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Parquet européen : étendue du contrôle d’une mesure d’enquête transfrontière

Par arrêt de grande chambre du 21 décembre 2023, la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne fournit de précieuses indications sur l’étendue du contrôle opéré par les autorités respectives des États membres dont relèvent les procureurs européens délégués et procureurs européens délégués assistants dans le cadre d’une enquête transfrontière décidée par le parquet européen.

Sur la boutique Dalloz Droit et pratique des audiences correctionnelles et de police 2024/2025 Voir la boutique Dalloz

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Catégories: Flux français

Assurance automobile : suite de la transposition de la directive européenne (UE) 2021/2118 du 24 novembre 2021

Le décret a pour objet d’intégrer en droit français les nouvelles règles adoptées par l’Union européenne en matière de circulation de véhicules automoteurs et de l’assurance de responsabilité civile couvrant les dommages susceptibles d’être causés par leur utilisation.

Sur la boutique Dalloz Code des assurances, code de la mutualité 2023, annoté et commenté Voir la boutique Dalloz

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Catégories: Flux français

Second Seminar on the Recast of the Brussels I bis Regulation

EAPIL blog - lun, 01/15/2024 - 08:00

As announced in a previous post, a seminar series on the recast of Brussels I bis Regulation, is taking place during the 2023-2024 academic year, both in Paris at the Cour de cassation and online (in French), under the scientific coordination of Marie-Elodie Ancel (University of Paris-Panthéon-Assas) and Pascal de Vareilles-Sommières (University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne).

The second seminar will take place on 18 January 2024 from 16.00 to 18.00 (UTC+1).

It will be devoted to the recast of the Brussels I bis Regulation’s provisions on special jurisdiction. The main topics to be discussed include jurisdiction on contractual matters, in litigation over financial damage and in disputes relating to collective redress.

The list of speakers includes David Sindres (University of Angers), Bernard Haftel (University of Sorbonne Paris Nord), Caroline Kleiner (University of Paris Cité) and Valérie Pironon (University of Nantes).

The programme, as well as registration and access details can be found here.

The recording of the first seminar (30 November 2003) is now available online.

The other seminars will take place from 16.00 to 18.00 (UTC+1) on 26 February, 18 March, 22 April, 30 May and 24 June 2024.

The seminar series is organised by the Research Centre for Private International Law and International Trade (CRDI, University of Paris Panthéon Assas) and the Sorbonne Department Study of International Private Relationships (SERPI, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), together with the Société de Législation Comparée (SLC), the French national school for the judiciary (ENM) and the French Supreme Court for civil and criminal matters (Cour de cassation).

Assurance automobile : transposition de la directive européenne (UE) 2021/2118 du 24 novembre 2021

La transposition de la directive conduit à préciser le champ d’application de l’obligation d’assurance, à définir les modalités de contrôle du respect de cette obligation, à faciliter les conditions de la souscription de l’assurance automobile et à renforcer le régime d’indemnisation des victimes.

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Catégories: Flux français

Seminar Series – International Perspectives on Scots Law

Conflictoflaws - dim, 01/14/2024 - 23:10

The University of Stirling is bringing together academics, practitioners and other stakeholders to present research examining the role of Scots law in the international legal landscape. It is hoped this will promote the ways in which Scots law can offer solutions to global legal challenges but also to offer critiques of the way in which Scots law can or must evolve to preserve and promote its value.

With many Law Schools diversifying their programme offerings beyond Scots law it is a critical time to explore the interactions between Scots law and other jurisdictions. It is also necessary to consider the relationships between the curriculum within Law Schools and the needs of legal practice.

Seminars will be delivered in hybrid format to enable busy stakeholders to engage with these discussions.

Please register for each event in the series individually here, and find out more about a seminar by emailing

This seminar series has been generously funded by the Clark Foundation for Legal Education.

UK has signed the 2019 Judgments Convention

Conflictoflaws - ven, 01/12/2024 - 18:16

On 12 January 2024, the United Kingdom has signed the 2019 Judgments Convention (Convention of 2 July 2019 on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters), as announced in the press release of the Hague Conference on Private International Law.

This a milestone for private international law within the coming about of the worldwide framework for recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments and potentially a valuable instrument in the post-Brexit legal landscape.

Colonialism and German PIL (3) – Imagined Hierachies

Conflictoflaws - ven, 01/12/2024 - 15:37

This post is part of a series regarding Colonialism and the general structure of (German) Private International Law, based on a presentation I gave in spring 2023. See the introduction here.

As mentioned in the introduction, this series does not intent to automatically pass judgment on a norm or method influenced by colonialism as inherently negative. Instead, the aim is to reveal these influences and to initiate a first engagement with and awareness of this topic and to stimulate a discussion and reflection.

The first post (after the introduction) dealt with classic PIL and colonialism and already sparked a vivid discussion in the comments section. This second considered structures and values inherent in German or European law, implicitly resonating within the PIL and, thus, expanding those values to people and cases from other parts of the world.  The third category discusses an imagined hierarchy between the Global North and Global South that is sometimes inherent in private international law thinking, for instances where courts or legislators abstractly or paternalistically apply the public policy to “protect” individuals from foreign legal norms. This is especially evident in areas like underage marriages and unilateral divorce practices found inter alia in Islamic law.

1. The public policy exception – abstract or concrete control?

The public policy exception is intended to prevent the application of foreign law by way of exception if the result of this application of law conflicts with fundamental domestic values. Such control is necessary for a legal system that is open to the application of foreign law and, in particular, foreign law of a completely different character. German law is typically very restrictive in its approach: The public policy control refers to a concrete control of the results of applying the provisions in question. In addition, the violation of fundamental domestic values must be obvious and there must be a sufficient domestic connection. In other countries, the approach is less restrictive. In particular, there are also courts that do not look at the result of the application of the law, but carry out an abstract review, i.e. assess the foreign legal system in the abstract. For a comparison of some EU Member States see this article.

2. Explicit paternalistic rules

Furthermore, there are some rules that exercise an abstract control of foreign law. Article 10 of the Rome III Regulation contains a provision that analyses foreign divorce law in the abstract to determine whether it contains gender inequality. According to this (prevailing, see e.g. conclusions of AG Saugmandsgaard Øe) interpretation, it is irrelevant whether the result of the application of the law actually leads to unequal treatment. This abstract assessment assumes – even more so than a review of the result – an over-under-ordering relationship between domestic and foreign law, as the former can assess the latter as “good” or “bad”.

Even beyond the ordre public control, there has recently been a tendency towards “paternalistic rules”, particularly triggered by the migration movements of the last decade. The legislator seems to assume that the persons concerned must be protected from the application of “their” foreign law, even if they may wish its application. In particular, the “Act to Combat Child Marriage” which was only partially deemed unconstitutional by the Federal Constitutional Court (see official press release and blog post), is one such example: the legislator considered the simple, restrictive ordre public provision to be insufficient. Therefore, it created additional, abstract regulations that block the application of foreign, “bad” law.

3. Assessment

In the described cases as a conceptual hierarchy can be identified: The impression arises that foreign legal systems, particularly from the “Global South”, are categorised in the abstract as “worse” than the German/EU legal system and that persons affected by it must be protected from it (“paternalistic norms”). As far as I can see there is a high consensus in the vast majority of German literature (but there are other voices) and also the majority of case law that the abstract ordre public approach should be rejected and that the aforementioned norms, i.e. in particular Art. 13 III EGBGB (against underage marriages) and Art. 10 Rome III-VO (different access to a divorce based on gender), should ideally be abolished. It would be desirable for the legislator to take greater account of the literature in this regard.

Hague Judgments Convention Signed by the United Kingdom

EAPIL blog - ven, 01/12/2024 - 15:00

On 12 January 2024, the United Kingdom signed the Hague Convention of 2 July 2019 on the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in civil or commercial matters. As reported by Ugljesa Grusic on this blog, the UK government had announced some weeks ago its intention to move towards joining the Convention.

The next step will consist for the UK in ratifying the Convention.

The Convention will then enter into force for the UK pursuant to Article 28(2), that is, “on the first day of the month following the expiration of the period during which notifications may be made in accordance with Article 29(2)” with respect to the UK.

The notifications referred to in Article 29(2) are statements whereby a Contracting State may inform the depositary, within twelve months, that the ratification of another State (the UK, in the circumstances) “shall not have the effect of establishing relations between the two States pursuant to this Convention”. In practice, Contracting States may decide that they will not be bound by the Convention vis-à-vis any State that would later join the Convention. The Convention is currently in force for the European Union and Ukraine (since 1 September 2023), and is set to enter into force for Uruguay on 1 October 2024. None of the latter States is expected to make use of this opportunity as regards the UK.

Symeonides’ Annual Private International Law Bibliography

EAPIL blog - ven, 01/12/2024 - 08:00

The eighteenth annual bibliography of private international law, compiled by Symeon C. Symeonides, Willamette University, is now available.

The bibliography lists 124 books and 288 journal articles on private international law or conflict of laws and related fields, such as prescriptive jurisdiction, extraterritoriality, federal-state conflicts, as well as certain aspects of arbitration, the law of foreign relations, and international human rights.

The books and articles included in the list appeared in print in 2023, in English.

The bibliography has been posted on SSRN and can be found here.

US Ninth Circuit rules in favor of Spain in a decades-long case concerning a painting looted by the Nazis

Conflictoflaws - jeu, 01/11/2024 - 13:57

This interesting case comment has been kindly provided to the blog by Nicolás Zambrana-Tévar , LLM, PhD, KIMEP University

The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has found in favor of Spain as defendant in a property case spanning several decades. A panel of three judges has unanimously ruled that, applying California conflict of law rules, Spain has a stronger interest than the claimants in the application of its own domestic law, including its own rules on prescriptive acquisition of property and the statute of limitations, thus confirming the ownership of a stolen painting, now owned by a Spanish museum.

1. Background information

In 1939, Lilly Cassirer traded a Pissarro painting to the Nazis in exchange for her family´s safe passage out of Germany. In 1954, a tribunal set up by the Allied forces established that the Cassirer family were the rightful owners of the painting. However, believing that the painting had been lost during the war, the family accepted 13,000 US dollars in compensation from the German government, which would be the equivalent of 250,000 US dollars today.
After the painting was looted, it found its way into the United States and, in 1976, Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza bought it from the Hahn Gallery of New York, where the painting was publicly in display, allegedly ignoring its origin. The Museum Thyssen-Bornemisza purchased the painting from the Baron in 1993. Claude Cassirer – the grandson of Lilly Cassirer – found out that the painting was being exhibited in Madrid and commenced proceedings under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA) in 2005. The Museum is the actual defendant in the suit but it is considered an instrumentality of the Kingdom of Spain.

2. Court decisions

In 2019, a US District Judge for the Central District of California, applying Spanish law, found that court filings did not demonstrate a “willful blindness” on the part of the Museum, when it added the painting to its collection. Moreover, the judge found that it could not force Spain or the Museum to comply with the “moral commitments” of international agreements concerning the return of works of art looted by the Nazis.
In 2020, the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit found in favor of Spain, again applying Spanish law. The court ruled that, regardless of the test applied by the district judge to determine the degree of care employed by the purchaser to determine the origin of the painting, both the Baron in 1976 and the Museum in 1993, lacked actual knowledge of the theft. It is important to note that both the district judge and the court of appeals determined the application of Spanish law because they were applying federal choice of law rules.
In 2022, the US Supreme Court ruled that this case did not involve any substantive federal law issues because it basically dealt with property law. Therefore, the choice of law rules that the district judge and the court of appeals should have applied were the conflict rules of the forum state, i.e. the conflict rules of California. The Supreme Court argued that Spanish law “made everything depend on whether, at the time of acquisition, the Foundation knew the painting was stolen”. On the other hand, the claimants argued that California conflict rules led to the application of California property law, in accordance with which “even a good-faith purchaser of stolen property cannot prevail against the rightful pre-theft owner.” Basically, the Supreme Court said that in an FSIA case, the foreign state defendant has to be treated like a private defendant and that if the Museum had been a purely private entity, it would have had to return the painting. The case was returned to the Court of Appeals.

3. Conflict-of-law analysis

On 9 January 2024, the US Court of Appeals ruled that, even applying California choice of law rules, Spanish law was applicable. The court came to this conclusion applying the “governmental interest approach”. In accordance with this approach, the court first had to ascertain that the two laws in conflict – Spain and California law – were different. They were because the Spanish law provision that the defendant was relying on was article 1955 of the Spanish Civil Code, which provides that “Ownership of movable goods prescribes by three years of uninterrupted bona fide possession. Ownership of movable goods also prescribes by six years of uninterrupted possession, without any other condition”. Therefore, in accordance with Spanish law “three years of uninterrupted possession in good faith” are enough for the acquisition of title whereas California law has not expressly adopted a doctrine of adverse possession for personal property – such as works of art – and, moreover, “thieves cannot pass good title to anyone, including a good faith purchaser”. Besides, California law extends to six years the statute of limitations for claims involving the return of stolen property and Cassirer brought the claim only five years after it discovered the painting hanging at the Museum in Madrid.
Having determined that the laws in conflict were different, the court of appeals then examined and agreed that both jurisdictions – Spain and California – “have a legitimate interest in applying their respective laws on ownership of stolen personal property”. “Spanish law assures Spanish residents that their title to personal property is protected after they have possessed the property in good faith for a set period of time, whereas California law seeks to deter theft, facilitate recovery for victims of theft, and create an expectation that a bona fide purchaser for value of movable property under a ‘chain of title traceable to the thief,’ … does not have title to that property.” Therefore, there was a true conflict of laws, as both jurisdictions had real and legitimate interests in applying their respective law. Additionally, the court had to determine which jurisdiction’s interest “would be more impaired if its policy were subordinated to the policy of the other state.” Otherwise said, “which jurisdiction should be allocated the predominating lawmaking power under the circumstances of the present case”.
To do this, the interests of each jurisdiction were to be measured based on “the circumstances of the particular dispute, not the jurisdiction’s general policy goals expressed in the laws implicated”. The factors to be taken into consideration in this analysis were the “current status of a statute… the location of the relevant transactions and conduct… and the extent to which one jurisdiction’s laws either impose similar duties to the other jurisdiction’s laws, or are accommodated by the other jurisdiction’s laws, such that the application of the other jurisdiction’s laws would only partially—rather than totally—impair the interests of the state whose law is not applied”.
With respect to the first factor, the court said that it was inappropriate to judge which law is better. Also, in reply to the alleged archaism of the Spanish rule, that says that property is acquired after six years of possession, regardless of the stolen nature of the asset, the court replied that the defendant was relying on the possession with good faith during three years.
With respect to the second factor, the court of appeals reasoned that, in accordance with several precedents from the Supreme Court of California, a “jurisdiction ordinarily has the predominant interest in regulating conduct that occurs within its borders”, i.e. on Spanish territory, whereas “where none of the relevant conduct occurs in California, a restrained view of California’s interest in facilitating recovery for one of its residents is warranted.” In the case at hand, “California’s sole contact to the dispute was the happenstance of the plaintiff’s residence there.” Similarly, “California’s governmental interest rests solely on the fortuity that Claude Cassirer moved to California in 1980, at a time when the Cassirer family believed the Painting had been lost or destroyed.” Therefore, “California’s interest in facilitating recovery for that resident was minimal and the extraterritorial reach of its laws was restrained.” Since “no relevant conduct with respect of the Painting occurred in California, the impairment of California’s interest that would result from applying Spanish law would be minimal.”
The court went on to say that, in contrast, “applying California law would significantly impair Spain’s interest in applying Article 1955 of the Spanish Civil Code. For one, because the relevant conduct [the purchase of the painting] occurred in Spain” so that “Spain has the “predominant interest in applying its laws to that conduct.” Furthermore, “applying California law would mean that Spain’s law would not apply to property possessed within Spain’s borders, so long as the initial owner (1) happened to be a California resident (a fact over which… the defendant has no way of knowing or controlling…, and (2) the California resident did not know where the property is located and who possessed it. Applying California law based only on Claude Cassirer’s decision to move to California would strike at the essence of a compelling Spanish law.”
With respect to the third factor and also in accordance with past precedents of the California Supreme Court, “the court should look to whether one jurisdiction’s laws accommodate the other jurisdiction’s interests or imposes duties the other jurisdiction already imposes… A state’s laws can more readily be discarded if the failure to apply its laws would only partially—rather than totally—impair the policy interests of the jurisdiction whose law is not applied…. Here, the failure to apply California’s laws would only partially undermine California’s interests in deterring theft and returning stolen art to victims of theft, which provides further support for limiting the extraterritorial reach of California’s laws to this dispute.
On the other hand, “applying Spanish law would only partially undermine California’s interests in facilitating recovery of stolen art for California residents. California law already contemplates that a person whose art—or other personal property—is stolen may eventually lose the ability to reclaim possession: namely, if the person fails to bring a lawsuit within six years after he discovers the whereabouts of the art… Similarly, Article 1955 of the Spanish Civil Code accommodates California’s interest in deterring theft. As we have explained, Spanish law makes it more difficult for title to vest in an “encubridor,” which includes, “an accessory after the fact,” or someone who “knowingly receives and benefits from stolen property…. If the possessor is proven to be an encubridor, Spanish law extends the period in which the property must be possessed before new prescriptive title is created.”

4. Concluding remarks

This complex and interesting case seems to be coming to an end. In brief, and despite the complexity of the application of the theory of interest analysis, it seems that the US court has given the same solution which a civil court would have given, applying the usual rule that the law applicable to property rights is the law of the place where the property is located at the time of the transfer. So far, it appears that the increasing sensitivity towards cultural property and towards unraveling war crimes has not fully displaced this conflicts rule.

6/2024 : 11 janvier 2024 - Conclusions de l'avocat général dans l'affaire C-563/22

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 01/11/2024 - 10:20
Zamestnik-predsedatel na Darzhavna agentsia za bezhantsite
Espace de liberté, sécurité et justice
Advocate General Emiliou: Palestinian applicants for refugee status can claim that UNRWA’s protection has ‘ceased’ in the light of the general living conditions prevailing in the Gaza Strip

Catégories: Flux européens

5/2024 : 11 janvier 2024 - Conclusions de l'avocat général dans les affaires jointes C-662/22, C-663/22, C664/22, C-665/22, C-666/22, C-667/22

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 01/11/2024 - 10:10
Airbnb Ireland
Avocat général Szpunar : un État membre ne peut imposer des obligations générales et abstraites à un prestataire de services en ligne actif sur son territoire mais établi dans un autre État membre
Advocate General Szpunar: a Member State cannot impose general and abstract obligations on an online service provider operating on its territory but established in another Member State

Catégories: Flux européens

4/2024 : 11 janvier 2024 - Conclusions de l'avocat général dans l'affaire C-48/22 P

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 01/11/2024 - 10:09
Google et Alphabet / Commission (Google Shopping)
L’avocate générale Kokott propose à la Cour de confirmer l’amende de 2,4 milliards d’euros infligée à Google pour avoir favorisé son propre comparateur de produits

Catégories: Flux européens

3/2024 : 11 janvier 2024 - Conclusions de l'Avocat général dans les affaires C-808/21, C-814/21

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 01/11/2024 - 10:08
Commission / République tchèque (Éligibilité et adhésion à un parti politique)
Citoyenneté européenne
Avocat général Richard de la Tour : en refusant le droit de devenir membre d’un parti politique aux citoyens de l’Union, qui ne sont pas ressortissants de la Pologne ni de la République tchèque mais qui y résident, ces États membres ont enfreint le droit de l’Union en matière électorale

Catégories: Flux européens

2/2024 : 11 janvier 2024 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-440/22 P

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 01/11/2024 - 10:06
Wizz Air Hungary / Commission
Aide d'État
La Cour rejette le pourvoi de Wizz Air au sujet de l’aide au sauvetage accordée par la Roumanie à TAROM

Catégories: Flux européens

1/2024 : 11 janvier 2024 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-122/22 P

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 01/11/2024 - 09:55
Dyson e.a. / Commission
Droit institutionnel
Étiquetage énergétique des aspirateurs : la Cour rejette définitivement le recours en indemnité de Dyson

Catégories: Flux européens

Ukrainian Surrogate Mothers Giving Birth in France

EAPIL blog - jeu, 01/11/2024 - 08:00

An unintended consequence of the war in Ukraine is that a number of Ukrainian surrogate mothers have travelled to other countries to give birth.

The French press has reported that surrogate mothers who had entered into agreements with French residents were repatriated to France to give birth there.

The problem is that surrogacy is prohibited in France. This is why the French Court of Cassation initially ruled that the entire enterprise aimed at evading French law, and that the parenthood resulting from the surrogacy should thus be denied recognition in France. But, as readers will know, the ECtHR ruled that this result violates the child’s right to respect for private life within the meaning of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Does the fact that the birth takes place in France as opposed to a country where surrogacy is legal change anything?

Establishing Parenthood

The first problem arising in this case scenario is that French law (obviously) does not establish the parenthood of the intended mother and cancel the parenthood of the surrogate mother. Quite to the contrary, if a Ukrainian woman gives birth in France, she is automatically the mother.

As a consequence, the intended parents put in place the following scheme:

  1. The intended (and typically biological) father recognised the child before birth, in accordance with French law and before a French authority.
  2. The surrogate mother gave birth after declaring that she does not want to be on record and wants to remain anonymous. This is allowed under French law, and should normally lead to the child being adopted by one of the many couples waiting for this. But here, the father is known.
  3. The partner of the father, typically the intended mother, files an application to adopt the child.
Is This Still a Foreign Surrogacy?

An interesting question is whether one could still claim that the surrogacy was validly constituted abroad.

Two major differences between this case scenario and the more traditional one is that the birth occurred in a country were surrogacy is illegal, and that no foreign document establishes the parenthood of the intended mother. It is therefore difficult to say that the issue is one of ‘recognition’ of a foreign situation, or of a foreign official act.

But even this is not so, which law should a French court apply to determine the validity of the surrogacy? To my knowledge, this is an issue of first impression, but one would tend to think that the choice of law applicable to parenthood should be applied. This would lead, in France, to the application of the national law of the mother. Although the relevant provision does not define the concept of mother, it seems clear that the French lawmaker had in mind the biological mother. Thus, Ukrainian law might apply, and the surrogacy might be foreign irrespective of where the birth took place.

The next steps of the reasoning would then be whether the result would comport with French public policy, and whether you would need to determine separately the applicable law to the parenthood of the intended parent.

Does it Matter?

Maybe not, at least from the perspective of PIL.

The European Court of Human Rights has repeatedly insisted that the fundamental right of the children demand some form of acceptance of surrogacy. And it does not seem that the court has limited the scope of this right to cases where the surrogacy was validly constituted abroad.

Why should it, after all? The problem of the children is not fundamentally different if the parents acted illegally.

What about Criminal Law?

The issue might be different from the perspective of criminal law. It is easier to argue that a surrogacy eventually resulting in a birth in France falls within the territorial scope of French criminal law than a surrogacy organised from France by the intended parents.

The French press has reported that a French organisation has informed prosecutors in five different cities, and that one prosecutor has initiated criminal investigations in one of them. There are a number of French criminal offences which might apply to the process of surrogacy: “provocation à l’abandon d’enfant”, “entremise entre un couple et une personne acceptant de porter l’enfant”,substitution volontaire, simulation ou dissimulation ayant entraîné une atteinte à l’état civil d’un enfant”.

The prosecutor, however, closed the case in October 2023. Remarkably, he did so on the ground that the surrogacy was “carried out” in a country where it is legal, and that the constitutive elements of the offences had thus taken place abroad. The French criminal code provides that it is enough that one constitutive element of the offence took place in France for French criminal law to apply. It is hard to see how the birth could not be one of the constitutive elements of all of these offences.

Is the case law of the ECtHR relevant in this context? Probably not: the criminal consequences of the actions of the parents will be personal, and will not directly affect the children.

Should French Social Security Pay for the Costs of the Delivery?

Two hospitals where Ukrainian surrogate mothers gave birth have sent an invoice to the intended parents for the costs of the delivery.

French social security covers the medical costs of birth for women entitled to such benefit. The French couples who organised Ukrainian surrogacies would likely be entitled to see most of the costs of their delivery being paid by social security, but not women covered by a foreign social security (although there might be rules for covering emergency birth on French territory: comments from specialists of international social security law welcome).

Several French intended parents have refused to pay the invoice, and have announced that they will challenge the decision of the hospitals to issue the invoices in administrative courts. Will French courts accept that evasion of French law should be funded by French taxpayers?

A milestone for the Apostille Convention: today it enters into force for Canada

Conflictoflaws - jeu, 01/11/2024 - 06:00

On 11 January 2024, the Apostille Convention entered into force for Canada. The accession of Canada to the Apostille Convention on 12 May 2023 was a milestone for the Apostille Convention and it is perhaps a development that has gone under the radar.

Considering that the Apostille Convention was adopted in 1961 (EIF: 24-I-1965), one may wonder why Canada took so long to join the Apostille Convention. This is primarily because there is no statutory requirement for the legalisation of incoming public documents in Canada. In its response to the 2021 Questionnaire, Canada indicated:

“There is no Canadian statutory requirement to legalise foreign public documents. In some cases, Canadian public authorities have the discretion to determine the applicable authentication requirements. These authorities could require these documents to be legalised.

“In Québec, Article 2822 of the Civil Code of Québec (CCQ) exempts foreign public documents from legalisation by providing that neither the quality nor the signature of a foreign officer issuing a document need [to] be proved. The presumption of authenticity provided by article 2822 CCQ is rebuttable as prescribed by article 2825 CCQ.

“Private-sector organisations and individuals may require legalised foreign public documents, as no law prevents them from doing so. While not a requirement under Canadian law, Canadian embassies and consulates legalise foreign public documents when requested to do so.”


Nevertheless, Canadian – and other – citizens needed to overcome the obstacle of getting Canadian public documents legalised (e.g. by Global Affairs Canada, Authentication Services Section in Ottawa, plus a foreign mission in Canada). What in the lingo is referred to as “outgoing public documents”. This system will continue to operate when the receiving State is not a Contracting Party to the Apostille Convention or in the – rare – case that the public document falls outside the scope of the Apostille Convention e.g. documents executed by diplomatic and consular agents (Art. 1(3)(a) of the Apostille Convention).

No declarations were filed by Canada (apart from the designated Competent Authorities). As expected, no Contracting Party objected to the accession of Canada.

I take the opportunity to also make reference to another milestone for the Apostille Convention: the recent accession of the People’s Republic of China. The People’s Republic of China acceded to the Convention on 8 March 2023 and entered into force on 7 November 2023.

The Apostille Convention has continued to apply to both the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macao given the declarations of the People’s Republic of China. The Apostille Convention first applied to Hong Kong (EIF-1965) and Macao (EIF-1969) when they were both under the international responsibility of the United Kingdom and Portugal, respectively.

As indicated in its declaration, the Apostille Convention will not be applicable between the People’s Republic of China and those Contracting States that China does not recognize as sovereign states (i.e. no bilateral application) and understandably, no list was provided. India objected to the accession of the People’s Republic of China in accordance with Article 12 of the Apostille Convention, and as a result, the Convention will not apply between these two States.

With the accession of both Canada and the People’s Republic of China, the Apostille Convention applies in -an additional- area of approximately 19 million square kilometers. These developments and the existence of the e-APP (electronic Apostille Programme) show that the Apostille Convention remains relevant and continues to grow from strength to strength.



Chronique CEDH : cinq arrêts retentissants concernant la France

Un peu moins dense que la précédente, parce que la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme s’est accordé un peu de répit pendant les dix derniers jours de l’année, la séquence bimensuelle novembre-décembre 2023 aura surtout été marquée par une surprenante irrecevabilité prononcée en grande chambre dans une affaire relative à l’interdiction des manifestations publiques pendant la période de lutte contre la covid-19, cinq arrêts retentissants concernant la France et par d’importants arrêts relatifs à la grève des enseignants relevant de la fonction publique, à la lutte contre les violences sexuelles sur les lieux de travail, à celle contre la traite des êtres humains, au droit à un acte de naissance, à la technique dite du kettling ou encerclement policier… Après avoir constaté la vitalité des articles 2, 3, 5, 6, 8,11 et 1 du Protocole n° 1, il faudra encore s’intéresser au contentieux russe postérieur au 16 septembre 2022 toujours aussi abondant, et mettre en évidence d’importantes décisions ou initiatives relatives à la procédure européenne.

Sur la boutique Dalloz Les grands arrêts du droit des libertés fondamentales Voir la boutique Dalloz

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Catégories: Flux français

Circulation of Personal Status – International symposium, January 19, 2024

Conflictoflaws - mer, 01/10/2024 - 20:09

An international symposium on the circulation of personal status be held on January 19, 2024 at the Italian Court of Cassation.

The symposium is organized by the Société de législation comparée (Section méthodologie comparée du droit civil), the Associazione Civilisti Italiani, the International Commission on Civil Status in collaboration with the Law Faculty of the Université Côte d’Azur.

The significance of this topic is paramount in light of the growing international mobility of individuals and families. For this reason, the conference will address key aspects of personal status, including civil status, personal identification, the union of persons, parenthood, and nationality.

The approach is decidedly comparative and internationalist, as evidenced by the diverse panel of speakers (and chairs):

  • Claudio Scognamiglio (Chairman, Associazione Civilisti Italiani),
  • Gustavo Cerqueira (Chairman, Section méthodologie comparée du droit civil de la SLC),
  • Nicolas Nord (Secretary General of the International Commission on Civil Status),
  • Francesco Salerno (Università degli Studi di Ferrara),
  • Marion Ho-Dac, Professeur (Université d’Artois),
  • Camille Reitzer (Deputy Secretary General of the International Commission on Civil Status),
  • Giovanni Di Rosa (Università di Catania),
  • Fernanda Munschy (Lawyer at the Strasbourg Bar & Université Haute-Alsace),
  • Francesca Bartolini (Università degli Studi Link di Roma),
  • Michele Sesta (Università di Bologna),
  • Lukas Heckendorn Urscheler (Institut suisse de droit comparé),
  • Alessandra Spangaro (Università di Bologna),
  • Enrico Al Mureden (Università di Bologna),
  • Ilaria Pretelli (Institut suisse de droit comparé),
  • Renzo Calvigioni (Associazione Nazionale Ufficiali di Stato Civile e d’Anagrafe, ANUSCA),
  • Gordon Choisel (Université Paris Panthéon-Assas),
  • Mirzia Bianca (Università di Roma La Sapienza),
  • Sylvain Bollée (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne),
  • Roberto Senigaglia (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia),
  • Hugues Fulchiron (Conseiller extraordinaire à la Cour de cassation, France),
  • Sabine Corneloup (Université Paris Panthéon-Assas),
  • Liliana Rossi Carleo (Università di Roma Tre).

Presentations will be held in French and Italian.

Those interested in attending can do so either in-person or on-line.

Attendance is free, but prior registration is required by January 17, 2024, through

Remote participation is also possible; the link for connecting to the platform will be made available by January 17, 2024, and will be communicated to anyone who requests it.

Additional information, including the full programme of the conference, can be found here or here.

Symposium Directors:

  • Enrico Al Mureden (Università di Bologna)
  • Gustavo Cerqueira (Université Côte d’Azur ; Chairman, Section Méthodologie comparée du droit civil de la SLC)
  • Nicolas Nord (Secretary General of the International Commission on Civil Status)
  • Claudio Scognamiglio (Università di Roma Tre; Chairman, Associazione Civilisti Italiani)
  • Roberto Senigaglia (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia)


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