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Précision sur le champ d’application du règlement européen sur les successions

Relève du champ d’application du règlement du 4 juillet 2012 en matière de successions une disposition nationale qui prévoit, lors du décès de l’un des époux, une répartition des acquêts forfaitaire par majoration de la part successorale du conjoint survivant.

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Catégories: Flux français

Cross-border insolvency in Europe: case law and best practices

Conflictoflaws - sam, 03/10/2018 - 18:05

SaveComp is a project co-funded by the European Union whose goal is to collect and exchange best practices in the field of insolvency and pre-insolvency cross-border proceedings.

The project has now been concluded, and the final deliverables are available online.

These are a collection of more than 500 decisions regarding the EU Insolvency Regulation, available through the Unalex database, and a Final study, edited by Ilaria Queirolo (University of Genoa) and Stefano Dominelli (University of Milan), and authored by Stephan Biehl, Jan Brodec, Janeen Carruthers, José Juan Castelló Pastor, Rolef J. de Weijs, Tsvetelina Dimitrova, Carlos Esplugues Mota, Francisco Gómez Fonseca, Urs Peter Gruber, Boriana Musseva, Nikolay Natov, Vasil Pandov, Monika Pauknerová, Magdalena Pfeiffer, Dana Rone, Arthur Salomons, Dafina Sarbinova, Alexander Schley, Emil Tsanev, Teodora Tsenova, C.G. van der Plas and Aukje A.H. van Hoek.

The project, led by the University of Genoa, involved the Universities of Valencia, Amsterdam, Glasgow, Mainz, Prague and Valencia, the Turiba University in Riga, the Institute of Private International Law in Sofia and IPR Verlag.

Mutual trust and judicial cooperation in the EU’s external relations – the blind spot in the EU’s Foreign Trade and Private International Law policy?

Conflictoflaws - sam, 03/10/2018 - 11:24

Further to the splendid conference How European is European Private International Law? at Berlin on 2 and 3 March 2018, I would like to add some thoughts on an issue that was briefly raised by our fellow editor Pietro Franzina in his truly excellent conference presentation on “The relationship between EU and international Private International Law instruments”. Pietro rightly observed an “increased activity on the external side”, meaning primarily the EU’s PIL activities on the level of the Hague Conference.

At the same time, there seems to be still a blind spot for the EU’s Private International Law policy when it comes to the design of the EU’s Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). Although there is an increasingly large number of such agreements and although “trade is no longer just about trade” (DG Trade) but additionally about exchange or even export of values such as “sustainability”, human rights, labour and environmental standards and the rule of law, there seems to be no policy by DG Trade to include in its many FTAs a Chapter on judicial cooperation with the EU’s respective external trade partners.

To my knowledge there are only the following recent exceptions: The Association Agreements with Georgia and Moldova. Both Agreements entered into force on 1 July 2016.

Article 21 (Georgia) and Article 20 (Moldova) provide:

“Legal cooperation: 1. The Parties agree to develop judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters as regards the negotiation, ratification and implementation of multilateral conventions on civil judicial cooperation and, in particular, the conventions of the Hague Conference on Private International Law in the field of international legal cooperation and litigation as well as the protection of children.”

Article 24 of the Association Agreement of 29 May 2014 with the Ukraine reads slightly differently:

“Legal cooperation: 1. The Parties agree to further develop judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters, making full use of the relevant international and bilateral instruments and based on the principles of legal certainty and the right to a fair trial.2. The Parties agree to facilitate further EU-Ukraine judicial cooperation in civil matters on the basis of the applicable multilateral legal instruments, especially the Conventions of the Hague Conference on Private International Law in the field of international Legal Cooperation and Litigation as well as the Protection of Children.”

All other FTAs, even those currently under (re-) negotiation, do not take into account the need for the management of trust in the judicial cooperation of the trade partners in their deepened and integrated trade relations. Rather, foreign trade law and PIL seem to have remained separate worlds, although the business transactions that are to take place and increase within these trade relations obviously rely heavily on both areas of the law.

Some thoughts on why there is no integrated approach to foreign trade and PIL in the EU, why this is a deficiency that should be taken care of and how this could possibly be done are offered here (

Heavily loaded. Applicable law in follow-up competition cases: watch the Dutch Supreme court in Air Cargo.

GAVC - ven, 03/09/2018 - 19:07

Quentin Declève alerted me to the Air Cargo damages compensation case currently making its way through the Dutch courts. (I have previously reported on jurisdictional issues re such cases; searching the tag ‘damages’ should help the reader).

I have difficulty locating the actual judgment addressing the issue in this post: namely applicable law in follow-up competition cases. I have however located one or two previous judgments addressing the damages claims assignment issue in same. This web of litigation seems to be particularly knotty and any help by Dutch or other readers would be appreciated.

At issue is whether Rome II applies to the facts ratione temporis; if it does, how Article 6 should be applied, in particular: locus delicti commissi, locus damni and ‘affected markets”; and if it does not, how the previous Dutch residual connecting factor ought to apply.

A case of great relevance to competition law and fair trading cases.


(Handbook of) EU private international law, 2nd ed. 2016, Chapter 4, Heading 4.6.2.


Article 1745 du Code général des impôts

Cour de cassation française - ven, 03/09/2018 - 16:18

Pourvoi c/ Cour d'appel de Paris, Chambre 5-12, 05 décembre 2017

Catégories: Flux français

Job-Opening in Italy: Public Call for 24 Senior Researcher Positions («Rita Levi Montalcini Call»)

Conflictoflaws - ven, 03/09/2018 - 10:00

The Italian Ministry for Education, University, and Research (Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, MIUR) has issued a public call for  24 researcher positions.

The call is open to scholars of all nationalities who have spent three years working at a non-Italian research center or university and have been awarded a PhD degree, or equivalent, after 31 October 2011 and by 31 October 2014.

The winner of the call will work as a Senior Researcher with an initial 3-year working contract (Ricercatore a tempo determinato, tipologia B) that leads to Associate Tenured Track Professorship subject to National Scientific Habilitation (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, «ASN»).

The English translation of the Ministerial Decree is available at the following address: (

The deadline to submit the application is 28 March 2018, h. 24.00 (Italian local time).


In the context of this call, the University of Milan, Department of International, Legal, Historical and Political Studies ( wishes to express its interest to welcome outstanding researchers in the areas of Public and Private International Law, EU Law, Comparative Law who would like to apply.

For additional information please contact Dr. Stefano Dominelli (

How European is European Private International Law? – Impressions from Berlin

Conflictoflaws - ven, 03/09/2018 - 07:00

Written by Tobias Lutzi, DPhil Candidate and Stipendiary Lecturer at the University of Oxford

Last weekend, more than a hundred scholars of private international law followed the invitation of Jürgen Basedow, Jan von Hein, Eva-Maria Kieninger, and Giesela Rühl to discuss the ‘Europeanness’ of European private international law. Despite the adverse weather conditions, only a small number of participants from the UK – whose presence was missed all the more dearly – were unable to make it to Berlin. Thus, the Goethe-Saal of the Max Planck Society’s Harnack House was packed, and so was the conference programme, which spanned over two full days.

It was kicked off by Andreas Stein (European Commission) and Johannes Christian Wichard (German Ministry of Justice), who underlined both the accomplishments of and the challenges for European private international law in their respective welcome addresses. The programme then proceeded from a closer look at the sources of European private international law (and their relationship with other international instruments and the domestic laws of the member states) to an analysis of its application in the courts of the member states (including the ascertainment of foreign law) to a discussion of the ‘Europeanness’ of academic discourse and legal education within the EU and outside of it (with a focus on the political dimension of EU private international law).

All presentations provided ample food for thought, as was evidenced by the lively discussions that followed each panel. They highlighted a number of interesting tendencies, such as the remaining ‘piecemeal character’ of the field, the ambiguities caused by an ever-increasing number of recitals in European instruments, the regrettable absence of private international law from the legal curriculum in many EU member states, and a certain convergence of academic styles, not least through the growing adoption of German-style commentaries and the emergence of English as the undisputed lingua franca of the field. One of the more contentious issues discussed was the possible creation of a general instrument of private international law (think: Rome 0 Regulation), or even a complete codification, with numerous participants pointing towards its potential for more coherence, clarity, and ‘teachability’ of European private international law – while others urged more caution.

The most prominent theme of the two days, though, seemed to be the observation that the emergence of a distinctly European scholarship of private international law should be both welcomed and fostered. The idea of creating an association that could provide an institutional framework for further dialogue between European scholars, practitioners, and other stakeholders in private international law was mentioned more than once – and received almost unanimous support during the round table discussion that concluded the conference. It was fitting, then, that the conference included the official launch of the Encyclopedia of Private International Law, many authors of which were present in Berlin. This truly Herculean project, just as the conference itself, is testimony to how fruitful such dialogue can be.

Workshop on Private International Law of IP Rights

Conflictoflaws - ven, 03/09/2018 - 03:43

(This Call for paper is provided for by Jeanne Huang)

The issue of cross border protection of intellectual property (IP) was very important and explained the use of bilateral and multilateral treaties such as the Berne Convention and the Paris Convention. One of the fundamental principles underlying these treaties was territoriality and the national treatment principle. However, the advent of the 21st century brought
digitisation and globalisation, which have significantly impacted upon the territoriality protection. Finding the best way to protect IP within the context of globalisation and digitisation was the most fundamental question that the workshop sought to answer. We invite colleagues working on private international law and IP to submit expressions of interest to present at the workshop, which will be held at the Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales on Saturday, 18 August 2018, from 9:30 am -5:00 pm. The workshop is
designed to allow researchers working in the field of private international law and IP to deliver work-in-progress papers to their peers. We particularly welcome submissions to discuss and debate the draft International Law Association Guidelines of Intellectual Property and Private International Law, available at

We are keen to receive proposals that focus on private-international-law issues in cross-border IP disputes, such as:
• Jurisdiction,
• Applicable Law,
• Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments,
• Arbitration or
• Private international law issues in smart contracts, blockchain transactions and other digitalized transactions.

For paper proposals, speakers are to submit a title and 150-200 word abstract, along with a one-page CV for potential inclusion in the workshop. Please send your proposal to by 15 April 2018.

Pilote de ligne : juge compétent dans l’Union européenne

Un pilote de ligne accomplit habituellement son travail en France, dès lors que sa base d’affectation est un aéroport situé en France où il reçoit ses instructions et qu’un quart de ses vols est effectué à partir ou à destination de la France.

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Catégories: Flux français

La France doit récupérer plus de 642 M€ d’aide d’État auprès de la SNCF

La Cour de justice de l’Union européenne a rejeté le recours de la SNCF contre l’arrêt l’ayant condamné à rembourser plus de 642 M€ (hors intérêts) dans une affaire d’aide d’Etat qui dure depuis plus de quinze ans.

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Catégories: Flux français

Planet49: pre-ticked agreement with clauses in terms and conditions.

GAVC - jeu, 03/08/2018 - 22:10

A quick flag to those of you following consumer protection and the Directive (2002/58) on privacy and electronic communications. In Case C-673/17 Planet49 the Court of Justice is being asked to clarify to what extent a website which pre-ticks boxes in general terms and conditions (here: to share relevant personal data) is compatible with relevant EU laws.

File of the case here (in Dutch only).



Article L. 228-24 du Code de commerce

Cour de cassation française - jeu, 03/08/2018 - 16:11

Non lieu à renvoi

Catégories: Flux français

This one is next: the Netherlands Commercial Court!

Conflictoflaws - jeu, 03/08/2018 - 15:48

By Georgia Antonopoulou, Erlis Themeli, and Xandra Kramer, Erasmus University Rotterdam

(PhD candidate, postdoc researcher and PI ERC project Building EU Civil Justice)

Following up on our previous post, asking which international commercial court would be established next, the adoption of the proposal for the Netherlands Commercial Court by the House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) today answers the question. It will still have to pass the Senate (Eerste Kamer), but it is expected this is only a matter of time. Depending upon this the Netherlands Commercial Court (NCC) is expected to open its doors on the 1 July 2018 or shortly after.

The NCC is a specialized court established to meet the growing need for efficient dispute resolution in cross-border civil and commercial cases. This court is a special chamber of the Amsterdam District Court and of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal. Key features are that proceedings will take place in the English language, and before a panel of judges selected for their wide expertise in international commercial litigation and their English language skills.

To accommodate the demand for efficient court proceedings in these cases a special set of rules of procedure have been developed. The concept Rules of Procedure NCC can be consulted here in English and in Dutch. It goes without saying that the court is equipped with the necessary court technology.

The Netherlands prides itself on having one of the most efficient court systems in the world, as is also indicated in the Rule of Law Index – in the 2017-2018 Report it was ranked first in Civil Justice, and 5th in overall performance. The establishment of the NCC should also be understood from this perspective. According to the website of the Dutch judiciary, the NCC distinguishes itself by its pragmatic approach and active case management, allowing it to handle complex cases within short timeframes, and on the basis of fixed fees.

To be continued…


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