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HCCH Monthly Update: June 2022

Conflictoflaws - lun, 07/04/2022 - 18:24

Conventions & Instruments

On 4 June 2022, the HCCH 1961 Apostille Convention entered into force for Indonesia. The Convention currently has 122 Contracting Parties. More information is available here.

On 22 June 2022,  the Philippines deposited its instrument of ratification of the HCCH 2007 Child Support Convention. With this ratification, 44 States and the European Union are now bound by the Child Support Convention. It will enter into force for the Philippines on 1 October 2022. More information is available here.


Meetings & Events

On 1 and 2 June, the HCCH Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean organised a judicial training on the HCCH 1980 Child Abduction Convention in partnership with the Judicial School of Bolivia.

On 23 and 24 June, the HCCH participated in the Conference on Conflicts of Jurisdiction organised by the Journal of Private International Law and the Singapore Management University. More information is available here.

On 30 June and 1 July, the HCCH participated in the Regional Forum “HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention: Prospects for the Western Balkans”, organised by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the Center for International Legal Cooperation. More information is available here.


Upcoming Events

The webinar “Cross-border Commercial Dispute Resolution – HCCH 2005 Choice of Court and 2019 Judgments Conventions”, organised in partnership with the Asian Business Law Institute (ABLI), will be held on 27 July 2022. More information is available here.

The inaugural CODIFI Conference will be held online from 12 to 16 September 2022. CODIFI will examine issues of private international law in the Commercial, Digital, and Financial (CODIFI) sectors, highlighting developments in the digital economy and fintech industries as well as clarifying the roles of core HCCH instruments: the 1985 Trusts Convention, the 2006 Securities Convention, and the 2015 Choice of Law Principles. More information is available here.


These monthly updates are published by the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH), providing an overview of the latest developments. More information and materials are available on the HCCH website.

International commercial courts – a paradigm for the future of adjudication? – Online seminar – 14 July 2022

Conflictoflaws - lun, 07/04/2022 - 12:27

On July 14, 2022 an online seminar jointly organized by the Universities of Bologna, Milan and Verona (Italy) will provide a comparative perspective on the recent development of the setting up of specialized courts dealing with international commercial disputes.

All the information in the official poster.

Recognition of Marriages Celebrated Abroad under the French Draft PIL Code

EAPIL blog - lun, 07/04/2022 - 08:00

This post was contributed by Fabienne Jault-Seseke, who is Professor at University Paris Saclay (UVSQ), and a member of GEDIP. It is the third of a series of posts on the proposed codification of French PIL (previous posts discussed the issues of renvoi and foreign law).

The French draft code of private international law innovates in several areas. The recognition of marriages celebrated abroad is one of them. The draft code breaks with the choice of law method and relies instead on the recognition method. This is the purpose of Article 45.

It is worded as follows:

Unless the present sub-section provides otherwise, a marriage celebrated in a foreign State in accordance with the law of that State shall be recognised in France, subject to its conformity with international public policy and if it does not result in an evasion of [French] law (fraude).

Where, at the time of the celebration of the marriage, one of the spouses was already in a marriage that has not yet been dissolved, the marriage is not recognised:

– if one of the spouses is of French nationality, even if he or she also has the nationality of another State; or

– if the first marriage was celebrated with a spouse whose national law prohibits it.

However, a spouse who has legitimately believed in the validity of his or her marriage may avail himself or herself in France of the effects attached to the status of spouse, insofar as the effects invoked are compatible with the requirements of international public policy. (my translation)

In the French original:

Si la présente sous-section n’en dispose autrement le mariage célébré dans un État étranger en conformité avec le droit de cet État est reconnu en France, sous réserve de sa conformité à l’ordre public international et de l’absence de fraude.

Lorsqu’au moment de la célébration du mariage l’un des époux était déjà engagé dans les liens d’un mariage non encore dissous, ce mariage n’est pas reconnu :

– si l’un des époux est de nationalité française, même s’il a également la nationalité d’un autre État ; ou

– si le premier mariage a été célébré avec un époux dont la loi nationale le prohibe.

Toutefois, l’époux qui a légitimement cru en la validité de son mariage peut se prévaloir en France des effets attachés à la qualité de conjoint, dans la mesure où les effets invoqués sont compatibles avec les exigences de l’ordre public international.

Assessment of the Recognition Methodology

The authors of the draft code have thus decided not to use the choice of law method to assess the validity of a marriage celebrated abroad.

This solution must be approved. It was expected. While it is logical to use a choice of law  rule to determine the conditions to be met by a marriage to be celebrated in France (Article 171-1 of the Civil Code and Article 44 of the draft), it is surprising that this same choice of law rule should be used to assess the validity of a marriage celebrated abroad, perhaps many years ago, as Article 171-1 of the Civil Code does today. The situation gives rise rather to a conflict of authorities than a conflict of laws. One could also envisage treating the marriage certificate, which is a foreign public document, as a foreign judicial decision. More concretely, it would be a question of assessing the effectiveness of a marriage like that of a registered partnership (Article 515-7-1 of the Civil Code provides at the present time for the application of the lex auctoris) or like that of a divorce decision (which, as a decision rendered in matters of personal status, is recognised de plano (automatically).

Thinking for marriages celebrated abroad in terms of recognition is not new. The solution is already that of Article 9 of the Hague Convention of 14 March 1978 on the Celebration and Recognition of the Validity of Marriages or that of Article 45 of the Swiss Private International Law Act.

The advantages of the proposed solution are numerous. It is compatible with the plurality of family models but also with the diversity of nationalities of those concerned. It ensures the continuity of personal status and thus the respect of the parties’ expectations. It is consistent with the solution adopted for registered partnerships. Moreover, the draft Code models the rule for the recognition of registered partnerships (Article 56 paragraph 1 of the draft) on that for marriage.

Its disadvantages are rare. Civil status shopping is not to be feared as recognition is not automatic and there are grounds for non-recognition. Under Article 11 of 1978 Hague Convention on marriages, polygamy, endogamy, age and lack of consent may justify a refusal of recognition. Likewise, Article 45 of the draft reserves the right to refuse recognition on the grounds of breach of public policy and evasion of law. It is not known in which cases courts may find that the marriage was an attempt to evade the application of the law, but one could imagine that the absence of any link between the spouses and the place of celebration could trigger the exception, even if this does not correspond to current positive law, which admits the validity of marriages celebrated in Las Vegas. More certainly, evasion of law will prevent the recognition of a marriage celebrated without matrimonial intention (but this is directly provided for by Article 46, see below). The content of public policy is, in part, clarified. Indeed, Article 45 contains provisions specific to polygamy. In this case, the application of the national law of the spouses in matters of personal status resurfaces. Polygamous marriage is not recognised if one of the spouses is a French national (regardless of whether he or she possesses another nationality) or if the marriage was concluded with a spouse whose national law prohibits this type of marriage.  In the latter case, the hypothesis of dual nationality is not envisaged, which will inevitably raise difficulties. Is it justified to protect the French dual-national spouse against a subsequent polygamous marriage by giving precedence to the nationality of the forum and not a Belgian dual-national spouse? This is questionable.

Limited Scope of the Recognition Methodology

The scope of the method of recognition is partially limited by Articles 46, 48 and 50 of the draft Code, which largely reiterate the current solutions.

The method of recognition is first of all limited by the method of substantive rules. Article 46 specifies that, whatever the State of celebration and whatever the applicable law, marriage requires the free consent and matrimonial intention of each spouse. Here we find the trace of the statutory intervention in the private international law of marriage in 2014 according to which, whatever the applicable personal law, marriage requires the consent of the spouses, within the meaning of Articles 146 and 180 para. 1 of the Civil Code. This requirement of free consent and matrimonial intention can also be seen as specifying the content of international public policy on marriage. In order not to render Article 45 meaningless, it is important that the requirement be assessed in a factual manner (which is logical, see B. Audit et L. d’Avout, Droit international privé, LGDJ 2019, n° 770).

The recognition method is also limited by Article 48, which is the only provision in a section dedicated to ‘Rules of form and competent authority’.

Article 48, which is intended to apply to all marriages, whether celebrated in France or abroad, states that a marriage is validly celebrated if it has been celebrated in accordance with the formalities laid down by the law of the State on the territory of which the celebration took place. It is difficult to understand the usefulness of this provision. In the same way that, in matters of recognition of judgments, it is not verified that the foreign court has complied with its own rules of procedure, it seems inappropriate to verify that the foreign authority that celebrated the marriage complied with its own rules of form. The possibility of denying recognition to a marriage on the grounds of evasion of law or contravention of public policy should make it possible to avoid giving effect to a marriage that has been celebrated in shocking conditions.  Article 48 seems then superfluous.

Finally, Article 50 takes up the current solutions for marriages celebrated abroad involving a French person. By requiring compliance with Articles 146-1, 171-1 to 171-9 of the Civil Code (mainly these provisions set an obligation for the French spouse to be present at the marriage, an interview intended to fight against marriages of convenience with the possibility of the public prosecutor’s office to oppose the celebration of the marriage and then the transcription of the record), it also limits the possibilities for recognition of marriages celebrated abroad when a French national is involved. In methodological terms, Article 50 does not call into question the principle of recognition, but it does provide a stricter framework.

The articulation of Articles 46, 48 and 50 with the principle of recognition of marriages celebrated abroad raises questions. Should it be ensured that the conditions they set out are met before the marriage is given effect? An affirmative answer would render the principle of recognition meaningless. It would be more coherent if, as in the case of recognition of judgments, verification is only carried out if the validity of a foreign marriage is challenged.

American Society of International Law Newsletter and Commentaries on Private International Law

Conflictoflaws - lun, 07/04/2022 - 03:06

American Society of International Law Private International Law Interest Group is pleased to publish the newest Newsletter and Commentaries on Private International Law (Vol. 5, Issue 1) on PILIG webpage. The primary purpose of our Newsletter is to communicate global news on PIL. It attempts to transmit information on new developments on PIL rather than provide substantive analysis, in a non-exclusive manner, with a view of providing specific and concise information that our readers can use in their daily work. These updates on developments on PIL may include information on new laws, rules, and regulations; new judicial and arbitral decisions; new treaties and conventions; new scholarly work; new conferences; proposed new pieces of legislation; and the like.


This issue has three sections. Section one contains Highlights on cultural heritage protection and applicable law in the US and recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in China. Section two reports on the recent developments on PIL in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, and South America. Section Three overviews global development.

Décompte du temps de travail des praticiens hospitaliers : qui perd gagne

Le Conseil d’État refuse d’enjoindre au Premier ministre de prendre des mesures pour organiser un décompte précis du temps de travail des médecins à l’hôpital. Mais il affirme l’obligation des hôpitaux d’y procéder.

en lire plus

Catégories: Flux français

Préjudice financier et compétence dans l’Union européenne

La Cour de cassation se penche sur la détermination du juge compétent en cas de virement d’une somme sur un compte bancaire étranger, suite à une manœuvre d’un tiers.

en lire plus

Catégories: Flux français

5 Manfaat Urang Aring untuk Rambut yang Jarang Diketahui

Aldricus - dim, 07/03/2022 - 10:54

Aldricus – Rambut memerlukan perawatan agar bisa tumbuh sehat dan tentunya memberikan rasa percaya diri. Selain menggunakan sampo terbaik, perlu untuk melakukan perawatan dengan menggunakan conditioner. Ada kandungan urang-aring yang bagus untuk rambut. Berikut manfaat urang aring untuk rambut yang jarang diketahui untuk perawatan rambut.

1. Mengatasi Ketombe

Buat yang memiliki ketombe bisa mengatasinya dengan urang-aring yang ada kandungan antimikroba dan antijamur. Manfaat antiradang ini akan mencegah terjadinya iritasi pada bagian kulit kepala dan membantu meningkatkan sirkulasi darah sehingga mencegah ketombe.

2. Mencegah Munculnya Uban

Urang-aring juga bermanfaat untuk mencegah munculnya uban. Kandungan urang-aring bekerja memperlambat tumbuhnya uban karena adanya kemampuan menghitamkan minyak, sehingga menjadi lebih gelap. Tidak akan tumbuh uban di usia dini dan warna rambut akan terjaga kehitamannya.

3. Mengatasi Peradangan Kulit

Buat Anda yang mudah mengalami radang pada kulit kepala bisa menggunakan urang-aring. Biasanya ada di dalam sampo dan conditioner. Jadi, masalah kulit seperti adanya jerawat bisa diatasi dengan mudah. Peradangan pada kulit kepala bisa membuat masalah rambut semakin rusak jika tidak segera diatasi.

4. Meningkatkan Kesuburan Rambut

Rambut yang tipis sering menjadi masalah dan berupaya untuk melebatkan rambut. Manfaat urang aring untuk rambut ini akan membuat Anda mendapatkan rambut yang lebat dan sehat. Di mana folikel rambut akan dirangsang dan memicu pertumbuhan rambut menjadi lebih subur. Masalah kepala botak di usia muda juga akan tercegah dengan optimal.

5.     Mencegah Kerontokan

Rambut rontok membuat Anda kesal karena rambut menjadi tipis. Kerontokkan rambut ini menandakan adanya kerusakan. Di mana kerusakan ini akan teratasi dengan meningkat pertumbuhan folikel rambut. Urang-aring yang kaya vitamin E akan bekerja untuk melawan bahaya radikal bebas yang bisa membuat pertumbuhan rambut terhambat.

Manfaat urang aring untuk rambut bisa didapatkan dari berbagai produk terbaik dengan menggunakan sampo atau pun conditioner. Lakukan perawatan secara rutin setiap harinya. Anda bisa berbelanja produk perawatan sesuai dengan kondisi rambut agar bisa mendapatkan rambut sehat dan tumbuh subur. Produk terbaik tentunya sudah memiliki kualitas terjamin.

The post 5 Manfaat Urang Aring untuk Rambut yang Jarang Diketahui appeared first on Aldri Blog.

Last chance to register for the online summer course 2022 of the Hague Academy of International Law

Conflictoflaws - sam, 07/02/2022 - 22:44

Tomorrow (3 July 2022) is your last chance to register for the online summer course 2022 of the Hague Academy of International Law (both public and private international law). Click here.

More information is available here. The poster is available here.

The summer course 2022 will be offered this year both on-site in The Hague and online, which is great news given the disruptions caused by the covid-19 pandemic the previous years.

Some pondering on EU reception of Celsius’ GTC choice of court and -law.

GAVC - ven, 07/01/2022 - 15:58

When prof Bookman asked my input on Celsius’ choice of court and governing law’s clause in its GTCs, I was otherwise engaged. Subsequently I waited with an answer for I used the issue for an exam question. – so here is my primer.

Celsius are one of the leading crypto currencies exchanges (future readers may not be familiar: crypto currencies were an early 21st century Ponzi scheme).

The question I put to the students, was:  A fellow academic and practitioner from the US asks you how clause 33 of the standard Celsius contract, copied below, would be received in the EU. Celsius are one of the world’s leading crypto currencies exchanges.

How do you respond to this question? Argue with reference inter alia to relevant CJEU case-law.

Students had two pages to answer. I did not specify Celsius’ domicile. This is what I expect to be included in the reply. Both for jurisdiction and for there is a clear distinction between the B2B and B2C scenario.

Re: B2C: For the contract to be a true ‘consumer’ contract within the meaning of Brussels Ia, Celsius would have had to target their activities at the consumer’s Member State etc.: CJEU Peil and Reliantco are good pointers, as are Ramona Ang and Khalifeh v Blom Bank. Whether Celsius are domiciled in the EU is of no consequence for the consumer section to be engaged. At the jurisdictional level, the choice of court clause would have no consequence (A19 BIa), and the consumer would be able to sue Celsius either in the consumer’s EU domicile, or in Celsius’ EU domicile if it has one. Celsius would only be able to sue in the consumer’s domicile. Articles 33-34 BIa lis pendens rules would not be engaged.

At the applicable law level, the choice for New York law would stand, however mandatory law of the consumer’s habitual residence (which would include transposition of EU consumer law) would trump any conflicting provisions (A6(1) and (2) Rome I).

Re: B2B or indeed a B2C contract which does not trigger the consumer section, the picture would be quite different. Here, whether Celsius as contracting partner has a domicile in the EU, does matter.

If there is such domicile, then at the level of jurisdictionthe EU based party is likely to seize the A4 domicile court, potentially also seeking out a forum contractus if the currency services were to be provided elsewhere than in the place of Celsius’ domicile. That is where Celsius, had it seized an ex-EU court first, then might seek application of A33-34. For this it may come to regret having included hybrid choice of court: recital 24(2)’s reference to the ex-EU court having exclusive jurisdiction arguably does not apply to hybrid choice of court.

Were Celsius to sue the other party in an EU court first (taking ‘any applicable jurisdiction’ at its face value and understanding it as including EU courts), the other party is likely to raise the invalidity of the hybrid choice of court. This is where BIa knickers will get into their proverbial twist: for recital 20’s lex fori prorogati’s instruction as lex casae for the validity of the clause, only refers to ‘a court or courts of a Member State’. Celsius could of course chose to ignore choice of court (implicitly accepting its invalidity) and seize the A4 court of the EU counterparty.

At the level of applicable law, choice for New York law will in any case stand in this scenario, with however A3(4) Rome I’s rule for ‘purely EU’ contracts kicking in, and potentially Article 9 Rome I’s lois de police.

If there is no EU Celsius domicile, Celsius is unlikely to sue in the EU (for it risks having an EU court apply EU banking, finance etc law as mandatory law) however if it does, it would either do so on the basis of A4 domicile jurisdiction, or invoking, as above, the ‘any applicable jurisdiction’ instruction in the hybrid choice of court. Only A9 Rome I could then marginally upset choice of NY law.

Finally, assuming Celsius were to sue the consumer outside the EU, and were to seek enforcement of the judgment in an EU Member State, this would engage the Member States’ residual rules on recognition and enforcement.

Quite a set of variables in the end, and I would be much happy to hear others’ thoughts.

Marking me will look out for core B2B /B2C and domicile considerations.



I was going to ask why the dispute has to be in the US, and point out that the class action and class arb ban might not be enforceable elsewhere, but then I saw the NY choice of law and choice of forum clauses, which presumably are enforceable, rt?@Tarheel_Lawprof @GAVClaw

— Pamela Bookman (@PamelaBookman) June 15, 2022


Article-by-Article Commentary on the EAPO Regulation

EAPIL blog - ven, 07/01/2022 - 14:00

Elena D’Alessandro and Fernando Gascón Inchausti are the editors of The European Account Preservation Order – A Commentary on Regulation (EU) No 655/2014. The book has just been published by Edward Elgar in its Commentaries in Private International Law series.

This comprehensive Commentary provides article-by-article exploration of EU Regulation 655/2014, analysing and outlining in a straightforward manner the steps that lawyers, businesses and banks can take when involved in debt recovery. It offers a detailed discussion of national practice and legislation in order to provide context and a deeper understanding of the complex difficulties surrounding the procedural system created by the European Account Preservation Order (EAPO) Regulation.

The list of authors include Caterina Benini, Silvana Dalla Bontà, Katharina Lugani, Martina Mantovani, Elena Alina Ontanu, Guillaume Payan, Pilar Peiteado Mariscal, Carlos Santaló Goris, Guillermo Schumann Barragán, Elisabetta Silvestri, Enrique Vallines García, María Luisa Villamarín López and Marcin Walasik.

See here for further information.

Launch of a Public Consultation on the French Draft Code of Private International Law

EAPIL blog - ven, 07/01/2022 - 08:00

Following the release of a draft code of private international law (announced here), the French Ministry of Justice has launched on 8 June 2022 a public consultation to gather feedback from all stakeholders, including academics, “in order to determine the possible next steps”.

The blog has started to contribute to the discussion (see here on renvoi and here on foreign law) and other comments will follow.

Scope of the Consultation

The consultation template is divided into three main parts. The first part concerns the very principle of adopting written codified rules in the field of private international law, as well as the scope of the code (i.e. purely national or including EU and international rules applicable within the French jurisdiction). The second part allows for general comments on the draft Code (eg. its structure, its material scope). Finally, the third part proposes article-by-article comments (among 207 articles).

Conditions for Participation in the Consultation

The French Ministry of Justice invites interested parties to send comments on the draft code of private international law to using the Word document provided for. Comments that do not respect this format will not be taken into account.

The consultation is open until 30 September 2022.

China’s 2022 Landmark Judicial Policy Clears Final Hurdle for Enforcement of Foreign Judgments

Conflictoflaws - ven, 07/01/2022 - 04:11

Written by Dr Meng Yu and Dr Guodong Du, co-founders of China Justice Observer

Key takeaways:

  • Despite the fact that the elaboration of a judicial interpretation appears to have been put on hold, China’s Supreme People’s Court has now resorted to conference summaries, which are not legally binding but have a practical impact, to express its views in recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments.
  • As a landmark judicial policy issued by China’s Supreme People’s Court, the 2021 Conference Summary provides a detailed guideline for Chinese courts to review foreign judgment-related applications, including examination criteria, refusal grounds, and an ex ante internal approval mechanism.
  • The 2021 Conference Summary enables an ever greater number of foreign judgments to be enforced in China, by making substantial improvements on both the issues of “threshold” and “criteria”. The threshold addresses whether foreign judgments from certain jurisdictions are enforceable, whereas the criteria deal with whether the specific judgment in an application before Chinese courts can be enforced.
  • The 2021 Conference Summary significantly lowers the threshold by liberalizing the reciprocity test, while providing a much clearer standard for Chinese judges to examine applications for recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments.
  • The existence of a “treaty or reciprocity” remains to be the threshold (precondition) for Chinese courts to review applications.
  • In terms of reciprocity, new reciprocity tests are introduced to replace the previous de facto reciprocity test and presumptive reciprocity. The new reciprocity criteria include three tests, namely, de jure reciprocity, reciprocal understanding or consensus, and reciprocal commitment without exception, which also coincide with possible outreaches of legislative, judicial, and administrative branches. Chinese courts need to examine, on a case-by-case basis, the existence of reciprocity, on which the Supreme People’s Court has the final say.

China has published a landmark judicial policy on the enforcement of foreign judgments in 2022, embarking on a new era for judgment collection in China.

The judicial policy is the “Conference Summary of the Symposium on Foreign-related Commercial and Maritime Trials of Courts Nationwide” (hereinafter the “2021 Conference Summary”) issued by the China’s Supreme People’s Court (SPC) on 31 Dec. 2021. The 2021 Conference Summary makes it clear for the first time that applications for enforcing foreign judgments will be examined subject to a much more lenient standard.

Since 2015, the SPC has consistently disclosed in its policy that it wishes to be more open to applications for the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments, and encourages local courts to take a more amicable approach to foreign judgments within the scope of established judicial practice.

Admittedly, the threshold for enforcing foreign judgments was set too high in judicial practice, and Chinese courts have never elaborated on how to enforce foreign judgments in a systematic manner. As a result, despite the SPC’s enthusiasm, it is still not appealing enough for more judgment creditors to apply for recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments with Chinese courts. However, this situation is now changed.

In January 2022, the SPC published the 2021 Conference Summary with regard to cross-border civil and commercial litigation, which addresses a number of core issues concerning the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in China. Just to be clear, in the Chinese legal system, the conference summary is not a legally binding normative document as the judicial interpretation, but only represents the consensus reached by Chinese judges nationwide, similar to the “prevailing opinion” (herrschende Meinung) in Germany, which will be followed by all judges in future trials. In other words, conference summaries serve as guidance for adjudication. On one hand, as a conference summary is not legally binding, the courts cannot invoke it as the legal basis in judgments, but on the other hand, the courts can make the reasoning on the application of law according to the conference summary in the “Court Opinion” part.

The 2021 Conference Summary makes substantial improvements in two aspects, i.e. the “threshold” and “criteria”.

The threshold aspect refers to the first obstacle applicants will face when applying for recognition and enforcement of a foreign judgment in China, that is, whether foreign judgments from certain countries are enforceable. Countries reaching the threshold now include most of China’s major trading partners, which is huge progress compared with the prior 40 countries or so. If the country where the judgment is rendered reaches the threshold, criteria will then be used by the Chinese courts in reviewing whether the specific judgment in the application can be enforced in China. Now a clearer threshold and criteria enable applicants to have more reasonable expectations about the likelihood of a foreign judgment being enforced in China.

  1. Threshold: the threshold for enforcing judgments of most foreign countries in China has been significantly lowered.

The 2021 Conference Summary significantly lowers the threshold for the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in China, making a breakthrough in existing practice. According to the 2021 Conference Summary, the judgments of most of China’s major trading partners, including almost all common law countries as well as most civil law countries, can be enforceable in China.

Specifically, the 2021 Conference Summary states that the judgment can be enforced in China if the country where the judgment is rendered satisfies the one of the following circumstances:

(a) The country has concluded an international or bilateral treaty with China in respect of recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments.

Currently, 35 countries meet this requirement, including France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Brazil, and Russia.

The List of China’s Bilateral Treaties on Judicial Assistance in Civil and Commercial Matters (Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Included) is available here.  Authoritative texts in Chinese and other languages are now available.

(b) The foreign country has a de jure reciprocal relationship with China.

This means that where a civil or commercial judgment rendered by a Chinese court can be recognized and enforced by the court of the foreign country according to the law of the said country, a judgment of the said country may, under the same circumstances, be recognized and enforced by the Chinese court.

In accordance with the criteria of de jure reciprocity, the judgments of many countries can be included in the scope of enforceable foreign judgments in China.  For common law countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, their attitude towards applications for recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments is open, and in general, such applications meet this criterion. For civil law countries, such as Germany, Japan, and South Korea, many of them also adopt a similar attitude to the above-mentioned de jure reciprocity, so such applications also meet this criterion to a great extent.

It is noteworthy that in March 2022, Shanghai Maritime Court ruled to recognize and enforce an English judgment in Spar Shipping v Grand China Logistics (2018) Hu 72 Xie Wai Ren No.1, marking the first time that an English monetary judgment has been enforced in China based on reciprocity. This decision has previously been highlighted here. One key to ensuring the enforcement of English judgments is the reciprocal relationship between China and England (or the UK, if in a wider context), which, under the de jure reciprocity test (one of the new three tests), was confirmed in this case.

(c) The foreign country and China have promised each other reciprocity in diplomatic efforts or reached a consensus at the judicial level.

The SPC has been exploring  cooperation in mutual recognition and enforcement of judgments with other countries in a lower-cost way in addition to signing treaties, such as a diplomatic commitment or a consensus reached by the judiciaries. This can achieve functions similar to that of treaties without being involved in the lengthy process of treaty negotiation, signing, and ratification.

China has started similar cooperation with Singapore. A good example of judicial outreach is the Memorandum of Guidance Between the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China and the Supreme Court of Singapore on Recognition and Enforcement of Money Judgments In Commercial Cases (available here). It is thus fair to say that the 2021 Conference Summary has substantially lowered the threshold by liberalizing the reciprocity test.

  1. Criteria: Clearer standard for Chinese judges to examine each application for recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments

The 2021 Conference Summary makes it clear under what circumstances Chinese courts may refuse to recognize and enforce a foreign judgment and how the applicants may submit the applications, which undoubtedly enhances  feasibility and predictability.

Pursuant to the 2021 Conference Summary, a foreign judgment can be recognized and enforced in China if there are no following circumstances where:

(a) the foreign judgment violates China’s public policy;

(b) the court rendering the judgment has no jurisdiction under Chinese law;

(c) the procedural rights of the Respondent are not fully guaranteed;

(d) the judgment is obtained by fraud;

(e) parallel proceedings exist, and

(f) punitive damages are involved (specifically, where the amount of damages award significantly exceeds the actual loss, a Chinese court may refuse to recognize and enforce the excess).

Compared with most countries with liberal rules in recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments, the above requirements of Chinese courts are not unusual. For example:

  • The above items (1) (2) (3) and (5), are also requirements under the German Code of Civil Procedure (Zivilprozessordnung).
  • Item (4) is consistent with the Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters.
  • Item (6) reflects the legal cultural tradition on the issue of compensation in China.

In addition, the 2021 Conference Summary also specifies what kind of application documents should be submitted to the court, what the application should contain, and how parties can apply to the Chinese court for interim measures when applying for enforcing foreign judgments.

In short, a gradual relaxation of Chinese courts’ attitude can be seen towards applications for recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments since 2018. Recently the 2021 Conference Summary has finally made a substantial leap forward.

We hope to see such breakthroughs in rules be witnessed and developed by one case after another in the near future.

For a more detailed interpretation, together with the original Chinese version of the 2021 Conference Summary and its English translation, please read ‘Breakthrough for Collecting Judgments in China Series’ (available here).

For the PDF version of ‘Breakthrough for Collecting Judgments in China Series’, please click here





CJEU on Article 11 Brussels I bis

European Civil Justice - ven, 07/01/2022 - 00:05

The Court of Justice delivered today its judgment in case C‑652/20 (Allianz Elementar Versicherungs AG), which is about Brussels I bis. The judgment is currently available in all EU official languages (save Irish), albeit not in English. Here is the French version (to check whether an English translation has finally been made available, just click on the link below and change the language version):

« L’article 11, paragraphe 1, sous b), du règlement (UE) no 1215/2012 du Parlement européen et du Conseil, du 12 décembre 2012, concernant la compétence judiciaire, la reconnaissance et l’exécution des décisions en matière civile et commerciale, doit être interprété en ce sens que, lorsque cette disposition est applicable, elle détermine tant la compétence internationale que la compétence territoriale de la juridiction d’un État membre dans le ressort de laquelle se situe le domicile du demandeur ».

Reminder : Article 11: « 1. An insurer domiciled in a Member State may be sued:

a) in the courts of the Member State in which he is domiciled;

b) in another Member State, in the case of actions brought by the policyholder, the insured or a beneficiary, in the courts for the place where the claimant is domiciled; or

c) if he is a co-insurer, in the courts of a Member State in which proceedings are brought against the leading insurer”.

Source :

Pas d’exclusion du statut de réfugié en cas de crime commis dans un but politique

Précisant le b) du F de l’article 1er de la convention de Genève, le Conseil d’État juge qu’un demandeur d’asile ne peut être exclu du statut de réfugié lorsqu’un crime grave a été commis dans un but principalement politique.

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Catégories: Flux français

Giustizia consensuale (Consensual Justice): Report on the Journal’s Inaugural Conference

Conflictoflaws - jeu, 06/30/2022 - 18:11

This report was kindly prepared by Federica Simonelli, a research fellow funded by the P.O.N. UNI4Justice project at the University of Trento, Italy, and a member of the editorial staff of Giustizia consensuale (Consensual Justice).

On 10 June 2022, the University of Trento, Faculty of Law celebrated the first anniversary of the launch of Giustizia consensuale, founded and edited by Professor Silvana Dalla Bontà and Professor Paola Lucarelli.

In recent years, the debate surrounding consensual justice and party autonomy has received increasing attention in the national and international arenas and has raised a broad array of questions. What is the very meaning of consensual justice? Is the idea of consensual justice feasible? What is its role in a globalized world increasingly characterized by cross-border disputes? The rationale behind Giustizia consensuale lies in the pressing need to observe this phenomenon from different perspectives.

For those who did not have the opportunity to attend this informative event, this report offers a succinct overview of the topics and ideas exchanged during this well-attended, hybrid conference.

First session

Opening the symposium with an incisive preamble, Professor Silvana Dalla Bontà (University of Trento, Italy), editor-in-chief of Giustizia consensuale and chair of the first session, provided a context for the reasoning behind this new editorial project and some of the research areas it intends to focus on. Notably, with the aim of meeting the needs of an increasingly complicated and multi-faceted society, Giustizia consensuale endeavours to investigate the meaning of consensual justice, its relationship with judicial justice, and the potential for integrating, rather than contrasting, these two forms of justice.

Professor Dalla Bontà’s introductory remarks were followed by Professor Paola Lucarelli (University of Florence, Italy), co-editor of the Giustizia consensuale, on the topic of Mediating conflict: a generous push towards change, strongly reaffirming the importance of promoting and strengthening consensual justice instruments, not only to reduce the judicial backlog but also to empower the parties to self-tailor the solution of their conflict, by fostering responsibility, self-determination, awareness, and trust.

Professor Francesco Paolo Luiso (University of Pisa, Italy – Academician of the Order of Lincei) then proceeded to effectively illustrate the essential role played by lawyers in changing the traditional paradigm of dispute resolution which sees court adjudication as the main (if not, the sole) way of settling disputes. Conversely, the judicial function is a precious resource, and its use must be limited to instances where the exercise of the judge’s adjudicatory powers is strictly necessary, thus directing all other disputes toward amicable, out-of-court dispute resolution mechanisms. Hence, lawyers are in the privileged position of presenting clients with a broad array of avenues to resolve disputes and guiding them to the choice of the most appropriate dispute resolution instrument.

Professor Antonio Briguglio (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy) then continued with an interesting focus on the relationship between conciliation and arbitration within the overall ADR system. After examining when and how conciliation is attempted during the course of the arbitral proceedings, he shed light on the interesting, and often unknown to the public, ‘conciliatory’ dynamics which often occur amongst members of arbitral tribunals in issuing the arbitration award. In an attempt to find common ground between different viewpoints, conciliatory and communicative skills of arbitrators play a decisive role, in particular in international commercial arbitrations on transnational litigation.

Procedure, Party agreement, and Contract was the focus of a very thorough presentation by Professor Neil Andrews (University of Cambridge, UK) who underlined that consensual justice is a highly stimulating and significant meeting point between substance and procedure, as well as being an important perspective within technical procedural law. He stated that there are three points of interaction between agreement and procedure. Firstly, the parties are free to agree to self-impose preliminary ‘negotiation agreements’ and/or mediation agreements. Secondly, the parties can take a further step to specify or modify the elements of the relevant formal process, albeit court proceedings or arbitration. Thirdly, parties can dispose of or narrow the dispute through a settlement.

The first session concluded with an insightful presentation from Professor Domenico Dalfino (University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy) who explored the long-debated issue of which party bears the burden of initiating the mandatory mediation in proceedings opposing a payment order. While expressing his criticism towards mandatory mediation, he maintained that voluntariness is the very essence of mediation and the promise of its success.

Second session

The event continued with a second session chaired by Professor Paola Lucarelli. From the perspective of the Brazilian legal system, Professor Teresa Arruda Alvim (Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Brazil) began the session by illustrating that in the last few decades, ADR has afforded parties the possibility to self-tailor a solution to their conflict while significantly diminishing the case overload of the judiciary. Nevertheless, the obstacles to the growth of ADR are multiple, ranging from the lack of preparation of mediators to the traditional adversarial approach of attorneys. She concluded by stating that legal systems must invest, on the one hand, in training highly qualified mediators while on the other, providing new educational paths for attorneys to acquire new negotiation and mediation skills.

The session proceeded to address Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), examining the strengths and weaknesses of using new technologies to solve disputes. Professor Silvia Barona Vilar (University of Valencia, Spain) highlighted the positive and negative aspects of the increasing use of ODR in our digital and algorithmic society. While ODR devices are considered as ensuring access to justice and favouring social peace and citizens’ satisfaction, there are also complex issues around the use of Artificial Intelligence and algorithms such as their accountability, accurate assessment, and transparency.

The relationship between the use of technology and access to justice was explored in depth by Professor Amy J. Schmitz (The Ohio State University, USA), who based her presentation on a thorough empirical study of ODR as a means to advance access to justice for  poor or vulnerable individuals who would otherwise be unable to have their ‘day in court.’

Potential applications of new technologies used in resolving disputes were then examined by Professor Colin Rule (Stanford Law School, USA), who highlighted that ODR, originally created to help e-commerce companies build trust with their users, is now being integrated into the courts to expand access to justice and reduce costs. While admitting there are many questions that still need to be answered, Rule predicted that ODR will play a major role in the justice systems of the future through the expansion of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning.

Showing a more critical approach Professor Maria Rosaria Ferrarese (National School of Administration, Italy) shed light on the threat posed by the use of digital technologies in resolving disputes, after having edited the Italian version of a book by Antoine Garapon and Jean Lassègue – Justice digital. Révolution graphique et rupture anthropologique (Digital Justice. Graphic Revolution and Anthropologic Disruption). While acknowledging that Artificial Intelligence and algorithms can deliver a fast and cheap justice, she underlines that justice is not only about settling a case in a rapid and inexpensive way but also about reinforcing values of a given society and ensuring a creative application of the law.

115/2022 : 30 juin 2022 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-72/22 PPU

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 06/30/2022 - 10:19
Valstybės sienos apsaugos tarnyba
Espace de liberté, sécurité et justice
Le droit de l’Union s’oppose à la législation lituanienne en vertu de laquelle, en cas d’afflux massif d’étrangers, un demandeur d’asile peut être placé en rétention au seul motif qu’il se trouve en séjour irrégulier

Catégories: Flux européens

Council Decision on the Signing of the MAC Protocol Published

EAPIL blog - jeu, 06/30/2022 - 08:00

Council Decision (EU) 2022/1022 of 9 June 2022 on the signing, on behalf of the European Union, of the Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Mining, Agricultural and Construction Equipment (MAC Protocol), has been published in the Official Journal L 172, of June 29.

Pursuant to the Decision, the signing on behalf of the Union of the Protocol adopted in Pretoria on 22 November 2019 is authorised, subject to its conclusion.

A Declaration is attached to the Decision in compliance with Article XXIV(2) of the MAC Protocol, providing that, at the time of signature, acceptance, approval or accession, a regional economic integration organisation is to make a declaration specifying the matters governed by that Protocol in respect of which competence has been transferred to that organisation by its Member States. It specifies that, in respect of matters governed by the MAC Protocol, the European Union has exercised its competence by adopting Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (Article IX of the MAC Protocol – ‘Modification of provisions regarding relief pending final determination’), Regulation (EU) 2015/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015 on insolvency proceedings (Article X of the MAC Protocol – ‘Remedies on Insolvency’ – and Article XI of the MAC Protocol – ‘Insolvency assistance’) and Regulation (EC) No 593/2008 of 17 June 2008 on the law applicable to contractual obligations (Rome I) (Article VI of the MAC Protocol – ‘Choice of law’).

The Declaration lists the States members to the European Union and excludes from its scope Denmark and certain territories belonging to Member States. It shall be approved on behalf of the Union, subject to the adoption of a decision on the conclusion of the MAC Protocol at a later stage.

Cada : des droits nouveaux pour journalistes et ONG

Chargée de donner son avis sur les demandes de communication de documents administratifs, la Cada vient de publier son rapport 2021 : il montre qu’après des années difficiles, la commission s’est rétablie. Elle revient également sur trois sujets polémiques : les droits nouveaux donnés aux journalistes et associations, le secret des affaires et l’accès aux archives.

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Catégories: Flux français

114/2022 : 29 juin 2022 - Arrêt du Tribunal dans l'affaire T-306/20

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mer, 06/29/2022 - 18:57
Hijos de Moisés Rodríguez González / EUIPO - Irlande et Ornua (La Irlandesa 1943)
Propriété intellectuelle et industrielle
Une marque contenant un terme relatif à une provenance géographique utilisée par le passé qui est ensuite enregistrée et utilisée pour des produits qui n’ont plus cette provenance est susceptible d’induire les consommateurs en erreur quant à la provenance géographique de ces produits

Catégories: Flux européens

Tilman v Unilever. A preliminary reference on flag-wrap B2B choice of court under Lugano.

GAVC - mer, 06/29/2022 - 16:04

A puzzling title perhaps I agree but let me explain. Thank you Matthias Storme for alerting me to the May 2021 preliminary reference by the Belgian Supreme Court, a reference now known at the CJEU as Case C-358/21 Tilman SA (of Belgium) v Unilever Supply Chain Company AG (of Switserland). Elucidation is asked of Article 23 of the Lugano 2007 Convention, the choice of court provision in the Convention.

The question referred, reads

Are the requirements under Article 23(1)(a) and (2) of [Lugano 2007], satisfied where a clause conferring jurisdiction is contained in general terms and conditions to which a contract concluded in writing refers by providing the hypertext link to a website, access to which allows those general terms and conditions to be viewed, downloaded and printed, without the party against whom that clause is enforced having been asked to accept those general terms and conditions by ticking a box on that website?

Article 23 Lugano 2007 is identical (mutatis mutandis: the only difference being that A23 Lugano refers to ‘States to the Convention’ instead of ‘Member States’) to the former Article 23 of the Brussels I Regulation, Regulation 44/2001.  A23 Lugano 2007 reads in relevant part

    1. If the parties, one or more of whom is domiciled in a State bound by this Convention, have agreed that a court or the courts of a State bound by this Convention are to have jurisdiction to settle any disputes which have arisen or which may arise in connection with a particular legal relationship, that court or those courts shall have jurisdiction. Such jurisdiction shall be exclusive unless the parties have agreed otherwise. Such an agreement conferring jurisdiction shall be either: (a) in writing or evidenced in writing; or (b) in a form which accords with practices which the parties have established between themselves; or (c) in international trade or commerce, in a form which accords with a usage of which the parties are or ought to have been aware and which in such trade or commerce is widely known to, and regularly observed by, parties to contracts of the type involved in the particular trade or commerce concerned.
    2. Any communication by electronic means which provides a durable record of the agreement shall be equivalent to ‘writing’.

The case at issue therefore does not question so-called ‘click-wrap’ consent to general terms and conditions – GTCs. These require the contracting partner to tick the relevant box which then ‘wraps up’ the agreement, including choice of court (and law). They were the subject of CJEU El Majdoub v CarsOnTheWeb. In that judgment, the CJEU held that in a B2B context, where the GTCs that have to be ticked can be saved and printed, they can be a ‘durable’ record of consent. (Not: consent itself: that is subject to a separate analysis, under the relevant lex causae, see below).

Rather, the title of this post calls the issue one of ‘flag-wrap’: one of the parties’ (Unilever’s) GTCs  are contained on a website, and their existence is ‘flagged’ in the written main contract. Does that suffice to bind the parties as to the GTC’s choice of court (in favour of the English courts; note the courts were seized pre-Brexit; the UK’s Lugano troubles are not engaged)?

The provisions on forum clauses are drafted in a way ‘not to impede commercial practice, yet at the same time to cancel out the effects of clauses in contracts which might go unread’ (Jenard Report), or otherwise ‘unnoticed’ (CJEU Colzani). The Brussels Convention and now the Regulation show great support for choice of court agreements and aim not to be as overly formalistic as the conditions imposed upon them.

Importantly, valid choice of court does require both a clearly and precisely demonstrated consent to be bound by choice of court and one or another Article 25-sanctioned form of expression of that consent. In Colzani the CJEU held [7]:

the requirements set out in Article [25] governing the validity of clauses conferring jurisdiction must be strictly construed. By making such validity subject to the existence of an ‘agreement’ between the parties, Article [25] imposed upon the court before which the matter is brought the duty of examining, first, whether the clause conferring jurisdiction upon it was in fact the subject of a consensus between the parties, which must be clearly and precisely demonstrated. The purpose of the formal requirements imposed by Article [25] is to ensure that the consensus between the parties is in fact established.

CJEU authority of Colzani and Coreck Maritime impose on the court the duty of examining ‘whether the clause conferring jurisdiction upon it was in fact the subject of a consensus between the parties’ and this had to be ‘clearly and precisely demonstrated’.

In practice, many courts conflate the check for consent with the check for expression of that consent and even the CJEU is not always clear in distinguishing it. In particular, absence of proof of any of the three possible avenues for expression of consent, included in Article 25(1) a, b or c, or then taken as an absence of consent, full stop. In Colzani, the CJEU held

[T]he mere fact that a clause conferring jurisdiction is printed among the general conditions of one of the parties on the reverse of a contract drawn up on the commercial paper of that party does not of itself satisfy the requirements of Article 17, since no guarantee is thereby given that the other party has really consented to the clause waiving the normal rules of jurisdiction. Where a clause conferring jurisdiction is included among the general conditions of sale of one of the parties, printed on the back of a contract, the requirement of a writing under the first paragraph of Article 17 of the Convention is fulfilled only if the contract signed by both parties contains an express reference to those general conditions.

The CJEU here, wrongly, seems to suggest lack of compliance with the expression of consent indicates a lack of that consent full stop.

Importantly, the CJEU in its rulings on what was then Article 23 and its Brussels Convention predecessor keeps utterly silent on national conditions relating to the actual formation or existence of consent. This, as regular readers of the blog will know, is at least for cases covered by Brussels Ia, subject to the lex fori prorogati, with renvoi, an issue which both national courts and the CJEU struggle with.

How then should the CJEU respond to the question (I asked my conflict of laws students at Leuven this question in a first exam on 18 June)?

Firstly, the Court should (and will) remind us of the Jenard /Colzani core instruction: the need to ensure consent is established, without being overly formalistic. Different from the context of the protected categories, there is no ‘weaker category’ to protect here.

Secondly,  there needs to be durability of the record of consent. That seems to be guaranteed here via the technicalities of the Unilever platform (downloadable GTCs) and in line with aforementioned CJEU Al Majdoub (the June students were not given technical details but should still flag durability).

Thirdly, despite the formal A23  requirement most probably being met, the consent requirement to me seems far from certain. In a click and wrap context ― lest there be issues of agency, duress, consumer protection laws etc. (in a context where the consumer title’s conditions are not met) which need to be held under the law applicable to consent ― the box ticking solidifies establishment of consent. In a mere flag and wrap context, that to me seems far less certain. If the reference were to a url where GTCs are properly and collectively displayed (if need be, updated with clear reference to chronology; see housekeeping), consent by an ordinary careful business (the proverbial (business)man on the Clapham omnibus). Yet if such as here, the link communicated in the formal contract refers to a platform where the  GTCs are not the first thing the contracting party sees, rather, where it is expected that that contracting party registers and /or downclicks, search and retrieve etc., that consent to me seems far less certainly established. [Again my students were not given the details on the platform which the reference includes, they did however have to signal the issue of consent).

Finally, under BIa, the lex fori prorogati, incl renvoi, would determine the above considerations of consent. Here, therefore, English law including its conflict of laws rules on choice of court. However seeing as the case is not subject to Brussels Ia, but rather to Lugano, the lex causae for consent will be an issue for the courts seized (here, the Belgian courts) to determine. Under the Belgian rules, this means application of Rome I (Rome I excludes choice of court agreements however Belgium’s private international law Act makes Rome I applicable even to carved-out contractual arrangements).

An interesting reference.


EU Private International Law, 3rd ed. 2021, Heading 2.2.10.



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