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La perdita della cittadinanza nella prospettiva internazionale, europea ed interna

Aldricus - Fri, 10/23/2015 - 08:00

Sandra Mantu, Contingent Citizenship. The Law and Practice of Citizenship Deprivation in International, European and National Perspectives, Brill, 2015, ISBN: 9789004292994, pp. 388, 155 Euro.

[Dal sito dell’editore] – In Contingent citizenship, Sandra Mantu examines the changing rules of citizenship deprivation in the UK, France and Germany from the perspective of international and European legal standards. In practice, two grounds upon which loss of citizenship takes place stand out: fraud in the context of fraudulent acquisition of nationality and terrorism in the context of national security. Newly naturalised citizens and citizens of immigrant origin are mainly targeted by these measures. The resurrection of the importance attached to loyalty as the citizen’s main duty towards his/her state shows that the rules on loss of citizenship are capable of expressing ideals of membership and identity, while the citizenship status of certain citizens remains contingent upon meeting these ideals.

Ulteriori informazioni sono reperibili qui.

Détention provisoire et déclarations d’appel discordantes

La chambre de l’instruction est saisie sur la base de l’acte d’appel transmis par le greffe de la maison d’arrêt, nonobstant les modifications opérées sur cet acte au fluide correcteur, le juge national devant néanmoins rechercher la réalité de l’intention du détenu en cas de discordance entre les exemplaires. 

En carrousel matière:  Oui Matières OASIS:  Détention provisoire (Contentieux)

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Categories: Flux français

En Allemagne, les débuts contrastés du droit pénal international

Le procès à Stuttgart de deux dirigeants des Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda (FDLR) a pointé les forces et les limites du code de droit pénal international allemand, adopté en 2002 et utilisé pour la première fois.

En carrousel matière:  Oui Matières OASIS:  Néant

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Categories: Flux français

Litispendance dans l’Union en matière matrimoniale

Lorsque deux procédures de séparation de corps ou de divorce ont été introduites devant des juridictions d’États membres différents, la situation de litispendance disparait en cas d’extinction de l’une d’elles.

En carrousel matière:  Non Matières OASIS:  Litispendance (Procédure civile) Divorce (Introduction de l'instance)

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Categories: Flux français

127/2015 : 21 octobre 2015 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-347/14

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Thu, 10/22/2015 - 18:04
New Media Online
L’offre de courtes vidéos sur le site Internet d’un journal peut relever de la réglementation des services de médias audiovisuels

Categories: Flux européens

128/2015 : 22 octobre 2015 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-264/14

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - Thu, 10/22/2015 - 18:02
L’échange de devises traditionnelles contre des unités de la devise virtuelle « bitcoin » est exonéré de la TVA

Categories: Flux européens

TDM Call for Papers: Special Issue on Africa

Conflictoflaws - Thu, 10/22/2015 - 16:41

TDM is pleased to announce a forthcoming special issue on international arbitration involving commercial and investment disputes in Africa.

Africa’s accelerating economic development is attracting a substantial increase in cross-border commerce, trade, and investment on the continent, and disputes arising from this increased economic activity are inevitably bound to follow. International arbitration will be the preferred method for resolving many of these disputes. Indeed, the growing focus on international arbitration to resolve commercial and investment disputes relating to Africa is reflected, among other ways, in the fact that the International Council on Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) will be holding its 22nd Congress for the first time in Africa in May 2016 in Mauritius.

To a great extent, the issues that arise in international arbitration in or relating to Africa will be no different than those that arise in arbitrations around the globe. Converging international arbitration procedures and the predictability and stability afforded by the New York Convention and Washington Convention help to ensure that this is the case. Yet party autonomy remains a core value of the international arbitral system, and, as such, regional approaches and local culture will continue to shape African-related arbitrations to a degree, just as they do elsewhere. Africa’s rapid development is also likely to play a role in shaping international arbitration in this region.

This special issue will explore topics of particular interest and relevance to international arbitration in light of Africa’s unique and evolving situation. The issue will focus on sub-Saharan Africa and will address issues pertaining to both commercial and investment arbitration. It will also likely explore alternative methods for resolving disputes, including litigation, mediation, and local dispute-resolution mechanisms.

Possible topics for submission to the special issue might include:

* The proliferation of international arbitral institutions in Africa and what the future holds for institutional arbitration on the African continent;

* The attitudes of African states and state-owned enterprises towards international commercial arbitration;

* Salient issues in the OHADA international arbitration framework;

* The influence of China and other Asian countries on international arbitration in Africa;

* Issues in enforcing arbitral awards in African states;

* Evolving attitudes in Africa towards bilateral investment treaties (BITs) and the extent to which BITs are (or are not) helping African states attract foreign direct investment;

* South Africa’s draft investment law and other notable country-specific developments in Africa;

* Cultural issues impacting international arbitration in Africa;

* Empirical studies relating to international arbitration in Africa;

* Capacity building for arbitrators, judges, and practitioners in the region; and

* Alternative methods of resolving cross-border commercial and investment disputes in Africa.

We invite all those with an interest in the subject to contribute articles or notes on one of the above topics or any other relevant issue.

This special issue will be edited by Thomas R. Snider (Greenberg Traurig LLP), Professor Won Kidane (Seattle University Law School and the Addis Transnational Law Group), and Perry S. Bechky (International Trade & Investment Law PLLC).

Please address all questions and proposals to the editors at SniderT@gtlaw.com, kidanew@seattleu.edu, and pbechky@iti-law.com, copied to info@transnational-dispute-management.com.

La dodicesima edizione della giornata europea della giustizia civile

Aldricus - Thu, 10/22/2015 - 08:00

Anche quest’anno, il 25 ottobre 2015 si celebra la giornata europea della giustizia civile. In questa occasione gli Stati del Consiglio d’Europa sono invitati ad organizzare incontri volti alla formazione degli operatori del diritto e alla sensibilizzazione delle persone verso i temi della giustizia civile, compresa la cooperazione giudiziaria.

In questo contesto, si segnalano, in Italia, due eventi in programma il 26 ottobre 2015, rispettivamente a Catania e a Firenze.

Il primo, organizzato dalla Scuola Superiore della Magistratura – Struttura territoriale di formazione decentrata del Distretto di Catania, avrà ad oggetto La responsabilità civile: nuove e vecchie questioni interne e prospettive europee (vedi qui). L’altro, a cura della Camera civile e della Corte d’appello di Firenze, sarà dedicato a Le successioni transfrontaliere. Cosa cambia dopo l’entrata in vigore del Regolamento Europeo n. 650/2012 (questo il programma).

Il 4 novembre 2015, poi, si terrà a Ferrara, sempre in relazione alla Giornata europea della Giustizia civile, un convegno interdisciplinare organizzato dal Tribunale e dal Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell’Università di Ferrara.

Si parlerà de L’accesso alla giustizia dei consumatori: le controversie di consumo tra giustizia ordinaria e ADR (Giovanni De Cristofaro, Univ. Ferrara), de Le linee guida dell’ultima riforma della legge fallimentare alla luce delle raccomandazioni della Commissione europea su un nuovo approccio al fallimento delle imprese ed all’insolvenza (Andrea Lolli, Univ. Ferrara, e Stefano Giusberti, Trib. Ferrara), nonché di Nuovi strumenti per la tutela transnazionale del credito commerciale: dalla riforma del regolamento Bruxelles I all’ordinanza europea di sequestro conservativo dei conti bancari (Pietro Franzina, Univ. Ferrara).

La locandina di quest’ultimo evento è reperibile qui.

Le segnalazioni relative agli eventi programmati in occasione della giornata europea della giustizia civile nei diversi Stati del Consiglio d’Europa confluiscono in questi giorni a questo indirizzo.


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