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24 November: unalex-Conference at the University of Innsbruck

Conflictoflaws - jeu, 10/12/2017 - 10:04

Readers of our blog will recall that Prof. Dr. Andreas Schwartze from the University of Innsbruck will host the final conference of the EU-project “unalex – multilingual information for the uniform interpretation of the instruments of judicial cooperation in civil matters“ in Innsbruck on 24 November  (see our earlier post).

The full and final programme (including information as regards registration and accommodation) is now available here, here, and here.

Hanssen: CJEU confirms narrow reading of exclusive jurisdictional rules.

GAVC - jeu, 10/12/2017 - 07:07

The precise application of the Brussels I Recast’s exclusive jurisdictional rules, remains a balancing exercise. Being an exception to the Regulation’s’ overall preference for the domicile of the defendant, they have to be given a narrow reading. On the other hand, they serve what the Regulation sees as being important purposes of preference of one particular jurisdiction over another, hence the exception cannot be so narrowly construed as to lose purpose. In C-341/16 Hanssen, the CJEU held last week and confirmed Saugmansgaard ØE AG’s Opinion of the summer.

Does an action seeking an order requiring the person formally registered as proprietor of a Benelux mark to make a declaration to the OBPI that she has no entitlement to the mark and that she waives registration as the proprietor of that mark, fall within the scope of Article 24(4) of Brussels I Recast? No, it does not:  the main proceedings in this case do not relate to the validity, existence or lapse of the trade mark or an alleged right of priority by reason of an earlier deposit. They are solely concerned with whether the proprietor of the contested mark is Ms Prast-Knipping or Hanssen Beleggingen, which must be determined on the basis of the legal relationship existing between the parties concerned: Hanssen Beleggingen submits that, as a result of a chain of transfers of the contested mark, it has become the actual proprietor of the rights to the contested mark. Existence etc. of the trademark is not at issue.

The question of the individual estate to which an intellectual property right belongs is not, generally, closely linked in fact and law to the place where that right has been registered (at 37): hence the raison d’être of Article 24(4) is not engaged.


(Handbook of) EU private international law, 2nd ed. 2016, Chapter 2, Heading 2.2.6, Heading


CEDH : nouvel exemple de violation du droit à un procès équitable dans un délai raisonnable

L’arrêt rapporté fournit un nouvel exemple de violation du droit à un procès équitable dans un délai raisonnable, au sujet d’une procédure dont la durée totale était de neuf ans et dix mois. 

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Catégories: Flux français

CEDH : nouvel exemple de violation du droit à un procès équitable dans un délai raisonnable

L’arrêt rapporté fournit un nouvel exemple de violation du droit à un procès équitable dans un délai raisonnable, au sujet d’une procédure dont la durée totale était de neuf ans et dix mois. 

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Catégories: Flux français

Arrêt n° 1131 du 11 octobre 2017 (15-24.946) - Cour de cassation - Troisième chambre civile - ECLI:FR:CCASS:2017:C301131<br>

Cour de cassation française - mer, 10/11/2017 - 15:00

Incapacité - Administration légale sous contrôle judiciaire - Responsabilité de la banque

Catégories: Flux français

OCEAN Rig: COMI shopping cautiously welcomed by US Bankruptcy Court.

GAVC - mer, 10/11/2017 - 07:07

I have often argued that the European Commission and by extension the EU’s Insolvency Regulation is wrong in taking as a starting point that forum shopping in insolvency matters as a rule needs to be discouraged. This aversion towards forum shopping is one of the main reasons for the UK and other Member States to keep Schemes of Arrangement and other restructuring devises well out off the reach of the Regulation. (The Brussels I recast for instance allows for much more strategic choice of court use).

Thank you Debra Dandeneau for flagging the US Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of New York’s decision in Ocean Rig. The Court essentially argues that to use forum shopping in a restructuring /insolvency case is absolutely acceptable provided it is done in good faith, particularly with a view to maximizing chances of survival and /or maximal recovery by the creditors. Note that the Court, in determining COMI for the various companies in the group, pays specific attention to the ascertainability, by third parties, of COMI.

A judgment to be applauded. And this posting, incidentally, is the 500th on this blog. To 1000 and beyond!


(Handbook of) EU private international law, 2nd ed. 2016, Chapter 5, Heading 5.1, Heading 5.4.6.

Entraide pénale internationale : sort des renseignements transmis par un attaché de sécurité intérieure

Les renseignements transmis par les attachés de sécurité intérieure ne constituent pas des actes de police judiciaire et ne peuvent en conséquence servir d’unique fondement à une déclaration de culpabilité.

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Catégories: Flux français

Entraide pénale internationale : sort des renseignements transmis par un attaché de sécurité intérieure

Les renseignements transmis par les attachés de sécurité intérieure ne constituent pas des actes de police judiciaire et ne peuvent en conséquence servir d’unique fondement à une déclaration de culpabilité.

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Catégories: Flux français

Global Twinjunctions. X v Twitter.

GAVC - mar, 10/10/2017 - 07:07

Twitter injunctions – Twinjunctions if you like, rather like Facebook or Google Removal orders, provide classic scenarios for the consideration of the territorial scope of injunctive and enforcement proceedings. Michael Douglas has great review of [2017] NSWSC 1300 X v Twitter. On 28 September 2017, the Supreme Court of New South Wales awarded its final injunction with global reach, directed towards Twitter Inc (based at CAL) and its Irish counterpart, Twitter International Company.

Plaintiff requested removal of tweets and accounts, and also requested ia that Twitter disclose information relating to the identity of a troll, flagging a potential action against that person for breach of confidence. Twitter refused, appealing to its privacy policy. The eventual injunction went very far indeed, as Michael details. Of the issues under discussion, of interest to this post are the jurisdiction to grant injunctive relief against foreign defendants who do not appear; and the appropriateness of injunctions expressed to operate ‘everywhere in the world’.

Now, what is refreshing about Pembroke J’s review of the issues is his non-doctrinal analysis of the issue of jurisdiction. He emphasises that there is a long history of courts of equity making in personam orders that are intended to operate extra-territorially (the Court’s jurisdiction is one in equity); (at 40) that Twitter unlike other defendants may disagree with the ruling but will not seek to avoid its social responsibility; that there is a public interest in issuing the worldwide order (and in enforcing it: Pembroke J flags that there are Australia-based assets against which enforcement may be sought); and that given his experience with Twitter, it can be expected to use its best endeavours to give effect to the proposed orders, despite its objection that it is not feasible to pro-actively monitor user content.

Eventually of course the trouble with such an assessment, without consideration of wider issues of public and private international law, is that the issuing, or not, of orders of this kind by the courts, depends on the defendant’s attitude towards compliance. That is hardly a solution serving equal access to the law or indeed equity.




Déclaration de nationalité : point de départ du délai de contestation

Le délai de contestation de l’enregistrement d’une déclaration de nationalité court à compter de la date à partir de laquelle le procureur de la République a été mis en mesure de découvrir la fraude ou le mensonge.

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Catégories: Flux français

Déclaration de nationalité : point de départ du délai de contestation

Le délai de contestation de l’enregistrement d’une déclaration de nationalité court à compter de la date à partir de laquelle le procureur de la République a été mis en mesure de découvrir la fraude ou le mensonge.

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Catégories: Flux français


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