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News on the EU’s Accession to the HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention

Conflictoflaws - jeu, 06/23/2022 - 18:13

Today, the European Parliament by adopting JURI Committee Report A9-0177/2022 gave it consent to the accession of the European Union to the HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention.

The Explanatory Statement describes the convention with a view to the “growth in international trade and investment flows” as an “instrument […] of outmost importance for European citizenz ans businesses” and expressed the hope that the EU’s signature will set “an example for other countries to join”. However, the Rapporteur, Ms. Sabrina Pignedoli, also expresses the view that the European Parliament should maintain a strong role when considering objections under the bilateralisation mechanism provided for in Art. 29 of the Convention. Additionally, some concerns were raised regardings the protection of employees and consumers under the instrument.

For those interested in the (remarkably fast) adoption process, the European Parliament’s vote can be rewatched here.

London Steam-Ship Owners: Extending Lis Pendens to Arbitral Tribunals?

EAPIL blog - jeu, 06/23/2022 - 14:00

This is the second post an online symposium on the ruling of the European Court of Justice, of 20 June 2022, in London Steam-Ship Owners’ Mutual Assistance Association Ltd v Spain. The first post was contributed by Adrian Briggs. 

The most significant consequence of the judgment of the CJEU in London Steam-Ship Owners might be the holding that the courts of the Member States requested to declare enforceable arbitral awards should verify whether the relevant arbitral tribunal respected the rule on lis pendens of the Brussels I bis Regulation.

According to the CJEU, the minimisation of the risk of concurrent proceedings, which that provision is intended to achieve, is one of the objectives and principles underlying judicial cooperation in civil matters in the European Union. Thus, a judgment on an arbitral award rendered in violation of lis pendens does not deserve deference, and should not qualify as a judgment in the meaning of Article 34(3) of the Brussels I Regulation.

Is the Objective of Avoiding Concurrent Proceedings so Essential in the EU?

As pointed out by Adrian Briggs, the CJEU rules that the rule of lis pendens should be applied by the courts of Member States in courts proceedings on arbitral awards. The CJEU suggests, it seems, that those courts should dismiss request to declare enforceable arbitral awards in case the rule on lis pendens would have been violated.

The proposition that the rule of lis pendens is so important that it should be applied by courts in exequatur proceedings of arbitral awards is very hard to reconcile with previous cases of the CJEU where the Court held that the doctrine of lis pendens is not important enough to become a ground for denying enforcement to judgments under the Brussels Regulations (I or II).

In Liberato, the CJEU held that

the rules of lis pendens in Article 27 of Regulation No 44/2001 and Article 19 of Regulation No 2201/2003 must be interpreted as meaning that where, (…) the court second seised, in breach of those rules, delivers a judgment which becomes final, those articles preclude the courts of the Member State in which the court first seised is situated from refusing to recognise that judgment solely for that reason. 

So, the doctrine of lis pendens is not important enough to exclude that a judgment which violated it be enforced in other Member States. Why does the same doctrine suddenly become so much more important in the context of arbitration?

Lis pendens and Jurisdiction Clauses: The New Rules

For the purpose of assessing the consequences of this case, it must be underscored that it was governed by the Brussels 44/2001. At the time, thanks to the (in)famous Gasser case, the rules of lis pendens fully applied to cases involving jurisdiction clauses.

As many readers will know, the rules on lis pendens were amended by the Brussels I Recast to overturn Gasser. Under Article 31(2) of the Brussels I Recast:

Without prejudice to Article 26, where a court of a Member State on which an agreement as referred to in Article 25 confers exclusive jurisdiction is seised, any court of another Member State shall stay the proceedings until such time as the court seised on the basis of the agreement declares that it has no jurisdiction under the agreement.

So, if the judgment in London Steam-Ship Owners is to be understood as extending to arbitration agreements the mandatory rules of the Brussels regime on jurisdiction clauses and lis pendens, then Article 31(2) should give a priority to arbitral tribunals over the courts of Member States which were not chosen by the parties.

The CJEU has opened the Pandora box. Does it contain an obligation for the courts of the Member States to stay proceedings once an arbitral tribunal seated in a Member State is seised?

Quel préfet est compétent pour prendre une obligation de quitter le territoire ?

Pour l’application des dispositions du I de l’article L. 511-1 du code de l’entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du droit d’asile (CESEDA), désormais reprises à l’article L. 611-1 du même code, le préfet de département compétent pour prendre la mesure d’éloignement est-il, exclusivement, soit le préfet du lieu de domicile de l’étranger, soit le préfet du lieu de l’interpellation, ou y a-t-il lieu de faire varier la compétence selon le fondement retenu pour prononcer l’obligation de quitter le territoire français ?

en lire plus

Catégories: Flux français

Humpty-Dumpty, Arbitration, and the Brussels Regulation: A View from Oxford

EAPIL blog - jeu, 06/23/2022 - 08:00

The post below was written by Adrian Briggs QC, who is Professor of Private International Law Emeritus at the University of Oxford. It is the first contribution to an online symposium on the ruling of the European Court of Justice, of 20 June 2022, in the case of London Steam-Ship Owners’ Mutual Assistance Association Ltd v Spain.

The clearing up of the oil which in 2002 splurged out of the wretched MT Prestige (the ownership and operation of which was a worthless stew of Greek, Bahamian and Liberian entities) and into the Atlantic onto the coast of Galicia was an astonishing, miraculous, environmental triumph. It is even reported that a year after the catastrophe, the beaches of Galicia were cleaner than ever before, this thanks, no doubt, to the army of volunteers who laboured to rid the coast of all traces of the filthy effluent when the Spanish state failed to demonstrate the necessary vigour. By contrast, the clearing up of legal liability has proved to be the polar opposite. The account which follows has been pared to its barest essentials, for life is just too short for the full story to be set out.

The Spanish state sued various entities to recoup what it claimed as losses resulting from the cleaning operation. Among other targets it identified the (London) insurer of the vessel, and fancied that it had a direct claim against the insurer for the sums payable under that policy. The policy of insurance provided for arbitration in London, but the Spanish state preferred to sue in its own courts, taking the position that it had no obligation to proceed by arbitration: as one might say in England, it claimed to take the benefit, but not the burden, of the policy on which it relied; it picked out the plums and left the duff.

The English insurer, having issued a policy which provided for arbitration, took objection to its liability to anyone claiming through or under that policy being determined outside the arbitral tribunal foreseen by the policy. It was doubtless aware that it could not defend the attack on the integrity of the arbitration agreement by asking for an injunction from the English courts, so convened the tribunal. The tribunal decided that the Spanish claim for the sums due under the policy, which claim was manifestly contractual in nature and in quantum, was enforceable only by arbitration; its award, determining also that the insurer was not liable on the policy, followed. The insurer then obtained a judgment from the High Court declaring the award, in accordance with the Arbitration Act 1996, to be enforceable as a judgment. Meanwhile, the Spanish courts proceeded to order the insurer to pay $ 1 billion, which represented the cap on insurer liability under the policy of insurance. Thus the scene was set.

Seised of the question whether the Spanish judgment should be registered for enforcement in England under Chapter III of Regulation 44/2001, and perceiving this to be a question which he could not answer, an English judge made a reference to the European Court, nine days before the Brexit divorce was to be made absolute. In it he asked, in effect, what the Regulation required him to do with a Spanish judgment which was radically inconsistent with the London award and English judgment. While the cogs and wheels of the CJEU were starting to turn, the insurer appealed against the decision to make reference to the European Court, relying on orthodox grounds of European law to justify it. The Court of Appeal allowed the appeal, but concluded it was bound to remit the matter to the High Court judge who alone might recall the reference. The Spanish state appealed to the Supreme Court against the decision of the Court of Appeal. The Supreme Court arranged an early date for the appeal which would finally clarify the need or otherwise for the reference. Three days before the published date for the hearing before the Supreme Court, the European Court put out its ruling, trashing the Opinion of its Advocate-General, scuttling the appeal and preventing the English court from considering, in accordance with European law, whether a reference and ruling was required, and doing its level best to make the insurer liable in law to the Spanish state.

No doubt the timing, and the outcome, is the purest coincidence, and the fish-like smell is just an incident of coastal life. But the ruling, and the justification offered for it, is truly, madly, deeply weird.

One starts with the proposition, freely accepted by the court, that the Regulation 44/2001 does not apply to arbitration, because Article 1 says as much. The logical and legal consequence of that, in a decision to which the Court made reference, was that the English court was entitled to apply its law of arbitration, even to the point of refusing to recognise a judgment in a civil or commercial matter given by the courts of another Member State. In 145/86 Hoffmann v Krieg, the court had, at [18], deduced that

the answer to be given to the national court is that a foreign judgment whose enforcement has been ordered in a contracting state pursuant to article 31 of the [Brussels] convention and which remains enforceable in the state in which it was given must not continue to be enforced in the state where enforcement is sought when, under the law of the latter state, it ceases to be enforceable for reasons which lie outside the scope of the convention.

The judgment in Hoffmann was indeed referred to (at [52]), though this was not the paragraph there mentioned. It appears to give a complete answer to the question, as the English judge who set this all in motion should have realised. Instead, the Court used another part of the judgment in Hoffmann for its conclusion that the English judgment on the award was irreconcilable with the Spanish judgment. One may accept that that was so, but still shrug: for this question, framed by Article 34(3) of Regulation 44/2001, would be void of content if the entire subject matter of the English court order lay outside the scope of the Regulation, ratione materiae, in the first place. The Court reasoned that the English order was a judgment within the meaning of Article 34(3), even though it was one on a matter to which the Regulation has no application in the first place. This is very odd (though not a novelty: see C-568/20 J v H Ltd EU:C:2022:264), but in the court’s defence one might claim that it provides a ramshackle means for dealing with a structural problem. The problem has been noticed before; indeed, the writer has written elsewhere that it offers a feasible, if untidy, solution. So be it, then.

So did it follow that the English court could and should refuse recognition of the irreconcilable Spanish judgment? According to the Court, it did not. The reasons given were, it is submitted, as perverse as they are incredible. The gist of paragraphs 54 to 72 goes something like this. If the London tribunal had been a court, and the arbitration clause had been a jurisdiction clause, the jurisdiction clause would not have been enforceable against the Spanish state, which was a third party to the policy of insurance under which it was claiming. If the London tribunal had been an English court, it could not have taken jurisdiction in any event, as the Spanish state had already seised the Spanish courts with the same cause of action. It followed that to allow the actual English judgment to count as a judgment for the purposes of Article 34(3) would undermine or conflict with the objectives of the Regulation; the English order was not a judgment after all. The English courts had been at fault for not realising this nonsense was law:

It is for the court seised with a view to entering a judgment in the terms of an arbitral award to verify that the provisions and fundamental objectives of Regulation No 44/2001 have been complied with, in order to prevent a circumvention of those provisions and objectives, such as a circumvention consisting in the completion of arbitration proceedings in disregard of both the relative effect of an arbitration clause included in an insurance contract and the rules on lis pendens laid down in Article 27 of that regulation. In the present case, it is apparent from the documents before the Court and from the hearing that no such verification took place either before the High Court of Justice (England & Wales), Queen’s Bench Division (Commercial Court), or before the Court of Appeal (England & Wales) (Civil Division) and, moreover, that neither of those two courts made a reference to the Court for a preliminary ruling under Article 267 TFEU.

So here it is. The arbitral tribunal in London was entitled – at least, it has not yet been said that it wasn’t – to proceed to determine the claim to the proceeds of the policy of insurance, but the English court, called upon to approve enforcement of the award, was required to go through the looking glass and play its part in the pantomime just described. The fact that it has not done so meant that it had committed a jurisdictional error. In consequence, its judgment – as the court said that it was – failed to qualify as a judgment, for those reasons of jurisdictional error, to count as a judgment for the purposes of Article 34(3). There is, of course, absolutely nothing in the jurisprudence to suggest that the home court’s ‘judgment’ in Article 34(3) means ‘judgment free of all taint of jurisdictional error’, though there is the collateral instruction in Article 35 that the jurisdiction of the court that gave the foreign judgment shall not be reviewed. No wonder the English court failed to see what it should have done: the words directing it have yet to be written, never mind enacted. The result is that European law requires the English court to construct a parallel reality to enable and require it to ignore its law on arbitration. But of course, it meant that the European Court was able to order the transfer of $1 billion from London to Madrid.

We have been here before. Lewis Carroll, also writing from Oxford, reported the dialogue between Alice and Humpty-Dumpty, in the following terms

‘When I use a word’, Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less’. ‘The question is’, said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things’. ‘The question is’, said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all’.

And that question is the one that counts. An English court may, and surely will, say that if the answer summarised above is the answer resulting from one international instrument by which it is bound, the answer required by another one, the New York Convention, by which is it is also bound, is the one which counts, for the latter is master. And in spite of this output from the European Court, the Brussels lawmaker would seem to agree: along with Article 1, one will find confirmation in the second sentence of the third paragraph of Recital 12 to Regulation 1215/2012. That will mean that the decision of the European Court is, for the United Kingdom, a letter whose deadness has nothing to do with Brexit. It will be for those working in legal systems which remain tied by the jurisprudence of the European Court to explain to their colleagues working in the field of international arbitration how the principle that the Brussels regime does not apply to and does not prejudice the law of arbitration has had such a dramatic effect on their business: good luck with that. For those in the United Kingdom who lamented our separation from the Brussels and Lugano regime, it will be a real struggle to look at the judgment in Case C-700/20 not to regard it as a stunt which shames those who set their hand to it. Others will not need to struggle.

ABLI-HCCH webinar: Cross-Border Commercial Dispute Resolution

EAPIL blog - mer, 06/22/2022 - 14:00

The Singapore-based Asian Business Law Institute (ABLI) has been engaging in work related to judgments recognition and enforcement in Asia for some time. This blog reported about the Institute’s publication of 2020 on the Asian Principles for the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments.

ABLI is now joining hands with the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law for a joint webinar that will take place on on 27 July 2022 between 3 to 6pm (Singapore time).

Titled Cross-border Commercial Dispute Resolution – HCCH 2005 Choice of Court and 2019 Judgments Conventions, the webinar will comprise two sessions to take a holistic look at the Choice of Court and Judgments Conventions.

Attendees have the option of attending one or both sessions.

Invited speakers Sara Chisholm-Batten (Partner, Michelmores LLP), the David Goddard (Court of Appeal, New Zealand), Anselmo Reyes (International Judge, Singapore International Commercial Court), Nish Shetty (Partner, Clifford Chance LLP) and Dr Ning Zhao (Senior Legal Officer, HCCH) are expected to talk about the practical operations of the two Conventions, how they complement each other and whether the recent debate of the Choice of Court Convention is justified.

For more information or to register, click here. Early bird discount is available till 26 June. Queries about the webinar should be addressed to

111/2022 : 22 juin 2022 - Arrêt du Tribunal dans l'affaire T-657/20

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mer, 06/22/2022 - 11:30
Ryanair / Commission (Finnair II; Covid-19)
Aide d'État
Le recours visant à l’annulation de la décision de la Commission approuvant l’aide accordée par la Finlande à la compagnie aérienne Finnair est rejeté dans son intégralité

Catégories: Flux européens

112/2022 : 22 juin 2022 - Arrêt du Tribunal dans l'affaire T-797/19

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mer, 06/22/2022 - 11:19
Anglo Austrian AAB et Belegging-Maatschappij "Far-East" / BCE
Politique économique
Le Tribunal confirme le retrait de l’agrément d’AAB Bank comme établissement de crédit

Catégories: Flux européens

110/2022 : 22 juin 2022 - Arrêt du Tribunal dans l'affaire T-584/19

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mer, 06/22/2022 - 11:17
thyssenkrupp / Commission
Le Tribunal confirme la décision de la Commission interdisant le projet de concentration entre thyssenkrupp et Tata Steel

Catégories: Flux européens

109/2022 : 22 juin 2022 - Conclusions de l'avocat général dans l'affaire C-238/21

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mer, 06/22/2022 - 09:56
Porr Bau
Environnement et consommateurs
Selon l’avocate générale Medina, des sols d’excavation non pollués de la classe de qualité la plus élevée fournis par une entreprise de construction à des agriculteurs locaux afin d’améliorer leurs terres agricoles pourraient ne pas constituer des « déchets » au sens du droit de l’Union

Catégories: Flux européens

107/2022 : 22 juin 2022 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-661/20

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mer, 06/22/2022 - 09:56
Commission / Slovaquie (Protection du Grand tétras)
Environnement et consommateurs
Protection du grand tétras (Tetrao urogallus) et des zones Natura 2000 abritant l’habitat de cet oiseau sauvage : la Cour constate la violation des directives « habitats » et « oiseaux » par la Slovaquie

Catégories: Flux européens

108/2022 : 22 juin 2022 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-267/20

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mer, 06/22/2022 - 09:45
Volvo et DAF Trucks
La Cour précise le champ d’application temporel des règles régissant le délai de prescription pour l’introduction des recours en dommages et intérêts pour les infractions au droit de la concurrence ainsi que des règles régissant la quantification du préjudice résultant de telles infractions et la présomption réfragable relative à l’existence d'un préjudice résultant d’une entente

Catégories: Flux européens

Rabels Zeitschrift: Issue 2 of 2022

EAPIL blog - mer, 06/22/2022 - 08:00

The latest issue of the RabelsZ (Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht) has been published.  As always, it contains a number of insightful articles. Here are the authors, titles and abstracts:

Ralf Michaels, Peter Mankowski *11.10.1966 †10.2.2022

Katharina Pistor, Rechtsvergleichung zwischen Rechts- und politischer Ökonomie: am Beispiel des Unternehmensrechts (Legal and Political Economics in Comparative Perspective: the Case of Corporate Law)

Hardly another area of the law has seen as much interest in comparative analysis as corporate law, in particular the publicly traded corporation. The dialogue among legal academics from different legal systems was facilitated by the use of a non-legal language – that of transaction economics. It offered a unified standard for analyzing the pros and cons of different legal rules and models of corporate governance. Legal details remained largely under the radar. More recently, political scientists have discovered the corporation as an object of analysis and have emphasized the political economy that is represented by the establishment, development and function of the “corporation as a legal person”. This literature pays closer attention to the role of the state in corporate law but has neglected questions of comparative law. This paper argues that comparative law could and should assert itself between these two social sciences as a field that is devoted to describing and explaining the similarities and differences of legal institutions as a part of social systems.

Stefan Grundmann, Pluralistische Privatrechtstheorie – Prolegomena zu einer pluralistisch-gesellschaftswissenschaftlichen Rechtstheorie als normativem Desiderat (»normativer Pluralismus«) (Pluralist Private Law Theory: Prolegomena to a Pluralist and Social Science Oriented Legal Theory as a Normative Desideratum (“Normative Pluralism”))

Just how legal scholarship and legal practice should address the social sciences and other fields of inquiry is a vital question whose answer is informed by concerns of innovation, logic, and an understanding of law and jurisprudence. Law and economics is an efficient vehicle in this regard, an approach that in the USA is perhaps even dominant. The present article distinguishes between a monist interdisciplinary openness – vis-à-vis a neighbouring discipline that may indeed already have a particular goal and benchmark in mind – and a pluralist interdisciplinary openness. It identifies in the latter a disproportionately greater heuristic potential (in terms of all societal views). In a pluralist society, one that moulds pluralism into a constitutional requirement, the author sees a pluralist interdisciplinary openness as, above all, normatively superior and even mandated. It also seems better suited to the logic of jurisprudence: a discipline seeking balance in society. The article also addresses the biggest “drawback” of the approach, the unanswered and difficult question of how to determine hierarchizations. Adopting a value-tracking approach, the author proposes a mechanism embracing constitutionality and democracy as guiding legal principles.

Rolf Stürner, The ELI / UNIDROIT Model European Rules of Civil Procedure – An Introduction to Their Basic Conceptions

This contribution introduces the basic conceptions of the Model European Rules of Civil Procedure, which were affirmed by the European Law Institute, Vienna, and by UNIDROIT, Rome, in 2020. In its first part it describes the prior history of the project (ALI/UNIDROIT Principles of Transnational Civil Procedure, Storme Commission) and the history of the emergence of the Model Rules between 2013 and 2020. The following parts depict the organization and coordination of the common work in the various groups, an analysis of methodological questions arising in the context of harmonization of procedural law, a detailed presentation of important results of harmonization in fields of far-reaching convergence of national procedural laws, considerations about strong future trends of procedural design and their significance for different areas of civil procedure, and finally some remarks on innovative procedural developments taken into account by the Model Rules, with important examples in fields like collective proceedings and the financing of proceedings, or in the use of modern means of communication or artificial intelligence. The contribution also contains some cautious remarks on internal conditions associated with the emergence of the Model Rules that may have influenced its results.

Igor Adamczyk and Jakob Fortunat Stagl, Der Eigentumserwerb an Fahrnis im polnischen Recht (Transfer of Ownership in Movable Property under Polish Law)

This essay deals with the transfer of ownership under Polish law. The main question is whether Poland simply adheres to one of the classical models historically significant for this country – that of Austria, Germany, or France – or whether its system can be considered an original solution. The authors are convinced that one cannot analyse the transfer of ownership without considering the underlying contract. In particular, the passing of risk has to be considered in unison with the rules for the passing of ownership. These rules as a whole may seem syncretistic or “mixed”, yet they have to be understood as a genuine – Polish – system for the transfer of ownership.

The table of contents in German is available here.

Update: HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention Repository

Conflictoflaws - mer, 06/22/2022 - 07:25
HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention Repository


In preparation of the Conference on the HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention on 9/10 June 2023, taking place on campus of the University of Bonn, Germany, we are offering here a Repository of contributions to the HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention. Please email us if you miss something in it, we will update immediately…

Update of 7 June 2022: New entries are printed bold.

Please also check the “official” Bibliography of the HCCH for the instrument.


I. Explanatory Reports

Garcimartín Alférez, Francisco;
Saumier, Geneviève „Convention of 2 July 2019 on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters: Explanatory Report“, as approved by the HCCH on 22 September 2020 (available here) Garcimartín Alférez, Francisco;
Saumier, Geneviève “Judgments Convention: Revised Draft Explanatory Report”, HCCH Prel.-Doc. No. 1 of December 2018 (available here) Nygh, Peter;
Pocar, Fausto “Report of the Special Commission”, HCCH Prel.-Doc. No. 11 of August 2000 (available here), pp 19-128


II. Bibliography

Ahmed, Mukarrum “Brexit and the Future of Private International Law in English Courts”, Oxford 2022 Åkerfeldt, Xerxes ”Indirekta behörighetsregler och svensk domsrätt – Analys och utredning av svensk domstols behörighet i förhållande till 2019 års Haagkonvention om erkännande och verkställighet” (Examensarbete inom juristprogrammet, avancerad nivå, Örebro Universitet, 2021 ; available here)


“Indirect jurisdiction and Swedish law – Analysis and inquiry of the jurisdiction of Swedish courts in relation to the 2019 Hague Convention on Recognition and Enforcement” Al-Jubouri, Zina Hazem “Modern trends for the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in civil and commercial matters accordance the 2019 Hague Convention”, Tikrit University Journal for Rights (TUJR) 2022-03, pp. 79-109 (available here) Amurodov, Jahongir “Some issues of Ratification of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters (2019) by the Republic of Uzbekistan”, Uzbek Law Review 2020-03, pp. 11-116 (available here) Arslan, Ilyas “The 2019 Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters”, Uluslararasi Ticaret ve Tahkim Hukuku Dergisi 10 (2021), pp. 329-402 Badr, Yehya Ibrahim “The Hague 2019 Convention for the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judicial Decisions: A Comparative Study”, International Journal of Doctrine, Judiciary, and Legislation (IJDJL) 2 (2021), pp. 427-468 (available here) Balbi, Francesca “La circolazione delle decisioni a livello globale: il rogetto di convenzione della Conferenza dell’Aia per il riconoscimento e l’esecuzione delle sentenze straniere” (Tesi di dottorato, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2019; available: here) Beaumont, Paul “Forum non Conveniens and the EU rules on Conflicts of Jurisdiction: A Possible Global Solution”, Revue Critique de Droit International Privé 2018, pp 433-447 Beaumont, Paul R. “Judgments Convention: Application to Governments”, Netherlands International Law Review (NILR) 67 (2020), pp 121-137 Beaumont, Paul;
Holliday, Jane (eds.) “A Guide to Global Private International Law”, Oxford 2022, forthcoming. Biresaw, Samuel Maigreg “Appraisal of the Success of the Instruments of International Commercial Arbitration vs. Litigation and Mediation in the Harmonization of the Rules of Transnational Commercial Dispute Settlement”, preprint (DOI:10.21203/ Blanquet-Angulo, Alejandra “Les Zones d’ombre de la Convention de La Haye du 2 Juillet 2019”, Revue Internationale de Droit Comparé (RIDC), 73 (2021), pp. 53-71 Blom, Joost “The Court Jurisdiction and Proceedings Transfer Act and the Hague Judgments and Jurisdictions Projects”, Osgoode Hall Law Journal 55 (2018), pp 257-304 Bonomi, Andrea “European Private International Law and Third States”, Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 2017, pp 184-193 Bonomi, Andrea “Courage or Caution? – A Critical Overview of the Hague Preliminary Draft on Judgments”, Yearbook of Private International Law 17 (2015/2016), pp 1-31 Bonomi, Andrea;
Mariottini, Cristina M. “(Breaking) News From The Hague: A Game Changer in International Litigation? – Roadmap to the 2019 Hague Judgments Convention”, Yearbook of Private International Law 20 (2018/2019), pp 537-567 Borges Moschen, Valesca Raizer;
Marcelino, Helder “Estado Constitutional Cooperativo e a conficaçao do direito internacional privado apontamentos sobre o ’Judgement Project’ da Conferência de Haia de Direito Internacional Privado”, Revista Argumentum 18 (2017), pp 291-319

(Cooperative Constitutional State and the Codification of Private International Law: Notes on the “Judgment Project” of the Hague Conference on Private International Law) Borisov, Vitaly Nikolaevich “2019 Hague Judgments Convention: Global Recognition and Enforcement of Civil and Commercial Judgments (Review of the International Conference held in Hong Kong on September 9, 2019), Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law 2020-03, pp. 166-172 (available here) Brand, Ronald A. “The Circulation of Judgments Under the Draft Hague Judgments Convention”, University of Pittsburgh School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper Series No. 2019-02, pp 1-35 Brand, Ronald A. “Jurisdictional Developments and the New Hague Judgments Project”, in HCCH (ed.), A Commitment to Private International Law – Essays in honour of Hans van Loon, Cambridge 2013, pp 89-99 Brand, Ronald A. “New Challenges in Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments”, in Franco Ferrari, Diego P. Fernández Arroyo (eds.), Private International Law – Contemporary Challenges and Continuing Relevance, Cheltenham/Northampton 2019, pp 360-389 Brand, Ronald A. “Jurisdiction and Judgments Recognition at the Hague Conference: Choices Made, Treaties Completed, and the Path Ahead”, Netherlands International Law Review (NILR) 67 (2020), pp 3-17 Brand, Ronald A. “The Hague Judgments Convention in the United States: A ‘Game Changer’ or a New Path to the Old Game?“, University of Pittsburgh Law Review 82 (2021), pp. 847-880 (available here) Brannigan, Neil “Resolving conflicts: establishing forum non conveniens in a new Hague jurisdiction convention”, Journal of Private International Law 18 (2022), pp. 83-112 Cai, Ya-qi “Feasibility Study on China’s Ratification of the HCCH Judgment Convention from the Perspective of Indirect Jurisdiction”, Journal of Taiyuan Normal University (Social Science Edition) 2021-04, pp. 74-80 Çaliskan, Yusuf;
Çaliskan, Zeynep “2 Temmuz 2019 Tarihli Yabanci Mahkeme Kararlarinin Taninmasi ve Tenfizine Iliskin Lahey Anlasmasinin Degerlendirilmesi”, Public and Private International Law Bulletin 40 (2020), pp 231-245 (available here)

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Denyak, Victoria Yurievna “On the issue of Recognition and Enforcement of Court Decisions of a Foreign State in the Russian Federation”, Collection of selected Articles of the International Scientific Conference, Saint Petersburg (2021), pp. 258-261 Solomon, Dennis “Das Haager Anerkennungs- und Vollstreckungsübereinkommen von 2019 und die internationale Anerkennungszuständigkeit“, in Rolf A. Schütze, Thomas R. Klötzel, Martin Gebauer (eds.), Festschrift für Roderich C. Thümmel zum 65. Geburtstag, Berlin 2020, pp 873-893 Song, Jianli “ ‘Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Civil and Commercial Judgments’ and its influence on my country”, People’s Judicature (Application) 2020-01, pp. 88-92 (available here) Song, Lianbin; Chen, Xi “The Judicial Difference and International Coordination of the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Punitive Damages Judgements: Also on China’s Corresponding Measures Under the Frame of HCCH Convention”, Jiang-Huai Tribune 2021-03, pp. 111-113 Spitz, Lidia „Homologação De Decisões Estrangeiras No Brasil –  A Convenção de Sentenças da Conferência da Haia de 2019 e o contrôle indireto da jurisdição estrangeira”, Belo Horizonte 2021 Spitz, Lidia „Refusal of Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments on Public Policy Grounds in the Hague Judgments Convention – A Comparison with The 1958 New York Convention“, YbPIL 21 (2019/2020), pp 333-364 Stein, Andreas „Das Haager Anerkennungs- und Vollstreckungsübereinkommen 2019 – Was lange währt, wird endlich gut?“, Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 2020, pp 197-202 Stewart, David P. „Current Developments: The Hague Conference adopts a New Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters”, American Journal of International Law (AJIL) 113 (2019), pp 772-783 Stitz, Olivia “Comity, Tipping Points, and Commercial Significance: What to expect of the Hague Judgments Convention”, Corporate and Business Law Journal (Corp. & Bus. L.J.) 2 (2021), pp. 203-236 (available here) Storskrubb, Eva “The EU Commission’s Proposal for the EU to Accede to the Hague Judgments Convention”, EU Law Live Weekend Edition No. 75 (2021), pp. 10-16 (available here) Suk, Kwang-Hyun “Principal Content and Indirect Jurisdiction Rules of the Hague Judgments Convention of 2019”, Korea Private International Law Journal 2020-02, pp. 3-83 Sun, Jin;
Wu, Qiong “The Hague Judgments Convention and how we negotiated it”, Chinese Journal of International Law 19 (2020) (available here) Sun, Xiaofei;
Wu, Qiong “Commentary and Outlook on the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters”, Journal of International Law 2019-01, pp. 155-164+170 Symeonides, Symeon C. “Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments: The Hague Convention of 2019”, in Symeon C. Symeonides, Cross-Border Infringement of Personality Rights via the Internet, Leiden 2021, pp. 130-144 Symeonides, Symeon C. « The Hague Treaty for the Recognition of Foreign Decisions-The Lowest Common Denominator », Lex & Forum 4/2021 Takeshita, Keisuke “The New Hague Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments: Analysis on its Relationship with Arbitration”, Japanese Commercial Arbitration Journal (JCA) 2020-02, pp. 10-15 (available here) Takeshita, Keisuke “The New Hague Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments”, Japanese Commercial Arbitration Journal

Part 1: JCA 2020-04, pp. 40-45 (available here)

Part 2: JCA 2020-05, pp. 40-45 (available here)

Part 3: JCA 2020-06, pp. 42-49 (available here)

Part 4: JCA 2020-10, pp. 40-46 (available here)

Part 5: JCA 2020-11, pp. 35-41 (available here)

Part 6: JCA 2020-12, pp. 43-48 (available here)

Part 7: JCA 2021-02, pp. 50-56 (available here)

Part 8: JCA 2021-04, pp. 45-51 (available here)

Part 9: JCA 2021-07, pp. 46-53

Part 10: JCA 2021-09, pp. 40-46

Part 11: JCA 2021-10, pp. 48-54

Part 12: JCA 2022-01, pp. 45-52

Part 13: JCA 2022-03, pp. 44-51 Taquela, María Blanca Noodt ; Abou-Nigm, Verónica Ruiz “News From The Hague: The Draft Judgments Convention and Its Relationship with Other International Instruments”, Yearbook of Private International Law 19 (2017/2018), pp 449-474 Teitz, Louise Ellen “Another Hague Judgments Convention? – Bucking the Past to Provide for the Future”, Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law 29 (2019), pp 491-511 Tian, Hongjun “The Present and Future of the Recognition and Enforcement of Civil and Commercial Judgments in Northeast Asia: From the Perspective of the 2019 Hague Judgments Convention”, Chinese Yearbook of Private International Law and Comparative Law 2019-01, pp. 300-317 Tian, Xinyue;
Qian, Zhenqiu;
Wang, Shengzhe “The Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments (Draft) and China’s Countermeasure – A Summary on the Fourth Judicial Forum of Great Powers”, Chinese Yearbook of Private International Law and Comparative Law 2018-01, pp. 377-388 Trooboff, Peter D.;
North, Cara; Nishitani, Yuko;
Sastry, Shubha; Chanda, Riccarda “The Promise and Prospects of the 2019 Hague Convention: Introductory Remarks”, Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting 114 (2020), pp. 345-357 Tsang, King Fung;
Wong, Tsz Wai “Enforcement of Non-Monetary Judgments in Common Law Jurisdictions: Is the Time Ripe?”, Fordham International Law Journal 45 (2021), pp. 379-428 (available here) van der Grinten, Paulien;
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Vysoka, Lenka “The 2019 Hague Judgments Convention through European lenses”, Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht (NIPR) 2020, pp 34-49 Wu, Qiong “The Overview of the 22nd Diplomatic Session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law”, Chinese Yearbook of International Law 2019, pp. 337-338 Xie, Yili “Research on the Intellectual Property Infringment System of the Hague Judgments Convention”, China-Arab States Science and Technology Forum 2021-09, pp. 190-194 Xu, Guojian “Comment on Key Issues Concerning Hague Judgment Convention in 2019 “, Journal of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law 35 (2020), pp 1-29 Xu, Guojian “To Establish an International Legal System for Global Circulation of Court Judgments”, Wuhan University International Law Review 2017-05, pp 100-130 Xu, Guojian “Overview of the Mechanism of Recognition and Enforcement of Judgements Established by HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention”, China Journal of Applied Jurisprudence No. 2020-02, pp 65-77 Xu, Guojian “On the Scope and Limitation of the Global Circulation of Court Judgments: An Analysis on the Application Scope of the 2019 Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters”, Chinese Yearbook of Private International Law and Comparative Law 2019-01, pp. 269-299 Yang, Yujie “On the Rules of indirect Jurisdiction responding to Litigation – Based on Article 5, Paragraph 1, Item 6 of the Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters” (Master Thesis China Foreign Affairs University Beijing 2021) Yekini, Abubakri

  “The Hague Judgments Convention and Commonwealth Model Law – A Pragmatic Perspective”, Oxford 2021. Yeo, Terence “The Hague Judgments Convention – A View from Singapore”, Singapore Academy of Law Journal (e-First) 3rd August 2020 (available here) Yuzhakov, D.A. “Legal Regulation of the Procedures for Enforcement of Decisions of Foreign Courts in Economic Disputes”, Urgent Issues of the Entrepreneurship Law, Civil Litigation and Arbitration (Perm State University) No. 4 (2021), pp. 119-123 (available here) Zasemkova, Olesya Fedorovna “ ‘Judicial Convention’ as a New Stage in the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments”, Lex Russica 2019-10, pp. 84-103 (available here) Zasemkova, Olesya Fedorovna “Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in the Context of the Adoption of the « Judicial Convention » 2019”, in Zhuikov V.M., Shchukin A.I. (eds.), Liber Amicorum Natalia Ivanovna Marysheva, pp. 196-211 Zernikow, Marcel “Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Decisions in MERCOSUR Letters Rogatory (Carta Rogatória) and National Civil Procedure” Yearbook of Private International Law 22 (2020/2021), pp. 353-380 Zhang, Chunliang;
Huang, Shan “On the Common Courts Rules in Hague Judgments Convention – China’s way for the Judicial Assistance under Belt and Road Initiative”, Journal of Henan University of Economics and Law 2020-05, pp. 103-113 Zhang, Lizhen “On the Defamation Problem in the Hague Judgments Project: Ever In and Now out of the Scope”, Wuhan University International Law Review 2019-01, pp. 41-58 (available here) Zhang, Wenliang “The Finality Requirement of Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments”, Wuhan University Law Review 2020-02, pp. 19-38 Zhang, Wenliang; Tu, Guangjian “The Hague Judgments Convention and Mainland China-Hong Kong SAR Judgments Arrangement: Comparison and Prospects for Implementation”, Chinese Journal of International Law 20 (2021), pp. 101-135 Zhang, Wenliang;
Tu, Guangjian “The 1971 and 2019 Hague Judgments Conventions: Compared and Whether China Would Change Its Attitude Towards The Hague”, Journal of International Dispute Settlement (JIDS), 2020, 00, pp. 1-24 Zhang, Zhengyi;
Zhang, Zhen “Development of the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters and Its Implication to China”, International and Comparative Law Review 2020, pp. 112-131 Zhao, Ning “The HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention, adding essential components for an effective international legal framework on recognition and enforcement”, in UIHJ (ed.), David Walker (dir.), Cyberjustice, de nouvelles opportunités pour l’huissier de justice / Cyberjustice, New Opportunities for the Judicial Officer – XXIVe Congrès de l’Union Internationale des Huissiers de Justice – Dubai – 22 au 25 Novembre 2021, Bruxelles 2021, pp. 120-133 Zhao, Ning “Completing a long-awaited puzzle in the landscape of cross-border recognition and enforcement of judgments: An overview of the HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention”, Swiss Review of International and European Law (SRIEL) 30 (2020), pp 345-368 Zirat, Gennadii “Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters: A new Contribution of the Hague Conference on Private International Law to the Unification of International Civil Procedure”, Ukrainian Journal of International Law 2020-03, pp. 105-112 (available here)


III. Recordings of Events Related to the HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention

ASADIP; HCCH “Conferencia Internacional: Convención HCCH 2019 sobre Reconocimiento y Ejecución de Sentencias Extranjeras”, 3 December 2020 (full recording available here and here) ASIL “The Promise and Prospects of the 2019 Hague Convention”, 25-26 June 2020 (full recording available here and here) Department of Justice Hong Kong; HCCH “Inaugural Global Conference – 2019 HCCH Judgments Convention: Global Enforcement of Civil and Commercial Judgments”, 9 September 2019 (recording available here) HCCH “HCCH a|Bridged: Innovation in Transnational Litigation – Edition 2021: Enabling Party Autonomy with the HCCH 2005 Choice of Court Convention”, 1 December 2021 (full recording available here) HCCH “22nd Diplomatic Session of the HCCH: The Adoption of the 2019 Judgments Convention”, 2 July 2020 (short documentary video available here) JPRI; HCCH; UNIDROIT; UNCITRAL “2020 Judicial Policy Research Institute International Conference – International Commercial Litigation: Recent Developments and Future Challenges, Session 3: Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments”, 12 November 2020 (recording available here) UIHJ; HCCH “3rd training webinar on the Hague Conventions on service of documents (1965) and recognition and enforcement of judgements (2019)”, 15/18 March 2021 (full recording available here in French and here in English) University of Bonn; HCCH “Pre-Conference Video Roundtable on the HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention: Prospects for Judicial Cooperation in Civil and Commercial Matters between the EU and Third Countries”, 29 October 2020 (full recording available here) Lex & Forum Journal; Sakkoula Publications SA « The Hague Conference on Private International Law and the European Union – Latest developments », 3 December 2021 (full recording available here)


L’objection de conscience, motif d’octroi de la qualité de réfugié

Le recours d’un Turc d’origine kurde contre le rejet de sa demande d’asile est l’occasion pour la Cour nationale du droit d’asile (CNDA) de préciser les modalités d’évaluation d’une telle demande fondée sur le motif de l’objection de conscience au service militaire.

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Catégories: Flux français

106/2022 : 21 juin 2022 - Visite officielle à la Cour de justice

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mar, 06/21/2022 - 17:54
Visite à la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne de S. Exc. Mme Katerina Sakellaropoulou, présidente de la République Hellénique

Catégories: Flux européens

Identities on the Move – Documents Cross Borders: 23-24 June 2022

EAPIL blog - mar, 06/21/2022 - 14:00

As announced on this blog, the final conference of the DXB – Identities on the move – Documents cross borders will be held in Italy on 23-24 June 2022 and will be hosted at A.N.U.S.C.A.’s Academy in Castel San Pietro Terme (Bologna, Italy).

All interested scholars and registrars, public authorities and officials, lawyers and students are invited to take part to it for the outcomes of the research. This final event will offer an opportunity to become aware of the Regulation (EU) 2016/1191 on promoting the free movement of citizens by simplifying the requirements for presenting certain public documents in the European Union and to discover the strengths and the challenges of this still relatively unknown instrument. The conference will connect the scientific and applicative dimension of the Regulation, sharing, inter alia, the Commentary on the Regulation and an EU-wide Comparative Survey placing the Regulation into the context of daily national practice.

The event will be held in person, in compliance with health safety regulations, and will also be broadcast online in live streaming for free. Deadline registration for on-line attendance is 21 June 2022 and working languages of the conference will be English, German and Italian.

The Conference programme is available here and includes as speakers Maria Caterina Baruffi, Elsa Bernard, Giacomo Biagioni, Laura Calafà, Matteo Caldironi, Renzo Calvigioni, Cristina Campiglio, Giacomo Cardaci, Gregor Christandl, Mădălina Cocoșatu, Diletta Danieli, Sanjay Dharwadker, Ester di Napoli, Ornella Feraci, Caterina Fratea, Marco Gerbaudo, Susanne Gössl, Paride Gullini, Steve Heylen, Marion Ho-Dac, Fabienne Jault-Seseke, Eva Kaseva, Dafni Lima, Balwicka-Szczyrba Małgorzata, Francesca Maoli, Claudia Elena Marinică, Martina Melcher, Dominik Damian Mielewczyk, Nicolas Nord, Guillermo Palao Moreno, Lina Papadopoulou, Paolo Pasqualis, Paul Patreider, Cinzia Peraro, Stefania Pia Perrino, Marco Poli, Camille Reitzer, Simon Rijsdijk, Alexander Schuster, Sharon Shakargy, Nicole Sims, Thomas Stigari, Anna Sylwestrzak, Marie Vautravers, Rob van der Velde, Jinske Verhellen and Brody Warren.

If you have any questions or inquiries, please write an email to

Last call: JPrivIntL-SMU Virtual Conference on Conflicts of Jurisdiction (23 to 24 June 2022)

Conflictoflaws - mar, 06/21/2022 - 12:30

As previously announced, the Journal of Private International Law-Singapore Management University Virtual Conference on Conflicts of Jurisdiction will be held online on 23 to 24 June 2022 (6.00 pm to 10.20 pm Singapore time, 11.00 am to 3.20 pm British Summer Time on each day). The event is supported by the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH). Complimentary registration for academics, government and international organisation officials, JPrivIntL Advisory Board members and students will close on 22 June 2022. More information on the conference and the link to register can be found here.

105/2022 : 21 juin 2022 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-817/19

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mar, 06/21/2022 - 09:54
Ligue des droits humains
La Cour estime que le respect des droits fondamentaux exige une limitation des pouvoirs prévus par la directive PNR au strict nécessaire

Catégories: Flux européens

Seminar on Future Regulation of Third-Party Litigation Funding

EAPIL blog - mar, 06/21/2022 - 08:00

In the context of the Vici project Affordable Access to Justice at Erasmus School of Law (financed by the Dutch Research Council – NWO), the project team has organised a series of seminars titled Trends and Challenges in Costs and Funding of Civil Justice.

The concluding seminar in the series will take place on 22 June 2022, on the Future Regulation of Third-Party Litigation Funding.

The seminar, opened by Xandra Kramer and Geert Van Calster, will feature two sessions. The first session, on the current status and the need for further regulation, will include a stakeholder roundtable moderated by Xandra Kramer with the participation of Paulien van der Grinten, Johan Skog and David Greene. The second session, on modes and levels of regulation, chaired by Eva Storskrubb, will include a panel discussion involving Kai Zenner, Tets Ishikawa, Victoria Sahani and Albert Henke.

Attendance is possible in person and online. The programme is available here.

CJEU on Article 34 Brussels I and arbitral awards

European Civil Justice - mar, 06/21/2022 - 00:39

The Grand Chamber of the CJEU delivered today its judgment in case C‑700/20 (London Steam-Ship Owners’ Mutual Insurance Association Limited v Kingdom of Spain), which is about Article 34 Brussels I:

“1. Article 34(3) of Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 […] must be interpreted as meaning that a judgment entered by a court of a Member State in the terms of an arbitral award does not constitute a ‘judgment’, within the meaning of that provision, where a judicial decision resulting in an outcome equivalent to the outcome of that award could not have been adopted by a court of that Member State without infringing the provisions and the fundamental objectives of that regulation, in particular as regards the relative effect of an arbitration clause included in the insurance contract in question and the rules on lis pendens contained in Article 27 of that regulation, and that, in that situation, the judgment in question cannot prevent, in that Member State, the recognition of a judgment given by a court in another Member State.

2. Article 34(1) of Regulation No 44/2001 must be interpreted as meaning that, in the event that Article 34(3) of that regulation does not apply to a judgment entered in the terms of an arbitral award, the recognition or enforcement of a judgment from another Member State cannot be refused as being contrary to public policy on the ground that it would disregard the force of res judicata acquired by the judgment entered in the terms of an arbitral award”.



Sites de l’Union Européenne


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