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Pax Jenard Moot Court Competition

Conflictoflaws - ven, 05/31/2019 - 07:41

The successful conclusion of the 7th edition PAX Moot Competition marked the 50th anniversary of EU Private International Law and was named after one of its “founding fathers”, Paul Jenard, who served as the Rapporteur of the 1968 Brussels Convention.

The PAX Competition is a specialized moot court competition focused on private international law issues. The PAX Competition was set up originally by Sciences Po (Paris) in 2012. Since 2018, the organising team includes private international law experts from different Universities and research institutions. This year, the University of Antwerp and the T.M.C. Asser Institute collaborated with Sciences Po in organising this moot court competition.

We are grateful for the support and the funding received from the European Commission, through the  JUDGTRUST project coordinated by the T.M.C. Asser Institute, and in particular thank our colleagues of the T.M.C Asser Institute for the excellent facilities provided for the moot.

On May 24 and 25, 2019, eleven teams from six States, including the Russian Federation and India, met in The Hague for the oral rounds of this competition. We would like to thank all participating teams for their commitment and excellent work on the moot! We congratulate the University of Antwerp as the winner of the 2019 Jenard Round of the Pax Competition and the University of Sorbonne for writing the winning memorials!

Registration for the 2020 is set to be open from November 2019 . We invite teams from all corners of the European Union and beyond to participate in the next edition of this Private International Law endeavour!

Que d’arguties sur Dar Gyucy

La 32e chambre du tribunal correctionnel de Paris a débuté mercredi l’examen des conditions d’acquisition et les droits de propriété de la villa Dar Gyucy à Marrakech, dont les époux Balkany réfutent être les propriétaires.

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Catégories: Flux français

Property Regimes for International Couples: a Conference in Milan

Conflictoflaws - jeu, 05/30/2019 - 06:22

On Wednesday 12 June 2019, at 13.30, the Department of International, Legal, Historical and Political Studies of the University of Milan will host the conference “New Rules on Property Regimes for International Couples”.

Speakers include Ilaria Viarengo (University of Milan), Maria Vilar Badia (European Commission), Andrea Bonomi (Swiss Institute of Comparative Law), Cristina González Beilfuss (University of Barcelona), Janeen Carruthers (University of Glasgow), Paolo Pasqualis (Notary), Monica Velletti (Judge), Cinzia Calabrese (President of AIAF) and Pietro Franzina (University of Ferrara).

See here for registration, programme and further information.


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