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Article 706-141-1 du code pénal

Cour de cassation française - lun, 07/13/2015 - 17:02

Non renvoyée au Conseil constitutionnel

Catégories: Flux français

Article 706-141-1 du code pénal

Cour de cassation française - lun, 07/13/2015 - 17:02

Non renvoyée au Conseil constitutionnel

Catégories: Flux français

Article 434-15 du code pénal

Cour de cassation française - lun, 07/13/2015 - 14:00

Pourvoi c/ Cour d'appel de Paris, 6 mars 2015

Catégories: Flux français

Article 53 de la loi n° 2000-1257 du 23 décembre 2000 Articles L. 452-2 et L. 452-3 du code de la sécurité sociale

Cour de cassation française - lun, 07/13/2015 - 14:00

Tribunal des affaires de sécurité sociale de la Moselle, 1 juillet 2015

Catégories: Flux français

Article 18-6, 6°, de la loi n° 47-585 du 2 avril 1947

Cour de cassation française - lun, 07/13/2015 - 14:00

Tribunal de grande instance de Paris, 15 mai 2015

Catégories: Flux français

Articles 81, 56, 57 et 96 du code de procédure pénale

Cour de cassation française - lun, 07/13/2015 - 14:00

Pourvoi c/ Cour d'appel de Paris, Chambre de l'instruction, 7 mai 2015

Catégories: Flux français

Article 11 du code de procédure pénale

Cour de cassation française - lun, 07/13/2015 - 14:00

Pourvoi c/ Cour d'appel de Paris, 17 février 2015

Catégories: Flux français

Call for papers: Libera circolazione e riconoscimento delle famiglie

Aldricus - lun, 07/13/2015 - 08:00

Il 2 ottobre 2015, l’Università degli Studi di Milano ospiterà il convegno dedicato al tema della Libera circolazione e riconoscimento delle famiglie: profili di diritto internazionale privato, tutela dei diritti e ordinamento interno. 

L’incontro è organizzato nell’ambito del modulo Jean Monnet on European Family Law, di cui è titolare Chiara Ragni, in cooperazione con la Rivista GenIUS, Rivista di studi giuridici sull’orientamento sessuale e l’identità di genere.

I lavori si articoleranno in due sessioni, dedicate al riconoscimento degli status e delle situazioni familiari e a quello della trascrizione di atti giuridici stranieri attestanti l’esistenza di rapporti familiari. A conclusione di ciascuna sessione è previsto un incontro programmato: chi ne abbia interesse può sottoporre una proposta di intervento sul tema del convegno nel settore del diritto internazionale privato, della tutela internazionale dei diritti umani, del diritto dell’Unione europea o del diritto costituzionale.

[Dalla presentazione del convegno] – L’eterogeneità normativa che caratterizza la disciplina dei rapporti familiari, ancora significativamente condizionata dai principi etico-morali e dalle tradizioni culturali − e spesso religiose − dominanti in ciascuno Stato, ha spesso come effetto il mancato riconoscimento nello Stato di rapporti instaurati altrove ai sensi di una legge straniera, in considerazione della loro contrarietà all’ordine pubblico ovvero per la mancata previsione di istituti giuridici ad essi assimilabili nei quali poterli inquadrare, con la conseguente proliferazione di rapporti giuridici c.d. claudicanti. In tale contesto le norme di diritto internazionale privato da un lato non sono spesso in grado di fornire risposte adeguate ai problemi descritti, dall’altro la loro rigida applicazione può condurre a risultati incompatibili sia con l’esercizio delle libertà comunitarie, che con la tutela dei diritti dell’uomo. A tale ultimo riguardo, la Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo ha recentemente ribadito che il diritto al rispetto della vita familiare, sancito dall’art. 8 Cedu, implica che sia garantita la continuità degli status o, meglio, delle situazioni familiari che fanno capo all’individuo o che quantomeno ne sia assicurata una protezione equivalente a quella fornita nello Stato dove il legame si è instaurato. Nell’ambito della più ampia tematica del riconoscimento degli effetti giuridici derivanti da rapporti costituiti altrove si pongono pertanto sia problemi di bilanciamento tra interessi confliggenti, sia di coordinamento tra i diversi sistemi giuridici che ne sono espressione.

L’abstract dell’intervento – che non dovrà superare le 500 parole in lingua italiana o inglese – dovrà essere inviato in formato pdf, entro il 20 agosto 2015, all’indirizzo e dovrà riportare quattro parole chiave oltre a cognome e nome del proponente, la qualifica accademica o professionale, unitamente a tutti i contatti utili (telefono, cellulare, e-mail).

Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili qui.

Lots of pennies make a pound. Dutch court upholds State duty of care in climate litigation.

GAVC - sam, 07/11/2015 - 08:47


I have reported previously on this action, when it was launched. The Court at The Hague held late June. For good (and impressive) measure, it immediately released an English translation of the judgment. Jolene Lin has excellent overview here, I will simply add the one or two things which I thought were particularly striking.

Firstly, this judgment was not written by a bunch of maverick ‘environmental’ judges. It is the commercial court at The Hague which issued it (see the reference to ‘team handel’, ‘handel’ meaning commerce, or trade).

The judgment hinges on the State’s duty of care which the court established. Urgenda, applicant, had suggested that regardless of the individual behaviour of Dutch citisens and corporations, the Government carries overall or ‘systemic’ responsibility (‘systeemverantwoordelijkheid’), as the representative of the sovereign Dutch nation, to ensure that it controls emissions emanating from The Netherlands. Article 21 of the Dutch Constitution and the international no harm (sic utere tuo) principle featured heavily in the court’s acceptance of the State duty of care. That the Dutch action might only be a drop in the ocean, did not impress the judge: plenty of pennies make a pound, and at any rate, The Netherlands, as a developed nation, were found to have increased responsibility.

At 4.42 and 4.43, the Court then applies what in EU law is known as the Marleasing principle.

‘From an international-law perspective, the State is bound to UN Climate Change Convention, the Kyoto Protocol (with the associated Doha Amendment as soon as it enters into force) and the “no harm” principle. However, this international-law binding force only involves obligations towards other states. When the State fails one of its obligations towards one or more other states, it does not imply that the State is acting unlawfully towards Urgenda. It is different when the written or unwritten rule of international law concerns a decree that “connects one and all”. After all, Article 93 of the Dutch Constitution determines that citizens can derive a right from it if its contents can connect one and all. The court – and the Parties – states first and foremost that the stipulations included in the convention, the protocol and the “no harm” principle do not have a binding force towards citizens (private individuals and legal persons). Urgenda therefore cannot directly rely on this principle, the convention and the protocol. (….) 

This does not affect the fact that a state can be supposed to want to meet its international-law obligations. From this it follows that an international-law standard – a statutory provision or an unwritten legal standard – may not be explained or applied in a manner which would mean that the state in question has violated an international-law obligation, unless no other interpretation or application is possible. This is a generally acknowledged rule in the legal system. This means that when applying and interpreting national-law open standards and concepts, including social proprietary, reasonableness and propriety, the general interest or certain legal principles, the court takes account of such international-law obligations. This way, these obligations have a “reflex effect” in national law.

In this respect the court also referred extensively to the European Court of Human Rights’ case-law on the duty of a State to put into place a legislative and administrative framework to address the challenges posed by dangerous activities.

The Court also, with reference to international scientific consensus, concluded that climate mitigation, rather than adaptation, is the more effective, efficient and least expensive way to address climate change.

Eventually it settles for a finding of duty of care and ensuing responsibility to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases by at least 25% viz 1990 levels, by 2020. This 25% is the floor of what the international scientific community suggests is needed properly to address the dangers of climate change. (The court, in deference to trias politica, therefore did not want to go higher than that floor).

Next up (other than appeal, one might imagine): the Belgian courts, which have been seised of a similar action.


Declaration of interest: I advice the Belgian litigation pro bono.


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