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International Symposium on Private International Law in Asia at Doshisha University, Kyoto

Conflictoflaws - Fri, 11/20/2015 - 18:28

The following announcement has been kindly provided by Béligh Elbalti, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University.
On December 19, 2015, a one-day international symposium on the theme of private international law in Asian countries will be held at Doshisha University, Kyoto (Japan). The symposium is organized by The Research Center of International Transaction and Law (RECITAL), Doshisha University (Professor Naoshi Takasugi, Director of RECITAL) with the support of the Ministries of Justice and Foreign Affairs of Japan and coordinated by Professor Yuko Nishitani (Kyoto University). The symposium presents an opportunity to gather distinguished experts in the field of Private International Law from many countries (especially Asian countries) as well as representatives from the Hague Conference on Private International Law. The ultimate purpose of the symposium is to discuss private international law issues from an Asian perspective and to share knowledge as well as experience with the aim of building a set of “Asian Principles of Private International Law”. The program of the symposium is as follows:

Morning Session
Title: “Private International Law from a Comparative Perspective”
Time: 9:30 – 12:00
Venue: Doshisha University, Imadegawa Campus, “Ryoshin-Kan” Building, 1st floor room 107

9:30 – 9:40
Naoshi Takasugi (Professor, Doshisha University, Japan)
“Opening Speech: Towards the Asian Principles of Private International Law (APPIL)”

9:40 – 10:10
Kanaphon Chanhom (Professor, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
“Private International Law in Thailand: Focusing on Jurisdiction”

10:10 – 10:40
Yu Un Oppusunggu (Professor, University of Indonesia)
“Introduction to Private International Law in Indonesia”

10:40 – 11:10
Gérald Goldstein (Professor, Montreal University)
“Highlights of Quebec Private International Law Rules and Case Law”

11:10 – 11:40

Afternoon Session:
Title: “Cross-Border Business Transactions and the Hague Conference in Asia”
Time: 13:30 – 17:30
Venue: Doshisha University, Imadegawa Campus, “Ryoshin-Kan” Building, 1st floor room 107
Chair: Naoshi Takasugi (Director of RECITAL; Professor, Doshisha University)

Koji Murata (President, Doshisha University)
“Welcome Speech”

Muneki Uchino (Councilor, Ministry of Justice, Civil Affairs Bureau)
“Opening Speech”

Part 1 – Hague Principles: Soft Law of PIL

Yuko Nishitani (Professor, Kyoto University)
“Hague Principles and Party Autonomy in International Contracts”

Anselmo Reyes (Representative of HAPRO; Professor, Hong Kong University)
“Hague Principles from a Practical Viewpoint in Asia”


(Coffee Break)

Part 2 – Foreign Judgment Project: Past, Present and Future

Marta Pertegás (First Secretary, Hague Conference on Private International Law)
“Development of the Hague Judgments Project”

Keisuke Takeshita (Professor, Hitotsubashi University)
“The Hague Choice of Court Convention and Dispute Resolution in Asia”

Masato Dogauchi (Professor, Waseda University)


Participation to this event is free of charge. However, all those who are interested in taking part of this event are cordially required to contact beforehand via email Professor Naoshi Takasugi (ntakasug@mail.doshisha.ac.jp) and indicate their name, affiliation and email address. All presentations are in English.

By Subway: from “Kyoto Station”, take Karasuma line to Kokusai-Kaikan and get off at “Imadegawa Station” (10 mn). (Exit #1 of Subway Imadegawa Station is directly connected to the symposium venue, Ryoshinkan, Doshisha University).

La prova nel diritto processuale: un’analisi comparativa

Aldricus - Fri, 11/20/2015 - 07:00

Evidence in Contemporary Civil Procedure. Fundamental Issues in a Comparative Perspective, a cura di C.H. van Rhee e Alan Uzelac, 2015, Intersentia, ISBN 9781780683386, pp. 364, Euro 79.

[Abstract] – Since the start of the new millennium, many contemporary jurisdictions have been revisiting the fundamental principles of their civil procedures. Even the core areas of the civil process are not left untouched, including the way in which evidence is introduced, collected and presented in court. One generator of the reforms in the field of evidence-taking in recent decades has been slow and inefficient litigation. Both in Europe and globally, reaching a balance between the demands of factual accuracy and the need to adjudicate disputes in a swift, cost-effective and efficient way is still one of the key challenges. The second reason that many countries are reforming their law of evidence is related to cultural and technological changes in modern societies. As the balance between, on the one side, traditional human rights such as the right to privacy and due process is shifting towards, on the other side, the modern need for security, efficiency and quick access to justice, the perception of what is admissible or not in the context of evidence-taking is changing as well. In the same sense, the fast pace of modern life commands different practices of fact-finding, accompanied by new methods of selection of evidence that are appropriate for this purpose. Last but not least, the overwhelming penetration of new technologies into all spheres of public and private life has the capacity to dramatically change the methods of the collection and presentation of evidence.

L’indice completo può essere consultato qui. Ulteriori informazioni a questo indirizzo.

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En carrousel matière:  Non Matières OASIS:  Compétence internationale (Procédure civile)

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