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German Conference for Young Scholars in PIL: 2019 Conference Volume and 2021 Save the Date

Conflictoflaws - mar, 03/24/2020 - 20:32

In case you are looking for something to read while many parts of the world are under some form of lockdown, you may be pleased to learn that the conference volume of the 2nd German Conference for Young Scholars in PIL, which took place at University of Würzburg in 2019, has recently been published. It includes nine contributions by young researchers, including two English papers, on the conference theme of PIL between Tradition and Innovation as well as a keynote address by Professor Jürgen Basedow. Further information can be found on the publisher’s website.

What is more, the date and theme for the next iteration of the conference have just been announced. The conference will take place on 18 and 19 March 2021 (when Corona lockdowns will hopefully be no more than a distant memory) at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg and explore the theme of PIL for a better world: Vision – Reality – Aberration?. Further information can be found in the German and English Save-the-Date announcements as well as on the conference website.

The Interconnection of the EU Regulations Brussels I Recast and Rome I

EAPIL blog - mar, 03/24/2020 - 15:00

Christoph Schmon is the author of The Interconnection of the EU Regulations Brussels I Recast and Rome I – Jurisdiction and Law, published by Springer.

The publisher’s blurb reads as follows.

This book deals with the interconnection between the Brussels I Recast and Rome I Regulations and addresses the question of uniform interpretation. A consistent understanding of scope and provisions is suggested by the preamble of the Rome I Regulation. Without doubt, it is fair to presume that the same terms bear the same meaning throughout the Regulations. The author takes a closer look at the Regulations’ systems, guiding principles, and their balance of flexibility and legal certainty. He starts from the premise that such analysis should prove particularly rewarding as both legal acts have their specific DNA: The Brussels I Recast Regulation has a procedural focus when it governs the allocation of jurisdiction and the free circulation of judgments. The multilateral rules under the Rome I Regulation, by contrast, are animated by conflict of laws methods and focus on the delimitation of legal systems.

See here for further information.

German Conference for Young Scholars in PIL: 2019 Conference Volume and 2021 Save the Date

Conflictoflaws - mar, 03/24/2020 - 14:32
In case you are looking for something to read while many parts of the world are under some form of lockdown, you may be pleased to learn that the conference volume of the 2nd German Conference for Young Scholars in PIL, which took place at University of Würzburg in 2019, has recently been published. It includes nine contributions by young researchers, including two English papers, on the conference theme of PIL between Tradition and Innovation as well as a keynote address by Professor Jürgen Basedow. Further information can be found on the publisher’s website.

What is more, the date and theme for the next iteration of the conference have just been announced. The conference will take place on 18 and 19 March 2021 (when Corona lockdowns will hopefully be no more than a distant memory) at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg and explore the theme of PIL for a better world: Vision – Reality – Aberration?. Further information can be found in the German and English Save-the-Date announcements as well as on the conference website.

‘Large Risks’ Insurance Contracts: CJEU Rules on the Enforceability of a Choice-of-Court Clause

EAPIL blog - mar, 03/24/2020 - 08:00

On 27 February 2020 the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) gave its ruling in BALTA, a case concerning the enforceability of choice-of-court clauses in insurance contracts (an English translation of the judgment was not available at the time of publishing this post).

The Court had addressed a similar issue in 2005, in the case of Société financière et industrielle du Peloux. It held then that a jurisdiction clause in an insurance contract cannot be relied upon against an insured who has not expressly subscribed to that clause and is domiciled in a State other than that of the policy-holder and the insurer.

BALTA concerned an insurance contract covering ‘large risks’ within the meaning of the Solvency II Directive. In principle, the provisions in the Brussels I bis Regulation aimed to protect the weaker party, including the provisions that restrict the enforceability of choice-of-court agreements, do not apply to such disputes as relate to those contracts (see Article 15(5) and Article 16(5) of the Regulation).

The Court of Justice ruled that this leeway shall not be permitted where the insured is not the policyholder and is not a qualified professional in the insurance sector.


The case concerned a dispute between a Latvian insurance company and a Lithuanian security company. The latter had sued the insurance company in Lithuania for compensation under a ‘large risks’ insurance contract that the defendant had concluded with a Latvian company holding the shares of the security company. The insurance company challenged the jurisdiction of the seised court on the basis of a clause in the insurance contract which conferred jurisdiction on the courts of Latvia.

As regards matters of insurance, the Brussels I bis Regulation provides for a special exception for disputes concerning contracts covering ‘large risks’. It is assumed that the parties to a ‘large risks’ insurance contract have significant and equivalent economic power and do not need the protection that is normally afforded by the Regulation to the weaker parties, including the insured. Prorogation of jurisdiction agreed upon by the parties to settle disputes is, accordingly, then fully allowed. However, in the present case, the insured was not the policyholder and had not expressly subscribed to the clause (which the Court reworded as not having agreed with the clause: see para. 25).

The Issue at stake and the Court’s answer

The Lithuanian court asked the Court whether, in the described circumstances, the insured is entitled to claim the protection provided for under the Brussels I bis Regulation. The Court answered in the affirmative, on the ground that the insured was not a qualified insurance professional. Accordingly, the choice of court was not enforceable against him.

The court’s Reasoning

The Court elaborated in its reasoning on the specific protection granted to insured parties, beside that of policyholders, under the Brussels I bis Regulation, especially pursuant to Article 11(1)(b). The Court observed that derogation for ‘large risks’ insurance contracts should be limited to policyholders, when the insured has not expressly subscribed to the clause. Although the latter statement had already emerged in the Court’s case law (notably in Société financière et industrielle du Peloux), the exact scope of the ‘large risks’ derogation remained uncertain. How should the significance of a third party insured bargaining power be evaluated? The question is critical as it is on that single basis that Article 16(5) of Brussels I bis Regulation may be set aside.

According to the Court, the ‘large risks’ derogation only apply to contracting parties and shall not be extended, in principle, to any insured third party (para. 41 of the judgment). While refusing a case-by-case analysis, the Court stated that the protective provisions in matters relating to insurance should be restricted to parties in need of protection. This would not be the case, in particular, of professionals in the insurance sector.

It is however not clear what other situations could be relevant. According to the Court, the security company may benefit from the protective provisions of the Brussels I bis Regulation in matters relating to insurance. Surprisingly, the Court does not take into consideration the legal relationship between the policyholder (i.e., the mother company in the case at issue) and the insured (i.e., its subsidiary) to assess the applicability of the ‘large risks’ derogation. This will not be without operational implications for European undertakings with activities in multiple markets.

EAPIL Blog Welcomes New Editor!

EAPIL blog - mar, 03/24/2020 - 07:59

Marion Ho-Dac, of the Polytechnic University of Hauts-de-Francehas joined the team of editors of this blog. Check her first post here!

Are proclamations of lois de police an absolute prerogative of the Member States? Italy’s response to Covid19 /Corona and the package travel sector.

GAVC - mar, 03/24/2020 - 07:07

Thank you Ennio Piovesani for signalling and reviewing one of the first conflicts-specific developments on the Corona /Covid 19 landscape.

In an effort to safeguard the economic position of the travel sector, the Italian Government by decree has essentially frozen the travel sector’s statutory duty to reimburse travellers whose package travel has become impossible due to the pandemic. Ennio reports that the decree refers specifically to Article 9 Rome I’s overriding mandatory law provisions (earlier applied in Unamar), (in his translation): ‘“The provisions of the present article constitute overriding mandatory provisions within the meaning of Article 17 of Law of 31 May 1995, No. 218 [“Italian PIL Act”] [5, 6] and of Article 9 of Regulation (EU) No. 593/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 17 June 2008 [“Rome 1 Regulation”]”.

Ennio signals and important issue: how much leeway may be given to Member States to push their own definition of the concept of ‘lois de police’ /overriding mandatory law in light of the CJEU definition in Joined Cases C-369/96 and C-376/96 Arblade. In Brussels Ia of course the CJEU has pushed the concept of ordre public in a limited direction. Lois de police however are different from ordre public and Rome I is not Brussels Ia, and I am therefore not so pessimistic as Ennio when it comes to leaving a lot of discretion to Member States. What to me looks a touch more problematic is the relation with the package travel Directive 2015/2302 which applies to many of the travel arrangements concerned and which is the source of many of the protections for travellers.

No doubt to be continued.


(Handbook of) European Private International Law, 2nd ed. 2016, Chapter 3, Heading


Coronavirus : la Commission européenne crée une réserve médicale rescUE

Le 19 mars 2020, la Commission européenne a créé une réserve médicale « rescUE » dans le cadre de la lutte contre le covid-19 (décis. d’exécution [UE] 2020/414 de la Commission du 19 mars 2020 modifiant la décision d’exécution [UE] 2019/570). Cette mesure se rattache au mécanisme de protection civile de l’Union, qui, dans le cadre de l’épidémie en cours, a été activé pour la première fois par la France le 28 janvier 2020.

en lire plus

Catégories: Flux français

34/2020 : 23 mars 2020 - Informations

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - lun, 03/23/2020 - 14:26
Entrée en fonctions d’un nouvel avocat général à la Cour de justice

Catégories: Flux européens

Projet de loi d’urgence pour faire face à l’épidémie de covid-19 : les dispositions de nature pénale

Le 18 mars 2020, le gouvernement a engagé la procédure accélérée en vue de l’adoption d’un projet de loi d’urgence pour faire face à l’épidémie de covid-19.

en lire plus

Catégories: Flux français

Kenyon: Court of Appeal emphasises again the discipline of the precautionary principle (here: in EIA proceedings).

GAVC - lun, 03/23/2020 - 11:12

A quick note on Kenyon v Secretary of State for Housing Communities & Local Government et al [2020] EWCA Civ 302 in which Coulson J checks planning consent ia against the requirements of the EU Environmental Impact Assessment- EIA Directive 2011/92. Of particular interest is his application of the Wednesbury judicial review test.

At 12: ‘A decision as to whether a proposed development is or is not likely to have significant effects on the environment can only be struck down on Wednesbury grounds’. ‘Wednesbury unreasonableness‘ is akin to CJEU standard of judicial review. Diplock J formulate it later as an administrative decision being annulled only if it was ‘So outrageous in its defiance of logic or accepted moral standards that no sensible person who had applied his mind to the question to be decided could have arrived at it.’ The grounds in Wednesbury are very akin to the CJEU grounds: annulment will follow only if (well summarised by Wiki):

  • in making the decision, the defendant took into account factors that ought not to have been taken into account, or
  • the defendant failed to take into account factors that ought to have been taken into account, or
  • the decision was so unreasonable that no reasonable authority would ever consider imposing it.

Applied at issue at 63 ff to the precautionary principle, applicant’s argument that ‘inevitable air pollution caused by the development’ must be taken into account, fails. at 67: ‘In circumstances where there was no doubt in the mind of the relevant decision-maker, there is no room for the precautionary principle to operate.’ (Clearly and in applying all Wednesbury principles, that absence of doubt must have followed from the right information having been taken into account).


EU environmental law (with Leonie Reins), Edward Elgar, 2018, p.28 ff.


Environmental Impact Assessment #EIA, consideration ia of Directive 2011/92.
Argument based on the precautionary principle fails: 'inevitable air pollution' caused by a planned development does not suffice to trigger the principle.
(Wednesbury judicial review principles).

— Geert Van Calster (@GAVClaw) March 5, 2020

Update on the Activity of the Court of Justice (March 2020)

EAPIL blog - lun, 03/23/2020 - 08:00

The readers of this blog may have noticed that very little has been published by the Court of Justice lately. Actually, a message was posted on 19 March 2020 on the website of the Court, reading as follows:

Owing to the unprecedented health crisis that we are currently experiencing, the Court of Justice is obliged temporarily to change its working arrangements.

Judicial activity continues, but priority is of course given to those cases that are particularly urgent (urgent proceedings, expedited proceedings and interim proceedings).

Procedural time limits for instituting proceedings and lodging appeals continue to run and parties are required to comply with those time limits, without prejudice to the possible application of the second paragraph of Article 45 of the Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union.

By contrast, the time limits prescribed in on-going proceedings – with the exception of the abovementioned proceedings that are particularly urgent – are extended by one month with effect from today. (…)

Hearings that are listed between now and 3 April 2020 are adjourned until a later date (…).

It has also been decided the judgments and conclusions fixed during the week from 23 to 27 March 2020 will be the subject of a hearing on 26 March 2020. In both cases, the judgments will be read by the President, and the conclusions by the Chief Advocate General.

The AG’s Opinion in C-249/19, JE, which was scheduled for 24 March 2020, will therefore be published two days later.

Saugmandsgaard Øe’s Opinion in C-186/19 , Supreme, will wait until April.

The remaining Court activity in matters relating to private international law remains as foreseen.


Sites de l’Union Européenne


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