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Advanced Introduction to Private International Law and Procedure

Conflictoflaws - Wed, 07/11/2018 - 11:26

Peter Hay (Emory University, School of Law, USA) has recently published a new book on Private International Law and Procedure. Published in the Elgar Advanced Introduction Series the author has kindly provided the following (extended) summary:

This book deals with the problems that arise in international litigation in civil and commercial cases. Some are familiar problems – for instance, when does a court have jurisdiction over an out-of-state defendant? – except that the international context adds complexity. Other problems are unique to the settlement of international disputes, for instance, does another country’s law apply to the substance of the case and how does one get a domestic judgment recognized and enforced in a foreign country?

The presentation is problem-oriented and takes a comparative-law approach. The three parts of the book present the principal problems parties face in dealing with cases with an international dimension. The latter may be either parties in different countries dealing with each other or facts or elements of the case that involve more than the state where suit is brought (the forum state).

There are no international law solutions to these problems, despite the name of the subject of this advanced introduction. “Private International Law” is the national law of each country dealing with international cases involving private law subject matters. Answers to the litigation problems identified and discussed in the text may therefore differ somewhat or substantially depending on the national law lens through which these problems are viewed. For this reason, this volume uses a comparative approach.

There are, of course, many nuances in the national laws around the world (see the Encyclopedia of Private International Law). But two main “systems” (again with differences within each) stand out, at least in the Western world: the civil law system, derived and developed from Roman law, which is the basis of much of European, South American and some other law, and the common law that spread from England to the United States, Canada and the British Commonwealth. To narrow things down, this volume compares – in the main, but not exclusively – the law of the European Union as largely representative of civil-law solutions and the approaches followed in the United States for the common law.

It would be a vast, indeed misleading overstatement to say that the systems show evidence of converging. Nonetheless, and with problems and the need for solutions being similar, some solutions do resemble each other. As the Conclusion suggests, European law has made particular strides in evolving a modern Conflicts law, in some respects adopting some of the flexibility that characterizes American law, but doing this in a circumspect and very principled way. Work on a new Restatement in the United States and beginning work in the Hague Conference on Private International Law on a new effort to come up with a multilateral convention on jurisdiction and judgment recognition may result in significant developments in the not too distant future.

The Brussels International Business Court – My notes for the parliamentary hearing.

GAVC - Wed, 07/11/2018 - 11:11

I was at the Belgian Parliament yesterday for a hearing on the BIBC, following publication of the Government’s draft bill. For those of you who read Dutch, my notes are attached. We were limited to two pages of comments – the note is succinct.

An important change vis-a-vis the initial version (on which I commented here) is that the Court will now be subject to Belgian private international law (including primacy of EU instruments) for choice of law, rather than being able to pick the most appropriate law (arbitration panel style). That brings the court firmly within Brussels I. Also note my view and references on the Court being able to refer to the CJEU for preliminary review.



Contrat de travail : compétence dans l’Union en cas de demande reconventionnelle

L’article 20, § 2, du règlement Bruxelles I confère à l’employeur le droit d’introduire, devant la juridiction régulièrement saisie de la demande originaire introduite par un travailleur, une demande reconventionnelle fondée sur un contrat de cession de créance conclu entre l’employeur et le titulaire initial de la créance à une date postérieure à l’introduction de cette demande originaire.

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Categories: Flux français

Article L. 121-6 du code de la route

Cour de cassation française - Tue, 07/10/2018 - 17:31

Tribunal de police de Châteauroux, 26 juin 2018

Categories: Flux français

Article 885 V bis du code général des impôts

Cour de cassation française - Tue, 07/10/2018 - 17:31

Tribunal de grande instance de Grenoble, 03 juillet 2018

Categories: Flux français

Out Now: Liber Amicorum for Christian Kohler

Conflictoflaws - Tue, 07/10/2018 - 10:22

On 18 June 2018, Professor Dr. Christian Kohler, former General Director at the CJEU and honorary professor for private international law, European civil procedural law and comparative law at the University of Saarbrücken, celebrated his 75th birthday. On this occasion, numerous colleagues and friends both from the CJEU and European academia contributed to a liber amicorum in his honour: Burkhard Hess, Erik Jayme and Heinz-Peter Mansel (eds.), Europa als Rechts- und Lebensraum, Liber amicorum für Christian Kohler, Gieseking Verlag (Bielefeld) 2018; XII and 596 pp.; ISBN: 978-3-7694-1199-7. The volume contains 44 articles (mostly) on private international law in English, French and German (moreover, it features a touching French poem by Catherine Kessedjian). The full table of contents and further information are available at the publisher’s website here.

103/2018 : 10 juillet 2018 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-25/17

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Tue, 07/10/2018 - 09:26
Jehovan todistajat
Une communauté religieuse, telle que celle des témoins de Jéhovah, est responsable, conjointement avec ses membres prédicateurs, du traitement des données à caractère personnel collectées dans le cadre d’une activité de prédication de porte-à-porte

Categories: Flux européens

Petronas Lubricants: Assigned counterclaims fall within the (anchor) forum laboris.

GAVC - Tue, 07/10/2018 - 05:05

In C-1/17 Petronas Lubricants, the CJEU held end of June, entirely justifiably, that assigned counterclaims may be brought by the employer in the forum chosen by the employee under (now) Article 20 ff Brussels I Recast to bring his claim. In the case at issue, the employer had only obtained the claim by assignment, after the employee had initiated proceedings.

The Court pointed to the rationale underlying Article 22(1), which mirrors all other counterclaim anchor provisions in the Regulation: the sound administration of justice. That the counterclaim is merely assigned, is irrelevant: at 28:  ‘…provided that the choice by the employee of the court having jurisdiction to examine his application is respected, the objective of favouring that employee is achieved and there is no reason to limit the possibility of examining that claim together with a counter-claim within the meaning of Article 20(2)’ (Brussels I, GAVC).

Evidently the counterclaim does have to meet the criteria recently re-emphasised in Kostanjevec.


(Handbook of) EU private international law, 2nd ed. 2016, Chapter 2, Heading

L’État de droit en Pologne, et PiS quoi encore ?

La Commission européenne a engagé une procédure d’infraction à l’encontre de la Pologne en lui adressant, ce 2 juillet, une lettre de mise en demeure concernant une loi sur sa Cour suprême.

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Categories: Flux français


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