Flux européens

113/2015 : 5 octobre 2015 - Audience solennelle.

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - lun, 10/05/2015 - 17:13
Renouvellement partiel de la Cour de justice et entrée en fonction d’un nouveau Membre au Tribunal de l’UE

Catégories: Flux européens

La nuova edizione del manuale di Redfern e Hunter sull’arbitrato commerciale internazionale

Aldricus - lun, 10/05/2015 - 08:00

Nigel Blackaby, Constantine Partasides, Alan Redfern, Martin Hunter, Redfern and Hunter on International Arbitration, 6a ed., Oxford University Press, 2015, pp. 944, ISBN 9780198744870, GBP 175.

[Dal sito dell’editore] This leading commentary on international commercial arbitration, now in its sixth edition, is an essential guide for arbitrators and lawyers worldwide. Based on the authors’ extensive experience as counsel and arbitrators, it provides an updated explanation of all elements of the law and practice of arbitration. This pack includes the hardback and an ebook version. This text provides an authoritative guide to the international arbitral process, from the drafting of the arbitration agreement to the enforcement of arbitral awards. The sixth edition has been updated to incorporate reference to the latest significant developments in the field such as the new LCIA, ICC and UNCITRAL Rules and new IBA Guidelines. There will also be an increased reference to international arbitral authority and practice from beyond Europe (China, India, and the US). Following the chronology of an arbitration, the book covers applicable laws, arbitration agreements, the establishment and powers of a tribunal, the conduct of proceedings and the role of domestic courts. In addition, it provides an in-depth examination of the award itself, and comments on the special considerations applying to arbitrations brought under investment treaties. It draws on examples of the rules and practice of arbitration at the International Chamber of Commerce, the London Court of International Arbitration, the American Arbitration Association, the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law.

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If you can’t beat them, join them? Using BITs for environmentally proactive purposes.

GAVC - ven, 10/02/2015 - 16:27

Thank you for the team at Dechert to remind us of the potential that BITs may be used to pursue proactive, rather than just reactive environmental litigation. A word of explanation: Bilateral Investment Treaties, in particular their investor-state dispute settlement mechanisms, are currently under a lot of pressure following the public outcry over the TTIP negotiations. Allowing private investors to sue countries that roll out regulation, using vague principles of protection of property, is seen by many as a form of corporate bullying.

Dechert’s briefing however reminds us firstly, specifically vis-a-vis stubborn air pollution in the Indonesia area, that States may carry responsibility in line with Trail Smelter’s nec utere tuo principle. The possibility for individuals (as opposed to neighbouring States) suing on that basis, is of course complicated by the mechanism of (absence of) direct effect of huge chunks of international environmental law. That is where investor-state can come in handily. Such as in Allard v Barbados at the Permanent Court of Arbitration. Dechert’s summary of that case reads ‘the Canadian owner of an eco-tourist facility in Barbados is currently suing the Government of Barbados for an alleged breach of the full protection and security provision (among other provisions) in the Canada- Barbados bilateral investment treaty. Peter Allard argues in his claim that Barbados breached its treaty obligations by failing to enforce its domestic environmental laws, which he alleges led to the environment being spoilt and a loss of tourist revenues at his eco-resort’.

A timely reminder of the good BITs can do, just before I am to speak (again) tomorrow on TTIP and why EU citisens are so suspicious of it.


A conference on security rights and the new European Insolvency Regulation

Aldricus - ven, 10/02/2015 - 08:00

A conference on Security Rights and the New European Insolvency Regulation will take place in Erice on 19 October 2015 at the Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture.

The conference will consist of four sessions: The Regulation 848/2015 and the endorsed policy on security rightsThe Regulation 848/2015 and its ex post impact on security rights (avoidance rules and moratorium); Regulation 848/2015, security rights and third states; Suggestions for a better regulation.

[From the poster of the conference] – This conference examines EU Regulation 2015/848 of 20 May 2015 on insolvency proceedings and, in particular, focuses on its prescriptions regarding security rights in rem and those regulatory devices, such as set-off and reservation of title clause, which in actual fact perform the same function as security rights. EU Regulation 2015/848 reformed – or, to be more precise, recast – EC Regulation 1346/2000, and is a significant improvement on EC Regulation 1346/2000. Nevertheless, EU Regulation 2015/848 did not change the regulation on security rights and quasi-security rights (except for what is laid down by Art. 2.9). This choice of policy, which was endorsed by EU Regulation 2015/848, cannot be said to be satisfactory and is at the core of a lively debate. The conference, which is organized as part of the SREIR Project (http://sreir.eu/), aims to analyse the key points of this topic, to compare the most suitable strategies for a better regulation and, in short, to make an active and useful contribution to the debate.

The conference program is available here. Information regarding fees, accommodation and registration can be found here.

112/2015 : 1 octobre 2015 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-290/14

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 10/01/2015 - 10:26
Skerdjan Celaj
Espace de liberté, sécurité et justice
La « directive retour » ne s’oppose pas, en principe, à une réglementation nationale qui impose une peine d’emprisonnement à un ressortissant d’un pays tiers qui entre irrégulièrement sur son territoire en violation d’une interdiction d’entrée

Catégories: Flux européens

111/2015 : 1 octobre 2015 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-230/14

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 10/01/2015 - 10:25
Rapprochement des législations
La réglementation d’un État membre sur la protection des données peut être appliquée à une société étrangère qui exerce dans cet État, au moyen d’une installation stable, une activité réelle et effective

Catégories: Flux européens

110/2015 : 1 octobre 2015 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-201/14

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 10/01/2015 - 10:21
Bara e.a.
Politique économique
Les personnes dont les données à caractère personnel font l’objet d’une transmission et d’un traitement entre deux administrations publiques d’un État membre doivent être préalablement informées

Catégories: Flux européens

The Hague Choice of Court Convention in force

Aldricus - jeu, 10/01/2015 - 08:00

The Hague Convention of 30 June 2005 on Choice of Court Agreements enters into force today, 1 October 2015, for the European Union and Mexico.

Pursuant to Article 16, it shall apply to choice of court agreements concluded after its entry into force for the State of the chosen court, and shall not apply to proceedings instituted before its entry into force for the State of the court seised.

In essence, the purpose is the Convention — which applies to exclusive choice of court agreements concluded “in civil or commercial matters”, with the exclusion of consumer contracts, employment contracts and a few more matters — is to ensure the effectiveness of forum selection clauses relating to international commercial transactions, thereby creating a climate more favourable to trade and investment.

The Convention basically provides that the court designated by the parties under a choice of court agreement made in conformity with the Convention must in principle hear the case, whereas any court other than the chosen court must in principle decline jurisdiction. Judgments rendered by the chosen court must be recognised and enforced in all other Contracting States, except where recognition or enforcement is denied under one of the grounds enumerated by the Convention itself.

As regards the relationship with Regulation No 1215/2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (Brussels Ia), the Convention provides, in Article 26(6), that “it shall not affect the application of the rules of a Regional Economic Integration Organisation that is a Party to this Convention”, ie the EU, (a) where none of the parties is resident in a Contracting State that is not a Member State of the EU; (b) as concerns the recognition or enforcement of judgments as between Member States of the EU.

In practice, the Convention will affect the application of the Brussels Ia Regulation if at least one of the parties is resident in a State bound by the Convention, and will prevail over the rules of jurisdiction in the Regulation except if both parties are EU residents or come from third states, not Contracting Parties to the Convention. As to the recognition and enforcement of judgments, the Regulation will apply where the court that rendered the judgment and the court in which recognition and enforcement is sought are both located in the EU.

The Explanatory Report by Trevor Hartley and Masato Dogauchi may be found here. For a bibliography on the Convention, see here.

109/2015 : 30 septembre 2015 - Arrêt du Tribunal dans l'affaire T-364/13

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mer, 09/30/2015 - 10:12
Mocek et Wenta / OHMI - Lacoste (KAJMAN)
Propriété intellectuelle et industrielle
Selon le Tribunal, la renommée du crocodile de Lacoste permet de faire échec à l’enregistrement de formes de crocodile ou de caïman pour les produits en cuir, les vêtements et les chaussures

Catégories: Flux européens

108/2015 : 30 septembre 2015 - Arrêt du Tribunal dans l'affaire T-450/12

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mer, 09/30/2015 - 10:04
Anagnostakis / Commission
Droit institutionnel
Le Tribunal de l’UE confirme que l’initiative citoyenne européenne visant à permettre l’effacement de la dette publique onéreuse des pays en état de nécessité tels que la Grèce ne peut pas être enregistrée

Catégories: Flux européens

Sulla rilevanza, rispetto a un procedimento di divorzio instaurato in Italia, di una decisione straniera di scioglimento unilaterale del matrimonio

Aldricus - mer, 09/30/2015 - 08:00

Con un decreto dell’11 marzo 2015, il Tribunale di Milano si è occupato dello scioglimento di un matrimonio contratto in Tunisia.

Nella specie, la moglie intendeva far valere l’ipotesi di cui all’art. 3, n. 2, lett. c), della legge 1° dicembre 1970 n. 898 sul divorzio, che prevede la possibilità di richiedere lo scioglimento o la cessazione degli effetti civili del matrimonio laddove “l’altro coniuge, cittadino straniero, ha ottenuto all’estero l’annullamento o lo scioglimento del matrimonio o ha contratto all’estero nuovo matrimonio”. Il marito, infatti, aveva già ottenuto dinanzi ad un tribunale tunisino lo scioglimento del matrimonio per volontà unilaterale, con affidamento dei due figli minori alla madre.

Il Tribunale di Milano rileva dapprima come la decisione resa dal giudice tunisino non sia stata contestata, non essendo stato promosso il procedimento di cui all’art. 30 del decreto legislativo n. 150/2011, richiamato all’art. 67, comma 1-bis, della legge 31 maggio 1995 n. 218, di riforma del sistema italiano di diritto internazionale privato. Senonché, osserva il Tribunale, lo stesso art. 67 della legge n. 218/1995, al comma 3, prevede la possibilità di accertare d’ufficio ed incidentalmente la riconoscibilità di una decisione straniera “con efficacia limitata al giudizio”.

Il giudice milanese osserva innanzitutto, a questo riguardo, che se la decisione fosse efficace in Italia, le parti risulterebbero avere già acquistato lo stato libero (anche in assenza di trascrizione nei registri dello stato civile, che non ha efficacia costitutiva). Il ricorso sarebbe allora inammissibile per mancanza di interesse ad agire ai sensi dell’art. 100 del codice di procedura civile.

Solo nel caso in cui la pronuncia fosse in contrasto con l’ordine pubblico italiano, il giudice dovrebbe applicare l’art. 3, n. 2, lett. c), della legge n. 898/1970, da interpretarsi peraltro nel senso di “ammettere il divorzio c.d. diretto nei casi in cui il coniuge cittadino italiano abbia ‘subito’ la scelta unilaterale del coniuge straniero di liberarsi dal vincolo matrimoniale ricorrendo al giudice straniero ed applicando la legge quivi vigente (da taluni definito in termini di ‘fenomeno delle c.d. vedove bianche’)”.

Di contro, laddove il coniuge italiano abbia partecipato al giudizio straniero (vale a dire esercitando i diritti e beneficiando delle garanzie previste dalla normativa straniera), il ricorso di cui all’art. 3, n. 2, lett. c), della legge n. 898/1970 dovrebbe considerarsi inammissibile.

Poiché nel caso di specie la moglie era stata effettivamente coinvolta nel procedimento dinanzi al tribunale tunisino (dalla sentenza si evince come la notifica dell’atto di citazione si fosse correttamente perfezionata e la donna avesse nominato un avvocato di fiducia), il Tribunale di Milano, ex officio, solleva la questione relativa all’inammissibilità della domanda ai sensi dell’art. 101 del codice di procedura civile, assegnando ai coniugi un termine per presentare memoria difensive e fissando una nuova udienza.

La nuova edizione dello studio curato da Garb e Wood sulle successioni internazionali

Aldricus - mar, 09/29/2015 - 08:00

International Succession, 4a ed., a cura di Louis Garb and John Wood, Oxford University Press, 2015, pp. 992, ISBN 9780198727262, GBP 195.

[Dal sito dell’editore] This new edition has been extended to include chapters on Poland, Russia, Singapore, and US – Illinois, making this the most comprehensive analysis of succession laws available. Each country analysis is based on a similar set of questions to ensure that all issues are tackled for every jurisdiction and to enable the reader to make easy comparisons between the countries included. The book also considers the law at regional level in the European Union explaining the effect of recent EU legislation with regard to harmonization, and considering the impact of the European Succession Regulation post-implementation. Now covering 53 jurisdictions, this work is an invaluable reference source for those advising on matters of international succession, especially in cases where there are cross-border elements.

Ulteriori informazioni a questo indirizzo.

La nuova edizione del manuale di Giorgio Conetti, Sara Tonolo e Fabrizio Vismara

Aldricus - mar, 09/29/2015 - 08:00

Giorgio Conetti, Sara Tonolo, Fabrizio Vismara, Manuale di diritto internazionale privato, 2a ed., Giappichelli, 2015, pp. XVIII+310, ISBN 9788834866474, Euro 26.

Questa la struttura dell’opera: Parte generale — Nozione e fonti; La giurisdizione; Il diritto applicabile; Efficacia di sentenze ed atti stranieri; Cooperazione giudiziaria in materia civile: assunzione di mezzi di prova e notificazioni. Parte speciale — Capacità e diritti delle persone fisiche; Società e persone giuridiche; Matrimonio e divorzio; Filiazione e adozione; Tutela degli incapaci; Obblighi alimentari; Successioni e donazioni; Diritti reali; Obbligazioni.

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Un seminario a Barcellona sulle attualità del diritto internazionale privato e processuale spagnolo

Aldricus - mar, 09/29/2015 - 08:00

Il 19 novembre 2015 l’Università di Barcellona ospiterà un incontro organizzato dalla Asociación Española de Profesores de Derecho Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales (AEPDIRI), dedicato alle novità che il diritto internazionale privato ha conosciuto negli ultimi mesi, in Spagna, per effetto della Ley 15/2015, del 2 luglio 2015, sulla giurisdizione volontaria, e della Ley 29/2015, del 30 luglio 2015, sulla cooperazione giudiziaria in materia civile.

Tra i relatori,  Carlos Esplugues (Univ. Valencia), Mónica Guzmán (UNED), Federico Garau (Univ. Islas Baleares), Javier Carrascosa González (Univ. Murcia), Cristina González Beilfuss (Univ. Barcelona), Andrés Rodríguez Benot (Univ. Pablo Olavide).

Ulteriori informazioni sono reperibili a questo indirizzo.

Of tractors and trailers. Insurance contracts, subrogration, contracts and torts. Sharpston AG on the scope of Rome I and II.

GAVC - ven, 09/25/2015 - 18:18

First, a quick heads-up on precedent: the difference between ‘contract’ and tort’ in European private international law is crucial, as regular readers of this blog will have observed. Crucial, yet the concept is left undefined in the Brussels I (and Recast) Regulation (which has a different special jurisdictional rule for both), the Rome I Regulation on applicable law for contracts, and the Rome II Regulation on applicable law for torts. Undefined, for these foundational elements of private law are outside the reach of legal and political compromise in the legislative process. Yet courts of course do have to apply the rules and in doing so, have to distinguish between both.

The CJEU pushes an ‘autonomous’ EU definition of both concepts which in the past has led to the seminal findings in Jakob Handte (C-26/91) and Kalfelis. In Handte the Court held: the phrase ‘matters relating to a contract [ ] is not to be understood as covering a situation in which there is no obligation freely assumed by one party towards another.’ (the double negative exercised scholarship for some time). In Kalfelis the Court had earlier defined ‘tort’ as ‘all actions which seek to establish liability of a defendant and which are not related to a ‘contract’ within the meaning of Article 5(1).’ (5(1) has become 7(1) in the Recast).

Is the relationship between two insurers, having covered liability for a towing vehicle cq a trailer, each subrogated in their insured’s rights and obligations, one of them currently exercising a claim against the other in partial recovery of the compensation due to the victim, non-contractual?

Per Kalfelis, tort as a category is residual. Sharpston AG’s starting point in Joined Cases Ergo Insurance and AAS Gjensidige Baltic, Opinion issued yesterday, therefore is to examine whether the recourse action is essentially contractual in nature. In the negative, the action is non-contractual. The case is evidently made more complex by the underlying relationships between insurer and insured, and the presence of subrogration. In question is not therefore the relationship between the insurer and the victim: this is clearly non-contractual. The question is rather whether the action of one insurer against the other is contractual in nature, given the contractual relationship between insurer and insured, cq the non-contractual relationship between the insured and the victim.

Sharpston AG first gets two issues out of the way. Lithuania (both referred cases are pending in Lithuanian courts) is a signatory State to the Hague Convention on the law applicable to traffic accidents, which is left unaffected by Rome II by virtue of Article 28. However the Convention itself holds that it does not apply to recourse action and subrogation involving insurance companies. Further, a suggestion that Directive 2009/103 (relating to insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles, and the enforcement of the obligation to insure against such liability) includes a conflict of laws (applicable law) rule which is lex specialis vis-a-vis the Rome Regulation, was quickly dismissed. Indeed the Directive’s provisions do not indicate whatsoever that they can be stretched.

Then comes the core of the issue, the nature of the relationship underlying the claim. This, the AG suggests, is contractual. Relevant precedent referred to includes Brogsitter and OFAB. Essentially the AG puts forward an ancestry test: what is the ancestry of the action, without which the parties concerned would not be finding themselves pleading in a court of law?: she uses ‘centre of gravity’ (‘the centre of gravity of the obligation to indemnify is in the contractual obligation’); ‘rooted in’ (‘the recourse action by one insurer against the other…is rooted in the contracts of insurance’); and ‘intimately bound up’ (‘[the action] is intimately bound up with the two insurers’ contractual obligation‘). (at 62).

Incidentally, in para 20 of her Opinion the AG refers, in giving context, to the difference between Lithuanian and German law (the accidents both occurred in Germany) as regards the limitation periods for bringing a recourse action. In Rome II, limitation periods are included in Article 15 as being covered by the lex causae; ditto in Article 12 of Rome I. This pre-empts discussion on the matter for whether limitation periods are covered by lex fori (as a procedural issue) or the lex causae is otherwise not necessarily the same in all Member States.

If the CJEU confirms, preferably using the terminology of its AG, the tort /contract discussion in my view will have been helpfully clarified.


Un convegno sulle successioni a carattere internazionale alla Universidad Carlos III di Madrid

Aldricus - ven, 09/25/2015 - 08:00

Si svolgerà il 1° e il 2 ottobre 2015, presso la Universidad Carlos III di Madrid, un convegno dal titolo Sucesiones internacionales, dedicato in larga parte al regolamento n. 650/2012 sulla competenza, la legge applicabile, il riconoscimento e l’esecuzione delle decisioni in materia di successioni per causa di morte.

Tra i partecipanti, Alfonso-Luis Calvo Caravaca (Univ. Carlos III), Esperanza Castellanos Ruiz (Univ. Carlos III), Angelo Davì (Univ. La Sapienza), Alessandra Zanobetti (Univ. Bologna) e Javier Carrascosa González (Univ. Murcia).

Per maggiori informazioni si veda qui.

La tutela della riservatezza nei rapporti d’affari a carattere internazionale

Aldricus - jeu, 09/24/2015 - 13:09

Trade Secrecy and International Transactions, a cura di Elizabeth A. Rowe e Sharon K. Sandeen, Edward Elgar, 2015, pp. 368, ISBN 9781782540779, GBP 125.

[Dal sito dell’editore]  Trade secret protection has long been of critical strategic importance to business interests and globalization of commerce has driven an increasing need to govern the preservation of confidentiality in international business transactions. This book offers an authoritative and unparalleled resource on US and international trade secret law and identifies optimal practices for securing trade secrets in varying jurisdictions. Defined as the international standard for trade secret protection, the United States’ trade secret laws are explained in depth, illustrating their capacity and impediments. The proposed EU Trade Secret Directive and the impact this will have on international transactions is also closely examined, along with overviews of the laws in common law, civil law and mixed-law countries. The book combines detailed substantive analysis with clear practical guidance on questions such as how businesses can avoid misappropriation and maintain data exclusivity when engaging in global commerce, through the utilization of alternative self-help strategies.

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107/2015 : 24 septembre 2015 - Arrêt du Tribunal dans les affaires jointes T-124/13, T-191/13

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 09/24/2015 - 10:14
Italie / Commission
Droit institutionnel
Le Tribunal de l’UE annule trois avis de concours qui obligent les candidats à choisir l’allemand, l’anglais ou le français comme deuxième langue et comme langue de communication avec EPSO

Catégories: Flux européens

106/2015 : 23 septembre 2015 - Conclusions de l'avocat général dans l'affaire C-362/14

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mer, 09/23/2015 - 09:54
Rapprochement des législations
Selon l’avocat général Bot, la décision de la Commission constatant le caractère adéquat de la protection des données à caractère personnel aux États-Unis n’empêche pas les autorités nationales de suspendre le transfert des données des abonnés européens de Facebook vers des serveurs situés aux États-Unis

Catégories: Flux européens

Il regime internazionalprivatistico del rapporto di lavoro marittimo

Aldricus - mer, 09/23/2015 - 08:00

Laura Carballo Piñeiro, International Maritime Labour Law, Springer, 2012, pp. 311, ISBN 9783662470329, Euro 103,99.

[Dal sito dell’editore] ​This book focuses on maritime employment from a private international law perspective. The first chapter analyzes the background against which international jurisdiction and conflict of laws rules are drawn up and examines uniform law in this context, in particular the 2006 Maritime Labour Convention and the 2007 ILO Convention No. 188 on Work in Fishing. The second chapter addresses international jurisdiction issues as regards individual employment contracts, while also exploring other issues (e.g. insolvency-related and social security matters) that are subsequently revisited in the third chapter while discussing conflict of laws issues related to said contracts. In turn, chapter four focuses on collective labour relations and private international law, i.e. collective agreements, strikes and other forms of collective action and information, and on the participation rights of employees in business matters.

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