Universidade Portucalense (in Porto, Portugal), and its Research Center – Instituto Jurídico Portucalense and IJP IPLeiria, in collaboration with the University of Vigo, the University of Malaga, the University of Salamanca, the University of Granada and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, organize the I International Congress on Civil Procedural Law – The Challenges of Sustainable Global and Digital Development, to be held on 20 and 21 May 2021, in virtual format.
One of the Thematic Lines will be of interest to readers of this blog, namely “Transnational and European Civil Procedure. Global development process and challenges”.
More information here.
The American Journal of International Law’s online publication, AJIL Unbound, has recently published a symposium on the changing face of international commercial dispute resolution around the world. The symposium, entitled Global Labs of International Commercial Dispute Resolution, includes works by scholars from China, Hong Kong, Europe, UK, US, and Australia.
The contributions consider the emergence of new legal hubs, international commercial courts, and arbitral courts around the world, and their implications for global commercial dispute resolution.
The contributions include:
Introduction by Anthea Roberts
Experimenting with International Commercial Dispute Resolution by Pamela K. Bookman and Matthew S. Erie
The Resolution of International Commercial Disputes – What Role (if any) for Continental Europe? by Giesela Rühl
Conservative Innovation: The Ambiguities of the China International Commercial Court by Julien Chaisse and Xu Qian
The International Commercial Dispute Prevention and Settlement Organization: A Global Laboratory of Dispute Resolution with an Asian Flavor by Guiguo Wang andRajesh Sharma
International Commercial Courts in the United States and Australia: Possible, Probable, Preferable? by S.I. Strong
Global Laboratories of Third-Party Funding Regulation by Victoria Shannon Sahani
Galapagos Bidco SARL v Kebekus & ors [2021] EWHC 68 (Ch) is yet again a fairly extensive first instance judgment merely on the issue of jurisdiction, entertaining Article 8(1) Brussel Ia’s anchor defendant mechanism as well as Article 25 choice of court.
On A8(1), focus of the discussion was the extent of a merits review under A8(1), which I also discuss in Sabbagh v Khoury and Senior Taxi v Agusta Westland (both referred to here by Zacaroli J at 44 ff.; as was nb PIS v Al Rajaan). The issue was raised in CJEU C-98/06 Freeport but not answered. The judge here uses the notion of ‘sustainable claim’ to ensure absence of abuse of the anchor mechanism, concluding at 132 after fairly serious if arguably not excessive engagement with the merits, that the conditions of A8(1) are fulfilled.
Article 25 choice of court is discussed obiter at 138 ff., leading to some discussion on the timing of the binding character of the clause upon various parties (and a minor side-issue re Brexit).
A case-management stay was also applied for, with the judge justifiably adopting the strict approach at 160 that such a stay must not be used to circumvent the inapplicability of an Article 34 BIa challenge (the A34 route was dropped; in the light of A25 jurisdiction being established, it would be unavailable at any rate): case-management stay in such circumstances is in essence an application for forum non conveniens which is not permitted under BIa.
EU Private International Law, 3rd ed. 2021, Heading (in particular 2.496); Heading
In yet another very extensive jurisdictional ruling, jurisdiction in E&W accepted on the basis of A8(1) BIa anchor jurisdiction and A25 choice of court against another defendant. https://t.co/ppPZZqtxNy
— Geert Van Calster (@GAVClaw) January 19, 2021
Guest post by Bronwen Manby
In 2014, UNHCR launched a ten-year campaign to end statelessness by 2024. A ten-point global action plan called, among other things, for universal birth registration. One year later, in September 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), an ambitious set of objectives for international development to replace and expand upon the 15-year-old Millennium Development Goals. Target 16.9 under Goal 16 requires that states shall, by 2030, ‘provide legal identity for all, including birth registration’. The SDG target reflects a recently consolidated consensus among development professionals on the importance of robust government identification systems.
Birth registration, the protection of identity, and the right to a nationality are already firmly established as rights in international human rights law – with most universal effect by the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which every state in the world apart from the USA is a party. Universal birth registration, ‘the continuous, permanent, compulsory and universal recording within the civil registry of the occurrence and characteristics of birth, in accordance with the national legal requirements’, is already a long-standing objective of UNICEF and other agencies concerned with child welfare. There is extensive international guidance on the implementation of birth registration, within a broader framework of civil registration.
In a recent article published in the Statelessness and Citizenship Review I explore the potential impact of SDG ‘legal identity’ target on the resolution of statelessness. Like the UNHCR global action plan to end statelessness, the paper emphasises the important contribution that universal birth registration would make to ensuring respect for the right to a nationality. Although birth registration does not (usually) record nationality or legal status in a country, it is the most authoritative record of the information on the basis of which nationality, and many other rights based on family connections, may be claimed.
The paper also agrees with UNHCR that universal birth registration will not end statelessness without the minimum legal reforms to provide a right to nationality based on place of birth or descent. These will not be effective, however, unless there are simultaneous efforts to address the conflicts of law affecting recognition of civil status and nationality more generally. UNHCR and its allies in the global campaign must also master private international law.
In most legal systems, birth registration must be accompanied by registration of other life events – adoption, marriage, divorce, changes of name, death – for a person to be able to claim rights based on family connections, including nationality. This is the case in principle even in countries where birth registration reaches less than half of all births, and registration of marriages or deaths a small fraction of that number. Fulfilling these obligations for paperwork can be difficult enough even if they all take place in one country, and is fanciful in many states of the global South; but the difficulties are multiplied many times once these civil status events have to be recognised across borders.
Depending on the country, an assortment of official copies of parental birth, death or marriage certificates may be required to register a child’s birth. If the child’s birth is in a different country from the one where these documents were issued, the official copies must be obtained from the country of origin, presented in a form accepted by the host country and usually transcribed into its national records. Non-recognition of a foreign-registered civil status event means that it lacks legal effect, leaving (for example) marriages invalid in one country or the other, or still in place despite a registered divorce. If a person’s civil status documents are not recognised in another jurisdiction, the rights that depend on these documents may also be unrecognised: the same child may therefore be born in wedlock for the authorities of one country and out-of-wedlock for another. On top of these challenges related to registration in the country of birth, consular registration and/or transcription into the records of the state of origin is in many cases necessary if the child’s right to the nationality of one or both parents is to be recognised. It is also likely that the parents will need a valid identity document, and if neither is a national of the country where their child is born, a passport with visa showing legal presence in the country. A finding of an error at any stage in these processes can sometimes result in the retroactive loss of nationality apparently held legitimately over many years. Already exhausting for legal migrants in the formal sector, for refugees and irregular migrants of few resources (financial or social) these games of paperchase make the recognition of legal identity and nationality ever more fragile.
These challenges of conflicts of law are greatest for refugees and irregular migrants, but have proved difficult to resolve even within the European Union, with the presumption of legal residence that follows from citizenship of another member state. The Hague Conference on Private International Law has a project to consider transnational recognition of parentage (filiation), especially in the context of surrogacy arrangements, but has hardly engaged with the broader issues.
The paper urges greater urgency in seeking harmonisation of civil registration practices, not only by The Hague Conference, but also by the UN as it develops its newly adopted ‘Legal Identity Agenda’, and by the UN human rights machinery. Finally, the paper highlights the danger that the SDG target will rather encourage short cuts that seek to bypass the often politically sensitive task of determining the nationality of those whose legal status is currently in doubt: new biometric technologies provide a powerful draw to the language of technological fix, as well as the strengthening of surveillance and control rather than empowerment and rights. These risks – and their mitigation – are further explored in a twinned article in World Development.
Last week, the EAPIL blog published a post on the EU feedback period on modernising judicial cooperation between EU countries – use of digital technology (see here). This feedback period is open until 5 February 2021 (midnight Brussels time) and may be provided by clicking here. A possible future type of act is a proposal for a regulation.
The relevant documents are: the Inception impact assessment – Ares(2021)172677 (available on the feedback page) and the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.
In general, the objective and target groups of such feedbacks are: “Inception Impact Assessments aim to inform citizens and stakeholders about the Commission’s plans in order to allow them to provide feedback on the intended initiative and to participate effectively in future consultation activities. Citizens and stakeholders are in particular invited to provide views on the Commission’s understanding of the problem and possible solutions and to make available any relevant information that they may have, including on possible impacts of the different options.” But it is possible for non-EU citizens to provide feedback.
Apparently, an official public consultation – by way of a questionnaire – is upcoming (although there seems to be a mistake on the year on the website).
As stated on the EU website, the summary of this initiative is the following:
“This initiative aims to make judicial cooperation in cross-border cases throughout the EU more efficient and more resilient to crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
It will make it mandatory for the authorities involved in each country to use digital technology, instead of paper, to communicate.
It will improve access to justice by ensuring that individuals, businesses and legal practitioners involved in cases can communicate digitally with the competent authorities in the other countries.”
It is worth noting the following excerpt of the Impact Assessment about the likely economic impacts:
“Positive. The initiative could require new investment from EU countries to develop the necessary infrastructure that can interact with e-CODEX. Investment would depend on the current national level of digitalisation, level of involvement in the e-CODEX project, the interoperability of solutions implemented by EU countries and the possibility under national law to allow for electronic transmissions. However, in the long run, digitalization of justice would significantly decrease the costs incurred by national justice systems in cross-border procedures.
To address cost concerns, the initiative could also propose that the Commission develops and provides EU countries with a reference implementation software solution (back-end portal) for their national use.
As mentioned in the Communication on the digitalization of justice, the upcoming Multiannual Financial Framework and financial instruments for Next Generation EU could also provide funding.
The EU countries could reduce costs by re-using the infrastructure being developed for the European Investigation Order in criminal proceedings (eEDES) and for Service of Documents and Taking of Evidence also for other judicial cooperation instruments.
With its potential to substantially cut the cost of participating in cross-border cases, the initiative would also directly benefit citizens and businesses (including small/medium firms) concerned by the various EU civil law instruments. Use of these instruments (e.g. the European Small Claims procedure and European Order for Payment) by citizens, businesses and legal practitioners would also increase, through the new electronic access point.”
The EU press release is available here.
The Interest Group on Private International Law of the Italian Society of International Law invites you to a series of webinars on current developments in jurisprudence in various topics of private international law.
The webinars will be hosted on Teams by Microsoft 365. In order to attend one or more webinars please write a message to the email address sidigdipp@gmail.com to be added to the relevant Teams group. Once the request has been made for one webinar, there will be no need to repeat it for subsequent events.
The webinars will take place in English except where indicate otherwise.
All webinars will be chaired by Prof. Stefania Bariatti (Università degli Studi di Milano), convenor of the Interest Group.
29 January 2021 @ 4-6 PM (CET):
Limiting European Integration Through Constitutional Law? Recent Decisions of the German Bundesverfassungsgericht and their Impact on Private International Law
Speaker: Christian Kohler, Universität Saarbrücken
Discussant: Giulia Rossolillo, Università degli Studi di Pavia
19 February 2021 @ 4-6 PM (CET):
State Immunity and Jurisdiction in Civil and Commercial Matters in Recent Court of Justice Rulings
Speaker: Alexander Layton, King’s College London
Discussant: Lorenzo Schiano di Pepe, Università di Genova
12 March 2021 @ 4-6 PM (CET):
La trascrizione dell’atto di nascita nella recente giurisprudenza della Corte costituzionale italiana (in Italian)
Speaker: Sara Tonolo, Università degli Studi di Trieste
Discussant: Elena Rodriguez Pineau, Universidad Autonóma de Madrid
9 April 2021 @ 4-6 PM (CET):
Law Governing Arbitration Agreements in a Recent Judgment of the UK Supreme Court
Speaker: Adrian Briggs, University of Oxford
Discussant: Pietro Franzina, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
TBC 23 April 2021 @ 4-6 PM (CET) TBC:
Jurisdiction in Matters Relating to Cross-Border Torts according to the Recent Volkswagen Judgment of the Court of Justice
Speaker: Giesela Rühl, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Discussant: Fabrizio Marongiu Buonaiuti, Università di Macerata
Eduardo Álvarez-Armas is Lecturer in Law at Brunel University London and Affiliated Researcher at the Université Catholique de Louvain. He has kindly provided us with his thoughts on recent proposals for amending the Rome II Regulation. This is the first part of his contribution; a second one on corporate social responsibility will follow in the next days.
On December the 3rd, 2020, the EU commission published a call for applications, with a view to putting forward, by late 2021, a (legislative or non-legislative) initiative to curtail “abusive litigation targeting journalists and civil society”. As defined in the call, strategic lawsuits against public participation (commonly abbreviated as SLAPPs) “are groundless or exaggerated lawsuits, initiated by state organs, business corporations or powerful individuals against weaker parties who express, on a matter of public interest, criticism or communicate messages which are uncomfortable to the litigants”. As their core objective is to silence critical voices, SLAPPs are frequently grounded on defamation claims, but they may be articulated through other legal bases (as “data protection, blasphemy, tax laws, copyright, trade secret breaches”, etc) (p. 1).
The stakes at play are major: beyond an immediate limitation or suppression of open debate and public awareness over matters that are of significant societal interest, the economic pressure arising from SLAPPs can “drown” defendants, whose financial resources are oftentimes very limited. Just to name but a few recent SLAPP examples (For further review of cases throughout the EU see: Greenpeace European Unit [O. Reyes, rapporteur], “Sued into silence – How the rich and powerful use legal tactics to shut critics up”, Brussels, July 2020, p. 18ff): at the time of her murder in 2017, Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was facing over 40 civil and criminal defamation lawsuits, including a 40-million US dollar lawsuit in Arizona filed by Pilatus Bank (Greenpeace European Unit [O. Reyes, rapporteur], pp. 9-12); in 2020, a one million euros lawsuit was introduced against Spanish activist Manuel García for stating in a TV program that the poor livestock waste management of meat-producing company “Coren” was the cause for the pollution of the As Conchas reservoir in the Galicia region.
In light of the situation, several European civil-society entities have put forward a model “EU anti-SLAPP Directive”, identifying substantive protections they would expect from the European-level response announced in point 3.2 of the EU Commission´s “European democracy action plan”. If it crystallized, an EU anti-SLAPP directive would follow anti-SLAPP legislation already enacted, for instance, in Ontario, and certain parts of the US.
Despite being frequently conducted within national contexts, it is acknowledged that SLAPPs may be “deliberately brought in another jurisdiction and enforced across borders”, or may “exploit other aspects of national procedural and private international law” in order to increase complexities which will render them “more costly to defend” (Call for applications, note 1, p. 1) Therefore, in addition to a substantive-law intervention, the involvement of private international law in SLAPPs is required. Amongst core private-international-law issues to be considered is the law applicable to SLAPPs.
De lege lata, due to the referred frequent resort to defamation, and the fact that this subject-matter was excluded from the material scope of application of the Rome II Regulation, domestic choice-of-law provisions on the former, as available, will become relevant. This entails a significant incentive for forum shopping (which may only be partially counteracted, at the jurisdictional level, by the “Mosaic theory”).
De lege ferenda, while the risk of forum shopping would justify by itself the insertion of a choice-of-law rule on SLAPPs in Rome II, the EU Commission´s explicit objective of shielding journalists and NGOs against these practices moreover pleads for providing a content-oriented character to the rule. Specifically, the above-mentioned “gagging” purpose of SLAPPs and their interference with fundamental values as freedom of expression sufficiently justify departing from the neutral choice-of-law paradigm. Furthermore, as equally mentioned, SLAPP targets will generally have (relatively) modest financial means. This will frequently make them “weak parties” in asymmetric relationships with (allegedly) libeled claimants.
In the light of all of this, beyond conventional suggestions explored over the last 15 years in respect of a potential rule on defamation in Rome II (see, amongst other sources: Rome II and Defamation: Online Symposium), several thought-provoking options could be explored, amongst which the following two:
1st Option: Reverse mirroring Article 7 Rome II
A first creative approach to the law applicable to SLAPPs would be to introduce an Article 7-resembling rule, with an inverted structure. Article 7 Rome II on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations arising from environmental damage embodies the so-called “theory of ubiquity” and confers the prerogative of the election of the applicable law to the “weaker” party (the environmental victim). In the suggested rule on SLAPPs, the choice should be “reversed”, and be given to the defendant, provided they correspond with a carefully drafted set of criteria identifying appropriate recipients for anti-SLAPP protection.
However, this relatively straightforward adaptation of a choice-of-law configuration already present in the Rome II Regulation could be problematic in certain respects. Amongst others, for example, as regards the procedural moment for performing the choice-of-law operation in those domestic systems where procedural law establishes (somewhat) “succinct” proceedings (i.e. with limited amounts of submissions from the parties, and/or limited possibilities to amend them): where a claimant needs to fully argue their case on the merits from the very first written submission made, which starts the proceedings, how are they meant to do so before the defendant has chosen the applicable law? While, arguably, procedural adaptations could be enacted at EU-level to avoid a “catch-22” situation, other options may entail less legislative burden.
2nd option: a post-Brexit conceptual loan from English private international law = double actionability
A more extravagant (yet potentially very effective) approach for private-international-law protection would be to “borrow” the English choice-of-law rule on the law applicable to defamation: the so-called double actionability rule. As it is well-known, one of the core reasons why “non-contractual obligations arising out of violations of privacy and rights relating to personality, including defamation” were excluded from the material scope of the Rome II Regulation was the lobbying of publishing groups and press and media associations during the Rome II legislative process (see A. Warshaw, “Uncertainty from Abroad: Rome II and the Choice of Law for Defamation Claims”). With that exclusion, specifically, the English media sector succeeded in retaining the application by English courts of the referred rule, which despite being “an oddity” in the history of English law (Vid. D. McLean & V. Ruiz Abou-Nigm, The Conflict of Laws, 9th ed., Swett & Maxwell, 2016, p. 479), is highly protective for defendants of alleged libels and slanders. The double actionability rule, roughly century and a half old, (as it originated from Philips v. Eyre [Philips v. Eyre (1870) L.R. 6 Q.B. 1.] despite being tempered by subsequent case law) is complex to interpret and does not resemble (structurally or linguistically) modern choice-of-law rules. It states that:
“As a general rule, in order to found a suit in England for a wrong alleged to have been committed abroad, two conditions must be fulfilled. First, the wrong must be of such a character that it would have been actionable if committed in England … Secondly, the act must not have been justifiable by the law of the place where it was done” (Philips v. Eyre, p. 28-29).
The first of the cumulative conditions contained in the excerpt is usually understood as the need to verify that the claim is viable under English law (Lex fori). The second condition is usually understood as the need to verify that the facts would give rise to liability also under foreign law. Various interpretations of the rule can be found in academia, ranging from considering that once the two cumulative requirements have been met English law applies (Vid. Dicey, Morris & Collins, The Conflict of Laws, vol. II, 15th ed., Swett & Maxwell, 2012, pp. 2252-2270, para. 35-111), to considering that only those rules that exist simultaneously in both laws (English and foreign) apply, or that exemptions from liability from either legal system free the alleged tortfeasor (Vid. Cheshire, North & Fawcett, Private International Law, 15th ed., OUP, 2017, p. 885. Similarly, Dicey, Morris & Collins, The Conflict of Laws, vol. II, 15th ed., Swett & Maxwell, 2012, pp. 2252-2270, para. 35-128). Insofar as it is restrictive, and protective of the defendant, double actionability is usually understood as a “double hurdle” (Vid. Cheshire, North & Fawcett, Private International Law, 15th ed., OUP, 2017, p. 885; D. McLean & V. Ruiz Abou-Nigm, The Conflict of Laws, 9th ed., Swett & Maxwell, 2016, p. 479) to obtaining reparation by the victim, or, in other words, as having to win the case “twice in order to win [only] once” (Vid. A. Briggs, The Conflict of Laws, 4th ed., Clarendon Law Series, OUP, 2019, p. 274). Thus, the practical outcome is that the freedom of speech of the defendant is preserved.
A plethora of reasons make this choice-of-law approach controversial, complex to implement, and difficult to adopt at an EU level: from a continental perspective, it would be perceived as very difficult to grasp by private parties, as well as going against the fundamental dogma of EU private international law: foreseeability. This does not, nevertheless, undermine the fact that it would be the most effective protection that could be provided from a private-international-law perspective. Even more so than the protection potentially provided by rules based on various “classic” connecting factors pointing towards the defendant´s “native” legal system/where they are established (as their domicile, habitual residence, etc).
Truth be told, whichever approach is chosen, a core element which will certainly become problematic will be the definition of the personal scope of application of the rule, i.e. how to precisely identify subjects deserving access to the protection provided by a content-oriented choice-of-law provision of the sort suggested (and/or by substantive anti-SLAPP legislation, for that matter). This is a very delicate issue in an era of “fake news”.
On 30 September 2020, the French Supreme Court for private and criminal matters (Cour de cassation) issued a remarkable decision in the field of French international arbitration (Cass. Civ. 1st Chamber, 30 September 2020, no. 18-19.241).
The Court held that the power of the arbitral tribunal to determine its own jurisdiction based on Articles 1448 and 1506 of the French Civil Procedural Code shall not infringe consumers’ rights conferred by EU law. Therefore, an arbitration clause that is at odds with the requirements resulting form Directive 1993/13 concerning unfair terms in consumer contracts should be set aside by the courts.
EU BackgroundFor those who are familiar with EU consumer law, the added-value of the decision may seem limited. Indeed, more than ten years ago, the European Court of justice ruled that national courts shall invalidate an unfair arbitration clause included in a B2C contract, on the basis of directive 1993/13 (Mostaza Claro, C-168/05 and Asturcom Telecomunicaciones SL, C-40/08). But the cases dealt with actions to set aside the arbitral award (for the first one) or to enforce it (for the second one); this means at the “post-award” procedural stage. Here, the French case concerns the prior phase of arbitration.
Facts and IssueA French national sought the advice of a Spanish law firm for the succession of her father, opened in Spain. Despite the international reputation of the law firm’s mother company, the French client was not satisfied with the legal services provided for and sued the Spanish law firm for damages before French court. The law firm opposed an arbitration clause included within the legal services contracts concluded with her French client and, in the alternative, challenged the international competence of the court.
In response, the Court of Appeal set aside the arbitration clause on the basis of the prohibition of unfair terms in B2C contracts pursuant to Directive 93/13 (Article 3(1)) because the clause had not been individually negotiated. Then, the Court of Appeal recognised its jurisdiction pursuant to the Brussels I bis Regulation (Article 17(1)(c) and Article 18(1)). The law firm appealed to the French Supreme Court.
The main issue at stake, under French international arbitration law, was the implementation of the cornerstone principle of “jurisdiction to decide jurisdiction” (principe compétence-compétence) laid down in Article 1448 of the French Civil Procedure Code and applicable to international arbitration pursuant to Article 1506 of the same Code.
This principle has a twofold dimension. On the first hand, in case of dispute on the validity of an arbitration agreement, the arbitral tribunal has exclusive jurisdiction to assess its own jurisdiction. On the other hand, when such a dispute is brought before a court, such court shall decline jurisdiction. However, article 1448 provides for a narrow exception “if an arbitral tribunal has not yet been seized of the dispute and if the arbitration agreement is manifestly void or manifestly not applicable”.
Precedents and New SolutionWas the arbitration clause here “manifestly void”?
No, the law firm argued, as a comprehensive assessment by the Court of Appeal was needed to conclude to the unfair nature of the term. And this was indeed the position of the French Supreme Court so far, despite criticisms by the legal doctrine. In two famous cases, Jaguar (Cass. Civ., 1st Chamber, 21 May 1997) and Rado (Cass. Civ., 1st Chamber, 30 March 2004), related to B2C contracts, the French Supreme Court declined jurisdiction “in the absence of clear invalidity” of the arbitration clause and stated that the arbitral tribunal is entitled to apply any mandatory provisions commanded by the international public policy to assess its jurisdiction.
In the present case, the French Supreme Court overturns its jurisprudence and approves the decision of the Court of Appeal. However, the decision is taken outside the exception laid down in article 1448 (op. cit.). The solution is justified by the implementation of the “test of effectiveness” in the framework of the European principle of procedural autonomy. According to settled case-law of the Court of Justice:
“[…] in the absence of relevant Community rules, the detailed procedural rules designed to ensure the protection of the rights which individuals acquire under Community law are a matter for the domestic legal order of each Member State, under the principle of the procedural autonomy of the Member States, provided that they are not less favourable than those governing similar domestic situations (principle of equivalence) and that they do not render impossible in practice or excessively difficult the exercise of rights conferred by the Community legal order (principle of effectiveness)” (par. 24, Mostaza Claro, C-168/05).
As a consequence, the exclusive jurisdiction of arbitrators to assess the validity of an arbitration clause makes it more difficult for a claimant, in his/her capacity as European consumer, to benefit from his/her European rights, in particular in the present case the assessment of an arbitration clause under Directive 93/13. This is obviously a change of perspective, strongly documented by European case-law references in the ruling.
AssessmentIn the present case, the French Supreme Court extends the principle of effectiveness into the prior stage of international arbitration proceedings. The control of an alleged violation of a European mandatory requirement by an arbitration clause shall therefore be undertaken ex ante to ensure the effectiveness of EU law.
It emerges from this decision that the autonomous nature of arbitration vis-à-vis State justice and national legal orders is incompatible with the autonomy of the European legal order. As arbitrators do not belong to any jurisdiction, shall we therefore assume, more globally, that they can never be trusted to implement European mandatory provisions, such as European consumer rights?
This decision is a key development from the French Supreme Court within a local legal framework that has traditionally shown a liberal as well as a favourable approach to international arbitration.
Written by Aline Beltrame de Moura, Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, in Brazil
It is with great satisfaction that we announce the launch of the Portal of the Latin American Center of European Studies (LACES) – www.eurolatinstudies.com.
The portal proposes to create a channel for dialogue and exchange of good practices between Latin America and Europe through the dissemination of innovative scientific research with the Latin American Journal of European Studies, and relevant news and events in the Observatory on European Studies.
The proposed activities are developed within the scope of the Jean Monnet Network “BRIDGE Project” of the Erasmus + Program of the European Commission, which has a research network formed by professors and researchers from several Latin American and European universities.
We inform that we are already open for submissions of articles for the Journal and news for the Observatory.
In addition, we take the opportunity to invite all the academic community to submit their scientific papers to the Workshop event of the I Jean Monnet Network – BRIDGE Seminar on “EU – Latin America Trade and Investment Relations”, which will take place on the 15 March 2021, at the University of Lisbon (Portugal), through online platform.
The best articles will receive a prize, and it will be possible to publish in the Latin American Journal of European Studies, as well as in the Seminar Annals both backed by AAFDL Publisher. It is also possible to present your paper during the event.
Those who are interested must submit their full article until 8 February 2021 to the e-mail: network@eurolatinstudies.com.
For more information: https://eurolatinstudies.com/index.php/laces/announcement/view/2
The first issue of 2021’s International and Comparative Law Quarterly has recently been published. It features a book review by Dr. Nahel Asfour of Dr. Gianluigi Passarelli’s book titled “Contract Law in Contemporary International Commerce: Considerations on the Complex Relationship between Legal Process and Market Process in the New Era of Globalisation [Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2019]. ” It contains no other topic on directly on private international law.
On a personal note, I have earlier read Dr. Passarelli’s book to completion at least twice, and found it to be thought provoking. His book is focused on the applicable law in the absence of choice under Rome I Regulation, and challenges the approach of the European legislator for giving too much emphasis to certainty through hard and fast rules, at the expense of flexibility. In this connection, he argues that the European legislator’s approach is contrary to the expectations of international commercial actors. The central theme that motivates the thesis of his book is that legal certainty in choice of law in determining the applicable law in the absence of choice is overrated under Rome I Regulation. It is unlikely that the European legislator will be convinced by Dr. Passarelli’s argument that elevates the role of flexibility in the choice of law process, or accept a “regression” to Article 4(5) of Rome Convention style of flexibility that produced uncertainty among Member States. My verdict is that Dr. Passarrelli’s work will remain relevant to students, scholars, practitioners, judges and legislators in other jurisdictions who prize flexibility over certainty in private international law.
As announced on this blog a few days ago, the second EAPIL Virtual Seminar, devoted to Digital Teaching and Private International Law, will take place on 27 January 2021 from 5 to 7 p.m. (MET).
Around ninety persons have already registered and will soon receive the details to attend the seminar.
All others interested in joining the discussion are encouraged to fill in this form: registrations are open until 25 January at noon.
The Comité Français de Droit International Privé has launhed the 6th edition of the Committee’s Thesis Award.
For detailed information, see the official announcement.
Eligible PhD dissertations are those written in French and defended between 1 January 2020 and 15 January 2021.
The deadline for submissions is 16 February 2021.
Written by Abubakri Yekini
We wish to share with us the shocking news of the demise of Professor Jonathan Fitchen. Prof Fitchen died today, Friday 22nd January 2021. His death was announced by Prof Greg Gordon, the Head of Aberdeen Law School in an e-mail sent to colleagues earlier today. The email noted that Prof Fitchen “had been off work for since summer, when he suffered a serious break to his arm. Over the last month or so it sadly became clear that this had been caused by a weakening of the bone as a result of the effects of cancer, and although treatment was attempted, the disease had advanced too far for this to be successful”.
Until his death, Fitchen was a Professor of Law at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. He was also the Director of the Centre for Private International Law and the Convenor of the Board of Examiners for the Law School. Prof Fitchen is the author of The Private International Law of Authentic Instruments which was published in the Hart Studies of Private International Law in November 2020. The first chapter is currently accessible for free online.
Prof Fitchen was promoted to a Personal Chair a week before his death. On a personal note, this was a piece of cheering news to me. I am glad that Prof Fitchen received the news of his promotion and witnessed the publication of the book that has taken him several years of hard work before he died.
Prof Fitchen (together with Prof Beaumont) supervised my PhD thesis which I defended in May 2020. Despite his health challenges, he would always create time to discuss my thesis with me and his feedback is always excellent. He was a great mentor.
He is survived by his wife Kathrin and his children Thomas and Sofia.
Pursuant to Protocol No 22 to the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Denmark is not bound by the measures enacted by the EU in the area of freedom, security and justice, including as regards judicial cooperation in civil matters.
However, an agreement was concluded in 2005 between the European Community, as it was then, and Denmark to ensure the application in Denmark, and in respect of Denmark, of the EU rules concerning the service of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil and commercial matters, i.e., at that time, the rules laid down in Regulation 1348/2000.
According to Article 3(2) of the 2005 agreement, whenever amendments to the latter Regulation are adopted, Denmark shall notify to the Commission of its decision whether or not to implement the content of such amendments.
This occurred when the 2000 Service Regulation was replaced by Regulation 1393/2007, and has now occurred for Regulation 2020/1784 on the service in the Member States of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters, which was adopted on 25 November 2020 (as announced on this blog by this post by Apostolos Anthimos) and is set to apply in full from 1 July 2022.
In accordance with Article 3(2) of the 2005 agreement, Denmark has by letter of 22 December 2020 notified the Commission of its decision to implement the contents of Regulation 2020/1784. In accordance with Article 3(6) of the agreement, the Danish notification creates mutual obligations between Denmark and the Community. Thus, Regulation (EU) 2020/1784 constitutes an amendment to the agreement and is considered annexed thereto.
In accordance with Article 3(4) of the agreement, the necessary administrative measures enter into force on the date of entry into force of Regulation 2020/1784.
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