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Save the date: ASADIP’s Annual Conference will take place in Punta del Este, Uruguay on 21-22 November 2019

Conflictoflaws - jeu, 05/23/2019 - 16:17

The American Association of Private International Law (ASADIP) is holding its XIII Annual Conference on 21 and 22 November 2019 in Punta del Este, Uruguay. The Conference is entitled Eficacia Transnacional del Derecho (Transnational Effectiveness of the Law). More information will be made available here.

Arrêt n°684 du 23 mai 2019 (18-17.033) - Cour de cassation - Deuxième chambre civile<br>- ECLI:FR:CCASS:2019:C200684<br>

Cour de cassation française - jeu, 05/23/2019 - 15:18

Indemnisation des victimes d'infraction - Sécurité sociale, accident du travail

Catégories: Flux français

Ghostbusters and the Marshmallow Man. The European Commission covert consultation and study on the innovation principle.

GAVC - jeu, 05/23/2019 - 13:01

I have reported before on the innovation principle, the industry efforts behind it and the European Commission response to same. I have linked our initial paper as well as media and other reports in an earlier posting. The most comprehensive overview of the genesis of the principle is included here.

One of the comments I made in that earlier post is that Commissioner Moedas has emphasised verbatim that the innovation principle is not binding EU law: ‘“I think we have some misunderstanding here … The Horizon Europe proposal does not in any way establish the innovation principle or incorporate it into EU law. It is referred to in the recitals but it is not something that is [in] the proposal,” he said.

At the end of the original Ghostbusters movie, a giant Marshmallow Man appears as a result of the main ghost’s conjuring up himself as the physical manifestation of the first thought popping up into the mind of the lead characters’ mind (further info here). The road to turning the imagination of the innovation principle into reality is currently equally continuing with no less than a Commission-ordered Consultation Report, from the Centre for European Policy Studies, on the evaluation of the innovation principle: see the Directorate-General’s invitation letter and the questionnaire.

Both documents reached me via a little Berlaymont bird. I have anonymised individuals mentioned in the documents and I have also changed the order of questions in the questionnaire just in case individual copies were drafted to facilitate the coveted ‘confidentiality’ – contents of the questionnaire have stayed the same. The questionnaire is meant for ‘selected stakeholders’ who are instructed not to ‘share, quote or cite it’.

The principle even if it does exist certainly does not do so in EU law – as confirmed by the Commissioner. Yet it is his DG which has instructed CEPS to carry out the study, confidentially: not exactly a driving principle of the Better Regulation Agenda to which the documents purport to answer.

The invite states that ‘the overall aim of this evaluation is to describe the status quo and prepare recommendations for future action in accordance with the better regulation guidelines. These recommendations will serve to apply the Innovation Principle in a way which helps the achievement of EU policy objectives and is consistent with identified stakeholder needs.’

The text pays lip service to the general interest which ‘innovation’ is meant to serve, yet also repeatedly emphasises that existing regulatory hurdles to ‘innovation’ ought to be classified and potentially removed; that the EC may take the necessary steps to initiate this; and nowhere does it question the very existence of the principle.

It is noteworthy in this respect that Horizon Europe, Europe’s next flagship research and development program, refers drastically less to responsibly research and innovation -RRI than did its predecessor. Parliament did not halt references to the innovation principle in its recitals.

I would like to emphasise again that with my co-authors of the paper, I am not an unshakable opponent of the introduction of an innovation principle. Provided the discussion on it is done in the appropriate institutions and at the very least in the public domain. A confidential survey confirms the reactionary character which this principle so far represents on the EU scene.



67/2019 : 23 mai 2019 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-658/17

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 05/23/2019 - 09:58
Espace de liberté, sécurité et justice COJC
Les notaires en Pologne, dressant un certificat d’hérédité à la demande conjointe de toutes les parties à la procédure notariale, ne sont pas des « juridictions » au sens du règlement sur les successions et, par conséquent, ledit certificat n’est pas une « décision » en matière de successions

Catégories: Flux européens

66/2019 : 23 mai 2019 - Arrêt du Tribunal dans l'affaire T-107/17

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 05/23/2019 - 09:58
Steinhoff e.a. / BCE
Droit institutionnel
Le Tribunal rejette le recours en indemnité introduit contre la BCE par des investisseurs privés ayant subi des pertes en raison de la restructuration de la dette publique grecque en 2012

Catégories: Flux européens


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