The EU has developed a common judicial area where judgments given in one EU Member State are recognised and can be enforced in all others. To this end, the EU has adopted a number of legal instruments that regulate and ease cross-border enforcement, ensuring legal certainty for all parties and making these processes easier. One of them is Regulation (EC) 805/2004 creating a European Enforcement Order for uncontested claims (the EEO Regulation).
When it was adopted, the Regulation was a ground-breaking instrument that was the first to abolish the need for obtaining a declaration of enforceability in the requested state (the so-called ‘exequatur’). The EEO certificate has replaced it.
Other similar legal instruments were adopted in quick succession, leading to the ‘exequatur’ being abolished by Regulation (EU) 1215/2012 (the Brussels I bis Regulation), although with different conditions than those in the EEO Regulation.
In 2020, the Commission decided to evaluate the EEO Regulation, and to carry out a consultation as a part of the evaluation process. The Commission sought opinions on how the Regulation is working, also with regard to the Brussels Ibis Regulation. It also aimed to collect practical experiences with the EEO Regulation and views on its use in the future.
Upon an invitation by the Commission, the EAPIL formed a Working Group chaired by Jan von Hein (University of Freiburg/Germany). This Working Group presented a position paper in November 2020 that is now available here.
Members of the Working Group will also participate in the upcoming Commission’s online workshop on the revision of the EEO Regulation in January 2021.
Written by Catherine Shen, Project Manager, Asian Business Law Institute
Une clause attributive de juridiction insérée dans un contrat de transport conclu entre un passager et une compagnie aérienne ne peut pas être opposée, en principe, à une société de recouvrement à laquelle le passager a cédé sa créance d’indemnisation à la suite d’une annulation du vol. Une telle clause, qui n’a pas été négociée, doit être regardée comme abusive.
Chasse - Visite non domiciliaire
Installation classée - Lois et règlements
Since the summer, the Hamburg Max Planck Institute has hosted monthly virtual workshops on current research in private international law. That series, so far held in German, has proven very successful, with sometimes more than 1oo participants.
Starting in January, the format will be expanded. In order to broaden the scope of potential participants, the series will alternate between English and German presentations. The first English language speaker promises to be a highlight: Attorney-General Maciej Szpunar, author of the opinions in the landmark cases Google v CNIL (C-507/17) and Glawischnig-Pieschzek v Facebook Ireland Limited (C-18/18), as well as numerous other conflict-of-laws cases, most recently X v Kuoni (C-578/19). Szpunar will speak about questions of (extra-)territoriality, a topic of much interest for private international lawyers and EU lawyers since long ago, and of special interest for UK lawyers post-Brexit.
AG Maciej Szpunar
“New challenges to the Territoriality of EU Law”
Wednesday (!), 13 January 2021, 11:00-12:30 (Zoom)
As usual, the presentation will be followed by open discussion. All are welcome.
More information and sign-up here.
If you want to be invited to these events in the future, please write to
In December 2020, the Standing International Forum of Commercial Courts (SIFoCC), which brings together the commercial courts of several countries across the world, launched the second edition of its Multilateral Memorandum on Enforcement of Commercial Judgments for Money.
The memorandum is the result of a collaborative effort from judges sitting in the courts involved, and outlines the way in which the judgment of one jurisdiction can be enforced in another. Over 30 jurisdictions have contributed, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, New York, Singapore, South Korea and the United kingdom.
More information available here.
Le 15 décembre 2020, la Commission européenne a présenté une vaste et ambitieuse réforme de l’espace numérique européen au moyen de nouvelles règles régissant les médias sociaux, les marchés en ligne ou encore les plateformes actives dans l’Union européenne.
JM Scherpe and E Bargelli have just published an edited book titled: “The Interaction between Family Law, Succession Law and Private International Law” with Intersentia.
The publisher’s blurb reads as follows:
There can be no doubt that both substantive family and succession law engage in significant interaction with private international law, and, in particular, the European Union instruments in the field. While it is to be expected that substantive law heavily influences private international law instruments, it is increasingly evident that this influence can also be exerted in the reverse direction. Given that the European Union has no legislative competence in the fields of family and succession law beyond cross-border issues, this influence is indirect and, as a consequence of this indirect nature, difficult to trace.
This book brings together a range of views on the reciprocal influences of substantive and private international law in the fields of family and succession law. It outlines some key elements of this interplay in selected jurisdictions and provides a basis for discussion and future work on the reciprocal influences of domestic and European law. It is essential that the choices for and within certain European instruments are made consciously and knowingly. This book therefore aims to raise awareness that these reciprocal influences exist, to stimulate academic debate and to facilitate a more open debate between European Institutions and national stakeholders.
More information can be found here
Tribunal judiciaire de Bobigny, 15 décembre 2020
Pourvoi c/ Cour d'appel de Paris, 13 novembre 2020
Pourvoi c/ Cour d'appel de Versailles, 26 novembre 2020
Cour d'appel de Paris, 9 novembre 2020
Pourvoi c/ Cour d'appel de paris, 26 mai 2020
Cour d'appel d'Aix-en-Provence, 17 décembre 2020
Conseil de prud'hommes de Nantes, 27 novembre 2020
Tribunal judiciaire de Coutances, 16 décembre 2020
Tribunal judiciaire de Bobigny, 15 décembre 2020
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