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Besides matters such as cross-border service and taking of evidence, the Convention also provides in its Art. 14 that the subjects or citizens of one contracting party “shall not be compelled to give security for costs in any case where a subject or citizen of such other Contracting Party would not be so compelled”. Yet this clause applies only under the proviso “that they are resident in any such territory”, which means the territory of the contracting party where a claim is brought. Since the British claimants in the cases at hand were not resident in Germany, they could not rely on this clause.

The Court further analyses the European Convention on Establishment, which was concluded under the auspices of the Council of Europe in 1955 and binds a number of states, including Germany and the UK. Its Art. 9 and 30 set out exceptions from the requirement to post security for costs. Yet these provisions are limited to natural persons, whereas the claimant in the case discussed was a corporation.

Finally, the Federal Patent Court also discusses the Trade and Corporation Agreement concluded between the EU and the UK on Christmas Eve 2020. Its Art. IP.6 provides for some special rules with regard to the protection of IP rights. But they only cover the “availability, acquisition, scope, maintenance, and enforcement of intellectual property rights” as well as matters affecting the use of intellectual property rights specifically addressed in the TCA. Security for costs is not among them.

Since there was thus no international treaty in the sense of sec. 110(2) no 1 of the German Code of Civil Procedure, the Federal Patent Court decided that the British claimant had to provide security for costs.

The Relevance of the Brussels Convention 1968

Peter Bert discusses in the Dispute Resolution Germany Blog whether the continued applicability of the Brussels Convention 1968, which has been debated various times in this blog, might change the outcome. From my point of view, this is not the case, as the Convention does not address the issue of security for costs but is focused on issues of jurisdiction as well as recognition and enforcement of judgments.


The two German court decisions illustrate the complexity of international litigation post-Brexit. Courts and parties need to deal with a plethora of often dated international conventions concluded before the UK’s accession to the EU. The decisions clearly show the weaknesses of the lack of international agreements and the disadvantages of Brexit for claimants in Germany who are habitually resident in the UK. The situation in other Member States might well be different from Germany’s, possibly giving rise to even further complications.

Virtual Workshop on May 4: Marta Pertegás Sender on connections and disconnections between local, regional and global norms

Conflictoflaws - Wed, 04/28/2021 - 18:30
On Tuesday, May 4, 2021, the Hamburg Max Planck Institute will host its tenth monthly virtual workshop in private international law at 11:00-12:30. Since January of this year, we are alternating between English and German language. Marta Pertegás Sender (Maastricht University) will speak, in English, about the topic Between Global and Regional Private International Law – Seamless Transitions From Regulations to Conventions? The presentation will be followed by open discussion. All are welcome. More information and sign-up here This is the ninth such lecture in the series, after those by Mathias Lehmann in June, Eva-Maria Kieninger in JulyGiesela Rühl in SeptemberAnatol Dutta in OctoberSusanne Gössl in November, Marc-Philippe Weller in DecemberMacjiej Szpunar in January,  Dagmar Coester-Waltjen in FebruaryHoratia Muir Watt in March, and Burkhard Hess in April.  On June 1 we will host Tania Domej (Zurich University), on July 6 Hannah Buxbaum (Indiana University). Stay tuned! If you want to be invited to these events in the future, please write to veranstaltungen@mpipriv.de

CJEU Rules on Law Governing Avoidance of Third Party Payment of Contract

EAPIL blog - Wed, 04/28/2021 - 08:00

On 22 April 2021, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled on the law governing the avoidance of the payment of a contractual obligaton by a third party in Z.M. v. E.A. Frerichs, Case C-73/20 (see the previous reports of K. Pacula and G. van Calster).


The issue arose in the context of the insolvency of a German company, Oeltrans Befrachtungsgesellschaft, in Germany. Oeltrans had made a payment to Dutch company Frerichs, that the liquidator of Oeltrans sought to challenge pursuant to the German law of detrimental acts.

The payment had been made for the purpose of performing a contact concluded between Frerichs and Tankfracht GmbH, a German company which belonged to the same group as Oeltrans. It was accepted that Dutch law governed the contract.

While the payment could be challenged under German law, it could not under Dutch law.


In principle, it was clear that the law of the insolvency governed any action for challenging detrimental acts (Art 4 – today 7- of the Insolvency Regulation). The only exception is the famous then article 13 (today 16) of the European Insolvency Regulation, which refers to the law governing the relevant act:

Article 4(2)(m) shall not apply where the person who benefited from an act detrimental to all the creditors provides proof that:

–        the said act is subject to the law of a Member State other than that of the State of the opening of proceedings, and

–        that law does not allow any means of challenging that act in the relevant case.

The question was, therefore, whether the law governing the relevant act, the payment, was the law of the contract. Importantly, the detrimental act was not the contract, to which the insolvent debtor was a third party. It was a payment made by a third party for the purpose of performing a contract.

Rationale of Article 13

The issue raised was primarily one of insolvency law, and the judgment rightly focuses on the interpretation of Article 13.

The court repeats that the rationale of the exception in Article 13 is to protect the expectations of the party who contracted with the insolvent debtor. That party, the court explains, cannot foresee that its debtor could become insolvent, and where such proceedings could be opened.

33. A party to a contract who has benefited from a payment made by its contracting partner or by a third party in performance of that contract cannot reasonably be required to foresee that insolvency proceedings may be opened against that contracting partner or that third party and, if so, in which Member State those proceedings will be opened.

Nothing in this rationale is convincing. Any reasonable businessman knows that his contractual partners may become insolvent. And, if this businessman has any knowledge of private international law (unlikely, but his lawyers should), he/they will know that the insolvency proceedings would be opened in the country of origin of that partner, and that the law of that country will apply. The surprise, if any, is the existence of Art. 13, and the remarkable result to which it leads: contract law trumps insolvency law.

Article 13 is more simply a failure of European integration, which prevents the recognition of insolvency proceedings within the EU. There are many other such rules in the Insolvency Regulation. This is the political compromise that the Member States reached when they negotiated the Regulation 20 years ago.

Encouraging Fraud?

It is not for the CJEU to change this political compromise and to delete Article 13 (although the Court has not hesitated to move beyond the political compromise of Member States in other circumstances, when interpeting the Evidence Regulation for instance).

But the Court needs not extend the scope of Article 13 beyond what is necessary and encourage fraud.

In Vinyls Italia (Case C-54/16), the Court had accepted that the parties to a domestic contract could avoid the application of insolvency law by choosing a foreign law to govern their contract and shield it against insolvency proceedings.

In the  present case, the insolvent debtor was asked by another company from the same group to pay under a contract concluded by the other company of the group. This looked very suspicious indeed. Was the goal to put the funds of the insolvent company beyond the reach of its creditors by releasing a company of the same group from one of its debts? Maybe not in this case, but it is now possible to do exactly that in the future.

So it might have been possible to determine the law governing the payment in a more objective way than simply submitting it to the law of a contract that the parties may freely choose (including if it is a domestic contract).

A possible solution could have been to decide that the payment was governed by the law of the place where the payment occurred.

Concentrations d’entreprises : la Commission européenne accepte le premier « renvoi de l’article 22 »

Pour la première fois, la Commission va examiner une opération de concentration qui n’est pas soumise à l’obligation de notification au regard des seuils nationaux de chiffres d’affaires.

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Categories: Flux français

Conservation des données : la Cour constitutionnelle belge donne sa lecture

Contrairement au Conseil d’État, la Cour constitutionnelle belge estime que l’arrêt de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne La Quadrature du net impose aux États de renoncer, pour l’essentiel, à la conservation généralisée et indifférenciée des données de connexion.

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Categories: Flux français

Pas de fermeture immédiate des locaux situés à la frontière franco-italienne

Pour le juge des référés du Conseil d’État, les conditions dans lesquelles sont retenus provisoirement dans les locaux de la police à la frontière franco-italienne, des ressortissants des pays tiers à l’Union européenne, faisant l’objet d’un refus d’entrée en France en attente de leur réacheminement vers l’Italie, ne révèlent pas, en l’état de l’instruction, une atteinte grave et manifestement illégale aux libertés fondamentales de nature à justifier la fermeture immédiate de ces locaux de mise à l’abri et de rétention. 

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Categories: Flux français

Von Hein and Kruger on Informed Choices in Cross-Border Enforcement

EAPIL blog - Tue, 04/27/2021 - 08:00

Jan von Hein and Thalia Kruger are the editors of a new volume published with Intersentia on Informed Choices in Cross-Border Enforcement. The European State of the Art and Future Perspectives. The book is dedicated to the functioning of the European Uniform Procedures in eight Member States (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, and Spain), and is the outcome of the research project financed by the European Commission called Informed Choices in Cross-Border Enforcement (IC2BE).

The blurb of the book reads as follows:

How to choose the most beneficial enforcement regime for cross-border claims of a client? A question considerably complicated by (1) the existence of various European Union enforcement tools and (2) particularities in the national legal systems that impact on the operation and suitability of the various enforcement tools.

This book compares and analyses the practical utility and potential pitfalls of the 2nd generation regulations (European Enforcement Order, European Order for Payment, European Small Claims Procedure and European Account Preservation Order) and their relation to Brussels I-bis. Further, it analyses whether and to what extent all of the 2nd generation EU regulations prove their worth in the cross-border enforcement of claims, and which measures can be recommended for their practical improvement and for achieving greater consistency in European enforcement law.

The work is based on an extensive evaluation of case law (more than 500 published and unpublished), empirical data (150 interviews with practitioners) and literature from eight Member States (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Spain) and the Court of Justice of the European Union. It provides an extensive and up-to-date picture of the cross-border enforcement of claims across Europe and is an important resource for academics and practitioners alike.

Additionally, the case law that was used for the analysis can be consulted online in a free access database. This includes the decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union (here) and the English summaries (and in certain cases also the links to the original decisions) of the judgments of the national courts regarding the four European procedures (here).

More information about the IC2BE project can be found here.

International Doctorate Programme “Business and Human Rights: Governance Challenges in a Complex World”

Conflictoflaws - Mon, 04/26/2021 - 21:47

Funded by Elite Network of Bavaria the International Doctorate Programme „Business and Human Rights: Governance Challenges in a Complex World“ (IDP B&HR_Governance) establishes an inter- and transdisciplinary research forum for excellent doctoral projects addressing practically relevant problems and theoretically grounded questions in the field of business and human rights. Research in the IDP B&HR_Governance will focus on four distinct areas:

  • Global value chains and transnational economic governance
  • Migration and changing labour relations
  • Digital transformation
  • Environmental sustainability

The IDP’s research profile builds on law and management as the core disciplines of B&HR complemented by sociology, political, and information sciences. Close cooperation with partners from businesses, civil society, and political actors will enable the doctoral researchers to develop their projects in a broader context to ensure practical relevance. The IDP’s curriculum, lasting for eight semesters, aims at contributing to the professional development of independent and critical researchers through a variety of courses, research retreats, colloquia, and conferences as well as the possibility of practical projects.

The IDP B&HR_Governance will include up to twenty doctoral researchers selected through a competitive process and sixteen principal investigators from Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), the University of Bayreuth and Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg (JMU). The IDP involves law, management, sociology, political sciences and information systems.

The IDP B&HR_Governance will offer a comprehensive and innovative curriculum for the doctoral researchers. Its activities will commence on 1 November 2021.

The Acting Spokesperson of the IDP B&HR_Governance is Professor Markus Krajewski.

The IDP includes the following professors:


Call for Applications (12 doctoral research positions) – Deadline 15 June 2021


The IDP B&HR invites applications for 12 doctoral research positions (4-year contract) starting 1 November 2021.

Applicants need an excellent university degree at master’s level in a relevant discipline (law, management, sociology, political, or information science) and very good knowledge of English. International, intercultural, and practical experiences will be an asset.

An application comprises the following documents:

  • Research proposal (in English, max. 5000 words)
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Letter of motivation (in English, max. 1000 words)
  • Writing sample, e.g. published article, thesis or seminar paper.
  • Certificates of all university degrees with corresponding transcript of records

Applications must be sent in a single PDF document by 15 June 2021 to humanrights-idp@fau.de

The full Call for Applications can found here.

Update: EU Sues AstraZeneca

EAPIL blog - Mon, 04/26/2021 - 17:02

On Friday, 23 April 2021, we informed our readers about an article on the legal aspects of a possible claim brought by the EU against the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca. The post could not have been timelier. Today (Monday, 26 April 2021), the Commission announced it has indeed commenced legal proceedings last Friday against AstraZeneca due to vaccine shortages.

The action was brought before the Belgian courts, as is provided for under the contract between both parties and as was predicted in the article authored by Sixto Sánchez Lorenzo.

Stefan de Keersmaecker, a spokesman on health issues for the Commission, said:

The reason indeed being that the terms of the contract, or some terms of the contract, have not been respected and the company has not been in a position to come up with a reliable strategy to ensure the timely delivery of doses.

It is reported that the decision to bring the action was made jointly with all 27 Member States. It is unclear whether this means the Member States have formally joined or merely support the  action. The further developments remain to be seen.

Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 3/2021: Abstracts

Conflictoflaws - Mon, 04/26/2021 - 16:04

The latest issue of the „Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax)“ features the following articles:


A. Dickinson: Realignment of the Planets – Brexit and European Private International Law

At 11pm (GMT) on 31 December 2020, the United Kingdom moved out of its orbit of the European Union’s legal system, with the end of the transition period in its Withdrawal Agreement and the conclusion of the new Trade and Cooperation Agreement. This article examines the impact of this realignment on private international law, for civil and commercial matters, within the legal systems of the UK, the EU and third countries with whom the UK and the EU had established relationships before their separation. It approaches that subject from three perspectives. First, in describing the rules that will now be applied by UK courts to situations connected to the remaining EU Member States. Secondly, by examining more briefly the significance for the EU and its Member States of the change in the UK’s status from Member State to third country. Thirdly, by considering the impact on the UK’s and the EU’s relationships with third countries, with particular reference to the 2007 Lugano Convention and Hague Choice of Court Convention.  The principal focus will be on questions of jurisdiction, the recognition and enforcement of judgments and choice of law for contract and tort.


S. Zwirlein-Forschner: Road Tolls in Conflict of Laws and International Jurisdiction – a Cross-Border Journey between the European Regulations

Charging tolls for road use has recently undergone a renaissance in Europe – mainly for reasons of equivalence and climate protection. The payment of such road tolls can be organized either under public or under private law. If a person resident in Germany refuses to pay a toll which is subject to foreign private law, the toll creditor can sue the debtor for payment at its general place of jurisdiction in Germany. From the perspective of international private law, such claim for payment of a foreign toll raises a number of complex problems to be examined in this article.


T. Pfeiffer: Effects of adoption and succession laws in US-German cases – the example of Texas

The article discusses how adoption and succession laws are intertwined in cases of adoptions of German children by US-parents in post WW2-cases, when Germany still had a contract based system of adoptions. Addressing the laws of Texas as an example, the author demonstrates that, so far, the legal effects of these adoptions have not been analysed completely in the available case law and legal writing. In particular, the article sets forth that, in relation to adoption contracts, Texan conflicts law (like the law of other US States) refers to the law of the adoption state so that the doctrine of a so-called hidden renvoi is irrelevant. Furthermore, in this respect, the renvoi is a partial one only in these cases: Under Texan conflicts law, the reference to the laws of the adoption state is relevant only for the status of being adopted, not for the effects of adoption, e.g. the question to whom the adopted is related; the latter issue is governed by the law of the domicile of the child, which is identical to the adoptive parents’ domicile, at least if this is also the adoptive family’s domicile after the adoption.

Furthermore, the author discusses matters of succession and argues: According to the ECJ’s Mahnkopf decision, a right of inheritance of the adopted child in relation to the biological parents under the laws applicable to the effects of the adoption, as provided for in Texas, has to be characterised as a succession rule, at least if that law provides for a mere right of inheritance, whereas all legal family relations to the biological family are cut off. As a consequence, such a “nude” inheritance right cannot suffice as a basis of succession under German succession laws. Even if one saw that differently, Texan succession conflicts law, for the purpose of succession, would refer to the law of the domicile of the deceased for movables and to the law of the situs for real property. Additionally, even if the Texas right of inheritance in relation to the biological parents constituted a family relationship, this cannot serve as a basis for a compulsory share right.


W. Voß: Qualifying Direct Legal Claims and culpa in contrahendo under European Civil Procedure Law

Legal institutions at the interface between contract and tort, such as the culpa in contrahendo or direct claims arising out of contractual chains, typically elude a clear, uniform classification even within the liability system of substantive national law. Even more so, qualifying them adequately and predictably under European civil procedure law poses a challenge that the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has not yet resolved across the board. In two preliminary rulings, the ECJ now had the opportunity to sharpen the borderline between contractual and noncontractual disputes in the system of jurisdiction under the Brussels I bis Regulation, thus defining the scope of jurisdiction of the place of performance of a contractual obligation and, at the same time, of jurisdiction over consumer contracts. However, instead of ensuring legal clarity in this respect, the two decisions rendered by the ECJ further fragment the autonomous concept of contract under international civil procedural law.


C. Thomale: International jurisdiction for rights in rem in immovable property: co-ownership agreements

The CJEU decision reviewed in this case note, in its essence, concerns the scope of the international jurisdictional venue for immovable property under Art. 24 No. 1 Brussels Ia-Regulation with regard to co-ownership agreements. The note lays out the reasons given by the court. It then moves on to apply these reasons to the Austrian facts, from which the preliminary ruling originated. Finally, some rational weaknesses of the Court’s reasoning are pointed out while sketching out a new approach to determining the fundamental purpose of Art. 24 No. 1 Brussels Ia-Regulation.


F. Rieländer: Solving the riddle of “limping” legal parentage: “Pater est” presumption vs. Acknowledgment of paternity before birth

In its judgment of 5/5/2020, the Kammergericht Berlin (Higher Regional Court of Berlin) addressed one of the main outstanding issues of German private international law of filiation. When children are born out of wedlock, but within close temporal relation to a divorce, the competing connecting factors provided for in Art. 19 (1) EGBGB (Introductory Act to the German Civil Code) are apt to create mutually inconsistent results in respect of the allocation of legal parentage. While it is firmly established that parenthood of the (former) husband, assigned at the time of birth by force of law, takes priority over any subsequently established filiation by a voluntary act of recognition, the Kammergericht held that where legal parentage is simultaneously allocated to the husband by one of the alternatively applicable laws and to a third person by way of recognition of paternity before birth according to a competing law, the (domestic) law of the state of the child’s habitual residence takes precedence. Though the judgment is well argued, it remains to be seen whether the controversial line of reasoning submitted by the Kammergericht will stand up to a review by the Bundesgerichtshof (German Federal Court of Justice). Nonetheless, the decision arguably ought to be upheld in any event. In circumstances such as those in the instant case, where divorce proceedings had commenced, recognition of legal parentage by a third person with the consent of the child’s mother and her husband is to be treated as a contestation of paternity for the purposes of Art. 20 EGBGB. Thus, according to domestic law, which was applicable to the contestation of paternity since the child’s habitual residence was situated in Germany, any possible legal ties between the child and the foreign husband of its mother were eliminated by a recognition of parentage by a German citizen despite suspicions of misuse. All in all, the judgment demonstrates once again the need for a comprehensive reform of German private international law of filiation.


Mark Makowsky: The attribution of a specific asset to the heir in the European Succession Certificate

According to Art. 63 (2) lit. b and Art. 68 lit. l of the European Succession Regulation, the European Certificate of Succession (ECS) may be used to demonstrate the attribution of a specific asset to the heir and shall contain, if applicable, the list of assets for any given heir. In the case at hand the ECS, which was issued by the Austrian probate court and submitted to the German land registry, assigned land plot situated in Germany solely to one of the co-heirs. The Higher Regional Court of Munich found, that the ECS lacked the presumption of accuracy, because the applicable Austrian inheritance law provides for universal succession and does not stipulate an immediate separation and allocation of the estate. Contrary to the court’s reasoning, however, Austrian inheritance law does allow singular succession of a co-heir, if (1) the co-heirs agree on the distribution of the estate before the probate court orders the devolution of property and (2) the court’s devolution order refers to this agreement. The presumption of accuracy of the ECS with respect to the attribution of specific assets is therefore not excluded by legal reasons. In the specific case, however, the entry in the land register was not based on the ECS, but on the devolution order of the Austrian probate court, which does not include a reference to a previous agreement of the co-heirs on the distribution of the estate. As a consequence, the devolution order proves that the land plot has become joint property of the community of heirs and that the ECS is therefore inaccurate.


R. Hüßtege: Internet research versus expert opinion

German courts have to determine the applicable foreign law by virtue of their authority. The sources of knowledge they rely on are based on their discretionary powers. In most cases, however, their own internet research will not be sufficient to meet the high demands that discretion demands. As a general rule, courts will therefore continue to have to seek expert opinions from a national or foreign scientific institute in order to take sufficient account of legal practice abroad.


A.R. Markus: Cross-Border Attachment of Bank Accounts in Switzerland and the European Account Preservation Order

On 18 January 2017 the Regulation on European Account Preservation Order (EAPO Regulation) came into force. It allows the creditor to place a security in a bank account so that enforcement can be carried out from an existing title or a title yet to be created. The provisions of the abovementioned Regulation stand beside existing national provisions with a similar purpose. As a non-EU member state, Switzerland does not fall within the scope of application of the EAPO Regulation and the provisional distraint of bank accounts is thus exclusively governed by national law. The present article illustrates in detail the attachment procedure under the Swiss Debt Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law. Comparative reference is made to the provisions of the EAPO Regulation. Finally, the recognition and enforcement of foreign interim measures, which is often crucial in cross-border cases, will be addressed. The article shows that there are considerable differences between the instruments provided by the Swiss law and those provided by the EU law.


J. Ungerer: English public policy against foreign limitation periods

Significantly different from the EU conflict-of-laws regime of the Rome I and II Regulations, the British autonomous regime provides for a special public policy exception in the Foreign Limitation Periods Act 1984, whose design and application are critically examined in this paper. When English courts employ this Act, which could become particularly relevant after the Brexit transition period, the public policy exception not only has a lower threshold and lets undue hardship suffice, it also leads to the applicability of English limitation law and thereby splits the governing law. The paper analyses the relevant case law and reviews the recent example of Roberts v Soldiers [2020] EWHC 994, in which the three-years limitation period of the applicable German law was found to cause undue hardship.


E. Jayme: Forced sales of art works belonging to the Jewish art dealer René Gimpel in France during the Nazi–period of German occupation – The Court of Appeal of Paris (Sept. 30, 2020) orders the restitution of three paintings by André Derain from French public museums to the heirs of René Gimpel

The heirs of the famous French art dealer René Gimpel brought an action in France asking for the restitution of three paintings by André Derain from French public museums. René Gimpel was of Jewish origin and lost his art works – by forced sales or by expropriation – during the German occupation of France; he died in a concentration camp. The court based its decision in favor of the plaintiffs on the “Ordonnance n. 45-770 du 21 avril 1945” which followed the London Inter-Allied Declaration of Dispossession Committed in Territories Under Enemy Occupation Control (January 5th 1943).


M. Wietzorek: First Experience with the Monegasque Law on Private International Law of 2017

This essay presents the Monegasque Law concerning Private International Law of 2017, including a selection of related court decisions already handed down by the Monegasque courts. Followed by a note on the application of Monegasque law in a decision of the Regional Court of Munich I of December 2019, it ends with a short summary.


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