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L’organisation du temps de travail au sein de la gendarmerie ne méconnaît pas le droit européen

Si le Conseil d’État complète le mode d’emploi de la clause de sauvegarde constitutionnelle, il ne l’applique pas dans la présente affaire. Il juge que le temps de travail de la gendarmerie départementale ne méconnaît pas l’article 6 de la directive du 4 novembre 2003.

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Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 1/2022: Abstracts

Conflictoflaws - mar, 01/04/2022 - 10:52

The latest issue of the „Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax)“ features the following articles:

(These abstracts can also be found at the IPRax-website under the following link:


E.-M. Kieninger: Climate Change Litigation and Private International Law

The recent Shell ruling by the District Court of The Hague raises the question whether Carbon Majors could also be sued outside the state of their corporate home and which law would be applicable to claims for damages or injunctive relief. In particular, the article discusses possible restrictions of the right to choose between the law of the state in which the damage occurred and the law of the state in which the event giving rise to the damage took place (Art. 7 No. 2 Brussels Ia Regulation and Art. 7 Rome II Regulation). It also considers the effects of plant permits and the role that emissions trading should play under Art. 17 Rome II Regulation.


S. Arnold: Artificial intelligence and party autonomy – legal capacity and capacity for choice of law in private international law

Artificial intelligence is already fundamentally shaping our lives. It also presents challenges for private international law. This essay aims to advance the debate about these challenges. The regulative advantages of party autonomy, i.e. efficiency, legal certainty and conflict of laws justice, can be productive in choice of law contracts involving artificial intelligence. In the case of merely automated systems, problems are relatively limited: the declarations of such systems can simply be attributed to their users. Existence, validity or voidability of choice of law clauses are determined by the chosen law in accordance with Art. 3(5), 10(1) Rome I Regulation. If, however, the choice of law is the result of an artificial “black box” decision, tricky problems arise: The attribution to the persons behind the machines might reach its limit, for such artificial decisions can neither be predicted nor explained causally in retrospect. This problem can be solved in different ways by the substantive law. Clearly, national contract laws will differ substantially in their solutions. Thus, it becomes a vital task for private international law to determine the law that is decisive for the question of attribution. According to one thesis of this article, two sub-questions arise: First, the question of legal capacity for artificial intelligence and second, its capacity for choice of law. The article discusses possible connecting factors for both sub-questions de lege lata and de lege ferenda. Furthermore, it considers the role of ordre public in the context of artificial choice of law decisions. The article argues that the ordre public is not necessarily violated if the applicable law answers the essential sub-questions (legal capacity and capacity for choice of law) differently than German law.


M. Sonnentag/J. Haselbeck: Divorce without the involvement of a court in Member States of the EU and the Brussels IIbis- and the Rome III-Regulation

In recent years some Member States of the European Union such as Italy, Spain, France, and Greece introduced the possibility of a divorce without the involvement of a court. The following article discusses the questions whether such divorces can be recognised according to Art. 21 Regulation No 2201/2003 (Brussels-IIbis), Art. 30 Regulation No 2019/1111 (Brussels-IIbis recast) and if they fall within the scope of the Regulation No 1259/2010 (Rome III).


W. Hau: Personal involvement as a prerequisite for European tort jurisdiction at the centre of the plaintiff’s interests

The case Mittelbayerischer Verlag KG v. SM gave the ECJ the opportunity to further develop its case law on the European forum delicti under Art. 7 No. 2 Brussels Ibis Regulation for actions for alleged infringements of personality rights on the internet. The starting point was the publication of an article on the homepage of a Bavarian newspaper, which misleadingly referred to “Polish extermination camps” (instead of “German extermination camps in occupied Poland”). Strangely enough, Polish law entitles every Polish citizen in such a case to invoke the “good reputation of Poland” as if it were his or her personal right. The ECJ draws a line here by requiring, as a precondition of Art. 7 No. 2, that the publication contains objective and verifiable elements which make it possible to individually identify, directly or indirectly, the person who wants to bring proceedings at the place of his or her centre of interest. While this approach allows for an appropriate solution to the case at hand, it leaves several follow-up questions open.


A. Hemler: Which point in time is relevant regarding the selection of a foreign forum by non-merchants according to § 38(2) German Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO)?

38(2) German Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO) permits the selection of a foreign forum only if at least one party does not have a place of general jurisdiction in Germany. In the case discussed, the defendant had general jurisdiction in Germany only when the claim was filed. However, there was no general jurisdiction in Germany when the choice of forum clause was agreed upon. The Landgericht (district court) Frankfurt a.M. therefore had to decide on the relevant point in time regarding § 38(2) ZPO. Given the systematic structure of § 38 ZPO and the law’s purpose of advancing international legal relations, the court argued in favour of the point in time in which the choice of forum clause was agreed upon. The author of the paper rejects the court’s view: He argues that the systematic concerns are less stringent on closer inspection. More important, however, is the fact that the law also calls for the protection of non-merchants. This can only be sufficiently achieved if the point in time in which the claim was filed is regarded as the crucial one.


D. Henrich: News on private divorces in and outside the EU

In two decisions the German Federal Court of Justice (“BGH”) had to deal with the recognition of private divorces (divorces without involvement of a state authority). In the first case (XII ZB 158/18) a couple of both Syrian and German nationality had been divorced in Syria by repudiation. While recognition of foreign public divorces (divorces by a state court or other state authority) is a question of procedure, private divorces are recognized if they are effective according to the applicable law, here the Rules of the Rome III Regulation (Article 17(1) Introductory Act to the Civil Code). Because the couple had no common ordinary residence, the Court applied Article 8 lit. c Rome III Regulation. German Law dominating, the Court denied recognition.

In the second case (XII ZB 187/20) the BGH made a reference for a preliminary ruling of the European Court of Justice regarding the recognition of a divorce in Italy in the register office in front of the registrar. The BGH follows the opinion that in such cases it is the consent of the parties that dissolves the marriage, the divorce being a private one. The BGH questions whether in spite of that the divorce could be recognized according to Sec. 21 Council Regulation (EC) No. 2201/2003 or, if not, according to Sec. 46 of the Council Regulation.


C. Budzikiewicz: On the classification of dowry agreements

Agreements on the payment of a bride’s dowry are a recurring topic in German courts. It usually becomes the subject of a legal dispute in connection with or after a divorce. This was also the case in the decision to be discussed here, in which the applicant demands that her divorced husband pay for the costs of a pilgrimage to Mecca. Since the case has an international connection due to the husband’s Libyan nationality, the Federal Supreme Court first addresses the controversial question of the characterization of dowry. However, since all connection options lead to German law in the present case, the Court ultimately refrains from deciding the question of characterization. It explains that the agreement on the payment of dowry is to be classified under German law as a sui generis family law contract, which requires notarization in order to be effective. The article critically examines the decision. In doing so, it addresses both the question of characterization of dowry and the need for form of agreements on the payment of dowry under German law.


E. Jayme/G. Liberati Buccianti: Private Divorces under Italian Law: Conflict of Laws

Divorce, under German law, is only permitted by a decision of a judge, even in cases where a foreign law is applicable which would allow a private divorce based on the agreement of the spouses. Italy, however, has introduced, in 2014, a divorce by private agreement in two procedures: the agreement of the spouses can be submitted to the public prosecutor who, in case he agrees, will send it to the civil registrar, or, secondly, by a direct application of the spouses to the civil registrar of the place where the marriage had been registered.

The article discusses the problems of private international law and international civil procedure, particularly in cases where Italian spouses living in Germany intend to reach a private divorce in Italy. The discussion includes same-sex-marriages of Italian spouses concluded in Germany which are permitted under German law, but not under Italian law, according to which only a “civil union” is possible. The Italian legislator has enacted (2017) a statute according to which the same-sex-marriage concluded by Italian citizens abroad will have the effects of a civil union under Italian law. The question arises of whether the Italian rules on terminating a civil union will have an effect on the spouses marriage concluded in Germany.

The article also discusses the validity of private divorces obtained in Third States which are not members of the European Union, particularly with regard to religious divorces by talaq expressed by the husband, and the problem whether such divorces are compatible with the principles of public policy. The authors mention also the specific problems of Italian law with regard to religious (catholic) marriages concluded and registered in Italy, where a divorce by Italian law is possible which, however, may be in conflict with a nullity judgment of the catholic church.


G. Mäsch/C. Wittebol: None of Our Concern? – A Group of Companies‘ Cross-border Environmental Liability Before Dutch Courts

The issue of cross-border corporate responsibility has been in the limelight of legal debate for some time. In its decision of 29 January 2021, the Court of Appeal of The Hague (partially) granted a liability claim against the parent company Royal Dutch Shell plc with central administration in The Hague for environmental damages caused by its Nigerian subsidiary. In particular, the Dutch court had to address the much-discussed question to what extent domestic parent companies are liable before domestic courts for environmental damage committed by their subsidiaries abroad, and whether domestic courts have international jurisdiction over the subsidiary. With this precedent, the number of cross-border human rights and environmental claims is likely to rise in the near future.


H. Jacobs: Article 4(2) and (3) Rome II Regulation in a case involving multiple potential tortfeasors

In Owen v Galgey, the High Court of England and Wales engaged in a choice of law analysis in a case involving multiple potential tortfeasors. The claimant, a British citizen habitually resident in England, was injured in France when he fell into an empty swimming pool. In the proceedings before the High Court, he claimed damages from, inter alia, the owner of the holiday home and his wife, both British citizens habitually resident in England, and from a French contractor who was carrying out renovation works on the swimming pool at the material time. The judgment is concerned with the applicability of Article 4(2) Rome II Regulation in multi-party tort cases and the operation of the escape clause in Article 4(3) Rome II Regulation. While the High Court’s view that Article 4(2) requires a separate consideration of each pair of claimants and defendants is convincing, it is submitted that the court should have given greater weight to the parties’ common habitual residence when applying Article 4(3).

Leandro on Asset Tracing and Recovery in European Cross-border Insolvency Proceedings

EAPIL blog - mar, 01/04/2022 - 08:00

Antonio Leandro (University of Bari) has posted Asset Tracing and Recovery in European Cross-border Insolvency Proceedings on SSRN.

Tracing and recovering assets amount to crucial means to preserve the estate in insolvency proceedings. The proceedings’ outcome may depend on a successful liquidation, which, in turn, can succeed insofar as the concerned assets are traced and recovered smoothly. Besides, insolvency-related disputes, such as the avoidance disputes, may benefit from instruments that help find debtor’ assets or recover payments.

Cross-border insolvency proceedings exhibit peculiar features in this respect because of the debtor’s assets and affairs being in touch with different States. Multiple laws and jurisdictions, with differing or even divergent underlying legal traditions, may in fact be concerned with tracing and recovery.

Moreover, tracing and recovery may affect individuals (e.g., debtors, directors, shareholders, secured creditors, third parties) whose interests clash with those of insolvency proceedings, especially that of satisfying creditors through the proceeds of liquidated assets. If such persons have connections (e.g., citizenship, seat, habitual residence, domicile, as well as affairs, rights, obligations, etc.) with different States, including other States than that in which the assets are located, the cross-border context gets wider.

Against this backdrop, intermingled problems of private international law arise, including assessing the courts having jurisdiction to issue tracing or recovering measures, the authorities that may apply and take action, the law governing the measures and the enforcement thereof, the recognition of foreign tools aimed at detecting and recovering the assets. All these problems lie on a terrain where issues of characterization, state sovereignty and cooperation between foreign authorities are interwoven.
The paper intends to explain how to melt this skein within the EU civil judicial space.

CJEU (Grand Chamber) on Article 7(2) Brussels I bis (2021)

European Civil Justice - mar, 01/04/2022 - 00:50

The CJEU (Grand Chamber) delivered on 21 December 2021 its judgment in case C‑251/20 (Gtflix Tv), which is about Brussels I bis:

« Article 7(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 […] must be interpreted as meaning that a person who, considering that his or her rights have been infringed by the dissemination of disparaging comments concerning him or her on the internet, seeks not only the rectification of the information and the removal of the content placed online concerning him or her but also compensation for the damage resulting from that placement may claim, before the courts of each Member State in which those comments are or were accessible, compensation for the damage suffered in the Member State of the court seised, even though those courts do not have jurisdiction to rule on the application for rectification and removal ».


Earlier on, on 16 September 2021, AG Hogan had suggested: “Article 7(2) of Regulation No 1215/2012 […] must be interpreted as meaning that a claimant who relies on an act of unfair competition consisting in the dissemination of disparaging statements on the internet and who seeks both the rectification of the data and the deletion of certain content and compensation for the non-material and economic damage resulting therefrom, may bring an action or claim before the courts of each Member State in the territory of which content published online is or was accessible, for compensation only for the damage caused in the territory of that Member State. In order, however, for those courts to have the requisite jurisdiction it is necessary that the claimant can demonstrate that it has an appreciable number of consumers in that jurisdiction who are likely to have access to and have understood the publication in question” (

CJEU (Grand Chamber) on Regulation No 2271/96 (2021)

European Civil Justice - mar, 01/04/2022 - 00:43

The CJEU (Grand Chamber) delivered on 21 December 2021 its judgment in case C‑124/20 (Bank Melli Iran v Telekom Deutschland GmbH), which is about Regulation (EC) No 2271/96 (Protection against the effects of the extraterritorial application of legislation adopted by a third country):

« 1. The first paragraph of Article 5 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2271/96 of 22 November 1996 […] must be interpreted as prohibiting persons referred to in Article 11 of Regulation No 2271/96, as amended, from complying with the requirements or prohibitions laid down in the laws specified in the annex to that regulation, even in the absence of an order directing compliance issued by the administrative or judicial authorities of the third countries which adopted those laws.

2. The first paragraph of Article 5 of Regulation No 2271/96, as amended by Regulation No 37/2014 and Delegated Regulation 2018/1100, must be interpreted as not precluding a person referred to in Article 11 of that regulation, as amended, who does not have an authorisation within the meaning of the second paragraph of Article 5 of that regulation, as amended, from terminating contracts concluded with a person on the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List, without providing reasons for that termination. Nevertheless, the first paragraph of Article 5 of the same regulation, as amended, requires that, in civil proceedings relating to the alleged infringement of the prohibition laid down in that provision, where all the evidence available to the national court suggests prima facie that a person referred to in Article 11 of Regulation No 2271/96, as amended, complied with the laws specified in the annex to that regulation, as amended, without having an authorisation in that respect, it is for that same person to establish to the requisite legal standard that his or her conduct was not intended to comply with those laws.

3. Regulation No 2271/96, as amended by Regulation No 37/2014 and Delegated Regulation 2018/1100, in particular Articles 5 and 9 thereof, read in the light of Article 16 and Article 52(1) of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, must be interpreted as not precluding the annulment of the termination of contracts effected by a person referred to in Article 11 of that regulation, as amended, in order to comply with the requirements or prohibitions based on the laws specified in the annex to that regulation, as amended, even though that person does not have an authorisation, within the meaning of the second paragraph of Article 5 of the same regulation, as amended, provided that that annulment does not entail disproportionate effects for that person having regard to the objectives of Regulation No 2271/96, as amended, consisting in the protection of the established legal order and the interests of the European Union in general. In that assessment of proportionality, it is necessary to weigh in the balance the pursuit of those objectives served by the annulment of the termination of a contract effected in breach of the prohibition laid down in the first paragraph of Article 5 of that regulation, as amended, and the probability that the person concerned may be exposed to economic loss, as well as the extent of that loss, if that person cannot terminate his or her commercial relationship with a person included in the list of persons covered by the secondary sanctions at issue resulting from the laws specified in the annex to that regulation, as amended ».


AG Pikamae on Articles 45, 46 and 53 Brussels I bis (2021)

European Civil Justice - mar, 01/04/2022 - 00:36

AG Pikamae delivered on 16 December 2021 his opinion in case C‑568/20 (J), which is about the incorrect use of Brussels I bis by the court of origin. The opinion is currently available in all EU official languages (save Irish), albeit not in English. Here is the French version (to check whether an English translation has finally been made available, just click on the link below and change the language version).

Question : « À la suite de la délivrance, par la juridiction de l’État membre d’origine, du certificat prévu à l’article 53 du règlement (UE) no 1215/2012 (2), attestant du caractère exécutoire de la décision rendue et de l’applicabilité de ce règlement, la juridiction de l’État membre requis, saisie d’une demande de refus d’exécution de cette décision par la personne contre laquelle l’exécution est sollicitée, peut-elle y faire droit au motif d’une appréciation erronée quant au caractère applicable dudit règlement, dans la mesure où la procédure suivie devant la juridiction de l’État membre d’origine visait à déclarer exécutoires des jugements rendus dans un État tiers ? ».

Suggested response : «  Les articles 45 et 46 du règlement (UE) no 1215/2012 du Parlement européen et du Conseil, du 12 décembre 2012 […] doivent être interprétés en ce sens que la juridiction de l’État membre requis, saisie d’une demande de refus d’exécution, peut y faire droit au motif que la décision et le certificat, prévu à l’article 53 de ce règlement, adoptés par la juridiction de l’État membre d’origine violent l’ordre public de l’État membre requis dès lors que l’erreur de droit invoquée constitue une violation manifeste d’une règle de droit considérée comme étant essentielle dans l’ordre juridique de l’Union et donc dans celui de cet État. Tel est le cas d’une erreur affectant l’application de l’article 2, sous a), et de l’article 39 dudit règlement exigeant que la décision dont l’exécution est demandée soit rendue dans un État membre.
Lorsqu’il vérifie l’existence éventuelle d’une violation manifeste de l’ordre public de l’État requis, du fait de la méconnaissance d’une règle de fond ou de forme du droit de l’Union, le juge de cet État doit tenir compte du fait que, sauf circonstances particulières rendant trop difficile ou impossible l’exercice des voies de recours dans l’État membre d’origine, les justiciables doivent faire usage dans cet État membre de toutes les voies de recours disponibles afin de prévenir en amont une telle violation ».


CJEU on Article 13 Brussels I bis (2021)

European Civil Justice - mar, 01/04/2022 - 00:29

The Court of Justice delivered on 9 December 2021 its judgment in case C‑708/20 (BT v Seguros Catalana Occidente, EB), which is about Article 13 Brussels I bis:

« Article 13(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 […] must be interpreted as meaning that, in the event of a direct action brought by the injured person against an insurer in accordance with Article 13(2) thereof, the court of the Member State in which that person is domiciled cannot also assume jurisdiction, on the basis of Article 13(3) thereof, to rule on a claim for compensation brought at the same time by that person against the policyholder or the insured who is domiciled in another Member State and who has not been challenged by the insurer ».


CJEU on Articles 22(5) and 5(3) Brussels I (2021)

European Civil Justice - mar, 01/04/2022 - 00:21

The Court of Justice delivered on 9 December 2021 its judgment in case C‑242/20 (Hrvatske Sume), which is about Brussels I.

Context: “proceedings between, on the one hand, HRVATSKE ŠUME d.o.o., Zagreb, a company established in Croatia, successor in title to HRVATSKE ŠUME javno poduzeće za gospodarenje šumama i šumskim zemljištima u Republici Hrvatskoj p.o., Zagreb, and, on the other, BP Europa SE Hamburg, a company established in Germany, successor in title to Deutsche BP AG, in turn successor in title to The Burmah Oil (Deutschland) GmbH, concerning the recovery, on the basis of unjust enrichment, of an amount unduly paid in enforcement proceedings which were subsequently declared invalid”.

Decision: « 1. Article 22(5) of Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters must be interpreted as meaning that an action for restitution based on unjust enrichment does not come within the exclusive jurisdiction provided for by that provision, even though it was brought on account of the expiry of the time limit within which restitution of sums unduly paid in enforcement proceedings may be claimed in the context of the same enforcement proceedings.

2. Article 5(3) of Regulation No 44/2001 must be interpreted as meaning that an action for restitution based on unjust enrichment does not fall within the scope of the ground of jurisdiction laid down in that provision ».

Note paragraph 36 : « In the absence of any application for enforcement, an action for restitution based on unjust enrichment does not come within the scope of Article 22(5) of Regulation No 44/2001 ».


AG Saugmandsgaard Oe had previously, on 9 September 2021, delivered the following opinion: « Article 5(1) and Article 5(3) of Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 [..] must be interpreted as meaning that a claim for restitution based on unjust enrichment:
– is not a matter ‘relating to a contract’ within the meaning of the former provision, except where it is closely linked to a prior contractual relationship existing, or deemed to exist, between the parties to the dispute; and
– is not a matter ‘relating to tort, delict or quasi-delict’ within the meaning of the latter provision » (

AG Campos Sanchez-Bordona on Article 10 Succession Regulation (2021)

European Civil Justice - mar, 01/04/2022 - 00:17

AG Campos Sanchez-Bordona delivered on 2 December 2021 his opinion in case C‑645/20 (V A), which is about the Succession Regulation.

Context: “1. The Cour de cassation (Court of Cassation, France) asks the Court of Justice whether the authorities of a Member State (2) in which the deceased has assets must establish of their own motion their jurisdiction to rule on the succession as a whole under Article 10 of Regulation No 650/2012.

2. The uncertainty has arisen in the course of a dispute over succession rights between the children of a deceased French citizen whose last habitual residence in France is contested, on the one hand, and the person who was the deceased’s wife (but not the mother of his children) at the time of his death, on the other.

3. None of the parties disputes the nationality of the deceased at the time of his death, or that he was the owner of a property situated in France. The disagreement lies only in where he was habitually resident when he died

4. At first instance, a French court declared that it had jurisdiction to hear and determine the claim brought by the deceased’s children, who had applied for the appointment of an administrator for the estate.

5. On appeal, however, the relevant court held that the French judicial authorities lacked jurisdiction over the succession as a whole, as the deceased’s last place of residence had been in the United Kingdom.

6. On appeal in cassation, the appellants claim that, in any event, the French courts should have declared that they had jurisdiction on their own initiative, which is the issue that forms the subject of the referring court’s question”.

Suggested response: “Article 10(1)(a) of Regulation (EU) No 650/2012 […] must be interpreted as meaning that, in the case where the deceased did not have his last habitual residence in any Member State of the European Union, the court of a Member State in which a dispute in a matter of succession has arisen must declare of its own motion that it has jurisdiction to settle the succession as a whole if, in the light of facts alleged by the parties which are not in dispute, the deceased was a national of that State at the time of his death and was the owner of assets located there”.


CJEU on Article 3 Brussels II bis (2021)

European Civil Justice - mar, 01/04/2022 - 00:12

On 25 November 2021, the CJEU delivered its judgment in case C‑289/20 (IB v FA), which is about Article 3 Brussels II bis.

Decision: “Article 3(1)(a) of Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 […] must be interpreted as meaning that a spouse who divides his or her time between two Member States may have his or her habitual residence in only one of those Member States, with the result that only the courts of the Member State in which that habitual residence is situated have jurisdiction to rule on the application for the dissolution of matrimonial ties”.

Note: the Court has clearly indicated, in the preceding paragraphs, the particular State it believes the spouse to be resident in (subject to the national court’s assessment):

“59 In the present case, as is apparent from the documents before the Court, it is common ground that IB, a national of the Member State of the national court seised, satisfied the condition – laid down in the sixth indent of Article 3(1)(a) of Regulation No 2201/2003 – of having resided in that Member State for at least six months immediately before lodging his application for the dissolution of matrimonial ties. It is also established that, since May 2017, IB has been carrying out, on a stable and permanent basis, a professional activity of indefinite duration in France during the week, and that he stays in an apartment there for the purposes of that professional activity.

60 That evidence indicates that IB’s stay in the territory of that Member State is stable and also shows, at the very least, IB’s integration into a social and cultural environment within that Member State”.


CJEU on Article 32 Insolvency Regulation (2021)

European Civil Justice - mar, 01/04/2022 - 00:07

On 25 November 2021, the CJEU delivered its judgment in case C‑25/20 (NK, acting as liquidator in the insolvency of Alpine BAU GmbH) :

« Article 32(2) of Council Regulation (EC) 1346/2000 […], read in conjunction with Articles 4 and 28 of that regulation, must be interpreted as meaning that the lodging, in secondary insolvency proceedings, of claims already submitted in the main insolvency proceedings by the liquidator in those proceedings is subject to the provisions relating to time limits for the lodging of claims and to the consequences of lodging such claims out of time, laid down by the law of the State of the opening of those secondary proceedings ».


AG Campos Sanchez-Bordona on Articles 1, 4-1 and 4-3 Rome II (2021)

European Civil Justice - mar, 01/04/2022 - 00:03

AG Campos Sanchez-Bordona delivered on 28 October 2021 his opinion in case C‑498/20 (ZK). The opinion is currently available in all EU official languages (save Irish), albeit not in English. Here is the French version (to check whether an English translation has finally been made available, just click on the link below and change the language version).

Suggested decision: “1) L’article 1er, paragraphe 2, sous d), du règlement (CE) no 864/2007 […] doit être interprété en ce sens qu’il exclut de son champ d’application les obligations non contractuelles résultant d’un manquement au devoir de diligence des associés ou des organes lorsque la loi rend ceux-ci responsables d’un tel manquement à l’égard des tiers pour des raisons propres au droit des sociétés. La responsabilité découlant de la violation du devoir général de diligence n’est pas exclue du champ d’application du règlement.

2) L’article 4, paragraphe 1, du règlement Rome II doit être interprété en ce sens que “le lieu où le dommage survient” est le lieu où est établie la société, lorsque le préjudice subi par ses créanciers est la conséquence médiate de pertes économiques subies en premier lieu par la société elle-même. La circonstance que les actions soient exercées par un curateur, au titre de sa mission légale de liquidation de la masse active, ou par une personne assurant la défense collective d’intérêts pour le compte de (mais, non pas, au nom de) l’ensemble des créanciers est sans incidence sur la détermination de ce lieu. Le fait que le domicile de certains créanciers soit situé en dehors de l’Union européenne n’est pas davantage pertinent.

3) L’article 4, paragraphe 3, du règlement Rome II doit être interprété en ce sens qu’une relation préexistante entre l’auteur d’un dommage et la victime directe (telle que, par exemple, une convention de financement, pour laquelle les parties ont choisi la loi applicable) est un élément qui doit être mis en balance avec les autres circonstances afin d’établir s’il existe un lien manifestement plus étroit entre le fait dommageable et un pays déterminé qu’entre ce même fait et le pays dont la loi serait applicable en vertu de l’article 4, paragraphes 1 ou 2, dudit règlement”.


Sur l’imputabilité à l’entreprise d’une pratique d’obstruction à opération d’enquête diligentée par l’Autorité de la concurrence

L’obstruction à opération d’enquête visée à l’article L. 464-2, V, du code de commerce est, selon la Cour de cassation, une violation des règles procédurales du droit de la concurrence susceptible d’être imputée à une entreprise conformément à la jurisprudence dégagée en matière de violation des règles substantielles.

Sur la boutique Dalloz Code de commerce 2022, annoté Droit de la concurrence interne et européen Droit de la concurrence Voir la boutique Dalloz

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Catégories: Flux français

AG Szpunar on Brussels I bis, Rome II and Regulation 6/2002 (2021)

European Civil Justice - lun, 01/03/2022 - 23:52

AG Szpunar delivered on 28 October 2021 his opinion in case C‑421/20 (Acacia Srl v BMW AG). The opinion is currently available in all EU official languages (save Irish), albeit not in English. Here is the French version (to check whether an English translation has finally been made available, just click on the link below and change the language version). The issue requires a clarification of the articulation between the 3 Regulations: “1. Le noyau dur du droit international privé de l’Union est composé des règles de compétence et des règles de conflit figurant, respectivement, dans le règlement (UE) no 1215/2012et les deux règlements jumeaux sur la loi applicable aux obligations contractuelles et non contractuelles, à savoir les règlements (CE) nos 593/2008 et 864/2007.

2. Ces règlements ont des champs d’application particulièrement larges. Cela étant, l’application des règles de compétence du règlement no 1215/2012 requiert l’existence d’un élément d’extranéité qui se traduit par le caractère international du rapport juridique en cause découlant de l’implication de plusieurs États. Pareillement, les règles de conflit des règlements Rome I et Rome II s’appliquent dans les situations comportant un conflit de lois.

3. Par ailleurs, sans préjudice de ces exigences relatives à l’existence d’un élément d’extranéité, les règlements no 1215/2012 et Rome II prévoient des exceptions en faveur des dispositions particulières du droit de l’Union en donnant une priorité, notamment, à celles du règlement (CE) no 6/2002.

4. Le présent renvoi préjudiciel donne à la Cour l’occasion de clarifier l’articulation entre ces trois règlements en ce qui concerne les situations visées à l’article 82, paragraphe 5, du règlement no 6/2002, à savoir celles dans lesquelles une action en contrefaçon est portée devant les tribunaux de l’État membre sur le territoire duquel le fait de contrefaçon a été commis ou menace d’être commis”.

Suggested decision: “1) L’article 1er, paragraphe 1, du règlement (CE) no 864/2007 […] et l’article 88, paragraphe 2, et l’article 89, paragraphe 1, sous d), du règlement (CE) no 6/2002 du Conseil, du 12 décembre 2001, sur les dessins ou modèles communautaires doivent être interprétés en ce sens que, lorsqu’un tribunal d’un État membre est saisi au titre de l’article 82, paragraphe 5, de ce dernier règlement d’une action en contrefaçon d’un titulaire établi dans cet État membre contre un auteur de contrefaçon établi dans un autre État membre, qui vise la proposition à la vente et la mise sur le marché de ce premier État membre des produits en cause, il s’agit d’une situation comportant un conflit de lois au sens de l’article 1er, paragraphe 1, du règlement no 864/2007 et, en conséquence, l’article 8, paragraphe 2, de ce règlement désigne la loi applicable aux demandes annexes visant le territoire de cet État membre.

2) L’article 8, paragraphe 2, du règlement no 864/2007 doit être interprété en ce sens que, en ce qui concerne la détermination de la loi applicable aux demandes annexes à cette action en contrefaçon, la notion de « pays dans lequel il a été porté atteinte à ce droit », au sens de cette disposition, vise le pays du lieu où l’acte de contrefaçon initial, qui est à l’origine du comportement reproché, a été commis”.


Stewart and Bowker: Ristau’s International Judicial Assistance – Second Edition

Conflictoflaws - lun, 01/03/2022 - 18:29

David P. Stewart and David W. Bowker, Ristau’s International Judicial Assistance – A Practitioner’s Guide to International Civil and Commercial Litigation, Oxford University Press (second edition, 2021).

This welcome and comprehensive addition to the area of cross-border dispute resolution and civil procedure in civil and commercial matters was just published and marks the beginning of the New Year under the very best auspices!

The blurb on the publisher’s website reads:

‘Legal practitioners of today are dealing with cross-border disputes in civil and commercial matters in an increasingly complex transnational legal environment. This edition of Bruno Ristau’s multi-volume work International Judicial Assistance brings these complexities to the fore. The revised and updated material offers background, explanations, and practical advice on how to deal with the most important challenges and recent developments in the field of transnational litigation, including issues related to the choice of forum, choice of law, service of process, proof of foreign law, discovery of evidence, and enforcement of judgments.

Written by David P. Stewart and David W. Bowker, internationally renowned experts in public and private international law, this book offers insightful and comprehensive information on cross-border litigation by addressing issues in sequence as they are likely to be encountered in practice. A major focus is the mechanisms for international judicial cooperation and assistance, in particular those provided by regional and international arrangements such as the Hague Conventions on Service, Evidence and Apostilles, choice of court agreements, and the enforcement of judgments, as well as regional arrangements within the OAS and the EU. This book is a necessary addition for litigators in the U.S. and other common law jurisdictions who are involved in cross border disputes.’

January 2022 at the Court of Justice of the European Union

EAPIL blog - lun, 01/03/2022 - 08:00

After the Christmas break the Court of Justice takes up again its public activity. Regarding judicial cooperation on civil matters, the first event in January 2022 is the hearing in case C-18/21, Uniqa Versicherungen, scheduled for Wednesday 19.

The request for a preliminary ruling comes from the Oberster Gerichtshof (Austria). It focuses on the impact of COVID-19 on procedural periods in civil proceedings in the context of Regulation (EC) No 1896/2006 creating a European order for payment procedure (here the consolidated text).

In the case at hand, the District Court for Commercial Matters of Vienna had issued a European order for payment on 6 March 2020, which was served on the defendant, a resident in the Federal Republic of Germany, on 4 April 2020. The latter lodged a statement of opposition thereto in a written submission posted on 18 May 2020. The court of first instance rejected the opposition on the ground that the objection had not been filed within the 30-day period foreseen in Article 16(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1896/2006.

The Commercial Court of Vienna, ruling on the appeal on the merits, set that order aside holding that the period for lodging a statement of opposition under Article 16(2) had been interrupted pursuant to the Federal Law on accompanying measures for COVID-19 in the administration of justice. According to that law, all procedural periods in judicial proceedings that had started to run on 22 March 2020 or thereafter, up until the end of 30 April 2020, are to be interrupted and are to begin to run anew on 1 May 2020. The applicant’s appeal on a point of law is directed against that decision, and seeks to have the order of the court of first instance restored.

The Austrian Supreme Court has referred the following question to the Court of justice:

Are Articles 20 and 26 of Regulation (EC) No 1896/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 creating a European order for payment procedure to be interpreted as meaning that those provisions preclude an interruption of the 30-day period for lodging a statement of opposition to a European order for payment, as provided for in Article 16(2) of that regulation, by Paragraph 1(1) of the Austrian Bundesgesetz betreffend Begleitmaßnahmen zu COVID-19 in der Justiz (Federal Law on accompanying measures for COVID-19 in the administration of justice), pursuant to which all procedural periods in proceedings in civil cases for which the event triggering the period occurs after 21 March 2020 or which have not yet expired by that date are to be interrupted until the end of 30 April 2020 and are to begin to run anew from 1 May 2020?

K. Jürimäe is the reporting judge in a chamber composed, in addition, by N. Jääskinen, M. Safjan, N. Piçarra and M. Gavalec. Advocate General A. Collins will announce the date of his opinion after the hearing. For the record: the Court has interpreted Articles 16, 20 and 26 of the Regulation already several times, see case C-324/12, joined cases C‑119/13 and C‑120/13, C-94/14, C-245/14, C-21/17.

Advocate General Szpunar‘s Opinion in case C-617/20, T.N. and N.N., will be published the next day (that is, on Thursday 20). The questions have been referred by the Hanseatisches Oberlandesgericht in Bremen (Germany), in the context of an intestate succession, and relate to the interpretation of Articles 13 and 28 of the EU Succession Regulation:

(1) Does a declaration concerning the waiver of succession by an heir before the court of a Member State that has jurisdiction for the place of his or her habitual residence, which complies with the formal requirements applicable there, replace the declaration concerning the waiver of succession to be made before the court of another Member State that has jurisdiction to rule on the succession, in such a way that when that declaration is made, it is deemed to have been validly made (substitution)?

(2) If Question 1 is to be answered in the negative:

In addition to making a declaration before the court that has jurisdiction for the place of habitual residence of the party waiving succession which complies with all formal requirements, is it necessary, in order for the declaration concerning the waiver of succession to be valid, that the latter inform the court that has jurisdiction to rule on the succession that the declaration concerning the waiver of succession has been made?

(3) If Question 1 is to be answered in the negative and Question 2 in the affirmative:

a. Is it necessary that the court that has jurisdiction to rule on the succession be addressed in the official language of the location of that court in order for the declaration concerning the waiver of succession to be valid and, in particular, in order to comply with the time limits applicable for making such declarations before that court?

b. Is it necessary that the court that has jurisdiction to rule on the succession receive the original documents drawn up in relation to the waiver by the court that has jurisdiction for the place of habitual residence of the party waiving succession and a translation thereof in order for the declaration concerning the waiver of succession to be valid and, in particular, in order to comply with the time limits applicable for making such declarations before the court that has jurisdiction to rule on the succession?

The judgment will be handed down by judges E. Regan, I. Jarukaitis, M. Ilešič (reporting), D. Gratsias, and Z. Csehi.

Finally, another hearing of interest will be taking place at the very end of the month, on Monday 31. C-700/20, London Steam-Ship Owners’ Mutual Insurance Association, is a Grand Chamber case (K. Lenaerts, L. Bay Larsen, K. Jürimäe, C. Lycourgos, E. Regan, I. Jarukaitis, N. Jääskinen, M. Ilešič, J.C. Bonichot, A. Kumin, L. Arastey Sahún, M. Gavalec, Z. Csehi, O. Spineau-Matei, and M. Safjan as reporting judge), to be decided with the benefit of Advocate General A. Collin’s opinion. The request, from the High Court – Business and Property Courts of England and Wales Commercial Court, was lodged on 22 December 2020. The questions referred arose in the context of an appeal by The London Steam-Ship Owners’ Mutual Insurance Association Limited (the “Club”), pursuant to Article 43 of Regulation (EC) No 44/2001, against a registration order made by the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court of Justice of England and Wales pursuant to Article 33 of the same regulation. The registered judgment that is the subject of the registration order is an auto de ejecución (execution order) of the Provincial Court of La Coruña, Spain, delivered following the proceedings related to the sinking of the Prestige (the “Vessel”) at the coast of Spain in November 2002. The Vessel was carrying 70,000 MT of fuel oil at the time she sank causing significant pollution damage to the Spanish and French coastlines. The execution order declares the Club liable in respect of 265 claimants, including the Kingdom of Spain in the sum of € 2.355 billion. Spain applied to register the Spanish judgment against the Club in England. The Club was the Protection & Indemnity (“P&I”) insurer of the Vessel and its owners (the “Owners”) at the time the Vessel sank, pursuant to a contract of insurance where an arbitration clause was included.

The background of the dispute can be summarized as follows:

In late 2002, criminal proceedings relating to the loss of the Vessel were commenced in Spain; civil claims were brought in those proceeding. On 13 November 2013, the Provincial Court of La Coruña handed down a judgment which was confirmed after first and second appeals. On 15 November 2017, the Provincial Court delivered a judgment on quantum concluding that the Club (and others) was liable to over 200 separate parties, including the Kingdom of Spain, in sums in excess of € 1.6 billion as a result of the casualty, subject in the case of the Club to the global US$ 1 billion limit of liability. On 1 March 2019, the Provincial Court issued an execution order (the Spanish judgment referred to above) setting out the amounts that each of the claimants were entitled to enforce against the respective defendants.

In January 2012, the Club had commenced London arbitration proceedings seeking declarations that, pursuant to the arbitration agreement in the contract of insurance, Spain was bound to pursue its claims under Article 117 of the Spanish Penal Code in London arbitration. The arbitral tribunal found that, as a matter of English law, although Spain was not a contractual party to the arbitration agreement in the Contract of Insurance, according to English equitable principles Spain could not be a “beneficiary” of the Owners’ contractual rights without respecting the “burden” of the arbitration agreement. The award declared as well that the Club was not liable to Spain.

In March 2013, the Club applied to the Commercial Court of the High Court of Justice of England and Wales for “leave” (permission) to enforce the Award in the jurisdiction. The application was granted on October 2013.

On 25 March 2019, Spain applied to the High Court of Justice in England and Wales for the registration of the Spanish judgment as a judgment of the High Court pursuant to Article 33 of Regulation Brussels I. The application was successful. One month later the Club lodged an appeal under Article 43 of Regulation No. 44/2001 against the Registration Order based on Article 34(3) and Article 34(4) of the same instrument.

In this context, the High Court is referring the following questions to the Court of Justice:

(1) Given the nature of the issues which the national court is required to determine in deciding whether to enter judgment in the terms of an award under Section 66 of the Arbitration Act 1996, is a judgment granted pursuant to that provision capable of constituting a relevant “judgment” of the Member State in which recognition is sought for the purposes of Article 34(3) of EC Regulation No 44/2001?

(2) Given that a judgment entered in the terms of an award, such as a judgment under Section 66 of the Arbitration Act 1996, is a judgment falling outside the material scope of Regulation No 44/2001 by reason of the Article l(2)(d) arbitration exception, is such a judgment capable of constituting a relevant “judgment” of the Member State in which recognition is sought for the purposes of Article 34(3) of the Regulation?

(3) On the hypothesis that Article 34(3) of Regulation No 44/2001 does not apply, if recognition and enforcement of a judgment of another Member State would be contrary to domestic public policy on the grounds that it would violate the principle of res judicata by reason of a prior domestic arbitration award or a prior judgment entered in the terms of the award granted by the court of the Member State in which recognition is sought, is it permissible to rely on Article 34(1) of Regulation No 44/2001 as a ground of refusing recognition or enforcement or do Articles 34(3) and (4) of the Regulation provide the exhaustive grounds by which res judicata and/or irreconcilability can prevent recognition and enforcement of a Regulation judgment?

Arrêt [I]Jarrand c. France[/I] : pas d’audition libre s’il y a eu contrainte

L’audition libre réalisée après l’arrestation d’un suspect n’est pas conforme à l’article 5 dès lors qu’elle ne permettait pas de bénéficier des garanties attachées à une privation de liberté selon les voies légales. Le droit au respect du domicile n’interdit pas l’interpellation d’un individu chez lui sans son consentement en ce que cette atteinte est prévue par la loi, poursuit un but légitime et est nécessaire.

Sur la boutique Dalloz Code de procédure pénale 2022, annoté Procédure pénale Procédure pénale Droit pénal. Procédure pénale 2022 Voir la boutique Dalloz

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Virtual workshop on ‘Smart Court in Cross-Border Litigation’

Conflictoflaws - sam, 01/01/2022 - 10:43

Max Planck Institute  invites you on Tuesday, 4 January 2022 at 11 am (CET) to a virtual workshop in our series “Current Research in Private International Law”.


Zheng Sophia Tang (Wuhan University) will be speaking on “Smart Court in Cross-Border Litigation”. 


About the speaker:

Zheng (Sophia) Tang is a professor at the Wuhan University Institute of International Law, an Associate Dean at the Wuhan University Academy of International Law and Global Governance (China Top Thinktank). She is a barrister, an arbitrator and a mediator. 


About the topic:

Smart courts integrate modern technology in the court proceedings to improve the efficiency of trial. It can particularly benefit cross-border litigation, which is remarked by the cost and inconvenience for a party to take part in proceedings abroad. However, the current construction of smart courts primarily focuses on domestic trials and leaves the cross-border litigation behind. Although technology can improve procedural efficiency, legal obstacles in cross-border litigation make the efficiency impossible to achieve. Identity verification, service of proceedings, evidence and hearing are four examples demonstrating how the current law, especially the old-fashioned concept of sovereignty, hampers the functioning of smart courts in cross-border litigation. In order to fully embrace the benefit of smart courts, the concept of judicial sovereignty needs to be reconceptualised in the age of technology.


About the virtual workshop series:

The virtual workshop series “Current Research in Private International Law” is organised by Prof. Dr. Ralf Michaels and Michael Cremer. The series features guest speakers and Institute staff members who present and discuss their work on current developments and research topics in private international law. The workshops are geared to scholars who are researching in the field of private international law, but attendance is open to all individuals having an academic interest (including doctoral candidates and students).


The virtual workshop will be held as a video conference via Zoom. After having registered no later than 3 January 2022 using this LINK you will receive the login details on Monday afternoon. Please confirm upon registration that you agree to the use of Zoom and that you will not record the event. By attending the event you confirm that you have read and agreed to Zoom’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. You will find them here and here.

HCCH Monthly Update: December 2021

Conflictoflaws - ven, 12/31/2021 - 18:00

Meetings & Events

On 1 December 2021, the HCCH hosted HCCH a|Bridged – Edition 2021, an online event focused on contemporary issues relating to the application of the HCCH 2005 Choice of Court Convention, including the promotion of party autonomy. More information is available here.

On 6 and 7 December 2021, the HCCH Administrative Cooperation Working Group on the 2007 Child Support Convention met via videoconference. The Group continued its work as a forum for discussion of issues pertaining to administrative cooperation, discussing in particular the collection of statistics under the Convention. More information is available here.

On 10 December 2021, the HCCH hosted a virtual seminar on the HCCH 2005 Choice of Court Convention and the HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention for the Supreme Court of Ukraine. This was the third of a series of seminars, organised with the generous support of the EU Project Pravo-Justice, aimed at facilitating the proper and effective implementation of the HCCH Conventions and instruments in Ukraine.

Publications and Documentation

On 9 December 2021, the Permanent Bureau announced the publication of translations, in Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish, of the Legal Guide to Uniform Instruments in the Area of International Commercial Contracts, with a Focus on Sales. With these new translations, the Legal Guide is now available in all UN languages. More information is available here.

On 14 December 2021, the Permanent Bureau announced the publication of 21 new translations of the Guide to Good Practice on the Use of Video-Link under the Evidence Convention. With these new translations, the Guide to Good Practice is now available in 23 European Union languages. More information is available here.


Applications are now open for the 2022 Peter Nygh Hague Conference Internship. The deadline for the submission of applications is 30 January 2022. More information is available here.


These monthly updates are published by the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH), providing an overview of the latest developments. More information and materials are available on the HCCH website.


2021 at the EAPIL Blog

EAPIL blog - mer, 12/29/2021 - 15:00

It’s been another busy year for the EAPIL blog. The 310 posts we have published in 2021 have attracted about 180.000 visits and some 190 comments.

Interactions on social media have been on the rise, too. We witnessed an increase in the number of followers on LinkedIn (they are more than 900 now), and in the intensity of their reactions. Meanwhile, the number of those following our Twitter account (@eapilorg) has reached 400: we are glad to see that our tweets are often retweeted and quote tweeted. Thank you!

Unsurprisingly, the impact of Brexit on existing instruments in the field of private international law ranked among the key topics of the year. Actually, one post of out ten, among those published in 2021 on the EAPIL blog, referred to Brexit in one way or another.

The case law of the Court of Justice relating to judicial cooperation in civil matters also attracted a consistent flow of visits, and so did Marta Requejo’s monthly posts on the upcoming Court’s judgments and the scheduled conclusions of the AGs.

The developments in domestic case law also proved to be of particular interest to our readers. Gilles Cuniberti’s post on a ruling of the French Supreme Court redefining territoriality of enforcement was the single most commented post of the year, with Gilles’ later post on the judgment of the UK Supreme Court in FS Cairo v Brownlie, on tort jurisdiction, ranking second in terms of comments.

Here are the blog’s five posts of the year, based on the number of visits received:

  1. Brexit and the Brussels Convention: It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue? by Matthias Lehmann, published on 12 February 2021, part of an on-line symposium on the Fate of the 1968 Brussels Convention which attracted contributions from a number of scholars, including guest posts by Andrew Dickinson, Serena Forlati and Alex Layton
  2. French Parliament Adopts Mandatory Law to Enforce Reserved Share in Succession Matters, a guest post by Christelle Chalas, published on 17 August 2021
  3. Swiss Court Refuses Post-Brexit Application of the Lugano Convention – Even Good Cases Can Make Bad (Case) Law, a guest post by Rodrigo Rodriguez, published on 10 March 2021
  4. Is the 2005 Hague Choice-of-Court Convention Really a Threat to Justice and Fair Play? A Reply to Gary Born, a guest post by Trevor Hartley, published on 30 June 2021
  5. The Principle of Mutual Trust in EU law in the Face of a Crisis of Values, a guest post by Cecilia Rizcallah, published on 22 February 2021

The above ranking tells one thing the editors are well aware of: guest posts represent a crucial contribution to this blog.

So, here’s a message to both old and new guest bloggers out there: your submissions are welcome in 2022 as they have been in the past year. So don’t hesitate to get in touch with us: we are eager to read you!

With this post, the EAPIL blog takes a short Winter break. Blogging will resume on 3 January 2022.

All the best for the new year!


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