Statut collectif du travail
Si terrà il 27 novembre 2015, presso il Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell’Università di Ferrara, una tavola rotonda dal titolo La codificazione del diritto internazionale privato e processuale – Sviluppo storico e declinazioni attuali di un’idea.
Moderati da Andrea Giardina (Univ. Roma La Sapienza), prenderanno la parola, fra gli altri, Didier Boden (Univ. Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne), Sergio M. Carbone (Univ. Genova), Francesco Salerno (Univ. Ferrara) e Sara Tonolo (Univ. Trieste).
Interverranno altresì Antonio Leandro (Univ. Bari), Fabrizio Marongiu Buonaiuti (Univ. Macerata), Lidia Sandrini (Univ. Milano) e Chiara Tuo (Univ. Genova).
Maggiori informazioni, oltre a una selezione di materiali, sono disponibili a questo indirizzo
On 12 October 2015, the Committee on Legal Affairs of the European Parliament held a public hearing on the reform of the Brussels IIa Regulation. A video of the hearing is available here.
Further information on the public hearing, including the programme and the written contributions can be downloaded here.
Thanks to Edina Márton for the tip-off.
Research Handbook on Transnational Labour Law, a cura di Adelle Blackett, Anne Trebilcock, 2015, Edward Elgar Publishing, ISBN 9781782549789, pp. 608, GBP 297.
[Dal sito dell’editore] – The editors’ substantive introduction and the specially commissioned chapters in the Handbook explore the emergence of transnational labour law as a field, along with its contested contours. The expansion of traditional legal methods, such as treaties, is juxtaposed with the proliferation of contemporary alternatives such as indicators, framework agreements and consumer-led initiatives. Key international and regional institutions are studied for their coverage of such classic topics as freedom of association, equality, and sectoral labour standard-setting, as well as for the space they provide for dialogue. The volume underscores transnational labour law’s capacity to build bridges, including on migration, climate change and development.
Maggiori informazioni sono reperibili qui.
L’article 20 du règlement européen instituant une procédure européenne d’injonction de payer, s’oppose à ce qu’un défendeur, qui s’est vu notifier une injonction de payer européenne, soit fondé à demander le réexamen de cette injonction en faisant valoir que la juridiction d’origine s’est déclarée à tort compétente en se fondant sur des informations prétendument fausses fournies par le demandeur dans le formulaire de demande de l’injonction.
En carrousel matière: Non Matières OASIS: Injonction de payer (Procédure civile)C-523/14 Aertssen is not a corner piece of the Brussels I jigsaw. Rather, a necessary if unexciting piece of the puzzle’s main body. Aertssen NV, of Belgium, had a gripe with VSB Machineverhuur BV and others, of the Netherlands. Aertssen alleged fraud in VSB’s dealings with the company. It employed a well-known feature of Belgian (and French, among others) civil procedure, which is to file complaint with the investigating magistrate. This launches a criminal investigation, to which civil proceedings are attached.
Aertssen’s subsequent action of attachment of VSB’s accounts in The Netherlands, risked being stalled by the Dutch courts’ insistence that the group launch new legal action in The Netherlands. Aertssen obliged pro forma with this initiation of new proceedings, subsequently to aim to torpedo them. Aertssen would rather the Belgian courts continue with their own, criminal investigation and that action in The Netherlands, other than action in attachment, be put on hold, at least until the Belgian proceedings be finalised.
In essence therefore, the case before the CJEU need to determine whether the Aertssen action ib Belgium is of a ‘civil and commercial’ nature, and if it is, whether the action in Belgium and The Netherlands meet the requirements of the lis alibi pendens rule of Article 27 (old) of the Brussels I-Regulation. the CJEU replied in the affirmative to both.
Precedent for the ‘civil and commercial’ issue, other than the usual suspects, was available per Sonntag, Case C-172/91, where the Court held that civil matters within the meaning of the first sentence of the first paragraph of Article 1 of the Brussels Convention cover an action for compensation for damage brought before a criminal court. In Aertssen, The CJEU used the term ‘private law relationship’ to describe the legal relationship between the parties concerned. Even though, other than in Sonntag where the criminal proceedings were launched by the State prosecutor, Aertssen itself had triggered the criminal investigation, its ultimate aim is to obtain monetary compensation.
The subsequent question was whether per Article 27, lis pendens exists. Reference is best made to the judgment itself for the application of the The Tatry criteria (Case C-406/92): the two cases pending need to involve the same parties, pursuing the same cause of action (the facts and the rule of law relied on) and with the same object (meaning the end the action has in view). The CJEU held among others that the question whether the parties are the same cannot depend on the position of one or other of the parties in the two proceedings.
The remainder of the judgment deals with the meaning of the term ‘court first seized’ in Article 30 of the Regulation, and the relevance of national rules of civil procedure in same.
It is not often that a party aims to torpedo its own proceedings and the procedural intricacies of the case are rather complex. However the CJEU keeps a level head, with in the end transparent results.
È da poco uscito il fascicolo estivo dell’annata 2015 di Int’l Lis – Corriere trimestrale della litigation internazionale, diretto da Claudio Consolo.
Nella sezione Cronache, il fascicolo ospita, fra le altre, uno scritto di Albert Henke sulle nuove leggi arbitrali olandese e belga, seguito dalla segnalazione (sotto forma di agili note di commento) di alcune recenti pronunce della Corte di cassazione su temi di diritto processuale civile internazionale, a cura di Elena D’Alessandro, Gina Gioia, Luca Penasa, Monica Pilloni, Marcello Stella, Silvia Turatto e Beatrice Zuffi.
Il fascicolo propone inoltre una nota di Marcella Negri alla sentenza Cartel Damage Claims della Corte di giustizia (21 maggio 2015, causa C-352/13), dal titolo Una pronuncia a tutto campo sui criteri di allocazione della competenza giurisdizionale nel private enforcement transfrontaliero: il caso esemplare delle azioni risarcitorie c.d. follow-on rispetto a decisioni sanzionatorie di cartelli pan-europei.
Si devono invece rispettivamente a Valentina Morgante e a Olga Desiato i commenti a Court of Appeal of England and Wales, 5 febbraio 2015, in tema di immunità giurisdizionale degli Stati stranieri nelle controversie di lavoro, e a Corte d’Appello di Bari, ord. 6 ottobre 2014, sulla incompatibilità con l’ordine pubblico dello Stato richiesto quale causa ostativa del riconoscimento di un provvedimento straniero.
Chiudono il fascicolo la prima parte di uno scritto di Neil Andrews sulle recenti innovazioni conosciute dal diritto inglese dei contratti e della procedura civile e uno scritto di Claudio Consolo intitolato Adesione del convenuto straniero al tentativo di mediazione obbligatoria ex art. 5, co. 1-bis, d. lgs. 28/2010 promosso in Italia e (salvezza dell’eccezione di difetto della) giurisdizione italiana.
Maggiori informazioni a questo indirizzo.
L’action par laquelle l’un des parents demande au juge de pallier le défaut de consentement de l’autre parent au voyage de leur enfant en dehors de l’État membre de résidence de celui-ci et à la délivrance d’un passeport au nom de cet enfant relève du champ d’application matériel du règlement n° 2201/2003 du 27 novembre 2003.
En carrousel matière: Non Matières OASIS: Compétence internationale (Procédure civile)La grande chambre de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme a condamné la Suisse pour avoir violé le droit à la liberté d’expression du requérant en le condamnant pénalement pour avoir tenu des discours publics niant le génocide arménien.
En carrousel matière: Oui Matières OASIS: NéantConseil de l'ordre du barreau de Grenoble, 15 octobre 2015
Pourvoi c/ Cour d'appel de Toulouse, 4eme chambre, section 2, chambre sociale, 30 avril 2015
Non renvoyée au Conseil constitutionnel
Cour d'appel de Metz, 1ere chambre, 12 octobre 2015
The new issue of “Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht – The Rabel Journal of Comparative and International Private Law” (RabelsZ) has just been released. It contains the following articles:
Giesela Rühl and Jan von Hein, Towards a European Code on Private International Law?
One of the most important dates in the history of European Private International Law is 2 October 1997. On that day the Member States of the European Union signed the Treaty of Amsterdam – and endowed the European legislature with near to full competences in the field of Private International Law. What followed was a firework of legislative actions leading to the adoption of no less than 15 Regulations on various aspects of choice of law and international civil procedure. The fact that the pertinent legal rules are scattered across various legal instruments that do not add up to a comprehensive, concise and coherent body of rules, however, gives rise to a number of concerns. Therefore, the European Commission as well as the European Parliament have called for a discussion on the future of European Private International Law in general and the merits and demerits of a European Code on Private International Law in particular.
Based on a study commissioned by the Committee on Legal Affairs of the European Parliament, the following article seeks to contribute to this debate. It is organized in four parts: The first part analyses the current state of European Private International Law (PIL), in particular its perceived deficiencies. The second part describes possible courses of action to overcome these deficiencies, including a European Code on PIL. The third analyses the merits and demerits of possible courses of action, including the adoption of a European Code on PIL. The fourth part suggests a course of action that will gradually lead to a more coherent legislative framework for European PIL.
Dieter Henrich, Privatautonomie, Parteiautonomie: (Familienrechtliche) Zukunftsperspektiven (Private Autonomy, Party Autonomy: (Family Law) Future Perspectives)
Much as it previously dominated the law of contracts, private autonomy increasingly dominates the area of family law. Party autonomy, the right of the parties to select the applicable law, has found acceptance in international family law. The consequences in many areas are nothing less than revolutionary, including divorce by mutual consent, cohabitation instead of marriage, children having two legal fathers or two legal mothers or even three parents (sperm donor and a lesbian couple), surrogate motherhood, and impacts on divorce and maintenance in choice-of-law cases. Not all of these developments may be welcomed by all individuals. But in better serving self-determination, they are attractive to others and represent future perspectives.
Reinhard Zimmermann, Das Verwandtenerbrecht in historisch-vergleichender Perspektive (The Intestate Succession Rights of the Deceased’s Relatives in Historical and Comparative Perspective)
The intestate succession systems are based, everywhere, on the idea of family succession. The deceased’s family consists of his (blood-)relatives as well as, possibly, his or her surviving spouse. The law, therefore, is faced with two central tasks: (i) to determine in which sequence the deceased’s relatives are called to inherit and (ii) to coordinate the position of the survivingspouse with that of the relatives. The present paper analyses how the intestate systems of the Western world deal with the first of these tasks. In spite of differences in detail, they can be subdivided into three types: the “French system”, the three-line system, and the parentelic system. Analyzing them in historical and comparative perspective reveals basic commonalities (e.g. the preference given to descendants, and succession per stirpes), but also curious relics of past ages (e.g. the concept of “representation”, paterna paternis materna maternis, and la fente successorale). Other criteria relevant for a comparative assessment of the different solutions advocated by the three systems are consistency in the implementation of fundamental structural ideas, the avoidance of inconsistencies in evaluation, of arbitrariness, and of discrimination, the ability to forestall manipulations, and the preference for simplicity over complexity. The presumed intention of a typical deceased can be an important argument for deciding what might be the most appropriate solution, for the rules on intestate succession should, in case of doubt, reflect what those subject to these rules would typically regard as appropriate, as far as the distribution of their estate is concerned. But there are also issues where reliance on the presumed intention is misplaced. All in all, a reasonably limited parentelic system appears to be the superior intestate succession system. A strongly cultural impregnation of the rules on intestate succession is apparent only if Western and non-Western systems are compared. Within the Western legal world, the differences existing between the legal systems cannot be traced to differences in legal culture. All modern legal systems of the Western world attempt to take account of the deceased’s relatives in a rational fashion. In that respect they build on the scheme established in Justinian’s novels, the earliest one that can be labelled modern. The “French” system and the three-line system represent different manifestationsof the Justinianic scheme, while the parentelic system implements its underlying ideas in an even more consistent manner, and inspired by Natural law ideas. Why the one system has taken root in one country, and the other in another, is a matter of historical contingency.
Alistair Price and Andrew Hutchison, Judicial Review of Exercises of Contractual Power: South Africa’s Divergence from the Common Law Tradition
No English abstract available
François Du Toit, The South African Trust in the Begriffshimmel? – Language, Translation and Taxonomy
No English abstract available
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