Khol'a (Divorce algérien)
Administration de substances nuisibles
Many thanks Alain Devers for alerting us back in October to the French Supreme Court’s judgment in PWC Landwell v LY, on agreements to arbitrate and the consumer rights Directive 93/13. Apologies for late posting.
The Supreme Court held [20 ff] that the contract between a client, domicoled at France, and PWC Landwell’s Spanish offices (Landwell used to be the trading name of the law firm side of this multidisciplinary practice), fell within the consumer title of Brussels IA. The Court of Appeal’s judgment had clearly run through the CJEU-sanctioned ‘directed at’ test and found it satisfied in the case at issue (the Landwell website boasting international coverage of its services as well as international contact numbers as strong indicators).
The SC also held that the requirement to turn to arbitration was incompatible with the Consumer Rights Directive 93/13, in particular its A6 which per CJEU C‑147/16 Karel de Grote — Hogeschool Katholieke Hogeschool Antwerpen confirmed in C-51/17 OTP Bank et OTP Faktoring is of ordre public character. The SC agreed with the CA that the clause, despite the client having been in the presence of a bank employee when the contract was put to her, was not properly negotiated and qualifies as a clause abusif.
EU Private International Law 3rd ed 2021, para 2.277.
French SC on EU consumer rights Directive and #arbitration agreements.
— Geert Van Calster (@GAVClaw) October 11, 2020
Kurt Siehr (formerly MPI Hamburg) has posted Mandatory Rules of Third States: from Ole Lando to Contemporary European Private International Law on SSRN.
The abstract reads:
On 18 October 2016 the European Court of Justice, in the case Greece v. Nikiforidis, decided: ‘Article 9 (3) of the Regulation No. 503/2008 on the law applicable to contractual obligations must be interpreted as precluding overriding mandatory provisions other than those of the State of the forum or of the State where the obligations arising out of the contract have to be or have been performed from being applied, as legal rules, by the court of the forum, but as not precluding it from taking such other overriding mandatory provisions into account as matters of fact in so far as this is provided for by the national law that is applicable to the contract pursuant to the regulation’. Ole Lando already anticipated this development when he dealt with this problem arising under the Rome Convention of 1980 on the law applicable to contractual obligations still in force in Denmark.
The paper was published in the European Review of Private Law 2020.
Le collège de cinq juges de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme vent de rejeter la première demande d’avis adressée par la Cour suprême slovaque au titre du Protocole n° 16. La décision, qui précise les conditions de mise en œuvre de la demande d’avis, pourrait à terme dissuader les hautes juridictions des États de jouer la carte du dialogue.
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