The BIICL is seeking to appoint three Research Assistants on a 0.8 FTE basis for paid internships of four months each, with the possibility of extension for a further month.
Research Assistants are expected to undertake various core tasks, including:
* Assisting in the coordination and organisation of research activities;
* Contributing to the production of high quality research in their areas including, where appropriate, assisting with desk-based research, literature reviews, data analysis, drafting of proposals and submissions, report writing and drafting of articles, social media content etc.
* Assisting in the management and co-ordination of events;
* Attending meetings with external groups/partners, including government, legal profession and NGOs; and
* Working as part of a team with other researchers.
Research Assistants will each be assigned to a Supervisor in their legal areas. For this round of applications, we are particularly looking to appoint in the areas of:
* Public International Law;
* Private International Law and/or Competition Law; and
* Rule of Law
Si un professionnel du commerce de l’automobile, dans le cadre de son activité de négoce, qui a enregistré sa déclaration d’achat, n’a pas l’obligation de demander l’immatriculation du véhicule à son nom avant toute cession, il lui appartient de justifier de la délivrance d’un certificat W garage.
Lawyers who speak both Spanish and English may be interested in a new book written by Professors S.I. Strong of the University of Missouri, Katia Fach Gómez of the University of Zaragoza and Laura Carballo Piñeiro of the University of Santiago de Compostela. Comparative Law for Spanish-English Lawyers: Legal Cultures, Legal Terms and Legal Practices / Derecho comparado para abogados anglo- e hispanoparlantes: Culturas jurídicas, términos jurídicos y prácticas jurídicas (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2016), is an entirely bilingual text that seeks to help those who are conversationally fluent in a second language achieve legal fluency in that language. The book, which is aimed primarily at private international and comparative lawyers, is appropriate for both group and individual study, and provides practical and doctrinal insights into a variety of English- and Spanish-speaking jurisdictions. The book is available in both hard copy and electronic form, and Elgar is currently offering a discount on website sales. See here for more information.
Convention internationale de la haye du 25 octobre 1980 - Aspects civils
de l'enlèvement international d'enfants
Mariage d'un français à l'étranger - Effet
Isn’t it just a perfect exam question for a graduate course, nay this question involves so many issues it could arguably serve as one single exam for a whole law degree: such is the intensity of legal areas at issue: constitutional law, international law, international trade, regulatory law and risk analysis, intellectual property law…
Discuss why the Court of Appeal for England and Wales denied Government wrongdoing in plain packaging, while the German Bundesverfassungsgericht rejected an argument of expropriation in Energiewende yet held that German Government must nevertheless pay compensation to the energy companies involved (E.ON, RWE and Vatenfall).
Source tip: you may want to consult my former student Dr Catherine Banet’s excellent analysis on the Vatenfall issue.
Issues tip: a good way to go about it would be to draft a table of issues that both cases have in common and those which they do not (eg the Court of Appeal’s review of intellectual property). A discussion of the precautionary principle would not go amiss (in the plain packaging case: specifically whether precaution applies to uncertainty as to efficiency of remedies rather than uncertainty as to a phenomenon). A point of discussion may also be why the CA refers profusely to European precedent while the Bundesverfassungsgericht does not. Finally, any consideration of the link between the latter proceedings and the concurrent ISDS procedure, will gain you brownie points.
To fellow faculty out there: if you do use this exam Q, please do share good student answer copies.
archa joint seminar of the Child & Family Law Quarterly and Cambridge Family Law
27 March 2017, at Trinity College, University of Cambridge
The withdrawal of the UK from the European Union will precipitate important change in the field of international family law. EU law has increasingly come to define key aspects of both jurisdiction and recognition & enforcement of judgments on divorce, maintenance, and disputes over children, including international child abduction, and provided new frameworks for cross-national cooperation. At this seminar, international experts and practitioners will discuss the impacts of ‘Brexit’ on family law, from a range of national and European perspectives, and reflect on the future of international family law practice in the UK.
Booking will open soon. CPD points will be available.
Please visit to join the Cambridge Family Law mailing list in order to receive an email when booking opens.
Tribunal d'instance du 15e arrondissement de Paris, 14 novembre 2016
Tribunal d'instance d'Aulnay-sous-Bois, 28 novembre 2016
Pourvoi c/ Cour d'appel de Poitiers, 3e chambre civile, 27 avril 2016
Pourvoi c/ Cour d'appel d'Aix-en-Provence, 16e chambre B, 18 mai 2016
Pourvoi c/ Cour d'appel de Colmar, chambre sociale, section B, 9 juin 2016
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