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Bail commercial
La CJUE précise la notion de prorogation de compétence au sens de l’article 24 du règlement Bruxelles I.
Un retraité de la fonction publique se trouve dans une situation différente de celle d’un retraité du secteur privé, a jugé la grande chambre de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme dans un arrêt du 5 septembre 2017. La Cour y insiste particulièrement sur « l’ample marge d’appréciation » laissée aux États dans le domaine de la sécurité sociale et des retraites et sur leur « ample marge de manœuvre pour organiser les fonctions de l’État et les services publics ».
Leuphana Law School is looking for a highly skilled and motivated Ph.D. candidate and fellow (wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in) on a part-time basis (50%) as of 1 December 2017.
The successful candidate holds a first law degree (ideally the First State Exam (Germany) or LL.M. (UK)/J.D. (USA)/similar degree) and is interested in private international law, international economic law, and intellectual property law—all from a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective. A very good command of German and English is expected; good IT skills are required.
The fellow will be given the opportunity to conduct his/her own Ph.D. project (under the faculty’s regulations). The position is paid according to the salary scale E-13 TV-L, 50%. The initial contract period is three years, with an option to be extended. The research fellow will conduct research as part of the unit led by Professor Dr. Tim W. Dornis (Chair in Private Law, International Private and Economic Law, and Comparative Law) and will have an independent teaching obligation (2 hours/week).
If you are interested in this position, please send your application (cover letter, CV, and relevant documents) by 4 October 2017 to
Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Personalservice, Corinna Schmidt
Kennwort: WiMi Rechtswissenschaften
Universitätsallee 1
21335 Lüneburg
Leuphana University is an equal opportunity employer.
The job advert in full detail is accessible here
Today (6 September 2017) Bolivia joined the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents (Apostille Convention). With the accession of Bolivia, the Apostille Convention now has 115 Contracting Parties. The Apostille Convention will enter into force for Bolivia on 7 May 2018.
Four out of the last five States that have joined the Apostille Convention since December 2015 have been from the Americas (Brazil, Chile, Guatemala and Bolivia). The Apostille Convention has already entered into force for Brazil and Chile and will enter into force for Guatemala on 18 September 2017.
There are 5 States that are yet to join the Apostille Convention from the Americas: Canada, Cuba, Guyana, Haiti and Jamaica.
For more information visit The full list of Contracting Parties is available here.
La Convention internationale relative aux droits de l’enfant, signée à New York, le 20 janvier 1990, est invocable à l’encontre d’une demande d’expulsion d’occupants sans droit ni titre d’une dépendance du domaine public lorsque l’exécution de cette demande est susceptible de concerner des enfants.
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