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La fraternité, un principe à valeur constitutionnelle

Saisi de la question de la conformité à la Constitution du « délit de solidarité » prévu par les articles L. 622-1 et L. 622-4 du code de l’entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du droit d’asile, le Conseil constitutionnel estime que l’aide apportée à la circulation de l’étranger en situation irrégulière, motivée par un but humanitaire, ne doit pas être sanctionnée pénalement au nom du principe de fraternité.

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Szpunar AG in C‑379/17 Società Immobiliare Al Bosco: the impact of the lex fori executionis re preservation orders.

GAVC - Mon, 07/09/2018 - 19:07

Is it compatible with Article 38(1) Brussels I (and the equivalent provisions in the Brussels I Recast) to apply a time limit which is laid down in the law of the State in which enforcement is sought, and on the basis of which an instrument may no longer be enforced after the expiry of a particular period, also to a functionally comparable instrument issued in another Member State and recognised and declared enforceable in the State in which enforcement is sought?

A preservation order had been obtained in Italy. It had been recognised in Germany. However applicant then failed to have it enforced within a time-limit prescribed by the lex fori executionis.

On 20 June Szpunar AG in C‑379/17 Società Immobiliare Al Bosco opined (Opinion not yet available in English) that the lex fori executionis’ time limits must not obstruct enforcement. Moreover, he suggests that his view is not impacted by the changes to exequatur in the Brussels I Recast, and that his Opinion, based on the effet utile of the Brussels regime, has appeal even outside the case at issue (in which Italian law has a similar proviso).

A small but significant step in the harmonisation process of European civil procedure.


(Handbook of) EU Private International Law, 2nd ed. 2016, Chapter 2, Heading 2.2.16



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