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199/2022 : 8 décembre 2022 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-731/21

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Catégories: Flux européens

CJEU Rules on Formal Validity of Online Jurisdictional Clauses

EAPIL blog - mar, 12/13/2022 - 08:00

On 24 November 2022, the Court of Justice delivered an interesting judgment on the validity of a digital jurisdictional clause, i.e. the general terms and conditions containing the clause was accessible from a hypertext link mentioned in the written contract (C-358/21, Tilman, already commented here by Krzysztof Pacula and here by Geert Van Calster). In a nutshell, the Court held that such a clause is valid based on the formal requirements laid down in the Lugano II Convention (and, by analogy, in Brussels I bis Regulation) ensuring the parties’ consent to the clause, without the need for a click-wrapping system. Here lies the very point that differentiates the present case from previous ones (in particular C-322/14, Jaouad El Majdoub).

The Facts

A dispute arose between Tilman, a Belgian-based company and one of its clients, Unilever, established in Switzerland, concerning unpaid invoices. Unilever challenged the international jurisdiction of the Belgian courts seized by Tilman, relying on a jurisdiction clause in favour of the English court. This clause appeared in Unilever General Terms and Conditions (GTC) but these were not directly attached to the main contract; instead, they were only accessible on the Internet via a hypertext link mentioned in the contract. Plus, the hypertext link did not directly give access to the GTC but to a website, access to which allows those general terms and conditions to be viewed.

Before the Belgian Court of cassation, Tilman invoked a violation of the formal requirements of the Lugano II Convention – which corresponds to Article 23 of Regulation 44/20021 Brussels I – with regard to the jurisdictional clause and, therefore, the invalidity of the clause for lack of informed consent on its part.

The Issue at Stake

In this context, the Belgian court asked the Court of justice whether, under Article 23, §1, a) and §2, of the Lugano II Convention, consent to a jurisdiction clause can be deduced from a hyperlink inserted in a written contract, without any ‘obligation’ to click on that link.

The Court answered positively, confirming that business life is increasingly digital, including in its ‘legal dimension’, and that the main principles of contract law must thus adapt to it. This is the case of consent which is seen as genuine even in the digital sphere.

 The Court of Justice Reasoning

The decision of the Court of justice provides for a three-steps response.

First, (Non-)Impact of Brexit

Since the jurisdictional clause was stipulated in favour of the English court, the Court could not ignore the question of the geographical and temporal scope of the Lugano II Convention. After Brexit, the United Kingdom was refused access to the Lugano Convention (see also here and here). The applicable instrument for assessing the validity of the clause could be determined either at the date of its conclusion or at the date of the judicial proceedings. Since the issue at stake here was Brexit, i.e. the modification in time of the scope of application of EU law (including the Lugano II Convention), the Court of Justice chose the second option (for a discussion on this question, see here).

The Court rules that the legal action – the jurisdiction clause producing effects only on the date of the judicial proceedings (see Case Sanicentral, 25/79, point 6) – was brought before 31 December 2020, the termination date of the transitional period provided for in Article 126 of the UK withdrawal agreement. The latter text maintains the application of Union law, including the law on judicial cooperation in civil matters and the international agreements such as the Lugano II Convention. Therefore, the convention is applicable in the present case. The issue will be more difficult in the future (cf. here about a Swiss decision refusing the application of the Convention); in particular, the 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements should be considered.

Second, Analogy with the Interpretative Framework of the “Brussels Regime”

As regards the interpretation of the Lugano II Convention, the Court recalls, in a very classical way, that it must follow the principles laid down by the previous caselaw concerning the provisions at issue contained in other instruments, including the Brussels Convention and the Brussels I and Ia Regulations, insofar as these provisions are drafted in similar terms.

Third, Condition of Validity of a Jurisdiction Clause in the Digital Ecosystem

In order to be valid, a jurisdiction clause must be concluded, inter alia, “in writing or orally with written confirmation” (Article 23, §1). The objective is to ensure that the parties’ consent to the clause is genuine. In case of a dispute, the assessment is left to the court on the basis of this EU substantive rule. In the context of the information society and e-commerce, proof of consent may also be based on “electronic means which provides a durable record of the agreement”. This is an expression of the principle – which is becoming more and more widespread in comparative and EU contract law – of assimilating electronic transmission to written form, with a view to simplifying the conclusion of online contracts. However, according to European caselaw, this does not imply that the clause conferring jurisdiction and the GCT mentioning it are “actually” recorded permanently by the parties (see point 44 of the judgment). This nuance is crucial. In order for electronic transmission to offer the same guarantees as the paper format, in particular as regards evidence, there mere “possibility” to save and print the information before the conclusion of the contract is seen as sufficient.

In the present case, the Court of Justice notes that the jurisdiction clause is stipulated in the GTC explicitly mentioned in the written contract concluded between the parties. This procedure complies with EU law, but it must be ensured that the GTC containing the jurisdiction clause have actually been “communicated” to the contracting party, here Tilman, the Belgian company. This is in principle the case, according to previous case law, “if that information is accessible by means of a screen”. Here, the written contract provided for a hypertext link to an Internet site where the general conditions could be accessed. It is therefore necessary, according to the Court, “that hypertext link functions and can be activated by a party exercising ordinary diligence”. The Court adds that it “equates a fortiori to evidence of communication of that information”.

This analysis is relevant, but it is unclear why it is an a fortiori reasoning. Viewing general conditions on a screen expresses the fact that digital access is effective. This is not the case in the presence of a hypertext link, as long as it has not been clicked on. And then, a key practical issue is how to prove that the link does not function: by taking a photo of the screen (screenshot) which displays an ‘error message’ after the hyperlink has been clicked on?

According to the Court, it is irrelevant that Tilman, the co-contractor, did not have a box to tick on the page of the website to express acceptance of those terms and conditions, nor that the page containing those terms and conditions did not open automatically when the website was accessed. The Court implicitly applies here a proportionality test between the requirement of informed consent and the objective of not hindering commercial exchanges. It is therefore up to the party who is invited to consult the GTC online to do so. A “click” and a reading online, on a screen, are no more demanding in a hyperconnected society than reading a paper document in an annex to a contract.

Finally, the Court allows itself an obiter dictum by referring to points b) and c) of Article 23, §1, in order to clearly situate the case in “international trade”. For the record, these provisions validate jurisdiction clauses concluded in a form consistent with international commercial practice, reinforcing the private autonomy of the economic operators. I am not convinced however that this adds anything to the interpretation and especially that it corresponds (i.e. using a hypertext link to refer to the GTC including a court agreement) to the very concept of usage of international trade. But this is an open question.

General Assessment

This solution must be approved for at least three reasons.

Firstly, outside the digital paradigm, economic operators are supposed to be aware of the GTC of the contract and in particular of the jurisdictional clause they contain. Indeed, the GTC are an important criterion for the financial balance of the commercial agreement.

Secondly, in line with its previous case law, the Court of justice follows a different analysis of contractual consent in B2B contracts than in B2C relationships. The formal requirements laid down in EU secondary law on B2C distance contracts cannot be transposed, by analogy, to the B2B context (see point 37, C-322/14, Jaouad El Majdoub).

Thirdly, the Court’s reading of Article 23(2) is part of a more global European political and legislative context: that of the emerging ‘digital by default principle’. In the e-Government strategy, it means that delivering services digitally is the preferred option through a single contact point (see here). According to the European Commission, the same should progressively apply in the judicial cooperation in civil matters. In its 2020 Communication on Digitalisation of justice in the European Union, the Commission proposed to make “the digital channel the default option in EU cross-border judicial cooperation” (point 3.2 and see here for an update on the topic). Reading this ambition for EU Civil Justice together with the “Brussels/Lugano Regime” (as interpreted in the present case), it shows that the EU legal system is working on providing a coherent framework for international economic exchanges in the digital ecosystem.

Conditions d’application de la dérogation « espèce protégée »

Le Conseil d’État précise les conditions permettant de déroger à l’interdiction de destruction d’espèces protégées pour la réalisation d’un projet d’intérêt public majeur.

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Catégories: Flux français

PhD/Research Assistant Position at the University of Cologne

Conflictoflaws - lun, 12/12/2022 - 14:08

The Institute for Private International and Comparative Law of the University of Cologne (Professor Mansel) is looking to appoint one Research Assistant (Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in) on fixed-term contracts for 2 years, from March 2023, with contract extension possible, based in Cologne. This is a part-time position (19.92 hrs./week), possibility of PhD is given. In case of a post-doc application, it can be extended to a full-time position (39.83 hrs./week) within short time, provided that the requirements are met. A German state law examination (1. Prüfung) with clearly above-average grades and a command of written and spoken German are required. In addition, knowledge of Dutch, Italian, Spanish or French is an advantage, but not a requirement. Remuneration is based on pay group 13 TV- L.

The University of Cologne promotes equal opportunities and diversity in its employment relationships. Women are expressly invited to apply and will be given preferential treatment in accordance with the LGG NRW. Applications from severely disabled persons are very welcome. They will be given preferential consideration if suitable for the position.

Interested candidates are invited to send their detailed application including the usual documents in a single .pdf file by January 11, 2023 to, for the attention of Professor Mansel.

Heads up – On Public Policy and Hindrances to Access to Justice

EAPIL blog - lun, 12/12/2022 - 08:00

A request for a preliminary ruling from the Areios Pagos (Greece) is pending before the Court of Justice in the case of Charles Taylor Adjusting and FD against Starlight Shipping Company and Overseas Marine Enterprises INC (C-590/21, Charles Taylor Adjusting). The summary of the request in English and other languages can be downloaded here. The questions focus on the interpretation of the Brussels I Regulation:

Is the expression ‘manifestly contrary to public policy’ in the EU and, by extension, to domestic public policy, which constitutes a ground for non-recognition and non-enforcement pursuant to point 1 of Article 34 and Article 45(1) of Regulation No 44/2001, to be understood as meaning that it extends beyond explicit anti-suit injunctions prohibiting the commencement and continuation of proceedings before a court of another Member State to judgments or orders delivered by courts of Member States where: (i) they impede or prevent the claimant in obtaining judicial protection by the court of another Member State or from continuing proceedings already commenced before it; and (ii) is that form of interference in the jurisdiction of a court of another Member State to adjudicate a dispute of which it has already been seised, and which it has admitted, compatible with public policy in the EU? In particular, is it contrary to public policy in the EU within the meaning of point 1 of Article 34 and Article 45(1) of Regulation No 44/2001, to recognise and/or declare enforceable a judgment or order of a court of a Member State awarding provisional damages to claimants seeking recognition and a declaration of enforceability in respect of the costs and expenses incurred by them in bringing an action or continuing proceedings before the court of another Member State, where the reasons given are that: (a) it follows from an examination of that action that the case is covered by a settlement duly established and ratified by the court of the Member State delivering the judgment (or order); and (b) the court of the other Member State seised in a fresh action by the party against which the judgment or order was delivered lacks jurisdiction by virtue of a clause conferring exclusive jurisdiction?

If the first question is answered in the negative, is point 1 of Article 34 of Regulation No 44/2001, as interpreted by the Court of Justice of the European Union, to be understood as constituting a ground for non-recognition and non-enforcement in Greece of the judgment and orders delivered by a court of another Member State (the United Kingdom), as described under (I) above, where they are directly and manifestly contrary to national public policy in accordance with fundamental social and legal perceptions which prevail in Greece and the fundamental provisions of Greek law that lie at the very heart of the right to judicial protection (Articles 8 and 20 of the Greek Constitution, Article 33 of the Greek Civil Code and the principle of protection of that right that underpins the entire system of Greek procedural law, as laid down in Articles 176, 173(1) to (3), 185, 205 and 191 of the Greek Code of Civil Procedure cited in paragraph 6 of the statement of reasons) and Article 6(1) of the [European Convention on Human Rights], such that, in that case, it is permissible to disapply the principle of EU law on the free movement of judgments, and is the non-recognition resulting therefrom compatible with the views that assimilate and promote the European perspective?

The request having been lodged in September 2021, the file seems ripe to be addressed by the Court. More information will follow when available.

Serving Defendants in Ukrainian Territory Occupied by Russia

Conflictoflaws - sam, 12/10/2022 - 17:46
Jeanne Huang University of Sydney Law School

Both Russia and Ukraine are member states of the 1965 Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters (Hague Service Convention (HSC)). After Russia occupied the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and its capital city, Sevastopol, and exercised control over certain areas of Ukraine (the “Occupied Areas”), Ukraine filed a declaration (“Ukraine’s Declaration on Crimea”) under the HSC. It states that, as a result of Russia’s occupation, implementing the HSC in the Occupied Areas is limited, that the procedure for service and relevant communication is determined by the Central Authority of Ukraine, and that documents or requests issued by the Russian and related illegal Authorities in the Occupied Areas are null and void and have no legal effect.

In 2016, Russia declared (“Russia’s Declaration on Crimea”) that Ukraine’s Declaration on Crimea is based on “a bad faith and incorrect presentation and interpretation of facts and law” under the HSC and other Hague Conventions. Thus far, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland have each made declarations supporting Ukraine’s and announcing that they will not engage in any direct interaction with the Authorities in the Occupied Areas and will not accept any documents or requests emanating from or through such Authorities. The conflicting Declaration made by Ukraine and Russia, respectively, brings challenges for serving a defendant residing in the Occupied Areas—the scope of which has expanded during the recent military conflict—in civil and commercial cases when the defendant neither appoints an agent in the forum nor waives service. On one hand, neither Ukraine nor Russia permit service by postal channels (mail) under HSC Article 10(a). On the other, service via the Ukrainian Central Authority in the Occupied Areas is unguaranteed as indicated in Ukraine’s Declaration on Crimea; however, Ukraine and its supporting states do not recognize service conducted by the Russian Central Authority. A practical question for litigators is how to conduct service of process in the Occupied Areas?

This post suggests that the legal effects of service conducted by the Russian Central Authority under the HSC on a defendant in the Occupied Areas should be recognized for two reasons. Firstly, the Ukraine and its supporting states’ declarations under the HSC are interpretative declarations rather than reservations (the same is true of the Russian declaration). Secondly, the Namibia Exception can provide certainty and predictability for litigators in international civil and commercial cases and should be applied to service conducted by the Russian Central Authority in the Occupied Areas.

Legal Dilemmas for the HSC
The competing declarations on Crimea do not identify the HSC provision pursuant to which they are made, nor do they specify the provisions whose legal effect they purport to modify. Arguably, no provision of HSC provides a legal basis for either declaration on Crimea.

1. Provisions for the Designation and Function of a Central Authority

Ukraine’s Declaration on Crimea provides that documents or requests made by Russia or a related authority in the Occupied Areas are void. HSC Articles 2–17 do not provide a basis for the declaration, because the purported invalidity of service conducted by the Russian Central Authority does not directly relate to the designation or function of the Ukrainian Central Authority. It is also likely beyond the scope of HSC Article 18, which allows each contracting state to designate other Authorities and determine their competence. A counterargument may be that Russia’s invasion violated Ukraine’s sovereignty, so Ukraine can invoke Article 18 and claim that Russia and relevant local authorities are illegal and that the documents or requests issued by them are void. Ukraine’s territorial sovereignty over the Occupied Areas is, however, an incidental question to the validity of the documents or requests issued by Russia and the relevant local authorities. Importantly, the HSC does not contain a compromissory clause. This distinguishes it from treaties such as the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea under which, in some circumstances, tribunals can determine incidental questions “when those issues must be determined in order for the . . . tribunal to be able to rule on the relevant claims.”

For the same reasons, Russia’s Declaration on Crimea lacks a clear basis in HSC Articles 2-18.

2. Provision for Dependent Territories

Article 29 allows a state to extend the application of the HSC to territories “for the international relations of which [the declaring state] is responsible.” The meaning of this language is not clear. Article 56(1) of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) includes a similar phase. Article 56(1) is the so-called “colonial clause,” which prevents the automatic application of the ECHR to non-metropolitan territories and empowers a metropolitan state to declare its application. In 1961, the European Commission extended Article 56(1) to “dependent territories irrespective of domestic legal status.” The concept of dependent territories under the ECHR has been defined by almost exclusive deference to a member state’s unilateral Article 56(1) declaration. In Quark Fishing Ltd. v. United Kingdom, for example, Protocol No. 1 was held inapplicable to a fishing vessel under a Falklands flag because the UK declaration only extended the ECHR, not Protocol No. 1, to islands that belonged to Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) Dependencies.

However, the ECHR’s deferential approach should not apply to HSC Article 29. Argentina is not a member state of the ECHR and the court in Quark Fishing relied on the fact that there was no dispute that the islands were a “territory” within the meaning Article 56(1). As an HSC member state, however, Argentina declared its opposition to the UK’s extension of the HSC to the Falkland Islands, relying on a UN resolution noting a dispute between the two states about sovereignty over the islands. Due to the unclear relationship between Article 29 and international law on the occupation or succession of territories, Article 29 may not serve as a legal basis for the Declarations on Crimea.

Legal Effect of the Declarations
The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT) and the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties adopted by the International Law Commission divide declarations formulated by a state under a treaty into reservations and interpretative declarations. A reservation is intended to exclude or modify the legal effect of certain provisions of a treaty, while an interpretative declaration is purported to specify or clarify their meaning or scope. Putting aside whether they are affirmatively authorized by the HSC, the Declarations on Crimea should be presumptively permissible. This is because reservations are generally permissible unless an exception under the VCLT is triggered, so interpretative declarations should also be presumptively permissible.

The Declarations on Crimea are best understood as interpretative declarations for the following reasons.

First, the question of territorial application is not part of the functioning ratione materiae of the HSC. The subject matter of the Convention is service. HSC Article 29 allows member states to determine the territorial application of the Convention, suggesting that the Convention does not require its application to be extended to the entire territory of a member state.

Second, a declaration purporting to exclude or extend the application of a treaty as a whole to all or part of its territories without modifying its legal effect is not a reservation. The contents of the respective Declaration on Crimea made by Russia and Ukraine show that both countries seek to clarify the application of the HSC as a whole to the Occupied Areas.

Third, none of the declarants explicitly indicates that the Declaration on Crimea is a condition for them to ratify or continue as a member of the HSC. Consequently, they are not conditional interpretative declarations that should be treated as reservations.

Finally, a reservation would modify the legal effect of the HSC, applying between the reserving state and another state if the latter has not objected within twelve months after it was notified, which is not the case here. It is impossible for other state to tacitly accept the conflicting declarations.

Therefore, because the Declaration on Crimea made by Ukraine, its supporting states, and Russia, respectively, are interpretative declarations rather than reservations, they do not exclude or modify the legal effect of the HSC. Neither do they alter the treaty relations between the declarants and the majority of HSC member states that have not expressed a view on these Declarations.

The Namibia Exception
The VCLT does not provide a timeline for a state to accept another state’s interpretative declaration. However, private parties in international litigation require certainty about service of process in Ukraine under the HSC. The courts of HSC member states should not recognize only the Ukrainian Central Authority for service in Occupied Areas just because their governments are politically aligned with Ukraine. Instead, for the reasons set out below, the Namibia Exception protecting the rights and interests of people in a territory controlled by non-recognized government should be extended to service conducted by the Russian Central Authority and local authorities in the Occupied Areas under the HSC.

The “Namibia Exception” comes from the Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia Notwithstanding Security Council Resolution case. That decision provides that the non-recognition of a state’s administration of a territory due to its violation of international law should not result in depriving the people of that territory of any advantages derived from international cooperation. The courts of HSC member states should recognize not only the Ukrainian Central Authority for service in the Occupied Areas, but also service conducted by the Russian Central Authority and local authorities in the Occupied Areas under the HSC.

First, service under the HSC concerns private rights. Service of process aims to ensure that a defendant is duly informed of a foreign litigation against it. When the defendant resides in the Occupied Areas, service conducted by the Russian Central Authority under the HSC should belong to the realm of the de facto government. Recognizing the conduct of de facto government does not necessarily lead to de jure recognition (e.g., Luther v. Sagor [1921] 3 KB 532 (Can.)).

Second, service through the Russian Central Authority is the only realistic way to serve a defendant in the Occupied Areas who has no agents in a foreign forum, given that Ukraine made a reservation on service by postal channels under HSC Article 10. Ukraine might be advised to withdraw this reservation during war time.

Third, non-recognition of service conducted by the Russian Central Authority in the Occupied Areas would lead to unjust consequences for Ukrainian people in the Occupied Areas who have to comply with the Russian legal order.

A concern is that applying the Namibia Exception to service of process conducted by the Russian Central Authority may harm Ukrainians in the Occupied Area when they are likely not in a position to defend themselves in a court in the United States, China or other foreign countries. The concern is not a good reason to reject the Namibia Exception because it can be addressed by the foreign courts using legal aids, remote hearing, forum non convenience, temporary stay, or other case management methods.

Recommendations for HSC Member States
The HSC Special Commission is a group of experts designated by member states to discuss issues with the practical operation of the Convention. It has issued recommendations for HSC member states regarding the meaning of “civil or commercial matters”, service by electronic means, and other matters. It should publish a recommendation to assist member states in adopting a consistent response to the conflicting Declarations on Crimea.

The legal nature of Ukraine’s and Russia’s Declarations on Crimea are different. Ukraine’s Declaration on Crimea is an amplifying interpretative declaration, which intends to address new events not covered by a treaty. Russia’s invasion created such an event: the Ukrainian Central Authority can no longer effectuate service in the Occupied Areas. In contrast, Russia’s Declaration on Crimea is an interpretation contra legem. This is because Russia’s occupation of Ukraine violated international law on the prohibition of the unlawful use of force, which is contrary to the principle of good faith. Although states are free to decide whether to acknowledge Russia’s interpretation contra legem, the International Court of Justice has rendered a decision condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Although it does not bind all states, it shows that the international community considers the invasion as a violation of international law. The Special Commission should take this opportunity to assist member states in adopting consistent approaches to apply the HSC to serve defendants in Ukrainian territory occupied by Russia.

See Full text here

Reminder – 9th Journal of Private International Law Conference: Deadline for Submission of Abstracts

EAPIL blog - ven, 12/09/2022 - 08:00

As announced on this blog, the 9th Journal of Private International Law conference will be hosted by the Yong Pung School of Law, Singapore Management University from 3 to 5 August 2023.

A reminder that the deadline to submit abstracts is Friday 16 December 2022 at The Call for Papers is available here.

More information on the conference and the related registration can be found here.

Divorce : localisation de la résidence habituelle au sens du droit de l’Union

Par un arrêt du 30 novembre 2022, la Cour de cassation se prononce sur la détermination de la résidence habituelle, au sens du règlement Bruxelles II bis, d’un couple de ressortissants belges souhaitant divorcer et ayant des biens et des intérêts à la fois en Belgique et en France.

Sur la boutique Dalloz Code du divorce et de la liquidation 2023, annoté et commenté Voir la boutique Dalloz

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Catégories: Flux français

IPRax: Issue 6 of 2022

EAPIL blog - jeu, 12/08/2022 - 14:00

The latest issue of the IPRax (Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts) has been published on 1 November 2022. The table of contents is available here. The following abstracts have been kindly provided to us by the editor of the journal.

U. Janzen and R. Wagner, The German implementing rules for the Brussels II ter Regulation

When the original version of the Brussels II Regulation was adopted in 2000, it was not certain whether this regulation would be such a success. In the meantime, the regulation has become one of the most important legal instruments for judicial cooperation in civil matters. The regulation has recently been revised for the second time. The following article presents the German implementing rules for this recast.

R. Magnus, A new Private International Law and new Procedural Rules for Adoptions in Germany

As a result of two recent reforms the German private international and procedural laws applicable to adoptions have changed quite substantively. Article 22 (1) sentence 1 of the Introductory Act to the German Civil Code (EG-BGB) now refers to the lex fori as the law applicable for all domestic procedures, and section 1 (2) of the Adoption effects Act (AdWirkG) introduces an obligatory recognition procedure for many foreign adoptions. The effects of these and other innovations are examined and evaluated in detail in this article.

H.-P. Mansel, Liberalization of the Private International Law of Marriage and Registered Civil Partnership: Remarks on the Place of Marriage and Registration as Connecting Factors

According to the new proposal of the German Council for Private International Law, the law of the “place of marriage” is to govern the establishment of a marriage or registered civil partnership. The article deals with this proposal and explores the question of how this place is to be determined in the case of an online marriage. It argues for the application of the law of the state where the register is kept.

B. Laukemann, Protecting procedural confidence against the insolvency estate?

According to Union law, the effects of insolvency proceedings on a pending lawsuit are governed by the lex fori – and thus not by the law of the opening Member State (s. Art. 18 European Insolvency Regulation [EIR], Art. 292 Directive 2009/138, Art. 32 Directive 2001/24). At first glance, the distinction between the lex fori and the lex concursus raised here does not cause any major problems of interpretation. But can the lex fori and its regulatory purpose, which is to guarantee protection of confidence and legal certainty in civil proceedings, also be brought into position against the liability regime of foreign insolvency proceedings? A look at Art. 7(2)(c) EIR, which, in turn, allocates procedural powers of a debtor and insolvency practitioner to the lex fori concursus, reveals the difficulties of a clear-cut demarcation between the law of the forum and the law governing insolvency proceedings. The present contribution seeks to pursue this classification problem, equally relevant in legal and practical terms, for the relevant pieces of secondary EU legislation. Recently, this legal question was submitted to the CJEU – due to the liquidation of an insurance company within the scope of the Solvency II Directive. The decision gives rise to critically examine the delimitation approach of the CJEU and to ask in general how the protection of procedural confidence, on the one hand, and insolvency-related liability interests of the creditors, on the other, can be brought into an appropriate balance.

J. Kondring, International Service by WhatsApp: Reflections on the Hague Service Convention and the 1928 Anglo-German Convention in Judgement and Recognition Proceedings

In times of electronic communication, the question arises whether cross-border service by means of electronic communication is possible. The Higher Regional Court (OLG) of Frankfurt a.M. had to decide this question in recognition proceedings for a Canadian-German service by WhatsApp. Neither the Hague Service Convention nor bilateral agreements such as the Anglo-German Convention of 1928 allow service by WhatsApp. In this respect, the article also ex-amines the interaction of section 189 German Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO) and Art. 15 of the Hague Service Convention in both judgment and recognition proceedings, including the relationship to the parallel Anglo-German Convention of 1928. In certain cases, Art. 15 of the Hague Service Convention moves aside and “neutralises” section 189 German Code of Civil Procedure and its legal consequences. For the recognition proceedings, Art. 15 of the Hague Service Convention will also have to be taken into account in the context of the examination of the regularity of service of the document instituting the proceedings.

S. Arnold, Applicability of Article 15(1)(c) Lugano II in cases of subsequent relocation of consumers

In its judgment (C-296/20), the ECJ follows the consumer-friendly course already taken in the mBank decision. It interpreted Article 15(1)(c) Lugano II (and by doing so also the corresponding Article 17(1)(c) Brussels Ibis Regulation). The court clarified that the provision governs the jurisdiction of a court also in such cases where a consumer who has contracted with a professional counterparty subsequently relocates to another contracting State. Thus, it is not necessary for the cross-border activities of the professional party to have already existed at the time the contract was concluded. Rather, the subsequent move of the consumer also constitutes the “pursuit” of the professional or commercial activity in the consumer’s member state. Consequently, the court strengthens the position of consumers. Even in the event of a subsequent move, they can rely on the (passive) forum of protection of Article 16(2) Lugano II and the (active) forum of Article 16(1) Lugano II at their place of residence. The burden that this decision places on the professional counterparty – the risk of foreign litigation even if the matter was purely domestic at the time the contract was concluded – seems reasonable, as choice of forum agreements (Art. 17 No. 3 Lugano II) remain possible as a means of protection.

A. Staudinger and F. Scharnetzki, The applicable law for the internal settlement between two liability insurances of a tractor-trailer combination – Karlsruhe locuta, causa non finita

If in a tractor-trailer combination the owners of the tractor unit and the trailer are not the same person and two different liability insurers cover the respective operating risk, the question arises as to the internal settlement between the two liability insurances. Here, first the conflict-of-law issue to be dealt with is the source of law that is to be used to determine the relevant statute for recourse. In its decision of 3 March 2021, the Federal Court of Justice endorsed an alternative approach based on Article 19 of the Rome II Regulation and Article 7 para. 4 lit. b) of the Rome I Regulation in conjunction with Article 46d para. 2 of the Introductory Act to the German Civil Code (EGBGB) for a situation in which a German liability insurer of the tractor seeks half compensation from a Czech trailer insurer. In the opinion of the authors, the IV. Civil Senate had, in light of the European Court of Justice’s decision of 21 January 2016 in the joined cases C-359/14 and C-475/14, an obligation to refer to the Court in Luxembourg under Article 267 para. 1 lit. b), para. 3 TFEU. So, the solution via Art. 19 Rome II Regulation seems hardly convincing, at most a special rule on conflict of laws like Art. 7 para. 4 lit. b) Rome I Regulation. Whether and to what extent Article 7 para. 4 lit. b) Rome I Regulation can be instrumentalized to enforce § 78 para. 2 VVG old version via Article 46d para. 2 EGBGB, however, should have been finally clarified by the European Court of Justice. In particular, it seems doubtful whether Article 46d para. 2 EGBGB as a national rule, which goes back to Art. 7 para. 4 lit. b) Rome I Regulation, allows a provision such as § 78 para. 2 VVG old version to be applied as a mere recourse rule between two insurers. This applies all the more since no special public interests or interests of injured parties worthy of protection are affected here.

C. Mayer, Relevance of the place of marriage for determining the applicable law in relation to the formal requirements of proxy marriage and online marriage

The decisions of the Federal Court of Justice and the Düsseldorf Administrative Court concern a double proxy marriage in Mexico and an online marriage via live video conference with an official from the US state of Utah. In both cases, the spouses were themselves in Germany. Both decisions focus on the conflict of law determination of the applicable law in relation to the formal requirements of marriage. Due to the German conflict of law rules in Art. 11 and Art. 13 Para. 4 EGBGB, the place of marriage is decisive. The Federal Court of Justice concludes that the double proxy marriage took place in Mexico, which is why the marriage was formally valid under the applicable local law. The Dusseldorf Administrative Court rules that the online marriage was concluded in Germany, so that only German law is applicable and the marriage is therefore formally invalid due to the lack of participation of a registrar. Both cases reveal inconsistencies in German conflict of laws.

S. Deuring, The Purchase of Trees Growing in Brazil: Not a Contract Relating to a Right in rem in Immovable Property or a Tenancy of Immovable Property

ShareWood, a company established in Switzerland, and a consumer resident in Austria had entered into a framework agreement and four purchase contracts for the acquisition of teak and balsa trees in Brazil. When the consumer demanded the termination of the purchase contracts, the question arose of whether this demand could be based on Austrian law, even though the parties had agreed that Swiss law should apply. Siding with the consumer, the ECJ ruled that contractual arrangements such as the present one cannot be considered contracts relating to a right in rem in immovable property or tenancy of immovable property pursuant to Art. 6(4)(c) of the Rome I Regulation. The non-applicability of this provision entails the applicability of Art. 6(2) cl. 2 of the Rome I Regulation. According to the latter, a choice of law may not have the result of depriving consumers of the protection afforded to them by provisions that cannot be derogated from by agreement by virtue of the law of the country where the consumer has his habitual residence. In consequence, the consumer could, in fact, base his action on Austrian law.

C. Benicke and N. Suchocki, Judicial approval for disclaimer of interests given by parents for their minor children – Polish cases of succession at German courts and the role of the special escape clause in Art. 15 (2) CPC 1996

Polish probate courts demand for judicial approval of any disclaimer of interest given by parents for their minor children, even if such an approval is not required under the law applicable according to Art. 17 of the Child Protection Convention 1996. If German law is applicable due to Art. 17 CPC 1996, in most cases a judicial approval for the disclaimer of interest is not required according to § 1643 (2) p. 2 BGB. As a consequence, German family courts having jurisdiction to issue a judicial approval according to Art. 5 (1) CPC 1996 cannot do so, because under German law, applicable according to Art. 15 (1) CPC 1996 no judicial approval can be issued if not required by the substantive law applicable according to Art. 17 CPC 1996. This leads to the situation that no valid disclaimer of interest can be made, even though both jurisdictions would allow it in a purely domestic case. Therefore, the question arises as to whether in such cases a German family court may issue a judicial approval due to Art. 15 (2) CPC 1996, which exceptionally allows to apply or take into consideration the law of another State with which the situation has a substantial connection. One of the various regulatory purposes of the special escape clause in Art. 15 (2) CPC 1996 consists in allowing the court to adjust the lex fori in order to solve an adaptation problem as it is in this case. The Higher Regional Court Hamm issued such a judicial approval in taking into consideration that the Polish law requires a judicial approval for the disclaimer of interest. We agree with the OLG Hamm in the result, but not in the justification. As Art. 15 (2) CPC 1996 refers only to Art. 15 (1) CPC 1996 the taking into consideration of Polish law cannot overrule that the law applicable according to Art. 17 CPC 1996 does not require a judicial approval. To solve the adaptation problem, it suffices that German law applicable according to Art. 15 (1) CPC 1996 is modified in so far that it allows the formal issuance of a judicial approval even though such an approval is not required by the substantive law applicable according to Art. 17 CPC 1996.

R. Hüßtege, German procedural law for obtaining a decision that the removal or retention of a child was wrongful – present and future

Art. 15 of the Hague Convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction requests that the applicant should obtain from the authorities of the State of the habitual residence of the child a decision that the removal or retention was wrongful within the meaning of Article 3 of the Convention. The procedure for obtaining the decision is regulated incomplete in the German implementation law. Most of the problems raised will, however, be remedied by the reform of the German implementing act.

P. Schlosser, Recognition even if service of the document initiating the proceedings had not taken place?

The author is submitting that Art. 22 of the Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance provides only one alternative for refusing recognition to a maintenance Judgment (“may be refused”) and that, therefore, more liberal provisions in national Law are upheld. The German code of civil procedure, § 328, seems not to be more liberal, but must be seen in the light of the overwhelming principle of safeguarding the right to be heard in court. Yet, this principle is well safeguarded, if the proposed victim in the subsequent proceedings of exequatur gets a chance to assert what he would have asserted in the original litigation but, thereby, he had no chance to achieve a different result. Under these circumstances the contrary solution would amount to a refusal of justice to the other party.

B. Heiderhoff, Refugees and the Hague Child Abduction Convention

The ECJ held that the removal of a child cannot be wrong ful in the sense of Article 2(11) of Regulation No 2201/2003 (now Article 2 sec 2(11) of Regulation No 2019/1111), if the parent has complied with a decision to transfer under Regulation (EU) No 604/2013 by leaving the country. This decision makes a valid point, but seems too general and reaches too far. The contribution shows that the integration of family law and migration law is insufficient and urges better coordination between the actors to achieve better protection of the child.

T. Frantzen, Norwegian International Law of Inheritance

Norway adopted a new act on inheritance and the administration of estates in 2019. The act came into force on 1 January 2021. The new act is based on the principles of the act on inheritance from 1972 and the act on administration of estates from 1930. This means that descendants may claim a forced share of 2/3 of the estate, however with a limitation of approximately 150,000 Euro. With the new act the amount has been increased, and it is regulated each year. A surviving spouse may, as before, claim a legal share. The spouse may alternatively choose to take over the so-called undivided estate. This means that the division of the estate is postponed.
Until the new succession act was adopted, Norwegian choice of law rules on succession were based on customary law. The general principle was that succession was governed by the law of the State in which the deceased had her/his last domicile, and that there was no, or a very limited space, for party autonomy.
The new act decides that the administration of estates may take place in Norway if the deceased had her/his last habitual residence in Norway. When it comes to succession, the main rule is that succession is governed by the law of the State where the deceased had her/his last habitual residence. Party autonomy is introduced in the new act, as a person may choose that succession shall be governed by the law of a State of which he or she was a national. The decision on the choice of law is however not valid if the person was a Norwegian citizen by the time of death. The few provisions on choice of law are based on the EuErbVO.

C. Jessel-Holst, Private international law reform in North Macedonia

In 2020, North Macedonia adopted a new Private International Law Act which replaces the 2007 Act of the same name and applies from 18.2.2021. The new Act amounts to a fundamental reform which is mainly inspired by the Acquis communautaire. It also refers to a number of Hague Conventions. The Act contains conflict-of-law rules as well as rules on procedure. Many issues are regulated for the first time. The concept of renvoi is maintained but the scope of application has been significantly reduced. As a requirement for the recognition of foreign judgments the Act introduces the mirror principle. As was previously the case, reciprocity does not constitute a prerequisite for recognition and enforcement.

199/2022 : 8 décembre 2022 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-731/21

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 12/08/2022 - 10:07
Caisse nationale d’assurance pension
Libre circulation des personnes
Travailleurs frontaliers : pas d’obligation de faire inscrire au Luxembourg un PACS conclu dans un autre État membre 

Catégories: Flux européens

198/2022 : 8 décembre 2022 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-694/20

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 12/08/2022 - 09:46
Orde van Vlaamse Balies e.a.
Lutte contre la planification fiscale agressive : l’obligation imposée à l’avocat d’informer les autres intermédiaires impliqués n’est pas nécessaire et viole le droit au respect des communications avec son client

Catégories: Flux européens

198/2022 : 8 décembre 2022 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-694/20

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 12/08/2022 - 09:46
Orde van Vlaamse Balies e.a.
Lutte contre la planification fiscale agressive : l’obligation imposée à l’avocat d’informer les autres intermédiaires impliqués n’est pas nécessaire et viole le droit au respect des communications avec son client

Catégories: Flux européens

198/2022 : 8 décembre 2022 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-694/20

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 12/08/2022 - 09:46
Orde van Vlaamse Balies e.a.
Lutte contre la planification fiscale agressive : l’obligation imposée à l’avocat d’informer les autres intermédiaires impliqués n’est pas nécessaire et viole le droit au respect des communications avec son client

Catégories: Flux européens

197/2022 : 8 décembre 2022 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-460/20

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 12/08/2022 - 09:43
Google (Déréférencement d’un contenu prétendument inexact)
Droit à l’effacement (« droit à l’oubli ») : l’exploitant du moteur de recherche doit déréférencer des informations figurant dans le contenu référencé lorsque le demandeur prouve qu’elles sont manifestement inexactes

Catégories: Flux européens

197/2022 : 8 décembre 2022 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-460/20

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 12/08/2022 - 09:43
Google (Déréférencement d’un contenu prétendument inexact)
Droit à l’effacement (« droit à l’oubli ») : l’exploitant du moteur de recherche doit déréférencer des informations figurant dans le contenu référencé lorsque le demandeur prouve qu’elles sont manifestement inexactes

Catégories: Flux européens

Update on the 150 Anniversary of the ILA

EAPIL blog - jeu, 12/08/2022 - 08:00

As announced in an earlier post, the International Law Association will celebrate its 150 anniversary next year through a number of events.

The celebration will start with an inaugural conference which will take place on line on 12 January 2023 and will discuss the role of parliaments in the creation of International Law so that to increase its legitimacy.

Throughout 2023, webinars will be organised on a variety of topics, including Democracy, Governance, Digital challenges, Civil Status, Anthropocene, Taxation and many others. Each of these webinars is prepared by a White Paper, which will be the focus of the webinar. Members of the public are invited to review the White Papers and comment on them until 31 December 2022 or 31 January 2023.

The organisation has already issued 10 Newsletters, which can be found here.

The programme of the webinars is available here. The White Papers can be accessed here. Registration for these events can be made here.

Proposal for a Regulation on parenthood

European Civil Justice - mer, 12/07/2022 - 23:58

The European Commission has released today its Proposal for a Council Regulation on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition of decisions and acceptance of authentic instruments in matters of parenthood and on the creation of a European Certificate of Parenthood. However, it is not currently available in the official languages of the European Union, only in English at

196/2022 : 7 décembre 2022 - Ordonnance du Tribunal dans l'affaire T-709/21

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mer, 12/07/2022 - 15:20
WhatsApp Ireland / Comité européen de la protection des données
Droit institutionnel
Le Tribunal rejette comme irrecevable le recours de WhatsApp contre une décision du Comité européen de la protection des données (CEPD)

Catégories: Flux européens

Axel Flessner in memoriam

Conflictoflaws - mer, 12/07/2022 - 14:48

We are sad to announce that one of Germany’s preeminent scholars of private international law and European private law, Axel Flessner, passed away on 26 November 2022 at the age of 86.

Axel Flessner was a Professor of German, European and International Private Law and Comparative Law at Humboldt-University in Berlin. He contributed to the development of private international law and European private law through countless publications, including several monographs (e.g. “Interessenjurisprudenz im Internationalen Privatrecht”), as well as through his participation in various international committees. As one of the editors of the “Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht” (Journal of European Private Law) and as the spokesperson for the graduate college “European Private and Economic Law” at Humboldt-University, he left a lasting mark in European private (international) law.

Axel Flessner was held in extremely high esteem both by his colleagues and by his students. With his death, the European private (international) law community loses an outstanding scholar, a great colleague and a convinced European citizen.

Our thoughts are with his family.

European Commission Proposal for a Regulation on Private International Law Rules Relating to Parenthood

EAPIL blog - mer, 12/07/2022 - 14:00

On 7 December 2022, as announced through the Commission Press Corner, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a Regulation aimed at harmonising at EU level the rules of private international law relating to parenthood.

The proposal is focused on the best interests and the rights of the child. It will provide legal clarity for all types of families, who find themselves in a cross-border situation within the EU, be it because they move from one Member State to another to travel or reside, or because they have family members or property in another Member State. One of the key aspects of the proposal is that the parenthood established in a Member State of the EU should be recognised in all the other Member States, without any special procedure.

Union law as interpreted by the European Court of Justice, notably on free movement, already provides that parenthood established in a Member State should be recognised in all the other Member States for some purposes: access to the territory, right of residence, non-discrimination with the nationals. However, this is not the case for the rights derived from national law.

Today’s proposal allows children in cross border situations to benefit from the rights derived from parenthood under national law, in matters such as succession, maintenance, custody or the right of parents to act as legal representative of the child (for schooling or health matters).


Commission President von der Leyen said in her 2020 State of the Union speech that “If you are parent in one country, you are parent in every country”. With this statement, the President referred to the need to ensure that the parenthood established in a Member State is recognised in all other Member States for all purposes.

EU citizens can live and work in different EU countries. They travel, move for work, buy houses, start families. At the moment, Member States have varying national laws on the recognition of parenthood, so when a family finds itself in a cross-border situation, it might lose the rights derived from parenthood under national law.  The non-recognition of parenthood puts at risk the fundamental rights of children, including their right to an identity, to non-discrimination and to a private and family life.

The proposal was identified as a key action in the EU Strategy on the rights of the child and the EU LGBTIQ Equality Strategy. The European Parliament welcomed the Commission’s initiative in its Resolution on the protection of the rights of the child in civil, administrative and family law proceedings and in its Resolution on LGBTIQ rights in the EU. The Council conclusions on the EU Strategy on the rights of the child underline that children’s rights are universal, that every child enjoys the same rights without discrimination of any kind and that the best interests of the child must be a primary consideration in all actions relating to children, whether taken by public authorities or by private institutions.

Protecting Children Rights

The proposal aims at protecting the fundamental rights of children, providing legal certainty for the families, and reducing the legal costs and burden for the families and the Member States’ administrative and judicial systems.

The main elements of the proposal include: (a) designation of the jurisdiction: the proposal determines the courts of the Member States that have jurisdiction in matters related to parenthood, ensuring the best interest of the child; (b) designation of the applicable law:as a rule, the law applicable to the establishment of parenthood should be the law of the State of the habitual residence of the person giving birth. Where that rule results in the establishment of parenthood as regards only one parent, alternative options ensure that parenthood can be established as regards both parents; (c) rules for recognition of parenthood: the proposal provides for the recognition of court decisions and authentic instruments establishing or providing evidence of the establishment of parenthood. As a rule, parenthood established in a Member State, should be recognised in all the other Member States, without any special procedure; (d) creation of a European Certificate of Parenthood: children (or their legal representatives) can request it from the Member State which established parenthood, and choose to use it to prove their parenthood in all the other Member States. The Commission proposes a harmonised template, common to the whole EU. The use of the Certificate would be optional for families, but they have the right to request it and to have it accepted all over the EU.

The proposal will complement other EU private international law rules, on matters such as succession. It does not harmonise substantive family law, which remains the competence of the Member States.

Next Steps

The Commission’s proposal has to be adopted unanimously by the Council, after consulting the European Parliament. Five years after the Regulation becomes applicable, the Commission will evaluate its application by Member States and may propose amendments.


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