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Recent Scholarship on Article 5 of the Rome I Regulation

Conflictoflaws - jeu, 04/12/2018 - 18:52

Yehya Badr, Associate Professor at the Alexandria University, Egypt, published an article “A Cure From Rome for Montreal’s Illness: Article 5 of the Rome I Regulation and Filling the Void in the 1999 Montreal Convention’s Regulation of Carrier’s Liability for Personal Injury”, in (2018) 83 JOURNAL OF AIR LAW AND COMMERCE 83.  The abstract reads:

“An examination of the 1999 Montreal Convention shows that the drafters did not intend to lay down a comprehensive treaty that would organize a carrier’s liability for personal injury to passengers. They opted to achieve a certain level of uniformity through enacting a set of rules that tackled several key issues such as the grounds for a carrier’s liability, the available defenses, and the limits on the recoverable damages. Consequently, some unaddressed issues created a void in the Montreal Convention and were then left without a clear remedy. In this article, a distinction is made between two types of voids: first, the definitional void describes the lack of definition for several key terms used in the Montreal Convention, such as “accident” and “carrier.” Second, the regulatory void describes the lack of rules to address issues such as determining the effect of a passenger’s contributory negligence as a defense for liability and the right of action. This article demonstrates that national courts have resorted either to the forum’s law or the forum’s choice-of-law rules to fill the void in the Montreal Convention. As a result, international uniformity of results cannot be achieved nor is there any predictability. This article recommends the adoption of Article 5 of the Rome I Regulation as a solution to this problem. Doing so would give both parties the freedom to choose a law from a predetermined list, and fill the above mentioned voids, while providing alternative choice-of-law rules if the parties decided not to choose a law to govern their contract for air carriage.”

The full text can be downloaded here.

First Issue of 2018’s Revue Critique de Droit International Privé

Conflictoflaws - jeu, 04/12/2018 - 17:48

The last issue of the “Revue critique de droit international privé” will shortly be released.

It contains several casenotes and three articles.

The first one is authored by Gilles Cuniberti and Sara Migliorini. It discusses the issues of private international law raised by the European Account Preservation Order procedure established by Regulation (EU) no 655/2014. After presenting the scope of the Regulation, it addresses the issues of jurisdiction, choice of law, and enforcement of judgments arising under the new instrument.

The second article is authored by Gerald Goldstein. It deals with the « legal certainty exception » under Dutch law.

Born out of a deep internationalist perspective, section 9 of Book 10 of the Civil code of the Netherlands codified a new general exception to the application of a conflict rule. Under this « legal certainty exception », a court may apply a law applicable under the private international law of a foreign State involved, in contravention to the law designated by the Dutch private international law, whenever doing otherwise would constitute an unacceptable violation of the legitimate expectations of the parties or of legal certainty.

The legal certainty exception’s function is to avoid a serious lack of foreseeability possibly leading to a limping situation, stemming from the application of the law normally applicable under the conflict of law rule of the forum. Such a general and exceptional rule based on conflict justice aims to coordinate conflicting systems of private international law by allowing a measure of flexibility into the conflict of law resolution. Taking globalization into consideration, this rule gives a broader role to private parties. Its effect is to allow a court a discretionary power to put the conflict rule into perspective while upsetting the usual hierarchy of private international law principles. Unlike the escape clause, the legal certainty exception will give predominance to foreseeability over proximity. It will designate a law which is not necessarily the law having objectively the closest connection to the situation but the law applicable under the subjective expectations of the parties or the law whose effectivity should not be altered.

In order to limit the disturbing impact of the legal certainty exception due to the discretionary nature of its intervention, cumulative conditions are required. The parties to the relationship must have erroneously, albeit legitimately, believed that a law applied under the private international law of a foreign State involved in such relationship. In addition, to ignore this state of fact would constitute an unacceptable violation of the legitimate expectations of the parties or of legal certainty.

A comparative analysis between the legal certainty exception and other already known notions allows to state that while presenting some similarities with some of them (among them, the conflict of systems theory, the recognition method and a subsidiary unilateral system of conflict of laws) the legal certainty exception keeps its singularity.

The third article is authored by Christian Kohler. It discusses the new German legislation on marriage and private international law.

A full table of contents is available here.

45/2018 : 12 avril 2018 - Informations

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 04/12/2018 - 15:50
La finale européenne du concours de la « European Law Moot Court » se tiendra le 13 avril à la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne à Luxembourg

Catégories: Flux européens

44/2018 : 12 avril 2018 - Conclusions de l'avocat général dans l'affaire C-335/17

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 04/12/2018 - 10:30
Espace de liberté, sécurité et justice
L’avocat général Szpunar propose à la Cour de juger que le droit de visite en matière de responsabilité parentale inclut le droit de visite des grands-parents

Catégories: Flux européens

43/2018 : 12 avril 2018 - Conclusions de l'avocat général dans l'affaire C-99/17 P

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 04/12/2018 - 10:28
Infineon Technologies / Commission
Dans le cadre de l’entente sur le marché des puces pour cartes, l’avocat général Wathelet propose à la Cour d’annuler l’arrêt rendu par le Tribunal à l’encontre de la société Infineon Technologie et de lui renvoyer l’affaire

Catégories: Flux européens

42/2018 : 12 avril 2018 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-302/17

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 04/12/2018 - 10:28
PPC Power
Environnement et consommateurs
Le droit de l’Union s’oppose à l’impôt slovaque qui frappe d’un taux de 80 % la valeur des quotas d’émission de gaz à effet de serre vendus ou non utilisés

Catégories: Flux européens

41/2018 : 12 avril 2018 - Conclusions de l'avocat général dans l'affaire C-151/17

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 04/12/2018 - 10:27
Swedish Match
Droit institutionnel
L’avocat général Saugmandsgaard Øe propose à la Cour de juger que l’interdiction de commercialisation du snus est valide

Catégories: Flux européens

40/2018 : 12 avril 2018 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-550/16

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 04/12/2018 - 10:26
A et S
Espace de liberté, sécurité et justice
Un mineur non accompagné qui devient majeur au cours de la procédure d’asile conserve son droit au regroupement familial

Catégories: Flux européens

Article 3, alinéa 2, du code civil

Cour de cassation française - mer, 04/11/2018 - 16:33

Non lieu à renvoi

Catégories: Flux français

Articles 472 et 497, 3°, du code de procédure pénale

Cour de cassation française - mer, 04/11/2018 - 16:33

Pourvoi c/ Cour d'appel de Pau, chambre correctionnelle, 08 mars 2018

Catégories: Flux français

Article L. 611-1-1 du code de l'entrée et du séjour des étrangers

Cour de cassation française - mer, 04/11/2018 - 16:33

Tribunal de grande instance de Paris, 06 avril 2018

Catégories: Flux français


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