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A series of seminars in Messina / Un ciclo di seminari a Messina

mer, 02/15/2017 - 07:00

The University of Messina and ILSA, the International Law Students Association, organise a series of seminars on current problems of international law. Two seminars will be devoted to private international law issues. They are scheduled to take place on 26 April 2017 (Marcella Distefano will address surrogate motherhood) and on 11 May 2017 (Livio Scaffidi will speak of registered partnerships). See here for more information.

L’Università di Messina organizza assieme a ILSA, la International Law Students Association, un ciclo di seminari dedicati a questioni attuali del diritto internazionale. Due seminari riguardano tematiche internazionalprivatistiche e sono programmati rispettivamente per il 26 aprile 2017 (Marcella Distefano parlerà di maternità surrogata) e per l’11 maggio 2017 (Livio Scaffidi si occuperà di unioni civili). Maggiori informazioni a questo indirizzo.


The Special Commission on the Judgments Project meets for the second time / La Commissione speciale incaricata del Judgments Project si riunisce per la seconda volta

mar, 02/14/2017 - 11:46

The Special Commission convened by the Council on General Affairs and Policy of the Hague Conference on Private International Law to prepare a preliminary draft convention on the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters will meet between 16 and 24 February 2017. Discussions will be based on the draft text that resulted from the first meeting, held in 2016. The agenda of the meeting is available here. For further information on the Judgments Project, see here.

La Commissione speciale istituita dal Consiglio sugli affari generali della Conferenza dell’Aja di diritto internazionale privato per predisporre un progetto di convenzione sul riconoscimento e l’esecuzione delle decisioni in materia civile e commerciale si riunirà fra il 16 e il 24 febbraio 2017. La base dei lavori è rappresentata dal testo sortito dal primo incontro della Commissione, svoltosi nel 2016. L’ordine del giorno dell’incontro si trova qui. Ulteriori informazioni sul Judgments Project a questo indirizzo.

The Dieselgate: A Legal Perspective / Aspetti giuridici del Dieselgate

mar, 02/07/2017 - 07:00

The Dieselgate: A Legal Perspective, edited by / a cura di Marco Frigessi di Rattalma, Springer, 2017, ISBN 9783319483221, pp. X+218, EUR  145,59.

This book explains, compares and assesses the legal implications of Dieselgate within a range of selected jurisdictions and at the EU, international and comparative law level.The book analyses the US EPA-VW $14.7 billion dollar settlement of 2016, one of the largest civil settlements in the history of environmental law. As it shows, the Dieselgate affair has raised a host of issues concerning corporate and social responsibility, tort liability, environmental liability, contractual defective products, warranty, and false environmental claims in a range of jurisdictions. Issues like repurchasing or retrofitting cars from consumers and making direct payments to consumers through car buy-backs and compensation are analysed. Further, the book relates how Dieselgate has also contributed to the discussion about the introduction of more effective collective measures of redress for consumers, such as class actions, in Germany, France, Italy and the UK.The book subsequently reviews the criminal offences Volkswagen is currently confronted with in Germany, France and Italy, i.e. fraud and manipulation of capital markets (by belatedly providing shareholders with essential information relevant for the share value), and, potentially, environmental crimes. It demonstrates how Dieselgate has sparked new debates in Germany, Italy, France and the UK about the need to introduce enterprise liability for organised crimes, lack of compliance and control structures, and intentional violations of the law.Lastly, the book discusses how EU law has sought to respond to Dieselgate and thus investigates the controversial EU Regulation No. 2016/646 introducing a “temporary conformity factor” of 2.1 (equivalent to a 110% increase on the current limit) to be applied for NOx in the new RDE testing cycle, and the works of the EU committee of inquiry into Emissions Measurements in the Automotive Sector (EMIS).

Towards EU rules on the cross-border recognition of adoptions? / Verso regole europee sul riconoscimento delle adozioni?

lun, 02/06/2017 - 07:00

On 2 February 2017 the European Parliament adopted a resolution urging the EU Commission to propose rules aimed at facilitating the recognition of ‘domestic’ adoptions, i.e. in cases where the adopters and the adopted child are resident in the same country. It is worth noting that the 1993 Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoptions requires automatic recognition of adoptions between contracting States, which include all EU Member States, but applies only to cases in which the parents and the adopted child are from different countries. The resolution further suggests creating a European Certificate of Adoption and calls for common minimum standards for adoption, in the form of ‘best practice’ guidelines. The resolution is accompanied by a study drawn up by the European Parliamentary Research Service, with a contribution by Ruth Cabeza, Claire Fenton-Glynn and Alexander Boiché.

Il 2 febbraio 2017 il Parlamento europeo ha adottato una risoluzione che invita la Commissione a proporre regole che agevolino il riconoscimento delle adozioni fra uno Stato membro dell’Unione e l’altro nei casi in cui chi adotta e chi viene adottato risiedono nello stesso paese. Giova ricordare che la convenzione dell’Aja del 1993 sulle adozioni internazionali richiede il riconoscimento automatico delle adozioni in tutti gli Stati contraenti, fra cui rientrano tutti gli Stati membri, ma si applica solo quando gli adottanti e l’adottato risiedono in paesi differenti. La risoluzione suggerisce inoltre la creazione di un Certificato europeo di adozione e propone l’elaborazione di standard minimi comuni da seguire in caso di adozione, sotto forma di buone pratiche. La risoluzione è accompagnata da uno studio elaborato dal Servizio ricerca del Parlamento europeo, con un contributo di Ruth Cabeza, Claire Fenton-Glynn e Alexander Boiché.

European and international company law / Il diritto societario europeo e internazionale

mer, 02/01/2017 - 07:00

Il diritto societario europeo e internazionale, edited by / a cura di M. Benedettelli, M. Lamandini, Utet, 2016, ISBN 9788859814733, 832 pp., EUR 90.

Pur non esistendo di fatto un diritto societario europeo codificato, la legislazione dell‘Unione prevede norme minime applicabili alle imprese in tutto il territorio. Due importanti strumenti legislativi adottati dal Consiglio hanno portato alla creazione della figura della “società europea” che avrebbe dovuto essere regolata da un diritto sovranazionale, mentre invece gli Stati membri continuano ad applicare norme societarie proprie, modificandole di tanto in tanto, per conformarsi alle direttive e ai regolamenti emanati. In un contesto economico nel quale società e imprese operano sempre più in differenti contesti, all’interno dell’Unione europea e non, l’opera rappresenta un importante strumento per l’approfondimento dei regimi normativi vigenti a livello comunitario e internazionale. 


Moroccan family law viewed from Europe / Il diritto marocchino della famiglia nella prospettiva europea

lun, 01/30/2017 - 07:00

Le code marocain de famille en Europe – Bilan comparé de dix ans d’application, edited by / a cura di Marie-Claire Foblets, La charte, 2017, ISBN 9782874034312, 720 pp., EUR 80.

Dans cet ouvrage sont regroupés les résultats d’une recherche comparée qui s’est penchée sur l’application concrète du Code dans cinq pays d’Eu¬rope (la France, les Pays-Bas, l’Espagne, l’Italie et la Belgique) ainsi qu’au Maroc, en portant un intérêt particulier pour les situations de familles de MRE résidant dans ces pays. La recherche couvre deux volets, d’une part, sont étudiées les principales questions que soulevaient depuis 2004 les dossiers et litiges impliquant des MRE vivant en Europe et la manière dont ceux-ci sont traités non seulement par les tribunaux et les administrations publiques, mais également par les services consulaires marocains ; d’autre part, comment sont reçus en droit interne marocain, les décisions judiciaires ainsi que les actes délivrés par les autorités compétentes en matières civiles et familiales dans les pays de résidence de MRE en Europe. À ce jour, très peu est su à propos de cette réception. Ce qui rend cet ouvrage si précieux et utile est la démonstration qui est faite, à travers les diverses contributions, de la difficulté majeure qui – plus de dix années à compter depuis l’entrée en vigueur du Code – continue à se poser pour les autorités administratives et judiciaires des deux rives de la Méditerranée et qui consiste à savoir comment correctement appréhender la manière dont en Europe, d’une part, et au Maroc, de l’autre, est conçue la famille et la manière de réguler les relations, tant entre partenaires, qu’entre parents et leurs enfants.

The cross-border movement of cultural goods / La circolazione internazionale dei beni culturali

jeu, 01/26/2017 - 07:00

Manlio Frigo, Circulation des biens culturels, détermination de la loi applicable et méthodes de règlement des litiges, Brill, 2016, ISBN: 9789004321298, 552 pp., EUR 18.

La pratique internationale des différends concernant la circulation des biens culturels est devenue très riche pendant les dernières années, grâce à la prolifération de normes internationales applicables et à la multiplication de juridictions compétentes à saisir les litiges. La recherche des liens entre biens culturels et collectivité humaine et territoriale et de l’intérêt protégé à la lumière de l’expérience directe en matière de différends et de négociations, conduisent l’auteur à examiner les critères de rattachement utilisés, aussi bien que la question de la loi matérielle applicable par rapport à l’issue des différends. Les problèmes sont abordés soit par rapport à la spécificité des biens culturels vis-à-vis des règles ordinaires en matière de circulation des meubles, soit en fonction de la recherche du rattachement à l’ordre juridique d’origine des biens concernés. Cet ouvrage évalue les inconvénients découlant de l’application des règles générales édictées par les principaux systèmes de droit international privé en matière de circulation de biens et de constitution de droits réels. L’analyse est conduite aussi à l’égard de la validité des solutions proposées, sur le plan du droit international privé et du droit uniforme, notamment en cas de revendication, de retour ou de restitution de biens culturels, ainsi que de la vérification de l’efficacité des réponses données par la jurisprudence et la doctrine concernant les règles nationales et internationales applicables.

EU private international law as seen by Italian courts / Il diritto internazionale privato dell’Unione europea visto dai giudici italiani

mar, 01/24/2017 - 07:00

La giurisprudenza italiana sui regolamenti europei in materia civile e commerciale e di famiglia, edited by / a cura di Stefania Bariatti, Ilaria Viarengo, Francesca Clara Villata, Cedam, 2016, pp. 527, ISBN 9788813358686, EUR 55

Il volume che si licenzia rappresenta l’opera conclusiva delle attività svolte da un gruppo di ricerca dell’Università degli Studi di Milano nell’ambito del progetto internazionale di ricerca “Cross-border litigation in Europe: Private International Law – Legislative framework, national courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union” – EUPILLAR, finanziato dalla Direzione generale Giustizia e consumatori della Commissione europea, iniziato il 1° ottobre 2014 e conclusosi il 30 settembre 2016. Oggetto dell’indagine sono stati alcuni regolamenti dell’Unione europea in materia di diritto internazionale privato e processuale, adottati nel settore della cooperazione giudiziaria in materia civile, e la relativa giurisprudenza italiana, anche sotto il profilo di un proficuo dialogo dei giudici nazionali con la Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea. L’indagine è stata condotta in parallelo dai partner del consorzio di ricerca, vale a dire, accanto all’Università degli Studi di Milano, nelle sue due componenti del Dipartimento di Diritto pubblico italiano e sovranazionale e del Dipartimento di Studi internazionali, giuridici e storico-politici, l’Università di Aberdeen (Scozia), che ha coordinato il progetto, le Università di Anversa (Belgio), Breslavia (Polonia), Friburgo (Germania), Leeds (Inghilterra) e Madrid (Universidad Complutense, Spagna). 

The EAPO Regulation is applicable as of today / Applicabile da oggi il regolamento istitutivo dell’ordinanza europea di sequestro conservativo su conti bancari

mer, 01/18/2017 - 18:21

Regulation (EU) n. 655/2014 establishing a European Account Preservation Order (EAPO) procedure to facilitate cross-border debt recovery in civil and commercial matters is applicable as of today, 18 January 2017. The relevant section of the European e-Justice Portal has been updated: the application forms can be completed online.

È applicabile da oggi, 18 gennaio 2017, il regolamento (UE) n. 655/2014 che istituisce una procedura per l’ordinanza europea di sequestro conservativo (OESC) su conti bancari al fine di facilitare il recupero transfrontaliero dei crediti in materia civile e commerciale. La sezione del Portale europeo della giustizia elettronica relativa al regolamento è stata aggiornata: i relativi moduli possono essere completati online.

Cross-border insolvency / Insolvenza transfrontaliera

jeu, 01/12/2017 - 11:08

Reinhard Bork, Principles of Cross-Border Insolvency Law, Intersentia, 2017, ISBN 9781780684307, 290 pp., EUR 94.

The thesis of this book is that cross-border insolvency rules of all kinds (e.g. European Insolvency Regulation, UNCITRAL Model Law, ALI Principles for the NAFTA States, national laws such as Chapter 15 US Bankruptcy Code or Sch. 1 Cross-Border Insolvency Regulation 2006) are founded on, and can be traced back to, basic values and that they aim to pursue and enforce such standards. Furthermore, several principles can be identified, distinguished and sorted into three groups: conflict of laws principles (e.g. unity, universality, equality, mutual trust, cooperation and communication, subsidiarity, proportionality), procedural principles (e.g. efficiency, transparency, predictability, procedural justice, priority) and substantive principles (e.g. equal treatment of creditors, optimal realisation of the debtor’s assets, debtor protection, protection of trust (for secured creditors or contractual partners), social protection (for employees or tenants)). Using the principle-oriented approach, the book will have a significant impact for both deciding cases and shaping cross-border insolvency law. It offers both legislators and courts new substantive and methodological support in making decisions, for example where the treatment of secured creditors, support for foreign insolvency practitioners or even harmonisation of cross-border insolvency laws is at stake.


Contracts and third parties / Il contratto e i terzi

mar, 01/10/2017 - 07:00

Sarah Laval, Le tiers et le contrat – Étude de conflit de lois, Larcier, 2016, pp. 458, ISBN: 9782804491000, EUR 110.

En droit international privé, le principe d’autonomie désigne la possibilité pour les parties à un contrat international de choisir la loi applicable. Reconnu par une immense majorité d’États, de règlements et de conventions internationales, ce principe répond aux objectifs de prévisibilité, de souplesse et de sécurité propres au droit du commerce international. S’il satisfait les prévisions et les intérêts des parties, le principe d’autonomie risque cependant de heurter les prévisions des tiers intéressés au contrat. Les créanciers ou débiteurs des parties, leurs ayants cause, les titulaires de droits concurrents, se trouvent tributaires d’un choix auquel ils sont étrangers et qui risque de leur porter préjudice. La lecture des principaux instruments conventionnels et règlementaires relatifs aux solutions du conflit de lois en matière contractuelle témoigne d’une absence de prise en considération des intérêts des tiers au contrat. Pourtant, la multiplication des contentieux liés aux mécanismes tripartites, comme les cessions de créances, les groupes de contrats, ou encore les sûretés réelles et personnelles, révèle l’importance des intérêts des tiers et la nécessité corrélative de les intégrer dans les solutions du conflit de lois en matière contractuelle. C’est à cette problématique que la présente thèse se consacre. En s’appuyant sur les outils traditionnels du droit international privé, comme la distinction des règles de conflit de lois générale et spéciale, la qualification des questions de droit ou, encore, la méthode des lois de police, elle propose non seulement d’opérer une distinction entre les différents types de contrats selon la nature de leurs liens avec les tiers, mais encore, et plus essentiellement, de modifier les solutions du conflit de lois applicables aux contrats qui intéressent par nature les tiers en remettant en cause le principe d’autonomie. Pour les autres contrats, elle suggère d’adapter les solutions du conflit de lois par le recours à des correctifs.

Contracts for the international sale of goods / La compravendita internazionale di beni mobili

lun, 01/09/2017 - 07:00

Andrea Lista, International Commercial Sales: The Sale of Goods on Shipment Terms, Routledge, 2017, ISBN: 9780415702829, pp. 528, GBP 220.

This book comprehensively examines the entire legal process of the international sale of goods, beginning with the creation of the contract and continuing through to either the fulfilment of the sale, or the termination of the contract. Every day goods are globally traded between sellers and buyers in different countries and different jurisdictions. The distances between the parties involved in such transactions, and the relative risks related to that, are a key issue in international commercial sales. Sales of goods carried by sea, thus, differ quite drastically from domestic sales; the goods will be normally shipped at a port very distant from the buyer, preventing his physical presence at the port of loading. Further, the goods will travel in the custody of a carrier, a party normally quite independent from either trader. Finally, transactions concluded on shipment terms are normally irreversible, in the sense that shipping the goods back to the seller represents an unlikely option for the buyer. Traders around the world very frequently choose English law to govern their contracts, with disputes to be resolved through London arbitration or litigation. The basis of that law is to be found in the English Sale of Goods Act 1979, and the book consequently also includes an examination of the fundamental principles of that Act, as well as considering use of the Vienna Convention on the International Sale of Goods.

The Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference is seeking a legal assistant / Il Permanent Bureau della Conferenza dell’Aja cerca un collaboratore giuridico

sam, 01/07/2017 - 07:00

The Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law seeks a temporary legal assistant to work in the areas of international family law and child protection. The vacancy is advertised here

Il Permanent Bureau della Conferenza dell’Aja di diritto internazionale privato intende assumere un collaboratore giuridico a tempo determinato che lavori nel settore della famiglia e della protezione dei minori. Maggiori dettagli a questo indirizzo.

Conflicts of interests in international commercial arbitration / I conflitti di interesse nell’arbitrato commerciale internazionale

ven, 01/06/2017 - 07:00

Constance Castres Saint-Martin, Les conflits d’intérêts en arbitrage commercial international, L’Harmattan, 2016, ISBN: 9782343101965, pp. 454, EUR 45.

Le conflit d’intérêts est un sujet passionnant notamment en raison de son omniprésence dans l’actualité. Cette expression s’est récemment diffusée en France dans le monde des affaires et au sein du jargon médiatique. Néanmoins, il n’existe en l’état actuel du droit positif français aucune réglementation spécifique de ces conflits d’intérêts. L’auteur s’interroge donc sur la définition et la valeur opératoire de cette notion et le régime juridique qui pourrait lui être réservé.

The Rome I Regulation on the law applicable to contracts / Il regolamento Roma I sulla legge applicabile ai contratti

mar, 12/27/2016 - 13:00

Rome I Regulation – Commentary, edited by / a cura di Ulrich Magnus, perte Mankowski, Otto Schmidt Verlag, 2017, ISBN 9783504080068, pp. 928, EUR 229.

One of the great steps towards a European Private International Law and for the facilitation of transborder trade is the Rome I Regulation which europeanised the applicable law for international contracts throughout the Union (though except Denmark). This Regulation has to be applied since the end of 2009. It has moderately reformed and replaced the former Rome Convention which had already proven its practical value for over two decades as many national decisions and also judgments of the European Court of Justice evidence. It is therefore high time for a truly pan-European Commentary on the Rome I Regulation which takes account of the European nature of this instrument. This is reflected by the team of contributors that originates from all over Europe assembling first experts in their countries. The editors are Ulrich Magnus and Peter Mankowski who have already edited the well-received pan-European Commentaries on the Brussels I Regulation and the Brussels IIbis Regulation. The Commentary (in English) provides a thorough article-by-article analysis which intensely uses the rich case law and doctrine and suggests clear and practical solutions for disputed issues. It gives a comprehensive and actual account of the present state of the European international contract law. For international lawyers, practitioners as well as academics, it is an indispensable must.

Authors include: Andrea Bonomi, Alfonso-Luis Calvo Caravaca, Javier Carrascosa Gonzalez, Richard G. Fentiman, Franco Ferrari, Francisco Garcimartín Alférez, Helmut Heiss, Luís Pietro Rocha de Lima Pinheiro, Ulrich Magnus, Peter Mankowski, Guillermo Palao Moreno, Ilaria Queirolo, Bea Verschraegen, Michael Wilderspin, M.H. (Mathijs) ten Wolde.

Call for papers: Business and Human Rights

lun, 12/19/2016 - 07:00

On 29 and 30 May 2017, the University of Milan will host an international conference under the title Business and Human Rights: International Law Challenges and European ResponsesScholars are encouraged to submit their proposals for papers, not exceeding 600 words, before 31 January 2017, to the following email address: EUlawbusinesshumanrights@unimi.it. More information is available here.

I giorni 29 e 30 maggio 2017, l’Università di Milano ospiterà un convegno dal titolo Business and Human Rights: International Law Challenges and European Responses. Gli interessati sono invitati a trasmettere un paper, che non superi le 600 parole, entro il 31 gennaio 2017, a questo indirizzo email: EUlawbusinesshumanrights@unimi.it. Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili qui.


The protection of vulnerable adults in cross-border cases: latest developments / La protezione degli adulti vulnerabili nei casi transnazionali: sviluppi recenti

ven, 12/16/2016 - 15:00

On 10 November 2016, the French MEP Joëlle Bergeron submitted to the Committee on Legal Affairs of the European Parliament a draft report regarding the protection of vulnerable adults.

The draft report comes with a set of recommendations to the European Commission. Under the draft, the European Parliament, among other things, ‘deplores the fact that the Commission has failed to act on Parliament’s call that it should submit … a report setting out details of the problems encountered and the best practices noted in connection with the application of the Hague Convention [of 13 January 2000 on the international protection of adults], and ‘calls on the Commission to submit … before 31 March 2018, pursuant to Article 81(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, a proposal for a regulation designed to improve cooperation among the Member States and the automatic recognition and enforcement of decisions on the protection of vulnerable adults and mandates in anticipation of incapacity’.

A document annexed to the draft report lists the ‘principles and aims’ of the proposal that the Parliament expects to receive from the Commission.

In particular, following the suggestions illustrated in a study by the European Parliamentary Service, the regulation should, inter alia, ‘grant any person who is given responsibility for protecting the person or the property of a vulnerable adult the right to obtain within a reasonable period a certificate specifying his or her status and the powers which have been conferred on him or her’, and ‘foster the enforcement in the other Member States of protection measures taken by the authorities of a Member State, without a declaration establishing the enforceability of these measures being required’. The envisaged regulation should also ‘introduce single mandate in anticipation of incapacity forms in order to facilitate the use of such mandates by the persons concerned, and the circulation, recognition and enforcement of mandates’.

In the meanwhile, on 15 December 2016, Latvia signed the Hague Convention of 2000 on the international protection of adults. According to the press release circulated by the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, the Convention is anticipated to be ratified by Latvia in 2017.

Il 10 novembre 2016, la deputata europea Joëlle Bergeron ha presentato alla Commissione giuridica del Parlamento europeo un progetto di relazione sulla protezione degli adulti.

Il progetto reca una serie di raccomandazioni rivolte alla Commissione europea. Si dice nel testo, fra le altre cose, che il Parlamento “deplora che la Commissione non abbia dato seguito alla richiesta del Parlamento di presentare a tempo debito … una relazione che identifichi i problemi incontrati e le migliori pratiche per l’attuazione della Convenzione dell’Aia [del 13 gennaio 2000 sulla protezione degli adulti]”, e “chiede alla Commissione di presentare …, anteriormente al 31 marzo 2018, sulla base dell’articolo 81, paragrafo 2, del trattato sul funzionamento dell’Unione europea, una proposta di regolamento volto a rafforzare la cooperazione tra gli Stati membri nonché a migliorare il riconoscimento con pieno diritto e l’esecuzione delle decisioni relative alla protezione degli adulti vulnerabili e dei mandati di inidoneità [sic], secondo le raccomandazioni particolareggiate figuranti in allegato”. La proposta dovrebbe altresì “introdurre moduli unici di mandato di inidoneità al fine di promuovere l’uso di tali mandati da parte delle persone interessate, nonché la circolazione, il riconoscimento e l’attuazione di tali mandati”.

Un documento allegato alla proposta di relazione elenca i “principi” e gli “obiettivi” che dovrebbero caratterizzare la proposta che il Parlamento si attende di ricevere dalla Commissione.

In particolare, conformandosi in larga parte alle indicazioni emerse da uno studio predisposto dal Servizio Ricerca del Parlamento europeo, la proposta di regolamento dovrebbe includere, fra le altre, delle regole volte a “riconoscere a qualsiasi persona che assicura la protezione della persona o dei beni di un adulto vulnerabile il diritto di ottenere dalle autorità competenti, entro un termine ragionevole, un certificato attestante la sua qualità e i poteri che le sono conferiti”, nonché delle regole che favoriscano “l’esecuzione delle misure di protezione adottate dalle autorità di uno Stato membro negli altri Stati membri senza che sia necessaria una dichiarazione [di] esecutiva di tali misure”.

Nel frattempo, il 15 dicembre 2016, la Lettonia ha firmato la Convenzione dell’Aja del 2000 sulla protezione internazionale degli adulti. Stando al comunicato stampa diffuso dal Permanent Bureau della Conferenza dell’Aja di diritto internazionale privato, ci si attende che la Convenzione venga ratificata dalla Lettonia nel corso del 2017.

The Protection of the Best Interests of Migrant Children / La protezione del superiore interesse dei minori migranti

lun, 12/12/2016 - 07:00

Aude Fiorini, The Protection of the Best Interests of Migrant Children – Private International Law Perspectives, forthcoming / di prossima pubblicazione in Giacomo Biagioni, Francesca Ippolito (eds), Migrant Children in the XXI Century. Selected Issues of Public and Private International Law, Editoriale Scientifica, available through / disponibile su Social Science Research Network.

Migration news stories have, in recent years, captured the world’s attention almost daily. Migration is not however a new phenomenon. The first wave of globalisation, between 1870 and 1914 saw as much as 10% of the world’s population move permanently to a new country. It is paradoxical therefore that, at the start of the new millennium, migration was still under-researched. The phenomenon may generally be divided into diverse categories: temporary labour migration or highly skilled and business migration; internal or international migration; legal or illegal migration; forced or chosen migration; family reunification migration, return migration… Such typology reflects an approach that largely sees migration as a challenge states and primarily considers it under the angle of international politics and security. Migration can though also be studied from the perspective of the individual migrant. In this whilst it is human rights law which immediately resonates, private international law also has a key role to play. The interface between human rights and private international law as regards issues of migration has not frequently been considered. And this is particularly the case as regards children. Can and do States achieve the protection of the best interests of migrant children in part through the framework of private international law? To answer this question, this article will consider first the relevance of private international law to migrants and migration. It then discusses whether the reliance on private international law rules, methods and approaches, including the increasingly popular connecting factor of habitual residence is adequate as a basis on which to protect the best interests of migrant children.

Council Conclusions on the European Judicial Network in civil and commercial matters / Conclusioni del Consiglio dell’Unione sulla Rete giudiziaria europea in materia civile e commerciale

sam, 12/10/2016 - 12:09

Following a report issued by the Commission in March 2016, the Council of the European Union adopted on 8 December 2016 its Conclusions on the European Judicial Network in civil and commercial matters.

The Council, among other things, calls on Member States to ‘promote the use of the expertise of other legal practitioners by involving relevant professional associations more closely in the Network’s activities’  and to ‘encourage interaction at national level to share knowledge and gather information on the practical application of the EU instruments in civil and commercial matters’, including, where appropriate, by establishing ‘national networks bringing together the national contact points, Network members and other legal practitioners’.

Facendo seguito a una relazione presentata dalla Commissione nel marzo del 2016, il Consiglio ha adottato, l’8 dicembre 2016, le sue Conclusioni sulla Rete giudiziaria europea in materia civile e commerciale.

Il Consiglio, tra le altre cose, sollecita gli Stati membri a “promuovere l’uso delle conoscenze specialistiche di altri operatori della giustizia coinvolgendo più strettamente i pertinenti ordini professionali nelle attività della rete” e a “incoraggiare l’interazione a livello nazionale per condividere conoscenze e raccogliere informazioni sull’applicazione pratica degli strumenti dell’UE in materia civile e commerciale”, considerando, tal fine, “l’eventualità di istituire, ove opportuno, reti nazionali che riuniscano i punti di contatto nazionali, i membri della rete e altri operatori della giustizia”.

A conference in Florence on the protection of children in cross-border situations / Un incontro a Firenze sulla protezione dei minori nelle situazioni transfrontaliere

ven, 12/09/2016 - 16:37

A conference on Parental responsibility and children protection in cross border situations, in the light of the 1996 Hague Convention will take place in Florence on 12 December 2016. The programme is available here

Lunedì 12 dicembre 2016, si terrà a Firenze un incontro intitolato Responsabilità genitoriale e protezione dei minori in contesto transfrontaliero anche alla luce dell’entrata in vigore della convenzione dell’Aja 1996. Il programma integrale è consultabile a questo indirizzo.


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